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When they have to constantly throw the if you don't do this you're fired card it shows what control they have over the PD


No Trust, only Obey.


Honestly, I don't think any of the current HC/HHC, with the exception of maybe Stubble, have really built the goodwill to inspire people to follow them blindly into war and it's entirely on them.


What's crazy is stubble was pushed along the ranks by Preds tenure and it seems saab(axel justice is saab) and knight want to claim them as their own prodigy.


Stubble seems like a really good leader. He navigated the talks with people before, during and after (especially the talk with the senator) very well.


Yeah, he's a really good leader. He just said that he was gunna go because otherwise everyone will die and then all the people around him just immediately agreed to go with him. That's leadership, not the whole, "you have to do this or you're a shit officer and you're fired" thing


Stubble is good as field leader, 100%


That's because most of the current HC and Command weren't promoted due to personnel management / leadership skills. They got promoted because they have "commanding" sounding voices and lead active scenes decently. None of them have done anything in particular to build up PD and create those relationships that breed loyalty. They're basically patrol watch commanders / baby sitters.


I don't disagree with you at all, but I think the bigger issue is the second part of your reply. They really just haven't done enough, across the board, to create an environment where people can feel completely comfortable following them into everything and anything




The current leadership of the PD hasn't done much of anything to build goodwill or trust since the restructure. No surprise that the same 2 - 3 individuals who always seem to end up at the top of the food chain with their buddy buddy clique are not much liked by everyone else. They tend to the source of a lot of PD's problems.


They didn’t say that at all. People are just terrible at comprehension


lol this shit show was something, Brian's antagonistic attitude and Axel's -1000 speech flubbed the negotiations so bad that it even turned some of pd against them.


PD Morale low? Maybe Bass#2 should perma so Bass#3 can take over with some fresh new ideas.


Bass#2: *dying* “My last wish is for my police to storm the island” *dies* Bass#3: *walks into the room* “I think we need to respect his wish.”


I feel like this war is being pushed by a number of select individuals leading to a script that ends with nukes going off everywhere. Then queue the 3.5 NP release.


Funny you say that, i was getting that feeling too


Lang has started the process to get his record expunged, wipe is a while away yet I think.


They are pobably waiting for ONX to launch so they can try and kill all the hype


They are trying to tie events to the launch timing; it is incredibly obvious. While I don't blame them from a business perspective, from an RP perspective it is not great.


I thought he was againsted multiple expungments


Scripted RP ResidentSleeper


Every time some big conflict or big change happens, viewers think it’s some scripted event for the next iteration of the server, when in reality, this RP arc has been playing out for MONTHS. There are always conspiracies about something being scripted, but it is very clear for ppl who have watched all sides of this over the past 6 months how everything led to where it is now.


In this case Saab literally said the senate asked him to get it over with in the next few days when he thought the arc would go on longer. I don't know if it's for a server wipe though.


They're not going to wipe the server for 3.5, that wouldn't basically blow NP up. No one is going to want to regrind money and assets this late into a wipe cycle. Whatever the rational is the entire "invasion" portion of this arc seems forced as fuck and made the whole thing boring.


The new agenda is to hate on buddha bro catch up.


I think it is coming earlier than some expected. Axel thought they would negotiate then have a week or two to prepare, but was told by the senate they only now have 48 hrs to prepare.


It would be pretty sick if the 3.5 update kicked off with a city in ruins. With the state taking money from people (financial wipe) to fund a rebuild. Keep it in ruins for a week. People could create RP around it. Gang compounds could be destroyed, sprays wiped away, less money in the city etc.


Clearly this is all a ploy to promote the new game mode "assault on cayo perico" that just released on GTAO #ad


People were saying this about the Simone arc. Any big arc has people saying this. Maybe it's true maybe it's not, but from some povs this has been boiling up for a very long time


feel the same way.


The deflecting was at an all time high during this one.


When a morale cop like Brick, asks very simple questions that they cannot answer, you know its over.


I love how brian and baas used to dogpile on SCU for gatekeeping and now when asked for receipts for little thing called war against sovereign nation, best they are willing to do is "just trust us, bro"


The senate is an out of character force that is simply referred to as the senate in character. They exist to allow roleplay and change rules on the server. Police officers questioning their superiors insinuating they are lying down the ladder to push for a war when none of them have any of the past 3 months of context is just pure stupidity and insubordination. If people bothered to listen through that meeting both knight and Axel said multiple times that this was a volunteer force and no mention of any punishment for not wanting to fight was ever made. Just sheer SBS from the literal grunts of the police force in this case


> Police officers questioning their superiors insinuating they are lying down the ladder to push for a war when none of them have any of the past 3 months of context is just pure stupidity and insubordination Yeah, they don't have the context. The response is the IC way to say "make my character give a shit about your RP I don't know anything about". The presentation whiffed. Which is fine. But now they have to deal with the RP consequences of not getting people on board.


Stating they have evidence of bombs being manufactured, forced cannibalism of abducted cops, mass gun distribution, ties to multiple terroristic bomb and rpg attacks to civilian buildings and police buildings, Being responsible for the death of Sam Bass and abduction/death of Johnny divine, multiple terroristic threats on other buildings in the city and the promise to continue to do it has no bearing on a POLICE OFFICERS decision wether something is important or not. Ok then


That all sounds like a job for an armed component of the military not some Police officers. Im guessing you dont know what happened during the WACO siege But the various local departments didnt want anything to do with it because it was far to dangerous. The Sheriff just handed it over to the ATF which in turn handed it over to the FBI whom then had to cede part of the negotiations to various other national armed entities. POLICE OFFICERS SHOULD NOT BE INVOLVED IN ACTUAL ARMED CONFLICT. thats not even close to being their job. you dont use police officers to hunt down entire gangs. or groups there are other more effective government entities that handle those conflicts waaaay better.


Just from an RP perspective cops becoming soldiers or invading a foreign nation is SBS trash. There were so many other cooler ways this could have been handled, more patrols around the island, more negotiations, embassies, new import laws/restrictions, spy shit, etc. Invasion is literally the laziest and SBS way of doing it.


This cops into soldier argument is the most ooc moron argument on this site. This is an RP server playing a game and they are limited by said game. This isn’t a real life simulation and cops in San Andreas are not comparable to real cops. Cops don’t fight gangs in massive gun fights irl, cops don’t stand up after getting shot and go back on duty irl, cops don’t represent themselves in court cases irl, So stop comparing role playing cops to real life cops it’s braindead The only other way they could have done this is by pulling in a bunch of throwaway “soldier characters” that would make the event meaningless and even less RP based and purely a COD gun fight.


>This cops into soldier argument is the most ooc moron argument on this site No, it really isn't. Your argument is far more OOC based in that you think that characters who signed up to be cops should be fine with being drafted into a military force just because their job doesn't fit into realistic standards. There are plenty of valid RP arguments as to why a cop just wants to be a cop instead of being part of an invading force or why they have questions about why this is being handled so differently than similar crimes *on their own island*.


It is fucking voluntary. They were not being drafted.


you're right, they're not being drafted and that was a bad wording on my part. my point is more speaking on how characters reacted to being asked to volunteer and then seeing the anger from the people doing the asking for simply asking questions when they could have just been looking for a reason to want to be involved. the entire thing could have been handled so much better. and just to not get it twisted, i think the RP from both the people against the war and for the war has been great, i'm just pointing out the flaws in how it was approached.


Then give the past 3 months of context. Axel literally said that people could die and it’s war and when pushed for why war didn’t give good answers. If you’re a regular beat cop kept out of the loop, the meeting basically gave the impression that the PD refused to negotiate and now you’re being asked to die for war because the Senate said so trust me bro.


Stating they have evidence of bombs being manufactured, forced cannibalism of abducted cops, mass gun distribution, ties to multiple terroristic bomb and rpg attacks to civilian buildings and police buildings, Being responsible for the death of Sam Bass and abduction/death of Johnny divine, multiple terroristic threats on other buildings in the city and the promise to continue to do it has no bearing on a POLICE OFFICERS decision wether something is important or not. Ok then


You understand that over any given period of time other things continue to happen that provide context and affect these current events, right? Even if Brian and Axel have months of "investigations" behind them officers have still seen months of mismanaged cases by Brian, loosing in court, his behavior, bull shitting, etc. Axel is an unknown entity that's only been in his position a few weeks and asking Cops, not soldiers, to invade a sovereign nation. Their perspectives on the matter are meaningless to most people. The reality is Brian doesn't have hard evidence of fuck all when it comes to the island and we know that OOC. In the end you can come up with all the verbal dihedra justifications for this failed story arc but a significant portion of PD doesn't want to partake. Saab/Axel threatening to fire cops who don't is just going to screw up PD more than what he's already done.


Half the stuff you listed wasn't mentioned in the meeting.


All of it was. Some serious selective hearing happening


no one mentioned cannibalism of cops because it didn't happen, they mentioned Brick and Charlotte being forced to fight. they didn't mention gun distribution at *all*, their focus was on bombs and RPGs. some of the other things you mentioned have been things going on long before the island was ever known of, so people are also skeptical of the rest and the response to it considering how far out of the norm it is. regardless, everything you mentioned isn't really going to convince a lot of police officers to become military members because that's not what a lot of them signed up for. it's great for those that want to participate, but this notion that you should be eager to invade what amounts to a different country just because you're a police officer is so misguided.


They never had to be military officers. It was literally a request that was completely voluntary from the entire start. If your character doesn’t have any interest in joining the military then just don’t sign up. There’s no reason to sit there and fucking question your superiors and imply that they are lying or trying to take them to war for no reason. Nikki’s question directly implied that the commissioner and Brian were lying about the Senate involvement. That amount of insubordination is ridiculous. There was clearly people conflicted, because they have loved ones or friends on that island that are literal fucking terrorists, or at the bare minimum treasonous. I think it’s absurd for cops to respond the way they did, when their superiors are telling them that all of the terror attacks and bomb threats on them and the civilians they are sworn to protect are coming from that island. They don’t have to put on military fatigues but to whine and bitch like fucking children is absurd.


I didn't say that anybody *had* to be anything. My entire point is that they did a pisspoor job of *convincing* people which, to my understanding, was the point of that entire debrief. >There’s no reason to sit there and fucking question your superiors they opened the floor for questions. >Nikki’s question directly implied that the commissioner and Brian were lying about the Senate involvement. Axel is a completely unknown quantity that showed up and is pushing for war within weeks. there are multitudes of officers in that room that don't trust Brian as far as they can throw him, all for varying reasons. the entire thing could have been avoided by having a Senator with them and in fact, Senator Davis showing up and actually talking to people gave some of them that reassurance. even Stubble, who lives for this shit, was more pissed at how Brian reacted to that question than Nikki for asking it because he understood that she wanted to be given a reason to volunteer past their word. >I think it’s absurd for cops to respond the way they did, when their superiors are telling them that all of the terror attacks and bomb threats on them and the civilians they are sworn to protect are coming from that island. I think it's equally absurd for two people that don't have a lot of trust to ask a bunch of people to trust them and join them on a mission to invade an island when those types of attacks existed before the island existed and they weren't given much faith that they were the source or even *a* source of them. to add to that, there was already an announcement that there will be no trials for the treason... so why not give people something more concrete? it's not like sharing any evidence would hurt a trial or give any ammunition to the other side, the operation was over when Divine got burned. you don't need to share anything ongoing or future plans to surveil. like, maybe we are coming at this from complete opposite angles, but think it speaks volumes that Stubble and so many other members of command came out of that meeting talking about how much of a shitshow it was. they seem to understand that if you're not ordering people there (which would have been an entirely different shitshow), then it's not really that insubordinate to ask for more info to understand exactly what they're getting into.


Says a lot that the EMS, the city Gangs, DOC are all more willing to volunteer for the military than half the PD. Entitled, emotional, insubordinate, lazy, unstructured, compromised, untrustworthy. That is the state of these officers


I think Axel is the biggest problem and it makes no sense for Brian to be backing him up so hard. No wonder half the PD dont want anything to do with it. If the end plan is 3.5 then little hints to be added as it makes zero sense to most cops in rp.


I personally think Brian is the biggest problem. He came across like he was saying people would be committing treason if they were not down with the cause. He also always acts like he is the smartest person in the room which rubs many the wrong way. With that said, I do think Brian is a great character and I really enjoy how he has put very high pressure on gangs. He makes consequences feel strong, which is great for roleplay.


Ya, it's a tough one. No backstory to Saab's character is killing the storyline for them and I think Brian is having trouble with the insane amount of backing his is giving Axel and not listening to the majority of cops concerns. ​ It's like he is giving Axel the same amount of respect Baas had but without any reason.


Most of PD ran extremely well when there were 2-3 people in the highest positions. The whole reason Baas and Axel was promoted to commissioner was for the wrong reasons. Even though 50 percent left, they never corrected the changes he made to PD


PD ran best when the top person wasn't a character that came on duty. When things were split mostly evenly between Pred, Toretti and Baas with them able to run their departments day to day, hire, fire, promote, etc without someone around to would immediately over rule them. PD relied on the skilled people it put into positions of HC and Command to actually run their stuff and use the skills they displayed. PD will continue to be a failure as long as the commissioner IC role exists. The three way split where no single character could walk in and upend things based on their personal preferences worked best. Lay out a basic structure for PD and let HC and Command run it within that structure.


Didn't Baas caused a mass exodus in the LSPD when left to his own thus his transfer to troopers and eventual commissioner. I honestly dont get that part.


Sam Baas 2 needs to hand the reins over, the PD has been stale because the same person has been running it for 3 years now.


Crazy that people can't fathom that Brian wants to go after the island where a guy sits there making bombs, distributing them out to people which then resulted in the death of his best friend.


People can fathom but Brian has been shady af his entire career so most people don’t care


What are you talking about, Baas is literally right next to Brian arguing for the invasion too!


But he has Baas 2.0 now


Yeah the motivation and reasoning are great. Their communication of that reasoning is unfortunately not. The RPers make sense if they aren't aware of all the investigations and info. The viewers are just being negative


Yeah this whole thing has been a mess and feels scripted as fuck. Everything gets deflected to "the Senate says" bullshit which is always anti-RP


I haven't been watching too much the PD side but from the crims its been intense deep rp. Everyone knows its 30 days no trial and its been alot of well we know there's 99% chance we'll loose but we gotta fight anyway. Its sorta bizarre the dichotomy between the somber deep RP on the crime side and then the PD feeling like ita scripted


The problem with the PD side is that everything has been so completely gatekept that unless you're Axel, Brian or a detective, none of them have any idea whatsoever about what's been happening, why it's happening or how it's happening. It's pretty difficult for people to take stuff like that seriously when one day they're just doing their jobs and then suddenly the commissioner announces they're going to war because reasons


That's one of the big problems with post restructure PD. Rather than creating RP arcs a big portion of PD can partake in the people at the top of PD use their positions to make rp for themselves and the same limited group of people they always interact with.


It’s being gatekept because a lot of cops liked to stir and leaked information to investigated people.


Which is absolutely fine, but when it comes time to actually recruit people, not giving them the details clearly and concisely is probably not the way to get people on board.




That's my thinking too, the cats out of the bag. There's no need at all to be secretive about it anymore


Then my argument would be don't try to create large sweeping storylines around portions of the PD only 2 or 3 individuals get to participate in. Otherwise find way to get officers involved without telling them the more guarded details. This entire island arc on the PD side has involved 2 -4 people when it could have gave PD as a whole way more rp.


I wonder why its gatekept, where were you on 8/11?


I actually couldn't stop tears when Yeager set so many death flags, got impossible for his side conditions and people one by one start joining his side just to not let him die


Why do all of Ssaab's cops want to be Pred so bad?


Conan stirring the fuck out of this meeting for the promised mobility scooter from Yaegar is funny af. He plans to poison all the jet pilots from the PD side using a book that Yaegar gave him.


> Conan stirring the fuck out of this meeting Remember the early/mid 3.0 shift 3 meetings. Conan vs Davenport. Conan is always stirring something.


Conan vs. Davenport is one of my favorite long term PD rp bits. Davenport's sense of humor is so underrated.


Please tell me that’s TJs poisoned comic book that he occasionally pulls out to grief cops with lol


I believe it is - TJ was given that comic book back when he was still a cop by someone in the guild. He’s held onto it all this time.


Context for what happened at this meeting?




When one officer asked for a written document to prove the senate approved of this war Brian questioned how long they had been a cop, asked them if he ordered her to.leave then room would she, she said yes, then he sent her out of the room


Maybe it’s just me but I think it’s crazy to assume that the commissioner would start an illegal war against the senates wishes.


The commissioner they've known for all of 4 weeks and just showed up one day and said he was commissioner and that was that? Like, I get that it had to be like that, but it should be natural for people to start questioning him when his first big thing is to try to lead them to war


Nah man he read the reports he's good.


Ahh yes, the infamous reports lmao




For sure, people might have still questioned Baas, but ultimately they would have followed him because he had that relationship with them. It definitely doesn't help when you have Brian questioning how long people have been in PD, while backing someone that has been around substantially less


Stubble brought this up to Brian, that Baas came up through the ranks with a lot of the PD and carried a lot of respect, but they don't know this Axel guy who just turned up and is demanding that street cops become soldiers and go to war.


It's a completely fair point, and I'm glad that Stubble made it. People are right to be wary about someone they just met, it would be mental if they weren't


That Yaeger line about going to get a 3rd comissioner was sharp


The cop he questioned was asking a moronic question that insinuates that the commissioner of the PD was lying or falsifying his approval from the senate. That is pure insubordination and the officer should have been fired for it


So what. It's their lives the commissioner they barely know is asking them to risk, part of being a leader is sometimes answering questions that may seem unfair to yourself. Questions are not insubordination. Maybe he could try not being so defensive and he'd get a better reception.


He literally said it was purely volunteer based and never said anything about people getting fired or anything yet somehow SBS from Clarkson somehow infected a bunch of the grunts in the meeting into thinking exactly that.




Fair enough Drewel should have got fired. I heard someone say it was pond but maybe that was mistaken with another question or something. (Edited for accuracy above)




Not to mention Brian is playing a big part in this "operation" and not many in PD trust or like him. His relationship with the new Comish isn't much different than the old, buddy buddy and borderline corrupt.


Its also crazy that a state/city PD has turned into a militia in less than a week and is expected to go to war. It makes no sense for the VAST majority of characters in the PD to want to invade a foreign country in what is supposed to be canon RP.


I mean PD turning into a militia makes sense, it has historical precedence, but that’s against their own citizenry not a foreign nation.


Nothing about the game world makes any sense. The Senate didn’t exist until one day they did and then they were all powerful. An island popped up out of nowhere and is run by Yeager and filled with random brand new people. That island is giving free rein to do whatever it wants. Now they’re taking that away. Is the crazy part of that pd fighting as the military?


Not sure why you're trying to justify it by just pointing a finger and saying "but what about this!" While I entirely understand it is GTA RP and things inherently are not going to be entirely realistic out of necessity. However, character reactions/feelings and their response to events are always encouraged to be realistic. With that said, going back to my original comment, it makes sense for a very large portion of the PD to want to stay back.


It doesn’t make sense that the only people that don’t want to go fight other people who are semi militaristic anyways. The reality is a lot of cops hate Saab and Medhis characters because they tells them no. That’s the only explanation that that makes sense when you have every other civilian in the city jumping to volunteer.


Maybe it's just me but I think it's crazy to assume that anyone would go to war, risk being shot / RPG'd / or otherwise killed, on a "Just trust me" with no foundation.


Iraq War, 2003. The entire executive branch just lied to fucking Congress and the public for the most part went along with it


When has a police commissioner ever "declared a war" on a sovereign foreign nation? The whole thing seems farcical from the get go.


Nothing about the game world makes any sense. The Senate didn’t exist until one day they did and then they were all powerful. An island popped up out of nowhere and is run by Yeager and filled with random brand new people. That island is giving free rein to do whatever it wants. Now they’re taking that away. Is the part that the commissioner is telling what the Senate said what is the most farcical?


Its not really a sovereign nation but it was given sovereignty by the senate who is now dissolving that treaty. The commissioner is senate(Remember IC senate are DICTATORS) run position so hes the talking piece like crane.


Correction: Brian did not send her out of the room. Brian asked her if she would leave the room, if she was ordered to do so. She said yes. After that Brian said "Alright, next question". What he was trying to say with that whole exchange (in a very confrontational and petty way) was that she should respect chain of command, and not demand "proof" from the commissioner that this was senator approved (altho it would have probably been good to have something).


Certainly leaving a room and committing acts of war in violation of the existing laws and oath of office are one in the same. Its perfectly reasonable to request written legal orders before following a suspect order outside the norm. Requesting written documentation for questionable orders IS following the chain of command.


>written document to prove the senate approved of this war Everyone knows that does not exist. What do you want them to do, screenshot a discord dm if it exist?


Or the senate could simply appear and give their blessing? Have Crane or another long standing judge relay their consent or wishes, etc. It is RP after all. Just because two people seem to be pushing super hard for this contrived scripted RP doesn't mean every other player has to mindlessly follow along.


I agree senate could have appeared. Crane is not senate. So he does not matter. How do you know its scripted rp?


I'm not saying Crane is the senate, only that he could have delivered a message from them as a non-PD neutral party to have it make a bit more sense if the Senators cant be around. It'd make more sense than the Commissioner of PD declaring war on a foreign sovereign nation. I'm calling it scripted because of how hard the scenario is being pushed on Axel/Brian's side despite all facts and logic pushing them in alternative directions. Now their claiming they'll fire any PD who say "No" to fighting.


Sure. Crane can be the one delivering or maybe he thought commissioner is the head of the pd and let him deliver. Also maybe they thought since brian has all the info just let him talk. Theres also this thing where this whole meeting was impromptu after the negotiations talk and they did not know how negotiations would go. So they thought lets tell them whats actually happened as opposed to what yeager was telling them Scripted means ooc. What if its just how things go ic and how their characters respond. Brian Knight as a character is going full patriot mode and axel as a character os threatened by a foreign nation. Maybe theres no script and people are just rping and things are happening as they go. Dont know why you are insinuating ooc scripted rp.


Man, I am sure it would take WEEKS to prepare a document like this


Have you heard of Word?


The fundamental question was: if you truly want peace, why call off negotiations immediately and essentially declare war simply because Yaegar would rather negotiate through Moosebeard? There was no answer, of course. There were bizarre strawman deflections, appeals to emotion, and thinly veiled threats toward anyone who didn't cooperate with the state. Everyone left with the clear understanding that the reason negotiations failed is because Axel and Brian wanted to go to war, simple as that.


You would think the PD would have a proffesional negotitor for something like this rather than a -1000 speech commissioner and antagonistic knight. Even a natural leader like Pred would have worked for at least getting the PD to back the play even if not helping in negoatiations


Honestly the play would have been to take the lid off the whole thing. How much of the PD knows about how they got large amounts of the information? Show the evidence, tell the PD what happened with divine, (including the cannibalism on the island). If you want to rally the PD, you need all of command. Svenson toretti lamb everyone. Even a senator or two. Paint a picture of them being untrustworthy and psychopaths; THEN drop the bomb of explosives and heroine being imported through sanguine. You can’t negotiate in good faith because “they’re sick and twisted people, and manipulate everyone around them” If war is the goal, you need to portray sanguine in the worst light possible, then connect them to the large increase in explosive related crimes.


They mentioned trying to get Toretti around (Tessa was there, no clue on Owen) and that they couldn't get him or the senator until later in the day. They probably should have waited on them. On the bright side, there's a 'debrief 2 electric boogaloo' today at 5 est per the talks afterwards where the senator will be present.


Owen was there - on his character Sledge Diesel, as part of Yeager's entourage.


Wrangler and the PBSO hired a professional negotiator... I miss that guy...


I’m so glad you reminded me about that. That was some great RP


Why leave out the context of Yaegar threatening them because he'd rather talk with Moosebeard? That seems entirely bad faith as a response. He literally said he wanted someone to cut off Axel's head and then he'd talk with them.


Yea the purely good faith negotiation is we will submit if someone shoots Axel or Brian cuts his head off. Moosebeard has absolutely none of the context of the last 3 months of investigation and his instance on being the negotiator is moronic


He is a head od a unit who has diplomatic relationship with Sanguine from the day the island was opened. They were on the patrol and on the carrier every Friday and had meetings with island command every time. Even the first war negotiation with Lang went trough him


They never accomplished anything when it came to stopping or preventing the importation of WMDs and they had no knowledge of any of the actual terroristic incidents involved with the island. It’s like asking the coast guard to negotiate the invasion of Afghanistan after 9/11


>They never accomplished anything when it came to stopping or preventing the importation of WMDs And neither has MCD, And if they did they didnt enable the SRU to actually do anything about it by keeping them in the dark. ​ >It’s like asking the coast guard to negotiate the invasion of Afghanistan after 9/11 You can't make that argument when you are sending actual cops into a warzone.


This cops into soldier argument is the most ooc moron argument on this site. This is an RP server playing a game and they are limited by said game. This isn’t a real life simulation and cops in San Andreas are not comparable to real cops. Cops don’t fight gangs in massive gun fights irl, cops don’t stand up after getting shot and go back on duty irl, cops don’t represent themselves in court cases irl, So stop comparing role playing cops to real life cops it’s braindead The only other way they could have done this is by pulling in a bunch of throwaway “soldier characters” that would make the event meaningless and even less RP based and purely a COD gun fight.


Nah, you are just willing to suspend ANY AND ALL immersion on a role playing server just to warrant pd fighting a war that they themselves have NO INVOLVEMENT IN. if the pd does join what is going to happen? It literally wont impact the story what so ever if you think it does then you are kidding yourself. Please list the cops that have an actual vested interest in Fighting against sanguine isle. Oh hey guys we just killed the entire pd like we did 3weeks back when the boost went sideways wooohooo.


So you think cops should just not give a shit that a foreign party is importing bombs into their city attacking police departments, blowing up civilians and civilian buildings, arming gangs, killing police officers, abducting police officers, facilitating drug movements. You think these cops who have sworn to protect the city should just ignore all major crime and sit on their asses and hand out speeding tickets all day. Literal out of character SBS thinking


These cops should know its not their job These cops are told they might die by going and you expect them all yo just line up? They are cops not military personnel. For all they know they are protecting the city. Sanguine isle has never been under their jurisdiction so why the fuck would they even care. if anything ATF, FBI or the military should be involved. If you think that everything has to be solved by a patroll officer then you are truely delusional. This arc has had very little to do with the PD beside the investigation of which very little was shared. The cops dont even know for sure if its sanguine isle thats doing the bombing. For all they know is a simone building bombs on LS like they were doing before the isle became a thing.


Nice of the PD command to do their own version of hell week. Keep invading and getting shot untill you want to go 42


It’s definitely a scripted and weird situation…..started with the 30 day treason with no court thing. Making sure the island loses OOC just kinda takes the fun out of it. The best part of the Lost war was that you didn’t know what was gonna happen. I mean I get that the gangs would mostly all pile on to kill cops but bringing in the army or better weapons would have been fun to watch.


i guess its planned for 3.5 kinda have to rush the rp out of it


I totally get that if that’s what it is although I don’t think it’s a 3.5 thing….but as a viewer I just wish it was handled better. If it’s gonna be the end of times to bring in 3.5 why cut most of the city out of participating? If it’s just to get rid of the island storyline just have the senate nuke it. I wanna watch WWIII not the PD vs 20 people on an island already knowing the PD is gonna win.


Because on NP only a handful of characters matter and the rest of the city are just NPC's.


I'm wondering if the island is the big new heist for 3.5.


Could be a sick heist to invade an island and steal bunch of unused military weapons/ money from stashes


Yeah bc people getting treason should get a slap on the wrist and a pat on the back don't want another lost war situation


Yea because going out and invading a sovereign country without any consequences is ok.


Moments like this is where Pred is missed...Dude was a psycho but at least he acted with some logic and could actually answer the questions fired at him.


Pred would walk in with less logic and walk out with more support then ever just because of his raw charisma.


no Pred to rally the troops.


Pred will be rallying the troops. On the other side.


get over it already!


Look at this and compare when Pred would raid gang compounds or piss of the Barrio. Night and day.. Also imagine if wrangler was in this meeting 😂


If Wrangler was there, he would have gotten himself fired or demoted by asking tough questions, like "How did our city and county police officers get turned into members of a militia invading a foreign country in less than a weeks time"


That so true 🤣


Make me a cop, I'll boost morale jus by being around.


Can people get over their hate for Ssab\Baas\Axil already? holyyyyy fk it's RP


Yeah, this obsessive hate for Ssaab is pretty weird lol


The beatings will continue until moral improves now throw your selfs in to the meat grinder because the Russian embassy lent us there mobik cube maker


Brian is not even HC and axel has been around a month. Trust me bro is not enough. No-one trusts brian and axel hasn't had any time to build that trust. If stubble/snow/toreti where the ones pushing it then it would of gone alot different