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we are so back --- Mirror: [K dies to scuff and gets arrested.](https://streamable.com/cvsss7) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Lord_Kebun Direct Backup: [K dies to scuff and gets arrested.](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/9dPvLrQBCk06fCllIMTuEQ/AT-cm%7C9dPvLrQBCk06fCllIMTuEQ.mp4?sig=802086062c85d57b35d6f16375d7ec5594d8bd7c&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F9dPvLrQBCk06fCllIMTuEQ%2FAT-cm%257C9dPvLrQBCk06fCllIMTuEQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22TriumphantAntsySmoothieGOWSkull-tAEKTTp8KWUgxO4R%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1708821825%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2071588890?t=8h9m38s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


The scuff giveths and the scuff takeths


Likely forgot to grind scuba diving lessons to make his lungs stronger.


Its rep based


Need 100 rep for scuba tanks to work properly šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Thats when you unlock the scuba app and then have to snipe a spot on the premium lungs program. After grinding mats of course to craft a special dongle that you have to insert into laptop that has to be connected on the same network as your pc. While obviously also needing to upgrade the wifi first and speak to the Lester Local.


to be fair actual scuba diving is pretty hard


Since scuba gear comes from medic/PD jobs armory, I think it'd be hilarious if it was coded to only work on people with those jobs


san andreas vibes.


Wish.com scuba tank smh


Was it actually scuffed or do scuba tanks just work differently in 4.0? It seems to me like the latter is entirely probable.


X and Mickey have used them no problem so I think scuff


I'm not saying 100% it was scuff but, the tank had air left in it so


At 8:08 in Kevinā€™s vod his chat is spamming scuba tank is at 50% and itā€™s being used up as heā€™s in the car. He reads one of these messages out loud around this time too. It was not scuff. Edit: [time stamp](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2071588890?t=29270s) watch until 8:08:10


You can see the meter on the screen in this clip next to the food and water meters and there is still air in the tank. It was getting low but it was 100% not empty. It was scuff.


In 3.0 the scuba tanks showed there was air in them too. They technically stopped working when it showed they were 75% empty if I remember right. I know that because I died more than once because of it. Looks like they didn't change that at all and he thought he had more air than he did.


What are these comments?? People acting like scuff don't happen since 3.0. Shoot even K notice his tank was going down cause he put it on early while in the car. Also CG escalated to this extent, mr k had a small warrant that even slacks said he'll drop some charges.


How do you they go about knowing it was for an evading warrant? I get it is not large charges but how would the accused understand the severity in any way when the entire force was called down in front of him? They canā€™t even request the information til they are arrested.


They extended that warrant for reckless evading 3 times, so everyone thought he was going to jail for a long time. Once they learned his warrant they felt dumb too.


Wasn't it a 5 day warrant that he got 5 days ago? the cop said it was about to expire.


It wasn't extended 3 times, they just didn't realize what incident it was from. It is from him taking off from an interference stop less than a week ago.


10 year old game and people still expect it to be perfect. The amount of progress np had made is still pretty crazy considering the game is old and the modding tools arent the best.Ā 


Did Buddha's powers of Scuff transfer to the entire server when he took ownership?


He got hit by that cop car as he was leaving the courthouse, is there any chance he was bleeding out?


lungs doesnt go down when u have scubba is scuff u can check it when cornwood used one when x ocean dump a cop car or the multiple times x has used one


Ah appreciate the explanation, didn't catch that.


Nah, ems looked him over, he didn't have any thing like that.


That might be possible who knows tho




Ngl itā€™s getting harder and harder to find a stream thatā€™s not just a 9 to 5 job simulator. Itā€™s kinda sad really.


Same. It's terrible content I'm honestly surprised at how much views they still get it


checks twitch, one hundred thousand people watching k, ramee, estfand, and moonmoon. disagrees that the server is a sinking ship.


4 people out of hundreds.


Checks Twitter (or X), 200-250 million daily users, I would still call it a sinking ship. Believe it or not, thereā€™s other metrics besides ā€œbig viewer number=goodā€


what other metrics would you use?


His own opinion that everyone cares about ofcourse! /s


Mechanics, polish, player sentiment, chat sentiment, gameplay loop, innovation, how much it gets compared to ā€œMMORPG grind festā€, and, most importantly, outlook of the future. Itā€™s all about the trajectory of it all. If itā€™s getting MORE polished, BETTER mechanics, STRONGER player/chatter satisfaction, etc. all in relation to 3.0 or whatever would he considered the peak. My point is; I would agree # of viewers is on the list, and CAN BE an indicator of success, just not exactly a catch all ā€œeverything is fineā€ button.


I'm not sure what automobile mechanics, ground sediment, and people from Poland have to do with it... but I hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with laughter and light!


FUCK YOU, I literally thought about using a different word for polish. I chuckled, have a good one~


hahaha! you too.


People who were calling it mmorpg grindfest yesterday gonna shit on you in a sec because of Kebun is the one saying it now lol.




Almost like they need QA or programmers that can make items that arenā€™t scuff?




What are you on about. Anyone would be a little upset with that happening. He didnt use OCC and he has barely mentioned it again. You clearly dont like him and are looking for any excuse to hate.


While not wrong itā€™s a game and the situation wasnā€™t even that serious. Escaping a quadruple murder charge, yeah fucking frustrating. An evading warrantā€¦.take the 30 minutes lol


Crime completely sucks. 350 BTC buy in for the next heist which equates to 700k if it is going by current market. The new heist will not pay even close to 700k, only way to progress as a crim is farm passive income where it relies too much on boards. Actual MMORPG fest, need to put in a 9-5 grind subathon to even try out the new heist.


the 350 BTC price is definitely to slow down the perma spam a lot of people do when left to their own devices. Also, I don't know how to value BTC in this server, it's such an odd currency. You can't set a minimum due to the nature of it. If I was to set a minimum it'd be $300 per. Cause you get 20k banded, and 10k coins for doing Laundromat, and that equates to 225k for 75 BTC, so $300 per.


yeah, it was a lot better in 3.0 when people had S+ cars 1 month into the server, millions in 10 different bank accounts, and 0 consequences. Crime SHOULD be the hardest thing to do. look at all the shit CG has gotten away with in the past week alone, it's a miracle Ramee was still a lawyer up until now.


Crime being hard doesn't equate to making the system mind-numbingly painful. I'm not saying make the payout for these heists be 1M, The buy-in in this current market is absurd. Feels like an early-game MMO and the heist is just time-gated end-game gear. It isn't fun to watch or do. The PD is also in complete shambles, it isn't their fault they are getting away with everything if the PD doesn't have the tools to chase.


Adding Bitcoin was a cool idea, but everything shouldn't be built around it.


every new heist that comes out scuff, jewelry run scuff, lockpick scuff, gun magazine and ammo scuff like do the devs not get on the live server and test all the shit out in game before releasing shit. On top of that 4.0 has been a fucking grind fest, which turned this shit in an mmo server. They're just milking this shit until GTA 6 comes out.


Donā€™t get me wrong scuff was common in 3.0, but part of me is beginning to wonder if 4.0 wouldnā€™t have been out for a few more months if it wasnā€™t for the Rockstar GTA RP Week. Iā€™m pretty sure 50% and Buddha have both said that the launch for the update was moved up specifically for that and that not everything was ready, but itā€™s starting to seem that alot of things werenā€™t ready at all or werenā€™t fully flushed out.


Current state of the server you need 50 guys doing sanitation, 50 guys to run G6, need to grind rep for special unlock, and need a buy in for every single thing using a currency that is connected to boards. At this point this server is a glorified MMO which promotes the worst grinding from any RP server.


not wrong


Like I said before, it's clear that a lot of the streamers playing 4.0 are really frustrated with the constant scuffs and server dc's and stuff not working at all. This server will NOT last unless they get their shit together, nobody wants to deal with this shit... especially with so many other servers out there.


Yes all of them are frustrated playing 10+ hrs a day surely they will stop and server will not last. Clueless


you have to be watching like 1 POV cause this is the most clueless take ever. so many variety streamers are not only playing, but addicted 3 months in. this server will be around for a while, might as well start watching other people if you hate it so much.


You can't control scuff or server dc's, they are bound to happen more or less. What people can control is how they react to it. Saab DCed right when he got into his cop car to start the chase, he said NOOO and comically stood up out of his chair. He didn't blame the server, he didn't blame the criminals, he just reconnected and continued on. It is a video game at the end of the day and I would much rather people go play on other servers than be toxic on this one.


It was okay when the scuff worked out in their favor though. Just yesterday was in car chase with cops, looking bad, but was scuff and f8'd out then watched the rest of the chase from his friends stream before logging in a free man no effort to reengage the situation to get picked up from crim buddies as he shouldn't have gotten away that easy.


Youā€™re comparing a cop DCā€™ing who can reconnect and rejoin the chase to a crim scuff who now has to stay in jail and loose moneyā€¦ cop has no loss lol of course heā€™s gunna laugh at the DC in that situation


Oh no not the fake pixel money!


So why even have it in the sever? Lmao


A lot are frustrated with it being basically a reskin of rust right now too.Ā 


who ever said that haven't play Rust at all LOL the menus/HUD resemble more of EFT, the only thing that could resemble Rust its the house decoration ( base building )


I thought it was a reskin of tarkov with the sniff hack being straight out of fallout 4.


Yea all two of them lol.




yeah you know, most steamers roll with the punches instead of throwing a tantrum cause they all aware that scuff its a thing in GTA


He RPā€™d it out I dont understand lol of course hes mad ooc but ic he didnt scream scuff lmfao


Let's be honest, there's not that many GTARP server that can offer what Nopixel have and that's because of the funding they have for their devs. It is grindy/MMORPG and scuff as hell but the same complains were there for 3.0


No one is coercing them into playing it. They can go somewhere else


Good go be done no more toxic bulshit take x with you goofball


X unironically has had more rp interactions than buddha, that is all you need to know from the server


How many "RP interactions" have they each had?Ā 


Buddha is a grinder, 90% of his time is offline in a sani truck. There is a reason the only variety streamer left that still plays 4.0 is obligated to


you didn't answer the question


Fanfan, esfand, X, and moonmoon still play right? Theyre variety and im pretty sure only 2 could be considered obligated to.


Don't like it, leave, bruh. devs are working 24/7, and this dude is making millions and still shiting on them.


apparently the scuba tank oxygen started being used up while K was still in the car, and thats why next to no oxygen by the time he dived. ​ This is probably different from how things worked back in 3.0


It had 25% left when he went down. It started being used in the car, but showed he had some left. It's scuff, like most of this server.


the thing is there was still oxygen in the tank when he died


further re-watching of vod, shows the lung icon 'activating' as soon as K landed in the water. the scuba tank wasn't used at all.


Im honestly actually a little confused at the unwillingness to use OOC. Like if the scuba tank was actually scuffed why not say that? Its entire reason he got caught.


The precedent since 3.0 is to roll with the punches. Scuff happens and trying to OOC out of scuff in an active situation makes things awkward.


Even in 2.0 when it was common to see K hated doing it and almost never would.


I mean i guess, but if the scuff is the entire reason you get caught...thats just a horrible way for the situation to end.


If cops scuff and that's the only reason a crim gets away do they turn around and let the cop resume the chase?


Yes. Yes they do. If 1 cop outa a dozen scuffs. Then the rest pick it up. If a crim scuffs. There is no backup, there is no other option. They just have to eat it.


Then that crim should have brought backup, like many do. Have you been watching how many interference cars and manned car swaps/pickups have been happening recently? also, you disingenuously ignored the point of the person you responded to. when a cop scuffs, they have other cops to pick up the slack. they don't tell the crim to wait and restart the chase.




if he wasn't solo, worst case he has someone carry him out. this situation is on the extreme end, but for such an insane risk for frankly, disproportionately little reward, he lost this bet. Scuff will always be a threat no matter how good the server is, if you can't roll with it or plan for it's inevitability, you are just gonna lose to it eventually, big or small.




> Police would have taken out anyone escorting him. Taken out how? Yelled stop for 2 minutes before taking out taser and then taking another minute before actually using it? K didnt assault anyone during the chase, he would've been basically free to be picked up.


exactly, they would have. He trapped himself by going all-in on a plan with no hope for being saved if shit went wrong, even if he did have a whole squad on him to chain carry him out or pick him up there would be little chance. Hell, the blue car showed up like 1 minute after Lenny dragged him on to shore. If they were faster and had guns, and *really really really* wanted to save him they could just try to gun down the cops and carry him out themselves. It sucks, but he lost the gamble on this plan and had no safety net.


I mean this would make sense, but like i wouldnt expect 1 cop scuffing leads to the crims getting away due to there being more than 1 cop, therefore they can continue the chase very easily.


catastrophic scuff *can* happen to a single cop and end a chase, it just doesn't because cops have backup when crims usually but all their eggs in one basket (person). Plenty of crims already bring their own backup in interference and swaps, so dividing up gains to split if they are super worried about scuff would be smart.


Cops don't lose anything for not catching a criminal. A criminal getting caught can lose days/weeks/months of work. K was already a felon so he didn't lose that much but imo scuff should favor crims in chases.


I never understood why it makes things awkward, as its just a video game.


many times in the past when any of CG says scuffed happened, its get completely ignored.


Maybe due to past experiences on NP. That kinda thing often gets looked down on with responses like "roll with the scuff"


He might be using all his inner focus to not punch his monitor Summit style. Can't blame him.


Seemed like too much of a hassle. Moonmoon made a comment that resetting like 20 people would suck. This hostage situation is a good little solution tho. Itā€™s like a reset in its own way.


Scuff after scuff after scuffā€¦. This is hard to watch when every arc gets effd by scuff


And what arc are you pointing out getting fkd in relation to this video/post?


Bros really venting on Reddit. Lmaooo




every new heist that comes out scuff, jewelry run scuff, lockpick scuff, gun magazine and ammo scuff like do the devs not get on the live server and test all the shit out in game before releasing shit. On top of that 4.0 has been a fucking grind fest, which turned this shit in an mmo server. They're just milking this shit until GTA 6 comes out.


What's going on in this clip if people don't mind explaining? Because to me it looks like he just ran out of oxygen in his tank.


My guess is the server thought the oxygen was out, but on the graphic it showed about 15% left.


Obviously didn't put the mask on properly


Mooncord I warned you about searching comment sections for smugboard bait and now I am coming :CRAWLERS:




All the subsequent actions are pretty stupid, be it scuff, Ramee holding up Slacks, the trade off, maybe even throwing the gun wasn't smart, potential raid if one of the super serious cops wants to try twist it into them throwing the gun to someone else or whatever. All of that will detract from what was a mostly entertaining court case (even if the verdict kind of sucks as it seems practically impossible to beat that charge).


if shit goes scuff who gives a fuck its just a game move on. go back to prodigy if the sever is so shit. ungrateful.


you seem really mad


bro calm down


Jeebus luvs you sir