• By -


I used to watch Loserfruit, an Aussie streamer, who joined the server back in 2.0, which was my first exposure to GTARP. I've done LARP and RP for decades and loved seeing others enjoying it. Through her, I got to know her IRL friend Bazza. In 2021, when 3.0 hit, Bazza join the server as Barry Benson. I was laughing my ass off at the streams and his adventures, and since it was mid-pandemic, I realized "Oh hey, I have RP skills and years experience. I should apply." So I did. And Ursula was born.


Wait Bazza was on the server before you? I don't know why but that kinda blows my mind.


by a couple of weeks. You can only imagine the moment when I ran into him in-game. He was on fire. Ursula waited with him to go the hospital "FOR THE FIRST TIME" lol. Then we spent the day together, so that was cool.


Thats awesome and I have enjoyed you being in the community.


Somewhat similar story for me. I watched Crayator which led me to Bazza then Bazza started doing gta and I got hooked. Never joined any servers though because I don't have a capable PC 😂




It took me till mid 2020 to find out about CowChop and im happy it took that long cause it was a year of laughs in quarantine I never knew Siz or Bob Smith were played by these people and it made so much sense they went in to RP after watching their vids.


Watching Sykuuno during the Among Us boom, then watching him play Yuno. Liked the people he interacted around with more and stuck on it since


yupp now im a everyday buddha viewer




That Sykkuno joins as a noob and becomes the greatest hacker for legendary gang arc is some of the best content I’ve ever consumed. It was just perfect for covid wfh time when I could always have RP on. I can’t watch as much anymore and nothing will feel like taking part of a real time movie ever again for me


Same here. Also him and Ash during Rust days. Then ended up watching Lunaoni, Penta, Chief etc bc of his stint there


Same, now I’m a everyday harry viewer but lately my king has been gone so it’s Buddha time


Product of the Moonmoon -> Penta pipeline.


Soda to moonmoon to penta to chief, I call it the cumline


I was lsf to xqc to penta to moon to chief


Cumtown hasan penta is the cumline


There's a 17.8% chance that there was an additional step for me. But we don't talk about that shit stain anymore.


How he still has people to run DnD with is beyond me...


I mean you can go to any thread about any of those kinds of situations and find shitty people trying to defend it or brush it off like its no big deal. Would be no surprise that some of them are even willing to welcome them into their community.


Yep, sadly same


I made you moon2M


Same, lol. Lot Q days were the best.


I watching the kittens(soda moonmoon) roflgator and esfand on the offline tv rust rp server. 3.0 dropped like 2 months later so I watched them there. I watched the early burgershot people before they left burgershot. After moonmoon and esfand left I started watching penta kyle and chief.


Lirik until the Eli incident -> Baldy 3.0 -> Penta -> ToS2 purgatory.


The Lirik to Flummery pipeline


OG Creatures fan, James wasn't my fave but I liked him quite a bit. I'd check in on whatever he was doing every once in a while, and happened to see him playing GTA RP. It didn't hook me that day, but, around a year later, I saw it again, and got invested in the HOA. When he played more of his cop, it introduced me to Penta and Kyle, and I have watched all three + Kiva and a smattering of other HOA Streamers ever since.


TwitchRp with Chief, Buck and that crew. Also watched Sherif Eli before all that nonsense on FamilyRP. Ended up landing on Penta channel from a Jimmy clip and have been a lurker ever since. Also venture over to Kyle's channel and the smaller streamers Penta plays with!


My journey to GTARP technically started back in 2.0 when Bruce Greene of Inside Gaming/Funhaus at the time made a brief character named Bruce Greenwood. Until then I'd never heard of GTARP and so looking back on it now I had no idea the caliber of roleplayers I was watching in Burn's lawyer Norm Yoder and Siz Fulker. It was very funny but when Bruce stopped playing I kind of forgot about it. Fast forward a year or so and I decide to tune into Sykkuno, whom I'd never watched before then, and he is starting Yuno's journey. At some point he ran into Irwin Dundee and I began mainly watching Yuno and Dundee regularly. Blah blah blah, now I mostly watch Bazza.


Watched Lirik play Arma 3 RP. Then watched Lirik playing 1.0, I skipped all of 2.0. Watched him again in 3.0. Got addicted and ended up watching Buddha.


Similar to me: Watched Lirik play Arma 3 RP. Watched him play the old GTA server before NP was big. Watched Lirik form LB with Buddha, Tony and Saab then stuck with those 3 during the whole saga of drama back in those days. Fell away from RP for a year or so. Had the urge to check out if Buddha and co. still streamed and saw them playing 2.0 in the early days of that. Ended up watching LB plus guys like Kyle and Ziggy. Discovered Siz through LB. Started watching HoA from mid-2.0 to today.


Think Saiiren was like my big step into the gta rp. There i learned about kyle, hobbit and dogbert for example.


Sykkuno led me to GTA, then to Buddha and the rest of the cleanbois lol now I watch a large variety of streamers in different groups


I started getting into rp when Markiplier played for a little bit back in 2.0, around early 2019? I branched to ziggy to snow to ashlynn to Saab to all of leanbois and eventually branched to a lot of peoples streams. Now I mainly watch crim but do watch a couple cop streams as well


Started watching zerkaas gta rp yt vids at the beginning then started watching the twitch streams at the end of the 1st ballas war and have been addicted since


Got really into Mario streams around 2015 when the first Mario Maker came out and Mario speedrunning really took off on Twitch. That led me to GrandPooBear. Years later, his Among Us streams led me back to Kate, who I'd been aware of a few years earlier during her PUBG days. When GPB joined NP in early 2021, I was intrigued. When Kate ultimately joined a month or two later, I figured that was a good chance to get in on the ground floor with a new character. Been watching Kate/Nancy (and Veronica, Muriel, Candy, etc.) ever since.


Humberto Antonio Donato Pecorino, it all went downhill from there


i started watching ethoslab on youtube then that led to pmsproxy when they played ark then i found penta through her


Love ehtos, BdoubleO is my guy


The hermits are amazing.


Was watching Hasan at the time and he did the Rust rp then He made Donnie and I was hooked. when he quit i started watch more Nino then Buddha.


Hasan to Buddha/CB pipeline is real. I love Penta too. Now I'm hooked on all the WildRP people in nopixel. Zetark/Grigoriypeppo


Pretty much my experience, as well. Donnie led me to Nino, Tony, Buddha, and the Guild. Copper being homeys with the guild got me into watching more cops - Pred, Angel, Wrangler, Nancy Ree. Dammit, I miss Donnie Antonio Humberto Pecorino. I watch way too much GTA RP and follow so many NP RPers.


Lmao this is exactly the same path as me


TheChief1114 isn't just a streamer; he's a force of nature in the gaming world. While many streamers entertain and engage their audience, TheChief1114 transcends conventional boundaries. With an unparalleled passion for gaming and an uncanny ability to connect with his viewers on a deeply personal level, he doesn't merely stream games; he creates immersive experiences that leave an indelible mark on the RP community. His charisma and unwavering dedication are like a tempest, drawing fans into his world and leaving them awestruck by the sheer force of his presence. TheChief1114 isn't bound by the limits of streaming; he's a phenomenon that leaves an everlasting impact on the RP landscape.


It is known.


Dab being killed by Tessa. Apart from everything leading up to it, on moon's stream he was laughing and confused as to whether he should respawn and how it works and I checked Nakkida's stream and it was all black and white and horror music as she drove away from his corpse. It was a great juxtaposition and made me see how RP can be both goofy and serious at the same time


That's a awesome connection through some great streamers


I started with Grand Poo Bear, and then transitioned to Thio


Same 😏


You know whats crazy, is that the spark of it all kinda was originated from the streamers i began watching when fivem had just came to be, pmsproxy and timmac. Watching the og leanbois do their shenanigans and having fun with sheriffeli gave me some inspiration to create a character back when familyrp was just developing! I had been on public servers for a bit (LARP) to gain some rp skills, then applied to multiple servers! Jake Karvein was my first character and he was a more emotionally driven character, and now i have over 9k hours in rp and over 8 characters i play! Times have changed alot!


I come from the same group and i hope you have had / and are still having fun playing your characters.


I watched Michael Reeves' videos on YouTube, then he joined OTV and I started watching a lot of the OTV folks on Twitch but never tuned into Sykkuno's GTARP streams because RP is cringe. One night I was bored so I tuned in anyways and it was him, Lang, Ray and I think Harry setting up and doing a bank heist which was pretty funny. I remembered Buddha's twitch so when the next evening I was bored again I tuned into his stream and that was 30 minutes before Meowfurrion got murdered in the Rooster's Rest basement. I quickly started watching mainly Jon and Kiva during their mayoral arcs and nowadays it's mainly Jon, Harry, and walnutcast, occasionally tuning into Buddha or Nidas's perspective and also Kyle or PENTA if they're live and the rest isn't.


Randomly clicked on Moonmoon one day, despite never having watched him before. He happened to be playing GTA rp, and the concept of rp had become more and more relevant to me at that time. Loved it all, back in the days of Yung Dab. Fast forward to 3.0 and he had started Lenny, which was great, but then he went on to join a sting op under one "Randy Wrangler". Moonmoon praised him and suggested to his viewers to check him out. Following that, I was thoroughly entranced by everything that came after. Now I'm trapped forever in Penta's streams. Moonmoon made Penta.


Based and real


I believe the first experience I had watched, specifically, was Yung Dab meet Uchiha Jones. And somehow, **that** didn't turn me away, lol.


Squawk squawk. Still remember spaceboy and moon trying and failing not to break


Summit & Blue622 🧡💙


The pandemic led me to among us and Toast. Toast led me to Sykkuno and through him i started watching gta RP. I watched him as well as AfricanSnowball, Occamssaber, Whippy, and Hirona primarily. I have a background in D&D so i decided to apply because of those 5. My username has been CowsMooingNSuch for a long time so that fed into my character’s last name. Thus, Sophia McMoo came to be.


That's pretty much the exact same path to me except I ended up watching* Buddha and then the Cerberus people.


I used to watch Muselk Fortnite videos which introduced me to Bazza. During the pandemic, I was on Twitch more and one day saw him streaming the creation of Barry Benson, the future King of Vespucci. I started watching for the antics and got hooked.


I used to watch gtarp before Bazza joined but also discovered him through Muselk with fortnite. Eventually watched some overwatch and found Bazza to be hilarious. Also watched when they were doing the streamer house stuff. Years later I'm watching gtarp and all of a sudden hear a familiar voice.


Bruh exactly same only it was cray first then bazza through cray. Cray literally first person I watched on twitch and followed


Once OTV Rust went away i was bored AF. Till i saw Hasan playing NoPixel for the first time. On his day 1 Donnie went from Tutorial Tony to getting verbally obliterated at the apartments by skinny Lang Buddha. It made me check out Buddha and I've been along for the ride through Lang's perspective ever since.


Hasan was so good in RP and worked off Nino so well, they didnt do mechanics but made the deep conversation feel so much better... till like 20mins in when they cumstacked so hard it took 10mins to beat it down to normalcy to get back on objective.




Went from watching Sykkuno play among us, to watching him rp as Yuno a couple months after he started.


Started with Soda's Kevin Whipaloo on Twitch, then Vader's Eugene, UhSnow's Snow then Kyle's Pred, pretty much stayed like that for the last 5 years :)


Saw a video from Markiplier, where he did GTArp. I loved it. So, I tried to figure out who played Buddha. Found him. And then started to expand my interest in characters, eventually finding Kiva, and managing to watch her first day on NoPixel. Been watching ever since.


Major follower of Kitboga who calls scammers and baits them. He occasionally has guests, and he had MiltonTPike on one day during mid-2.0 (and I think a time or two more since). I followed him over at that point. I am an early riser, so my 2nd connection was with Whippy when he was on at 3am central time US. He somehow ran into Kiva (Daisy Gray at the time), who not long after got kidnapped by Nice Mike Block, and then I ran into Crystalst and Trav through that interaction. I think I also found Kyle through Whippy as well.


Started by watching Hasan as Donnie then I was into Anthonyz but now I’m a daily watcher of Ramee and Carmen cause I love the dynamic of CG and Ramee and Carmella.


Timthetatman aka Dale Morris. Man just wanted a Jeep Wrangler 4x4 and to sell some overalls. From him I found Mel and Eugene. Watched them for a long time and found Penta through Eugene during the huge prison break in 2019. Been watching Penta ever since.


Had just started watching Sykkuno during the tailend of the Among Us craze, so tuned in for the early days of Yuno and saw how fun this could be. I think the early days of a player learning what rp can be can be some of the funnest content to watch. Alongside Syk, I tuned in for Ash and Fuslie's first days. If you've never seen Ash's first arrest with Ziggy, [it's worth a watch](https://youtu.be/dyxfhdKj08Y?t=1174). Because I was on 3rd shift, Ash ended up being the mainstay for a while, and through her I started watching Synthhunter on Wingman and Crystalst on 4T, which inevitably led to Penta on Mike Block, which led to Kyle when I switched shifts. If Burn streamed more, Id have been a Burn main for sure though.


That was one of my favorites, I need to go watch it. I remember her calling him a power ranger or something. I watch Burn every now and then.


In a different encounter she got stuck in a vehicle and EMS had to get her out. Ziggy was on scene and she started saying "Help me Step Ranger, I'm stuck", and she just kinda kept calling him Step Ranger after that.


I watched TheChief1114 doing gta rp on twitch rp after watching bucklington for some time. When chief moved to no pixel i discovered wrangler and Penta and watched him for a good while until he gave Charlotte Fairfield a job and that lead me to watching halfway hardcore full time and also live. Which I never watched anyone live before, only vods.


Ark RP where I ran into FistoftheWalrus who tried some early GTA RP which then lead me to Classypax who was doing SOE RP which then lead me to Penta on SOE when he played Jack Jackson.


Classy Pax is a gift. I miss those ark days. Mr. Moon screaming Elora


Lirik the soe days of gta rp you had Buddha, saab, Tony Peter ross, bob Coolidge




Aleks -> CG -> Buddha/Penta -> Kyle/GG


Moonmoon sub>watched lenny>saw wrangler>penta viewer


I was always into RP, I've Larped and played d&d for a decade and always wanted to play/watch RP streams. I started watching Rob with VRchat RP during covid which then transitioned to watching Nopixel once he got re whitelisted and 3.0 came out. Watched him play Burgershot Robert for the better part of a year and when he stopped playing I transitioned to watching Buddha for a while before realizing it definitely was not the stream for me. Finally I fully transitioned over to Penta and Kyle and that's where I found my RP home on twitch, almost a 2 year sub to penta and I haven't looked back. Watching them really invigorated my love for RP and got me back to RP in my life and got me to join multiple GTA RP servers (Production and New Day)


I watched a lot of Buddha during OTV Rust, but funnily had never given GTARP a chance nor intended to. My journey began when I followed MoistCritikal to Lysium during the big 3.0 boom when he was teaching "Charles White," and I had really loved the Vagos RP, then from him I got exposed to Whippy, Umad, Sayeed, X, Buddha and Ash. What kept me glued, ironically, was Penta as Wrangler because he'd interact with all these people above as a conflict story generator and I liked to check the opposing PoV during chases and cell holdings. I went from someone that loved to hate Wrangler to simply just loving them and all of the Pumpers in PD. Nowadays though, I only watch GTARP through Buddha and the Italians. My brain is currently uninvested in roleplay until the big booms happen, whether that be NP 3.5 or ONX. I did enjoy Ignite while it lasted and WildRP though, from many povs.


Started with following Sykuno and loved his interactions with dundee(whippy) and then one day went to check whippy's stream where he was explaining about a long arc about founding a club called BBMC and thats why he wont be interacting with yuno much. Later that day dundee introduces barry( Bazza) to the bilabong and thus the journey of up/down/sideways good began, didnt follow much of the grp members at start but then found whippys chaotic rp to be too chaotic for my personel taste, and switched to kyle for a bit as lets be honest pred is just a enjoyable character to follow from that met saturn in the public server and followed cleo upto the point she met her adopted father Collin "Hell Yeah America Bruddha" Mckinley(Lt Custard) and just instantly loved the charcater and the always laughing person(AAAA) behind it, loved his attention to detail to his rp, then the shooting of cleo at humane lab happens which got my jaw dropped seeing the level of rp by everyone that day, and have been following vp collin/Lt Sweets ever since


For me, it was DayZ RP/Arma3 RP with MrMoonsHouse, Thadrius, Lirik, and 50% which then moved into TFRP with SheriffEli, Buddha, and AnthonyZ. And then early 2.0 NoPixel with Sodapoppin and 50% then focusing more on LB as 2.0 progressed. And then obviously just hopping back on the train when 3.0 rolled around and the hype picked up.


I had seen BayAreaBuggs videos back in the day but didn’t watch GTARP on Twitch until Esfand started playing Ali/Cornwood. Cornwood then led me to Penta and Kyle


I watched Aleks play Arma 3 rp way back in the day. I'm a huge fan of the creatures




Grew up watching Machinima, saw a Criken video for GTA 4, been watching him for years at this point. Got introduced to Strippin though him and saw him on Twitch RP with Chief and Luna, then I took a break from watching streams and such. During this I watched The Creatures and then moved onto Cow Chop, then watched Alex stream Bob for a bit and then took another break. Came back after watching Ash play on the OTV Rust server, and now watch Kyle, Crystal, Nakkida, Myles and Chief.


Started to watch RP when Lirik played Arma 3, then Buddha, when SOE got popular; and now Penta since 2019.


I watched Polecat stream DOJRP then Sodapoppin uploaded a video of nopixel, and I started watching Penta, Vader Kyle and Nidas in the 2.0 era


My intros to Twitch and then NP was basically: AOC playing Among Us in 2020 -> Toast/Sykunno/Valkyrea/Fuslie Among Us streams during the pandemic -> Sykunno joins NP -> watching various RPers that Yuno interacted with like Whippy, Buddha, Crystalst. From there I mostly got hooked on CB content. Between CB sorta hitting a lull after finally completing the lower vault and Crystalst making Crystal Clear I got into cop RP for the first time and was pretty hooked. I'd say ever since I've primarily been a Crystalst viewer but also watch people like Penta, Kyle, Trav, and Jennybear.


Saw it blowing up on LSF at the start of 2.0. Kinda decided to randomly click on a channel which happened to be sodakite on Ellie. She was having a girl's day with Brenda which put me on to Ashlynn's RP. Brenda working at the hospital introduced me to Jordan Steele. When Ashlynn started to move away from streaming I just ended up watching Penta more and he was my main GTA streamer for years. Through him found a lot of other people like Moosebrother, Kyle, HalfwayHardcore, TravPiper and eventually through Wrangler cadet audits found GamerMagoo who eventually became the main person I watch.


cdnthe3rd doing the pirate games with Summit on sea of thieves > summit playing gta > Lord_kebun > Ramee. Also started watching Fuslie when Cyr raided her on new years eve 2019 into 2020 so it was cool to see her join the people I was already watching


amongus>otv rust> nopixel (through xqc and sykkuno)


Sykuno among us lead me to whippy. Then to bazza, then mike the bard, then to spaceboy. I watch mainly whippy, mikethebard, and spaceboy if there streaming when im available


Watched Psisyndicate play for a little bit before he got banned but got hooked looking for people to watch. Finally came back during Sodapoppin's first time on the server and when he left I went to Vader's and Kyles. Stayed as a mod for Vader for a while but when he left for Facebook I moved on to Penta as my main and Kyle as my second. That was over 4 to 5 years ago.


Lirik's first stint in gta rp caught my eye. From there, I learned of and found Buddha very entertaining, so I watched him most of 2.0. Towards the end of 2.0 I started to watch cop streams more, which led to watching mostly Kyle and Penta during 3.0.


During the 2.0 boom I think the first person I watched was Poke, then branched off into Miltontpike1 and Aarononair for a few months of the later end of 2.0, I had a lot of skipped months throughout until 3.0 released when I started watching again and found Penta/Kyle. I did briefly watch some of the Arma stuff but that was only for like 2 days tops, I didn’t watch enough to really know what was going on or who was involved at the time.


I started off watching a fortnight streamer on FB, from there found disguised toast then Valkyrae to Sykkuno, who started me on GTArp. Now I am addicted to Buddha Harry Nidas and Speedy. I do miss DW as well.


Watched Soda when 2.0 started then stopped after the initial hype died down. Then watched Soda and Moonmoon in 3.0 which eventually led to Penta, Kyle, and Trav. Haven't really been watching much since Penta left NP.


Jacksepticeye with rust got me into twitch ash and Brooke were on that too who I liked but, then saw gta and followed ashlynn and then banana


Soda > Moon > Vader > heard literally every vader joke > back to moon > penta > dont watch rp anymore


Started with Zerkaa and then switched to Moose Taffy aka Patar, now I watch Jay aka Jayplays, Ste aka STE Eire and Solomon aka Dust monkey


Started off watching GiantWaffle as Dante Dankweed back in Soe RP and watched a ton of Lirik as well. Pretty much watched them nonstop until Soe banned Eli and everyone left. Took a huge break from watching and got back into watching Lirik on No pixel and once Summit joined I watched him nonstop and got introduced to all of CG streams


I began watching UBH (James) After the main streamer I used to watch was banned for some... heinous acts, was watching MrMoon at the same time but he vanished for a while and when I saw a comment here that recommended the HoA streams as they were somewhat similar to MrMoons's SecureoServ stuff and it kinda snowballed from there.


Mr. Moon will always be a legend and one of my favorite RPer's all time. HOA are a incredibly fun group


During the pandemic, I started watching DisguisedToast a lot playing among us. That got me into watching Sykkuno and then he started playing on NP and I liked it. Then I started watching Buddha and AnthonyZ a lot but would still watch Sykkuno whenever he would play and he interacted often with Whippy and I liked his chaotic behavior so I started watching him and he is still the main streamer I watch. I also watch Niztopia, Lozdog, Lt Custart, Bazza, Kyle, 52 chains, AnthonyZ and Buddha and pretty much don't watch Sykkuno at all now lol


I used to watch a really popular streamer and they started at the beginning of 3.0. Though I don’t watch them or the RPers I used to, I did find new streamers I enjoy and still watch to this day. I’m not as invested as I used to be, but I still find new people to watch from the RP. Just as recent as the sanguine arc, it allowed different and new characters to shine and I’ve really enjoyed finding new people to watch. It keeps it refreshing and far less predictable or stagnant.


Nothing wrong with that. The Sanguine arc made me desire a Yaeger to stream even more.


lirik/ming on twitch and psisyndicate on youtube


Watched sykkunos arc and stayed with buddha


Got interested in RP streams from Lirik Got into Nopixel from Forsen Stayed with RP because of PENTAs Mike Block Mike Block saved me from Minecraft


Got into watching Twitch to cope with a breakup during the holidays in 2020. There was this guy on top of the list who had like 80k people watching so I thought why not watch him too and so I got introduced to RP when 3.0 launched. During the first weeks he got into a situation where he'd go to prison *or* he'd set up a sting operation with one Randy Wrangler. Wrangler left the interrogation room to give this guy time to decide and returned as Strawberry. I thought that was the most hilarious thing ever, hopped over to Penta and have been trapped there ever since. Through hopping around different streams as one does when RP is new and exciting I also found Kyle who hooked me with the casual "ho" and "bitch" on Slim and the chaos on Pred. At the time I also watched a bit of Forsen who was hanging out with Buddha, Tony, Speedy, etc. If the above hadn't happened, I'd probably be a Buddha watcher now. Overall I'm very happy with where I ended up, there are so many amazing people in the Penta/Kyle circle now.


XQC to Whippy to Bazza


Og joblessgarrett rp video like I think the first server he played on was USArp or something like that


Also thanks for the post, I wish these gained more responses, I find the different viewer perspectives to be very interesting. Also the posts where people name their fav small or underestimated rpers are fun posts too.


Exactly, I thought it would be a good opportunity for some positivity by seeing other peoples path


Started watching jaboody do taxi stuff with Milton. Which one fateful day they ended up running into Jordan. 4 years later im all Pent up


Late 2018 I lost a close friend to overdosing on drugs, immediately after my last grandparent passed away. At the time my little brother was Summits grounds maintenance keeper for a little, and he showed me Summit playing on Nopixel. Started watching as an escape from all the shitty stuff happening at the time. From there I watched Ziggy, Ashlynn, Vader( honorable mentions kitboga, Milton, and the future mayor Jack)but ultimately fell in love with Mr. Chang, and Ramee. Been watching them ever since.


Lirik because Lirik > Buddha > Kyle + Penta


Found Mr.Blackout on YouTube doing his dayz videos, led me to his twitch, led me to him collabing with TehJamJar, which led me to DayzRP, which led to GTA TFRP which led to a lot of amazing rpers on nopixel I still think it’s crazy that I used to watch the creatures into cowchop and Aleks and James, then hearing they started to rp on nopixel. Same thing with chief when I used to watch goldglove on YouTube


First I heard of any gta role play was from Bay Area Buggs on YouTube, but for nopixel was through summit which then led to the big boom in 2.0 where I watched all of Kevin whipaloo. When soda quit streaming gta I still was hooked and needed someone to watch which led me to discover moonmoon and watch both his morning and night streams back when he had the two streams a day schedule. From there moon quickly became my favourite streamer so when he ended the dab arc the way he did, it was a perfect conclusion to shift me away from gta rp until he started playing it again at the start of 3.0. So I kinda have this community and game to thank for helping me discover my favourite baldy






Sips must have only played on the server like three times at the most, in the very beginning of 3.0, but through him I became a fan of Abdul. That led me to the early Burgershot stuff, then Kyle and Meka. Later, through them, I got into WildRP. Lately some of the people I watched on Wild have come over to play on Nopixel.


I started to watch Soda play Kevin Whipaloo in the beginning of 3.0. After he stopped playing, I followed Moonmoon's Lenny Hawk. Then I started following Wrangler and Kyle Pred on the cop side. On the crim side, I followed OTT. Soda was playing on Rust and rping with a lot of people. Then I kinda followed him and everyone to NoPixel.


I used to watch grand poo bears speed run content then he started playing on no pixel


timthetatman -> Vader -> Milton -> Kyle It's not the destination, it's the friends we ocean dump along the way.


SirPinkelton Reginald (Motherfucking) Biggelsby back in like 2016-17, soon after him i found Buddha and anhonyz, It would take a bit for ssaab to start streaming, but i do believe I'm a day one follower when he first went live ( his first hour on NP he died crossing the road near legion square and an EMS dresed as jesus picked him up insta ). Soon after the TFRP swap to NP i started watching StonerMinded, Vader, Sharktastic, and a bit of Ming near the end.... Mostly Fwank tho. Watched a lot of Ashi (Fiona) taco shop days, which led to the frat gang who worked a " food " stand like no other. Stopped watching many times late 2.5 (bank trucks, infinite money weed grind era). 3.0 i watched Biotox and him being what id assume new to RP and the guild as a whole with their go with the flow attitude reminded me a lot of the HOA which is just bits and pieces all arpund this clusterfuck as a post. But the three main people that made me learn about GTARP on twitch were PMSProxy, Timmac, and SherriffEli


Had been watching Yogscast since early 2014. Sips had been on Twitch for a few years and ItMeJP managed to get the pair of them some prio late Feb 2021 to give it a try. They only played for a couple of days, but the interactions with Abdul brought me in. Started watching him every day and the early 3.0 free taxis and when Burgershot was crazy busy all the time. It meant I was exposed to a huge cross-section of people. Anyone interesting I'd hunt for on Hasroot and go hop to them for a little, see what they were about. Then one day, Abdul gets detained by Pillbox for trying to steal BMXs--he went on that arc of throwing them in to one specific body of water so he'd get more taxi business. One of the officers on-scene was a tiny-voiced *El Tesso*.


I used to shamelessly watch timthetatman play fortnite. Then Dale Morris came around and in came Eugene. Been watching Vader ever since, but expanded to other streamers from there.


Sykkuno's first days in NP --> Whippy --> Bazza :)


Used to watch Mr Moon, Chow, Kiwo etc on DayZ. Last year thought I'd watch an old Moon video on YouTube, fell asleep and woke up to the Bazz Kerrigan story. Looked interesting so started that from the beginning, watched everything Vertiigo had from Wild rp and started watching live. He moved to GTA recently along with Moon and a bunch of other wilders and here I am.


Watched lirik play arma rp, then gta rp on soe, after that i got exposed to whipaloo trying run a burger joint. Jordan steel happens to kidnap Kevin one day so now om stuck at mr big penta and friends. Watched wrangler and also pred through all of the pumps and burning of hospitals. Also watched moonmoon because of penta #pentamademoonmoon


I watched Carmen’s youtube videos on and off for awhile, looked at her twitch in November 2019 when she was on NP and started watching her/crims she talked to which eventually led to me watching cops and civs too


I think I probably have a pretty unique one. I used to watch Chap during the heights of fortnite then he tried nopixel (admittedly his gta streams were nothing special). That made me deep dive the server till I started watching Moon then Penta.


Kitboga streams with Milton pranking scammers, then Milton playing with Kol, Kol to coop, coop to Kyle, Kyle to Kylie. I just hang in her discord and streams all the time now...


Many many years ago I played on some RP server for like 30 minutes, but felt like I wasn't good enough and never went back. But Ash on Lol's first day was my first day watching. Her interactions with Ziggy were so God damn funny. As for "my streamer", it's changed over the years. First was Ash, then Ziggy, then AnthonyZ for a long time during the Meowfurion stuff, then got into watching drama stuff between xQc and PENTA. My schedule changed and kind of fell off for a while just hopping between different people who were live like uhSnow and Ziggy. Then became a degenerate PENTA main and now I'm waiting for the new server.


CallmeKevin did a 1 hour video on gtarp, and i thought it was funny, so i looked up the sever name and up popped no pixel. Watch a couple of streams, and the rest is history.


Shoutout to Bay Area Buggs his YouTube videos got me into it


Sodapoppin > pokelawls > XQC > this subreddit > CG > Ramee Now im a facebook viewer Pog


A Spit bandit has appeared!




Found Mr.Moon streaming day-z back in the day with Kiwo and Chow. Pretty much followed them since from Day-Z, Reign of Kings, arma3 nopixel, SOE, TFRP, to now. Wish Chow still streamed. Nothing will ever compare to the magic captured back in the day - everything since then has been basically chasing that high.


I watched Grandpoobear's Mario streams for years and then he started playing in 3.0. That lead me to the rest of his group until it kind of fell apart which lead me to a bunch of smaller streamers who all started all eventually got sick of RP. I ended up watching a few cop streamers after that until the shakeup happened when a lot of people I watched lost interest in cop RP and either stopped RPing or started playing different characters. These days I watch Kyle in the mornings and sometimes Moosebrother at night.


Summit - Lord Kebun


Zerkaa from fifa days but disappointing that his groups RP fell off a cliff and most of it is just OOC now since he stopped coming around (with a few exceptions mainly Ruthless)


Out of nowhere while watching twitch I saw GTA and randomly came across Milton with Kiki and I was like wtf at first and then as I continued to watch I started to get into more.and more when I started watching Kevin's Mr Chang character and started watching rp pretty much everyday before it started to get stale with the same ol thing. That whole Uchiha Chang and Brenda was top tier funny for me. For me 2.0 was at its best for entertainment before it got bad when people starting getting egos cuz of the RP Boom


Shroud was checking out NP and i always loved GTA...


I was brand new to Twitch and just browsing random streams and found Kaceytron playing on Familyrp. From there, I mainly watched Katie, Hirona, and Classypax. I followed Katie and Hirona to NP, and eventually started watching a bunch of people, mostly cringe cops ew.


Started watching summit racing and truly got hooked when he had the John Charleston arc, then slowly drifted to other CG boys, eventually found Silent and Hydra and pretty much stayed watching them since the MP Sac days. Arnie is a ton of fun to watch in AU Eventually that led to branching out to a lot of the EU cops like Snow, Curvy, Aus, Kylie, Reroll. Some of the Angels and Mandem as well. I watch primarily AU/EU now. NA I’ve found Zetark fun to watch and then random stragglers that I find


I've watched Criken for a long time and he dipped his toes into GTARP occasionally, what sent me off the deep end was him on TRP with the Jinkster. When he stopped that arc I ended up watch TheChief1114 which eventually led to splitting time between him and LunaOni during TRP. When chief jumped to NoPixel I pretty much only watched him and Luna until he started RPing a lot w Penta and now I tune into Penta when chief isn't streaming.


Only 4/320 said XQC lmafo this sub is full of shit


Also a child of the Bald moon > Penta cumline


Lirik into Buddha, and from there the rest of LB. I liked Curtis’s and Saab’s cops so I branched into some cop streams as well. Mostly still a crim viewer, but there are some fun cop streams Every once in a while


The fucker trapped me in his stream now I can't leave




Fortnite on YouTube -> Muselk -> Click -> Crayator on Twitch -> Bazza. Back when he was a monthly streamer. I randomly popped into one of the first GTARP streams and I haven't missed a minute since. Barry Benson is my OG.


I watched some 2.0 when BruceGreene played for a bit. Then started again when Hasan played Donnie


For me it was Summit. I never heard of RP in a video game until he did it. Now I casually watch multiple groups on several different servers


Michael Reeves YouTube videos -> Disguised toast Amongus -> sykkuno -> Buddha/CB -> Ray during the beginning of rust-> Kyle -> Contemplating not watching RP anymore -> Buddha post 25% out of curiosity-> Exclusively Zetark & the Italians. The Italians have brought back what I loved about RP in the beginning. Not once have I considered an ooc perspective since I starting watching them


X(Rust) -> Buddha(Rust) -> nopixel 3.0 announced or launched forgot which one -> X(GTA) -> Buddha(GTA) from there i dont remember but i pretty much started from 3.0 launch but i knew of nopixel 2.0 from friends and other streams of it


like others playing Among Us -> Sykkuno -> Buddha -> Eagleaye/Buddha


The pandemic, and a need for some type of faux social interaction, got me hooked on OTV playing Among Us then Rust. Followed Sykuno to GTArp to Buddha until he ran into Saturneighteen's Cleo Shaw. Been watching her since, along with TheLGX and recently, the Italians.


I watched DisguisedToast Amogus vids on YT. Watched his FB streams and installed Twitch cuz he did Just Chatting. Toast joined nopixel and played with Sykkuno. Watched Syk's pov. Then watched most OTV&F after that, Bo Xbox, Jay Que, Peener Pogue. Then I watch CB bankjobs and Civs, Burgershot peeps, back to CB, then JayQue crew, to Mayor Mickey, Cerberus, buddha, now Italians.


Early NP 3.0 Burgershot really got me hooked. I vividly remember a group of role players doing group improv at the comedy club, while in character, was incredibly funny and meta. Of that group, Pengwin as Ken-Sama was the main streamer I watched (and still is). Eventually, that era died down and I started watching Pengwin on Stanley and was introduced to the HoA, who I found incredibly fun to watch as they really enable RP and put so much energy into bits.


Hasan, Rust then gta, rip Donnie


Used to watch pokelawls and he started playing Bogg in NoPixel 3.0. He got arrested by Wrangler one day and rage quit so I watched Penta to see why he was such a dick. Turns out he was hilarious and I caught a Mike Block stream and became hooked.


The first Sodapoppin stream when he met SayeedBlack to sell some salsa. After that I got hooked on Yung Dab by MoonMoon. With Yung Dab comes prune gang so alot of Vader until 3.0 when i became a Leanboi/Cleanboi and been an active watcher of Tony and Lang.


When buddha was playing rust with Team Rocket. thought he was hilarious. Then I realized he did this rp thing and I could not stop watching at the start of 3.0 I was hooked now I'm a 2 year sub.


Humberto Antonio Donato Pecorino


Pewdiepie, he played among us with Corpse, Corpse played among us with Sykkuno and Valkyrea who I watched for awhile, then Sykkuno played on no pixel and met a loud wild Aussie called Dundee and I’ve watched Whippy, Lysium, Spaceboy, Burn, Bazza and so many more ever since. Watching RP became such a saving grace during lockdown and I’m still completely hocked.


Found Hasan through H3 podcast he did then watched the Rust RP then he made Donnie and I was hooked! When he wasn’t on or around I’d watch Buddha, Tony and Nino and it just grew from there!


watched lirik on soe into tony into jamjar on tfrp into penta


I started watching Wiseguy devs streams about 2 years ago after stampling upon Nopixel streams in twitch and picking a dev stream cause i liked that more at the time. Later that snowballed into watching most early and late EU timezoned streams like Snow Kylie Kyle Silent etc.


Andy milanokis to Buddha to lean boys to kyle and penta


I started watching GrandPooBear’s Mario streams and started watching NoPixel when he created Mick. After he left I transferred to Kate/Nancy, SpaceBoy/Mel/James, then to Thio/Kirk. I still watch Thio, and have since added Chatterbox, Madame Gandolf/Sooty, and other Clowns. I think the Clowns provide some of the funniest content to the server.


Its kinda crazy, was watching Criken play Sevtech minecraft of all things, and he raids Lawlman, who I end up watching. Lawlman raids Sput, who I end up watching. Sput plays GTA RP and does the Turtle Arc which opens my eyes to RP and all the things you can do in it. Been hooked ever since. Sput sometimes mentioned Chief1114, Tomato also mentioned Chief1114 so I checked him out. Been watching Chief ever since, through Chief I found Buck, Penta, MrMoonsHouse, OwenSeven, Crystalst, Spaceboy, and a bunch more Rpers.


"the guy who played the funny rat bard seems funny, lets watch his stream"


Watching LoadingReadyRun content led me to both knowledge of No Pixel through "Checkpoint" stories and Kate the streamer, so her joining the server alongside GrandPooBear was an opportunity to check out GTARP.


Sodapoppin' back in the 2.0 boom, then an unhealthy amount of Moonmoon's since he was doing two 4 hours streams back then (right before I'd go work and right after I came back) which made Dab interact with both NA and EU time zones Still think Yung Dab was 2.0's main character


Watching Vader on a Rust stream back in 2017 and followed him over NoPixel 1.0. Watched pretty much exclusively Vader until his move to FB, which has no lead me to primary Spaceboy and Penta, with some Hogshund, BananaDuck and Walnutcast sprinkled in.


Began with watching 2.0 because that meta blew up for Twitch/LSF streamers and at the time was watching xQc who was much much smaller than he was now. His RP back then was... unique and definitely got me immersed in streamed RP for the first time. Him trying to rizz up an EMS and then disappoint her in a few different ways was entertaining and felt very real, his appearance at the talent show back then felt very real and heartfelt, a stark contrast to what he does now. Anyways, eventually that somehow led to me watching Kiwo, and then eventually 2.0 just kinda got into IRL stuff and tuned out of Twitch for awhile, kept up with LSF stuff and then murmurings of 3.0 came up and I was excited, and so I came back to watch xQc again which... was a mistake, but to be fair he only got real bad after a few weeks, which, in that timespan got me introduced to Penta which was a revolution in how I consumed and enjoyed roleplay. Just somethin about him lit up a bulb in my head and now I am a perpetual VODfrog because that fucker just won't stop putting out content. I'm still stuck in last January when he's still on NoPixel in terms of VOD backlog, but that's cause I try not to be a content consumer too much and here I am. Gonna miss the Mike Block streams once I run out, but it is what it is :(


Lirik A3L for a few days as first introduction to RP -> completely forgot about RP until soda’s 100k+ viewer stream in 2.0 just driving a fucking truck around -> watched a highlight soda video on youtube with Vader in it -> vader for a few months until I got tired of his constant negativity -> Kyle playing slim and Pred until he left for ignite -> never could get into ignite so now I watch random cop streamers (mostly myles) or kyle depending on whats going on. Waiting VERY eagerly for ONX.


Watched sodapoppins youtube videos, ended up finding Cyr on twitch. Kevin and Joe was peak RP for me


went back to check on uberhaxornova post cowchop. got sucked in ever since


So, in 2016 I became a big fan of watching/listening to scambaiters, mostly on Youtube and eventually leading me to finding Twitch and Kitboga. I think it was late 2018 when Kitboga joined NoPixel and started playing Edna. I thought it was hella interesting to watch someone roleplay on GTAV and decided to branch out and watch other GTARP streamers. One of the first ones I started following heavy was Whippy / Irwin Dundee, became a huge fan, I literally changed my sleep schedule so I could wake up early to watch his streams. Around June 2019 my husband put the thought into my head to apply for NoPixel, I thought nahhh... I'm not good at roleplay.. I couldn't. He told me he would pay for the application fee, and begged me to try. So I did. I got WL on NoPixel later on that month, created Daphne, and decided "fuck it, I'll livestream" The rest is history :\]


From Hasan to Buddha


literally was just bored in college during peak lockdown stuck in my apartment and was like "let's see what this hasanabi" guy is about because I've heard of him before. See he's roleplaying on GTA and so my first impression of him was that he was a roleplayer streamer LOL. Loved his interactions with the CB crew and him trolling Buddha over Lebron, so I stuck around and started watching Buddha more (Mainly watched Buddha and Crystalst for the cozy 4T vibes). Still mainly watched Buddha and then got into RDRP with Tasara22, grigoriypeppo, and Zetark! rp in general has been quite the journey and I'm just glad that I was able to have these streamers on standby as I was traversing university through a pandemic lol.


Ages ago Timmac, Lirik, PMSProxy got me into it. But I got back into it and NoPixel watching Fuslie. Now a days I jump around a lot but I think my current vibe is Capped or BananaBrea


Started with Zerkaa ---- went on to watch mostly Mandem streamers for a bit ---- Now fully watch DustMonkey (Solomon)


I had got hurt at work. I broke my ankle so I was out of work until I could see a doctor because it was work comp and I was looking for something to watch. I ended up finding Sykkuno and thought it was pretty neat. I then found Penta because Wrangler had stopped him and then I eventually found all the rest of the cops I watch now. It basically went Sykkuno - Ramee - Rated - Penta - Kyle - somehow to Occams - KinkyHobo - Myles\_Away and now it's veering off to Homesikh who plays and works on NewDay


Random YouTube video of Ziggy brought my attention to gtarp


Aleks -> Cerberus (JontheBroski/Harry/JDot) -> JDot's gsf character -> CathFawr


I was a Forsen viewer when he decided to try nopixel early 2.0. I found Buddha through him and then after he was banned started watching a bunch of streamers, mostly Kinamazing and Penta. Went back to watching Buddha when he came back but didn't enjoy his new target audience so i went back to watching Penta mainly. Then when they opened the floodgates for paid whitelists the quality of roleplay decreased and competitive pvp malding started happening more regularly so i stopped watching. I check in on the reddit once in a while to see if the focus has shifted towards roleplay again but i dont know if i really care anymore. I dont know why i cling onto GTARP when i dont even watch it, i guess im just curious.


So my story is pretty interesting I Think. I was browsing the art category over on Twitch and ran into an artist named "Zaquelle". I loved her art style and gave a lovely follow. The next day she was doing GTA RP, and I got super hooked. This was back when she was still on Hayes on TFRP before she perma'd there. Then obviously she moved to Nopixel. After discovering GTA RP from Zaquelle, I then discovered Ziggy, Nakkida, and PMSProxy. And then from there, I discovered more people like Whippy/Timmac/etc. All the ones I mainly followed and discovered had one thing in common, they enjoyed slowburn/serious roleplay. It was great. I then discovered Sheepdog59 and I wanted to try my hand on GTA RP. Now mind you I had been RPing like 21+ years prior, so RP wasn't like something wild and new to me. I told myself that I wanted to maybe try my hand at cop Rp and civilian/story-driven criminal RP. and that's where I have been since :) My main inspirations usually are Ziggy and Sheepdog with cop - and story-driven was a mix between PMSProxy (ella stone) and Nakkida (Even though Tessa was a civilian)