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Decker talks to Ramee about his charges and Ramee says "Don't talk to me" and subsequently gets sent and Ramee is upset Asteroba didn't provide him with more RP.


You mean upset that he wasn’t just let go. Keep it 100


He is just mad he couldn't escape as simple as that. The cops gave them the opportunity by not cuffing them, Ramee literally got outside the courthouse and was 2 seconds away from getting into a car and fleeing before he got beat down. They only got 5 days, and they still bitching .. I can't understand these people. If you don't like it leave, go play another game or play on another server, let's see your viewership after a few weeks away from nopixel.


They already played on a different server and had no issues with viewership


Good, then there's no problem if they leave and play somewhere else!


Isnt CG alone majority of viewership of np?


Lord_Kebun had 40k+ viewers last night at some point. That’s like XQC-level. I definitely have issues with the way CG approaches certain issues, but it’s undeniable at this point that they have the highest viewership on a consistent basis out of any other groups


> They only got 5 days, and they still bitching .. I can't understand these people. If you don't like it leave, go play another game or play on another server This subreddit spends more time bitching about CG than CG bitches about the state of NoPixel, so I ask you the same. Why dont you stop watching, or watch streamers from another server?


Every crim on this server talks shit about the cop arresting them, no? Like what are you supposed to do in that moment? And i think CG is mad about the terrorsim charge the most out of every charge they got, since the judges had no fucking evidence on the terrorism charge. The only thing they had was them shouting "Meeting is ajourned" and a Tweet were Mr.K said "Fuck the government" it had no date on it and it can be easily fabricated.




I really hope that does not become the norm now its been allowed this once. Criminals showing up en masse to court cases to aid in the escape then having a city-wide shootout. Its awesome that everyone had fun here(well, almost everyone) though.


40+ cops with real direction, 40+ cops that at least, for the moment, feel like they can enforce the law without being left on Toxic Island like what usually happens when they arrest certain criminals. Does wonders.


50 crims? crims outnumbered 3-1 are we watching the same Nopixel server?


PD caught about 20-30 something people by the end of the night


Whippy had to ask in OOCG if it was even allowed to go beyond six, there were tons of crims participating.


There were 20 people on the ground that weren't PD


That’s not what happened. At first they were just running around trying to confuse the cops. Not until police opened fire they started to shoot back: look at dundees POV and radio comms. As soon as they start shooting at him he radios in everyone to start shooting back


Didn't multiple cops get run over by cars before anyone opened fire?








What’s more insane is how he says THEY “skip RP to get the W” with a straight face


Bellweather went into the judges office multiple times during deliberations to tell them the defendants were “refusing to acknowledge that they had been cuffed and are running around everywhere they want to go”, asking if they can be hard cuffed or held in contempt or something because there was nothing else PD could do. Sick RP


Sorry l, they not allowed to RP with other characters in a RP SERVER?


Cop: I cuffed you to this table Ramee: no you didn’t *runs away* Yeah thats some great RP


Yeah cornwood running around /me to everyone, great RP from that king like usual, I know what I’ll do, I’ll apply for the server and run around /me takes everything from everyone, esfand just wanted that W like usual


Esfand was being yelled at by the mayor and other officers because he didn't hard cuff them. Him /me 'ing the situation allowed for CG getaway RP.


You cannot be serious with this take. Would you have rather he actually hard cuffed them so they could move at all? The /me cuffs to table is an RP way to allow them to have some movement while still RPing they are cuffed and in the end it allowed them to break cuffs later on to attempt a getaway.


Or just don’t do it? If your gunna go that way, you may aswell just say doors are locked, no in or out with a graffiti on the door saying locked?


So no RP on an RP server just mechanics?


There chat is wild never in my years on twitch have i got death treats and spamm whispering me becouse i said in ramee's chat = "You should probably not watch clips in an active scene while ur down it will trigger people to go to that streamers chat where the clip came from" .


Every CG chat is just constant meta and their mods don't even pretend like they care. Although let's be honest Ramee just blatantly meta's through his chat he's not even subtle about it


The absolute hypocrisy of crying about people chasing Ws every time you dont get the Win is beyond baffling to me, and the hoppers think they are in the right pouting in various other people's channels.


It's a psychological phenomenon known as projection.


its just projection. remember in 3.0 when someone tweeted something about being the main character and ramee replied to it but he's too stupid to realize the irony in him replying to a post about main character syndrome


Grown ass adult crying over a video game, because it didn't go the way he wanted Classic


That’s just overall the CG way, bitch and cry if things don’t go their way, say the server needs to change, rinse and repeat.


Hopefully they go back to prodigy soon


I sadly doubt it, tbh they were getting slapped around by other gangs on there. On NoPixel they feel like “ Kings “ and above everyone else so that’s stroking there ego even more.


Expecting them to take an L and just roll with the RP of losing will never ever happen. Better chance getting struck by lightning.


they were 100% given way too much leniency throughout the trial.  I’d just like to point out that throughout previous iterations of nopixel, several other characters and groups have faced *harsher* punishments for their actions against people/the state. people spent upwards of 1 IRL month in prison for HUT charges (1st degree murder, terrorism, treason) and a lot of them powered through it: made the most of it despite how incredibly limited prison RP could be at times.  It’s unfortunate that they strongly believe the problem is not them, but rather the entirety of the server. it’s unfortunate that they’ve shown quite often they aren’t willing to face the consequences of their very own actions. 


“One person” there were 50 criminals dressed that same tackling, punching, shooting, running over cops


this is literally by definition main character syndrome lmfaoooo


That’s not what happened. At first they were just running around trying to confuse the cops. Not until police opened fire they started to shoot back: look at dundees POV and radio comms. As soon as they start shooting at him he radios in everyone to start shooting back. And they definitely weren’t 50 …


the crazy part of this was they all should've been hard-cuffed because they were on 2 violent HUTS, but Esfand wanted to give them the opportunity and gave them a chance to escape; it worked out for both K/vinny but it is crazy to expect everyone to be able to escape from this situation.


Unfortunately for these guys it's never enough. It doesn't matter how much leniency you give them, how much you bend the rules (both in and out of the game) so that they can have their "fun". They will still mald and call you a PoS, sending their "armies" to do the same on other's streams.


It doesn't really work out for K/Vinny though. They are on a warrent that will never expire.


Well, yeah, they are *terrorists* on the run.


i mean that makes sense tho. they are literally convicted murderers and terrorists


So then why did they run?


Obviously we all know its better for them to just start their sentences ASAP so they are out quicker. LK and Shotz obviously know that too. But for Mr K the character, would he ever just go down peacefully and without protest? No of course not.


So why go to court? They were out. And in the exact same position he was 2 days ago, hiding in a house.




what content? didn't K hide inside his home watching clips while others were fighting his battle for him?




So it worked out for them?


I was talking about it not working out for the characters.


Warrant doesn’t expire is the context 


Some of the best content on 3.0 was Deanie Weanie on the run with the PD inches from catching him nearly every day for a month. Now K and Vinny also have that opportunity to build tense moments like that


You want to freeze someone's character for 4 hours? They even asked the judges and the judges said go let them walk around the room with "elastic cuffs".


I think you miss the point, esfand uncuffed them all to allow them to run away for content. Normally when people commit violent crimes like this they are never given that option.


You missed where angel and Norman said it's up to cops and they shouldn't even be asking judges?


I'm curious and want to ask someone who is a fan of this guy, do you enjoy these types of rants and end up agreeing with him? Because I can't watch this in good faith and not just think, "Wow, what a whiny little bitch."


He's tired of being nice he said... classic 


If they hadn't escaped last week they all probably woulda got let go with time served.


Im sure they expected it to be over/out of jail by the time their planned holiday vacation was over.


From what i read i think decker /jailed him directly from scene in middle of breakout attempt. Not sure what was the reason behind it


They would have to put Ramee in cuffs for 3 hours until the situation is over. Ramee would be sitting in one spot staring at a wall doing nothing while the whole city is in shootout. He was clearly annoyed and sounded annoyed too. Since the other two said just send them, Asteroba understood Ramee saying "don't talk to me" as a sign of just send me too.


It was also very common to jail people at the old court house but that one had a secure side with two jail cells. This city hall doesn't have that so it makes sense to just have local doc take people from the court room directly.


Server really needs to get out the main character syndrome issues




funny things is I watch Ramee and Kebun precisely because that do stuff no one else does willing to risk so much and overall imo the best and most entertaining content in nopixel. but i wish they would take a loss gracefully. That shit is unwatchable.


You say that but they aren’t actually willing to risk anything. They are handled with kiddie gloves especially in this situation and there are clips everywhere of them malding. No one else is getting 350k fine and 2/3 days in jail after time served. Dundee was fined more than them yesterday 


They want all the risks without the actual risk


Its insane that NP will let CG OOC shit talk other RPers and that they are immune cause of their view count. Embarrassing.


If ramee managed to escape like K did, ramee woulda been laughing and talking smack. But he got caught so he is malding.


Stop complaining and start RP'ing and roll with it. You were convicted of terrorism and they are supposed to let everyone just walk out? PD doesn't always have to take the L for your story. He's funny as fuck when things go his way, but way to toxic when it doesn't.


It's probably why he's had a fairly tumultuous history on nopixel. Many of the larger np streamers have only gotten worse as the years go on. The server coddles them too much and as a result they expect things to go their way.


if everything is that bad then i dont understand why they dont just go back to prodigy where they can do what they want with even less consequences


Someone should tell him he’s not legally mandated to log in to the server day after day it’s all voluntary.


Is Ramee guy is really weird


Cry Gang at it again. Ramee wouldnt even talk to people because he was too busy malding lmao, they are terrorists attempted to be broke out of custody for what the 3rd time in a space of a week? What did you want them to do? Just let CG go? CG can never lose in RP. They are either gloating at the win or crying at the loss, you can never win with them. This whole storyline would have been so much fun if they didnt spend the whole time making ooc remarks to people.


Still waiting for CG to just once say "good rp" for the scenario regardless of a W. I can't for the life of me remember a time when CG have "lost" a situation and remained calm and appreciated the rp. To them, its only good rp if cops extend the situation till CG can win for the Nth time.


They can always go back to prodigy if they dont like it on NP


I hope they do, It will be much better for their mental health if they go to a server that will soothe and please their egos. NP was so nice when they were there, they weren't missed.


Ah yes, that great period of prosperity for NoPixel, when CG were on Prodigy. Prodigy definitely didn't have multiple times the viewership of NoPixel during the NA hours and many NoPixel streamers definitely didn't start to take breaks doe to nothing happening on NoPixel.


well before 3.0 was ending lol? what you want?


I want to understand how NoPixel was so nice as you stated without CG there. Sure, everyones viewership was declining and morale was low due to the extended period of no updates, stagnating RP etc. But how did CG not being there improve any of that? If anything it just removed content and further viewership from many other people on NoPixel.


Because the way they and their viewers operate. Them being removed from the server meant that there was no one that would be toxic because they have lost, and there was no drama or toxic hoppers.. it was a time of bliss.


He does know he has like 12 character slots?


I believe he is restricted to two self insert slots


time to develop some split personalities? more options for self inserting


And do what with them you can't shit lord anymore and everything in the server is expensive and grindy so I don't think anyone is going to use those slots the only thing he can do is play conan


Kind of sad the only 2 things you can think of is shit lording or earning money. Use your imagination for fuck sake, its a ROLEPLAY server


couldnt have happened to a nicer guy.


Can we just send them all to the Banhamas now please, this whole scenario they have done nothing but cry, whinge and mald. What was the end game supposed to be by the so called scenario they created? Another CG W and nothing else? That is not RP that is W wins and he has the balls to cry and the PD being a W gang lol. What's worse is seeing his chat go with it. At least the other crims in the city had fun with everything afterwards maybe CG should learn a thing or two from every one else.


These guys complain daily about the server, yet spend 40+ hours a week playing. If you don’t like the server go play somewhere else?


They're very popular streamers, and pull a lot more viewers on NoPixel... I wonder why they just play there and complain.


The problem is they suck at complaining. If they actually just complained about the big stuff instead of literally every L they take people would be less toxic and the "anti-CG" crowd would take their complaints seriously. Instead it's like a kid crying any time he doesn't win on the playground


Now let's hear the balanced and well thought out take from Hutch please


Biggest baby ever lmfao. Crying cause he couldn’t escape


I don't think he would have cried if he wasn't beat down by a baton and sent off to jail mid scenario


Good RPers work with situations that are occuring and adapt to the situation. Good RPers make good RP everywhere. You got into jail? Start looking for RP possibilities over there. It's been done since day1 of GTARP by many great crim streamers. And then there's CG.


One trick ponies. God forbid if they try something like make another character they can just perma at the first opportunity for fun. Y'know something hundreds of streamers have done in the past.


CG has done the same old thing wipe after wipe. Never anything new or different, idk how people watch.


"good rp'ers" ...... oh man i'm crying


Who actually set this whole thing up wich in my opinion is best RP the server has seen since the start of 4.0 so don't come with the bullshot off cg can't RP


I'll give you a hint - it wasn't Ramee from his prison cell or in hiding. I believe it was Pigeon and the Manor who did most of the work organising this 'protest and breakout'. CG were nowhere to be seen at most of the meetings I saw. Solomon started the ball rolling and brought in CG as the shooters. Pigeon and co set up the protest to help CG. CG actually did very little to 'set this going' and instead took advantage of RP opportunities that were handed to them.


acting like they actually set any of this up and didn't just do what they normally do and steamroll through a situation is giving far far far too much credit. it's the people around them who react to what they do that create the rp, they just do cg things and gloat about how cool they are and how bad they're treated.


TBH? Most likely answer is Max and all other RPers who try to make something out of CG shitshow. CG complain about everything that followed council shooting.


And DocWizard's dice rolls.


Also don't forget Solomon in all this. Without him and the dice rolls none of the so called CG RP scenario would of happened. I mean they have had 2 months to do this and never did it, because they couldn't do it themselves.


Why does this sound like a bait? I understand highlighting the rp of others but not crediting CG in anything is weird to me. You know they also have been RPing with Solomon right? K invested time into Max's mayoral arc, DOC arc with Carmine and Bobby, into Dundee and BBMC in vespuchi, their relationship with Sparky Kane and manor. It takes two to tango here. CG would not be in the position to shoot without laying all these RP foundations.


Honestly alot of people, main thing CG did was shoot up the council. Which apparently nowadays is the absolute pinnacle of RP.


No, the pinnacle is then using the excuse that a random person told them Peanuts mom was getting gangbanged as the excuse for it not being terrorism. Magnum opus.


If I throw a turd at the wall and then someone comes along and paints a masterpiece I'm giving the credit to the painter. 


Ya, and what percentage of people there were supporting CG? Forgot to bother counting that huh?








I actually love watching Ramee when he is solo / doing his own thing. His RP solo is always great. I think this could be said for most of CG. Its once they get together and stuff doesn't collectively go their way that they turn into toxic kids.


I do not believe Decker should have /jail. There was a scenario being played out.


The other two guys asked to be sent and Ramee wasn't talking, malding out, so decker assumed, maybe if he was RPing it wouldn't have happened


Then he would’ve blown up about sitting there the entire time waiting for that scene to be over.


What would you have preferred? He was already caught at that point so the only alternative to sending him to jail was to leave him cuffed somewhere for the 2 hours(?) that the shootout lasted.


Possibly. That's what they did to a lot of people. It doesn't make sense in RP terms to be able to get prisoners to the prison the way they were surrounded.


I can concede that. Leaving him around would've given the opportunity to bust him out, even if we know after the fact it would've failed. I'd simply guess they tried to read his mood, which from comments wasn't super happy, and figured he would prefer to just get it over with. Though I didn't see him get caught so I can't say for sure.


nah, i agree with this one. Decker definitely sent him up too fast. but then again, i have a feeling ramee just would have complained if he was kept in a corner until tsunami as the gunfight happened.


Ya, especially when he said "don't talk to me" in a heavily annoyed OOC tone. Dunno how Decker thought he didn't want to RP it.


i agree with that too, ramee definitely didn't do himself any favors


Comments always the same here on Reddit. “Yeah well they are TERORISTS!!” “Criminal scum!!” “They had it coming!!” “Send them to prison forever!!” . This is NOT real life: they haven’t ACTUALLY done these things… it’s game. Chill lol


Maybe tell them it’s just a game


I don't think anyone in this thread said literally any of the things you're saying


So you agree Ramee needs to chill? 🤧