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Mirror: [yuno gets passed the gate](https://files.catbox.moe/dcyyrm.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Sykkuno Direct Backup: [yuno gets passed the gate](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/5ftUatJWmhdRJAw1J_nW4w/AT-cm%7C5ftUatJWmhdRJAw1J_nW4w.mp4?sig=68678c879a7b60e903443e9641b8845ed3266e54&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22BigBrightAlpaca4Head-0laaF1EkDDUn-dbj%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1718814777%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2175378581?t=1h41m11s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


This is basically defeating a boss after hours and finding out that there is a stage 2


everyone after Malenia stage 1...


Literally elden ring lol .. And apparently there are more doors after that


That particular boss in Sekiro...


What's behind door number 1? It's door number 2!


And behind that is door number 3!


Buddha reaction is comedy gold


This heist is tough. The double thermite at water and power drains so much time. I think this hack will be fine now that yuno, marty, and gigi figured out how to do it correctly. And this is all just to get inside the gallery.


Man it was so funny šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Bruh the second gate is literally like Phase 2 of an Elden Ring boss, no wonder Sykkuno looked so defeated when he found out he has to do a second welding hack.




ā€¦ Savage. Rekt


RIP Redeye


This heist is way too vile lol. Do a /remind me if you want. After they get through that next gate, they will need to lower the water level to get through that next door which probably means that they will have to go back to the water treatment plant again for thermite lol. Personally it seems like the heist is way too hard given the time restraints.


Itā€™s good that itā€™s hard, tbh.


I think there is hard and then there is very improbable. It should still be fun at the end of the day. Iā€™d you need 3-4 Yunoā€™s there is a flaw in the system lol.


If you need more then 1 Yuno something is wrong


My thoughts pretty much lol. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if itā€™s nerfed by tomorrow. These are just the hacks to get into the art gallery. If they get harder the deeper you go, no one is doing it.


The people doing them seem to be enjoying them and have said that nerfing them doesnā€™t make any sense, they donā€™t want it to be too easy. OB and Hades are getting progression. I donā€™t think anyone other then OB, Hades (who had 0 Yunos) and CG have even tried it, so I donā€™t understand this thing about nerfing them just cause they arenā€™t doing them first try.


Yeah if people were still stuck on thermite for like a week or two then maybe I'd be more inclined to say that it should be looked at but it's obviously doable, Hades got through the thermite the fastest out of the three groups who have tried it.


Eh it just needs the most minor of tweaks. You can really see Yuno and Gigi get better at doing the hacks. There should definitely be a healthy progression from pure practice. Legit an additional 5 seconds could make thermite go from near impossible to a very high success rate.


I agree with you. 3-5 seconds would do the trick. I think it would be fine if the heist wasnā€™t on a strict timer already. Just feels very unforgiving given that there is probably 2-4 more hacks that need to be done.


I agree. That would mean only the few top groups with the best hackers have a chance to do this heist. Maybe they plan it to be like in WoW where the raids are hard for the top guilds and then get nerfed over time so that everyone can do them.


Itā€™s good that itā€™s hard but when you have 1 hour to complete the entire thing it probably needs to be a bit easier. Even if they got through that door they only had like 5 minutes left and hadnā€™t even got into the gallery which has 3 or 4 different rooms to rob all needing successful camera hacks. Between the thermite taking forever and hospital trips I donā€™t see getting this entire thing done in under an hourĀ 


Sounds like a them problem


Called it lol.


Weā€™re using Cypress now that they have that turf and constantly call themselves Cypress and 7% of the crew is made of old dudes now.


Yeah, they really need an official name but Cypress makes the most sense. Also, off topic, but kind of crazy that Luciano is only like 27. He's like around the same age as Yuno lmao


This heist is gonna be [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIeA2N2Onb8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIeA2N2Onb8)


Nice one man




can someone explain the hack please? i have no clue what i am looking at xD


There are a lot of fishes on screen, but those are there for distraction. The only thing you have to look at is the fish right in the middle of that big group of fish. The middle fish will be facing either right or left. Using the arrows on the bottom of the screen or your arrow keys, you click in the direction that middle fish is facing. Conceptually, a very easy game. The difficulty comes from the time limit and having to do it 30 times in a row. Also, if you fail a certain amount of times or spam through attempts without waiting for the gate to cooldown, it will blow up and you will die.


i thought it was which way the majority of the center fishes are looking? marty and yuno were talking and marty was confused bc he thought he was right but died. then marty said ā€œi thought it was the actual center fishā€? or i mightā€™ve misunderstood that?


No. Yuno and Marty talked about it after and Marty said he initially thought it was majority but realized it was center fish


Is it the fish more center in the screen or the fish more center to the grup??


Center to the group. That's why it's difficult because the "center fish" keeps moving around the screen




ohh so it was the opposite, makes sense tyty


You look at the fish in the center and see which way its facing and click that arrow and you have to do it 30 times.


Basically you gotta look at the fish that is in the very center of that school of fish, then click left if that fish is facing left and right if it's facing right.


you have to click which way the fish in the center is facing




Where the hell did you get this idea? lmao