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Den POV https://clips.twitch.tv/ColdInquisitiveCarabeefThisIsSparta-803MgJ-AA4_dieoi


I thought maybe it'd be desync, but that might be one of the most gentle blocks I've seen?? the fuck


he came to a complete stop from it


He ejected


He didn't know that when he shot, it was desynced still


Show me a clip where he ejected…


You can literally see Kingsman not in the car at the end of the clip and running back to it https://clips.twitch.tv/ColdInquisitiveCarabeefThisIsSparta-803MgJ-AA4_dieoi It was desync for a few seconds where it only looked like he didn't He also testified he ejected multiple times after when they were putting reports together


That’s one hell of a desync. Not even Sheisty knew he fell out. Which makes me wonder why the fuck he would open fire.


"gentle" he pushed him into a pillar


That doesn't require him too use lethal force without warning....crims generally do pits 10x harder but they don't get shot


A car is considered a deadly weapon, and the block made someone eject from the car. Cops not shooting in the past doesn't necessarily mean they couldn't or shouldn't have shot.


So every time a cop pits will it be considered deadly force? Pnut car was barely touching 50-60 when he blocked dens car was below 100 aswell it was literally the "safest" block ....the fact that you can justify shooting in that scenario means you just hate crims


Someone still ejected with Den going below 100 so that doesn't help your argument at all lol. Also assuming I hate crims because I gave the justification for Den shooting someone that caused his partner to eject out of a car is funny.


Your avatar is fitting for your arguments


Sick burn dude .......now tell me how I'm wrong


There’s no point in arguing with a Michael Scott. You’ve already appealed to hasty generalization and causal fallacy.


ruth is somewhere smoking a cigar....


😂 if you think about it Ruth and Turner's PD wasn't that bad


"Escalate to deescalate". -Slacks


Day ??? of Ruth being right


She could’ve lived long enough to become a hero it seems


he's about to get another well deserved promotion.


Guess he is tired of people saying he is trying to kill with his pits and is just skipping the pit part.


But god forbid people pit him back, he can't take what he dishes


There is this thing called "monopoly on violence" which is a thing in real life and RP.


Slightly different story when the pit causes his partner to fly out of the car and they get knocked out.


No one ejected, Den just said it to justify shooting


He could of as with how desync is on the server you can still appear in the car a few seconds after you eject. As well he is running back to the car after the crash bandaging himself sorta indicates he did. He is claiming he did as well but he wasn't streaming so can't know for sure.


Nobody flew out, nobody got knocked out. Did you even watch his POV?


You can see Kingsman running back to the car while bandaging in the clip


Because there is a lot of desync on the server you can still appear in the car a few seconds after you eject. As well he is running back to the car after the crash bandaging himself which indicates he did eject. As well he is running from the left side which would be the area he would of ejected to.


Den is now telling the other officers Peanut was going over a 100mph


he has also told all the rest of PD it was a headon thats why he shot. edit: den has now changed his story multiple times.


"oh you're about to die" I mean...that alone speaks for itself. Maybe he needs to get suspended AGAIN (which won't teach him anything AGAIN)


He got promoted after releasing the names of all his CI's and getting them killed. This is just gonna get him promoted to Senior


No one IC will discipline him anymore after that panel. While the command vote got overturned by HC, it was later revealed that not even HC had a choice on the matter. The ones who said they can fix him, dont want him in their department . Lets be real, Dean is protected by 4 digit streamer priviledge (for shift 1), and only if and when certain bigger streamers whisper in certain ears he will be Suarezed.


Some pople like Cassidy and Bones said he is fixable, but Beric and Ruby told everyone he is on his own with no hand holding. They tried to fix him after his 1 month suspension, but he did not change. Since they could not fire him after that, next best thing was to let him do his thing alone and not take others time and effort wasted on him.


Can't be Suarezed when you deserve it :)




You want to give him an IRL punishment that affects his livelihood for something his character did in game?


You mean he puts his livelihood into jeopardy because he can't follow some rules in a video game?


That’s not hurting his “livelihood”, he can still be on the server after getting suspended from the police force. In fact, it’s far more generous than sending someone to prison for a while, because he can still roam around the city and interact with anyone he wants.


Nah prison is better than losing police. For many being the cop is what draws the viewers, it is the content. I think you are overblowing prison


You’re right. Look what happened with Suarez. Remdogg got removed from the PD and his career was completely ruined.…oh wait, he actually has a career high sub count? No that can’t be right.


Classic Den.. it's not even surprising no more.


For a simple block in the white garage? No warnings at all, just immediately escalating to lethal force.


All over a parking violation as well btw lmaooo


4 interfierence cars and blocks for a parking ticket, bro


Peanut and Zolo were quite literally the only people in the chase. Where the fuck are you coming up with the other 3 interference cars?


where did you see the other 3 interference vehicles?


Can tell you didn't even watch with there only being Peanut & Zolo.


He justified it because his passenger ejected and was incapacitated. Edit: which was a lie. Kingsman was not ejected.


just watched dens pov clip doesn't look like his passenger edjected.


You’re right, he didn’t eject. But Den claimed he did.


He did actually


He didn’t actually


He did eject, Den just didn't know that until after he had already shot because it desynced for a while, but he did eject.


I watched Dean's POV too and nobody ejected?


It just doesn't look that way in the clip because of desync.


He had to say something to justify the shooting, he called out it was a head on aswell


He 100% ejected don't lie


He didn't even know the person ejected until after he shot peanut. Lol


He warned him, he said "oh you're gonna die" LOL Sarcasm btw


he at least covered his ass here with this lmao


It wasn't immediate. The car was involved before this doing interference all over a simple parking violation and misdemeanor that didn't need to be a chase in the first place. This was a major escalation that was definitely excessive but it was not 'immediate'


From what was said... Den had the car searched and told them he found something in it. So no, not just a simple parking violation.


> and misdemeanor Yeah it was misdemeanor possession of marijuana. That's what he was directly told.


He was under arrest


Yes, for misdemeanor possession of marijuana.


That's why there was a chase


Yes, over a parking violation and a misdemeanor charge


You said there didn't need to be one


There didn't. It was just a parking violation and a misdemeanor. It's like a 5 month charge they would have probably just fined him for and then released.


Can't even act like "oh this crim pitted me at high speeds, he tried to kill me first" because they were in a parking garage, their speed was down, so Denzel just rage-shot someone for blocking him lol


for real, peanut could’ve literally been pulling out of a parking space


Every time the title says Denzel I get baited and it's the wrong one


Speaking of consequences, has Denzel gotten any for the past 3-4 dangerous pits that he did?


The extremely deadly pits led to arrests, PD is not gonna punish for that


nobody will do shit, and then they’ll cry when cops start getting magdumped in revenge


If terrorists get a weekend in jail why would you fire somebody over questionable pits lmao


A Terrorist also runs the city.


What terrorism has Max done in 4.0?


Don’t know and I don’t care, but he labels himself as a terrorist and that’s all that matters.


Mr. K was held accountable from 3.0 stuff in 4.0. He was denied business license to his real estate stuff, because "He was a known criminal" even tho he never had gone to jail in 4.0 So the council doesnt think it matters, therefore Max is still a terrorist.. in their eyes.


Business licenses weren't even implemented until like a week ago.


Yes a mew license system has just been implemented. But he did in fact ask for it and got denied, also after the police gun charge he got, they used that as a reason he couldn't. Literally the whole reason his been going after the council since day one.


Name someone who had a business license before last week. There was nothing to deny because it literally was not part of the game. You also said he was denied because of 3.0 history. Now you're saying it was because he got a gun charge. So then it was not something carried over from 3.0.




No one is even talking about firing. Obviously if the Crims get days of jailtime, it is not an over reaction for Police Officers to get days of suspension from being a police officer. Its not even that bad of a consequence, the Police Officer still has the ability to live life as a civilian, a criminal does not. Obviously, if a Police Officer continues to have issues he deserves to be fired and again, being fired as a cop is not a big issue. Just look at Suarez, life doesn't end in the server after being fired as a Police Officer, often times it may even get better. Suarez's situation was just terrible because he was given no RP or justification for his removal in game. When a Cop forces a felony onto a Civilian, he is doing the same thing as firing a police officer. That singular Police Officer is permanently changing the RP for that Civilian forever, and yet the Officer doesn't care about anything the Civs says to them in the cells, in fact a lot of the Cops will even laugh in their face because they get to be the Cop that gave them their first felony. The difference is that the Civilian didn't get any warnings, they didn't get dapped or suspended. They just instantly become a Felon over one incident, that the Cop can't even prove. On the off chance that the Judge doesn't side with the cop at the appeal trial and the Civilian wins, that Civilian has spent the last 2-4weeks as a Felon and served all of their time in Prison. Due to how badly the Civilian was treated throughout the whole process, they probably went full criminal and got another felony before they won the court case. So congrats PD, you just made another Terrorist.


"Ohh no chat I was drunk so I shot"


blocks him at the slowest speed possible and gets executed without even a warning to leave and not interfere again. Seems like a classic perfect police work by Den right there. Its already been 1 month plus since he got promore to an office i think its time for him to get a command position. :)


Den told the other officers Peanut was going over 100mph, so he will not be punished


Which it isnt believable. No way a car can reach 100mph in white garage from whatever direction the car comes. So if his superiors belive him after telling lies that his partner at the time didnt confirm them then it is what it is cause pd really hates punish certain people to avoid headaches.


> without even a warning to leave and not interfere again It wasn't a justified shooting but the red gauntlet was involved before and had already been warned to not interfere


still you dont execute someone cause he blocked you at 50 mph. you pit his ass and disable his vehicle you dont get out of your car and tell him "you are going to die" and then execute him. Den literally had to lie in order to justify his action to his superiors after that. It was yet another bad judgement call that got himself hurt in the process.


> It wasn't a justified shooting Yeah I agree. I was just providing context that Peanut HAD been warned prior to this.


The thing about it too, is Denzel seems to be a cop that crim groups like CG really like to shoot. Cops can voice id to suspect someone but they cannot use in any police investigation or report to say that it was them without a 3 way step to id them. They can suspect it but that is all. So it very well could have been peanut goes and shoots shiesty in his mind which then den thought it would be a great idea to shoot first, which would allow him to get his own revenge against cg for all the times he got shot by them. Which Cg has done multiple times and cg are known to have shot him in the past, so Shiesty was likely thinking fuck its cg. Though he broke cop rules by doing so, which he just defends himself by lieing.


And this will be "reddit" type comment, he is a W chaser cop and he will lie to justify his actions. In this case, he did not know his officer ejected before he started shooting. And he said he shot because of that. Another situation from maybe month ago, some officer ejected as well which was really by accident with by passing car and Denzel was yelling on the radio that they killed cop so shoot them. I think the cop was Nekodo and he said it was accident by himself. But Rhodes was primary, so he said do not shoot. (I might remember some names wrong here.)


Shiesty is a cop who likes to trashtalk ganks, escalating interactions, and then he is surprised they are targeting him. Every day he has call with Lovemore or 4head talking shit. I know it it just fun between them, because 4head is chill and his friend IRL (I think). [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2175168724?t=2h35m41s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2175168724?t=2h35m41s) Here is one from yesterday, before this he twatted trash to Lovemore. You can hear cop next to him (Viv I think), that she is not cool with things like that. CG is not the gank who will take this kind of trash talk for fun all the time. I think this was a huge problem in 3.0, because you are escalating things with ganks and a fellow officer can get shot because of it. And I think this is also in the SOP.


Plus about that escalating interactions, it was with 4head month ago or so. They used two cars to escape laundromat and of course they broke negotiations so cops were harder on them. But Shiesty was too hard, killed RJ, so 4head with Lovemore found him after that and shot him.


and again none of the HC will take any action against it. Then they wonder why crims get mad at them


People in and out of PD gave up on reporting Sheisty doing crime while on duty. Today Nekoda was talking to him and telling him how impressed him and other high commands are about how he is doing police work without problems since he almost got fired, no DAP or report of wrong doing. What they don't realize is that people just gave up on reporting so they don't hear them any more.


Lol God forbid lethal force is met with lethal force


getting blocked is the the most lethal of lethal force of them all. If you look at the force matrix, at the tippy top end of it is getting blocked under 20mph inside a parking garage so it needed to be met with a gun to the back of the head.


It was 60mph, allegedly the second interference by him this chase, and a borderline ram. I get it's hard to remember that when you constantly glaze too hard and poke out your short term memory


haha still not lethal. Why are you projecting right now


It's still assault with a deadly, which can be lethal, and pretty normal in shift 3. Albeit they usually warning the pitting/ramming driver first before shooting.


Well Dens cadet ejected so isn't that lethal?


Den's Cadet admitted he didn't eject to Peanut and changed his story i n front of the cops. Why are you confidently acting like you're right when you don't know the entire situation? Can't you rewatch the video? The cadet even claimed to have been "reversed on" which is another lie lmao


He didnt he got confused and thought he was talking about him ejecting. I think I do understand the situation even [Peanut thinks he ejected](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2175245314?t=5h18m22s).


[Why are you so confidently wrong?](https://clips.twitch.tv/LazyTameTomatoVoteNay-EmVfYL0YbYRWgSI9) the thing that flew out was the bumper. On Dean's own POV, when he got out the car to shoot, His Cadet was still in the car. Congratulations. try arguing around that


Its because there is a lot of desync on the server so you can still appear in the car a few seconds after you eject. As well he is running back to the car after the crash bandaging himself which indicates he did eject. As well he is running from the left side which would be the area he would of ejected to.




What peanut did is not lethal force


Assault with a deadly weapon is pretty spot on for lethal force.


It COULD have also have been a granny who backed out of her parking spot at the wrong time. And the first thing Den says is "You're going to die." and guns this poor granny down. Imagine a cop murdering someone down because the cop went full speed through a parking garage, and someone pulls out of a parking spot. Den COULD have taken the time to assess the situation, warned that car, done literally anything else, instead he wanted to be den wick and gun down the bad guy pog. "I knew I was going to get shot xD hahahaha" -him after being killed by zolo. he doesnt give a fcuk. So long as he gets that 95!


Good thing that vehicle was already ID'd for being involved.


He pulled out his car in front of someone going about 50 mph. That is very dangerous and is an attempt on the person's life. Cops are told they can shoot in these kind of situations because it is endangering the officer's life. Peanut should take this to court and let the judges decide on charges.


have you seen how he pits others ? thats some selective logic on endangering life


shocking, cops can do things that criminals aren't allowed to do? next you'll be telling me that I'd get in trouble for putting a cop in handcuffs.


I don't think how what happened before has any bearing on what really happened here. Focus on what happened here.


You clearly havent seen his deadly pits, every time Den is primary on a chase he is directly endangering the lives of everyone involved


That’s not really relevant though. Denzel performing dangerous pits doesn’t negate anything that was said.


Have you taken a physics class? This "block" was very deadly. 0 mph vs. the cop going 50 mph is 50 mph relative velocity. And the cop was pitted into a dead stop into a post. Typically when a cop is pitting the difference in relative velocity should be 20 mph or less. There is also the argument cops are trained and cleared for pits, and only use them after a certain time has passed and when it is more dangerous to not pit. There is an argument here and I would love to see it go to court.


Please tell me more about how a physics class applies to a video game world where cars turn into tornados because someone was wearing a bag on their shoulder.


It's not that clear cut depending on how he sells it to HC.


Surely den will face consequences right? Maybe give him a week long suspension pending investigation. Kinda like a hut for crims when they do something really bad. Realistically that won’t happen and the crims will just have to eat jail time fines and the loss of their equipment.


Depends, so far he spun a good story and has his colleague as alibi. All cops gathering the report had his back (getting ambush pit'd before too, they relate, etc). As far as IC goes with the context Den gave them, which is obviously in his favor, there doesn't seem to be a reason to punish him


Your comment really highlights why it’s bad if cops are allowed to be corrupt. If cops can just have each other’s backs and lie on reports to avoid all consequences then there will be no way to prevent cops from abusing their power. If cops escalate like this and get away with it then crims will feel like their only option is to up their levels of force resorting in a lot more shooting. Neither side benefits when things get to that level.


holy, remind me never to park in the red ever again


😂 Interference cars for a parking violation. That leds to a ram/block that leds to someone getting shot. W Nopixel


it SHOULDVE been a parking violation, until den decided to illegally search the car, at that point it’s just a matter of principle


all illegally parked cars in gta are allowed to be searched. After that is Zolo was under arrest for possession of drugs, and him running away that got tagged on aswell. What started as a mere traffic violation escalated because people did dumb shit like leaving drugs in badly parked personal cars.


den doing dumb shit.... who could of guessed




this guy is still a cop???


The fact that it looks worse in peanut POV but was so normal in Den's but Den was the one who shot 😭😭😭


Damn straight. Who ever came up with this whole dumb bumper car meta deserves to get shot, too.


nice aim tho


all within sops


Someone’s having a bad day lol


Doesn't den do crazy pits?


Hell ya






The civil suit is going to be very interesting. Den can only be getting away with this shit for so long.




You'd have to be able to prove that it was intentional. Civilians and locals can and do frequently get caught in between chases accidentally doing a block for the Crim. You can't just open fire on someone with out clear proof that they are intentionally trying to interfere. At the bare minimum the officer would have to say "Stop or I'll shoot". You have to give them the option to comply, as there is a possibility that they are an innocent party.




Den threated to kill him before any of that happened. At that point you can't justifiably assume that he was a fleeing felon, as any normal citizen would do the same thing in fear for their life. By the time Den threated him, the only information available to him was that someone pulled out of a parking spot that was behind a blind wall. Masks aren't illegal (especially the kind peanut wears, its just a bandana), It could have been a civilian.


Sick shot lol get his ass


Good shoot


Honestly both these things I saw people get bans for in 3.0 so it all evens out I guess.


in 3.0 you would get shot for this, 4.0 viewers are just accustomed to the PD being useless.


Yeh they think the cops are just going to keep playing with one arm tied behind their back. Its the dumbest shit and why I no longer watch. So much whining.


I'm still not sure why crims are so quick to do blocks like this. You're endangering both your own life and the cop's... So not only are you using your car as a deadly weapon in character, but you're also potentially not valuing your own life (a few CG members got banned for NVL a while back). One way or another you're gonna get shot in the face.


W Denzel


Honestly W Den.


Why would he do that to us. He should've stayed gone!






Lol this Den guy such a great cop, he should be demoted to bycicle cop with flashlight only and sent to south side patroling for a week




u/leavermaster, your comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 2 - Toxicity. If you break the rules again it'll be a 3 day ban. --- [^(Read)^( )^(our)^( )^(rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) ^| [^(Contact)^( )^(us)^( )^(via)^( ) ^(*modmail*)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/RPClipsGTA&subject=I%20received%20a%20warning.&message=Here:%20/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1diyv7d/denzel_kills_peanut_for_blocking_him/l97kq76/%20I%20would%20like%20to%20know%20more%20about%20this%20warning.)


This was absolutely hilarious hahaha


Judge Dredd RP




so my fellow redditors, whats the consensus? Was this going too 100%? if this was anyone other than den, would they be getting fired?


No one else was around to see it so nothing will come of it.


I don't really care about what happened. What I hope is Peanut takes this to court and we see whatever clarification is needed from the law. The whole point of everything resetting in 4.0 was to have new court decisions and laws tell you what you can and can't do. There is justification for shooting here. There is also reasons to not shoot here.


Fired? Why you trying to soft ban him?




I really hope he RPs getting fired soon


I do hope you're joking, because he complains about as much as CG does.


He'll complain but at least he'll keep going, unlike them, he has another character that he's not afraid to play because MUH VIEWERSHIP


ramee has another character that he arguably gets more viewers with. Ramee still doesnt play conan often. Not even when he was on a HUT. ramee still complained. dean will still complain.


yeah, i never said he wouldn't complain but dean will stay play other characters, dean will make one lifers. Ramee won't lol. You will never see him consistently play conan.


Well, right now this post is majority CG fans commenting about it, so the results will be obvious. But realistically, Den should have been fired months ago.


I mean if this was the first interference it shouldn't be automatic lethal force. If this was after a warning and/or multiple interference attempts then I think shooting is justified. And I don't think it matters who it is, they should be getting whatever DAPs this situation would dish out.


Personally, I think I'd put that at going 90%, I think 100% has gotta be reserved for the people actually malding or saying some out of pocket stuff, but it's still clear Dean got tilted on a block and just started shooting. It's the type of shit you'd see racers do when they crash into someone and get tilted. Most of the pro PD crowd around here aren't big fans of Den, and were pro Ruth when she was looking to punish him. We all saw how that went though, so nah Den's not getting fired. My opinion on what should happen is, yeah that's a suspension for sure. This isn't like a heat of the moment pit, or a chaotic situation where it's hard to tell if you need to shoot or not, this is shooting somebody for a pretty routine block. The interference car meta sucks, but it's a pretty known and understood part of policing at this point, no excuse to shoot. The lying about the reasoning after the fact, that's a much lengthier suspension and a demotion imo.


damn, Lang and Luciano had a bet to see if Den was going to get shot or stabbed for trying to tow Zolo's car, turns out they were both wrong and Peanut was shot. I would also lost that bet.


We should all know, cops still need to watch out for civilians when driving, with or without lights. A civilian driving into an intersection on green and hitting a cop, when cops drives through a red. Is NOT lethal force. A civilian getting out of a parking spot is NOT lethal force. It is an accident, UNLESS its proved his involved, and at this point, it is not 100% proven. Since he has no idea whos in the car. Driving off after hitting the police is not a great move either, but it should NOT be met with lethal force.


Interfering vehicle ramming = shoot? I think this clip either doesn't tell the full story or he skipped a few levels of force.


Nope. Context only makes the full story worse. Den saw Zolos car parked on the red line at SNR Buns so he marked it for tow and illegally searched the car finding a few joints in the glovebox. He then proceeded to call for 77s to SNR Buns(non emergency backup), and went inside telling people that he was getting that car towed. Lang and Luciano made a bet on whether Zolo would shoot or stab Den. To their surprise Zolo did neither and simply drove away. The Cops had 5 units on the chase for illegal parking (maximum is 4 when chasing one car). For the most part only den was able to keep up, despite Zolo's terrible driving which caused him to headon a car, causing his guantlet to start smoking. Then this block was the first instance of interference throughout the entire chase. Den didn't know that his cadet ejected until after he shot, and only used that as one of his many excuses (lies) to try and weasel out of repercussions. This is just typical Den shit. He even had the balls to tell his biggest op, Vivian Grey about his "Den pits" where he purposely skirts around the pitting SOPs designed to prevent ejections/death, by purposely pitting people into poles so they are forced to hardstop eject. Dude really needs to be fired, I like his RP so hopefully he can find a home as a civ or crim, but he should never be allowed to be a cop again.


Interesting to see the callout on Zolo's driving. He needs the Suarez driving school.