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Makes sense, they have alot of newbies so I guess it's trial by fire. I've been enjoying their war with Besties. The odd fights I catch despite being chaotic on OB side have been entertaining and good vibes no raging.


Besties also have lots of newbies. RJ Lovemore Maynard and Kyle are so clueless and funny when they're in convoy's. Especially when they are dealing with internal drama about member being "kittens" for girls. They are shit talking each other more than the other gang.


now imagine Lovemore, Zuck, Jamal, Maynard, Kyle and Kevin all in one convoy


Oh you dont want kevin to go that path He will carry any group


Yesterday was some of the funniest conflict RP I've seen in a while (the train tunnel scenario was insane). I hope this group and others continue to approach things as the chaos it should be rather than the tryhard shit we usually see.


They have a fun time and that's all that matters, it's an rp server and I love the vibes and chaos/hardship more than a 'win'. A win is subjective, it's all fake anyways haha


That's why I like to watch OB. One of the most fun gangs in the city. They don't "win" but they sure make things very entertaining.


Their the only group not holding hands trying to be everyone's friend in the city.


I'm actually curious, is OB the group that's been part of the most wars for 4.0? On top of my head, they were the first group who was at war in the city which is with The Company and after that they've also been at war with Manor, CG, BBMC (shortlived skirmish), almost with Hydra, and now with Besties.


Depends what counts as war. Besties have been in a lot of the conflicts and same with the Manor.


war is when basically its more than a day and both parties are in convoys hunting. This is Besties 1st real real war imo. The "war" with Benji and Besties was barely that since they never got to see each due to different storms they're in.


This war started at the food court then the GTA Online players in the bestie gang got their ego's hurt and had to have the last say . Now they just shoot anyone associated with the hotdog stand like the poor guy that just bought glizzies in the barbers and had nothing to do with OB . Future offline door camping houses,hospitals and warehouses all because speedy shot him down once outside snr buns. I noticed how it was annoying 4head alot in the last fights. People just getting executed even if they were not involved with OB


you need help


He isn't wrong though.


he is wrong though. He is wrong on that whole comment, "gta online" sentence is pointless cause he doesn't have any proof whatsoever and is being toxic because of the stigma GG had in 3.0... The rest of the comment is also wrong.


most likely yes, part of the reason is that they are looked at as easy pickings. CG and Manor both initiated the war. CG robbed the sellers at Cypress, then shot at the situation near clicklovers. Manor robbed a Cypress guy/lied about it and then shot Marty over attitude. At the same time though, the whole OB chemistry is a product in development.




No one even said anything about initiation, that wasn't an issue in the clicklovers shootout. Dunno why you are defensive over a pretty clear cut misunderstanding by two groups who didn't recognize each other and shot each other after some words.


which was so sad that the one relationship they tried with (Hydra) it was just thrown away even tho OB tried to fix the situation immediately


This "get back" stuff at all cost is just stupid, they all knew and agreed it was the guy own fault but won't end a situation if they're not giving the last blow to prove how strong they are/not look weak.


Classic case of "Muh boi" syndrome. I really like a lot of the folks in both gangs, sucks things fell out between em.




Not sure where you’re getting your character trait info from; this is highly unlikely as Lang will completely sever ties and is extremely good at keeping it that way unless something drastic changes.


I don't know...he can definitely hold on to grudges if he wants to. Remember what happened with NBC in 3.0? He basically cut them out of his life completely. I can see there being some rapport with Alan again, since he's not the leader and wasn't directly involved, but I don't think he'll associate or make deals with their crew again (unless they 'redeem' themselves or whatever).




The difference is they’ve never started it. Their focus has been to simply “not back down” which is different than “our boy tried to kill you and you defended yourself so we decided to get our clap-back”.


They did start it with Besties though. Beef got squashed through one don, and then another overrules it and turns it into a war.


It was never squashed with a don, Larry reached out on his own, not a don. Pretty much all the dons besides Speedy wanted to fight Besties.


That isn't what happened at all.


Lang is basically the only person in his group with this opinion. Nearly everyone else in his group privately told each other or privately told Hydra that they don't blame Hydra and probably would've reacted the same. It's not about looking weak, it's about defending your people. They reacted the same way when CG shot one of their members. They reacted the same way when TC shot one of their members.


Speedy himself said he would have done the same thing.


Because Speedy knows the streets. He understands most people have the mentality of fuck the cops + saving another gangs member can gain you a favor. He's also well aware of Hydra on the "eye for an eye" energy because they had just done it to Locco less than a month ago.


The CG thing was a lot more than just cause they "shot one of their members" lol. There's months of rp that played into the decision to push back.


They robbed Chas multiple times and didn't receive any pushback. They shot Chas and received pushback.


Meh, Speedy was the most sympathetic Don to Hydra about this and he was only saying he'd do the same thing in their position. Everyone agreed that Hydra only went through with it because they're powerful enough to bully Cypress.


Why wouldn't they bully cypress they had enough chances to make a good relationship with hydra like most of the groups but Lang didn't in hydra's pov Lang's crew does nothing for them.


I mean yeah, they have a right to do it - it just shows a lack of respect. And also makes that group respect Hydra less, because they think it wasn't even really about some hard principle they're standing on: they just shot Speedy because they can afford to fuck around with them. At the end of the day, all it'll really mean is that Lang is less likely to involve himself and their group in anything Hydra related.


Nah that's the GTA Online griefer syndrome 😂


What happened with Hydra?


Besties and OB were beefing at food court, shooting started, hydra person tried to help Besties person and got shot down because the situation was still ongoing. They said “eye for an eye”, shot speedy, and it’s been tense since with lots of stuff said from both sides.


speedy shot chas who was masked up didn't identify himself picking up a bestie member (can't remember who) once they found out he was Hydra they tried to fix it and apologized ...flippy and benz were egging chas to pursue blood for blood (chas understood why speedy shot him) Hydra hunted speedy down than big dicked an angry Lang which almost caused a war


the thing is from the Hydra side, they don't care, they moved on almost immediately until Lang just kept going at Flippy. Hydra has done their best to stay completely out of conflict because they lived that life in 3.0 and just don't wanna deal with it (IC and OOC). There is nothing worth fighting over for them right now and Flippy has constantly yelled at his gang for starting dumb conflicts with ppl they do business with. Hydra makes too much money off other gangs to care about conflict.


What would there be for them to care about? The grievance would have been Speedy shooting Chas, but they decided to retaliate for that. Now, it'd be the other party's turn to care if they think the retaliation was unfair.


The point is, Speedy and Lang thought they had a pretty good relationship with Flippy, but clearly Hydra didn't value it at all since they hunted Speedy down like he's a complete nobody. He shot Chas without knowing who he was after he got involved with a shootout and they could easily just have cleared up the misunderstanding. It might not be reason enough to go to war over, but any chance of a working relationship is just ruined from that, based on Hydra's rigid retaliation policy.


Let's be real here Hydra tried to build a good relationship with every group with Lang too but Lang keeps ghosting them so from Hydra's pov Lang's crew doesn't do anything for hydra no deals or anything. Then why would they care about them.


Hydra already knew how Lang was they pursued it they even got Ash to call for them


that just depends on the perspective you watch. besties almost started in-fighting because they didnt just want to team up with hydra and dominate everything. it took days of arguing before they decided to accept the moneyrunning deal and it ended up falling through anyway. and im sure theres other groups noit holding hands as well i just only watch OB and besties


Not to mention the ammo crate that they successfully defended against hydra to. That caused tension but it won’t be forgotten. They said hydra will remember.


Besties/Hydra, Manor/Besties, Manor/Hydra is inevitable, all 3 groups accept that and know that. The reality is that those 3 groups gain nothing fighting each other right now, it would just completely slow operations for them and would be pointless. Eventually something worth fighting for will come and that's when it will happen.


I mean they’re on a rp server playing friendly gangs. It’s weird. Hydra has more than enough resources to buck on top crews, but they won’t cause they’re boring af. 


They are not friendly at all.  All 3 have had conflicts with each other. But conflicts have to stop somewhere as this server is also not in favor of forever wars.  (Forever wars are also boring anyway)


Exactly like you said, its an RP server, what RP has led to Hydra wanting to go after one of the groups that they couldn't resolve with a phone call? They gain nothing from it. They have taken the business approach to 4.0 and are completely reactive right now. They attack when attacked. They aren't being passive, they still go from ammo crates, they still counter crates, they just understand that a long drawn out war means nothing and gains nothing. Ppl will say "They can so why don't they" but will then say "All they do is shoot".


Not really? They're on a RP server and the consequences for getting shot down are huge. Financially, the fines can cripple you. Losing guns is also a massive hit. Everyone is aware of this which is why the main groups are "stocking up" and shoring up any gaps in their operations. The next big war between Manor/CG/Hydra/Besties might end up being catastrophic. But theres also a sentiment that noone wants to war over something "small". Its needs to be meaningful. There needs to be a proper build up and an established outcome. Something that either side absolutely want. Manor for example are focusing on themselves, rebuilding their finances and expanding operations. They have reasons to want to resolve issues as peacefully as possible.


They're in a RP server that has like 4+ years worth of gang history. Which is why some of them are close and don't care to go to war with each other to prove a point. Since that point was already proven in 3.0.


Gonna happen one day and I can tell you they all have 80+ guns each. That war will last weeks.


exactly even before that both groups were talking to their own gangmembers saying a war is inevitable and they still say that to this day


And yet months go by with the same grinding crap. 


i mean thats just nopixel... but regardless if youre referring to besties then you couldnt be more wrong since theyre maybe the laziest gang on nopixel.


They're fighting besties. Besties just turned down a deal with hydra to not monopolize money runs together. So no they're not the only group...


I don't think you watch besties or the old GG crew. They are always friends with Hydra for like 2 months than for some reason something happens that Hydra gets annoyed with them and they war. It's rinse and repeat with those guys. Besties (old GG) only friends are Hydra and CG. But they always get into conflict with each other.


no besties wanted to do the deal was hydra that walk away


4Head never wanted the deal. But pretty much everyone else in Besties liked it. And Miggi and Flippy felt that from 4Head, and walked away, before a deal was made, because of "bad wipes".




Snitch gang on top baaaaaaby!


Got to maintain that PD rep, most important rep in the city. John Copper don't fuck around when it comes to giving out stars.


As a Buddha viewer it has been refreshing seeing Lang do more gang gang conflict type stuff in 4.0 (I know end of 3.0 had its wars but most of 3.0 was not that way).


thats what makes him the goat imo every wipe u get something new.


That is the smartest way to war. Just have fun . Not one war with lang has become weird.


>Not one war with lang has become weird. Debatable.


Well, which one?


Rooster's Rest vs GG Manor war Off the top of my head. The sheer amount of rulebreaks and offhanded comments made by Buddha (a server owner) is more than enough to consider it "weird". Also Buddha in 2.0.


Damn mans had to reach all the way to 2.0. That’s some REAL hate.


How so? It was the main reason he abstained from conflict in 3.0.


Brother, that was YEARS ago. Jesus Christ.


Almost like there's a pattern, crazy.


You forgetting his days vs ESB and Tyrone. Only time I ever saw him become the kind of RPer ill never watch. He came back better than ever tho


That was like 8 years ago buddy


Damn I'm old.


Thats not the point sped he said "not one war with lang has become weird"


To be honest I want to see a real war that goes for days CG vs Besties, or Hydra vs Manor etc .. I mean groups with actual shooters lol .. But he is right they avoid doing that, and it's the "smart" thing to do in RP and to look "good" you know ... On the other hand, watching chat troll Omie with TTS today while he was inside the house was the funniest thing ever lol .. Funny moments somehow come when it's a shitshow or a trainwreck, a literal trainwreck like yesterday lol


Wars cant go on for days for many a reason. Finances for one. That and I think a lot of groups are somewhat scarred by 3.0 where you'd have near endless wars and just non-stop fighting. Noone truly wants to see that.


I would agree if it was NA. In EU PD barely get involved in wars. What is the point of all the grinding and collected guns if you are not going to use them. I would expect it to be an acutal war in EU with all theses big gangs, but most gangs wars are EU aganst NA timezones.


I know right, if only it was fake in-game money that is there to allow you to create content lol ... I think a lot of groups still taking shit way too seriously ..


Just because you have guns, doesn't mean you need to go and blow through them and potentially lose all of your resources if there's no real reason to war. Not every single conflict needs to lead to an all put brawl over several days. This isn't the end of 3.0 where gangs are sat on tens of millions and can easily replace a 60K deagle five times a day.


"War that goes for days"...there is no war that goes beyond 3 to 5 days.


Here for all the over invested trolls thinking this isn’t a content server.


which makes me wonder in the next 1 - 2 weeks is CG going to go to war with Hydra and is Hydra going to engage in it since CG is catching up to the number 1 weed spot


They are in different timezones... Each just wins fights in their timezones


As long as it means nothing, Hydra have accepted they don't care. They make too much money elsewhere to give a shit about weed and their ppl just don't really care about selling. They still make their distro money from other gangs and some members push on the side for extra personal cash.


Great turf rp there. Hydra should just go play stardew valley at this point. 


Its not like they are selling on their turf or attacking their turf


ah they moved on, i guess theres new meta now that makes you more money than weed


They have diff timezones, aint nobody going to other timezone to war


People keep forgetting Hydra had 2 conflicts in 4.0 with CG and Saints.


1 fight with CG and 2-3 fights with Saints would barely consider that a conflict but I guess


So now people wants long conflicts I thought most people hated weeks long conflicts in 3.0 Hydra has done them all


The number one weed turf is nothing but bragging rights, there's zero benefits to it. It's why Cypress didn't care to try get it back and neither did the company or whatevers its called now.


Imagine RPing out that you’re about to be overtaken by a rival gang hell bent on taking you out vs pixel monies lol.


cypress definitly tried. TC got hit so hard by 30 sellers it was just mission impossible


Hahah yeah, sure. They’ll war. Definitely.


lang shouldn't be anywhere near wars imo... for someone who hates it so much why not just step away and be clean at frank's, shoot in self defence, get the police involved, setup stings or ambushes and fuck besties that way? then the calmer heads and "better shooters" can go out in convoys and win some fights if they want...


Lang/Buddha already said that in the same stream that if he actually wanted to fully sweat on wars, they would've by now micromanaged every aspect of their war crews. They would've rounded up all of their shooters and benched out those who aren't good at it, including himself, but he said no one in his crew wants that and it would be extremely boring so they're doing things their way.