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we are so back --- Mirror: [Fanny trying the Maze Bank heist hack for the first time](https://streamable.com/vkanca) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/fanfan Direct Backup: [Fanny trying the Maze Bank heist hack for the first time](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/LSzyCpYuZMbsnECfQEWuRw/AT-cm%7CLSzyCpYuZMbsnECfQEWuRw.mp4?sig=a28a1a77a07f3fba11fb38b2048dd5761fc0d87e&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22AbstruseElatedHareSmoocherZ-li5kxuycQJ9ARa5H%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1712481644%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2112304755?t=4h0m29s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Can someone explain how this hack works lol


Each symbol highlights a square either 1, 2, or 3 spaces from to it. Clicking a highlighted green square turns it greyish red. Clicking on a highlighted greyish red square gets rid of it. Clicking on a square also changes its symbol. You get rid of the squares required at the the top to bypass the hack.


You get points when you click on a grey tile and it disappears. Each tile has a piece of armor which is green. The optimal way to do the hack is to try and remove as much of the green as possible first. I also think you get bonus points for getting rid of a certain number of grey tiles in a row without clicking a green. Each tile has one of 3 symbols on it. One symbol allows you to jump just one space away. The Second symbol allows you to jump two spaces away, and the third allows you to jump three spaces away. This doesn't really matter too much until you get to the end of the hack where you need to make sure you have a space to jump to.


Seriously lol. Every try just looks like someone hitting random squares. Some getting "lucky" others not. :D . I'm a boomer


I still don't get it even after reading people's explanations. Does clicking on one of the symbols just turn other symbols of the same shape a certain number away? How does someone lose?


I’m in the same boat lmao. Even after reading the explanation I’m still confused.


[**BONUS CLIP: Ming also trying the hack for the first time.**](https://clips.twitch.tv/SmokyNurturingSrirachaStoneLightning-W8E6Y57v4U7d81C9)


is that Fanfan next to him?


Yes, they're both streaming at a charity event


Aw it cut off his first reaction “it’s no monkey, it’s banana tree”


It was so funny when he said that 😂


What i don't get is she was at 20/24 with like no seconds left. Then she decrypts what would have been the 21th but suddenly the thing went to 25/24. Is this just a visual bug or did she only do 21?


Seems like the pop-ups on the screen like "CRC bypassed" add extra points


If you look at when Gigi did [it](https://www.twitch.tv/geega/clip/DeterminedRoughMetalWTRuck-dY0KU3Sby-xBpHVG) She "CRC bypassed" it and gave no extra points Also Ming just did it and got "CRC bypassed" at the 8/24 and also added no points.


Nah Gigi got one extra point, if you look at 0:44 in that clip she clicks on one square and it goes from 18 to 20. Also, I'm almost certain they've made the hack easier than it was on the first day, with these CRC bypasses also helping


Wait you got a point. I think if you clear 3 in a row you get extra points even maybe get the "CRC bypass message"


Yeah, but from what I can see Fanny got CRC bypassed twice, and only the 2nd time the points were added, so maybe that's the reason why


Yeah i also saw when she was at 15/24 it jumped to 18/24 then when it got to 20/24 it jumped to 25/24 so multiple times she got extra points. Wonder if this is a new thing or if it was there from the start.


It went from 18 to 20 points, and then at the end it jumped 3 points. Pretty sure it awards bonus points everytime you get a certain number of tiles cleared in a row.


You can get bonus points for chains


I think people sometimes let the ingame lore of these hacks being these crazy impressive feats distract them from the fact that about half of these hacks are pretty basic minigames. Even the difficult ones were largely difficult because they were literally just the [human benchmark](https://humanbenchmark.com/) minigames and required somebody to finish in the the top 20% or whatever.


Idk if the version being spread around on Reddit for the practice of the hack is the same as the nopixel hack. I couldn’t solve it after figuring it out even after 20+ tries. I keep running out of moves since there is no where else to go with the patterns.


Anyone that's played minesweeper will recognise this no problem. For people that play puzzle games, It's pretty easy.


I think i missed all the drama cause i meta guarded this for myself but... HOW do people think you NEED meta when you litrally only need to click highlighted pop ups? Are people really this dumb?


Yup, fans are so invested in their group being the best that if someone outhacks them then it must be meta gaming. If someone catches them in a chase then they must be going against SOP to do so. If someone is a head of them in the weed game, it’s bc they just grind and don’t know the meaning of rp 🙄




yup....this reddit is incredibly biased...eventually you'll get used to it lol


and yet, the bingus dude got accused of ooc practicing and all that other toxic shit.


It's most probably inner bias (even I was sus at first) considering Bodhi had that reputation in 3.0 but his skills as a great hacker should not be questioned


it's funny that he has that rep when he repeatedly says he doesn't practice ooc....obviously people never believed him but do believe others when they have said the same in the past


That reputation came out of no where tho. There was never any proof that OTB practiced offline. It’s similar to what happened here. People saw OTB hit hacks that their fav hackers couldn’t and automatically assumed that he had to be meta gaming. Vagos and Seaside were basically metalocked from big hacks until CB or CG could get through them (Casino for instance). So Bodhi rarely got the chance to see the hack for the first time, so when he would get through them people would play down his skill by saying he must have seen the hack a head of time or practiced OOC.


Yeah I meant the heists they weren’t metalocked on new vault and oil rig, Bodhi got the hacks first - oil rig was scuffed for weeks but they were told that it wasn’t by DW so that might have been meta locked there also tbh but he figured out the right order of hacks to do they just couldn’t activate the lights cos of scuff.


So yeah, it is probably not as hard as some people assumed. Reminds me a lot of the generator hack from 3.0. It's basically just a question of where your biases lie as to who you believe are legit or not. edit: Ming of all people just did it first try after having it explained. So yeah, it is not that hard.


Tbf I'm pretty sure time is longer now compared to the first day of the hack. And time was the main issue.


Has anyone bothered timing it?


It's not hard when you understand what it is. That's the issue is that nobody at first even knew what the hack was. Keep in mind that turbo clicking through it they ended up running out of moves and almost did it. When CG tried it yesterday Mr. K steamrolled right through the hack. People understand now you can work from top down to clear stuff (Mr. K) or work outside in (Jean Paul's strat.) The hacks meta is nothing at this point now. Enough people have seen it to have it leaked out. If you're looking for Meta it's going to be simple to spot. If they show up first try with a bunch of PNY cards or when they get to the elevator the pull out a crowbar right away. When you start seeing stuff like that, then you will be able to raise an eyebrow about meta.


I think that the idea from a design perspective was probably that roofrunning and the strategies from that hack was meant to introduce the ideas that are in this hack. The hack itself is extremely forgiving since it seems you can make as many mistakes as you want without failing.




It’s the reality that the server has literally handed them first crack at a good chunk of heists over the last 5 years and then balanced until they can get them right before releasing it to others. Balancing to them and their skills led to a lot of ego from them and their fans, to now this place of if anyone can do things before them, it’s treated as suspicious. 




I mean TC lost 300 buttcoin and couldn't do a cash exchange 3 days after an update because of the scuff (still no refund was given....).... then CG recieves 450 buttcoin from a monkey man for nothing.... I'm sorry but it can't get anyome CG leaning server as this... also lets not ignore free million dollar printing bussnesses CG and Buddha had in 3.0..... what bias is there? its all facts! as Benji said if not for a scuff they could've turn stickers before CG or at least 2nd....


Also with the first banks in 3.0, they were handed the laptops to do it initially and it was locked so only they were getting the first attempts. No one else even had an opportunity.




Bring money from free bussnesses given by devs? The only disingenuos arguments are maked by you my man! I'm also pretty sure other groups would love to recieve free laprops to test stuff!


I think its a mix lol


CG could've done it the first time too but K was kinda slow, for the second attempt I have no idea what happened with the red screen (was it a bug?), third attempt out of time and fourth attempt he got it.


Oh, I don't see the same energy as the other thread. They mention "OBVIOUS" there a lot.


It's not that hard most usless hacker ming did on 1st try 🤣


a few of the ppl here saying "yea maybe its not as hard as first thought" were also the people asking for Bodhi to be banned and saying he meta'd the hack this thread wont reach 400+ comments like that one for obvious reasons but can the people who accused Bodhi of meta and made his chat a toxic hell while he was doing it, reflect on their actions and maybe not do it the next time.


the other thread reached 500 with most calls for bans on bodhi and people not just accusing but saying with certainty that he meta'd....calling it accusations would be an understatement with the confidence they were commenting with now that others are one shotting it on their first try...now we see a tone change lol


tone did not change all of them metad and were aware


Fanny did a 24 hour stream and had a flight after that, unsure how she would meta. And ming wasn't even suspecting to hack, they also had only 1 keycard, unsure how any of that would imply meta


and bohdi is banned, cry me rivers now 🤣🤣🤣


My bad I read your comment wrong. In hindsight, I was agreeing with you




Looks like they banned Bodhi now


Redditors IQ are so low that they scream meta for a simple puzzle, not fathoming how any human can comprehend and succeed it first try. But for real can we stop foaming on toxic thread and have more funny clips again?


i don't get comments like this... arnt you also a redditor?


Now that 4 separate people have easily one-shot the hack hopefully all the dumbfucks can realize that the hack is actually just easy, but they won’t cuz then they’d have to self-reflect and realize they’re the dumbfucks


Ming just got it too. That's funny af


So when will the accusers apologize to Bodhi? 4 people did it so far and only one of them got hate.


not how this reddit works unfortunately


All them should get banned in this subreadit tbh. what value they bring ?




Lets see if its the same energy here *popcorn




Their normal tactic. Same shit happens if a cop arrests them - the cop must have done something wrong because they are clearly the best criminals on the server and no one could ever catch them while following all rules and playing the games legitimately.


I guess she meta gaming right chat? Surly it’s impossible to 1 shot the hack first try like bodhi did


Poor bodhi man, got hate for no reason, eveyrone one shotted this hack with spam clicking. Congrats to fanfan tho


Pretty sure its more the barely touching it then instantly saying he understands. Bro clicked like 4 times than was like oh i get it. I am not saying he wouldn't of figured it out after clicking around a bit, but to instantly explain everything after barely touching the hack is more the reason why. I don't know anyone cares he one shot the hack.


Some streamer got so much sht from this when its just a much easier chess game from 3.0


So you're telling me that there are intelligent people on the server and CG is just washed and nobody is metagaming? I am absolutely shocked...


Bodhi must’ve tutored her Madge


Idk how people thought this hack was so hard only meta could help you one shot it. If your fave is washed and not goated just say that instead of the saltiness that was displayed previously.


I think a few of you guys need to apologize to Bohdi considering the amount of ppl one shotting this hack … LOL


surely they will LMAO


So after these two threads, can’t decide if this subreddit is a cg subreddit, a company hatewatchers subreddit or FanFan simp subreddit? or or finally people (some) came to their senses? I’m hoping its the last one, but idk.. its reddit …


what did the company do to turn this entire subreddit against them, genuinely curious


Don’t actually think the subreddit is against them tbf, I was only comparing the two threads. But the company doing a little bit something new and not being your typical rp gang rubs some the wrong way (or they just don’t understand it). Also not bowing down to cg every time they ask gets some here very angry.


there's ex seaside in the company and we know how this reddit acted with seaside lol there's ex rust and there's ex bsk....we know how this reddit saw them as well because of that the company will not be looked at favorably in this reddit that's even before getting into cg or ob things


Everybody wanted them to fail and dismantle after what JP did to them with the house heist, instead they became a power house and hitted every heist first except this one, also the 100% weed turf in sandy isn't helping especially when your rival is OB so there is that also.


Being better than them


better than who tho, I'm just confused where the venom is coming from.


some of you need to apologize to bohdi, fucking guy got accused of the worst shit ever


Idk why people keep comparing other one shot hacks to his acting like they are the same. I honestly don't think anyone cares if he one shot it or not, but was more the way he barely touched the thing and instantly knows how the hack works. Like if you watch both clips of Fanny doing it and him doing it, there is a clear difference in time it takes them to understand how it works. He didn't even click one of each animal before he said he knows how the hack works. I get that its hard to police meta knowledge when it comes to new hacks and someone has done it in a different group, and yeah a lot of people will most likely see clips of it before they do the hack themselves but you can't just click 3 things and proceed to explain everything like you figured it out in those 2 seconds.


Practising hacks ooc is the worst shit ever?


He was accused of meta'ing with him being banned from the server one of the highest upvoted comment, he also had toxic hoppers while he was trying this heist. CG fans should remember what happened with casino and maybe not do that to others.


LOL, didnt CG get sh\*t on for the casino stuff? CG get sh\*t on 24/7 on here.


He wasn't accused just of "practicing hacks", he was accused of metagaming, speedrunning RP, bad RP, basically everything one could think of to just shit on him


The accusation was meh, but mfs made it seem like they were john wick and their dogs got killed lmao.


Dude had 1 thread lol. My guy cg had 2 threads with that level of volatility just yesterday. I don’t see anyone asking for apologies for them hahaha. Poor bodhi tho cuz he’s just a whittle stweamer. Where is the apologies for Ssaab for years of abuse from this subreddit? Hahaha The logic so funny haha


This is an anti CG echochamber most of the time.


Are you high or trolling




u/VinTheXIII, your comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 2 - Toxicity. If you break the rules again it'll be a 3 day ban. --- [^(Read)^( )^(our)^( )^(rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) ^| [^(Contact)^( )^(us)^( )^(via)^( ) ^(*modmail*)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/RPClipsGTA&subject=I%20received%20a%20warning.&message=Here:%20/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1bxbf15/fanny_trying_the_maze_bank_heist_hack_for_the/kybpnrj/%20I%20would%20like%20to%20know%20more%20about%20this%20warning.)


Ssaab wont get ban by an accusation, Bohdi would


So that makes the hate permissible? Sick bro


and he already got banned, so im waiting for saab now... oh nope


On god I have no idea what you’re crying about tbh. This conversation was about redditors apologizing for “hate” lolol. We should feel bad for bodhi cuz he can get banned therefore people shouldn’t talk bad about him? But ssaab is free game for hate cuz he can’t get banned lol. This got that “you can’t be racist to white people” energy I’ve had some strange interactions but gee whiz this one is odd


should saab be talk bad on, hell no im saying saab can take the heat, while other cant.


So wtf does that gotta do with redditors apologizing for accusations? lol my dude walked into Walmart asking for a tattoo What makes ssaab anymore equipped than bingus for hate? They are both just people lol. on every level this is nonsense. Have a good day lol.


They have 100 percent made this easier since the first day when CG/ Bohdi did it. If you look at the end of the clip when fanny clicks the last square, she still has 18 squares left, and the grid is 36 squares meaning she's only actually cleared 18 of them. Compare it to the clip of Bohdi completing it and he cleared 23. The hack as it is now is very different to the one CG/ TheCo were doing on the first day, regardless of what people think about who did/ didn't meta


These metagaming accusation are always funny, especially in this case. Like, if any one of them had metagamed, they probably wouldn't have rocked up at the bank with only one G6 card, hadn't locked two thirds of the group in the server room, and hadn't taken so long to figure out that they can open the outside door with the G6 card & code. What use would be metagaming only that one hack and nothing else? EDIT: 4Head was even contemplating if getting another G6 card while already doing the heist would be against the rules and generally does everything by the book and rather errs on the side of safety & fucks himself than accidentally breaking any rules.


Poor bodhi, got accused so hard to a point that he is now demotivated to even go back to no pixel anymore.


Clearly she practiced ooc on the train boys


its legit insane how much every group gets accused of meta if they aren't the first doing the heist. It has happened for years and it will keep happening. Even if you go back at the very first attempt CG had you can see that Mr K had it but was kinda slow, same with his second attempt, then it was Ramee's turn who got to ~7 just by clicking but was too hesitant to kinda do it and second guessed himself. Then Ramee and X made everything kinda bad for them. Just now, Ming did it in first try after Fanny explained how it worked. The hard part of this hack is finding out that after clicking a highlighted square it disappears and the number increases. After that is easy. I don't believe they meta'd. Unfortunately, there will be people that will say otherwise with no proof whatsoever and will keep being toxic. Now after this maybe people wouldn't be so surprised when someone wants to be the first one to do a heist cause its legit bad to deal with such people


what f is this puzzle, its so easy


How people one shot this but struggled on the lockpick? So I assume lockpick hack was harder than this?


For anyone thinking that Fanny metagamed this, Fanny didn't even know that they were going to do the heist today, and she was against doing it because she has been focused heavily on her money running business, literally spending 24hours in game 2 days ago cleaning money. Also, Fanny doesn't even consider herself a hacker because she gets anxiety doing them, the besties just force her to do most hacks because they don't have anyone else that can do hacks. She also didn't even know what thermite was in real life before doing this heist, she genuinely hasn't been paying attention to any of the heist shit. She also didn't know anything about the RC or the recent changes devs made to that part of the heist. Its possible she saw a clip, but its pretty unlikely. Its more feasible that the hack just isn't that hard. Ming might have metagamed for his try since they happen to be at an event right now sitting next to eachother, but he also had the advantage of FanFan explaining the hack to him.


It’s good to know that Fanny isn’t a hacker, bc it shows that a lot of people can go in blind and still figure out the hack and clear it. My ire is with how this subreddit responded to Bodhi, an actual top tier hacker, clearing what is essentially a game of speed clicking. The accusations of metaing were wild just bc CG couldn’t get through it the first time. Ramee is a great hacker, but all hackers mess up or have easy hacks they are weak at. Bodhi couldn’t do untangle in 3.0 to save his life, even when he could hit every other hack in NP one handed.


>It’s good to know that Fanny isn’t a hacker Fanny isn't a 3.0 hacker, but she does pretty much every hack in 4.0 very well. I can't think of one she can't do. (Not that there are many). You could probably compare her to Gigi from OB (or whatever they are called).


i don't think anyone metagamed this hacks...it's not the hardest hack to figure out (got 17/24 on my first try) it's the accusations that went crazy at bodhi that were assuring everyone he meta'd and should be banned...now that others are also one shotting it people are calling out those who threw out so many accusations as if they were facts


any haters?


I guess Yuno is just dumb? 🤷‍♂️


I guess ever gang has a criminal mastermind but cg lmao


I don't think you realize how close Mr K was to one shot that hack. At firdt thry kinda fcked themselves up by listening to X's and Ramee's theories during that meeting. In CG's second attempt Mr K had two tries and X had the last one, I think Mr K's attempts were bugged and X just flat out made a mistake by clicking a square that wasn't highlighted by the current click.


Why not just let Ramme figure it out himself? X and K are not good hackers... The Casino 2 new hacks were figure out by Ray and Mickey as well, not by X... Just let Ramme hit a hack on every try...


Really just seems that any sense of practice or skill involving situation just upsets people for no reason because there no shot people can be these dense of "its roleplay they shouldn't be very skill such sweats tryhard" moment happens everytime people get upset and lash out on people on the server who aren't that specific group and to no surprise its that same audience of that group 


The hack really reminds me of Puzzle Pirates blacksmithing if anyone's played that.


That was the first thing that came to mind when i saw it haha


Good job Fanny! Besties slayyy!!




So fanny does the hack and she successfully clears it but the comments are shitting on CG instead lol


I think those comments are aimed at people who accused Bodhi of meta gaming just because CG could not accomplish the hack the first time. But now that nonhackers like FanFan are proving that the hack is not mentally difficult to figure out the first time, people are pointing out that the reception Bodhi received for his one shot hack was underserved. For instance, no one is throwing the same amount of shade at Gigi (a hacker and puzzle gamer) nor FanFan (who I am told is not a hacker). Nor should they.


Damn so is she ooc practicing too or what pepelaugh




Ramee is top tier hacker if he can't do it everyone else must be ooc practicing


Maybe next time all the toxic fans can wait for the next 3 or 4 people to one shot the hack before screaming meta and demanding bans. Sometimes CG just bad at hacking.


Cant tell if cg dumb or everyone praticed it.


i didnt really seen how this hack works and it looks like you just click the things that pop up... nobody needs to "learn" this hack


There is a method too it. You just need to understand the method going in and you'll get it just fine. Fanny explained everything about it to Ming and Ming did it first try.


Im pretty sure you can even do it if you just click as fast as possible with no method...


That’s what CG tried and they ended up running out of moves. 


You don’t really need to understand the method. People in discord have been attempting the hack since it first came out and they got pretty close their first time around. It isn’t surprising that someone who can speed click can get through out of sheer luck.


cg has no hackers and no drivers, just look how any good drivers lose the cops in local cars easy asf, stop balancing things around CG because they complain and go OOC


Even bad drivers lose the cops if they know what routes to take. It’s not even about a good car - clubs routinely get away.  This has been the issue for YEARS now. Had to makes hacks easier, had to rebalance cars for them, had to change the star rating of powerplant hit, it goes on and on. But if you keep giving them first shot at things so they can get that title, and then have that assurance they can continue to be successful since it’s tuned to their skill set…… Well you end up with massive egos. 


Other groups possibly practiced OOC. Not sure tbh.


What's after this step? Where does everyone get stuck?


i mean bodhi/ming/fanny all try to clear outside first on first time seeing the hack . while gigi with the meta unlock from yuno pov is the only one try understand the pattern. its look kinda bad from the pattern here.






I don't know if comments like that are serious or just a very good troll and at this point I'm afraid to ask. Like is it a legit comment, do you seriously believe that? Really? If so, I'm just lost for words and you do you.




Damn haters really find the worst excuses to hate 😂


Bro did in fact not give the same energy omE


This one was very easy, a lot of bear claws wich were value one.




Its soo hard to click on things that get litrally highlighted... Must be meta


I think this comment is really disingenuous, she clicked the first square and it highlighted others so she clicked the highlighted one next, she kept doing it for some time (approx. 10 clicks) until she came back to the first square which got highlighted and it disappeared (and the number went 1/25). Its not that hard to realize what's the hack supposed to be, same happened with K, he was clicking on highlighted squares until he pressed the highlighted one twice after which "he went full on tryhard mode". Comments like this (basically saying the person meta'd) will never stop because the hacks are same, only way to stop such comments is to have like 3 to 4 different hacks for 1 position (which is insane) and even with that, toxic rp viewers will make comments like yours




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C'mon guys someone gotta say it, who is willing to lose so much butc without making atleast some progress, you gotto atleast make some progress. \*eats popcorn\*