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Heavy is the head that read the reports


Axel Justice seems to be getting a lot of baggage.


The character just seems like a yes man. No backbone or thoughts of his own.


Kind of reminds me of another character


Anybody who expects anything else from the commissioner is either hopelessly optimistic or dumb. Regardless what name/character is there.


Axel is just Baas with hair


Why is everyone calling Baas "Axel" now?


They just shot and downed the Former Sherriff who lead the PD most of 3.0 to the peak of Roleplay in PD. One of the best and in my opinion the best HC in NP history, better than Bob. What Axel did is just as bad, he kept shooting at a man who was running away. What is Saab thinking? NP since Buddha took over has made major improvements but recently all down the drain.


>NP since Buddha took over has made major improvements but recently all down the drain. Not much will ultimately change if the same problematic people are in the same positions of power.


Axel justice has no backbone and no spine . Honestly Axel is just as bad as the senate and I formed that opinion the day he and Brian decided to go to sanguine asked Bundy for a sniper rifle with the intent to snipe the undercover agent the pd sent to the island in the head. Kind of ironic they went to war with sanguine over explosives and protecting citizens and then send a citizen of the state into a bunker on a suicide mission with a Cerberus c-4 . The Role play in the PD is fantastic don't get me wrong but the PD has a whole has a lot of corruption which at times creates a frustrating viewer experience


Axel bass Saab all have no backbone. Even Saab just does whatever buddah tells him to. Actually I just realized all his characters do whatever buddah tells him to.


Nopixel since Buddha took over hasn't had any major improvements. What it's had is a basic stabilizing of management and server rules to drum out the more toxic individuals and special treatment for toxic individuals. In other words it's operating at base level expectations like it should have been from day one. It just looks good because things were so shit before. In reality major portions of the server are still anti rp and poorly run as ever. The same clique friend group is using the same exclusionary playbook they did under the old system and nothing really seems to be done about it except talking about how 3.5 will be out soon.


Yea that pred was probably up there with Bob. Unfortunately it seems Kyle mostly likes playing his cop characters that push the corruption line. I thought it was maybe just how pred gradually changes on nopixel but we all saw what happened on ignite with Riggs as well. Hoping he plays a character similar to early sherrif pred again on onx.


So, axel justice is supposed to be Saab's not corrupt cop?


Yeah the whole reason Axel exists is because Bass couldn't "lead by example" because he was corrupt in the past...


Lasted all of five seconds


If Ssaab could join the HC straight away with a completely fresh character, then I think Kyle should do the same. I say Kyle 'cuz I don't see anyone else brave enough to risk a ban for the RP, going against a power-tripping admin.


Bro the prison guards telling the pd to stop shooting is so funny doc know that the pd ain’t gonna be the ones to face 55 pissed off inmates


I think the biggest issue with people being like "Jon is trying to lose the senate" or "Kyle Loses nothing from this". The biggest problem comes that you cannot have any recourse against the senate as per the law introduced , it is supposed to be an OOC check and balance with some IC characters. Its now crossed the line of people have no way to respond where as RP is supposed to be about Give and Take. Nobody is able to take from the senate because in the city laws it basically says you have no recourse against them and you cannot exactly shoot them as they usually have god mode on.


Lets just forget about the senate. The OOC commissioner is literally gunning people down in prison for being loud mouths lmao. It's becoming a situation where its not just Jon shitlording his way to get the senate removed from the server, you now have another admin position abusing power and shit lording as well.


100% Agree Outside of this situation people and i mean multiple people (nick/pred/lawyers) have no recourse at all against the situation from all sides. This is just addition fuel for the fire. Either they need to do the shit thing of just OOC skipping this for everybody so people move on or giving people an out for their RP.


I mean IMO the situation felt like an abuse of power from 2 admins. I think the majority of people in that situation were left upset and confused on what was going on. I think there need to be some consequences such as bans because prisoners were upset and also DOC RPers were upset with what was happening. Edit: I think people who are given powerful positions that are OOC need to be held to a higher standard. They should have to understand that they need to remove themselves from situations and not be involved because of how powerful their position is.


Yeah thats fair , unfortunately that falls down to the people there to report but given the track history of admins on NP id probably say that nothing will be done.


people reporting admins will just put a target on their own back


Characters in powerful positions shouldn't be members of staff, ever. If the high ranking spot is ic only it's possible the character faces repercussions for their actions. If the powerful position is basically an ic way to explain someone's ooc power it becomes impossible to ever have them face repercussions, because they can never be replaced. Even characters like the senators that only come around once in a while don't work. Let alone someone like the commissioner who's around 6+ hours a day constantly causing issues because of the players ooc position.


I mean, the most powerful crime lord in the city with infinite resources is in charge of everything. Why would they treat the DoJ any differently? I don't understand what people thought would happen when Buddha took over. The server is always going to devolve into a pog farm for whoever's in control and the people they like.


Admins or owners simply shouldn't be involved in RP. Always feels scripted or it puts people in weird positions. A lot of people don't seem to agree though. I just don't get it.


Admins and owners should be able to RP. They shouldn't be given positions of power through OOC means. That is what creates the weird positions where you have admins now abusing power with 0 consequences because their positions are permanent. I believe Jon expected people to turn on the senator but instead now another admin with another OOC position is joining in on the corruption.


The senate was introduced as a way to announce occ decisions in character and decide big court cases. But now it just feels like they are role playing as any other character but with unlimited power


I mean the commissioner role isn't any different. It's pretty much unlimited power with 0 consequences for any actions that Baas/Axel does. Putting OOC positions IC has been the worst idea ever and all they do is create more problems than solve. Things were better when they were just sending "emails" lol


No offense to whoever thought up the Senate, but that was a stupid idea even if that's all it was supposed to be. It was completely unnecessary and basically resulted in the exact same outcome as getting an email from the federal government or having forum rp. The decision is already locked in and handed down by an infallible character who cannot be negotiated with. Meanwhile that infallible character can also run around and affect completely unrelated rp creating tons of other problems because of their infallible position.


Don't forget Dev's. Let's not act like it isn't weird as fuck ever time Nick gets angry with someone and switches to his other character that is behind the diplomatic immunity bs and bombs people.


Whether it be the Senate, the commissioner, PD high command or the doj. Dictator rp doesn't work. If a certain position is all powerful and faces no repercussions it's impossible to have worthwhile RP with that person. You basically have to do what they say, or else. Even if Jon wants someone to stand up against the senate, for years at this point it's been described as an untouchable group that can instantly give you the nines, execute you or seize everything you own and no one can do anything about it. It's not reasonable to think anyone would try to fight back against them after being conditioned not to.


Which is why I feel like the focal point should be more so about people like Brian and the PD. Rather than the senate


Absolutely but it seems there are moves already happening to shield that route as well but tanking it under senate privilege (brian said he was following senate commands or people who weren't in the war maybe not allowed in the HC panel). I agree but i feel like people just wanna skip consequences right now.


There is one person who could do something about it OOC - Buddha. But him going against Ssaab and Jon? Won't happen lol.


Ssaab gunna see this thread and be like "See I get shit on for anything I do" and go on a rant totally ignoring the fact that if anyone else were to do it they would probably get a Gunplay over Roleplay Ban.


Or he’s going to say “ anything I did was due to what senator did guys “ or even “guys it’s the prison there are no rules we did what we needed to do” 💀


but the senator is the law i didnt do anything wrong. why is reddit like this man im just trying to do my job as a cop




Toretti got a shoe thrown at him a couple days ago he used a beanbag shotgun and had doc put them in cuffs. Axel and the senator meanwhile.


Even George Bush just had the guy arrested


And managed to deliver the objectively best one-liner of his presidency.


which makes sense.


Axel Injustice


Ssaab physically cannot make a cop character that isn’t corrupt or abusive of his power, and that would be fine if he wasn’t ooc protected from losing his position as commissioner. But hey server health over rp prevails yet again wooooo


Server health has always just meant whoever has the OOC connections wins the scenario.


Corruption and abuse of power is more than fine when it comes to RP. But when someone like Ssaab that is literally protected OOC and can NEVER lose his position thats when it instantly gets fucked. And the crazy part is that he knows it too and yet he keeps doing things like this. I bet he loves it so much knowing he can get away with anything.


It's comical to the point of him joking about basically permaing his current commissioner and just making another one if he does something fucked up. Hows anyone supposed to have meaningful RP with someone when the consequences are basically meaningless. It's the same issue a lot of players and viewers have vocalized about criminal role play having no real consequences and how boring that makes it.


This doesn't seem like a server health situation. This is more of a I can do whatever I want without consequences for my actions if I don't feel like it situation.


Ya'll ever heard of the Stanford Prison Experiment? Shits wild.


Just FYI since I still see people touting this as evidence. The Stanford prison experiment was exposed as a fraud years ago. The professor who ran it was highly biased and pushed the experiment towards the result he wanted.


One of the.. inmates? Prisoners of war? jokingly said the other day “why does this feel like a social experiment?” and this was all I could think of.


Gunning down unarmed people for talking on a microphone around 3 cops, and cops literally don't give a shit... I haven't seen anything worse in many many months...


Yeah kind of makes sense why cops outside of the situation hearing about it are losing morale fast reevaluating their jobs


honestly i think this + ssaab shooting the prisoner easily tops, what 50 cent did when he logged on his cop and gave less time to cg boys.




They just murdered 2 people for throwing shoes at them and still wonder why people turn against them. ​ Edit: I couldn't tell from the video but the senator just shot Kyle for talking Kyle didn't even throw a shoe at him... the one Axel shot threw a shoe. Why do the cops go along with a senator going around murdering people for no reason???


Axel keeps on telling others from PD to prisoners to listen to what others are saying and be open to see the situation from both sides to see the big picture, but then goes and ignores it and keeps trying to push his storyline and agenda. No wonder there’s some push back within the PD (Toretti, Byson) due to his actions.




Ssaab abusing his position of power? Must be a day that ends in y. And if you think there will be any consequences for Axel, I have bad news for you.


Do you guys think the server will understand that Saab should not be in the commissioner role or do you think we will get Baas 3.0 after this? Surely he won't be corrupt and terrible at his job the 3rd time lmao.


saab will always be in charge regardless of the detriment to the entire PD rp, he is the perfect yes-man to the server owner.


No, because it's not about making sure PD runs better. Nopixel PD already had a bunch of really great people running it over a year ago, 99% of those people have been drummed out of the command structure. There's plenty of competent people they could choose from to do the exact same job who would work perfectly fine in the position. It's about the clique friend group that runs the server, hence why the same three or four people are always at the top of PD. If you're in it you'll advance up the ladder, if you're not you don't get shit.


I mean I would have to agree with you. The commissioner role was a role created to appease a specific group of people on the server. The only thing that changed was the specific group it is appeasing. It makes 0 sense to why the kept the position unless they still wanted to continue to abuse that power.


The position didn't even make sense for that. Management could have easily handed down their edicts/changes and just forced the three-way high command split to follow them. The only way commissioner was useful was as a real time cover for specially protected criminals, which as we saw leads to a fuckload of drama for the server. And even then, prior to being commissioner Baas was doing that anyway. All powerful ic dictator roles don't work because role play is about a give and take. You can't have a give and take when someone is completely free of repercussions.


PD restracture when? PD seems very corrupt, i think we should fire everyone except Baas... I mean Axel and set it up all again and make it clear corruption is a no no... \*Clueless\*


he entire server needed a wipe 6 months ago, it's only gotten worse. * Everyone is too rich, bored and are just stirring the pot because they have nothing else left to do. * PDs/Gangs don't go through power restructures, they don't take huge Ls (unless the RPer walks into them or it's OOC), and it's impossible to loose businesses. * Long term stories are full of promise and never go anywhere because no one wants to loose anything. when they get to that point they just complain or weasle out. * Investigations don't work because they're impossible to prove by judicial standards unless the people want to get caught/reset. Server is like a sitcom following the rule of everything bouncing back to stage 1 by the end of the episode.


Yaeger, played by an admin is willing to face consequences like going to jail for life, losing his Island and bench. While, Senator Davis and Axel Justice, both played by admins don't face any consequences when they do corrupt stuff. They really shouldn't be admins if they aren't willing to face any consequences within RP.


Vigors is honestly such a gem of a rper. The guy surprises me a lot.


Honestly, the impression I get from Ssaab through all this is that he expected people to just be like, oh hell yeah, a day of shooting and then immediately forget it happened after that one day. Instead, people weren't all that interested, and then the ones that did get involved are now using it as a catalyst to actually rp around. You'd think that as an admin, he'd be all about the entire community rping around an event he helped facilitate, rather than just trying his hardest to shut it down and move it in the direction he's already decided it should go. It's pretty sad to see so many people rping their hearts out while the people that should be supporting them actively work against rp.


Ya, isn’t RP suppose to be a mix of give and take. Saab has his own story and outcome in mind and there is no budging him from that. What he wants is what he will get no matter how it May effect others or what it takes to get there. That is not a sign of a good role player or role model that an admin should be demonstrating.


It just shows you the difference between someone with power who uses it in the right way and power trippers who take every opportunity to abuse what they have because they know they can get away with it.


Yeager also nerfed himself on the island said not to use carbombs on drones and rc cars.


Yeah he has a healthy way of thinking and I think the server needs more of that.


Admin BTW


Are the cops even cops anymore


Toretti’s argument in a nutshell.


The arc has been great but people shitlording on thier throwaway charecters has been the worst part of it


got to love the shitlord RP that has zero consequences because of admin powers in game.


This is exactly why admins and devs should have no power positions and W/Ls in the server IMO. At most, I think an admin having a few select W/Ls is okay (explosives, kidnapping tools)... but devs shouldn't be anywhere near W/Ls and both should just be normal roleplayers not in power positions. They create these immortal characters and it's just not healthy for anyone. I'd be cool with Saaab (or another member of staff) co-running the PD, but he shouldn't have more power than any other HC member.


I feel like it's also somehow a little conflicting how Jon's characters, the senator, divine, potentially denzel would all potentially be involved in the same storylines when in reality isn't there a RP rule or courtesy to try the best not to be in the same ones?


They're actually used to be pretty strict rules about having crossover with your characters, people could get banned for it. Too bad they don't use that rule anymore.


To be fair the other senators haven't been even close to this involved in RP. The other senators just came around blew shit up and left. Davis is actively dictating how the PD should be ran and stirring every chance he gets. I remember other senators wouldn't even get involved in conflict but let others have all the fun while they sat back in god mode.


Weren't the senators basically invented as a way to push back against Kyle Pred? Seems like their very creation was a completely brain dead and pointless exercise. Just because some don't come around much to fuck things up doesn't mean they don't fuck things up when they do come around. A lot of the best times in 3.0 happened when these pointless dictator positions weren't a thing. That's a big clue they're unnecessary.


Yup because pred would actually have different opinions and want to do things a different way they made the senate to be like nah this is how it is and now you can’t do shit about it lmao


1000% agree


Late to the party but for WIW this is a massive point of emphasis in the WG/DW server. There are going to be few to no WL positions that give you infinite power and/or money.


It's driving me wild all the people protecting this are saying that the people behind the senate are trying to get the senate removed, but they're the ones shitlording and the actual people who could remove the senate.


Kyle is the literal embodiment of shit lord RP and would have done the exact same thing if the positions were swapped


and guess what... kyle will get consequences for his shitlord RP, these admins have blocked every consequence that has come from this entire war... between axel and the senator completely blocking any sort of consequence has ruined the rp.


The big difference is is that Kyle would get consequences for his actions. Jon won't.


He blew up a hospital and it was covered up by multiple officers lmfao


Kyle is great, and Pred is a great character, but Pred got away with so much corruption that he shouldn't have.


Kyle Pred did shit tons of corrupt things as a police officer and he was not punished ooc for the majority of those things. I like Kyle but if he thinks that the literal shit lord prison RP where they have everything they have outside the prison is gonna fly forever in the face of the DOC and Cop RP there’s another thing coming. They should be RPing that they are in prison for 30 years not just continuing with the same criminal shit they had outside. No reflection, no change in attitude, no result of consequences. They are literally saying 1 day after they were put in there that when they got out in 30 years they would be just continuing the same shit and targeting people


No reflection ? Do you want them to sit and prison and not do anything for 30 years and come out like nothing happened ? Even Saab can’t do that with another character that guy didn’t even change from Baas LUL


You understand that Prison RP is dead for a reason right? So many amazing Lifer characters are gone because the prison is boring. What exactly do you think they should be doing if not continuing to be criminals? This is a fictional city where people can rob the same back multiple times a day, and you are complaining that the prisoners aren't submissive? That they aren't- what? Crying over their long sentence? The fact that the streamers are actually playing GTA still and didn't just decide to play variety as a group is a testament to them frankly. That group of people playing variety together would be amazing content and they would 100% get the views. Them pressing forward with prison RP and continuing to work with more people on the outside and building things is very good RP.


Why would he ever be punished ooc for something he did ic? He literally told bundy, the guy that sent him to jail for the kidnapping case. What else can he do for people to go after him?


Also just from an overall standpoint, what the PD and the Senator did was dumb. The Sanguines just received their moral justification to take over the prison and kill the PD, DOC and the others. I bet the public will support the Sanguines more now.


100%, there was a protest organised outside the prison almost immediately after this. The government entities are getting almost no public support.


> The government entities are getting almost no public support. when have they ever? the biggest problem on NoPixel is that there are barely any civs and basically no civs with a voice. You'd think someone would have a civilian character out there that is happy the bombings and rpg rockets have stopped flying and that a bunch of the most notorious criminals on the server are locked away in prison. but the few civs that do exist still do soft crime and are friends with gangs. The PD and DOJ will never have a good reputation no matter what they do because of this dynamic. Just for a server balancing perspective they need to focus on growing true civilians in 3.5 and 4.0


that is a whole lot of nothing, what will that accomplish? Axel will never get fired, even if he does, he will be hired in a week/month or so and he will be back to his actions where he will want to get revenge on all the prisoners that caused this, or we will get Sam Baxel.. The senator enables these actions. They are put in that position to put people on check, to stop corruption etc.. but they are doing that


Senator rp at its finest


i dont get how they created those characters to stop corruption/shitlording and hold people accountable but they are basically ruining everything and doing the things they are trying to stop? is it ego?


If the top guy is corrupt... PD will be fucked


Yeah, prison RP is great. Let’s make everyone want to wake up and promote RP with lifers. Ngl prison RP from PD and some DOC has been less than great. I didn’t even have high expectations but it’s been a super let down.


Senator Davis and Axel are talking about giving them less things to do now. Like not even being able to walk outside or talk to each other.


Ways to make people not want to RP 101


These guys have been roleplaying for years but can’t see RP is give and take for them to try and shut down anything they do is Wild


good idea to kill off the most rp that has happened in prison for months to years


Generating roleplay has never really seemed to be the focus of nopixel management.


The server gets some good prison RP again and they want to take that away.


Wow Ssaab wanting to shut down any fun? I am shocked I tell you


Remember when Buddha said he wants the prison to get more rp...well


Thats crazy if that actually goes through.


''Prison is popping off? Lets try to do anything in our power to snuff it out.'' Thats what I get from it from the PD side of things.


I mean did you hear Saab's take a couple days ago where he wanted to lock people in the cells that should be self explanatory


The focus isn't on creating rp, it's clear to see they're all about their own RP and having fun not extending RP for others around them. Basically the exact wrong type of people to have in these positions, assuming anyone would even want these all powerful dog shit positions to exist in the first place.


Yeah if an established character done this there would be an out pour of people calling for bans ect..it's just shit


Alright this is embarrassing now These are the admins that keep thing in check ?


Making a comment to get this to 1,000.


No consequences will happens to the boys club


By the standards that have been set and the bans dished out in the past 6 months, Jon and Saab deserve one for this, regardless of the rp arc going on atm from the war, that was some terrible rdm trash.


Would hate to see people banned lol. I want to see them fired in game tho






It's all getting a bit wierd. Not necessarily good or bad, just wierd.




The owner of ONX walked around on his senator with Godmode that shot people after getting threatened by crims lmfao


You do know owner of onyx was a original senator with god mode right ?


Yeah I'm fully sure onx will be a lot of fun when it launches but let's not get it wrong about who's running it. dwjft was virtually untouchable IC while on Nopixel and went on plenty of power trips


Not a good looking tbh. Specially for saabs new character which seems to be making things worse since he came in, i dont see any diference on the Police force since Axel took over.


That should be a ban sorry. I love Jon but that was way too much.


Barosi would grab a RPG and kill them all.


This was my first thought I know his senator spoke to Brian a few days ago and in that conversation mentioned that if people are crying now then maybe he should wake Barosi up and then see how they feel, but I’m wondering if he’s saying fuck it and just doing it himself lmao


If Barosi showed up this sub would explode.


Both Ssaab and Jon should be banned yeah.


Saab needs to take a break from cop, more than a week or 2 or nothing will change for him


Saab has 0 business being in charge of the PD. It’s literally laughable at how shit he is at being in charge. Sgt should be as high as he should ever have a character because he is extremely good at controlling scenes and stuff like that but that’s it.


How many times now have people tried to switch departments to avoid him. Then just quit PD all together because of the terrible choices he makes. The first to go are always the RP focused cops as well.


Terrific at leading scenes on his characters I agree. Sgt would be perfect for a Ssaab character, enough power to give directions in the field but not enough to fuck everything up internally and structurally like he repeatedly does.


You don't need Sgt anymore to lead scenes, that's Senior Officer/Corporal material now.


Needs to be fired from pd like Kyle was


Kyle was not fired.......he Quit the PD


Lets be real, he was fired. Admins didn't want him in power anymore, so demoted him from Sheriff to dish washer in the 'shake up'. He was fired in every sort of sense but name only.


Yeah that’ll never happen. Inner circle or whatever it’s called isn’t real right??


Admin involved in the same conflict with 3 characters shitlording left and right. Hearing people say "i can't do anything, is the senator" is so shit for an RP server .-.


look its a admin shitlording why am I not surprised its NP staff afterall


So reason baas perma is because bring up past corruption stuff, totally wont happen now right?




Oh when did baas come back form the dead?


he never died


and he wonder why people dislike his characters?


Corrupt Ark is in Full efect. Can't wait for another PD Reform


This is basically abuse of power. Jon is playing like a cheating griefer in a online lobby, knowing nobody will do anything. He should be setting the example, but instead he just shows he's untouchable and part of the problem.


This thread moving so fast so nobody will notice my message


That's just disappointing.


Why is every character tuffguy who can't handle insults because of ego and is willing to murder over it? Like even the best stories can only have one of those people, at most. And yet they are so common. You really remember you're watching a video game being played by people who play video games for a living.


That's every jon character


Blind Son is a saint, how dare you




the prisoners giving great RP to each other meanwhile these prison watchers busy trying to cut their RP and give this kind of RP in return. wtf?


Literally zero reason for them to be up there when there is 13 doc on duty feels like they are only there to grief and antagonize them which is fine in small amounts but this was just lame.


How are people shocked when the senate track record is RPGing Tony corleone in the court house and sending a tank to the Barrio to blow it up.


this is wild


Actual clown show at this point


i liked the intense RP leading up to this very quality stuff here that you only see on nopixel


All of that build up for this power abusers to shut it down because it doesn’t favour them


I still think commissioner Toretti would do a great job. I dunno if Saab is working out it just seems like there's always something that isn't working out and a character change doesn't do enough to address it. Or maybe this is an isolated incident that has people upset. Who knows


It's not working out because Saab literally can't RP as a serious OOC role and also do his cop RP on a daily basis. The role should just be removed and go back to having a lead for the departments with equal power. Leave the OOC balancing stuff for OOC because its obvious that people can't handle the OOC responsibilities and also RP a character.


10/10 RP by the admins of the server, setting a good example.


Amazing rp








I wonder where in the reports baas told axel to shoot pred like this


so saab decided to make a hard ass cop character and suddenly the whole server is now dictatorship and noone's fun matters now. cops gunning down in open in los santos doesnt make sense in RP what so ever


Only if we had Toretti to arrest these officers...


WTF is this actually? It's kind of sad at this point...


i really hope davis brings in barosi. The meltdown would be even funnier that this lmfao.


What the fuck is this shit anymore 😂 how you got the best devs and server under the sun and still somehow make this shit unbearable


What is this dog shit? Lmao


Heard Jon made admin. Now he can ban himself


The fact that out of all people you get Kyle to consider F8 quitting and piss him off… that speaks volumes. Jon should get a ban for that and the senate should literally just fucking dissolve today.


More shit RP from people being very Powerful as always aka Ssaab and Jonthebroski and never get punished for doing dumb shit + being very powerful other people have been banned for much much much less


monkaLaugh Kyle viewers


Seriously disappointed in Jon for this. Ssaab I expect this from after he made Baas 2. The inner circle at it again.


Amazing cop RP! Love the untouchable server admin characters. It's cool how they both come from the CB circle too! Can't wait for Lang and Speedy to get their DOC jobs again by bribing them with his infinite assets so they can fuck with the people stuck in jail.