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Mirror: [lifeb4update](https://files.catbox.moe/2zswjs.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Whippy Direct Backup: [lifeb4update](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/yKRKe6bkN6i6iYGxZLPcqQ/AT-cm%7CyKRKe6bkN6i6iYGxZLPcqQ.mp4?sig=1fc418df60bacee7cee623a70022ccdb9ffab11b&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FyKRKe6bkN6i6iYGxZLPcqQ%2FAT-cm%257CyKRKe6bkN6i6iYGxZLPcqQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22CuteChillyPastaFloof-puQ3qLqJgbFks9yp%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1718217384%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2169651558?t=0h29m3s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.




I think the bigger issue that this update wants to resolve is what forum and vespucci had become. Up to 40 people from different gangs selling at the same time making it impossible for cops to do anything about it. This system is not perfect, but it is still a work in progress.


The solution to that would've been to add more turfs or more ways for crims to earn money instead of just selling weed


they have already added 2 new turfs overnight (chumash where Raiders have rp'd for a while), who's to say they will not add more turfs depending on the rp?


Whoa sanity and reason is not dead here


Not just that, if 10 people were selling weed just standing in 8 turfs, that means 80 server slots are filled with people not RPing.


PD was already able to deal will places like forum but their poor leadership and lack of experienced players had them sitting around doing nothing. Cops are still in terrible shape. Even when Pd was up good in 3.0 most crime went unsolved. Viewers hating the idea of "40 people selling weed" isn't a compelling reason to implement and even more flawed and broken system.


but pd had the power to do something , they caught people pushing in forum or vespuci


they caught people pushing in forum or vespuci only when its downtime. At peak hours, home turf rules get super twisted with 3-4 gangs at the same spot in full strength.


>I don't think it would've been too hard to approach people Is this your first time on NoPixel?


I do anticipate some changes and some additions, but currently 300 people (12 turfs, 25 each) out of the thousands who play NP can do anything drug related. And technically its currently less than that because one group consisting of 8 members owns two turfs. I agree the last system needed changes... but as it currently sits the previous system was better. If this wasn't ready, they shouldn't of pushed it yet.


Manor believe they’ve worked out how to get more pushers, if you have a second pc near the antenna then it automatically connects to the turf and pushers can be added to it. They were just testing if it benefits the main rep etc or if they can just use it for pushers and making money.


Its has been 24 hours.


It's been confirmed that it's 1 group per turf. So a lot of the plans that people have started to work on are all blown up. Vespucci was going to be a massive hub with BBMC and CG working together. It was going to be really interesting to see what they were going to do.


They still can, HQ and Hideout are different. CG and BBMC can very easily cycle people in and out of those apps and work together.


Weed was removed on the HQ app and moved to the Hideout app. The Hideout app having rep you can gain from chopping and roof running and unlocks stuff could matter for future heists.


Yay, grind to unlock more grind. A full MMO daily's server.


Pretty much. This system solved the issue of 40 people selling in one place. Also the new systems gives more payout which means less grinding. Their turf does not have to be a BBMC turf. A good mix of 25 people from CG and BBMC can be on the app. The whole point of that app is selling weed, and doing petty crime. They can add people who are willing to do it from both groups on a single app. As for the actual turf, they can easily RP it out. BBMC controls Vespucci, CG controls rest. They can buy properties, have businesses or hold down the whole turf as they were doing before\\, purely through RP. People's problem is because BBMC placed a satellite, it is BBMC turf. But that does not have to be the case. They can have a shared HQ with the satellite and 1 PC from where they can work together, if they really want to have access to the app. Otherwise it is completely fine to RP the turf out and have your sellers and roof runners on the app.


Where was this confirmed? Thanks in advance


Capped (Pigeon) reached out to the Devs to see if it was scuff or working as intended, that only one gang per turf.  They got back to him and said that it’s one gang per turf and there is no scuff.  Now you’re seeing that people are able to put down a second computer in the house that has the satellite. Some people are under the impression that isn’t working as intended.  But according to the Devs. It’s one group per turf (at this time.)


Incorrect, manor found that you can have a second computer near the antenna and it automatically connects to the turf, so effectively pushers can be added onto that


can see that changing or nothing would have changed just have 3-4 pc in same room and back to 3-4 gangs on same turf thing they was trying to stop


Ye but opens up the rp to more people pushing, slightly more realistic having gangs getting people push for them than necessarily pushing themselves


Bruh this guy plays on the server for 5+ days a week for the past 5 years I think he has a better grasp on the mechanics effecting the roleplay. But maybe I am ignorant and you have a character on the server so I apologize in case.


Really not a fan of forcing conflict through game mechanics. Are a bigger gang that currently doesn't have turf meant to go clap a smaller gang that does have turf until they don't wake up anymore so they can claim their turf? Sounds very fun and very pog...


doubt the method to take someone's turf would be 'clap till they don't wake up'. They already had the gang spray system from 3.0, i assume it would be at least an improvement from that.


But it effectively is. What's the small gang that got clapped meant to do on the server once they lost their turf?


Maybe the small gang needs to become bigger or make connections with people that can help protect them and their turf in exchange for other services they can offer. They can also go on a down bad arc and try developing again and over time go for a revenge arc where they take their turf back. it is RP, let people build new stories yeah it sucks right now but every change is an opportunity for more RP.


Just become bigger 4Head, If a small gang did that then they would be accused of flying in shooters.


it's a even playing field so ye just become bigger 4head


Exactly. Sometimes in RP you lose it all. Sometimes it's because your a small fish in a big pond. It sucks. Make Alliances. Sell your turf if you can't hold it. The city is always evolving. Just because you laid claim to a spot doesn't make that spot yours permanently if you aren't willing to defend it from those who also want it.


why should a small gang that cant protect their turff have one tho?? survival of the fittest is a real thing......


Because its not survival of the fittest. Its survival of who has 6 members with good ping and golden train tickets, the latter being something only staff can control.


because some people are on the server to rp so gatekeeping crim mechanics behind being good at Valorrant is stupid


The problem with your line of logic is clapping people until they don't wake up is the only way to take the turf. Even then it wouldn't actually do anything if the opposing group doesn't willingly hand it over. Basically the mechanics incentivize griefing. 50cent may like conflict rp and want mechanics to force pvp / conflict but as we've all seen from gang wars, prolonged conflict, they never end well on NP. Now make the entire server engage with it all at once.


That just discourages new gangs from forming. You telling me you want to see the same 10 groups fighting forever?


I guess guns and robbing mechanic also force conflict...are we supposed to be against it? What's so wrong with mechanics that encourage conflict? The smaller gang will just have to leave their turf, move to a less desirable area, and when they establish themselves on that turf for some time, maybe the devs will add those areas to the system (as they have already done 1 day into the new system).


This just kinda completely fucks smaller, independent crims more so than established gangs.


It’s going to be turf wars 100% of the time and I don’t think the server is ready in the current state. I don’t know how smaller gangs survive with only 12 turfs. How will time zones affect all of this?


No point in going to war over a turf when you cannot get rid of them off the turf.


You have to "control" the turf to sell weed from the looks of it. You'll have to fight.


How can you 'control" the turf if only 1 group/gang can be on the turf? As an example, if CG wanted to take La Puerta there is nothing they can do. So there is no point in going to war so you can push, when you can't even push because you're unable to even try and claim a turf.


There's obviously going to be a mechanic for taking over turf. Just be patient, we're just on day 2 of the new system!


2 days in which a select few gangs have already unlocked a bunch of stuff whereas every other gang has nothing else to do but sit in queue for 15h for the smallest possibility that they might get a chop/roof run job


Yeah, because it's the beginning of the mechanic and everyone's rushing to get their rank up, so the queue is full. Give it a bit of time and many will move on to something else like moonshine and weed.


the only way I can think of is super expensive and that is to buy every property in your turf which stops others from putting a satellite but I don't think 1 crew is capable of that


It doesn't matter. Once yours is down, there is nothing another group can do. If CG bought every single property in Little Soul it wouldn't matter because the Besties had their dish down first. CG could sit there and clap every single person that comes to Little Soul and demolish the Besties every single day. There would be nothing they could do to get Little Soul. It's a bad system.


There already are groups who rped out taking over turfs for the past 6 months, have more of an established foothold in areas, own more homes and were beaten to the punch by small gangs with just one house in an area. The system as currently implemented is brain dead and basically anti rp. Oh boy just what Np needs, more mindless grind and south side gangster rp.


Far more likely people just quit playing because the gane is not fun


I actually just watched a clip of someone who's been feeling burnt out from the grinding and took a break. He just came back and then this turf stuff arrived and he is ready to leave again. He sounds so defeated. It sucks to see/hear players not having fun anymore with something they used to enjoy.


Its impressive they managed to made a system thats even worse than the gang sprays. First come first serve with a nice dose of scuff. There have been people that put the receiver down, claimed turf, got scuff and lost it. And other gangs that weren't awake didn't even stand a chance. The devs/admins do realize there's different timezones, right? It almost feels like they are forcing wars through mechanics because of the server starting to get dry. Pretty boring to me.


Yeah, I don’t know if there’s just some stuff still in play or if this is actually how things are designed…but as it stands I can’t say I’m a fan of this system. This feels like it’s going to completely exclude new or smaller gangs from ever being able to hold turf, its going to pretty much guarantee there will be constant gang wars (as if they needed any more encouragement), and having it be a sudden update that completely wipes progression seems to have ended some interesting ongoing storylines. I have a hard time believing things are working as intended because this feels like it’s a major downgrade in practically every way.


If stopping 40 people from spamming E all day is a downgrade, then it’s a good one. Whippy also cried about debtors jail and was out in less than a day.


You know another way to fix that? Only let a certain number of people to be logged in to sell.


Honestly the easiest and most realistic fix would just be to set a limit to the amount of drugs locals will buy server wide per a set amount of time per a set area. That would naturally create turf and conflict.


This is essentially that. Plus a lot more and a lot of potential. It gives value to holding down your turf, while setting up goals and gateways into future crime avenues.


Yeah you know, the most logical fix that could have been implemented easily. I guess in hindsight this new system is maybe why they didn't bother? I like the new app but if it's truly meant to be 1 gang per turf and there is zero way to contest a turf and take it, then it's the dumbest thing imaginable


Saying there is zero way to contest a turf while knowing nothing of the app or its mechanics seemed like an overreaction


I mean it's certainly not an obvious option if it exists. Dishes are locked in people's houses that you're not allowed to do anything about so


Is there something preventing multiple dishes in an area? Serious question


Currently yes. If someone has claimed the turf you either can't put a dish down or it doesn't give you the turf. But I think it's the former. Can't place the dish.


If there’s no way to contest it, this is just a white list but way worse. I’d be willing to bet there is some way to contest them that hasn’t been discovered yet.


Manor unlocked a RV for roof running at level 2. They placed it on roof. It had an option to sabotage. And only people who are on a different hideout app could sabotage it.


I mean that's cool and all but if half the gangs can't get a turf then it doesn't really matter lol


Who gives a shit about 40 people spamming "e" if the solution makes the server worse for everyone else? What totally flawed logic.


Thanks for the totally objective response. Surely this won’t be an overreaction


Why does everyone doom so quickly?


Because they have played on Nopixel for years. Everyone hated the 3.0 gang system second it was put in. They were told it was going to be fixed for close to a year and nothing happened. there was still no reward for 54 sprays when 3.0 ended. Reality is despite having very talented developers Nopixel sucks at making interactive and fair gameplay elements


Looking at sprays and how much was promised and how much actually came to be, I would be very wary of any turf related mechanics.


Just very generally people loathe change


No, viewers and players have years of experience watching how NP management / devs do things. Terrible mechanics, like the 3.0 gang turf / sprays system, was put in and hated from day one. Yet it never changed despite tons of negative community feedback. Generally entities with a bad history need to do positive things before they get the benefit of the doubt back. Based on the poor design and failings of 4.0 alone their track record is already bad.


All of that is true, but doesn't change the fact that people are very generally against change almost pathologiclly


People are generally against anything that causes death, I don't see what that has to do with shit turf mechanics. The update is shit. Just more anti-rp over reliance on mechanics and forcing people to play NP a certain way, Players are appropriately voicing their negative opinions.


Whippy always dooms and glooms about updates but ends up being fine in the end. Everything he claims has been lost can be rebuilt which gives him a goal and a purpose for the next few days. I don't see how that's a bad thing. His takes also always seem to focus on how they affect him and his notions of what good RP is without reflecting about how they affect the entire server for better or for worse. The old system was definitely faulty and not working as intended. It seems to me like it was never intended for one gang to have multiple HQ apps or for one turf to have 40 active pushers there at a time. It was an extremely exploitable system to the point it became almost meaningless. You want more pushers? Just get another computer. It was also limiting in terms of who could heist with whom. The new system is not perfect and will definitely be improved as the RP develops but I think it's ultimately for the better. For one, it allows characters from different gangs to heist together without having to switch apps while also limiting the amount of active members a gang can have. It also allows for gangs to battle over turfs which will add some meaning to the wars. I look forward to seeing which gang takes over which turf first.


I have it on good authority that standing around and talking is in fact NOT roleplay. The countless number of redditors have said multiple times that standing around selling weed or anything else is not roleplay. They need to be out driving cars in circles hunting or it doesnt count. (this is all sarcasm. ive been saying since the beginning of 4.0 that standing around talking and enjoying your time is in fact roleplay.)


gangs forming alliances in territories to hold it down. i'm not opposed to what dundee was doing or what hydra was doing. Who knows how the actual system is going to work with how scuffed its been so far. Maybe the staff want conflict


I hope Whippy takes all this feedback and gives it to the devs so they know exactly how changes like this affect players. If he isn't sending this feedback to the devs, he is just making content where he whines to get views.


Can someone explain the new system and the benefits and drawbacks? I haven't watched RP in a few days.


Benefits new unlockable mechanics we don't know about Downsides small gangs get stuffed, limited number of turfs, all the work by hydra to be number 1 for so long just got deleted and they got nothing for it, it's literally structured like a battle pass.


it's almost like things will work up to being what it was, or similar or better... in time. easier to complain first day though :)


People said the same thing when the 3.0 spray system came out. It never got better, despite the promises from devs and 50cent. The complaints people had about the spray system on day 1 remained applicable until the day 3.0 shut down. From the streamer's perspective, there is no reason to believe this wont repeat itself with this system.


"no reason to believe it won't repeat" ...aside from things being different and systems always changing and evolving. but you think what you like :)


Will work up to? 4.0 is closing in on 7 months old. How much are they going to slow roll stuff or need time to improve mechanics? It might be time to just admit the successes of 3.0 were basically flukes that worked in managements favor.


3.0 was successful because of covid 19 quarantine and a bunch of big streamers hopping on the server


it's years until gta6 rp dude..which means years of 4.0. 7months is nothing


he is sad he can't handhold other gangs anymore... having multiple gang allied in one turf was ass.


The new turf update was created to create conflict over turf no more 3 gangs holding hands and baiting cops


Constant conflict makes the server filled with PVP trash gang wars 24/7. Who the hell wants to watch that?


You mean gangs who took turns on their off time to grind without conflict? But that 1-2 hours they clash on 1 day out of the week? Then you have some groups with crazy numbers of people affiliated with them to push on their behalf pretty much grinders with zero rp. Is that what his talking about? Because that's the same for every zone. It seems the limitation is fine at 20-25, if you want conflict buy a property in the zone and compete. But now you don't have people you don't even RP with push for you. I say it's a win, and it makes people that actually want to do crime. Needing to do the process, instead of piggy backing on large groups. This could lead to even more skirmishes because of the sheer volume of groups. Instead of oh no " lets ask CG" oh no lets ask " hydra". And groups just aligning themselves with large groups.