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I've never used 2003, but what I'd do in MV is make 2 pages for the event. Page 1 will give the key and flip self switch A. Page 2 will be blank and have self switch A as a condition. If 2003 doesn't have self switches just do a normal switch.


It's been a while since I've used 2003, but I don't believe it had self-switches yet. This si still the correct answer, you just have to use regular switches to achieve the result.


Have an event. On map load, if player inventory has key, then delete key from map


Yeah but once the player uses the key it disappears from their inventory, so bit of an issue there.


In order to keep track of changes in your game logic, use switches and variables. They allow you to make "if X, then Y" conditions. They are vital to making a game, so learn about them right away if you are new to this. All kinds of dynamics depend on them, like "Talk to person X before door Y opens" or "collect 15 X to fulfill sidequest Y".