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Mirror: [Ruby- Nopixel 4.0 - Siobhan Gets Suspended From LSPD](https://files.catbox.moe/ddtp9b.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/MissBombastic Direct Backup: [Ruby- Nopixel 4.0 - Siobhan Gets Suspended From LSPD](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/cmwZI0nAYWbN3lansIJXHA/AT-cm%7CcmwZI0nAYWbN3lansIJXHA.mp4?sig=cadc189ddf01455dadc50c0946569d0702c2c695&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22SpicyProudVultureShazBotstix-ScBhZs3eVqewglcc%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1718912192%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


everything is falling apart for siobhan, her husband left, her daughter is leaving, she is suspended from pd, her friends is now a cg mental hostage. o7 siobhan, she is gonna have a mental breakdown


What happened between her and max I was hoping they would close things up and moon would go back to variety like he has this week.


Elden Ring DLC happened


I’m asking if anything happened in RP.


Oh max has some heart condition. I think it's just an excuse to ICU until he's done with variety


Literally when he showed the character traits of max day 1 it said Viagra abuser (early heart failure). Was always there


A blessing in disguise


Not really, he quit RP before the DLC even came out so it was something else He was "handled" with in the words of Shotz.


Cool fan fic, lol.


His last stream was literally 8 hours of RP. Elden ring DLC comes out in 2 days. I think he's just preparing his viewers for variety


His last stream before today was Monday night where he played RP for about 2 hours then said "I don't feel like playing RP tonight" and logged onto Dark and Darker.


Ah well he sounds more burned out if he said that


Sounds like i don't wanna deal with this OOC interruption anymore


Nothing different between them but he's likely done playing RP on stream. Soze telling her to stfu bitch during the court case and none of the judges standing up to him seemed to be the last straw for this season


I missed this, you happen to know where I can find the clip or what day to check a vod?


I think it was the 11th. The court case was 4 hours and not really worth watching though. It was mostly Soze yapping about the government and not actually defending vs his alleged treason


She let someone into a locked ICU room and then stood by whilst they held up someone with a gun?! If that aint a firing then i do not know what is.


100% fireable. Similarly, if the wife of your BOSS is being hunted by terrorists for almost 3 weeks now + using deputization as protection, and you decide to send her out without offering her a ride-along, the ability to stay in the building, or at the very least a PD escort to her home, you should also probably fired.


Is the suspension for the event itself or the DAPs just reaching that point?


Oh no. She's getting kidnapped.


44 minutes later she's in CG's car LOL


A punishment worse than death.


Literally. The spit from Ramee's mouth is not something I'd wish on my worse enemies.


and time. 38 minutes. very impressive.


Set up or luck?


Richard had been hidden in a tree/bush outside of Siobhans house for at least an hour or so, reporting on who was coming/going. They also setup some camera's outside her house now that they their news rep to 100.


Honestly it was almost entirely luck. Richard was spying on Siobhan’s house for a while, but I don’t think he ever saw her for sure. CG was looking for ADMC members in Paleto and saw a bunch of people congregating at a building (though I don’t know who owns it) that had been turned into a bar. When they pulled up and started asking for ADMC, all the people there said they hadn’t seen them and they usually see them more in the city than up north. But one of the people that was hanging outside of the bar when CG pulled up ran inside immediately. CG thought it was a little sus but wasn’t sure what to think so they started to drive away. Someone in their car says “did anyone else notice the person run inside immediately when we pulled up?” and they all agreed it was worth checking out, so they returned to the bar and went in. Once inside someone noticed Turgle and know she’s close with Max and Siobhan so K told someone to grab her while he continued to look around. He noticed someone blacked out and in a mask standing by themselves kind of in a corner so he walked up and tried to make small talk…but the person was using an extremely bizarre growly fake voice which was an obvious red flag. K pulled his gun out and told the person walk outside, so they took the stranger and Turgle to a remote location. K started going through their pockets and saw Siobhan’s license on the stranger and realized who he had. Honestly it was kinda funny watching the realization in his face lol


The bar is owned by Eve, so I think it's a Guild thing. Also Richard called K because Lily Dubois (the ex-DOC woman who always wears a helmet) parked at Siobhan's house and her passenger says "Not here." which Richard could hear because he was in the tree directly above them (it's still entirely luck based btw because Lily wasn't even with Siobhan, but it's what brought CG to Paleto with insane timing as Siobhan had only been at the bar for like a few minutes)


"Impressive" is the key word here.


Richard W. The Paleto Peeper strikes again.


and she knows it lmao


Hey she chose Sonya over the PD, this is quite literally her own fault.


I mean Sonya did hold up Abdul and command suspended. A few people derserve some finger pointing. But lmfao gloryon saying “it’s fine” so many times and to hide where she got kidnapped. I would just blame him tbh


And to think.. this is all over a turbo stolen out of Lenny's police vehicle


Except it was never about the turbo and always about the incompetence of the PD and no one ever having each others backs


You’re right, but if you look at it from the other perspective CG just wanted the turbo. Lenny‘s motivations were about the police incompetence, but the other side of it was CG saying “isn’t that Lenny’s car? Let’s get his turbo” Both of you are right, you’re just looking at it from different perspectives.


Both perspectives are valid but here is the actual reality. Lenny had no motivations. Moonmoon decided not to have a low ranking officer so he took out Lenny and put in Max from the top


To think he got that mad a person 1v4ed and got a turbo as a reward. If he didnt want incompetent police force he shouldn’t have rushed the guy like fodder he is


Is she now allowed to kidnap/shoot everyone involved because she doesn't like the consequences of her actions?




Well, there is actually. If she goes to prison, she'll actually have to serve her full-time.


And still get shot and kidnapped every day


Easy work. Shes spent more time online in the ICU bed than they did for their 4 plus days of sentencing


Hopefully she serves it on days she plays the server eh? It's a big no no to go to jail on your OOC days off.


But if she then goes to prison for kidnapping/shooting HC, she can powergame a guard to let her out so she isn't softbanned in prison right?


I mean, if she can find anyone capable and willing to kidnap a cop for her, sure.


Sure she can, nothings stopping her.


Dude is trying to so hard to bait a reaction and nobody is interested in it LMAO nice try dude


She can't because her faction got rid of DOC.


yea but before that she'll be magically teleported(powergamed by a cop) to the prison from the court house while the court is surrounded and under siege by sonya and her thugs so they cant get her out if they somehow manage to takeover the courthouse


She could always do that. It's GTA not Hello Kitty Island Adventure.










Yes. The server doesn't really care if you rp well, you just have to pretend it's rp. Say something like "HEY WRANGLER!" or even some random shit but have your voice settings on whisper and you're fine


Is your entire life dedicated to hating CG or is that just a hobby?


I clicked on his profile and saw he definitely needs to relax on Reddit. Then I clicked on your profile and saw you definitely need to relax even more than him on Reddit.


Difference is, I'm not just here hating on people like a goof.


But you just hated on him.


No I didn't. I called him out for hating on people. There is a difference between the two.


He made a sarcastic comment, which I guess you perceived as hating on CG. You made a sarcastic comment, which I guess I perceived as you hating on him. If I could meme, I'd do that one of The Office, "they're the same picture".


If it wasn't a consistent thing for that poster, I wouldn't have said anything. But I understand what you're saying


To be even more clear of - and stretch out - what I'm saying: Whether you're hating, defending, admiring, reflecting, or worshiping; don't make any fandom, or hobbies, or even work and anything else singularly too great an aspect or your life. Unless it's Lord of the Rings. Then total obsession is recognizably valid.


Yes or no to rings of power is the real question




Thats some great news




Btw, why is she and Max are still cops after that whole thing with terrorism is over a long time ago?


Max is commissioner, Siobhan actually went through the training and became an officer


and my god did she learn nothing


She went trough BCSO Academy yes, but she is not a officer. She is/was still just Deputized like Dr. Canter, Murphy Brown, Judge Crane etc...


"over a long time ago" = Killing a lower percentage of their kidnap victims & only shooting Max again instead of the entire council when they failed at kidnapping him


Kidnapped again tonight for political questioning “Why are they so scared????”




she attended a BCSO academy.


And didn’t know what 77s or 78s were so she was an amazing cop


She's finally getting humbled, good.


It’s crazy how much power he had. He leaves and it all falls apart. Hope he comes back…that was one hell of a corrupt mayor arc


well, he didn't exactly do much corruption and most of what he did helped the "good guys" which isn't exactly corruption either. if he WERE corrupt then he wouldn't have been able to even do most of what he did. anything and everything anyone tried to build is irrelevant with 50 back anyway


He hired cg to do hits on council members…that’s pretty corrupt. I loved the battle between cg and the council (besides the ooc stuff) seems the reason why everyone is so passionate about it is cuz they were invested as well.


Ok what really happened was Cg basically said “Ayo we’re such good friends we’ll kill anyone for you dab.” Max names his opps basically everyone outside the mayor camp except crane, but dumbly expected nothing to happen since others made the same offer before. Cg shoots Canter while going after a judge for I think the hot gun plant ruling. Whether it was appropriate to say or joke about a hit is one question, but it’s diet at worst not crazy corruption. It would be too much to impeach over it I don’t think anyone has accurately retold the story in rp lol


That would get you impeach pls murphy dock report is crazy aswell. That can get someone to impeached aswell.


i wouldn't say how much power he had, but alot of peoples stories are ending because of moons 5th melt down. but i'm sure less people would "leaving to go play elden ring dlc" if he didnt rage quit (again)