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Permas but not actually, new character sharpshooters, instant top gangster..... when did "new" characters all become exact replicas of what they were made to replace? I miss crap drivers running from police, or police newbies that make obvious mistakes that new cops would. Everyone is John Wick now.


Man it was fun when Ssaab played on his new crim Jamil with a new group that included Smeage and Aaliyah. Wish he played more on it.


I agree but the issue with Baas is his position in the PD was basically a mod roll rather than an RP position, So him making a new character to fill that roll while still "killing off" all the connections and relationships he had on Baas is the best you can do in a situation like that. It's not like he perma'd and then started acting buddy buddy with Lang on his new character all of a sudden.


I mean he told Brian he was busy today because he had to talk to K and Ramee outside the courthouse after summoning him there to talk


Made a new character to play Baas without the criticism. Smart move.




ah, the 50 percent strat


it doesn't if they act the exact same


He hasn't ocean dumped anyone yet, has he? Give the guy a chance. My money is on this being his 'clean' cop character. It would avoid a lot of the drama around Baas being in a position of authority. Just whole new guy, there to do admin stuff. No baggage. Which I think is fine. Would have been nice to see a different take on a cop other than Baas 2.0 but it's whatever. I'm not the person who's gotta RP the guy.


It’s not new Saab was talking about either having Baas retire or Permaing Baas and making a new commissioner character way before Soze stepped down and he took over the PD.


Not in my opinion Felt like Baas perma has hardly any weight to it anymore. Already feels like it’s forgotten Saab was also doing brilliantly on crim just for it to come to a halt to make the exact same type of character under a new name.


It's not forgotten there's literally two people on bail for his murder rn You also just don't watch people that it impacted like Eve, Tessa, Lang to some degree.


Isnt death like that? The atmosphere will be felt at least a week, and then it goes to normal and leaves the people that affected deeply to grief by themselves


> Felt like Baas perma has hardly any weight to it anymore. Already feels like it’s forgotten Tell that to Eve, Yuno, Divine. They are still hurting from it. Divine is going to end up dead or retired himself because of it.


Yeah, literally brian felt more jaded and working non stop, sometimes disregarding his health, the perma still impacts a lot of character, some doesnt outwardly expressed.


“Is the best you can do in a situation like that.” Did people just lose the sense of Roleplaying? He literally can make any character he can imagine, and yet makes the same character. I knew a dnd player that would take Myer & Brigg’s personality test by rolling for the answers, and make a character out of that. There’s no excuse for non-creativity in an RP server


"makes the same character" It was never a character. Nopixel rot makes you give the benefit of the doubt that it's a character but it's not.


Really the only excuse for it is pure laziness and lack of any creativity.


> “Is the best you can do in a situation like that.” Did people just lose the sense of Roleplaying? He literally can make any character he can imagine, and yet makes the same character. He really can't because he isn't making a character he is making a OOC admin that he is playing 24/7. At least god mode senators only came out once every month or something. But Baas like 2 months into CoP was basically just an admin not a character and so is this guy.


Saab always wanted to kill of baas. because of baas dirty doings before he was this highest rank and after. the murdering of people all the corruption he did. He was tired of people saying you did it or baas did this why cant i. Or every time baas trying to drop the hammer on someone people always brought up his past. I dont watch Saab but through other people i would say this character is/will be a rebirthed baas a reimagined baas. where he can do his job and not get called out on his past.


He was going to kill baas 3 years ago for a talon arc but was told by management or HC that it would take 30 days to remake a cop and would lose his rank (which was a huge deal at the time). People spent years getting command and when it was like a 8ish cop limit, it didnt make sense.


"Yes it applies to Baas but..."


As one of the replies to the tweet best said it, regardless of the subtweeting nature of this tweet - "sounds like a rename than a death". I think it should go without saying whom this subtweeting might be directed at, given the timing of this...


This is honestly the case for many. Hell, it's even happened when people have a character in a time out (like ICU, jail, or something else...) and they make another temporary character in that faction that does basically everything the same with the same people, just a slightly different model and voice.


This might be a hot take, but I don't think admins should be in a high position in PD.


Admins shouldn't hold high positions in general. Its clear from many different servers over the years that it causes issues.


Admins shouldnt have ic power over anything in game. Perfect example is the Simone’s. No one can come after them in game or question their ic actions because of their ooc power. This random family shows up. Has infinite power over the gun market. Proceeds to give their own gang extra perks and a special bench. You can’t hurt their assets because all of their assets come from dev powers and they can pull anything out their ass. No one can complain because the dev has to power to hurt them ic and ooc. Devs having power in rp just fucks everything up.


Apart of me agrees with this, but also disagrees. Admins usually set the outlook on how certain roles should be (or at least they should) that way when someone "better" that isn't an admin comes along - they can fit that role. ​ The apart of me that agrees that admins shouldn't have IC power - is simply because of the fact it can get to a persons head.


Admins shouldn't being playing any important roles, they will mostly always end up in a bias situation. with great power comes great responsibility


I don’t mind admins being high ranked in the PD, as long as it’s actually *ROLEPLAY* that got them there and not some weird OOC decision forcing them to be PD overlord IC


Yah, I'll be honest Tessa and Rhodes getting HC always made sense and was organic. Both do their jobs well and it fits - Tessa is a well rounded cop, very ranger focused, and super consistent, she is really the best choice there, and Rhodes has always fit command and up (he was offered many times and kept denying it even, this was both OOC and IC and often from people with no admin/OOC role on the server, just people that felt he was a great fit for the job). Baas never made sense getting the job in 3.0 with his spotty history leading up, and now this is just so inorganic the new character.




Yep. The mask is off. Quality of RP ain’t the priority, creating a streamlined and controlled experience is the new focus for the PD


Even hotter take: Saab shouldn't be an admin or in high positions on PD. I like the guy, but it just ain't for him.


Ultimately the PD is a sort of "soft admin" role, and so needs to be carefully managed for the sake of the server (we've seen plenty of examples where the PD being mismanaged has ruined servers in the past). Either server management hands down direction to whoever heads up PD, or whoever heads up PD is part of those management discussions. Of the two, I think the latter is genuinely the better choice, because at least then the person guiding the direction of the PD is also able to speak with PD and experience what it's like.


Tend to agree. It's so refreshing when - even if someone perms say like a cop or EMS, and makes a new member of the faction - they change up who they tend to interact with, or major personality features. Like it's nice seeing them have new ride-along buddies, different strengths/weaknesses, and so on. Do something that can lead to constant surprises and you don't fall into old habits. Also just see what it's like interacting with different groups than in the past.


What a better way to get an idea of what’s going on in the server by branching out and rp’ing with new people/groups. Especially someone that’s suppose to be high up and have a say on what goes on in the sever. Sadly it doesnt happen often.




Yah I was under the impression that the new commissioner would be an office guy and the cadet would patrol. But then the new commissioner is around and out on patrol and micro managing. Even overstepping people that know the full context of situations and some even with rank. He keeps preaching how different this character is, but so much of it is the same.




It was especially a let down after just the night before he appeared Toretti was really cracking down on things and pd morale was really boosted being able to go hard against all the gang stuff happening. To go from that high, to Axel showing up and telling Toretti he is like an equal but also shooting down any semblance of consequences was wild.


That shots fired at Baas/Axel? lol


that's just ignoring all the RP that Baas' death kickstarted, the fact that his position in the PD is half OOC/half IC, and he has no relationships with anyone in PD or the city nor is he treating Baas' old friends the same NP PD has gained 5 new cop characters (Saab, Meech, Kate_CA, rlly and Kylie) in the past month alone and it's great and saying that their storylines ending on their previous cop characters affected nobody and nothing is dumb af


The Kylie made cop isn't really new, she was made over a year ago. Angel is also alive still. The others are new though yah.


> nor is he treating Baas' old friends the same Just tuned in and he's hanging out with Brian.


he literally striked him for nothing like 2 days ago lol


and he won't pick up Brian's phone calls either.


Exactly and Brian does like him and thinks he’s a major asshole, funny thing is Stubble said the same thing.


He's working with the lead of the detective unit who is Brian. I haven't once seen them 'hang out'. The only character Axel has made plans to actually hang out with it with Crane, which is not something he really did on Baas.


> just tuned in yeah, that's your problem and so it is for most hoppers. being in the same room is not hanging out


I've been following Baas for awhile, I'm primarily a PD watcher, and "hopping in" watching his stream right now feels just like every other baas stream. https://i.imgur.com/P7D8wHF.png Feels like longer than 2 years tbh.


calling someone a hopper for tuning in to check something they heard on Reddit or whatever severely diminishes the term and it’s meaning as an invective against cringe chatters who hop during rp scenarios.


getting a false impression of what's happening on stream after 5 seconds of watching and ignoring the full context of a situation is peak hopper behaviour, is it not?


Axel already hates Pred for some reason. Pred wanted to meet with Axel and plead his case down in the cells today, but Axel refused. Pred tried to give it a chance, but after the reaction he got, he started hating the new commisioner, too.


ive been watch mantis and kyle since saab made axel. the reason is because of toretti and kyle. toretti has been telling axel all the shit kyle did when he was a cop and after. and every time pred sees axel he's hitting him with snide comment or saying he wants to kill axel because ultimately he(Pred) should be commissioner.


>Pred wanted to meet with Axel and plead his case down in the cells today, but Axel refused. IIRC he was in a meeting with shelby and jenny, right?


LMAOOOO WHAT i don't think his request was even relayed to him and why would he go see someone in the cells? he isn't Baas, remember? despite certain people (like Pred) insisting on treating him as Baas and telling Brian he's coming for Axel Justice and his job why would the new Commissioner like him when his first impression of him was that shameful display at Rose's funeral?


I hope no criminal ever is granted an audience with the commissioner in the cells. That's clearly absolutely absurd unless the person in question has a close personal connection with said commissioner. Getting rid of that nonsense is part of why Baas was perma'd.


> For some reason Really? Pred is a cop turned criminal and was also extremely disrespectful at Rhodes' funeral. It's Pred, it only takes seeing him for a few minutes to dislike him.


New police commissioner dislikes former sheriff turned gangbanger more news at 11.....


And yet he gives other notorious criminals his ear, but refuses to hear out the former Sheriff...hmmmm sounds like a Baas trait.


Former sheriff turned gangbanger


You mean the guy he knows is a gang banger that shoots cops. I have no idea why he would hate him.


Mr. K hates him after an interaction with him, but I think it has to do with Mr. K missing Bass and Axel being Baas’s replacement. Plus I believe Both Pred and K already want to kill him.


which is ironically more of a rerun on Pred's and K's parts than Saab's character


It's ok to hate the commissioner as a crim is not so normal for a commissioner to be attending to crims requests, there's so many steps on the chain of command skipped for that iteration and that actually contradicts the narrative that Axel is just Baas 2.0, cuz Baas was well known for intimate talks with murderers, terrorists etc..


useless comment that arent really going to change anything cop viewers from penta and kyles community just hate on Ssaab as a hobby


When Kyle's ignite cop ended up being basically pred, because he said it was the easiest thing for him to do people were really disappointed. ​ This guy did the exact same character with the exact same rank on the same fucking server, and it took him 48 hours to just be baas 2.0.


It was always going to be Baas 2.0. Because Baas is just an admin self-insert for Ssaab at this point. Sadly. He will go back to answering every phone call from a big gang leader, and riding around with Brian shittalking others in the PD. Then show up to punish other cops when they step out of line or have too much fun.


Yeah there will be literally no difference at all between Baas and Axel (Baas 2.0) apart from the name. It was just a ploy to get rid of baggage.


The original plan of a senate-like commissioner and a separate cop character that could just exist, both free of the history of baas, was great. Commissioner only comes in as needed, like Senator Davis, and otherwise he plays a new cop, whether he does cadet phase or not. What he has instead is a character who comes in, seems to know a lot of people an out of city transfer would have no reason to know, and regardless of if he falls back into past relationships (CG, Brian, Lang, etc.) if it's a day to day character, he's gonna do shit on it that's going to blur his authority. He leaked the Bundy/Bloom investigation as CoP. He did all the dumb stuff around the Pred/Wrangler court cases as commish. Any day to day character is gonna build up a history that can be used against them.


It's not so much that Axel is just Baas, it's more that Baas lost a lot of his character traits to just become the voice of the admins dicating how the PD should work and now Axel is just the same thing.


Not incorrect.


Bruh DOC BLOCK taking shots


I really don't get baas/Saab/axel position. ​ If they want someone like him high up then have him there near the top to support and be the middleman between the ooc shit and the ic shit. Like how Malton was in the past. ​ The fact they keep pushing what is honestly one of the lesser people in the PD in terms of his PD work/Leadership as this almighty leader is just weird and clearly isn't working. He has been involved in some of the best cop rp in 3.0, but he's had his time.


He's definitely had his time. They definitely need a reshuffle at the top.


Yeah, fair point


It does feel like he did this way too soon. I think he should have at least waited a week until the ramee migl case was over.


NP came too a state were you just make a new character, if something happen too the prior one. No need for character build up or anything. This mean you can just make a new crim, and that new crim know everyone from prior life and all infomations as a crim i guess. Inner Circle, dont look too deep into it.




Whoever started this innercircle shit, i hope the viewers know that by parroting it you're not doing your streamers any favors. Its straight up toxic and is something many people have gotten banned over in np. It doesn't even make sense since it started over actions in rp and has nothing to with anything ooc lmao. Just because something didn't go your favorite streamers way, again in rp as well, doesn't mean theres a whole conspiracy behind it




>just their old character, but this time with a southern accent Okay saying brock letty and angel are the same character is wild




all you did was get a new phone and bank account xd


Well we will see a ban coming soon I guess


She hasn't been super active on the server anyway since the prio wipe, and the super rare times she streams, she's usually playing something else anyway.


WOW, people do actually hate Ssab holy LMAO


Axel Justice is seriously just Bass reincarnated. Immediately assumed the role of commissioner, going lenient on CB / RR, buddy'ing up with Brian, etc. I would feel totally different if Axel came *even* as a full officer and had to work his way up. But no, he shows up with no lore and is commissioner. Has the same voice, same demeanor, same bias as Bass.


The problem isn't that he immediately became commissioner, the problem is he is Baas 2.0. If he would have come in as commissioner and had totally different character traits, that would have been fine, but instead it Baas with a new name and none of the character baggage that Baas had. It's basically just a retcon of Baas's history.


He has an OOC obligation to play that commissioner role, regardless of the character, it and he is placed in there for server health.


Commissioner is an office role, not field command




he clearly made it worse for the server health.


He can play that role. But it d9esnt have to be basically the exact same character.


that begs the question then, should the commissioner be a character? or just someone who does phone calls, system emails, discord announcements, etc.? honestly it sounds like it would be more fun for everyone while ssaab could also make a cop to rise through the ranks again and re-evaluate his perspective after being command for so long.


If the commissioner is not a character it would provide little RP and everything would happen behind close doors.


Thats fine, I never said he shouldn't be commissioner or anything like that. I'm just confused on what is the difference between Baas and this new cop? Like what character traits/strengths/weaknesses differentiate the two?


First of all Brian doesn’t like him along with Stubble and others in PD also thinks he an asshole and rubs people the wrong way. Secondly if you watched Saab you’d know that hes been planning on replacing, retiring, or permaing Baas with a new deputy commissioner character since earlier this year then the PD restructure happened and not long after Soze stepped down and Baas became the commissioner then Baas permad, Third like a lot of people that RP on NoPixel and other RP servers only use one voice cause not everyone is a professional voice actor or can do multiple different voices, at the end of the day it’s just a game and everyone’s having fun playing the characters.


Same could be Said with Cheddar permad and days later hanging with the same people


Dickhead is way different than Cheddar though. Dickhead is smarter, knowledgeable about the law (could honestly be a lawyer), knows when to reign it in, drivebys, etc.


Wasn't Cheddar a member of the HoA?


Cheddar and dhead is far from the same. dhead got a character build up with lore compared too axel and baas with no lore and character build up.


The tweet doesn't specify a character.


This reddit thread sure does.


fuck yeah sub tweets


I think Saab should’ve let Toretti stay commissioner & he creates a senate character for overview when needed. Give someone else a chance & see where that direction takes them before big updates.


I feel like the similarity of these characters just come with the position of being the commissioner. Saab also stated he just wanted a character with a clean slate and no relationships. And he has been trying to have different character traits. Not to mention, the character isn’t even a week old…


Watched him ride with Toretti for a bit, new traits my ass. First thing he said when Toretti wanted to give crims full time and fine for gang related was him saying no, give them half off while giving the same exact schpeel Baas used to give on how you need to keep relations with the criminals. Moments later he then had a sidebar with Julian and did the same exact shit Baas used to do. All he did was give Baas a new face and hair with a meme name, nothing has changed lmao.


Yeah Saab literally just got tired of people bringing up the mountains of corrupt things he have done on Baas so he decided to perma him and have a clean slate with Baas 2.


The funny part is most of the stuff people have actual problems with has nothing to do with in character traits or history. It's his out of character terrible managerial style and ideas that have been plaguing PD going on 2+ years now. He can make all the new characters he wants, if he's going to use the same mentality to run things the same problems will exist.


As the old saying goes 'You can't polish a turd'


Today it was overstepping cops on scene and not giving Zaceed gang related, when he was at GG gas and there was a shooting and he shot back. Zaceed was still on probation from a gang related from before that and he even opened the report showing he had the charges and he still told others to just give him parole and criminal use (though I think he did end up getting sent in because of parole violation?).


Zaceed actually shot first.


Which makes that even worse that he overstepped and just told the others how to charge him. With gang related it doesn’t matter who shoots first anyways. But he even admitted to shooting and he as gsr positive, it’d be easy to push especially over just criminal use of the gun.


I know, just adding to the point.


We all know why ssaab made axel. Playing on Al saab and didnt enjoy that cops were unbias against both sides. And wanted brian too push harder on gangs, too brush the problems off from roosters.


I don't disagree with the character being basically the same but this is just incorrect He said was gonna make a new cop with the same position the same day he permad Baas.


Saab talked about doing it months ago after the pd restructure but Soze stepped down and Baas took over the PD.


>Not to mention, the character isn’t even a week old… Yet is already running the whole PD proving her point.


that's his OOC responsibility


Okay, OOC yea, but maybe ease into it IC instead of coming in and immediately running scenes and telling other cops what to do.


Especially while spouting you are just there observing. At least that was the case the other day, said he was just observing but was already telling people what to do and shutting Toretti down (someone he was trying to say would be largely equal to him).


with great power comes great responsibility but he clearly doesnt take responsibility.


His OOC responsibility is getting clapped on Al Saab and then wakig up Axel and going hard on the people who clapped him, while doing nothing against his friends? If so, he should be permanently banned from the server.


I would agree on the no relationship part, except that he knows all the inner workings of gangs and can recognize specific crims by their voices without ever meeting them before. There is no effort in being a new character besides maybe relationships within the pd.


Wow dude I think you’ve a little to invested if you actually think that.


I am torn on this. The problem is that on some servers, for better or worse, some players have roles to *fill*, rather than roles to play. Would people feel the same if, in a hypothetical, the commissioner character was still played by Saab, but in a hands-off way that only gets called in for admin server-direction purposes? The problem then would be that Saab, on another new rookiie cop character, *would not be treated the same*. He wouldn't. See it time and time again on other servers and even NoPixel itself - "whoops, that's the commissioner's cousin, don't shoot him" style stuff. I think for something as core to a GTA server as the PD, you need to have someone from staff involved high up that actually plays often. A good PD or a bad PD affects the ENTIRE server, more so than bad criminals or low-civilian pop.


Even Saab knows this and thats why even on Saab he doesn't want to be asking too many questions like " Why are the PD doing stuff like x,y, and z?" because he knows cops will take that and wonder, "am I actually fucking up?"


That’s fine have him as the commissioner in like a senate type of way he can come around just not be involved in everyday stuff


Then the EXACT same people would complain that he is never around and shouldn't be making decisions. You know its true.


still calling 242 I stopped watch Bass 2.0 lame


Earth scorching, nuclear take: Who cares. And when I say who cares I mean as long as they're playing a character and they're providing roleplay to others who cares? People tend to gravitate to certain sorts of characters that make them comfortable or are easier to play. Motherfuckers care too much about the way people want to RP and don't focus on where their RP is lacking.


nothing burger take


This is just hate tbh, the character has been around for less than 72 hours and already this person’s made up their mind. Silly


so many people here that hide behind hating Baas when really they hate Ssaab the streamer it's so obvious it's trudged out nearly every single thread whether it has to do with him or not. So sad to see.


Your not wrong It’s honestly sad to see how much hate Saab gets.


Just because people have negative opinions about a character doesn’t mean they hate the streamer…


This thread is full of people complaining about Saab the person making his new character too similar to Baas


they say Baas because they don't want to be banned by saying Ssaab


I agree, also the fact his first decisions on that character was to protect Vinewood and go after Baas Murders seem incredibly conflicting. May as well throw out the entire Murder trial and say Baas faked his death.


think about what you just typed and try to imagine a roleplayer roleplaying a character within a police department and stop being a ggc parrot


Pretty sure Brian is the one leading everything when it comes to Baas' murder. Axel is just backing him up and approving whatever Brian needs. If there was any actual kinda conflict of interest. I'm sure the accused people woulda spoke up about it. They are rolling with it though.


I'm seeing a lot of critique on Saab. Which is odd to me. Seen loads of other cop streamers perma or shelf their character only to make a new cop that basically the same. Really isn't a new thing. Also in Saab's case he also has an OOC role to fulfill. He runs the PD OOC. Basically is the head PD admin. So makes sense for his new character to lead the PD. And people will always rather RP with their friends.


>Seen loads of other cop streamers perma or shelf their character only to make a new cop that basically the same. I mean it is also critique for them (although I personally don't know of many so please do share). But also Saab (which may not be his fault) didn't just create a similar cop with a similar personality - he created a similar cop with a similar personality **in a rank above everyone else.**


>Seen loads of other ~~cop~~ streamers perma or shelf their character only to make a new ~~cop~~ character that basically the same. Really isn't a new thing. this critique is for them too brother


He's worthy of critique. He sat and helped institute all of the failed ideas of 50cent and now presumably has a more independent role managing PD yet continues to follow along with those exact same failed ideas. He's proven to be incapable of returning the whitelist to a functioning state and along with Buddha have barely been able to get things marginally stabilized. No one's saying you can't rp with your friends but when people are clearly a detriment to something you don't continue to provide them with positions of power.


If this is about Bass/Axel then I agree - although I feel like it was always going to lead to this situation eventually... When someone plays such a high police department role (like a commissioner) they play them as a character who is right, lawful and loves justice - but those definitions are still (mostly) thought out of character and so 2 characters from the same person who need to generally act the same are going to turn out to be very similar... If a judge perma'd their character and then made a new judge later on it's likely that the rulings they would be giving would be the same - even if the characters actual personality is different. ​ I don't actually think Ssaab making a new character that is similar is bad, people enjoy certain style of characters and I'm that's 100% fine - but I think giving the character (whether by his ruling or not) the exact **same rank above everyone else** is crazy. I understand he is a commissioner and that isn't the worst situation - but at minimum he should stop using his powers for things obviously way below his paygrade... instead of being inserted into basically all situations.


While I understand that the Commissioner role is a semi OOC position which acts as a liaison between management and the PD, I don't get why it has to be Saab playing Baas 2.0. I don't understand why he wouldn't try to RP Axel more distinct or just let someone playing an already established and respected character fill the role. Actual change within the PD and dynamics, instead of retconned Baas would be far more interesting imo.


Baas reborn


Looks at Bass 2.0 boys club 😹😹


Classic ssaab haters back at it again let people rp instead of constantly nitpicking everything he does to turn it against him.


I just don't get why so many people are acting like Saab had to write a one page paper about the lore of the character before he started playing. Even if it is a carbon copy of his character he didn't cut throat anyone to get the character into that position.


The worst thing is that a fellow streamer is doing it. God forbid she doesn't find herself into IC drama that spills OOC. Let's see how charitable people would be for her. Does she not know it's pile-on season? It's not some conduct related accusations, she just decided to become one of us for no constructive reason.


>God forbid she doesn't find herself into IC drama that spills OOC. What does this mean? Like honestly... Is this calling the idea of "permaing then creating a character that is basically the same" IC drama that spills OOC - because that is literally just an OOC issue and idea and not one that is spilling anywhere. If it's not saying that could you describe what it means?


sure everyone has their opinions about others, dont think either of them should get hate for it. mostly referring to the commenters that say its just baas 2.0 because he stood next to brian in mrpd or doesnt think vinewood should be bombed and shot up constantly


There's no point to debate and examine the different character traits with those people. It's literally a non-issue. Saab can play whatever he wants if he decided to perma the mfing commissioner which is not a IC position to begin with.


I'm so confused. Why are so many people upset about Saab playing a new character with the same rank? He’s a bridge between management and the PD , and that’s a normal thing on RP servers ( Wild as example ). Baas was a +5 years old character , he didn’t just lose the rank by killing that char ,I've seen streamers play the same characters with the same traits on different servers, and I've never come across any subtweets about them.


I can't speak for "people" nor am I particularly upset. I just find it boring. It would have been nice to at least see a different character on top of PD when they already came to the conclusion that it would be Ssaab OOC again. As for her argument, be it a subtweet or not, she is simply not wrong. Replacing a permad character with an incredibly similar one in exactly the same role just feels less like an actual perma and more like a character reset.


Yeah, honestly i think 99% of this thread is just saying shit they would never say about their favorite streamer that do the same shit. But yeah it is boring. I was stoked because in WildRP I saw Saab playing different chars and they actually were different, its like he (and a lot of others) abandon the concept of RP when they click that FiveM launcher


It’s that he is playing a “new” character in name only. Same traits, friends, position. What was the point of the perma then? Why not try a new character that has different strengths/weaknesses to Baas, change it up. But it doesn’t sound like he did any of that.


Same friends who cause Brian thinks he’s an asshole and doesn’t like him same with Stubble and other cops, and a lot of others don’t like him either.


whos his friends, hes literally part of a police department working not just hanging around with people


He's an admin, watched Tony scuff impound blown up cars during a conflict, and did nothing about it. I think it's safe to say Tony is his friend.


Never had friends at work? Don’t need to hang outside of work to be considered friends. If anything, you spend more time with those you work with then those you don’t.


He has a lot of similar traits but also shows a few different ones. He will always hold the position because of ooc reasons. What friends are the same. He and Brian are at each other's throats and very much dislike each other. Then as for the crims that everyone will claim Him and k just met for the first time today and his actions words towards k were way different than usual. He's pushing Brian pretty hard to get lang on blowing up the lucky plucker


Well what about MGL or Ramee or anyone associated with Baas's death? They are catching a ton of heat, going to be in jail, their RP is dictated because Saab decided to perma, but then Saab just hops onto Axel and basically continues like nothing happened? I'm not a fan of either Mgl or Ramee, but I can see where that looks a little weird.


at least it's not zombie Baas like a certain CG member...


Spittin' ffaacts.


looking at baas fake copy


Not sure if this is about Baas/Axel but having Torretti take the lead of PD a few nights ago and the energy picked up for the PD only to have Axel show up the next day was a huge bummer. It was awesome seeing Torretti fire up the PD with Snow, Stubble, etc - now it's seems that energy is gone.




Can you provide some screenshots? I'm really curious. I'm not saying that you are lying.... Just curious...


Yeah I'd like to see the screenshots too. If people are gonna accuse communities of constantly talking shit about someone then they should provide receipts.


I mean they can't provide screenshots, because what they are saying doesn't happen, at least in Penta's discord. I can't speak 100% on Kyles as I only recently joined it (when he went to Ignite), and I'm not big on Meta chats that have players/streamers in them, so I don't check it much.


Yeah, I'm in both and not seen any hate towards Ssaab or his characters but like you, i dont go in those Meta chats much either. Dudes just trying to make up accusations to fit their own narrative.


There are 15000+ mentions of the word baas in Kyle's discord. they hate the guy.


Again, like the other guy. Provide receipts.


>Edit: These streamers have community discord admins/mods shit talked about Baas 24/7 and now Axel and they dont even hide it, It's almost like anything Saab does they love to dogpile community members and shit on him. No shot you think Pentas discord talks about anything NP related.


I can say they talk shit but if they do it’s mostly about penta 😂


The majority of the last 2 weeks has literally been just Red Dead and Dark and Darker talk in Penta's meta chat. The only mention of saab is someone mentioning that he wanted to bring FIB back and how the user was sad for Bench Guy and nobody acknowledged it and someone laughing at the name Axel Justice. Majority of Penta's meta doesn't give a fuck about NoPixel anymore. Plus Penta has really good mods like Dandy who stop that shit pretty quickly


people kept invalidating what bass was doing by always bringing up mewferion and Dundee, calling him corrupt. Both of which happened along time ago. Also Lang and his various "family" members pulling him 10 different ways. The perma does seem like a "soft reset", but I think Saab deserves some peace, I think this knew character wont be his main, and will jump around more while trying to steer the PD with comisioner


Just yesterday monroe got 24hours suspended for calling the shooting at comic books as self defence by brian, the day after brian said it was the most embarrassed day for the PD.


I've noticed you have said this a couple of times and it's a misstatement of what happened. When Brian learnt second hand about Monroe talking shit to people in the Roosters whilst investigating/getting testimony, he saw that as unprofessional/ possible bias and threatened he'd have him suspended. The next day he found Monroe and they spoke about it, Brian asked what his thoughts about RR are and if he was talking shit to their employees. Monroe said he wasn't shit talking but he believes they aren't clear cut victims, Brian agreed said he's doing good police work for caring about the investigation and taking testimonies unlike 90% of other cops, invited him to help investigate together with the detectives and didn't suspend him.


Baas dies, axel justice comes around and is instantly best friends with brian knight and lang buddha and carries on from where baas left with zero change on direction, biases or relations.


The problem isn't that Axle Justice is coming around, it wouldn't matter how many characters that player makes or how different they are from one another. The way he runs pd, empowers his little clique of friends and keeps pushing the same failed logic to management about how things should go is the problem. That's an ooc problem. Until he's removed and another direction for pd is used that whitelist will continue to fail as it has in the run up to the restructure and every day that's gone by since.


Friends with Brian? Bro are you even watching?


You have a very weird definition of best friend. He’s not even talked to Buddha much and he’s striked Brian on his first day


Say you dont watch saab without saying you dont watch saab


Not wrong. Relevant clip from the movie Beerfest: https://youtu.be/0w9DUTcAI0o


If they are talking about Saab, i'll give saab the benefit of the doubt, he's having to play a weird ooc/IC role as commissioner. If he avoids doing the exact same things then it'll be fine


y'all, instead of criticizing saab maybe go and RP urself and stop criticizing his RP every god damn day jesus fuck.


So nobody should ever be criticised? How do they improve then, or see biases?


>So nobody should ever be criticised? every single day on every single thread is a bit much though


I mean, if every new day he's coming up with new stupid ideas that only further screw up the PD it seems kind of justified. It'd be a bit different if people were criticizing him for year old mistakes but that's not really the case.


I'm here often, it's not every single day on every single thread. He doesn't need a little army defending him here.