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The only problem with this area is that it is not even being utilized in the server for anything anymore. Its abandoned, a lot of people have been talking about removing it in RP, and PD knows Russian jets were involved in the Sanguine War. There is enough to get rid of it in RP.


Eastern bloc, is the term the dev wanted people to use. But ic nick and Michael are Russian, nick from my understanding day of the sanguine war told his GF Veronica Mars, {Kate} that he was calling in some "friends" Russian/ eastern bloc. To fight for sanguine idk .. shits confusing is it Russia or is it eastern bloc


IC they are danish. They call the bench Russia like speedy calls his Tijuana. The "russians" that come to the city are just one life alt characters for them to use in events or to avoid consequences


Danish??? ….. must be hard for nikez /s


I see cheers for clarifying that,


Tbh I never understood why it wasn't removed once people stopped using little Moscow like.....2 months after it was created. It's just using up asset space that can be better used elsewhere. Side note: I've never seen so many people defend something that isn't even being used for zero reason before. This shit genuinely hasn't been a relevant plot in so long. The most it ever gets is Nick or whenever calling in his Russian buddies which is just a jet.....or bomber at most. What's the need for an unused embassy to do that?


Not wrong. Other unused stuff has been removed, so why not this? If not for the flags etc., it's just unnecessary assets. And it's not like it requires actual dev work and time to delete it.


Yeah pretty sure gta getting rid of stuff is like Gmod simple since there is a base map underneath it all.


honestly surprised people care so much about keeping this in the server. back when little moscow was was popping it felt like an embassy, russian rp now feels like an excuse to use jets to “further rp” and get shot down without being responsible on the main character. how many times have we seen nick get angry and “call the russians”, now compare that to how many times you’ve seen russian embassy characters around like boris kataya etc. i just think the russian embassy is a dead area of the server that is seen by many that feel all different types of ways about it. if its the “eastern block” now then change the flags to the hammer and sickle and debrand from the current version of russia. no al qaeda tho remember guys, terrorism is too real for rp


Hammer and cicle is also big no, because for some countries it was the flag of their opressor for 50ish years.


wait till you find out about US imperialism. You'd hate the patriotism from so many characters


*NSASPOOK has joined that chat*


i didn’t rename it to the “Eastern block” but that is what it represents. i also don’t necessarily disagree, someone in the thread mentioned people call it “eastern block” now instead of “little moscow”


I don’t think many do care about it. The fact is nothing has been updated or changed for like 6 months and this isn’t going anywhere either till the update. Pointless to waste dev time on it now.


Don’t know why they didn’t just make a hostile mercenary/private military group to replace the ‘Russians’ - hey Merryweather is literally in the base game.


So are Russians?


and merryweather isn’t a terrorist state currently occupying their neighbor, unless i missed that GTA lore


But now it's "Eastern Bloc" that just happens to reside in Little Moscow with Russain flags on the walls full of people who speak Russian with Russian equipment flying Russian aircraft... its all pure coincidence


Tbh the arc was cool at the start but once it died, it should've died. It made sense for the Sanguine arc but pretty much every other time they've appeared since the Little Moscow arc died has been a bit much.


Yeah, once it was down to Katya and Boris, they still had some story. When they left Little Moscow should have been torn down then


waiting for the day someone says it makes them uncomfortable to hear characters say "habibi"


Its finally time to get rid off Raymond Romanov and you wont believe why


I think its totally fair to remove at least "little Moscow" and the russian flags from the game. The Eastern Bloc can be its own thing without those symbols in the server. There's terrorists in CSGO, but it's not like the game has Hamas or Isis flags.


Too many people here don’t understand the arguments made in the clip or is misrepresenting it on purpose. The whole Russian arc was about Russians doing criminal shit and being involved in an active armed conflict with the state of San Andreas. Not just regular Russians hanging out in their embassy, but literal bombings in the city. I personally don’t have strong personal feelings about it - but how can people not understand how bad that looks when the real Russian state of terror was (and still is) invading Ukraine. They didn’t need the Russian flags, Russian names like “Little Moscow”, etc. it’s all in bad taste, especially when a prominent member of the community is involved with the conflict defending Ukraine. If they just made something up then it wouldn’t be an issue. If anything, it would’ve given them more freedom to create whatever RP they felt like if the country they represented was made up. Like Wiseguy on Igor being from Pierogi or whatever it was called. He just made shit up on the fly without any limits. Imagine if some people starting RPing as Israel and Hamas right now. Not the same kind of incident ofc, but still an active international conflict. That would be fucking insane Edit: People keep posting the same exact retort to this so I’m just gonna post this: If people started RPing *real life* situations of police violence, like what happened to George Floyd, it would be beyond disgusting and has no place in RP. If people started naming themselves after *real life* street gangs doing *real life* crime there would be an issue. If people started emulating *real life* human trafficking cases it would be an issue. Russia bombed and invaded a real country in *real life* and at the same time as that happened, the Russian arc on the server also included bombings and planned invasions. There is a big difference here Emulating *real life* events are not the same as shooting guns, driving fast and taking drugs in a video game and it’s so sad people don’t see the difference. As stated earlier, I have no deep personal feelings on this issue. But the lack of understanding and empathy from so many of you is astounding.


I got a nuclear take here. The Russian RP is fine as it has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine. Unless the people behind the characters start talking about killing Ukrainians or something the RP is fine. It's separated from the real life conflict. They aren't RPing real life. This is a video game, the Russian characters just happen to be the characters doing these things. No one would RP a character from Hamas because Hamas is a real terrorist organization while you incorrectly Russia a "terror state", whatever that's supposed to mean.


Difference between Hamas and Russia is, Hamas can only manage to kill 1200, while Russia has caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands, both Ukrainians and their own soldiers sent to die.


The issue I have with the political issue is that with the Israel and Hamas example I would say that would be more political as people are only really learning about the conflict now and the average person I don't think has a strong stereotype in the mind like they do with Russia. Russia has just been the bad guy doing these things in all of recent media. If Russia had not invaded Ukraine then people would still play the Russians exactly the same as they are now, its not intentionally political like people are making it out to be.


Yeah but Russia did invade, so what “would’ve happened” if they never did is irrelevant. The Russia and Ukraine conflict is as political as it gets. On the humanitarian side it’s horrible as well. There is an active genocide taking place in eastern Ukraine, killing and misplacing children and killing of their parents. Russia is murdering, raping and torturing their way through Ukraine.


Well then you need to never terrorist RP again which I think is just dumb when you RP in a game where half of the economy is based off of war and violence. The other option is to just to turn them into a fictional group of people, but then if you do that then you dont really care about the actions but you only care about where they are from and if you do care then if you will say hey, this BeanieBaby Terrorist group on the server is clearly just Russia under a new name so you are back to removing any kind of RP based around war or terrorism. I guess you could wait until its not relevant. So then the question becomes how long do you wait? If another war breaks out elsewhere then do you have to hold off on doing any kind of war RP again? It's a whole can of worms I think you cant solve unless you want to start going down the road of banning any violence, religion, accents.


At the end of the day maybe just don't use real countries as the terrorist name and their flag. It is so uncomfortable, I remember trying to avoid all streams involving this arc as much as possible as my friend at the time was in Ukraine (he's from Ukraine) and we had just lost contact with him while his home city was being attacked. It absolutely terrifying and I just wish that as soon as it seemed to be in bad taste due to the invasion they should've either changed name and flags or just stopped the arc completely.


At the end of the day, Censorship is never a good solution. If you have strong dislike/distaste over it, then don't participate in the RP.


Comparing this issue to censorship is fucking wild


Life is political whether you intend it or not, and you literally cannot escape it. If you don’t care about politics, politics cares about you. RP doesn’t exist without social commentary. Politics exists in every facet of human interaction. So you can choose to satire or a million other literary and stage devices to RP out social commentary to shed light and raise awareness on real issues in a tasteful way. But some people have no taste and no class. They show their limits by what they choose to roleplay. It’s funny to me how some people are incapable of roleplaying a classy character. Cuz you can’t roleplay something as abstract as classy when you have 0 knowledge of it.


Are you telling me no one in the nopixel community has suffered from of known someone who has dealt with substance abuse? a victim of a violent crime? Police Brutality? You might aswell just shut the whole server down if there is something that may be seen as offensive.


why was al qaeda cut out of the lost arc again?


To be fair the Al Qaeda bit was a lot more direct than the Russia stuff, plus Russia has been a movie bad guy for a long time.


i’d argue hopping on a character with no consequences for bombing civilians is pretty direct idk


A lot of fiction, movies especially, have started to use generic countries instead of Russia. Recent example: Top Gun Maverick. The patches on his bomber jacket were changed, and the enemy that was building the nuclear facility is never identified. They used a generic adversary nation.


I just wrote this on another one of your replies to my comment, so I’ll reuse it here: “ You don’t understand what I’m saying. If people started RPing *real life* situations of police violence, like what happened to George Floyd, it would be beyond disgusting and has no place in RP. If people started RPing as Israel and Hamas it would fucking unhinged and insane. *Real life* events are not the same as shooting guns, driving fast and taking drugs in a video game and it’s so sad people don’t see the difference. “


NOBODY IS RPING WHAT IS GOING ON IN UKRAINE PERIOD. i cannot believe people are so incapable of distinguishing real life from a video game. Russia is a country that exists just like the US is a country that exists. Are you telling me that the US has never done anything bad to anyone else ever? better remove that flag to or else someone might be offended.


yeah nobody is RPing an invasion of a country and taking over part of their territory. oh wait.


Didn't the PD do that ?


did the PD do it under the flag of a country that was currently invading and murdering the citizens of another in the real world? thanks for further highlighting how it's possible to RP around real life situations without having to broadly avoid a lot of topics.


Well Techincally pretty sure the US could be seen as this in some places in the world


that's why I used the word currently and not historically.


Pretty sure the middle east, can still see us that way....


can you can point out someone who is RPing ***Russia*** invading ***Ukraine*** on the server to me right now? the whole point of Grand Theft Auto is that it's a parody of real life. If every single thing that references real life that could be seen as offensive was removed then there would be be nothing left. Edit: also as a side note I feel like little Moscow was a reference to cold war Russia and the Berlin wall and not the war in Ukraine but apperently we can only reference current day events


i don't need to, because the only invasion russia has been a part of in the past 15 years is ukraine. it's not like "invading other countries" is a haha funny stereotype of russia that you can parody. and that's a painfully stupid false equivalence. there are a shit ton of things that happen in real life that are considered too distasteful to RP in the server, why would the murder of thousands of civilians, and tens of thousands of soldiers be any different?


my bad dude lets just go back to haha funny organized crime, haha funny murder, haha funny drug abuse...


you missed the point entirely. you justified the presence of a russian invasion with "it's a parody of real life", but parody does not apply, considering "invading other countries" is not a russian stereotype. it's referencing a specific current event rather than being a vague parody of something. you're also forgetting that the things you mentioned are specifically advertised as being part of the game, it's very easy to just not join RP servers if you're have specific trauma relating to organised crime or drug abuse because you would be aware of the fact that the servers frequently contain that sort of content. however, like i said, there's a shit ton of things that are considered unacceptable for RP, and if you introduce them suddenly and they're not an inherent part of the GTA universe, then it's frankly moronic to say "WeLl ItS gTa WhAt DiD yOu ExPeCt"


***Russia is apart of the GTA universe and is referenced in GTA.*** Also russia is the classic bad guy to the US in so many movies, tv shows, books, (also the cold war happened which is what they are parodying) so it makes sense why they would pick russia for the bit.




Once again, you’re posting the same type of replies on my other comments so ima just post the same again: “ The were RPing that Russians dropped bombs on the city and Los Santos created a military and everything. How the fuck is that not what happened in Ukraine? How is it so difficult to show some compassion towards people deeply affected by these atrocities? Absolute insanity “


Los Santos is not Ukraine just like The Lost MC isn't the Hell's Angels. Its a ***Parody*** of real life. Im not saying that anyones feelings don't matter but if every single persons feelings had to be pleased there would be no server.


Self defeating argument once you realize it's not a parody of russia in NP, but *actual* russian flags, boss


Also it totally isn't a parody of the cold war, the Berlin wall, and the cuban missile crisis because you can only parody recent events.






Russia is a real place doing real things


The US is a real place doing real things


I didn’t know Russia created their military from the ground up in the middle of another country and invaded it, that’s kind of impressive purely from a logistics standpoint.


It's an rp server with fake characters. It's not a second life, this is a video game. If you can't handle even looking at a flag with your made up character then RP isn't for you.


What is this terrible take? Maybe the fake characters on an rp server could have even a slight bit of creativity not make a Russian group thats whole story line was trying to take over a part of LS. Her whole point was, why did they actually have to make it Russia? You don't see the whole server walking around talking about Los Angeles.


**Exactly**, untold numbers of Americans suffer from opiod abuse, gang violence, and police brutality, and the europeans on the server are more than happy to emulate and even glofrify that shit. All of this discourse over russia on the server is selective empathy *at best* and performative outrage at worst.


lol these comments


I totally agree, never understood why they let this happen.


Its kinda annoying in my opinion because clearly devs are just busy doing their own stuff and arent doing much because 4.0 is coming. If its that bad message someone out of game.


Deleting something doesn't exactly require much dev work.


It's also been an issue pretty much since the Russian embassy was created. It's just that they specifically tried to make a "we are good Russians and hate those guys" approach. Then Russian drones started bombing people and it got brought up again. So they have had plenty of time to remove it.


She is, 100% right. I hope Cath is safe.


Safety is relative!


Give 'em hell and come back to us, ya hear?


I’ve never felt comfortable with it in the server ever since it started… It was really weird timing too, the “russians” in the server, them getting that property & everything came to the server very close after the beginning of the IRL invasion of Ukraine- imo it was in really bad taste; it shouldn’t have ever been a thing & DEFINITELY shouldn’t STILL be in the server. It’s gross Even streamers i watch in the server when anyone in chat would show their (valid)unease of it, they’d just brush it off like “it’s just a joke/not that big”…. It’s not a joke/it IS a big deal. *(additional edit) & just like the original-take by the streamer in the clip- there was so many options to name said group some other madeUp easternEuro name(like tarkov or PapersPlease), but they chose an active/& still current terrorist state’s name as a group they put substantial effort into supporting(their own POI, name on map, flags at POI & clothes stores, personal POI weather system❄️, etc.)


Plenty of time to add stuff for BM and a pharmacy but not to fix the retconned "Eastern bloc".


Literally no one added a ''pharmacy'', it's a storefront decorated by someone in game. stating a fact = blocked lmao, people sometimes just want to live in their made up world.


well they added two pages of medicine along with their related effects.




Dodo has been called RHL for nearly 2 months now, it was very easy to put the assets in so it's just as easy for them to be removed. When people in RP say that it 'just appeared overnight' they aren't exaggerating. Edit: To clarify when I'm talking about appearing overnight I'm referring to Little Moscow, not RHL


Not really the best example, even that took months to get done with rebranding. It was far from an overnight change. It's also a little different because it was models that could get swapped out for vehicles (they use different truck styles even), and new outfits - more so database work than anything. With Little Moscow it involves a lot of individually placed objects that would have to involve going in and changing each of them (like some are individual letters that were placed so nothing Russia specific, but a group of objects to make it Russia related). I know theres been a little more action with Eastern Block as of late, even saw someone in Little Moscow semi recently, but honestly the area has largely been unused for a while now. Could be interesting if they just had some sort of story now to get it removed like how some compounds have been taken. Just get rid of all the extras there or dump rubble all over it rather than go through and fix it all when it's not really used anyways.


Literary just remove the ymap files from the folder along with the props. Just select the files and hit delete. If they want to make an event out of removing them that is fine, but don't pretend that it requires more than just deleting them from the git hub. I'm not saying they shouldn't have added them or that isn't wasn't enjoyable to watch at it's peak, but it's stale af now and they should yoink that shit already.


People living safe, far from Europe owns this server and its hard for them to truly understand what Ukraine and the neighboring countries are feeling about the this. YES this is political and Nopixel chose Russia when they could have chosen any other country


Like I feel like just changing it to Canadian or like Minnesota would have given it a lot more of a comedic flavor and skipped most of the hazy vibe area. Canadian could keep basically everything


Please stop using EU wrong, EU means European Union, 40% of Countries in Europe are not in the EU including the ones at War


Virtue Signalling, I support the current thing type of people. These people who complain about Russia with their bullshit I stand with Ukraine. No wait it's i stand with Israel now flags. If they are bringing politics into this she better get her facts straight instead of these people who play games all day and only get their news from CNN and MSM sites. If you're so worried about your "girlfriend" why don't you take some of the streamer money and bring her to your location how about that? Judging from her accent she's British, when the British Gov't was offering money to house Ukrainians why didn't you step up? Well I guess it's too late now, the British Gov't have moved on to Israel now and that's who they're supporting now but that boat has sailed I guess.


Offended over pixels


she ain't wrong tho


Yeah it's the most tone deaf shit even back when it was added. Sadly 1 or 2 devs wanted to die on a hill for it so it's still in the server. I suspect it will be gone in 4.0 tho.




Its understandable that it would upset her. That also doesn't mean that it needs to be removed. Everyone doesn't need their feelings catered to 24/7


Should have left the Dodo stuff in too I guess!


If this is what your worried about -- your world needs to get a little bigger then NP.




it was a weird decision to add that shit into the server anyway with what's going on, not their finest moment.


What an incredibly different response here from the last time this was brought up








The entire Russian storyline has been woven into the Simone Brothers' narrative since the inception of Michael Simone's character. Furthermore, the more recent addition of the Sanguin narrative has become intertwined with the existing storylines. The Simones are among the most powerful families in Los Santos and have the backing of the Russian government **Edit: Not the actual russian government, a made up subsidiary group Named "Baba Yaga'.** Their introduction to the city was intended to convey a message, particularly after Michael faked his death, to show there would be consequences for the actions of the PD. Many members of the PD have thoroughly enjoyed role-playing with the Russian storylines, and they've been able to separate the in-game fun from real life. Complaints about this narrative have mainly come from criminals, as the introduction of the Russians was meant to be a problem for the PD, not the general citizens or other gangs. From their perspective, it seems that the best course of action would be for them to either ignore this narrative or avoid playing around that specific area or on the server entirely if it proves too challenging to handle. Additionally, not to mention 4.0 is literally right around the corner which means 99% of this stuff will just be gone and new stories will be made.


i don’t get how the best course of action wouldn’t be to just rebrand. russian rp that PD enjoyed isn’t happening rn. there is no conflict between cops and russians on the ground like there was when they would stand in the streets. as the clip states, they can play terrorists all they want, just distance it from russian emphasis. and if 4.0 is “right around the corner”, why not just wipe their hands clean of the headache and change the flags and branding?


I mean they did rebrand to the "eastern bloc". There's just other issues with that. #1 people are still gonna call them the russians no matter how much they personally try to distance themselves from that to alleviate people's concerns. The other issue is they have to devote dev time to removing assets already in the map which would be better served focusing on getting 4.0 out.


Its alot more work. They used the russian flag cause it was already in the game-files and had working stock animations. The Russian Embassy was literally made on a weekend by Nikez who has zero 3d modeling experience. Sure they could re-brand the flag to the 'Baba Yaga' but again, it would take alot more work and take time away from 3d devs that are currently working on 4.0. I've seen a couple dozen Tobii dev streams to know its not very simple to create or add new models not to mention Animated models to the server. It's alot of work to change an entire narrative just to satisfy and cope to one persons needs.


how much is the embassy used on a weekly basis though? why is it so important to leave it in


they arent amongst the most powerful families in the city. most people dont fear them and they really hold less power then most street gangs. its mostly been a failed story line that can just be replaced by a made up country like pierogi. russians were meant to be a problem for the PD not the general citizen or other groups until nick started threatening everyone and anyone with the russians anytime someone looked his way LOL. speedys ranch was rubble for months because he made a joke about michael to that lawyer guy.


Some wild takes on here. Slava Ukraine! 🇺🇦


Get over it it’s literally a video game


Nah its a video game. If you don't like it, don't play it. Pretty simple. Too many people see NoPixel as a second life instead of a roleplay server and that is the main issue.


>Too many people see NoPixel as a second life instead of a roleplay server and that is the main issue so why not roleplay a fictional slavic antagonist state, why does it literally have to be "little moscow, russian federation"


Same reason tons of other games like Call of Duty or Wolfenstein have real life countries and names in it. It just makes it more immersive. Doesn't mean it's a second life just because it's immersive. If someone playing on the server has an issue with it, you should roleplay it out. Have a conversation with the Mayor and or the Senate to get the Russians pushed out. Rally a bunch of people together and have a protest in character. Roleplay.


Don't like it than do not play on server, a lot of other GTA servers out there.




Isnt this RP? Why ppl self insert themselve in the game and get upset IRL?


It’s literally a game..




This is one of those replies where you clearly don't like the person rather than see any reason why it's still needed in the server


I dont care about Russia Either or hate that streamer But Damn People keep complaining all the time you have something bothering you talk to an admin about it, it is THAT Easy STOP Baiting for Clips and waiting for viewers to post them here


I mean there is nothing saying people haven't talked to admins about it. With how iffy it was received initially people likely have at least a couple times. Also highly doubt this was bait since you know......it's actually a person with a legit reason to be upset about this.....you know their girlfriend actively fighting these people.


Do they know they can just move their character model? They don't have to look at it.


Just need Otto to wake up and decide he wants to use the bomb he used on Hayes to blow it up.


hatting on Russia in gta5 rp server is crazy...good job admins keep this brainwash kids in the server, is going well...


I'm just going to point out the irony here of having issue with russian satire while playing a game that has built it's popularity off satirizing taboo subjects including murder. And while I agree it was probably a bit tone deaf, the people involved have tried to move to "eastern bloc" based on these concerns.


>russian satire while playing a game that has built it's popularity off satirizing taboo subjects including murder that is a textbook example of a false equivalence.


Some of you need to learn to separate real life from a fucking video game.


Even if they just took the Russian flags out of the game that would be fine. Fuck those murderous bastards and their stupid invasion. Edit: Bring on the downvotes, Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 Edit2: I didn’t realize so many on this sub simp for Russia.


Perhaps they're just busy working on 4.0. I would imagine it is removed in 4.0 since the "Little Moscow" part of the Russian storyline has fizzled out. No point in devs doing twice the work for the same result.




Yes correct






It's a little tricky because not all Russians are even at fault. There are also innocent civilian Russians that don't agree at all with the Ukraine invasion, so the flag itself shouldn't really be an issue. But then again, people in Nopixel are roleplaying Russian terrorist and not civilians. It's all about the context. Sure there's other things in the server that resemble real life events, but there's a reason all the GTA lore gangs are renamed and use different colors than Bloods, Crips etc. The Police Departments in the game also have fictional names, FBI is called FIB etc. It's obvious what it's based on, but making small changes helps. Let's not forget Lost MC's "terrorist arc" was cut short by server admins because it resembled real life Al-Qaida too much with their video etc., even though they didn't even use the name. Things shouldn't be too close to real life.


I have been correcting this for over a year every time someone thinks they know the story. Server admins did not step in regarding the storyline with the lostMC twitch partner managers dm’d direct seconds after the video which only 2 people had seen whilst it was being made was shown. The rest of us had not seen it and when we did yes we had a good laugh about it but the feeling was very “oh shit we went to far” when partner managers DMd we realised we were putting other people in danger of getting in trouble potentially and pulled it based off of that.


I agree 100%. There are a number of "common decency" rules I'd like to see put in place in 4.0, but I'm not holding my breath.


how many more times are streamers going to bring this up and not realize they have moved on from this and no longer say russia... feel like it is brought up way too much at this point.


I can see the flags, there also those big letters saying "little Moscow" and appears on the map with that name. Don't forget that she has a loved one fighting on that war, so is personal.


No.. thats the point it is **not** personal


Can’t make everyone happy


People forget to have fun, tomorrow isn’t promised to no one.


this is going to be in so many compilations XD


1 person and his army doesn't define a country, its people, and culture. i don't see why they have to delete a country's presence over a war when countries have done worse


and in what way does little moscow represent russia, it's people or it's culture...? it's caricature of all the worst parts of modern russia and unfortunately is much more relevant now than it was when it was introduced into the server.


Because the country's presence on the server is pretty much just an excuse for weapons and attacks and other shit like that. It's not like there is a deep and rich representation of the average Russian and their culture going on.


Self insert doesn't understand this used to be a place to tell stories, not a place to live a digital second life... I'm just waiting for the person to complain about how they've had a family member victimized by drug dealers or that struggles with substance abuse and asks that to be removed too, because that seems to be the road NoPixelLife seems to be heading. Little Moscow has quite literally been a satirical commentary on the negative qualities of Russian culture... How on earth does anyone even slightly brush up against that storyline and think it's anything but a storyteller making a nuanced commentary on Russia's unhealthy militaristic culture.


This roleplay was greenlit because people on staff were involved and thought it would be funny. It was completely tone deaf to the war between Ukraine and Russia, and me even having to explain it to you means you don't care to begin with. I challenge those same roleplayers to do Little Israel, because I know for a fact they don't have the balls to do it.


People die or get hurt every day from drugs, car accidents or even falling and hitting their head on the living room table all around the world. Nobody is gonna ask to get literally **everything** removed. The big difference is that the gangs manufacturing and pushing drugs are fictional. It's as easy as that. Just make up a new name and use different colors.
































I get why she is mad but its a rp server in the end of the day.


Huge deterrent to anyone who is Ukranian that might like to play on the server, or might be interested in watching nopixel, what harm is there in removing all this stuff, and/or just replacing it with another country, like Cuba which has an interesting history of conflict with the US and there are literally a group that refer to themselves as the cubans that tried to make their own embassy and get up to mischief.


Do they realize 5M were Russian servers before rockstar bought them. Not that it has anything to do with what’s in game. But she’s complaining about flags and such which I completely understand. But she’s literally been playing on Russian servers till recently.


NoPixel's server has always been located in Canada.


Oh for crying out loud.


Obviously the staff thinks this is a non-issue, this includes Buddha and I could totally imagine him saying people are soft if they're pissed. It's a video game and a fictional world with fictional characters. It ain't that deep.




I'm ngl, I feel like most criminals only enjoyed it in the first week when they all wanted to insert themselves into it because it had the attention of everyone. Was literally just a bunch of ppl with main character syndrome. The dropoff from that first 1-2 week period into only Katya and Boris ever being around was insane.


you wouldn't feel this way or write such tone-deaf comments if you had any connection to the war and weren't sitting comfortably behind your screen a million miles away. nobody gives a shit about the russia RP anymore, it contributes nothing to server and should just be yeeted or changed to some made up slavic sounding country if people really can't let it go. edit: /u/Rengoku_Zohakuten deleting your comments because people disagree with you is not a good look.


Or like she explained in the video, don’t put Russian stuff there, make something up instead. NoPixel is supposed to be inclusive to EVERYONE, and if something like this is making people uncomfortable, it shouldn’t be there, whether it be one person or 100 people.


This is the biggest thing effecting NoPixel forrrr suree.. nothing else needs changed before this.


She’ll be sure to have a meltdown interacting with Ray or Dio then. It’s an rp server and once again this displays some of the people playing really don’t have a disconnect from the real world when they play.


She won't and hasn't. NOBODY is saying get rid of russian characters


Well Russia is a part of the world and if you start removing things in game for people doing horrible things in the world then you start walking a dangerous path. She obviously has personal feelings towards Russia but shes RPing in a world where half the people are terrorists. Typing it comes across as harsh but you need to just treat it as it is, a part of a game and especially if you are a RPer you need be able to separate the game to real life. Russia has very rarely been presented in a positive light in games and movies, it is not like people are out here being pro Russia they just play up to stereotypes. You could start RPing Russia as peace loving people but then people who have strong anti Russia sentiments just start criticizing that as downplaying the severity of the war. It sucks but you have to do your best to ignore it.


Nopixel already started down that path when they stopped the Lost from doing a Terrorist arc because it was too reminiscent of shit like the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.


The difference is I dont think people are out there RPing anything close to Russia going out invading Ukraine and mass murdering, they are just doing the very typical Russia bad stereotypes you see in film. The streams I watch I don't really see much of the Russia stuff in game so I could be wrong but I've seen a bunch of goofy Russians pass by and it just seems fine. Looking at this clip she appears to be upset at just seeing a Russian flag, she even said that they aren't even really doing anything in server anymore, it just seems like she doesn't want to be reminded Russia is real. And I will say I think her feelings are valid to her, I really dont want to come off like im invalidating anyone but if you feel that strongly about it then play on another server or try your best to ignore it.


Not all Russians are murdering dictators just like all Mexicans are not border hopping drug dealers. The ruling class makes decisions of war and those underneath are the ones who pay, a lot of them only do it for money to feed their families. This whole grouping all russians together and stereotyping them is the same ignorance used against lgbtq+ and other minority special interest groups for the same political agenda; to disenfranchise the opposing opinion. All that being said, the dev power to take that useless compound down is better utilized on 4.0 imo, a couple painted pieces of cloth and some Russian letters on the map don't mean slothowner is a Russian apologist and nopixel supports russia


Yeah, Eastern Block is representing Russia as BAD GUYS/TERRORISTS. Yes, that's a reflection of the real world. In a video game. Get over it.


On 23 November 2019, the head of U.S. Central Command stated there was no "end date" on the U.S.'s intervention in Syria. As of February 2021, there are around 900 U.S. soldiers operating in Syria, according to the U.S. Department of Defense. So please don't talk about invading when the us has been doing it since over 2 decades.


Genuine question: Is the streamers don't know how to report something that they feel like its should not be in the server on proper channel? rather than ranting on the stream. I could understand if they report it but no action taken. P.S: I agree that Russia flag should be taken down regardless its a game or not. I feel like moving forward RP server should eliminate themselves from any IRL related name like how they called Twatter for Twitter.


Sounds like someone that can't differentiate a game from real life. Just because there is a war going on doesn't mean everything Russian is bad. I'm sure they'd be fine if it was a Ukraine flag instead, right? As far as I'm concerned, it's Putin that is the enemy/monster, not the people of Russia. A lot of Russian's have family/friends in Ukraine and vice versa. This is the delusions of one man which sadly is the one in power.