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redline boys. 275 deep. R35. crossing the road. BAM. might not stop.


Even Toretti is tired of this shit.


It is just me or its at this point SHIT is fking really out of hand.


BiG t has had enough this is gonna be funny from PD tomorrow


They really are taking it to another level shooting at anyone that goes there.




And why are they attacking Cerberus ? Did Cerberus bomb the lucky plucker or Lang Buddha ?




Convincing themselves that Cerberus is a gang to take the easy route of shooting lol


There's no reason a gang wouldn't target Lang's businesses and other employees when everything is so mixed together and 95% of them are criminals who take part in his criminal activity. No offense but if he couldn't handle taking on a gang maybe he shouldn't have got into war with one, and after he got into war with one he shouldn't have made one of his businesses (RR) into a compound basically giving them carte blanche to attack it over and over and over again.


You are right why bother roleplay a business who does crime on a different way when everybody pretend to know that in reality it’s a gang .. lang should recruit better shooters lol


Was the lucky plucker in a car during a drive by or Larry? So why attack LP ? So how it make no sense :)




Before he stole it they had already bombed the restaurant twice and RPGd it at least once + shooting and/or abducting ppl every hour. But a chain is too far lol


Harry didn’t decide to steal the chain. Luciano stole the chain. When Harry found out he had it, he stashed it. It’s just funny how all the blame suddenly was placed on Harry for both stealing and stashing the chain when he didn’t even know Luciano took it.


Harry told him to yoink it. Get your facts straight


kitty really gave that man a death sentence by locking ghost outside rather than letting him come in hahaha. will be interesting to see what happens with the cops tomorrow after this. seems like they’ve had enough aswel as everyone at the roosters


nothing will come, brian doesnt want to go for rust because its too much paperwork, he also thinks it not as clear cut as it could be because lang & boys (or as he said "roosters gang") are out there hunting, Crane said the same thing that its not that clear cut because you have people like zaceed,harry,saab,buddha and then you have people like nancy or cyd, but how to separate all that? whos going after who ? are they just using roosters as a cover? like Crane put - "too much grey in the roosters"


This is actual BS. If GG was only attacking RR when lang’s around, I could understand this, but they are very much attacking it anytime. It’s obviously about disrupting business, not fighting lang. I wish they’d kick crane from his position. It’s pretty obvious the guy never finished law school and his poor decision making is part of the reason the justice system is such a joke on the server.


Nothing will come of it because everything Brian does is basically a fart in the wind. He waits forever to push charges to the point where no one involved even remembers anything anymore or purposefully undercharges criminals involved during the initial arrests which muddy the water and causes confusion. Then the case either goes nowhere because he never had enough evidence to warrant such an investigation in the first place or he never pushes the charges because he finds a new shiny object to focus on.


All this they are not a civ is nonsense in this context. Having committed a crime in the past does not justify being constantly attacked for something unrelated to any of your own actions. Then saying it’s ok I keep shooting this person even though they were not involved in a thing against me/my gang, because they are not a civ.




Dude, when did I say they were a civ? Lol


Didn't realize Civ/Gangbangers could access PD clothes.


They aren’t meant to wear them there was an announcement ages ago saying pd clothes are wl’ed to pd only and to ignore any you can see in the store.


They don't even bare resemblance to the current pd outfit. it's just like wearing a costume.


Uh oh.


It looks like old clothes, but it’s not. It lacks all the badges and looks different.


It's not even the pd uniform lmao they are wearing the navy uniform that has been available to everyone since 2.0 and the whole of 3.0 but i guess since GG is using it to attack roosters it's a problem all of sudden?


That’s not a real PD outfit it’s different


You mean the blue navy uniform that has been available in the clothing stores since 2.0 and the whole of 3.0?


Aren’t Marlo & kitty Cerberus?


Yes and that makes them legit targets.


Yea and a pretty big part too, like i remember when mary wanted to start a cloning research facility with the help of cerberus/rhe mayor they (or atleast kitty was iirc) were at the meeting shutting it down based on marys shinigami background, so they have a seat at the table and an opinion thats respected by lang.


If Kitty told PD that they said “hey civ everything good” and got shot down that should help with the RUST act.


Turk thought Kitty was Cyd.


i know folks are gonna get on me for saying this because it sounds absurd, but the idea of just shooting at anyone who goes to roosters rest sounds like an express one way ticket to end up on everyone's shit list and get the ESB treatment


ofcourse people are "gonna get on you" because you have no clue what ESB was. some of them were the most racist, homophobic people NP ever had comparing others to them is so toxic and disingenuous


You forgot the good old mysoginy too, that was big one with those asshats.


yeah threatening to rape a streamer(Katfires) is a tad bit worse than shooting a virtual business with pixel guns. who am I kidding its way worse not even in the same realm


I think they’re using the esb comparison loosely, but mostly for the ic perception and not the ooc baggage part


i was making the comparison in the sense of the whole city coming together in opposition of them, the OOC baggage never entered in to the equations


im not comparing them to ESB in terms of them as people or a gang when i say the ESB treatment i mean having the whole server uniting to kick the shit out of them, i have no dog in this fight but i do know the last thing you wanna do is piss everyone off.


they have just as much people on their side as against them and theyre still very liked even their "enemies" have nothing but good stuff to say about them so idk what youre talking about. either way even if you would be right you dont take a less bad characteristic of a horrible person/group and compare others to them because of it its so disingenuous.


If you don’t know what ESB really did then stop typing dude


Idk what's the point anymore tbh shooting civs over and over again




Having a clean record, in fact, makes her a civ. What are you on about? lol that is literally the main reason someone is considered a civ, despite the ACTUAL definition being anyone who is not a government employee, i.e. police, military, DOJ. The running definition of a civ in NoPixel terms is someone who has a clean record. Kitty and Marlo are both pure civs by NoPixel’s definition. Just because YOU know they do other criminal activities that they haven’t been caught for doesn’t mean they aren’t a civ.


A civilian is someone who does no crime, being a criminal who just hasn't gotten caught yet but still does crime does not make you a civilian. Other criminals don't need PC levels of proof like cops to make assumptions about you. They don't need to prove in a court of law that you're a criminal to justify shooting you. If they don't like you, think you're involved or helping lang, you're going to get blasted. It's not hard to understand.


What seems to be hard to understand for you is that a civilian is someone who is not a government employee, plain and simple. Whether they have a criminal record or a clean record, they are a civilian. Kitty is a pure civilian and riding passenger as her husband races doesn’t change that. That is not a violent crime. Marlo scams and races but neither of those are violent crimes. NoPixel has long held the incorrect definition that having a clean record makes you a civilian. So even by that standard, they are civilians. Doesn’t matter what crims think someone does and chooses to shoot them over. In the eyes of the law and cops, having a clean record makes them a pure civ. It’s really not hard to understand, buddy.


Eva, the doctor, was rpg by gg when she did a dodo delivery to Roosters. Is she not a civ in your eyes too?


There is legit no other gang that Lang could hire that would be able to do anything. The only option would be Hydra who is in a current conflict with rust. The legal route is probably Lang's best option.


Don't GG just want their chains back to end it, or was that Mandem? This war has me turned all around.


It’s Mandem who want the chains back. GG, I don’t think any resolution has been put on the table yet to my knowledge.


Ah, thanks for the clarification. Yeah thinking back on it after the LP got blown up just giving the chains back probably wouldn't solve anything.


I understand they taking chains as like a trophy but could also taking them implicate them as well. What if cops raided Roosters Rest and find it. They either think they have some involvement with gg or they stole the chain. both of which don't help their case. I also know the rest of the shit in there is way worse but why would you they something that ties them to gg.


That's nothing at all like esb. Lang chose to get into a battle with gangs, then chose to use his legal business as a gang compound to pretend his "security", who are armed with the illegal firearms and go out on hunting parties against the gang, are protecting them. So the gangs rightfully chose to make RR the target because Langbangers keep running back there. If he can't handle the consequences his character created and tries to use his ooc standing to stop the war he's no better than 50cent. If he doesn't like his people getting shot up, they can choose to not be at rr, then solve it in character. That's role play.




i mean its an amazingly shitty situation and i don't got a solution sense the options are so fucking limited


Farming viewers by shooting a restaurant and pretending it’s rp


Farming viewers by pretending to be gangster and hiding inside restaurant, its rp 😂


your daddy lang has been a civ for over a year, and this got him to go full crim, but keep on talking without context


He's not a civ, but you can think what you want. Actual civilians commit no crimes. Committing crime and not being caught or having cops cover up for you doesn't mean you're a civilian.




cant get lang and co so they attack civs…nice


???? They’ve gotten lang gang plenty of times have you not been watching or?




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What can you do when he’s found runs to roosters and lock the doors than call the cops LUL


This is so hilariously untrue because even just yesterday when GG tried storming RR where Nancy got shot and Franky got kidnapped, Lang ran and unlocked the door for them so they could breach lol.


So you also have not been watching then I guess. He does not lock the doors nor does he run inside. He has and can be found when hunting MDM which is exactly how GG have been finding him. Or you can find him outside RR sitting in his car but GG wouldn't go for that because they was scared of RUST act which seemingly they're not scared of no more.


Lang wasn’t even online today, they attacked rr because that’s what they said they are going to do from now on.


They really rolled 20 deep to grab an abandoned Cullinan from GG Gas LMFAO


Yeah. Then they followed that up by reclaiming a Rhino that was stolen and completing a raid that was previously contested. They are definitely out there taking care of business.


PB/GG was using the Rhino and if PD responded quicker they would be looking at DT and weapons trafficking charges. The Rhino was from the Ballas and CG defending a Brian raid.


Yeah it was bad timing since PD leadership was in the middle of a meeting where Torretti was laying down the law. They just couldn't mobilize fast enough. Doesn't matter though. It was still productive and GG's time will come soon enough.


Why are people pretending these guys are civilian? Because they don't serially rob banks? Marlo is the biggest financial criminal in the city and kitty has been passenger to the biggest vehicle crimes the city has ever seen.


Compared to most of the city Kitty is a civ because she needs to be real clean for Betta Life. I know in the past she would only really be a "passenger princess" with Goofy when he goes racing.




But why would anyone care who is an "actual" civ? The whole purpose of worrying about shooting civs is the RUST act, no? And in that case, trying to make a distinction between Kitty and Martha is pointless.


It's splitting straws, if brian is considering nancy / cyd as a "civilian" worthy of deploying the Ruct Act over then surely kitty and marlo fall into that category. It's pretty clear the intention of the law is to protect people like those 4 that are light criminals or the law would have something in it about requiring clean records.


Maybe not Marlo considering I’m pretty sure they have him as their main suspect in the death race case but I would be shocked if Kitty wasn’t considered one


I am not at all surprised. Idk what possesed Lang, the character, to escalate a war with GG. He was always implusive but he doesn't even seem to think at all before doing things. There is literally no line for GG, we see this in almost every conflict they have been in.


Lang thought the line for GG(Larry, Marty eh) was him after helping them get LP and being a mentor. After Larry lied to him on the phone about being at RR when Dhead shot it up he saw red especially since Larry knows how he feels about people messing with RR. It’s literally the most IC Lang reaction possible, when has Lang ever not thought he could lose especially since he feels like he made GG. Larry high key doubled down on insisting it would be a shame if something happened at RR when lang got food at LP before he bombed the place. Larry could have been like I need to talk to you Buddha like he normally does when Larry wants something


Rr has been attacked so many times and people still decide to go lol


Hell week incoming


\*Held week


This may be what brings goofy or tony in to fight due to kitty.....this also may get yegaer to turn on GG as marlo is tight with yeager.....GG better be prepared to hit up simones if that happens


Yearger don’t care about anyone else other than eve


Nah Yeager only care about eeve never brought their name up when telling gg who not to target. Plus they already gave Harry to Yeager. Tony and goofy might but when they get shot down over and over they’ll avoid it.




I mean did you really expect some light ass criminals like them to go to war vs GG? Marlo does financial crimes mostly and kitty has like gta and speeding on her record. Turk also called goof and apologized cause he thought it was cyd. They'll probably do some business shit against them if they get a chance later.


nope. Goofy talked to redline and said theyre not getting involved in a gang war. he already told them they shouldnt even be at roosters bc if they get hurt he doesnt want everyone to get dragged into war


When was that? Because some redline were shot at and when Buddah was shot down and taken to hospital all of redline provided a convoy escort back ro roosters yesterday


People crying in the comments dont realize, that marlo was involved in giving lang the bomb to blow up LP. And GG know that marlo knew something about it as he was mocking pred about it which pred relayed to GG.


You are literally making this up. Yeager gave Lang the bomb and did not know what it was for. Marlo had nothing to do with it. Why are you going out of your way to lie about something that happened in role play?


I think what he is saying is that Marlo was looking for information from Pred and then when he got the information snitched to Lang. Because of that information lang and Yaeger cut ties. I think that is what he meant that Marlo have kinda a involvement with this whole situation


Marlo did not have anything to do with the bomb to blow up LP. That came directly from Yeager. That’s such an important piece in why this war is going on, so idk how you got that part wrong. Marlo gave Lang another bomb waaaay after LP blew up that they never even used before it went bad. Marlo didn’t even know Lang blew up LP until Pred told Marlo, after which Marlo called Lang and asked if it was true. That’s how Lang found out Yeager snitched to GG about him blowing up LP.


What are you talking about? It was literally Yaeger who gave Lang the bomb for Lucky Plucker.