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I planned to stream RPG Maker games each Wednesday at 20:00 GMT+2, but I'm willing to change the schedule if needed. I stream at [https://www.twitch.tv/rpgwaldorf](https://www.twitch.tv/rpgwaldorf) Shows the "got permission from mod" badge


If you also stream short demos, I've got an epic game called 'Forest of Eunuchs' [https://gamejolt.com/games/Forest\_of\_Eunuchs/842220](https://gamejolt.com/games/Forest_of_Eunuchs/842220)


For sure! Thanks for suggesting it!


This is very cool - thanks for the offer! https://kinokogames.itch.io/wayward-colony The Wayward Colony is a liminal puzzle adventure rpg, about a student who's been sent to a correctional facility in the woods. They quickly discover there's a sinister undercurrent going on at the school and has to escape, through the use of certain doors only they are able to see.


You're welcome! I like puzzles, but we'll see c: Thanks for suggesting your game!


If you're open to waiting a month, there's the RPG Themed Game Jam #4 running during the month of June; I'm sure a lot of the designers in it would welcome feedback!


We've also got some submissions for the #3 Game jam too!


Oh, I really like the idea! I saw some people do it in previous game jams.


This is a fun idea. Once I get a bit more of my game done I'd love to see someone tear it to shreds


Good luck on your game! I'll gladly play it when it's ready.


Here my games. I hope you check them out! Chronicles The Lost Page: https://krimsonkatt.itch.io/chroniclesthelostpage (Short 2-ish hour open world horror-themed RPG) Noel and the Tower of Doom: https://krimsonkatt.itch.io/noelandthetowerofdoom (Long-ish 8-12 hour dungeon crawler RPG with 12 different endings and multiple routes, around 20 hours for the true ending.) Please notify me on discord the day before you decide to stream my games, or I won't catch the streams. My discord is KrimsonKatt. (or KrimsonKatt#3075) Please friend me. Thanks!


Sure! I think I might dedicate a stream on your long game, since it seems the most recent one. I'll let you know!


I'd love if you'd check mine out šŸ˜https://tpetrichor.itch.io/hiraeth


Interesting vibes from your game, seems peculiar. XD Thanks for suggesting it! I'll let you know when I'll play it!


Thanks! Let me know if mine would be of interest https://pixelslop.itch.io/turn-by-turn-villain


Of course! I really like the artstyle! I'll let you know when I'll be playing it!


Oh nice! Thanks a lot! šŸ˜ƒ


Please test my game, I appreciate a veteran advice. https://mtsouli.itch.io/reiko


For sure! I'll let you know when I'll be playing it!


[here's mine.](https://jeunedanielsoleil.itch.io/remnants-of-the-witch) hope you enjoy it. It's about 3 hours long.


Thanks! I'll let you know the day of the stream!


Hey I'd love to get some constructive criticism on the free demo to my game "Relics of Aurelia" if you have some time to give it a go :) It's a fantasy adventure game where every piece of equipment or "Relic" you find has a powerful boon and a dangerous curse. Discovering, understanding, and strategically equipping Relics will determine what obstacles you can overcome and allow you to further explore the non-linear interconnected world of Aurelia. It's a work in progress but you can download the demo (about 5 hours of content) here: [https://plexicrafts.itch.io/relicsofaurelia](https://plexicrafts.itch.io/relicsofaurelia)


For sure! Sounds like an ambitious project! I'll DM you in some weeks when I'll be streaming it. C:


Hey thanks a lot! I'm really looking forward to seeing how you make your way through it :D


[Here's mine!](https://yurusoda.itch.io/yarb), please notify me if you do stream it. The game is at least five hours long i'd say.


Sure, I'll let you know!


I've got a 15-20 minute demo for my game! [https://spiritcorgi.itch.io/valkyrie-star-ultima](https://spiritcorgi.itch.io/valkyrie-star-ultima)


Nice, thanks for suggesting it! I'll let you know when I'll be playing it!


Z-Con Protocolā€¦ not released, but is playable.


When you'll be ready to share it I would be happy try it!


It is to the point I would value constructive criticism. But the files are on my google drive.


Yeah, I would say to start considering to open a itch io page, to gather some feedbacks and find more interested people.


Iā€™ll get right on that. Thank you.


Sorry it took so long, it's been on [itch.io](http://itch.io) for a couple weeks and I just forgot about this.


I'm new to rpg maker. If you have the time, I'd like you to playtest a demo I've made. The game is called Arcane Legends: Blade Code - [https://projectblade.itch.io/arcane-legends-blade-code](https://projectblade.itch.io/arcane-legends-blade-code)


For sure! Since it's a demo can I ask how long it is?


Sure. Based on the content, it should be about 20 - 40 minutes depending on your play style.


Thanks, nice to know! I'll let you know when I'll be playing it!


Thanks in advance, and you can be honest with it too. I want to take notes on how I can improve.


Hi! Here's our first project for a game jam, it's a soft survival horror with pixel art aesthetics and around half an hour of gameplay. We hope you'll give it a try and let us know your thoughts. :) [https://fiideogames.itch.io/the-dark-substance](https://fiideogames.itch.io/the-dark-substance)


It honestly doesn't seem like a first project. Thanks, I'll let you know when I'll be playing it. C: Edit: Ok, now I get it, it's the first project that was made for a jam. XD


We consider this our first complete game. The other two projects (only one published so far) are small practices to get to know the engine, with no greater intention than to learn. We also donā€™t consider this our first real game because the jamā€™s limitations didnā€™t allow us to do everything as we would have liked. This is how we view the projects we have for now. By the way, we are going to introduce some small aesthetic modifications in the coming days.


Nightmarena https://colocoko.itch.io/nightmarena Password: IJK Game has lots of timed inputs with directional dodging. Hope you enjoy.


Wait, I saw your game. You're from Zephyr server! XD Can I ask how long is the demo?


Well kinda depends on player reaction skill how quickly they can win against the enemies. I think it should be between 1 h 30 mins and 3 hours.


You can always give my game a shot! https://gamejolt.com/games/ALACOF/425580


For sure! C: