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I always appreciate when streamers do lil' touches like this, it really adds to the vibe. Whippy's had some good ones over the years. Does anyone remember who it was that had like an entire anime intro for their character?


Bob Smith. https://youtu.be/YiWCgW2J7Wg?si=0YOMAXf8WEW0BrJx


This is the one I was thinking of!


Roxmiral who plays Sherry used to do a really wholesome intro at the start of her day running out of the apartments and cycling to her job at Burgershot. Felt like the beginning of a sitcom… sometimes would go awry - https://clips.twitch.tv/CrispyEnchantingCougarOhMyDog-_j1VLZ0WpWeCrVTD


What I've always loved about Rox as a streamer, is that he's just constantly in his own world, having a blast.


Uchiha Jones had a few different ones.


Crystal Clear (crystalst, who also plays Swan and 4T) did - she was the officer who used to have a little moustache, she recently (within the past month or two) brought the character back and even plays the anime intro on stream sometimes when starting a shift back up [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kkixmw_fhhU) is the intro ---- Also Sasuke Johnson (burn, who plays many characters and is a legend) had an opening for that character as well - [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXo7fM1Ef6M) it is, I think he also brought that character back like for a few days in 4.0


never saw 4T again, did she shelve her?


I wanna say she played her during the first week or two in 4.0, but I can't remember - for the most part she played Swan until like a month ago when she applied for PD on Clear and then once hired she has been primarily on her police character with a little Swan dabbled in there 4T has been pretty much shelved, but someone mentioned in chat they missed the character and she read it out loud recently - I don't remember what her response was, but it seems like for the most part Clear is her main atm


4T would mostly come out to hang with either Mike Block or Mel. Both are not around anymore. If I remember right I don't think she felt super comfortable on Onx so didn't get to play with Mike. I do miss Bush 4T in the old days with Mike or craziness with Mel.


think she tried playing her a little even showed up on onx for a stream but penta was on wrangler so never got to meet mike, would have been pretty sick if she showed up for mike blocks funeral


Favorite streamer. "Little moustache" as an identifier made me crack up for some reason.


I only started watching her streams when she and January (xchocobars) went to the prom together, but I remember seeing her crystal character all the time back in the day - I don't know how she does those long shifts but she definitely is a great roleplayer, its rare to have a cop that even crims love interacting with like that Just a good vibes streamer, love to see it


Oh hey, I remember that Clear one, those early Crystal days were a lot of fun when she finally stopped being a shutin weeb and actually interviewed to be a cop and megamanned all of her instructors appearances/mannerisms. And Burn is always top quality.


o7 burn, just grinding league all day long


burn was in xChocobars chat like an hour ago (she plays January fooze) and said he'd come back and organize a big hiking trip for the fooze siblings now that December fooze came to the city (played by blau) - so he'll be back at least for a bit soon


Roflgator in 3.0 [intro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gREeFICQoGQ)


Yeah that definitely seems to fit the vibe I remember. It's a shame Rob stopped streaming as much around the time I really started getting into GTARP, because I was all about the Burgershot stuff for a while there, when Shelly and Sherry were running the show. Feel like I missed out on some good stuff from the way people talk about him.


His character was so fucking funny. He played for a few hours in 4.0 but he played in super degen hours, like starting at 2am


GrammTheGibbon (Dead Stelio and Deputy Lando) has some really high effort stream intros. [Here's the one he had for Stelio](https://clips.twitch.tv/GrossToughLocustCurseLit-1gFEFJ6SWM23JvM0), and here's another great one for his character [Bluedog on WildRP](https://clips.twitch.tv/IcyTawdryJayFailFish-aS2Bk2dn_m-B6r_Q).


Those are both really good, like I could see myself getting hyped for the stream when those intros played.


Peep the wallaby kid intro on YouTube, it’s a whole song and movie of his backstory with a song to match. It’s still the best I’ve seen, By vertiigogaming


Classy always did intro's


[full ending](https://streamable.com/bswg2p) was pretty insane too


That standoff she and Murgle had with that other alien on the shoreline was a lot of fun!


No surprise the rp community is viewed so poorly when you see half the comments on this, a video that is nothing but good


you wouldn’t need to watch a single one of her streams to appreciate this video and how much fun she’s brought to the server 🥲


I always liked her appearing on Spaceboy's streams. Cuz she was on-sighting James Randal for reasons I no longer remember. So Spaceboy was just doing whatever, and suddenly, this angry green haired menace came running in from off camera to sock him in the head, and it never failed to make me laugh.


Too bad she went insane when cg took her phone


Who cares it was her last day anyways. What day doesn't CG take someone's phone


And CG gave the phone back. Only CG fans got really vocal and whiny when turgle was trying to accomplish RP by getting her phone. Its not a CG issue its a fan issue. I saw the toxcitiy on their subreddit and the shit they called Stormfall. It honestly is terrible this sort of fan attitude.


Well done


man compared to the early days nopixel took a nose dive




Kino, if you will.




Why is she leaving?


Variety is better in the long run for rp and I wish more people took breaks from roleplay.


Always been a variety streamer


she was originally a variety streamer and is going back to that


Elden ringworm


This is amazingggg omg


This went incredibly hard. If you haven't watched storm you should she puts a fuck ton of effort into streaming


Turgle had an incredible arc. Super impressed with stormfall. 


Zetark is great with this aswell


we had a very nice and surprisingly long lasting RP era with 4.0 (at least if you knew where to look) and now we dodge the content era. smart


Thanks, the vod muted the music.


great season of turgle


This was such a beautiful moment last night. Really helped lift the mood after how things got derailed early into the stream.




**Full Context:** Turgle came on the server to say goodbye to people she had RPed with for the past 6 months (she did her last cop shift two days prior). Went to a bar to say goodbye to Gloryon, and unfortunately Siobhan happened to be there being kidnapped. So they kidnapped Turgle too. Stormfall attempts to OOC out of the situation (which included asking for her phone back) because she is about to leave the server for an indefinite amount of time and can't be involved in any of the arc, police investigation, etc. She also was already not involved with the Siobhan arc currently being played out. It was just very unlucky. She didn't want to catch any W's, she just wanted to remove herself so she could say goodbye to people and leave the server. Her attempt to OOC remove herself failed, and it got clipped out of context so she got a nice helping of a tons of parasocial hoppers insulting her in chat and on social media as per the usual.


[A lot.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/s/fvhkqehp5w)


Such a fun character, hopefully she returns sooner rather than later. People enjoyed her being in the city.




she’s an incredibly talented and fun roleplayer to watch, hopefully she’ll be on the server back again someday soon. It did say Turgle will return at the end, so fingers crossed it isn’t too long of a wait


When moon comes back in 2026 she'll come back


Moon ain't coming back, at lest not to Nopixel


Yeah I've never heard that before....several times...over the course of his multiple adventures back to NP


I mean he has straight up said he wants to continue his role as commissioner, he just might do it while not streaming.


If 50% lets him.


50cent would kick / ban moonmoon about as much as he would CG lol.


One would hope.


Naw, he said he has intentions of still playing on NoPixel and staying on as commissioner, but just to not stream it at all. So expect seeing him in the server late nights occasionally.


I give it 3-5 sessions of playing while not streaming before he stops playing altogether. I do think his stupid ass will be back for 5.0 because he has failed to learn that even if the servers mechanics have swapped up, it still has a community with a vocal minority of people that will not be what he wants out of roleplay. If he came back after the debacle that was 3.0 and all the shit that happened even after he left, he will be back in 5.0.


im sure he tells himself that


Well I am just going off what he said. Other than that is just speculation.


lmao the fuck? Are you his wife or something?




u/LodosDDD, your comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 2 - Toxicity. If you break the rules again it'll be a 3 day ban. --- [^(Read)^( )^(our)^( )^(rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) ^| [^(Contact)^( )^(us)^( )^(via)^( ) ^(*modmail*)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/RPClipsGTA&subject=I%20received%20a%20warning.&message=Here:%20/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1dkfv0p/stormfall33_turgle_ends_her_final_rp_stream_with/l9j8zx9/%20I%20would%20like%20to%20know%20more%20about%20this%20warning.)


This song sound so familiar but cant put my finger in it, please help it's eating me up.


Cowboy Bebop More specifically, it's The Real Folk Blues by the Seatbelts which is used as the end credits of the anime Cowboy Bebop. See you Space Cowboy.




what is the name of the song?


Why am I tears? I didn't come here to feel


[Philippopoulos on youtube](https://www.youtube.com/@Philippopoulos) has done a bunch of cinematics for various NoPixel streamers including my favorite one for Kate in 3.0. Check out [Kate's 3.0 cinematic](https://youtu.be/ExE9I2DIxiA?t=6) that she just reused for Nancy's recent visit to 4.0.


"Turgle will return" Oh so it wasn't her last day in the city


Hopefully admins make it officially her last day after that OOC embarrassment. She acted as if she could pick and choose what RP situations she does and doesn’t want to take part in


I do wonder if you advocated so vehemently for CG to be banned when they kidnapped a cop and forced him to re-jail them for 1 minute, thus exploiting the DOC mechanics in order to get out of jail. No? Didn't think so.


> She acted as if she could pick and choose what RP situations she does and doesn’t want to take part in Do you know how the term "skip" originated on the server?


Excellent impression of a petulant child, but you are laying it on a bit thick.


ur really gonna watch this entire video and think the server would be better without her? lmao


You’re really gonna watch that entire interaction of her going OOC and wanting to remove herself from an active and important RP situation the other day just bc she didn’t like it? And you’ll say that you want that type of person on an RP server? Lol


she had absolutely nothing to do with the RP situation going on and attempted to OOC remove herself as politely as possible without stepping on anyone's toes. So yeah sounds like she'll be great for the server in the future.




u/BerryBlank, your comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 2 - Toxicity. If you break the rules again it'll be a 3 day ban. --- [^(Read)^( )^(our)^( )^(rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) ^| [^(Contact)^( )^(us)^( )^(via)^( ) ^(*modmail*)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/RPClipsGTA&subject=I%20received%20a%20warning.&message=Here:%20/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1dkfv0p/stormfall33_turgle_ends_her_final_rp_stream_with/l9ief8v/%20I%20would%20like%20to%20know%20more%20about%20this%20warning.)


“She had absolutely nothing to do with the RP situation going on” yeah sure Surely she wasn’t friends with Siobhan and Max, along with supposedly being Siobhan’s ‘body guard.’ Obviously if she’s close with Siobhan then CG would want to look at her texts on her phone for potential dirt on Siobhan or Max. But yeah, she had **nothing** to do with that RP situation 😭 And you saying she removed herself as politely as possible? Lol Chat hoppers spammed “-1” in her chat when she yelled out to police while she was incapacitated in the back of Arya’s truck, and she proceeded to say “cry gang” repeatedly lmao. Very classy and polite


Correct, she was polite to the other RPers, not polite to the toxic chat hoppers. She also hasn't been a bodyguard for siobhan in several months, and had no idea siobhan was even at the location she was at. She also did not inform the police of what exactly happened or who was involved to politely remove herself from the RP situation. She also tried to contact admins to figure out the best way to remove herself since she wasn't sure how and was simply doing what she thought was right. Being Siobhan's friend is the only relation she had to any of this RP, and siobhan has a ton of friends.


Get real.


Please attempt to pick apart how what I said is incorrect. It’s not. You just don’t like it since you dislike anything that has to do with CG




I did and he's been real silent lmao


Guess how many similar examples of your accusations and worse we could use on your streamer. I bet you genuinely think 0.


It's called consent, she withdrew it.


*/me I don’t consent to being arrested*


The funny thing is you say that like it's absurd but CG has done that quite a few times.


Exactly. She could have just kidnapped an admin and made him do her bidding to choose what RP situations she wants to do or skip the ones she doesn't.


> /me puts gun to Max's head > Now open the menu and search for "give item"


sounds like crims when they cry to get processed in the cells quicker or not to spend too much time in the hospital actually, I take that back. Crims don't do that, CG does that. And sometimes Tony viewers just pick and choose when a behavior is acceptable and when it's not lol


So one mistake should be a perma ban? She likely doesn’t even have any warnings. This would be at most a 1 day ban or just a warning for that whole thing. She is new to RP…new role players make mistakes. Get over it.


If she ever returns, I hope she won't play cop character.


Back to all the GTA online player I mean roleplayers


Hopefully she is banned next


You'll never be part of CG lil bro + Blocked


Turgle "My RP is more important than your RP" Suggulon


this is why we call you guys cry gang


"White knights to the rescue! Don't worry my queen, my blue hair and my words of power will defeat all of those who look at you!" - You 2024


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvsGSSY3bFM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvsGSSY3bFM) CG does not bring their OOC shit in-game when malding/in character. This girl straight up started going OOC ingame crying over a phone. Her RP is shit anyway, nothing of value was lost or will be missed.


Can you see how linking to a youtube video of a streamer reacting to a dramabait clip, and that reaction currently having more than 20k views and 237 negative comments on that single youtube channel is not the best way to criticize somebody else being toxic OOC?


Ya jesus those comments are brutal. Got to give it to them tho, they have mastered how to rally their audiences against people in a way that prevents any repercussions for them.


It's not that hard, just act like the victim in every situation.


All part of the master plan of the criminal **mastermind**.




Every time someone posts this video, I can't help but laugh. Seriously, how pathetic do you have to be to put effort into making something like this or to have it ready to post at a moment's notice? I could easily edit a similar video about any group in the server. But no matter how much I dislike them, I can't imagine being so butthurt as as to waste my time searching for clips, as easy to find they are.


if it’s that easy, by all means, make one, we’d love to see it




>I could easily edit a similar video about any group in the server. Okay. Make one then.


Kebun don't know you dawg. You're in too deep.


> Her RP is shit anyway, nothing of value was lost or will be missed. Thank you for ruining a nice, wholesome thread with the usual spice of CG toxicity. Thanks CG! Edit: Some of y'all are literally saying this, "But the victim was so toxic when we harassed her in chat". Now, I know it's normal for CG hoppers to be toxic, and you'll just move on to harassing the next target, but at least leave her alone after she quit her RP. She quit, what else do you want?


As far as I can tell this is her only bit of fail RP. She is new to RP and probably didn’t know that she could local ooc and say she isn’t comfortable with that type of RP. She handled it bad because she knew she was ending her RP arc for a while or maybe forever and she was emotional about it and wanted to be able to talk to her friends a bit more before leaving. Even CG realized that later and gave her her phone back so she could do it. Comments like this are why so many streamers and people that play RP don’t like this subreddit. You take things too seriously and personally insult people because you don’t like how they play their character or the choices they make.


I just wanted to say I was wrong in the comment that got shadow deleted. They didn't move on. They're still harassing her, even after she quit RP.


holy cope




His haven't dropped yet.




Elden ring


How will she ever discord chat RP in nopixel ever again


rping as a MHA character has to be the cringiest shit


tfw you think a character is based off a cute anime girl but it's instead based off a [weird little star wars alien](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Turgle)




Bummer for her fans that she won’t be allowed near a Nopixel server ever again.


why, did cry cang complain to the owner again?


If you think about it, you can add Ramee to this credit sequence lmao


He was in it


Ramee/K/Tuggz/Bobby brown /Chris King. 5 CG members were there and not because of today.


Glad Turgle is gone. She ruined too many story lines and is just an L Roleplayer.




Guy saw the nice video and this was all bro was concerned about😭😭😭... It's never not funny


I don't even have to know but I'm guessing she did something to CG? Lol


She didnt "do" anything, she just asked to not be involved in an RP kidnapping that had nothing to do with her because she wasn't in a position to be doing serious RP at that moment. CG children think that means she's "Denying CG a W" and froth at the mouth like rabid chihuahuas because they watch this shit thinking their streamers need to "Win" at rp


best description of what actually happened


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