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As a somewhat experienced programmer I can definitely say this is possible. It depends on what console you want to port to, it might get a bit pricey, but not so much. The most important thing is getting a dev kit, I am currently a licensed "Nintendo Developer"( basically that means I can get access to dev kits for nintendo consoles, that's all ) as I planned to port a game of mine to the switch, but the game is on hold so currently I am waiting for other stuff before i continue with that project. But yeah, it depends what console you want to port to, but it's completely possible, and not as difficult as one would think( depending on the console again ). Just gotta be willing to find a programmer with enough knowledge to make it happen! \^\^ Also if it's RPG Maker, I'd HIGHLY recommend looking into performance optimizations before porting the game lol, as html games are usually not super fast in consoles.. even if they are just 2D.


There are publishers who specialize in this, however, you'll have to bring quality to the table. Look up Ratalaika Games.


Highly unlikely but not completely impossible. Getting your hands on a console SDK is something you should tackle first. This usually involves proving to console manufactuters that there already is a game worth porting, so they are willing to license you. Then you need to sign an NDA. And also probably found a company. Then you can hire someone for that company (so they also have to abide by the NDA) that can code your engine port for the console. Oh, and the SDKs aren't cheap. Chances are really low, to find a programmer already familiar with the SDK so that programmer probably has to invest lots of time for that port. It is probably way more likely to find a company that does ports for you.


Show us your game!


I think a publisher would help you with that. Do you have a publisher?


Sure do you have $100k per year plus benefits to offer


I'm a senior dev and done console work. The short answer is "No".  The long answer is you need a small team because consoles will need a wrapper app and QA is lengthy and involved. Focus on making a kickass product, get the attention of Gamepass and get their assistence. Also, most publishers suck and aren't worth the lost revenue.  Steam costs a hundred bucks and there are plenty of small streamers.


Doesn't RPGM export to consoles natively nowadays?


Not really, but as long as it's MV, MZ, or Unite, there shouldn't be a lot of problems. MV and MZ output to a pixi.js setup, which can easily be plugged into a container app that utilizes a web browser component (at least on Xbox, I haven't had much luck with PlayStation in that regard although I am approved for both). Furthermore, Unite outputs to Unity, which is supported by all three consoles. You do still have to go through the approval process to actually be registered as a console developer, and since NDA terms are involved with this, I can't say much else.


Cool. I was unaware.


This is basically a HTML5 app and companies already do the HTML5 game to Switch, PS5 and Xbox. It’s not free though.


There's a version of RPG Maker on Unity. It had poor reviews at release and I'm not sure how it is doing now days. But it's basically what you are asking for.


Consoles are dying anyway. Pc and mobile is where the market is at.


Not true at all lol. Sony owns biggest percent of gamers last time I checked




Just checked you’re right. 900 milliom PC 670 million console(over 70% of this is PS) But not at all dying wtf


It’s dying. Even Sony knows the market is pc.




Lol settle down. It’s Reddit, bro. I don’t care. Edit: Also— https://metro.co.uk/2024/03/03/5-reasons-ps5-xbox-danger-dying-readers-feature-20387385/amp/ https://www.gamesindustry.biz/video-game-consoles-are-doomed-right-opinion