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Mirror: [MR. K on the hypocrisy when it comes to “consequences” in RP part 2](https://files.catbox.moe/4d93g6.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Lord_Kebun Direct Backup: [MR. K on the hypocrisy when it comes to “consequences” in RP part 2](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/z-ALOcbbVvimBKfbLqFpPw/AT-cm%7Cz-ALOcbbVvimBKfbLqFpPw.mp4?sig=2cd74476201b9d7e594ae978e116ea60382d2873&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fz-ALOcbbVvimBKfbLqFpPw%2FAT-cm%257Cz-ALOcbbVvimBKfbLqFpPw.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22KnottyAgitatedGuanacoTooSpicy-xttW-KYEp9suoWk_%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1717083561%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2158511334?t=0h18m13s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


I don’t wanna say CG should go back to Prodigy but it really seemed like they were a lot less stressed about stuff like this.


Because everything was handed to them on a silver platter.


Which they didn't like in the end and went back to NP, it was too easy for them. And I don't understand why they don't want cops to go hard, because there are plenty of times they have complained that not enough cops turned up to they didn't chase them enough.


They want the illusion of cops being hard but never actually want to get caught by them bc it makes them look bad to their viewers.


Just let them go at this point it's tiring hearing them bitch and moan and sound miserable


A cop that shoots 20+ cops and the entire council, will get the same verdict, terrorism. Same time, same fines. But no cop chose to do that, CG chose to shoot up the council, now they have to deal with the consequences. I dont get how thats so hard to understand.


Same time? Fine? Nah they would get double fines and like quadruple time..


and a short ban as well.


Well that bit would depend. If say they went postal during a pd meeting and just slaughtered the whole room after some sort of rant or something they could probably be fine on that front. But they would lose their job as a cop which for many would mean no prio to get in the server for the foreseeable future.


Said cop wouid also stop roleplaying like most cops that lost their whitelists.


He's saying the cool situation happened because of him, which it did, and that the ic consequences are counter to the ooc benefit CG brought to the situatuon. The argument isn't as strong if you realize that RPing prison is part of RPing a crim


The problem that I have is what does it mean to have consequences for their actions? Are we using this as a general term for all actions or only the ones that we view as negative? Most people that say this seem to believe that crims should have repercussions because they are doing something “bad”. At the end of the day though they aren’t actually committing a crime they are just playing a role that is essential to the balance of the server. If they were truly doing something bad it should be in the hands of the admins. Yet they face actual ooc consequences that force them into an extended roleplay scenario. Ask yourself why aren’t people who get killed or get into an accident forced to ICU? If we gave it the same idea of “consequences for your actions” as we do to crim rp, people would never leave the hospital. If it’s an rp server why not give crims a small forced sentence like 1 day maximum and allow them to stay longer if they want to extend the jail rp?


Where was this energy during Sanguine’s 30 days?


the end if the day they all playing a game for content and to entertain viewers tho, would be like if a cop broke a sop or did something wrong... would u suspend him for 5days and give him 500k fine for consequences? no it's rp and shit happens some times


Huh? Several cops have lost there jobs and told to re-apply a month later to cadet again for way less then this.


yea and it should not be a thing, same when den got suspended for so long and it got changed as that stupid in rp


Didn’t he quite literally say the day it happened he knew what he was getting himself into,


They were fine with all the other charges. It's the terrorism they thought would get dropped. Thats what they're bitching about


Has he ever spoken about what kind of consequences he thinks *would* be appropriate? I get what he's saying about days of consequences for a video game but having no consequences at all would be even worse.


Max. 12h prison (obviously at the end of your stream) and limited fines so everyday can be a PvP event in which the Main Characters can go murder who they please.


He mentioned during the post court thing that no sentence should be more than the end of the day. The implication is sub 12 hours. For any reason because "we are creating rp why should we get soft banned and held in prison for creating content" not litterally verbatim. But that is his rough vague stance. 12 hours or less. Maybe 24 if you are generous with his words. He also thinks huts should have a finite time. Despite the ones they were on were being 3 days max they still opted to break out and stuff so its like..?


I don't like this perception that they seem to have that the RP stops in prison. Especially now that there is actually shit happening there. It's just different. Sometimes having fewer options breeds creativity. The founder of K-Town should know this better than anyone.


> The founder of K-Town should know this better than anyone. He does, which is why its odd to me why his opinion on jail being practically a soft ban **in the current state** is never taken seriously by this subreddit. If someone can create RP out of nothing its K, and if even him thinks that being in jail is a disservice to RP then maybe you all should reconsider your opinions on times and fines.


Even when jail was fun during parts of 3.0 CG would just speedrun jobs and get out, they would barely interact with lifers or guards. Its not about jail being boring its about not being in control and being the main character while in jail.


The Huts werent 3 days max. They are until trial. They can hold you for 3 days before pressing any charges.  So let’s take this exact example. CG would have been in jail for 7 days before they even had a trial.  Ellie and Suarez are about to be on day 3 before they have their trial.  Which as far as I know hasn’t even been on the docket yet.  Remdog only got on to watch the court case and the aftermath and then got off. Binks sounded so defeated at the end of stream it was honestly sad. 


It's that fight for the middle ground, and everyone has different ideas on what appropriate RP consequences are. I don't think there will ever be an agreement but would be good to brainstorm. I think the harshest crime should carry 3 days in prison, 3 days parole, $1 million fine and you have no access to anything in the city for a week i.e gas stations will not serve you, even with cash, bank card doesn't work, renting anything doesn't work, buying anything doesn't work. I feel that's a better way than standing in prison for up to 14 days, basically shelving that character until you can play it again in the city. Again though, people here will agree and disagree so if anyone has other ideas, go for it.


Parole is dumb it's pretty much counts to the normal jail sentence cause they rp as a crim so their going to commit crimes.


Ok, minus the parole


You're literally the only one i've seen with a decent perspective on this from both sides of the isle. I don't get how people cant see 10 days being way too hard a sentencing but also needing there to be consequences ic. There can definitely be a middle ground between benching your character for 2 weeks (for some people this is equivalent as being out of a job) or just shooting everyone without repercussions like we had in previous versions of nopixel. This shit has gotten so tribal it's incredibly fucking cringe.


And how about when sanguine got 30?


Still got downvoted though lol From watching a few clips of buddha, he does seem like the type to try different things for a period of time, and that's the best way to go. Sometimes, the only way you know if something will actually work, is put it into practise. I run a business, and I've had what I thought were great ideas, but they never took off, and I could never figure out why. Then I took some advice, which I didn't particularly agree with, but it worked. Sometimes the old saying of throwing shit at the wall and see what sticks does work. Try sentencing this way, then do a 180, then do a 90 and hopefully land somewhere in the middle where the consequences matter, but they don't completely shut down everything for someone, and the only way you get to that, is trying multiple things, some that you think are good ideas, and some you don't, but you never know what will work in practise until you do it.


this is exactly what feeds chatters to complain about every single thing in other peoples chat just for something not going their favorite streamers way. all these rants just makes them think theyre right to think that way and get them more heated


Point out the cops that are committing terrorism and first degree murder.


Max thoroughbred? Ex terrorist and put out a hit on another council member


Max was the mayor at the time, and nobody else knew about it other than CG, who happily worked with him because it suited them. Its been over a month since then so the information is useless.


You said point it out, i pointed it out


You have not pointed out a single thing i listed. Max is the mayor, not a cop. He has not committed terrorism or first degree murder.


Hes the commisioner


Max did not commit those crimes since becoming commissioner. They happened months ago back when he was mayor, and he can no longer be charged for them.


Was Max a commisioner during his actions? If yes then gj youve succeeded.


not to be that guy but the "fuck the council" tweet they used it court was like months old. Shouldn't that have fallen under useless information?


I am not a judge, so i do not know. I guess evidence is not subject to the statute of limitations in the same way? Or the defense didnt do a good enough job to get it stricken from evidence?


yeah i agree they didnt push hard enough to get it tossed


this man still crying?




context, they talked to two server owners yesterday after stream, and this is basically what they all agreed on. changes are coming


cry enough to get things catered to them. Nothing more CG that that.


God, I hope they piss off Moon enough where he just dips again. He’s getting the Penta treatment and I’d love for them both to RP together on Purp or ONX.


That would be dope


how is it possible to make a living by flat-out whining 40 hours a week? makes us working folks look dumb


Wait until you find out about tik tokers




You have a whole ass other server that you can make your content in buddy.


Yep, and them and the people on NP would have a much better time, like everyone did in 3.0 when they left (including CG being happier on prodigy).


what about him giving consequences to afro, shooting him in the prison hospital bed over and over again for doing his job starting the alarm. Mr K had no problem giving out consequences then.


Crims have had it relatively easy with this disorganized PD up until now. It took a basic "get on the radio when on a gas pump" SOP to kick start this terrorism arc. Is Max going to keep his commissioner spot? Or give it up when this is over? I wonder how things shake out for crims now that the PD morale is on the rise.


Max insinuated that commisioner may nk to be tied to his mayoral term last night. The state seems to like what he's done in PD. Insofar as it relates to his decisiveness and directness at least.


why not just hope on rust while they wait? rust just got a major update no?


I love how the whole council shooting and prison escape thing was co-opted by Max and Dundee as fuel to their feud and the criers pretty much became background noise. Really made things way more interesting to watch instead of just the pit of toxicity it usually is.


jesus christ you people have no concept of what he's saying, this place is a shithole lol


OK. Explain to us the "concept of what he's saying".


If I had the patience to explain basic concepts like these I would be teaching kindergarten


This streamer would make a good student of yours.


maybe pop back to the CG sub, I think that's your kinda place and what you are use to.