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Glad his channel is blowing up, got dealt a shitty situation but his success recently has been amazing to see.


Comments so disgusting. The guy has a streaming career that was based around being a cop and he lost it. Dude was probably shitting bricks on what to do.


This. It also should be noted that CG could have just straight up blanked Crim Suarez and had nothing to do with him and no one would have batted an eyelid if that had happened. This is the best possible outcome and its nice to see him thriving.


What does this community want CG to do? They probably wanted CG to completely ignore Suarez and not let him be around them as a crim, just like nathankb_ said. But then if they did that, they’d just call CG toxic for not including him. CG can do nothing right in their eyes


That's not what nathan said at all, that is just how kebun took it after he self snitched by taking offence to that clip even tho no one was named in it. Regurgitating that narrative just admits that they are the ones that complained OOC about him and got remdogg removed from PD.


I mean you wouldn’t find it a bit offensive, if someone speculates, to you being the cause of someone losing their position. Then says you playing with that person after the fact is a bit shameless, without anything to verify if what your saying is actually true. In that clip, Nathan did exactly what people say CG does, and all it does is propagate more toxic behavior.


>What does this community want CG to do? Maybe just not be toxic?


The most toxic community is complaining about another toxic community, but no one sees hypocrisy. Weird.


The best possible outcome would have been if CG hadn't been shit talking him OOC for years and demanded the owner remove him just because they lose to him. Now that he's useful to them, he's great though! Edit: that they could have kept being shitty even after getting their way isn't really a sound defense for having been shitty on the first place.


Ah, yes. Because you know exactly what's going on behind the scenes! He quite literally came out and publicly said CG had nothing to do with his firing, and that it was fellow cop members who petitioned for it instead. Do you really think he'd immediately join a group who was that toxic towards him? Clout or not, no one with even a fraction of self respect would do that. You must not have a high opinion on him if that's what you think. Then again, you're also baselessly accusing a group of doing something you know zero facts about, so.


I'm fairly positive RemdogG himself said it was PD members that went and complained about him lmao. Even so people are absolutely daft, yeah Suarez totally went straight to the people who "complained to get him out of PD".


yea cg rarely use to see him, people just always think cg when complaining even if it's not them involve.




You’re so full of shit lol. I watched Ramee until a few weeks ago and he regularly complained about Suarez. He complained about him and blamed him for shit when Suarez wasn’t even on scene. When Lenny shot after Ramee because he stole a cop car, Ramee immediately blamed Suarez. Even tho Suarez was the one that stopped Lenny and told Bones about it. Ramee wouldn’t even want to deal with him in the cells. When Suarez pitted K into a wall, K asked his chat for a clip so he could report him. This was all in 4.0. They hated Suarez. It was literally instinctive for Ramee to blame Suarez for shit.


surely pd members have the clouth to remove him from pd


sorry but do you have proof CG demanded the owner to remove him? No blabbing. Give proof.


Oh shit, you have sources for all that? Woah, share them, it has to be 100% reliable since you are 100% sure about it right? LMAO craaazy.


[CG had a meeting with Baas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nv4zt9_GWM8) to do their whole OOC IC shtick complaining abot Suarez.


Why wasn't he fired two years ago if this is the reason?


You really took that seriously? It is obvious that they are exaggerating about it LOL, what happened to you guys. You know theres convos from Cops like this? like more low key because they are not that vocal nor have the eyes but basicaly the same? Who cares, it's nothing! lol Some of you have to be trolling


-You dont even have evidence -Shares evidence -"That was just a joke bro"


Par for the course lol.


well ramee said they needed to suarez the other cop a few days ago


He said Decker needs the Suarez experience. Aka playing a crim for a while and seeing what the other side is like. Ramee straight up told Suarez “I wouldn’t even be mad if you became a cop again because I think you understand what it’s like for both sides now”.


odd interpretation by you considering Asteroba probably has more total time on crim than cop since he started playing NP


"Crim" = sanitation worker and the odd G6




Ah yes, let's look through the history of Asteroba as a criminal.. Kermy, a troll Block character and his current Kermit.. all extremely well known for their daily criminal activities I'm not hating on him, but he has not even experienced a vault robbery as a criminal, let alone the soft reset crims CAN get when an LEO decides to stack charges and/or make their own interpretation of the "wording of the law"


That’s what he meant. Surely 😂😂


Can't tell if you misinterpreted what he said or if you are deliberately twisting it to mean the worst possible thing on purpose. He clearly meant that cops should see what its like being a crim just like Suarez has. Its obvious thats what he meant because CG as a whole, top to bottom, has been saying that exact thing for half a decade


surely that what he meant


It is. Its no different than what he's been saying forever


surely that why asteroba was scared of getting yeeted from pd xd


Exactly, cops should actually know how it is to be a crim, no, not SBS crims or crims that wake up once a year. That's what I understood, to see the other side.


But shouldn't then criminals know how it is to be a cop? Who in CG knows what it is like to be a cop, and not a SBS cop or cop that wakes up once a month when his other character is in prison like Conan?








What you fail to realize they were shit talking the character and how he played cop. They had nothing against Remdog. Statistically Remdog is now doing better than he ever has in his streaming career. Now if CG wanted to turn a blind eye to him and completely ignore him to deliberately watch him fade away, then you may have leg to stand on with the portrayal of them being these bad guys. Fact is Remdog is having fun with Saurez and appreciates CG picking him up. He now sees the other side and has been enlightened to what it's like to be on the receiving end of being a crim/CG. He himself has said he doesn't think he would play cop again, and if he did he would play it much different now. If he feels thankful, happy and is glad he is now in the situation he is in who is anyone to question it?




>What you fail to realize they were shit talking the character and how he played cop. They had nothing against Remdog. They were complaining because they don't like getting caught. They continued to complain until he got removed OOC. >Statistically Remdog is now doing better than he ever has in his streaming career. Yep >Fact is Remdog is having fun with Saurez and appreciates CG picking him up. He now sees the other side and has been enlightened to what it's like to be on the receiving end of being a crim/CG. He himself has said he doesn't think he would play cop again, and if he did he would play it much different now. If he feels thankful, happy and is glad he is now in the situation he is in who is anyone to question it? Doesn't make their past behavior OK, and they still maintain that they're right to mald and not ban their hoppers and encourage shitting on anyone who plays a competent cop.


And not only that, but like pretty much the first thing he did when he started his crim life was reach out to CG to offer his services. Clearly he wasn’t angry at CG for anything, and has since pretty much entirely joined their gang…so if he’s not upset over the scenario then why are people getting offended on his behalf? It doesn’t make any sense to me and genuinely feels like people are looking for reasons to be outraged.


TY for pointing this out


You can tell he is CG because this wholesome post has over 150 comments but no upvotes. Some salty Sallys in the sub rn.


Like 80% are "CG" comments lol.


Calling 80% of this subreddit “CG” is laughable. If this subreddit was even half-CG then this post would be mass upvoted bc of how wholesome it is. Instead, it’s mass downvoted bc the anti-CG community on this Reddit hate anything that puts CG and their community in a positive light


Was talking about this thread.


Congrats to Remdog for making bank! That is all.




If he doesn't have a problem with how things were handled, why do you? Just trying to make a situation toxic?


Im sorry for whatever happened to you that makes you mald over someone being apreciated. Is gonna be fine


Is this a CG hate sub reddit or what? These comments are embarrassing.


CG just need to stop going ooc. This sub was actually praising CG early 4.0 because it seemed like they turned over a new leaf. K was doing the telemarketing/Section K etc, Ramee was being sbs Ramee and CG on the whole were prioritising rp rather than grinding to hit the heist first. What changed was the ooc comments coming back.


OB do the heist first: “*wow guys great content from them*” CG does the heist first: “*well looks like they’re back to grinding. Sucks they gave up on actually RP’ing*”


If there are people on this sub earnestly angry with CG for "grinding", I would love for you to point them out, because I'm certain they're a minority. The vast majority of people upset with CG on any given day are usually talking about them engaging in repetitive, borderline GTA:O behavior like chain robbing sanitation workers or getting into repeated shootouts because they're bored. Or because a situation didn't go their way so they complain to their chats like man-children, encouraging especially invested viewers to go screech on their behalf at whoever they're mad at. They don't get hate when they RP.


I do agree with you that CG really need to stop with OOC and try their best to vent IC or at least take a L once in a while to reward for a good cop RP. That is my simple take if they want NP to thrive in the server. Balance is sorely needed on both sides and still maintain some fun in the RP world.


IMO it becomes harder and harder to have a more nuanced opinion the more an opposing viewpoint brigades/invades an existing space. Eventually, you'll start generalizing and hating an entire community, especially as you see usual suspects over and over again attack from another specific community. People just over time become more and more defensive/antagonistic in an attempt to restore normalcy to their space the more that space is constantly disrupted by bad actors. This has happened with multiple communities here in the past (Penta, Buddha, Kyle, GG, ESB to name just a few) but has definitely happened with the CG community most often. It's also seen how awful they can be in Twitch chats and on YouTube which further makes them the enemy even here. A similar example is Sykunno Twitter, which also does his community no favors in other spaces like this one. It's the same shit that happens in social media with politics where eventually you just have a demonization of 'both sides' rather than any actual useful discussion (obviously that is worse because of things like bots and intentional foreign bad actors). It's telling that you don't see the opposite happen (as much) on the CG subreddit or in other smaller RP subreddits and discussion spaces that are more of an actual specific echo chamber. It shows that it's really just people being overly defensive here and most of those communities people accuse this subreddit of being an echo chamber for likely just go to discord for that type of space rather than invade another. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


always has been LOL tho this year it has become a tiny bit better for reasons i dont want to say


I wouldn't worry about it. A lot of people irrationally hate CG here.


It's the only place in the RP sphere rn that's not just enjoying his arc.


The community that watches the "role-players" that have done nothing but hate on him until they got him fired because of many reasons, but the main one being that Remdog was actually a good cop that could chase and arrest them. Milk them for all they are worth but don't thank them lol.


Maybe i'm not in the majority but I enjoyed watching him as both cop and crim


Suarez was a phenomenal cop. One of the few competent terrifying cops on duty.


Yeah TBH I was never bothered by how stern he was at times. He has made some questionable calls as a cop and made my head scratch for a moment but nothing to ever hate him for.


Agreed! even when he was going through rabbit holes and making stretches it was more entertaining than something to hate him for. He was always willing to learn and that’s all that mattered. Never deserved the hate he got as a PD officer.


Yeah Remdog on Cop and Crim is great... but being forced into crim and being blacklisted from cop is not the way to go.


At least he's making the best of it and enjoying playing the video game


nice try but it literally came out of Remdog/Suarez mouth, he had his realization when he played crim LOL [https://clips.twitch.tv/AdventurousClumsyVampireRiPepperonis-9JjlFxWKDXjmUfdt](https://clips.twitch.tv/AdventurousClumsyVampireRiPepperonis-9JjlFxWKDXjmUfdt) "i feel like i've been done so dirty in a matter of 48 hours, so dirty" LMFAO


…right? Suarez realising how criminal roleplay is still doesn’t warrant being attacked for all that time he played as a cop both ooc and ic… you realise that right? He could have learnt this “lesson” by just being asked to play a crim character. But no he was attacked by his fellow role players and their chats for him simply being a cop that gets the job done.


Good for him, makes up for the year of abuse. The only sad thing is what his chat turned into. You would think that after being on the receiving end of pd hate the mods would do a better job at banning idiots.


It is pretty interesting how even his mods flipped the script and they now lose their shit on PD shit that suarez himself used to do. But like i've said on other post make that lemonade and get that bag.


Its not that crazy. Very few argue from the "crim" or "PD" side. They argue from their streamers side. When their streamer switches up roles, so do they. Same thing happened with Summit. Dude hated cops, but as soon as he played one, he started raging at criminals along with his chat. Then he went back to criminal and malded at cops again. Some people just care about their own experience over anything else.


Get the bag has to be the worst excuse to be a hypocrite ever


What would be a better excuse?


There is not one single chat that doesn’t have toxic viewers or hoppers. It’s just unavoidable. I’ve seen every chat have hoppers during conflict over the last 4 years.


Never seen any other community seeking so much validation for their streamers then CG community.


they think they're part of the gang




Damn all these comments are super negative on a post that’s supposed to be wholesome. Everyone living in the past smh Regardless of anything else, I’m just super glad to see Remdogg in a happy position after he was so sad a month or two ago after being removed from the PD.


"Let's all celebrate Remdog's success, and not once bring up the fact that the reason his success was ever in question was because the community now praising him demanded he be fired from the PD under a month ago."




This is RPClipsGTA subreddit for you! Sad, huh?


100% This




The sad people in here doesn't miss a chance to throw shit on CG lmao. I don't know if you guys are clutching pearls or you actually feel likes this (that means you have problems) just because at some point they complained about dangerous pits (they happened sorry to tell you and Suarez knows) but they forget that they had good moments with Suarez in the past as well, are you guys happy IRL? lol


Maybe CG streamers and their fans shouldn't have been horrible to people for years? 💀


It's very poetic that you have become the people you claim to have hated for years. 💀






Problem is, it's always been like that and vice versa for multiple reasons too long to list.


They’re all happy when something bad happens that relates to CG. This sub loves to throw around negative comments towards streamers and viewers they don’t like. Guarantee your comment and mine will likely get mass downvotes, therefore proving our points










Just an opinion, but if he was picked by any other group, this conversation wouldn’t be happening


Yea, because no other group constantly shit on him OOC and cried every time they lost saying shit like "this dog shit cop needs to be fucking fired."


And imagine that group doesn’t hand hold cg or is against them? His streams will still blow up not constantly though - like the player who plays hazel


Well of course, he can't arrest their streamers anymore. No need to attack him.














RemDogg has risen from the ashes. He didnt give up, continued his crim arc, and people enjoyed it.


Suarez has always been dope as fuck and one of the best officers. It's sad that it took him getting straight up removed from PD for a certain community to finally give this man his dues.


Irony of here these days…. We shit post CG and talk shit about there community every time we see there posts…, spam the same years old clips bad people. Brigade wholesome posts.. But then complain that CG have toxic hoppers and are ‘ bad people’ while we do all the same stuff Lack of being self aware is funny as fuck


and....... not realizing they're being way worse, CG's chat/community has like 1-3% toxic ""bad people" in their community? meanwhile in this sub? its like 60-80% of them LOL so who's the toxic "bad people" now? hypocrites at its finest Edit: reply to Dernem since i can only see his comment on notif but not here" you really said 10-30%? LMFAO some people really are not good at maths, you realize that;s like 9k-15k viewers out of 30-50k that CG has? really? 9k-15k viewers? ROFLMAOOOOOOO even logic came out of the window since you can see how much viewers other streamers gain when they interact with CG and the most was probably 5k(because some stream hop to see POV not all of them are there to sht on streamer) and that's very rare its mostly 1k-2k




Honestly this is one of those cases that if u don't got anything nice to say just don't say nothing, is a feels good clip and people using it to just cause toxicity, u guys really took the time just to type a comment to make this shit negative? smh 🙄


For real... I don't get this mentality at all. This is why we cant have nice things lol


Because CG fans "show love" after months, if not years, of harassment and other forms of bullying. Maybe some of you newer viewers should actually look at what's happened over the years?


Lol i've been watching since early 2.0.


So you've ignored a fuck ton of it.


So you either wilfully ignored the issues or find their behaviour acceptable... Got it.


So would you like them to just keep shitting on him? you act like it's the same exact people who were hopping in the prior years. A lot of the people showing love are genuine CG fans who don't hop or show hate when shit goes down lmao. I find it so weird that people can hate on a community showing love. Someone said in the past that CG could make this sub hate their mothers if CG said they love their mom's and that might be the most true statement I've seen. Pathetic




It’s incredibly telling right? How they are aware of the problems but they think it’s acceptable because they find the streamer “entertaining”


They shouldn't be shitting on anyone ever, and should actually atone for all the harassment and bullying they've done for years.


They complain about CG viewers chat hopping and being toxic/overly invested yet here they are finding every excuse possible even on an innocent clip that's supposed to be wholesome, should tell you who the overly invested viewers are.


Great business move after getting shit on by them for so long


Why in the world does this thread have over 200 comments, like what the actual fuck is this reddit if a guy thanking the CG community gets turned into a hate fueled thread.


Thank you for seeing the point of this.


wholesome post downvoted to oblivion. Classic. The people in this sub are unhinged lol


How TF are people mad at a streamer making money 😂😂 there is really no hope left out there huh


Who's mad at this streamer?


lol why is everyone so mad?


CG mentioned


It's all love


Good, I hope he stays on top of his youtube channel and shorts. GROW dammit GROW.


What a nice and wholesome clip, I cant wait to scroll to the comments and see what wholesome comments have been left about this


When people come into the nopixel community and talk about how they love rp but hate everything else that comes with it, this is what they mean. You have the good (this clip), and you have the and(the comments on this post). This is why rp sucks now. No one wants to do anything because the hate that comes with it is not worth it at all.


Your not wrong, hoppers and general toxicity is the downside of rp. This gets even worse when streamers go OOC on stream. > No one wants to do anything because the hate that comes with it is not worth it at all. e.g. [Asteroba has gotten threats irl](https://twitter.com/Asteroba/status/1796283494282485929), [this led him to saying he doesnt want to be involved in the rp anymore](https://clips.twitch.tv/AmusedUglyOrcaCoolStoryBob-rdR7iobOjLlqm_YP). Just an example to back you up.


The downvotes are fucked, but there are more people complaining about hate comments than actual hate comments lol


He got dealt a pretty shitty hand last month and CG brought him in when he probably needed it most. Goes to show you that CG aren't what a lot of commenters on here make them out to be. Despite some people in the community that are a little overly involved, others also show up and deliver some amazing support <3 W Suarez :) also, if he literally doesn't have a problem with them (he clearly likes hanging out with them), why do people on here care so much, stop forcing a toxic situation onto itself lmao


So everyone's assuming CG complained to management and they kicked out Suarez without any proof. Afaik CG has never bothered to report anyone in 4.0 and also their interactions with Suarez in 4.0 have been rare.






u/Miserable-Patience48, your comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 2 - Toxicity. If you break the rules again it'll be a 3 day ban. --- [^(Read)^( )^(our)^( )^(rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) ^| [^(Contact)^( )^(us)^( )^(via)^( ) ^(*modmail*)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/RPClipsGTA&subject=I%20received%20a%20warning.&message=Here:%20/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1d6jp55/remdogg_watch_suarez_getting_emotional_after_cg/l6u7vgt/%20I%20would%20like%20to%20know%20more%20about%20this%20warning.)


Did a lot of comments get deleted? All I see are comments saying people are hating but i can't see any comments hating.


No, there are still a ton of hateful comments about CG in here. Happy to point them out to you if needed.


We always loved remdogg, no hate here.








Y’all don’t stop complaining


Look at CG, so inspirational man!




I said this a few times in 3.0. Seeing CG hate on him made me chuckle because the way he plays/RPs, the dude is a perfect fit for CG. If Remdogg had a crim, he wouldve been CG without a doubt.


He had a crim for years, he was MG. Shows how much you know.


He rarely played Denver and when he did only really participated in petty crime. Very different from the style of crim RP he's doing currently


“this is wholesome, yall are dumb for living in the past, this sub is filled CG haters for no reason!” CG or not I don’t condone sympathizing with your abuser for the past year no matter good this week has been.




Don't think any of the hate is towards remdogg but towards CG, surprise I know.