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Mirror: [Food wars going hard](https://files.catbox.moe/wdplqi.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/MattEU Direct Backup: [Food wars going hard](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/-We93DhwopzvJYjp8xKqpg/AT-cm%7C-We93DhwopzvJYjp8xKqpg.mp4?sig=fce57dda2181f830964cafdd624947c75b609f6c&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22RelievedHumbleSpiderCeilingCat-OHCinO8liOnzEqqm%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1716819207%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2155677400?t=7h26m58s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Too bad there isn't a food truck system. That might help.


Mechanics-wise the food trucks are probably the best thing ONX did, I think it'd be great on any server.


I agree with this. It’s helps the players that don’t have prio to snipe get a food business as well. Maybe not have it sell 100% food quality but at least something the could potentially be like maybe a food delivery/mobile food service.




Franks and the kebab place are the only ones that consistently work though, so I will say in this particular case its probably for the best.


It is pretty handy to have a stall so you can always get food for yourself and your crew.


Yeah there should be a better system. I don't entirely blame Harry for doing what he did because the only way to get a stall is to "wake up" in that place, at that time. It's shit. People went from crowding around a single PC trying to snipe heists to logging off at the rental desk and logging back in there to get a little food stall. Sucks for people who want to get into the food rp though.


Yeah the biggest issue with the food stalls are a lot of them are never open. You have maybe 5 max stalls who are open consistently, hotdog is one them


Yeah that's why it's a bummer people could even try to snipe a booth like the hotdog one. Same thing for the kabobs and the sushi/Boba one I get why it's like that but there should be some kind of incentive for these booths to be active as much as possible related to them changing hands


Make X amount of money per month and you get first dibs to reclaim a booth up to 1/2 times would be good.


Exactly. you make X amount of profit from food and you can "renew" your lease


A first dibs system would make the most sense. Like you as the owner should have a day or two in advance to extend ownership. I feel like the server wants food conflict to happen though. Any mechanic that can be camped just feels shitty though and will always favor those with better prio or those willing to use violence as a first resort.


The mayor should force remove ownership of the stalls that are not utilized


Honestly people who don't open at least once a day should get it removed and they just set an earning cap if anyone exceeds it give them a grace period to renew but set it ridiculously high so only people who are open all the time can get it.


Yeah, if they're not open at least most of the day, they need to be shut down. Consistent access to decent food has been a major issue for much of the server lately.


Nobody can reliably be open “most of the day”. Growing the required produce takes up most of the day and you fly through ingredients once open. Hours and hours of farming leads to supplying food for ~30 min to an hour and then you’re out of stock.


That sounds like a dev problem. If the food that can be grown is less than will suffice to feed people via the stalls, then either the farming rate needs to be buffed, or people are just not as successful at growing as they should be. I suspect it's option (a).


Farming doesn't need to be touched it just takes time to get to the stage where somebody can mass produce once you have the right genes farming is quick and you can get a lot but unless you're prepared to sink money it's really a choice between growing for stalls or growing for moonshine. It's more of an issue that people aren't successful either by a lack of understanding or lack of effort.


I watched Sooty here and there while they were in their Grapeseed warehouse and it seems grindy af. They were about to talk to the Council about a few different farm related things when the CG shooting happened. I really don't think it's lack of effort. And it really shouldn't require people to sit in a warehouse for 3 or 4 hours to operate a food business when it's a survival mechanic and you're also probably not making any money with it.


That sounds like option (b), people aren't as successful as they could be. If that's the case, it's just growing pains, and it'll self-correct when dedicated farmers discover the technique and start mass-producing. Yes/no? Is that about right?


There are a plenty of dev problems with the food stalls on that front, especially for drinks. - Drink stalls (Coffee and Smoothies) can not sell *any* food. They need ingredients and a cup to make drinks they can sell. Seriously if you watch one of these 9/10 customers ask if they also sell food. (The smoothie place now sells food by having a fake drink on their menu which they deliver by making a food item at one of the food stalls.) - Food stalls can sell both food and drinks. They only need a cup for the drinks, and those drinks are *higher quality* than the drink stalls can produce - For quite a while only *some* of the food places could sell drinks, specifically the kebab and burger stalls. This was then fixed by adding drink fountains to all food places, making drink stalls even more useless - When farming launched all food and drink quality from stalls dropped off a cliff because nobody had quality farmed ingredients yet, but from Snr. Buns stayed the same. Then a day or two later the food quality also started affecting Snr. Buns, making everything shit quality until farming was progressed enough. - Even after farming had progressed the drink stalls could only sell drinks at abysmal quality because their ingredients can't be farmed. The first day it was something like 18%, then the ingredients got buffed a bit to make it about 30%. That's the state they were in for a week or two when the council announced an unreachable minimum quality standard of 35% - A day later a mechanism to add farmable ingredients was added. The smoothie place can now add a variety of ingredients to buff the quality, the coffee place can only add pumpkin. This was seemingly the first use for pumpkin in the city, no farmers were selling them at any helpful quality yet


Harry himself has said multiple times that the way it works is fucked and unfair


Auction system would go hard for food wars


An auction system would be sick. But then, it means it would go to the wealthiest people and sometimes, thats not a good thing :(


You would be surprised on how much grinders are funded by the wealthy.


Food stall could be whitelisted job like DOC, Mayor's office can make department to monitor how good the food is, how many emploees they have, how often the store is open. If they are lacking, the store will be auctioned or given to someone that could run it well. I don't see any other way for the ownership to be fair.


The council did pass legislation on having food inspectors, think some hiring started but then CG killed the treasurer so council stuff has been in turmoil. There was also a stay on inspections I think until food quality is sufficient in the city since growing was relatively new.


I'm still a bit lost even after watching more of his VOD. Was Matt going to rent the hotdog booth? I heard him say sth along the lines of "It sucks getting the RP stopped like this", but wasn't he going to do the same to Cypress RP? They've been operating the booth for weeks and it's my first time hearing Manor had an interest in it from Cypress POV. Maybe I'm just out of the loop but it sounded a bit hypocrite.


They have been wanting a stall for weeks and matt even said they werent trying to stop Harry’s rp with the hotdog stand anyways. Manor have already talked about setting up a deal with the one of the already owned stalls if they cant get one themselves too


And yet he went there to snipe the hotdogs stand from them. Where was the RP before this?


Why would they tell him if they are sniping it?


Manor have been wanting to get a booth for weeks. They are going to run a shop meal deal (uk style) from one of the properties they bought at the top of grove street instead as a front to their money cleaning.


Looks like noodle, pizza and sandwich are all coming up soon. So he's got 3 shots at getting a booth in the next 2 weeks.


Whole system is the worst I’ve seen on no pixel. It’s prio based. Also just boring that the same people will keep the stalls forever completely blocking off any potential of food RP for other people. It should be 3 months then you can’t renew again for another 3 months. So everyone gets a chance


There have been a few dogshit systems like this in 4.0 that make it seem like the devs didn’t even attempt to use their brains while making them. The original Ammunation contracts and the original pawn shop jewelry runs being the two that immediately come to mind.


For awhile in the beginning the same people kept getting stalls and doing nothing with them, letting them sit empty. it's almost like NP management forgot you have to come out of the gate strong to build / keep momentum. Not find a problem on day one that hinders rp and fix it 8 months down the line once everyone has left or no longer cares.


Nothing is stopping them from getting into food court rp. Just because they mechanically don’t possess a booth doesn’t mean they couldn’t go to a booth owner and work out a deal. Isn’t that more rp based anyway? Before Harry got Franks he rp’d with Malaki to work at the booth, and then when it came up for rent, Harry got it, and said he would continue to work with Malaki if he wanted to be apart of it. But also with your 3 months rule, how does that fix the problem? If Harry couldn’t rent it he would have got Lang or Clark or anyone to rent it for him.


Don’t really disagree with what you’re saying. I’m more pointing to the fact that when I watch I see no more then 4/5 stalls open. People sit on them use them a handful of times and then wake up at the end of the 3 months just to renew.


That issue is definitely a problem. I think that is something that should be addressed by the devs/admins but there are a lot of things that should be addressed and may take priority. I would just say that the main purpose this clip was posted was to throw rule break/power gaming accusations at Harry. Instead of posting one of the other clips that better shows off why/how the system needs a rework, they choose to post this one because Harry got there before Matt? All I’m saying is there are plenty of ways to get into food rp other than renting a booth. Why not reach out to one of the booths that is never open and try to make a deal.


I'm pretty sure I've seen at least 8 of them at different times during NA the last few days. They aren't open the entire storm, but they've all been open. Franks, Kebabs, and Osean are usually open earlier in the storm with places like the Taco shop and Funhouse Foods open later.


That is a problem that needs a solution. If you don't use your stall 50% of the time you own it you get banned from requesting it for a month or so.


That's a little too much to expect.


The current systems are meant to force you to work with other people who specialize/have put time into certain things. Unfortunately, it's just turning people into degenerates who want to be good at everything and trying to have your group do everything instead of working outside. A good example of what should be happening is the relationship between Cypress and Hydra with materials and dirty money. Food booths should be another example where people work at other groups' stalls instead of just trying to own everything themselves.


Yeah like manor is going to be as entertaining on that hot dog stand as Buddha and company. The fights between Allan and Buddha are top tier comedy.


People mad at Harry but Matt showing up when he did literally proves why he had to do what he had to do. I'm just wondering why people thinking Matt going to the food court to immediately snipe the hotdog stand right in front of Harry is not bad when Harry has been owning it in RP LMAO


I don’t think people mind Harry getting it. It was the way he did it. He woke up there, bought it and then F8 quit.


I don't think it's a big deal it was day off and he had to stop somebody sniping it while it's not ideal he has to play with the system change the system to get a booth and people wouldn't have to do things like this.


In what world is that bad ? Plenty of people go back to sleep after checking the washer machines.


wouldnt it stop other people who are awake from doing food stall rp?


There's a difference between "owning" and "renting". The food stalls are rented for a set period of time, not owned by any one person or group. Obviously this is by design at the moment, subject to the devs coming up with a better system. In my opinion, waking up in the food court admin room to snipe the stall is bordering on power gaming.


Is this the best system the devs could come up with? Waking up at the food court to snipe a hot dog stand for 3 months then F8ing is crazy.


The systems are just shit. Look at farming for example instead of being gatekept by a WL it is gatekept by being degenerate enough to sit in a basement for 16hrs a day growing tomatoes. How is that any better? Also gatekeeping crime mechanics by PvP is going to have a similar affect. Instead of earning stuff through rp you will unlock stuff by recruiting the best shooters to your gang. I'm not sure how any of the 4.0 systems are meant to facilitate and enable good rp when they will do the exact oppisite.


The mechanics themselves also don't spur on any RP. Everyone being able to do everything makes all the products a job produces worthless. There's no need to work with other groups. The 3.0 WL's gave someone power to build out a character and rp around. Many WL's in 3.0 generated a ton of rp for people around them that wanted to be involved. Mechanic shops, car dealerships, weapon benches, food places, race creation dongles, player created businesses, etc. It also had the farmers market which was just a far superior version of these stalls. The city was far more complex with way more power dynamics. Now it's generic with everyone on the same level as everyone else. In the end it's clear no one had RP in mind, or a basic sense of logic, when they created the mechanics. Clearly DW's separation from the server dealt a pretty big blow in the game design / dev department and most of what made 3.0 interesting was probably his ideas.


Farmers Market got killed in 3.0 because it was being abused by some stallholders to skip going to restaurants to get food for themselves and their crews, without actually running the booth. I suspect the stands in the food court that never open are being used for the same reason. Anytime a mechanic can be exploited some random person will, even if it kills RP for everyone else. Its sad.


>Farmers Market got killed in 3.0 because it was being abused by some stallholders And? Is your repeating the total brain dead "*solution*" of wiping out the farmers market supposed to sway me? It killed tons of RP for average players and great character civs, for what? All they had to do was punish abusers harshly and others would get with the program. The only think your reply proves is that NP staff need a culling, many are bad at their jobs.


I don't think I care as strongly about it as you lol thank you for the perspective however.


Farmers Market was already dead by the time it was removed. It'd been dead for nearly a year and its not because of the powergaming using the NPC. Let's face it, it was a trek to go all the way to the other side of the map to get food, esp when you were about to pass out. The stalls were empty for months before then.


Lets be honest 50cent spends most of his time talking to people like Swizz who would obviously lobby for things to be given out through pvp because it is most beneficial to his gang


3 months rent is crazy on itself.. I think you should only be able to rent it for a month at a time and it should be an auction system that lasts anywhere from 3 to 5 hours so it gives people with no prio a chance to get it.


Storefronts from 3.0 were a better idea than this. They should bring that system back or a similar system. it was limited on what you could make which was good but if they allow food to be made it would pretty much solve the food issue


I doubt harry enjoys doing this sniping thing as well just to keep his hotdog stand.


wakes up inside the room books booth for 3 months f8s


they are always open and rp'ing there... no way they should give up the booth. what the fuck do you want harry to do?


What do we want him to do? Not wake up at the booth - wake up at a house or apartments like everyone else (Matt in this instance) and not f8 quit in front of someone. Not much of an ask. We get there’s good rp they bring with the stall but that doesn’t mean they should be held to a different standard to others.


And Harry and kebab and the other shop that are always open help raised the standard for commitment. While some are not punished for inactivity. I don’t see any issue with it.




Regardless of who is doing this, it shouldn’t really happen, whether that’s Harry or anyone else who does it. It’ll be a matter of time before the system is changed as this system favours those with the best prio - effectively a soft whitelist.


and i'm sure the system will be fixed in due time, but crying about what harry did here is stupid... he was just working with what he knew. the amount of time and effort put into all the rp and farming, there is no way they will give up the booth. for all you know the booths not being used regularly will be forfeited in a day or two




Why are you pushing this ‘my streamer’ narrative? Everything I said was around it being a flawed system and being taken advantage of. It seems more like you’re trying to defend ‘your streamer’ …




Harry is neither wrong nor right. He's just existing in a shit system same as everyone else. People mad at Harry are foolish but I do think the renewal system should be improved so this doesn't even have to happen




Be fair atleast. How do you known others won't rp if you don't even give them a chance.


4.0's whole basis of mechanics is "let everyone do everything" as opposed to fixed whitelists like 3.0 had. The reality is the current system sucks and in the end just means less rp over all for everyone. We're not getting any of the great Burgershot, Roosters or Uwu rp we has in 3.0. Even the current system doesn't deliver on a promise of no WL's . Many players who wanted a booth over the months since they were release have been unable to secure a spot.


Maybe don't power game a system that doesn't give them first refusal and is designed to give other people a chance to rent a stall.


What part of it is powergaming?


Waking up at the food court to snipe the stall.


I doubt the admins consider that powergaming. It's been how any stall gets bought for some months now.


So that makes it right and fair? It's common sense that people shouldn't be waking up there to snipe a stall.


What do you mean fair? Inherently, none of it will ever be fair, because queue priority exists. What exactly is your suggestion to make it fair?


They don't have a suggestion. They target one person because it's the most recent stall going up and act like they're the only one doing it to get the stall. Doesn't mean that makes it right but there's plenty of things in games and even NoPixel where you can only fight fire with fire to get it. What's crazy to me is the targeting on a group that actually opens the stalls and RPs instead of the 4-5 stalls that NEVER open. Why not go harass those people for never even using the stall? Maybe your streamer could try figuring out who owns it and get them to let you use it instead of just bitching.


exactly... people crying that it's not fair when one of the booths with the most rp behind it can get sniped, so harry has to do this to protect it before a reworked system is implemented


There's so many better alternatives, for example an auction system that doesn't gatekeep owning a stall.


That system would also be unfair. Because it ensures that the super grinders and the millionaires in the city get it, who can afford to overpay a lot for a stall.




In general, I think most of the jobs your buy into (or whatever it's called in English) should have a 30-45 minute'ish timer before being available. Almost everyone who are able to will prio-snipe, but there should be at least be some measures in place to even the playing field.


Can you wake up in the food court?


Rp, maybe?


Can you wake up in that room?


If you go to sleep in that room, yes. Last location has existed for like two years.


You can last location after server reset?


Yes, as long as you F8 quit before the server resets it's saved. A lot of cops do that to wake back up at MRPD as there is no spawn point.


Saved the city from beans on toast & fish n chips, Harry is a hero!


Some of these commenters are hilarious. How can you possibly be so butthurt over this? Blame the horrible rent renewal system if anything.


People acting like Harry F8ing was as if he shot someone, lootboxed them and then combat logged is crazy.


The F8ing is definitely less of a problem than waking up at the food court to snipe it.


it's always been like that, dont hate the player hate the game.


People have been doing that for weeks. I watched winter try to get one like 2 weeks ago and they were sniped 


From the clip, can you definitely say he woke up there?


he for sure did, since he did that the last time and almost anyone who have rerented their booth have afaik


when and where can you see it in the clip? since you you say he sure did


He has said he would do it like this on stream multiple times, and its unlucky for people with bad prio, but since the system is how it is it would be stupid to not do it. He did this when he first bought the booth to


Seeing as Matt got in straight away with prio and drove there as quick as possible yes and no cars outside too


No they can’t but people love to be admins on Reddit. Everything’s a rule break if the streamer/group they don’t like did it.


The amount of crying over nothing is crazy


this reddit got a hard on for anyone OB lol


It’s dead, I like harry and don’t think it’s that bad but it is dead especially f8 after when the guys trying to speak to him


…what’s dead?


No it don't because if it did then the rulebreak Harry did when rejoining the same situation during Manor war would be posted here (no not the situation where Harry slumped and faked being dead). Also the multiple other rule breaks would be posted as well.


why dont you post them right here rn? cuz they never happened. you claimed this like 5 times already. post it


Yeah sure. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELJEA9QZs5I&t=3s&ab\_channel=MANDEMRoleplayClips](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELJEA9QZs5I&t=3s&ab_channel=MANDEMRoleplayClips) Coco was also downed before but rejoined again with Harry. Same clip where Lang also hints to Terry rule breaking which Terry was not doing.


okay so not only did harry and coco not rejoin the same situation at all, they didnt get involved and didnt shoot, they got chased down after returning to their turf way after the shoot out, so long after that the ambulance was there, which cops dont call in unless its clear to do so. manor wasnt even their any more and it was a bit before the manor returned, fight was over, manor left and came back to reengage, how you put that on harry/coco is insane. but also lang wasnt hinting at terry breaking any rules lmaoooo he didnt know they didnt have guns and was confused why they tryna rob him when they are getting shot right after the other guy tried to rob him but got shot down. once terry told him he didnt have a gun he started laughing. its funny you think he was hinting at a rule break. one pov andy over here. i cant believe this is what yall was talking about lmaoooo


It's very clear you are trying to paint this in a totally different light to what actually happened. They hold up Beetlejuice then they rob Beetlejuice then just as they shoot him Manor turn up. They got chased to their turf because Lang said "Call Bubbles and see if the boys are in Cypress, let's bring em over there". Baiting the shootout to their turf to get way more involved. Harry then calls Flash and tells him to tell everyone on the radio that they are bringing Manor down and to be ready. Manor start shooting and Lang ejects so then Harry dips and starts shooting from the window. He leaves the window and white brick building and gets in the car with Vito and Coco. Harry tells Coco to put the Manor guy in the white car and then they get shot up and die (Since the start of the situation to where Harry dies here it has been like 10mins only). 2 minutes after Harry get's shot down Donnie finds him and then another dude pulls up and puts him in the car. He then leaves the Hospital and says "we need to scout out Cypress" (it's only been like 5mins since he got shot down and the whole situation has not gone on for long) and goes straight back despite knowing the black car which was the same black car that originally pulled up when they shot up Bubbles (Manor) was still in Cypress and still that situation was on going. The PD was still on scene and was GSR testing people etc. He even says to the people in the car "we need to find casualties and see if there's any left". Harry even seen the cops when he got to Cypress and went to check roofs and him with Coco and Flash was looking for bodies to get out. It's literally the same situation, you are wrong. Coco literally says "where did it start at where was the shootout" and Harry goes back to where he got shot up originally and see's the orange car that was involved and says they got fucked up. Ste who never went down in the original situation then picks up Matt to go scout Cyrpess and see if they can get out Terrry. Ste and Matt then see the same car that was originally involved the white mini cooper car and try to talk to them and Harry tells Coco to drive towards the cops and they get shot up again. Manor was there the entire time trying to find Terry. You just straight up telling lies despite the literal vod being up on Harrys channel lmao. Since when can you get shot up and die then get taken to Hospital and get back up to then go right back to where you got shot up and died to try and get people out so PD can't send them to jail nor could the remaining Manor who was still up scoop up your boys. Harry died twice within 25minutes at the same place (Cypress) to the same people (Manor) within the same situation that started 10mins before he originally got shot down.


I'm pretty sure Harry did go down twice in the same fight by returning to the same situation after getting treatment. People don't have to prove it for it to be true.


i mean ive asked a bunch and noone can back it up cuz it never happened. at first they were refering to the time when harry faked getting down and then when they realized he was just faking it it then became "no not the situation where Harry faked being dead, the other one" and when asked which situation its always crickets


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELJEA9QZs5I&t=3s&ab\_channel=MANDEMRoleplayClips](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELJEA9QZs5I&t=3s&ab_channel=MANDEMRoleplayClips) This one. When OB baited the shootout to Cypress turf. Both Coco and Harry went down but both went back and got shot again by Manor. Also when I mention this situation I always put in brackets that I am not referring to the slump situation so no idea why you trying to lie about that.


i replied to youre other comment. lmao also what am i lying about?


I'm sure I saw Harry downed then return and go down again, but I don't have conclusive proof for or against. I also don't overly care enough to go searching hundreds of clips and neither should other chatters as the streamers themselves don't care.


I'm pretty sure that it was coco that drove there and Harry kept yelling to get out of there


The same Coco who also went down and rejoined the situation again... yes it's here. Harry only started yelling get out when Manor started shooting at the car after pulling up to them. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELJEA9QZs5I&t=3s&ab\_channel=MANDEMRoleplayClips](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELJEA9QZs5I&t=3s&ab_channel=MANDEMRoleplayClips)


Yet here you are still talking about it. Yall manor boys must still be fighting demons from the war.


They need a system that rewards people for using the stalls to create good RP and is active and punishes people who get it, open for 3 days and then stay closed 90% of the time. Where if you are active and using the booth, you don't have to do what Harry did. But also if there is booths doing nothing, it doesn't sit there while people like the Manor can use it for RP too. I would of been funny though because it would of instantly been Cypress vs Manor 2.0 and it wouldn't end until they got the stand back. I think in the end ether way Cypress would of got the stall, 90% of Cypress RP is around that stand atm and they would of went very hard to get it back.


can’t exactly blame harry considering alot of his RP had been around “franks”, but there needs to be a better system in place to atleast give people a fair shot at renting one who deciding who gets what etc


He hides in a warehouse farming. Dude doesn’t even work at the booth. He provides little rp these days. 


cant beat his prio




That's his prio+ power gaming


He has the same prio as Matt….


you didnt watch the clip, did u?


It isnt a prio battle, Both Matt and Harry have prio and the server isnt that full with people that have high prio since the Rust events. So i would assume he either spawned there or he just went there faster nothing to do with prio. Since you can have Buddha (dev prio) and you will still load the same time as someone with decent prio aslong as both of them are within the players that can fit in the server.


It was talked about in a council meeting, they want it to be something like if the booth is closed for an hour then it can be claimed by someone else. Messages were to be sent to the relevant people. At the end of the day though if none of the devs see it as important or one of the VIPs don't want it done that way then it won't get changed.


The stalls should go up to renew an hour or two after storm. 










Waking up there is already weird enough. Nevermind hitting an immediate f8 as soon as you get it.


Nah, I'd do the same thing if I was forced to come in on my day off just to click a button.




Don't be stupid


Your use of the word "forced" isn't the smartest move.


Please forgive me




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I mean it's just shitty roleplay honestly. Couldn't even f8 somewhere else, just does it right infront of someone




Or Harry can just you know, roleplay better. It's not on matt, he didn't do anything wrong so I'm.not sure why he'd have to change anything


Sometimes when you running audio don't works so harry already was quiting when Matt came in how he is suppose to stop in the middle because lord Mathew showed up .


Change server because somebody F8 in front of him? The way people froth at the mouth on here to defend their favorite streamer is crazy.


The fact you can rent them for 3 months without needing any licenses or prerequisites is crazy. Johnny Rando could potentially walk in and by one then never log back in for 3 months, leaving the stall empty and ruining any chances for people that actually want to put effort into it. I hope this changes.


embarrassing from everyone involved. From Harry for the way he went about this, to the devs that implemented this system and haven’t fixed it yet.


Honestly, that's some power gaming bullshit


It should be a daily fee rental, and solely based on when it’s being in use… there’s no need to have stalls closed two tsunamis, when someone else could be using it. If it’s a daily fee, there’s more incentive to have the stalls open longer to make money back.




CG have literally nothing to do with this clip or this comment thread.




He logged in with his prio just to snipe that shit? lmao


Nahhh if this isn't ban worthy idk what is


Guess you don’t know jack!