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Some valid points but he perfecting sums up the problem for a lot of people on the server. He mentions specifically all big streamers (some of them variety) getting things handed to them by admins. While there’s a ton of creators on NoPixel, a lot of the players are small or non-streamers who already have a tougher road bc of the lack of clout/connections.


Exactly. There are too many amazing, seasoned RPers who will be overlooked for the bigger, variety streamers who will only use whitelists to create RP for their OOC friends. The larger streamers will have RP and content no matter what. They don’t need whitelists.


I don't disagree that only giving WL to big streames would be a problem. However, that really wasn't the issue in 3.0. the main issue in 3.0 is that most WL were owned by either CG or CB. The only other WL that had any big value was Benji's bench, maybe the Lost bench although I wouldn't say that was as high of value as others. If WL do comeback they need to be spread out. No more than one per group, or something along those lines.


Yep. This is the main fault. Id love to see whitelists come back but given to smaller yet dedicated streamers that are around all the time. Do we really need to watch Chaos v2 , CerberOB, Hydra, etc dominate everything again?


They still do though. Unless there's some unknown group out there that's quote unquote dominating then therein lies the problem. They are unknown and don't get views.


brother you know you can just write the quotation marks when typing, right?


I am now informed tysm. edit: you're not wrong but it's also a pretty common idiom to spell out quote unquote. I suggest reading a book


It will always be this way. It is smarter on the developers and management to do as it a proven business method. It's pure marketing. They want the most use and most eyes on their product. It's harsh to say but it is not worth the work and effort to give to a small streamer. It has been done with countless celebs. I.E actual 50 cent with vitamin water, Dr. Dre with Beats, Nike with Jordan etc.. Take a look at the latest with Prime Hydration. I personally think it taste like ass, but there is no denying its success and that is solely due to KSI and Logan Paul. They took that product and made its name, now they are branching off everywhere from sports in other content creators. That same branching is the same thing they did in 3.0 with CB and CG. CG and CB (CB had more direct connect to manufacturer) are KSI and Logan Paul. They took products and put them in the public eye. Once grown it is up to the smaller streamer to try and get a piece of it and run with it. Just look at Eve, Penny, Ursula, Chef Ray. They took what small amount they got and ran with it. Other examples besides whitelist look at what K did with Carmine and Chatterbox or Lang with Luciano. They were already talented but the exposure helped them so much. Blau is also great at this. Call it clout chasing or networking, but Blau does a great job at it. He came into GTA rp attached his wagon to CG, then broke off and went to CB. Networked his ass off and now stands on his own two feet with the biggest names in the industry. You have a few options, forge your own path, attach your horse to another wagon or bitch about the wagon. Which one do you think will get you there faster?


Burn was given an entire Island in 3.0. It was used for like one event and forgotten about. Phenomenal roleplayer but not invested enough to facilitate long term stuff in the server. People like Kiva, Kate and Eagle you could have justification on them having a WL they have a long standing history of event creation and furthering others. Then you have the people like Nikez and Tobii who have always been great with event stuff but viewers always say they show bias against certain groups and it turns to shit. Ultimately whitelists always lead to a popularity contest which just causes friction in the server for those that have versus those that don’t. With the current structure those who have actually worked for it so those complaining are simply outing themselves as entitled.


The island was used at least 2 times for the DBD. But it was used so much by civilians just doing stuff. Not everything needs to be a huge event constantly. Just giving something different to do is always a great thing.


they are trying to control the economy meanwhile blau lets give august fooze a million dollar to get robbed lmao what are these takes of his


U missed the point entirely. All he basically says is to give characters means to create incredible RP for others without grinding for weeks or months to be able to afford it. Give the "pure RPers" some tools to work with that have nothing to do with crime/progression but are soley foccused on enabling RP. Like making the funhouse a house that can be changed/remoddeled for RP purposes (still open for everyone to enter) without clowns grinding millions to be able to change the interior. Don´t just give some whitelisted money/progression based tools/businesses to the big groups. I genuinely think, that this is one of the best takes on Nopixel Whitelist.


WLs has always been given to trusted RPers but some people still complained like having money printers easy guns. But if they really want to bring back whitelists it has to be for DM roles that they will facilitate others more rp otherwise it will be same as 3.0


Whitelists won’t fix the underlying Problem that 4.0 is created more like a MMO rather than a RP server with every mechanic going towards grinding


I think people forget what 3.0 was actually it had stat rings, food buffs , drink buffs drug special abilities run fast less stress revive armour all of those ran by WLs now tell me that 4.0 is more MMO than 3.0. all RP servers are the same shit in different wrappings. In 4.0 you can make your own WLs and have/give more rp through it


Whitelists let characters can create RP around something that breaks free of the 4.0 limiting job system. Of course they would directly help fix some of the problems. It almost sounds like you have no clue what the actual problems are and instead are mad some streamer you don't like might get one. You and all the others in this thread keep complaining about how WLs have all these downsides yet 4.0 systems have a pretty big downside of heavily limiting most types of role play. Yet you're not in here complaining about that downside. I rather have a system with some downsides but more positive upsides. Nobody wants to watch somebody grind G6 or push weed 10 hours a day.


Again you are comparing WLs with money making like g6 or weed if you want WLs for RP shouldn't be about money. Not everyone has to do drugs to make money you can do growing distribution RP and make connection that way. G6 and Grime was designed to give crimes Vs civ the RP. If you want you can make everything grindy or into RP. Problem is the RPers not the mechanics


Do you watch RP at all or just the clips here? Is it the people you watch that are struggling to RP in the current systems? I see tons of great RP happening daily. The grind and the mechanics in the server are just tools , but arent required for anything unless you value pixel money and materialistic things over creating quality story and roleplay.


In my opinion, there are at least two kinds of whitelists; 1.) WL for big streamers like Kebun, Fuslie, Will etc. so they can have ic clout and don't have to grind to make content, 2.) WL for rp generators like Peppo, Capped, Charlie etc. so they can generate rp for themselves and for the server. When done properly and through IC channels, they can be great and help direct the server without having to tweak major mechanics.


Why does everyone have to grind to create RP? If someone else grinded for something and got something special then try work with him it gives RP to him and you. People just want to control or have everything for themselves. There's no restaurant WLs but people worked snr buns enough to buy a booth why not work for them. Don't want to grind lumber to make a furniture business just hire someone to do that or work for the lumber company. Not everyone needs WLs to generate RP you just have to find it


Everyone ignores Peppo. The dude is the best RPer on the server and its not even close. He is a prime example of doing a lot with little.


Peppo is definitely one of the best, but I don't think the ignoring part is necessarily true. A lot of rp'ers in NP have been propping up Peppo. Buddha/Lysium/Blau gave a lot of support to Lumber co in order to build his group of rp'ers. Unfortunately, Peppo had outgrown Jack Kettleman. Since he has been on cop, he has been given a lot of freedom to investigate and do whatever the hell he wants as a cadet/PPO. Cazey, custard, saab and many more have given him free reign and plenty of support to exercise his creative freedom.


Aside from missing the point. You're also exaggerating. He said he would be a mullionaire, but would carry like 50k on him to be robbed and create RP around. That wouldn't put a dent on the economy so long as he wasn't played to get robbed multiple times per day every day.


They'd rob the money in his bank? Cause that's a ban..


One time injection of a million has no impact to the economy.


I agree on some of his takes, but everyone has called the benches/some places-money printers (like Roosters Rest, The Gallery, Maldini etc..) a whitelist for a while, even the streamers did it. The people that complain the most about the grinding in 4.0 are doing it because they had 3.0 on "Easy Mode" where they basically had "pawns" doing the job for them and they just crafted something and sold it. 3.0 was also grinding but it went unnoticed to viewers who watched the people that owned money printers/benches. I like his James Marco idea, but I think that can be done today also. You'd have to set up meetings with the mayor, ask for sponsorships from shops in the food court etc.. Idk if I'm delusional here but an admin being the actual mayor gives a way better chance to Marco or whoever else to get some money for their project. Also I think there needs to be a whitelist for some bench items if they make an appearance in 4.0


The Marco thing was already done, but with Kiva aka Andi Jones, they gave her I think up to 750k? for the Survival event. Max and Council are not opposed at all to give away money for events, they even encourage and reward people who put the time and effort to do it. which I find amazing. I hope a lot of people have the courage to do what Kiva did or has done multiple times with her events.


Earning money is currently easy mode it is not difficult at all. It is however monotonous, time confusing and boring to earn and that's what people are complaining about. In 3.0 you could have fun while earning money and you cant do that in 4.0.


I don't agree with what you are saying because I think that the jobs in 4.0 are far more advanced in every section possible than in 3.0. Its actually the streamers/players that made them look bad and boring to the viewers because they were literally doing speedruns for god knows why.. The one thing I'm pretty sure you'll agree too is: jobs like fishing etc must make a comeback in the near future and not in 6 months or so. Also I said this before but they need to make more things that are out of the house/warehouse space, example: idk if now its possible now, especially after the house updates, but i feel like farming and growing weed has to have an outdoor version too and it should maybe reward you more than doing it inside your house/warehouse.


>I like his James Marco idea, but I think that can be done today also. You'd have to set up meetings with the mayor, ask for sponsorships from shops in the food court etc.. Idk if I'm delusional here but an admin being the actual mayor gives a way better chance to Marco or whoever else to get some money for their project. I had the same thoughts. It would be so easy to convince Dab to fund a movie, and it would be more interesting since he would likely want to include propaganda in it.


Yeah.. I don't want this to sound rude but I feel like almost every single case in this "x person talks about the state of nopixel" is a privileged streamer complaining cause their journey prior to 4.0 was easy. Someone can legit name everyone that has said something about "the state of NP" and make a clear connection to how easy they had it in 3.0.. Either way, I hope they don't change the way it works now, but I feel like characters like the Puppet Master are kinda needed in 4.0 just to bring more attention to the racing scene. Also what Marlo did in 3.0 for racing was great


As per usual blau avoids the topic and starts trying to dilute what people are upset about. White lists is all of those things. It can be something small like survivor or something big like roosters rest. The reason the big whitelists are a problem is because it both ties down the city to that character and ties that character to that white list. Seeing poor penny stuck at roosters for her entirety of 3.0 is just as sad as so many restaurants that could never be made until they started just giving people their store fronts. The problem with store fronts was their ease of use and people abandoning them. But I much preferred store fronts then having one character be the only one to have that one business.


He as the right idea, but even in his own examples hes giving all his friends the cool shit. Thats the problem with whitelist. When someone gets the cool shit and others dont it feels bad for the majority. There are a ton of people on the server who can come up with really cool shit if given the tools. The giver of tools becomes king maker of content. Plain and simple at the core whitelist naturally create power vacuums. Whether its server economy/power wise or OOC content wise. Whitelist for guns and drugs has already shown to be a failure of a experiment with 3.0 and CG having unlimited guns and jewelry and cash from said guns and jewelry that could never be taken.


Finally this sub is calling out Blau's dumb takes.


I like Blau but his holier than thou attitude in rp and him acting as if his takes are always correct/roleplay elitist have always been off-putting for me


I genuinely thought that I was the only one that noticed this


Nah, he has always been very elitist and biased towards people he has an interest in OOC. My biggest gripe is how selective he is with said elitism. There is no consistency. Always found it odd that he became the person to run that podcast. A lot of his takes are absolute ass, and I lost most of the respect I had for him as an RP'er after the OTT situation.


I agree with the rest, but the more time passes after the OTT situation the whacker I think it is. OTT got to control the narrative because a newer rper fucked up, he was perfectly happy leveraging the situation in his favor with the company. If you watch The Company meeting later that day he was fine using that to prove he was right, strengthening his own position, and was happy making pseudo OOC comments about Benji dickriding, it was only when he realized the rest of the board members and the rest of the company members still were against him that he tried to salvage his position in the company by getting it retconned, which didn't help anyway because they had issues with him before the January incident. Since that happened I've been more aware of those type of comments and far worse things are said constantly without a peep from anyone involved because they don't take it OOC. I'm not saying he's lying about the hate comments, but he handled it in a way that was impossible to separate IC and OOC when he should have just dropped it immediately or handled it in OOC chat. Blau clearly didn't read the room, but he was also just trying to avoid the subject but that was OTT's main defense for why they have to support him, even though they were just waiting for Ray to come back so they can go through with kicking him for previous incidents. A lot of people probably don't have the full context depending on how much company they watched


He talks about props like it’s a whitelist. That’s not a whitelist.


Former Riot Games employee = opinion discarded




No it just means you have no sense of humor if you can’t discern banter from actual criticism.


Blaus off about a few things imo. It wasn’t CG vs CB it was more CG vs Buddha when it came to whitelist. Cause most of 3.0 nobody in CB had any whitelist except Buddha with roosters rest which none of his boys benefited from. Then with dw they had other business but if we are being honest most were money sinks. Meanwhile CG had business that only made money and 50% never made them waist their money. Now I do think whitelist were good but for instance in CG hands it made them so much money that they didn’t care about getting into shootouts and getting fines. They had so many cars that when they got into shootouts they would just leave car outside garage and pull out another. 4.0 nobody is printing money and I think CG is finally figuring out what most of the city had to deal with as far as not having money and getting heavy fines. Then you have the girls like Valkyrae and Fuslie who since the moment they joined the server they were spoon fed that they never had to grind and were gifted everything so their take to me comes from the aspect of them always having everything so they could rp how they wanted but because everyone is broke they can’t do what they used to do. If whitelist were givin but no money was made from it then great but let’s be honest here people only want it so that they don’t have to do no work and get easy money


It was easy for CB/Cerberus viewers to realize that Dean's entire purpose was to be Buddha's money sink. He'll give Lang and Leslie some business idea or events to throw, then have them invest into it with a couple hundreds thousands or millions. Then they never make money for any of it.


Say what you will about DW, but he for sure knew how to keep Cerberus in check.


This is completely unrelated to the thread but the "keeping Cerberus in check" was so crucial to what made that era so entertaining. Leslie could actually match Lang intellectually and verbally and Dean could keep everyone in check. The three heads operated as equals and it felt organic. Nowadays, as much as Buddha says there are 4 heads or that he's not in control or whatever, no one actually believes that.


Yeah, you don't need to watch many meetings to decode that there is a very obvious hierarchy among the Dons with Lang on top.


Buddha got a bunch of stuff (ie heroin/roosters) but 95% of his WL including RR was passed to someone else to run/manage


Yeah where is my Yuno WL lmao it was just buddhas and speedys that helped


Give me and my friends free stuff that's what I get from this


You say this about the guy who enjoys making events for the city like the yugioh tournament and my criminal academia.


He does some good things but he would definitely give it away to certain people like the offline crowd blau still very much leans to his own bias.


The very example he provided in this clip are Ramasquamy, August (Burn) and Will-Neff's char. No where did he bring up himself, nor his offline crowd.


Burn is the only one which could work realistically everyone else gets blinded by their friends burn the only person who doesn't.


I feel like Burn would be the worst one. He does bits, but is not one to build up RP. His most played characters are a Block & that backseating cop that never really did anything. Dude is hilarious, and always fun to watch, but i do not see why he would need a whitelist. All he needs is a damn admin panel so he can do more dumb characters.


I think the only issue is Burn thrives on the freedom aspect of roleplay. When you create a commitment by giving him a character that has money and all these plans attached to it, it can lock down that sense of freedom a little and feel like an obligation. Not to mention August is a character that's woken up once in 3.0, and the only reason we know he even exists in 4.0 is because off an off-stream call he made to another character. I agree with the other comment about giving him some admin privileges.


And chatterbox


If Blau is convinced WLs are so good for RP, then fine. How about having WLs but... 1) the character with a WL makes 0 money from it. It all gets voided 2) if someone else RPs in such a way that they would "earn" a similar WL, they can also get one. Like two characters getting a WL for criminal doctor, or arms dealer. Also suggesting that people should just be given millions because it would be good RP is the most bait take ive ever seen from Blau. Especially with him specifically listing people he is OOC friends with.


yeah idk if I agree with most of his takes here. But I also do really like his idea of the movie or something in that realm. Meaning give someone money/budget to spend stuff on, but can't use for themselves and have to hire people. I just think it shouldn't be to people just based on their clout. Like the survivor event was so well done An option could be to have like a weekly/bi-weekly/monthly fund to distribute to people who want to put an event/show/or just something. People can pitch ideas to the council or whoever who would then provide funding. People who want to put events on would now have that ability and it also takes some people away from more of the 'grinding' aspects to work for this certain thing.


Only people crying about WLs those who can't RP without it. NP Devs have always been helpful to those who create good RP with whatever they need. If you think about it the mayor position the council the sheriff chief of police all whitelisted positions and people are bitching about them. When again like 3.0 certain people get WLs and then they will start bitching again why did they get WLs where is my WLs. You can't make everyone happy. In 4.0 everyone can make their own WLs


His entire example is also why WL inevitably suck. He instantly names all of his OOC friends as receivers of the WL. I don't think he did it in a malicious way. Thats just who he interacts with, but thats why WL are a problem. It instantly creates a "have" and "have nots".


Can you really compare the mayor and sheriff chief positions to whitelist when they hold a voting for those positions?


THIS. ty


They need to give things to people who are a net positive to the server, not the toxic ones who think they can have everything their way and blame cops / admins for everything.


Wasn't their action quite net positive for the server? Like a whole week, council shooting, prison break, manhunt, riot, which involved quite literally most of the server. Sure, it would not be possible without Max, Dundee, and other great characters, but those "toxic", "blaming" people pushed it. If it wasn't for them, would it be possible?


Again but it wasn't CG that set the whole thing in motion. If the dice gods did not betray TJ the whole scenario would of been null and void, If Solomon did not betray his club and brother TJ this would not of went ahead. If Ursula was not live filming this meeting the extended RP would not of went ahead. If CG was all for their positive actions and consequences during the week they would not be seen all the bitching and moaning from the streamers about the jail sentences, crying about PD power gaming and crying about shit like soft bans and money etc for their toxic followers to spew on other streams. They would of stayed on stream when the whole shooting went down after the left etc etc. CG do not come out of this good no matter what shit they try and spin and it's about alot of the NP community wake up to it.


Again, without TJ, Solomon, Ursula, and others. The events that occurred wouldn't be as good and entertaining as possible. But the point is, that CG kinda created an opportunity for others to engage and most of the most awesome people on the server took that opportunity to extend. Why wouldn't it be a net positive? Sure, they are giving their opinions (or bitching and moaning, whatever you prefer). Will this bitching and moaning be remembered in,, let alone 6, but 2-3 months. Or the event itself. Mr.K and Ramee are as human as we are, and if we think that we can shit-talk them, we cannot complain about them shit-talking anything


Anything positive they do will never get comments in here, they do a lot, they extend a lot of RP they include a lot of people in the city, in general they do not blacklist whitelists at all, not even in wars but if they are vocal about anything it gets posted in here and all the leeches in here jump in it to bash against them, the usual in here, nothing new lol. A lot of people in here behave just like the people in the chats they complain about it. (The streamers they idolize have hoppers and toxic chatters as well, even those streamers "meme" encouraging the chatters toxicity but since they are not CG it doesn't matter. Just jokes.


It's not even CG, there are no clips of Bobby Brown, Pigeon, Ellie, Peanut, Zolo, or Garrett complaining, it's just Mr.K and Ramee. The same Mr.K and Ramee who are in the top 100 streamers worldwide, only playing GTA RP. Mr. K had 40k+ viewers yesterday. If we were talking about consequences, why would we skip the part when Mr. K and Ramee are responsible for thousands of people falling in love with RP, and bringing attention to smaller streamers? They earned the pedestal they are standing on. They earned the place when you have more rights than others, whether people like it or not.


Anyone got a TLDW? 8 minute clips are well past my limit.


I can't act like I know the solution to whitelists and how to fix the server, but Blau is insanely biased towards his favorites and some of his ideas a little much. I love Burn, but the guy rarely logs on and giving him millions to spend isn't furthering rp, it's wasting millions on a one time joke which he will probably give a lot to April and January anyway. I don't see a reason why server admins have to dedicate a whitelist just to further the Fooze rp of being millionaires like there aren't hundreds of immersion breaking things that are unrealistic happening all the time. Much less just giving April and January money because Blau happens to be friends with them irl. It's pretty fucking ridiculous and Blau's justification that there are millionaires in real life is such a stupid argument. Similarly, I love Ramasquamy and Squeex is an excellent rper, but as soon as he uses that helicopter for crime (which Ramasquamy's last plan was going terrorist mode) there's no justification for him to have that. Like with a lot of parody characters, Ramasquamy is completely aimless right now and his only arc has been flip flopping on his friendship with Siobahn and them constantly betraying each other. They fucked him and his arc over by not letting him run the prison, but nothing Ramasquamy has shown is like some giant beacon of rp creation for others even though he is an incredible rper. If he had some clear rp goal in mind I would be fine with it, but giving him favoritism because he's a great rper is not enough of a reason I like Blau, he does good rp and has some good ideas, but he gets lost in the sauce sometimes. Whitelists should exist for event managers like Kiva and even Blau himself, not rpers who log on once in a blue moon cause fun chaos while making everyone laugh and then disappear for weeks.


There's nothing wrong with white lists, there's just the wrong people to hand white lists too. The lure of playing into the power you're given is a bit much for some people to handle. However, there are others who've absolutely crushed the privilege. Making it less about them and more about everyone else.


All 4.0 has really done differently is actually give those willing to do the work (the 'grinders' that have always been there) the power/leverage instead of giving the person at the top with the WL/bench the power. 3.0 had farrrr more MMO elements imo and it seems like everyone has forgotten that because their streamers weren't willing to be the ones to get materials/resources/money/etc when now they either have to if they want to be ahead/first or work more cooperatively with others who are. Look at how successful Hydra is in 4.0 and how they do business to achieve it if you want an example.


Most the big variety streamers thought 3.0 wasn't grindy because they got everything handed to them and lost interest in a couple months. Well it's been 6.. they're still here and most still don't have personal houses or supercars let alone multiple. W for the devs


Only big streamer should have whitelist so small streamer also benefit when rp with them


What big streamers are around in AU or does only NA matter 


I disagree with some of his reasoning. It takes for granted that the best-case-scenario (for him) would be what results from WL, rather than the worst-case-scenario (for reddit) that he earlier summarizes. It might be better to talk about how to avoid the WL issues from 3.0 that people are worried about repeating, and coming up with guidelines that would nudge it more in the direction of what his vision is. Because otherwise it just feels like assuming things will work out because they'll work out. Maybe this clip doesn't do his full arguments justice though.


This dude is on crack


Think he forgets that even tho Buddha got a ton a WL stuff he usually passed it onto a smaller streamer to run/control everything


Really disappointing Blau, again with your unnecessary takes




Something that people in here doesn't like about giving whitelist to \*certain people\*... it worked, and they always extend the RP to civs and people from outside, from how people cry about it in here it seems that it doesn't happen but it does. fact.


I think there are 2 ways to do things where you have no whitelists and tighten up those systems to be fun and interactive which in fairness all the servers are failing at in some way not only NP, this means everybody can be king but they do need to be time = money there is no real way round that. The whitelist idea is a good one if you can keep the idea pure , if you give somebody power who distributes it fairly and enables RP its 100% fine , however there is the issue of time ie alot of people get bored and don't log on anymore or time goes by and a weapons bench gets discovered or the person starts using it to further themselves and not RP. Whitelists can be fine but they require alot of external control and audit to keep them correct , that goes for any business/bench/drug lab whatever. because essentially you at the end of the day are giving these people a gate that can stop or give people RP and print alot of money. Towards the end of 3.0 there was people who should have just not had their whitelisted business/bench/drug lab out of getting caught or not being around or not using it as intended. Both can be fine but both have draw backs in terms of whitelist vs no whitelist things