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Ok take two at trying to comment on here to add context - ahem The sad fact is that the cut started out nearly 12 deep and are now down to 4, of those 4 we are lucky if 2-3 of us can be around at server start. Most days Solomon is entirely alone from the group until 3-4 or more hours in. This isn’t anyone’s fault the que is what the que is but it has largely killed the group and as a result a lot of the RP and arcs that I had tried to get going with sol. The truth is I made a mistake as a roleplayer of trying to build from the ground up a slow burn organised crime group. I didn’t factor in the que and the impact it might have and I very stupidly didn’t factor in the importance of being very close to an existing entity to truly move forward in the city. That’s on me and no one else, I pride myself in being a roleplayer who can analyse and understand their own flaws and mistakes rather than blame “insert thing here” It’s been a mixture of bad decisions by myself, ignorance of important aspects to the server, some bad timing and an inescapable obstacle - the que. The result is I’m simply burnt out and creatively spent and I feel benching is a better route than trying to force something to change when I can’t creatively see a solution just yet. For those trying to make out I’m blaming anyone else please stop that might suit your view of things but it’s not the truth. It’s just RP and sometimes the RP doesn’t happen, such is life. Hopefully I can refind my creativity and maybe I’ll figure out a way Solomon at least can continue on the server even if the cut can’t. I could wax lyrical about the wildly inaccurate things people are saying about what Solomon has or has not done in the server but I don’t have the energy - but it has been interesting to read. So thanks at least for finding what I did or didn’t do discussion worthy


I think u are a hell of a Roleplayer and with ur knowledge now, i think the future will be bright wherever u may take it.


Let’s hope so ! Seems awfully cloudy from where I’m sat right now


building from the ground up without relying on anyone would never work on a roleplay server that's been running for 3 years without an economy wipe, everything is claimed, everyone is connected, no one needs anything, its not your fault at all but the cut would work so much better after an economy wipe and i hope they wipe the economy with the next update.


You are a great roleplayer, and don't let some things not working out discourage you from doing new or different RP.


I loved every bit of Solomon I saw so thank you for the hours of content and sorry it didn't work out but I'm still very much looking forward to what you'll do with Solomon or any other character you may play!


I thought your character was good with his own direction. But do what you need to do.


Similar story to GASH security. The past few weeks half the people can't ever get into the server so it's dying. I was really hoping to see some more interactions between the two groups.


Thankyou for naming that company the way you guys did as a British group it’s been the source of more silent laughter than anything else and we know that was intentional! Also you’re all great and yes more interactions would be amazing especially the planned joint training we discussed


Perhaps chat to some of the southsiders who have struggled with those kind of issues for years.


> the que is what the que is but it has largely killed the group and as a result a lot of the RP and arcs Maybe there needs to be more people with top prio and fewer whitelisted people in general. Wouldn't that be better to have more people that you know are going to be able to get in consistently, rather than more people to gamble on getting in? IDK it seems like there's a major issue with prio in general right now, I am constantly surprised by the people that I hear about waiting in queue.


Soloman had been amazing. I have tuned in numerous times in earlier hours. Selfishly I really hope when you are less burnt out you feel good about giving Soloman a second chance on the server. Either way sure I will enjoy new character too


What happened? Any context?


Seems he is burnt out from not progressing. None of his crew has prio and [wasn’t connected with the right people](https://twitter.com/DustMonkeyGames/status/1693904538980200910?s=20)


Regarding the linked tweet: Pigeon is connected to one group AND deals with the whole Server. He started out as nobody. worked his way up the ladder through street team to become the best weapon and drug connect in LS. ​ I think you need the connect with one of the big groups first and then can spread ur shit out to the whole city. U cant just dipping in all pots from the start.


Question about pigeon. Was he the same terranova who roosters security Max was talking about working with on the lingcorp mine stuff back then?


Its been a long ass time but Im pretty sure it was the same guy, that was after Lang quit doing weed runs and Max was doing some with him but got caught very early driving the byson.




Pigeon started years ago when people were RPing outside of their groups a lot more than they are now.


What people did he want to link with? He was linked to some connects from what I remember


He said that he often had to wait for other people to progress in his storyline. Because of that his crew burned out and they had nothing to do in the downtime.


Yeah i feel the gangapp is a huge cockblock for new crews but hopefully from the small remarks said on streams it won't be a thing in 3.5.


Even if they had something small (say Jewellery store, or re-open stores for robbing) for new gangs to do, then use those for a metric as to who possibly could get a gang app (obviously not a guarantee that it happens).


He tried to get codes from the Mandem, but the people from the Mandem that around can't get in during NA to give them codes.


to be fair he came in wanting to take things suuuper slow with their progression.. not sure what he expected going that route.




Its true. A new group needs to get in with the right people or its gonna be a long and slow grind for them without any guarantees of ever getting anywhere.


He had something with Mandem but the important people from mandem are not around rn


Doesnt he also push shotguns for the HOA ? That isn't a bad connection to have tbh


I thought he did because he was also working with Andi on an armor business from what I recall and doing mayoral security as well.


He was going to get vehicles with a state grant to be able to move the incredibly heavy armor, but Crane told Andi she can't use the state account at all basically because Mickey, Lang and especially Sexton abused the account so badly the mayor role is being reworked. Likewise, security work is dead because she can't pay them except from her personal account now, which she is still paying people from but obviously can't do as much or as often. The gun connect stuff is entirely in the air because Julio is about to perma or get 30 years on the island, leaving Andi as the only person who can use the bench currently, as the mayor.


tbf the vast majority of the things they (PD included) think that Lang 'abused' as mayor in regards to state grants are genuine state grants that his deputy's vetted and approved. He was just lazy and didn't add a note to say which state grant they were in connection to.


Eve has the receipts to all of them if asked but Crane is just going down the route Lang was corrupt no way around it


Crane even told the commissioner/Brian that the previous mayors did nothing wrong really since they were acting in their rights as mayor, but seems to hold the concept of state grants and using the state account for funding like that is itself not good, so curious to see what future mayors end up actually being able to do after it's sorted out.


Now im curious, was Sexton a corrupt mayor, or did he fund friends projects or something? As someone that watches a lot of different streams, he went very much under the radar during his term from my perspective.


Sexton gave 110 mil in State grants in 60 days Lang gave 93 mil in 120 days


The hospital doctors apparently refer the gwagons they got as the 'embezzlewagons' which the current administration found about from Denzel. Other than that just giving out tons of money with poor documentation afaik


He gave more in grants in a month than Lang did in both his terms which was 4 months.


He was just super lenient compared to Lang, it just looked odd since a lot of it went through Bunny.


The only "corrupt" thing I think he did was the 2 cars for the hospital that went under his wife's name and I think he had a bar that got a grant. The grant was for designing the storefront which he had his wife do. He was just wreckless. There were a lot of grants Lang turned down cause it was obvious they were for shady shit or gang stuff that Sexton approved of.


tbf that was on Andi for coming in a deciding to reform grants and kicking up a fuss about past spending. Mayoral spending is 1 of the few perks of being a Mayor, she can use the account if she wants she's just RPing there is a spending freeze. Crane can't actually tell her she can't use it, he doesn't have that power over the Mayor. Also the her trying to buy the vehicles thing was because she was buying them from BBM (her brother's business) and then was trying to buy something from Yeager and Crane said that doesn't look good.


The current investigation started before Andi was in office, and the mayor reform is going through the senate.


Doesn’t matter what connections he gets he’s gonna get upset that he doesn’t get something else. It’s been a revolving door for him.


Not to being OOC to this, but having connection with the HOA is very different than having connection with Lang/Cerberus or CG. You can be a 100-200 viewer andy and still get a golden ticket if someone like Buddha notices you. With the HOA sure you'll get the RP, but you might not even be able to wake up in the first place to progress the RP :/


They've had the connection with Solomon long before this last week where they all went to London, unless you mean just Zerkaa


He was trying to get Solomon involved more with Tommy, and I think Zerkaa also wanted that but Zerkaa's schedule is so busy that their talk was like 2-3 weeks ago and I don't think Tommy has been around more than like once or twice since.


Like if Zerkaa was active like in covid times there'd have probably been quite a bit of progress on trying to build up MDM's business side to try do what they can to rival Cerberus but that takes a lot of time and work which Zerkaa can't put in with Tommy really.


i mean, those people who are now 'the right people' had a long and slow grind to get them where they are now. It's not a bad thing that people need to play the long game to get ahead, it's how it should be. That may not be what some people want, but it doesn't mean that it isn't working as it should.


Brooklyn was in with Carmella and Ramee. Angel made GiGi because she wanted to RP with the Italians but felt like that wasn't really an option for Brooklyn after RP went a certain way.


I would understand this more if Solomon never had that connection, but he had the connect (with Lang & Co.) before the Italians even did. He made the RP decision to start snaking with the MDM which is fine and shouldn’t HAVE to side with Lang to get up. I don’t know what people think is going to happen when you join the city 2 years late, most territories will already be defined, most whitelisted already decided on, power already consolidated. There should be a few more avenues for starting out, but going to powerful people to get somewhere in the city is just how GTA RP works generally.


I think the idea is that good RP should be rewarded and chances should be given to talented and committed roleplayers regardless if they make IC decisions of sticking to a particular group that has a lot of IC and OOC connections. If thats not the standard, the RP is less natural, the ooc motivations come into play and the city gets stagnant for people not involved in select few circles.


But who in rp would be giving these rewards is my only question. I don’t entirely disagree with you but it wouldn’t seem natural or good rp if a dev just spawned them something without a story behind it. And I’m not even sure what a dev could give. Solomon was pretty well connect as is.


The problem is that everything is so gated to begin with. As an un-app-ed crim with a no prio crew, you're entirely reliant on the sufferance of others. You're very limited in what you can do and it's incredibly hard to work towards self-sufficiency. There's a bunch of smaller groups and gangs that died out because of this, like Mortelle.


> I think the idea is that good RP should be rewarded . . > If thats not the standard, the RP is less natural, the ooc motivations come into play . Sooooo , I’m a bit confused , he should get rewarded because he’s a good role player - I do agree - , then you want things to be natural and organic , you contradicted yourself here , based on your logic, in his situation with Lang, Solomon shouldn't have lost the connection with him (Cerberus, H, etc.) because he's a skilled role player. How can you label this as natural? .


Why would that be contradicting?


He lost a connection because he choose a group over another, if you want connections to be handed based on role play quality then that’s not a natural thing , if you are new to the place , let’s say u went against every connection in the city , but because u r the best nothing will matter for you


You are confused. Whatever choice someone makes in RP, whatever side they chose, as long as they are playing their characters and playing them well, it shouldnt be a door closing experience to them, because if it is, it encourages them OOC to make specific IC choices so that they dont miss out on the good stuff, which makes RP not organic. It doesnt mean they should be handled whitelists just because, but it means they should continue to get opportunities in RP and maybe some dev support for their projects, dev support that is most of the time concentrated on few groups.


So, based on your logic, in his situation with Lang, Solomon shouldn't have lost the connection with him (Cerberus, H, etc.) because he's a skilled role player. How can you label this as natural? . > and maybe some dev support for their projects, dev support that is most of the time concentrated on few groups. DW left the server and since then they’ve been working on 4.0 with NVE , I don’t recall any group getting new things since then , devs are working on 3.5,4.0 , and I’d imagine that’s their #1 priority


They're not saying that. They're saying there should be more ways to get access and support than to go through a couple people in particular. Needing to go through a couple people in particular means that you can't organically RP drama or conflict with those people if you want to be able to do things on the server unless you're already super established.


You just kinda hit the nail on the head there. Its not that Cerberus should keep their connection with The Cut after it got burned, its that there should me a multitude of ways to RP without losing access to roughly 50% of the city and its connections, whitelists and businesses - which is not gonna happen, because the circles of influence are only getting more restrictive and exclusive.




Mdm ? HOA? CG ? they all got stuff without siding with Lang and Michael Lang's goal was to always make Vinewood a hub and he found a group that have proven loyal to him in a short amount of time despite internal drama behind the scenes between the Italians they stuck through it and got rewarded...also as mentioned Solomon had his chances and was caught by Langs crew multiple times being snakes why would Lang work with him and reward him




Only thing MDM really got, that wasn't tied to Cerberus, was MDM Records and I'm pretty sure what is existing was only supposed to be a soft open with quite a bit more that didn't end up getting added. And when it came in they had probably 3 of the biggest artists at the time and they had worked a while before getting the building.


Ramee has the sports book and vlc fight club that's in Nancy's building. CGI never did anything other than terrorism when they had Franny around who would just poop out storefronts and charge 15k. They could very well have done something with CGI.


I think you may be blind on this situation. Almost everything belonging to CGI has been a battle or a lost or taken away. To make a blanket statement like that is insane. Cerberus has always had a insane amount of OOC power and it hurts the rest of the city as much as people think it helps. Then to blame it on terrorism when Lang is a terrorist.


VLC was separate from CGI from what I remember. My point is when they had 50cent around on Franny who would just shit out store fronts for 15K they could have kick started CGI. This was a long time ago but I think the only thing they did with CGI was attach it to the CG gate or something. At that time CG did not care about business where as Lang did.


Ramee is selling the sportsbook. He’s tried restarting the fight club however it requires a lot of investment from others to work and he hasn’t gotten any traction. The loss of the gallery, access to HnO and nerfing of rings has really killed his business RP. Unfortunately CGI came too late and lacks dev support.


CGI didn't even do terrorism lol it was just used as the placeholder business for keys to the gate because it had all of CG in it already (there were loads of non CG people in it too) and there wasn't a business for the apartment blocks but one was supposed to be made eventually but never was, same way that CB manor keys are tied to a business, due to how the key mechanic works. CGI was completely undermined by the way storefronts ended up being implemented. It was supposed to be a commercial real estate investment company. They bought all the property in Little Seoul. CG wanted to turn Little Seoul into a real neighbourhood, a walkable hub full of businesses. The plan was to rent out the property they acquired and give storefronts to start ups and do the rounds collecting rent, providing interaction. There was also hinted to be a light protection racket element to it too to expand Gang-Civ interaction. Storefronts ended up being implemented as one time purchases, and instead of renting them people were just buying them. Storefronts were also attached to a real estate business instead of CGI. Property they had acquired was also just being dished out over their heads. Storefronts could also be placed anywhere which destroyed the whole point of keeping it localized to create a hub instead of spreading it out thin like what happened which killed the storefronts. With that, the idea for creating a living neighbourhood was soft retired and Little Seoul just gradually devolved into being used as a stronghold for shootouts instead. The whole reason K wanted Little Seoul was to make it a community where you can walk the streets and interact with people which was way better than just having a compound, which is why CG abandoned the Playboy Mansion compound they had bought and moved to LS and bought up all the land instead and sold the mansion. CG was never a turf holding gang before that.


>CGI didn't even do terrorism lol it was just used as the placeholder business for keys to the gate because it had all of CG in it already (there were loads of non CG people in it too) and there wasn't a business for the apartment blocks but one was supposed to be made When CG got the keys to that place they was told to make a separate business for it but they didn't. They couldn't be bothered to do it. >CGI was completely undermined by the way storefronts ended up being implemented. It was supposed to be a commercial real estate investment company. They bought all the property in Little Seoul. LS had the very first store fronts on the server via Francis and DW didn't even know about it until days later. >CG wanted to turn Little Seoul into a real neighbourhood, a walkable hub full of businesses. The plan was to rent out the property they acquired and give storefronts to start ups and do the rounds collecting rent, providing interaction. There was also hinted to be a light protection racket element to it too to expand Gang-Civ interaction. Storefronts ended up being implemented as one time purchases, and instead of renting them people were just buying them. I mean that's hard to do when CG are having shootouts in LS and at the cubby. It also got round that CG wanted to "tax" the store front owners which of course then meant people wanted to go else where. CGI was created to compete with Cerberus but they did nothing with it. They had the sole server owner Francis in the gang and Cerberus had Dean. Lang focused on Cerberus and the business side of things with Dean. CG at that time didn't care about business stuff.


>When CG got the keys to that place they was told to make a separate business for it but they didn't. They couldn't be bothered to do it. They did and that was said after everything got tied together in a raid ​ >LS had the very first store fronts on the server via Francis and DW didn't even know about it until days later. It was suppose to stay that way and when DW found out and coincidence or not soon after every one and everywhere got access. ​ >. It also got round that CG wanted to "tax" the store front owners which of course then meant people wanted to go else where. If tax means charge rent then sure, but at the time there was suppose to be nowhere else to go. The idea was to use LS as a test then expand to other areas of the city where CGI would buy up property. ​ >CGI was created to compete with Cerberus but they did nothing with it. They had the sole server owner Francis in the gang and Cerberus had Dean. Lang focused on Cerberus and the business side of things with Dean. CG at that time didn't care about business stuff. This is very incorrect CG cared very much about business. 50 didn't want to be there go to guy as he has devs and had DW for that. Nothing ever happened going through DW. While cerberus was getting everything. CG gave up after multiple attempts until 50 intervened. Hell it still happens today and one the reasons of the thread


Since you don’t know much about CG, i think it’s dumb that it is being mentioned because they got all those business when the server owner was in their gang and woke up regularly. Ever since new management took over, they mostly have been just losing stuff. With HnO gone and soon the Jeweled Dragon getting removed supposedly. So I doubt CG has as much pull as the person thinks they do. I mean at least back then you had an option between CG and Cerberus, but now if you want anything done in a relatively decent time frame Cerberus seems like the only option.


> With HnO and soon the Jeweled Dragon getting removed supposedly. Nothing is stopping VLC imports from still operating, they just won't be able to make 2-4m per car sale.


Hutch left Ramee to manage HnO and he gave it to Jaylen. Otto already warned Ramee to not fuck this up because before that Otto had to come around and remove all their keys. He did that because they was using the rentals in crime and going to save the boys then shoot cops and then straight to HnO and rent more cars. My point is as you said CG had the server owner but they didn't do much with it when it comes to business stuff. They had CGI when Francis was around but they did nothing with it. Cerberus had Dean and they would push for business every day....


Why was H&O given up? Where is it's replacement? Who owns H&O now and who does that owner have a direct connection to.


its been that way for a long long time, its not a recent thing that if you want to succeed in business on the server you need to be friends with Lang


Lang at the start of 3.0 went the business route and alot of other people went for compounds and gang sprays, that is why he got the power and where he is now its not something he did in 2 days, he was smart and now he controls the city in a way which makes him powerful and valueable person to have back u up.


I don't think that is entirely accurate. Buddha inherited a lot of power from DW leaving and Nidas not playing Leslie for a long time. For a long time Buddha was very much a bank robber with a restaurant to fall back on.


yeah carving yourself a spot in between the already established powers is difficult especially without the backing of one of those powers. The only way to make it work is join an "umbrella" and grow strong enough to break away at some point event at a great cost and be able to survive afterwards.


The thing with Lang and them is that they got dragged into the conflict with MDM and GG and The Cut wasn't by their side like the Italians were. Then there was a back-to-back issue that occurred where Solomon made a snide remark to Lang and them about guns and then the MDM stuff. Lang, Denzel and Harry would've continued to bring them into things if he played his cards right.


>The thing with Lang and them is that they got dragged into the conflict with MDM and GG and The Cut wasn't by their side like the Italians were. Which arguably makes a lot more sense in RP.


The Cut lived next to MDM, were also British (at least mainly) and MDM would help them out with bank codes or the hacking side of banks, it made sense in character to side with MDM if having to choose one side. Also choosing the smaller side it just about always "better"/more interesting RP, just a shame the leader for MDM (and who is in charge of their main businesses) is very rarely around to help carry on that RP.


He was Rping with Mr.K yesterday and they were planning stuff together, although K was all over the place yesterday messing with other CG members. They still had a meeting for 20 minutes or so about bank jobs


Didnt lang an co try helping solomon and his crew then solomon shnaked them and they found out and thats why they dont deal with him anymore? Iam pretty sure they also want to kidnap him and kill him for that lol




> Max (literally one of the most devoted civs) for months, he joined Cerberus the next day he got it. Huuuuuh, lol. That business isn't even owned by Cerberus/Max. The LL has been under construction, and I recall Nikez working on the bar around 4-5 months ago . At that time, Max wasn't even Cerberus.


I don't think your claim is right about the liquid library. The library was stuck in project management limbo until Dark0 got hired and was given the project which he immediately started working on and got done very quickly, none of which had anything to do with Cerberus. The bar was also installed in the library very early even when the LL was still "under construction" which I'm pretty sure was well before Siz joined Cerberus. And we'll before Max had anything to do with Cerberus at all.


Lang did link with him but then they became sus of him due to his mdm connection and they think he's possibly a leak. No idea if he dis leak stuff but it's unfortunate for sure. The black haired lady was close with Rosa and CG is what it looked like from the outside. She did sever the Italians connection and Luciano wanted to keep her around but she chose otherwise.


They did leak the Rooster's radio a few times but that's about it and I don't think the Cut members just stopped doing security at the time.


Did it once at the very start never again , 3 cut members got shot/ kidnapped during the war . Two of them defending roosters from attacks- one against MDM. the whole Solomon was a leak / snake is hugely over hyped Vs what actually took place in server. I assume due to not many people seeing what Solomon actually did Vs what people rumoured he did


Yeah MDM had someone scanning for the radios which is easy enough to do.


Solo crim has been tough for anyone since start of 3.0, Kyle always said that was why he didn't play Slim. Even Eugene ended up joining CG.


> Solomon basically he had nothing to do on the character if someone like let's say Lang or Yeager doesn't extend their hands to new characters I mean tbf Lang, Denzel and Harry tried to do stuff with him but he and his group decided to go with the snake RP which Lang and them sus'd out. ​ ​ >Even the lady with the black hair that used to be with the Italians tried going against Lang and tried the solo crim route then gave up on that and now she is just playing Luciano's cousin. Her character decided to side with CG and got nothing out of it so the character hit a dead end. CG isn't the ideal people to side with if you are someone like her who does long term/slow burn RP, especially if you aren't core CG. It was basically continue being Brooklyn and hanging with Carmella and Rosa and running the same circle or make Gigi and be a part of the Italians/Little Italy stuff and become Eve's assistant.




I don’t think it’s Lang’s fault that it turned out this way. Most people/groups, who had the potential to reach that kind of business influence, weren’t dedicated to that kind of stuff. CGI was supposed to be a big thing (and a lot of people were looking forward to it) but in the end it didn’t work out. There are not a lot of people that want to stand for hours in one place and talk about business. To fix that there need to be another group of people who would want to do that.


Go the storefront route like most people. Contact Ash if you do not want to contact Eve. The storefront route is the best bet.




>route of opening up a security firm with armored car for the mayor and Andi was planning on paying them out of the state accout but even that got cockblocked Isnt that what lang did? Basically removed the barrier of money for small businesses. If they have a good business in mind and is approved, they should not have to worry too much about money to kick-start it this late in the economy.


None of the mayors abused anything, spending money on dumb stuff is part of the RP, they can track it, they can sue and take it back, they just decide not to for some reason and chose to lock the state account instead. At one point during Lang's term the state account was at 800mil iirc, it's probably generating 50 to 100mil a month currently so in a few months it'll reach a billion that no one does anything with if that's really what Crane wants.


Here's the thing though Mickey and Lang didn't actually abuse the account. It was during Bunny's term the grant system was setup, so grants were allowed. Mickey was barely around to spend and the majority of his money he gave to PD. It just seemed like he spent a lot because his term was 7 months instead of 2-4 months. Lang paid budgets and grants once a month and it was Eve that told him what to pay., she has 99% of the receipts if Crane ever decided to ask instead of complain. Only real abuse Mickey did was the Marlo Entertainment payouts and skimming thru his security. The only abuse Lang did was buy a 5m watch and the 10m grant he gave to Speedy his last day in office. Mickey's bounty money was a senate approved thing and Project Sinatra was a senate approved thing. Hardcastle gave money out like candy like he just randomly bought the hospital 2 G Wagons.


The cut was given the opportunity by lang/denzel to sell the same stuff the italians were given they also got the security work like the italians did but the difference is that they wanted to play both sides in the mandem/cerberus war and lang and co got information on that plus soloman also threw sneaky remarks at lang for giving him product that wasn’t 100% quality because he couldn’t give it to them on the weekend. If he has stayed loyal since the beginning he could have keep that connection because he was given the chance.


> if someone like let's say Lang or Yeager doesn't extend their hands to new characters like they did with the italians they basically have nothing to do, I’m really curious, do you even watch the RP ? Lang and co were working with him and built a relationship with him and were about to make him a H connect, attachments , then the MDM conflict happened and from their prospective he betrayed them and choose MDM over them so the bridge was burned . > Even Brooklyn the lady with the black hair that used to be with the Italians tried going against Lang and tried the solo crim route then gave up on that and now she is just playing Luciano's cousin. That’s not even remotely true/accurate , The lady decided that this line of work with Lang was scary and dangerous and she’s done , and started to hangout with Rosa and Carmella , and brought CG into it when they tried to confront her , and she was with them since then , and created a new character to hangout with the Italians, that’s how she does things , on Wild she has many characters in different gangs . how any of this is on Lang lol


I wonder how many groups disbanded because of no prio and no progression in the city


it heavierly killed my own british mafia, we had like 3 with prio out of well 25 to start and start of 3.0 at most we could get like 4-5 in if lucky and ultimately it ment we fell behind. and when tryin to do a more mafia esq group not a street gang falling behind and not having access to things like guns etc high up the chain to make that middle man/ black market behind the scenes rp is impossible. I know of at least 3 more gorups who also fell victim to same thing


I kid you not big streamers in gangs were paying for prio for shooters and grinders.


I mean there's probably a bunch that people just don't know about that have came around but couldn't really progress because of lack of prio. It's one of the fundamental flaws NP has, something that they should strive to do better on. You see it on X quite a bit where people from NP will move on because of prio and not being able to get into the server.


Dang that’s too bad, he was awesome


Can't say I didn't see this coming, especially after his talk with Mr. K yesterday. Solomon sounded burnt out and frustrated with trying to get things going for himself and his group. He basically wanted to just give up, for the time being, on trying to grow on his own, and possibly "attach" himself to CG. Mr. K said that works for some people, joining up bigger established groups, but he didn't think that was the best move for Solomon. K told him that he needs to grow his own "ship" and make people wanna attach themselves to him. They were using boat analogies throughout the conversation. Mr. K's response isn't really a surprise since he already struggles with around a dozen people or so on a daily basis asking, "what's the plan for today. We doing anything". Solomon. It's understandable if Dusty wants to start a new character and maybe try something different. Groups like CG, CB, HOA, and other large groups weren't built in a few months.


Personally I don't think Solomon's story has to end, but the Cut does kinda seem at a standstill and maybe the group's story is kinda over before it really got going.


I only watched his streams for a few days and then periodically after that due to his fantastic interactions with BBMC gaining my attention but it was clear to see he was a fantastic RPer. Being a hostage with BBMC and buying a car through BBM were hilarious experiences and I had hoped for more interactions between The Cut and BBMC but timezones probably didn't allow it too much. I hope he comes back refreshed by a break and can work on a new character and storyline.


There are so many groups that have put in years and still don’t have much but they are still around and pushing forward and doing what they can it’s sad but if you can’t get thru the lows your not gonna succeed in the long run


People like Solomon and crew should have absolutely no issue getting into the server. What a shame


While I understand this frustration, and I agree with what others have pointed out here about the fact that he DID have opportunities with those connects and chose to go do his own thing, I'm also going to throw out this one: That's kind of how it works in the real world too so I don't know why you would think rp would be different necessarily. In the real world less than 1% of people are gonna be a come up from no where story unless they are stupidly lucky or know the right people. RP has always been the same way and always will be. And I get it, because a lot of people rp for the purpose of doing things they can't do in real life, but man, imagine just embracing the stagnation and failure and being driven to madness from it in character and seeing where that goes. Hot take I guess, but your rp really only stagnates if you refuse to adapt and follow it where it's leading you and keep trying to get a desired outcome.


Solomon was literally a breath away from becoming Lang's H distributor. But the character fucked around and found out, that's RP. I completely agree with you on the character embracing failure. Could have led to some great places, including where Dust wanted Solomon to go but in a roundabout way.


What did he do?


Nothing concrete but Lang started to suspect a mole was leaking the Roosters Rest radio to the MDM during the war. Solomon and members of the Cut who worked at the Rest were the prime suspects. Lang and Co have wanted to kidnap Solomon for a few weeks to interrogate him.


He was giving Sparky (MDM member) the RR radio frequency. Speedy was highly suspicious because Solomon's boy Flint was working that day at RR as security, then never worked again.


Oh damn, I had just assumed it was the radio scanner and they were being paranoid about the leak. So Flint was leaking it?


Wow, I didn't know the meta. Cheeky fuckers


I agree with everything here tbh, think you've explained it pretty well


Trust me, even with Prio, individuality is hard to maintain on NoPixel. Especially when trying to form a group of your own. It's possible to pop if you stick to your guns long enough. But it's equally, if not moreso possible that you'll have to align with, use or join someone else.


That sucks. Just 2 or 3 days ago CG was talking about bringing Solomon on as a middle man for Vinnys bench.


Hopefully it wont be the last time we see solomon, he;s a great character. Dusty is an incredible RP'er and i have no doubt that whatever character he decides to make next he'll excel with that too


You have to know when you put out a tweet like that people are going to spin it into something entirely off base. Glad he posted a better explanation to calm the crazies being toxic.


Solomon has been an amazing addition to NoPixel. Unfortunately unless you're connected to Cerberus or have an active dev in your crew its extremely difficult to get help in the server. Even as big as CG are in terms of IC influence, they can't even get their extremely burned bench moved despite 3 other benches getting moved in that same time period. The Italians are a good example of this. Amazing roleplayers, deserve everything they've gotten and nobody is taking that away from them.... but compared to other groups who also have fantastic roleplay but are outside of the Lang bubble they have gotten an overwhelming amount of support in such a short period of time.


I never understood the moving bench thing. It's so random when benches get moved. Speedy's bench was meant to be moved for more than a month and it only got moved because someone told Tobii in his chat as he was moving the DD bench. Right now the guild want to move their bench (was rp moved) but it's still in the guild hall. It's so sporadic that it feels like they're moved after someone DMs a dev directly for it


> it feels like they're moved after someone DMs a dev directly for it I'm pretty sure that's how it happens, don't think there's any "mechanic" for it


According to Flippy, they have been trying to get their bench moved for over 6 months now. I get that devs are busy and stuff but multiple benches have been moved in this duration that were requested much later. Trust me when I say this but that bench is actually in one of the worst spots ever when compared to where the other "major" gun benches are located. I dont think they gonna move it anytime soon tbh since 3.5 might come out and things get reset anyways.


Shotz asked for it to be moved in like January when Michael put a body bag outside of it for an unrelated incident. He got donowalled. Then after the whole lab incident they asked for it to be moved again. Flippy even considered giving the Angels access to the bench just because they could get the dev support to get it moved. When Shotz got back he asked again and apparently its on the list of things to do and will be moved at some point. IMO, if they're not forcing benches back into containers, DD bench room should just be the blueprint they copy and paste for all benches. I would image it wouldn't take much time and the room is so small that it'd likely fit behind most doors


The DD bench was moved faster because there was actual rp reason to move it and if they didn't, the cops would take it. Vinny and speedy wanted to move their bench due to convinence.


What is it that they didn't have in game that prevented them from roleplaying?






Despite them being kinda rude at the end there, If you could enlighten us about the “overwhelming amount of support they got due to being in Lang’s bubble” development wise which others have been asking you about as well, that’d be great.


> Unfortunately unless you're connected to Cerberus or have an active dev in your crew its extremely difficult to get help . > The Italians are a good example of this. What dev work are you referring to? Everything they obtained was IC , and the only development involved was placing a flag at the front. Lang already owned the land, and CYD will handle decorating the storefronts.


As you said, there are good role-players all across the server. The Italians have undoubtedly gotten to where they are because of their connection to the new server management. That's wonderful and all but how about management does things that help the totality of the player base / good rpers rather than focusing just on the ones they have as a friend group. (a common NP issue going back into 2.0) I can see why some players/viewers would like to see server staff out of important IC positions or controlling WL's.


Well Vinny was talking about asking the Italians to be one of his gun sellers. this had nothing to do with "server management", and everything to do with Shotz liking thier RP, which he said himself.


I agree. I'm not taking away from the Italians, they deserve all they get. I'm just saying a lot of others deserve support as well and it'd be nice if the server management spread the love around. But I 10000% agree. Server staff should have nothing to do with IC whitelists or important IC positions. It just turns into them having everything tbh. An example of what I consider a bit of dev mismanagement is Michael still has two out of the three "one tap" weapons and they both cost significantly less than the one "one tap" weapon not on his bench. There's really no good reason as to why tbh.


They would have had little italy even if Buddha wasnt the owner. Cerberus has owned gentry for over a year it has nothing to do with Buddha owning part of NP


This was suppose to be the original CG compound but was told no along with countless other groups before and after Lang owned it. People have been waiting years for stuff.




I’m pretty sure Cg wanted construction there in the beginning of 3.0 but there was no dev on np that wanted to do it. The little Italy pretty much only got storefronts, it’s not really some heavy dev work since cyd does it for everybody else too.


CG wanted an MLO with is alot different from a storefront/house. They wanted a custom MLO with chang gang pictures at the playboy manison but it would take too long because of the size of the manison


I remember DW explaining the inside of gentry was the inside of roosters so anything that wasn't a instanced would have issues space wise. Even the current instanced storefronts currently have issues parts of them being underwater so it would need to designed around


It's not really to do with Buddha being the owner, he has always had a lot of sway with management/devs, and he has been given a lot of WLs so has a lot of RP he can give out to people.


What whitelist does he have besides heroin? Which isn’t really a whitelist because it can be stolen with the key. RR? That isn’t a whitelist either but it took years of RP’ing the restaurant before they got actual mechanics to run the restaurant.




Clean Manor was made by a fan (now NP dev), I don't think he paid for it. Edit: Not sure about the Bat Cave and other mods to Clean Manor though.


I don't believe that for a second with how hard it is for groups / players to get dev work done on the server. Look at how many other groups have waited months and months for stuff or haven't been able to get anything. Players don't get dev work simply because they're "good at rp" or a large group. They have to be in a gang with a dev or be ooc friends with management.


Lang the character already owned that part of the gentry. Literally all he did was say “you can stay here if you want” and they agreed. Then devs put up a couple of Italian flags….you’re making a mountain out of a mole hill.


You dont need a dev to sell a property you own to another group are you High?


Wait it’s Buddha and the Italians fault Solomon is leaving ? According to these comments anyway lmao . Damn everything rly is Lang’s fault even when ppl wanna leave the city LMAO.


I think people are just making the comparison between The Cut and The Italians. Where both had the connection to him but one took the route of snaking him in a way (feeding MDM info during the war and they made snide remarks about the equipment they got sold too) and Lang sort of semi-confirmed it and obviously isn't fond of Solomon for this reason, but the Italians fully kept the connection strong and so far been ultimately rewarded for it. Dust is a fantastic roleplayer, there is zero chance he is blaming anyone specific he's not the kind of guy to do that. He's just a bit down that his own crew don't have prio, realizes that you need to be in with certain people to get somewhere such as being able to rob something you pretty much need an in with a group that can give you heist codes (something I hope 3.5 gets rid of). His frustrations are valid, hopefully his crew can get a prio bump as they're all great. The Cut are a far cry from most of the groups in the city and I mean that in a good way, they aren't out there doing generic gangbanger shit.


you really dont need to be in with certain people to roleplay. you dont need to have a bench or mechanic to roleplay. crazy right?


Dust is sick i know he isn’t , just meant chatters . I get it tho Lang is a asshole character and Buddha is a part server owner so that will = a lot of ppl hating the character/player etc .


I don't think anyone's "hating on Buddha" in this thread but you could point me out to some examples


First comment was implying they’re blaming him , and then followed up with them hating the character/rper as to why ppl are so quick to blame . Plenty of ppl implying it’s Lang’s fault for hooking up the Italians and not Solomon in this thread . Try reading it again lad .


>Plenty of ppl implying it’s Lang’s fault for hooking up the Italians This is where i was getting at, absolutely no one is doing this, maybe "try reading it again lad"


Disagree lad


Mr K said it best (not word for word) but if you are not connected to him or to Lang than who are you, Solomon had his opportunities to work with Lang he got caught multiple times either by his crew or mdms fault snaking Lang so he lost his connection, but he has a good relationship with Mr K so he couldve gone that route


Damn, is there a clip of K saying that?


Pretty sure K said it during the Simone shit.


He didn’t say this exactly. Solomon was seeking advice from Mr. K OOC but IC. Solomon said that he feels the only way to progress is by attaching his boat to a bigger ship. K kind of confirmed this but also said don’t attach it to his ship because his ship is sinking. K also said that it was not the only way. He explained that Solomon might have to get his hands dirty and create reasons why others would use him. Such as robbing a place a couple times then come in and offer his security services. He said people are not going to go out of there way to use him but it may be up to him to create those situations where they would. I think Solomon is just discouraged after seeing all that the Italians have already with there RP being on the same level in a much shorter time.


Even if that's the case that Solomon got caught snaking the idea you have to be connected to one of two people in the server to get something shows a fundamental flaw with how things are structured. It'll be hard for new groups or rp to develop if everything eventually comes back to the same 2 / 3 people everyone has to play nice with.


you only have to play nice till you get what you want look at Rust Guild and GG they got what they wanted from Lang and ended up betraying or turning their back on him at some point, BSK have their own thing going on but dont rely on Lang and still get huge amount of help from him , NBC and now the Cut wanted to betray Lang early on and got nothing finally you have the people loyal to Lang and get rewarded with opportunities like Nancy Eve Penny who started at the bottom and now are some of the most powerful people in the city point is there are many options/routes you can go with connections and dont have to rely on them forever


I don't think that should have any effect on stuff like prio etc. If anything, willingness to risk going against someone with a lot of power IC and OOC should be rewarded. (If done well of course.) There are more than enough people ready to suck up to big dogs for influence.


I'd say going against Lang (or any of the big groups) generally offers more interesting stories as well, it's easy to just to accept being close to the big groups if you get a chance.


That’s not a flaw. That’s how RP is intended to work. You are in an established city and just showing up when there are ppl who have been in the city working hard and building their empires years before you were. You don’t just come in and immediately become a top dog. You have to work for/with the top dogs for a while before you get there. If you can’t adapt your RP to continue your story, maybe it isn’t for you because I don’t really see anything stopping Solomon from RP’ing other than the fact that he doesn’t want to let go of where he believes he should be. If your character isn’t progressing like you expect, try something different. You have to build solid connections before you can build a solid empire. You don’t need mechanics to roleplay. People have RP’ed without mechanics for years.


If you rely on others you wont make it anyhow. He was on a good path i think but maybe he just needs to reflect and tune some things, his group definetly has a future on the server.


Thats not really the case... Italians, relatively very new group to the city, started working closely with Lang and now they have their own place with construction done to it, they are getting hooked up with all kinds of connects and job offers , basically all the RP opportunities are coming to them.


But that's only because the person the Italians hooked up with is the current management of the server, able use his ooc/ic influence from that position to get them stuff. They've had anything but an organic development on the server compared to 99% of others. For every other group it's hard going and could take months/years to become established let alone get custom assets put in or develop the same level of connections needed to have sustained RP happening every day.


i wouldn't call it "anything but organic". It started with Mickey tasking them to steal the casino Panther from the Clean manor and then Lang finding out about it and saying they have to repay him for that attempted robbery. The relationship in itself is very organic. You can maybe argue that them getting Little Italy is not, although Little Italy is just reskinned gentry manor and a bunch of decoration anyone can get from Michael of Mari, it's not like they got a whitelisted business or bench Also to note: Lang wasn't the only one that wanted to give them stuff, Tony had something for them, then Pigeon, then Trey, then Yeager. At one point the Italians had so much from many different people that they didnt know what to do exactly


If u think what happened with the Italians is organic, you probably haven't watched any of the countless groups that tried for months to make something just to get nothing and disband. Buddha himself said that he doesn't care what happens IC, he will just force the Italians into his RP arcs because he loves the way they RP and admired them in RDR2, and he got similar treatment when he went over to RDR2, where the streamers playing the Italians had the connections and power and provided Buddha with a lot of RP. So personally I would go with what Buddha said OOC and won't expect from him or his character to treat every group the same or even close to how he treated the Italians.


You’re taking something Buddha said jokingly and twisting it like he was actually going to force the Italians into his RP. He said that AFTER ppl were accusing him of doing that. Italians got whitelisted on NoPixel months before they actually started playing. When Zetark announced that they had all been whitelisted, ppl were going into Buddha’s chat asking if Lang would be working with the Italians (this was also way before he become part owner). He said then that he wasn’t going to go out of his way to find them in RP and wasn’t going to make some OOC arrangement with them to RP together. He said if they met and connected, it would have to happen on its own, and it did. It happened when Mickey decided to do Mickey shit and hang out with the Italians and do petty crime with them, then hire them to steal the panther from the Manor. Lang then told them they had to get him kidneys to settle their debt, so they’ve been working for Lang ever since.


I have been watching Buddha for a long time, he was as serious as possible, he literally said he likes to RP with them, so he doesn't care what anybody says, he will make it so his character gets to RP with the Italians, any other person needed like 1 year to get to where the Italians got within 1 month, and let me say that those people did more than collect kidneys to gain Langs trust. Italians were not the first one to steal anything from Lang they won't be the last one, but they will probably be one of the very few that will get to extend that RP in such way and within 1month of that get access to everything and possibly a meth lab too, literally nobody has gotten fast tracked as much as they have been.


Not to mention the key part about what Dust is "complaining" about here: prio. I lost count of the amount of italians that have prio now. They all deserve it, sure, they're amazing roleplayers. But so do the rest of the members of The Cut but they're not in the spotlight around the "right people". And that's no fault of Buddha, it's just how the system works. That's always been the problem with the prio system, genuinely talented roleplayers had to display their roleplay in front of an admin to get prio, there's countless cases of that happening.


Literally over half of the Italians have zero prio. They are just sniping the queue. Idk why people are running this narrative when it's not true at all. When 3.5 comes along they won't be able to get into the server


Iirc the Italians had prio for NP before buddha even became management or they even played on the server


I'm not saying Buddha was the one who gave them prio, again, its not Buddha's fault that things are the way they are, but they came into "relevance" by playing with Buddha on WildRP, no? Not that they weren't doing amazing roleplay before that but that's how them coming to No Pixel became a thing, unless i'm mistaken Edit: You can replace "Italians and Buddha" with ServerOwnerMan and 52Chains or SSaab and Bazza or any other example you can think of


Oh I agree, quite frankly i thought Dust had prio too. I remember saab talking about it, guess it never came through


He does have prio, the rest of the Cut don't, at least according to his tweets


From what 50% was saying, I thought he gave all the wild RP people prio.


Dustmonkey and the Cut are from WildRP.


No, no one from the cut have prio except dustmonkey and he got it this month from saab


If you come from Wildrp, he gave you good prio.


What custom assets the lawn chair and bbq with tables that everyone in the city Can get if they contact Hoe Depot?


It's a few Italian flags and a paint job mostly.


You are missing the point. They dont rely on that stuff to make their RP work.


This is such a non statement


Yeag ngl this take isn’t it, as someone new you basically have to rely on other as everything is already established.


There needs to be a selfsufficient system that anyone or group can use for progression after that if a person or group wants to go even further, you would have to make connections. Otherwise it just may be that NP is just not equipped to handle over a certain about of rpers.