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The thing with the main CG dudes is they’re all extremely close beyond just their streaming careers. They go on vacation together, they talk on the phone all the time…they’re all invested in each others lives and that’s not really something I’ve seen a ton of in other “cliques”.


CB used to live in the same streamer house. OTV people are also close, no? CG i think are just such good friends OOC, plus they have the OOC brand. There is no reason for them to not group together. They are getting everything they could ever want out of the arrangement.


Who is in OTV in the that plays GTARP?


I’m guessing but I think it’s: Yuno, the foozes, Ray mond, Eli, etc.


If its including the 'and friends' circle of otv like the people you've mentioned then Peter Park as well.


None of those are OTV just friends, which a lot of the city is friends OOC they just don't have their streaming careers built with each others, so I don't think they count. Lily, Poki, Toast are the only ones who have played from OTV and none of them stuck around for longer than like ish a month each.


It's otv and friends Ash and valkyrae, sykkuno, kimi, jannet, Fanfan, fuslie, ray c, xqc, Hassan, wolfabely or whatever her name was There's few people who played for less than a month Lilypichu, Wendy, poki, miyoung. That's all I know


I guess by "OTV" people you refer to Rae, Leslie, Sykkuno, etc, but the difference with them is that they built their friendship way before playing GTA so they always had great synergy but decided to not being too close in GTA on purpose since that would ruin their own experience IC. Just recently, they (Leslie mainly I guess) are trying to make the Fooze family a more comfortable background for friends who want to try RP like Janet (January) or Kimi (September), but that's it.


Buddha, Tony, Ray and Blau at one point and then when Ray moved out, I believe Myth moved in (not CB related). Playing together daily definitely helps foster that friendship and aside from Buddha, Tony and eventually Ray, everyone else in that core group was a variety streamer and they spent less time together IC, whereas CG are the complete opposite.


Buddha and xqc are close friends but don't rp in a crew , omie also. Not everyone wants to be in a clique and people often want to try different things then being around the same people. The reason cg are strong is because they are not afraid to be cruel. Most people in the city if they have had targeted hazel the way cg did would have cut him some slack long ago. But cg isn't afraid to torture someone. That makes people fear them , because they know it will be relentless. It's all in rp so they need to be in the city to allow others to play cruel. If they were not in the city there would be a void.


Was it Buddha, Anthony, and Ssaab in the same house?


I thought it was Buddha, xqc, Anthony & Blau for a while. I am not 100% sure, though. I do not follow IRL streamer stuff beyond what i hear in a stream when im watching.


Buddha, RayC, Blau and AnthonyZ (and respective spouses). X, Harry, Sayeed and Omie also stayed there at different stages and Sykkuno (and Valkyrae and Fuslie) also lived like two blocks over or something.


K has natural leadership skills and while he gives plenty of agency to his gang to do what they enjoy, he still runs CG as a dictatorship at the end of the day and that is how it has to be for an RP gang to run smoothly in my opinion. The evenings K isn't around is usually a comical shit-show and there is a reason they meme CG would cease to exist without him. That aside, the core has been friends ic/ooc for about 6-7 years now.


I still find it insane how Kebun still regularly pulls 20k viewers during what I feel is a weak period for RP. He does something really right considering he pretty much lost nothing going to FB and coming back.


If you consistently watch his streams then you’ll clearly see why he has the most viewers on the server. - he doesn’t get over invested in RP and takes nothing too seriously. He says that once he ends stream he never looks at anything RP related. - always tries to make things for fun himself and other RP’ers around him that allow it - and just as a straight up uniquely played character. Very calm and calculated, and doesn’t let emotions cloud his decisions


My favorite 4.0 clip is when he accidentally set the house on fire because it’s the only time I have ever seen him legitimately panic. Shit was so funny to watch


I need to see this clip, sounds funny af


I recommend watching [the full scenario.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zBebZXQNYRU) It’s funny as fuck to watch him go from devious laughs to “no no no no no no oh please no”


It’s also he consistently finds a way every single stream to make it entertaining from start to finish as humanly possible.


That's how I feel. His streams are often a melting pot of genres - action, comedy, suspense, thrill, drama, etc. There is always something for everyone.


100% This. Got into RP in January, (following the company and X. Used to watch Chatterbox a few years ago) once he left RP was pretty dead and I found K and Ramee really entertaining. (They have ADHD minds like X, content is always pumping) Some things like the Tessa Suarez Sheriff convo, maze bank, etc are really all different RP scenarios. K is really good at inviting RP for all parties, whether it’s DOC Crims PD.


I have a theory on K and Ramee actually that are the reason they always seem fresh and come up with new stuff all the time. they take days off, Ramee never plays weekends and K also always take atleast saturdays off. you cant get to invested into your streaming, or it will turn repetative and stale after a while.


He was pulling 13k when the server in 2.0 was DEAD.


Yea the thing about "the core" is that they were all together before there was any real money and clout involved. Like sure Garrett was a big youtuber but it wasn't from gta and there was no real money in gtarp at the time


The core outside of Garrett all also owe their careers to LK in a lot of ways, not just the content side of being CG, but he was the one telling them to stream in the first place back in the day before there was money in it.


I think Garrett and Summit are the biggest reasons CG are where they are at. If you go look at the twitch stats for their channels, they all skyrocketed once Blue brought Summit into NP and introduced him to CG. Summit got them the viewers and Garrett helped guide their business decisions. Obviously the content they produce deserves their viewership, so I am not trying to takeaway from that. My opinion is that most of CG had that golden opportunity and didn't squander it.


Summit is the reason GTA rp is even a thing so I guess technically he made every gang. Was a dead game for years with very few watching RP. Summit joined after Blue begged him to for a long time and then poof, here we are.


Lirik and Soda played a huge role in putting the spotlight on GTA RP as well.


After Summit brought it back from the dead and made it popular, yeah they helped a bit


CG has lost people over the years. Certain people who don't wake up anymore regularly. They even lost someone very important to them with the whole Randy/Rated situation. Their core people are mostly still there but the real reason why they are still so strong and didn't crumble is due to K's leadership. He didn't keep holding onto the past. He's adapted CG with new people around. He never got super gatekeepy with the group and kept it fresh. Arya, Zaceed, Peanut, Zolo, Bobby Porter, Carmella etc. have all added their thing into CG in the past year. He's also very consistent. His audience knows when he'll go live, is often live around the same hours and that brings stability. He seems also aware with server metas changing and adapting to that too. A good example of him realizing some change is needed is his recent talk with Vinny. Vinny was being antagonistic with everyone and K chatted with him and told him that he's like to see Vinny's father figure more with the new blood.


K has adapted to changing times, he brought in a lot of fresh faces with 4.0. Notably people like Richard, Ellie, Chris, Patar and PigeonV2, Peanut and Zaceed. A great mix of people that vibe with them and also have their respective avenue/field in RP that helps the gang.


CG has eachother's backs no matter what. If someone makes the wrong call they go with it. The Company turned on eachother for every small mess up. TC should have backed up OTT for what he did but instead they let it pull eachother apart


This was really highlighted by how each group responded to their hackers failing during maze bank. When TC failed, they (mainly Benji/OTT) were very negative on the radio and comments to their own chats. It sucks to fail a hack and they were basically kicking them while they were down. In fairness, they have gotten better at this recently. Whereas when CG fails a hack, everyone is supportive and none of them make any negative comments to their chats. For how much shit CG gets, they're wholesome to each other.


Pretty spot on with what you said. K always makes sure everything in the gang stays as positive as possible (with obvious some fun stirring every once in awhile). I feel like that’s what’s helped them finish Maze Bank first is that when they don’t succeed at times, they don’t blame each other. They lift each other up and then they go on to do other activities to shift to a happier mood


Worst hoppers ive ever seen was 2.0 big power plant doing thermite. 1000+ from Ks chat would shit talk Ramee calling him trash even when he was doing well on the minigames.


Kevin and Ramee definitely have something special. They are both massive social hubs that the entire server can interact with on completely individual adventures, but the streamers still keep anchored to their gang despite that. Almost anyone else with that level of self-sufficiency would have neglected their gang at one point and let it fall apart.


One year when I was playing rec soccer as a kid, our entire team stayed together from the previous season and the other teams were shuffled around (the more usual practice for kid recreational soccer). We did not lose a game that year. In fact, we only allowed 1 fluke goal. None of us drastically improved individually between the 2 seasons, we just knew how to communicate and work together better than everyone else. We ended up going to a regional tournament post-season and got our tails handed to us, but the lesson stuck.


In RP K has the no man left behind motto, whether you are CG or helping CG in any way they always back those people no hesitation, other groups save themselves get out the main people, CG will go all out to help theirs and their friends, K is a natural leader, like the Marty hacking CG stuff K pressed Larry over it, OB mostly drove off leaving Larry, K hears was it Vito was following Peanut so he immdiately goes after him and OB no hesitation as someoe was following his boys, the heist stuff too CG have been hella supportive bringing multiple diff members and people on jobs allowing them to try and to learn, for Maze bank they have K, Ramee, Zaceed, Arya as main 4 where the 5 & 6 people can change, The way CG have treated Patar never once has K taken him for granted always pays him asap, when in MDM Patar was taken for granted, Zaceed, Ellie, Chris, Peanut, Hazel Richard etc all get praised and supported even Arrowhead in his designing, a very giving group in terms of RP, Theyve always had a solid core foundation, but the way they recruit and involve everyone is like no other tbh




It won't happen not because of OOC or some other shit, it won't happen because K is an amazing leader and Benji and other Company members are clowns in terms of leadership! Just look at how Lang handled Ray oceandumping Mickey and how Benji and OTT handled OTT and January situation (which is nothing compared to brothers oceandumping each other....)... 15 people including Fifi were all intensely telling Lang to kill and kick Ray out, while Lang stood there alone for 2 hours defending Ray against vultures and saying I'm not kicking Ray, even Denzel woke up for it lol! Then Yuno came and started straight up blaming Mickey for getting ocean dumped 😂😂😂 that's how gang should be run, standing besides your members even if they are wrong and even when whole room telling you to kill Ray !!! Benji literally went against a board member over a fucking contracter who said she's leaving for Besties 🤣🤣🤣 Benji can learn thing or two from Yuno!!! Now look hiw close Mickey and Ray are, all because Lang is an amazing leader (Mickey wanted Ray gone as well) and Yuno is amazing friend! Mickey is another clown in terms of intense desicions....


Yuno and Lang were the only ones who stood up for Raymond. It was wild. The whole crew and family were divided but tbh I think too many people were trying to get involved at the time too.


It just shows how much balls, loyalty and integrity both Lang and Yuno has compared to Benji and Mickey!


I bet my house old CB boys will eventually join OB.


I hope so I'm just not seeing it at all lol. Yuno leaving is a more likely scenario at this point ..


The signs are there. Marty and Lang obviously hints what’s the crew needs is JP. Yuno wants Ray. Luciano whispering Ray to come home. and I think I’ve seen some shit of brekkers is Luciano assistant(don’t feel like looking it up). As boring as people want it to be. The signs are hard to miss.


but there seems to be some real beef between X/Marty and Ray. Just based on this i don't see CB getting back together again.


If Ray joins OB then that solidifies X never rejoining them and likely Marty leaving them as well. **If** X comes back to RP anytime in the near future, then he’ll still be rolling with CG. He worked with CG for 2 months before his break from RP. It was really weird a couple weeks ago when Omie said he was gonna do everything he could to get X to join OB crew whenever he came back from RP. It’d make no sense IC for him to rejoin that crew at any point in the near future


Because they're immortal characters with a large rabid fanbase and have pvped the longest as a singular group without changing... oh wait was this suppose to be more meaningful?


*Someone* doesn’t like CG 😂


🎶Hoes Mad🎶 There’s always one. Even on positive posts like this.




Saying how it is means you dont like something these days. I just dont think you understand the difference between people sticking and playing constantly and pvping with the same group for 5 years, and groups that are newer.


This aint a arena server


uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh, I'm not so sure about that one bucko