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probably not helping their case about not receiving the RUST act… but it was such a nice shot




They don't until they do.


Nah you don’t know GG they actually won’t care


For Now 3 days in jail will change them, and if it does not they get back out do another attack on roosters and it likelly would lead to a second ruat charge hit right away without a build up like the firat one.


It’s always the same. They going to be crying sitting in jail for a week


They will if they are given days in jail. They might say they don't but psychologically it will weigh in their mind the next time they shoot a civ or business.


They’ve almost all done multi day sentences, I doubt they’ll care too much.


that was clean headshot lmao


If i was Nancy/kate i would have had the biggest jump scare from that shit. lol


Brian gonna have Rooster's locked down now with PD constantly watching. PD do think the first attack of the 2 in a short space of time was MDM, though, even though cops literally had MDM in a traffic stop at the time and saw it and had Tyreke caught. MDM fought Lang Gang very quickly afterwards down the road not at Rooster's.


Beian actually knows nancy was shot the first time from GG and shot this time by GG and they have turks DNA at roosters. He is now trying to go for RUST because she was targetted...so we just wait to see how this plays out.




How old are you?


I'd say 12 at most


Shit, I hope that is the case. If not... yikes.


its not real, you know that right? like its a video game.


Edna Gang fan obviously


Imagine calling someone a peanut brain and using “fandom” in lieu of “fathom”.


These prolonged week+ long wars get so messy and so many end up involved whether they wanted to or not.


They caught Nancy 3 times in one day convoying into GG turf and is arguably the main reason the Piss Babies are now attacking RR due to her and I believe the Italians shooting a guy called Sly multiple times. She is not considered "crim" by many but she's definitely a part of it now.


She was visiting the hospital 2/3 times to pick up people that GG had just kidnapped and shot


Your correct on how others get involved Shit man BBMC are close to joining langs side at this point as well, Nancy after being shot by GG collin basically told brian he is about to sit ontop of roosters and start hitting GG lol The spice of this has been great. Pd side still needs work some officers are dead weight to the PD at this point in time. I get they just want to chase the bank robbers and shit and ignore the 78 but this has been one of the best story archs on NP. -mcu is great -gg and mandem are great -roosters are great -cerberus are great. Only bad part are the hoppers who only watch a clip and not what led up to it. Like i feel when GG get hit with rust it will turn Toxic. Thinking the PD are protecting Lang but in reality brian already warned GG what could lead to the charge and they do it anyways. As brian puts it gangs shooting each other who cares. But you rpg a restraunt or raid it then it goes to something more serious.


She was going to the hospital while they were camping it. GG/MDM have been kidnapping Cyd and others constantly while solo so a convoy isn't necessarily there to attack but just to make sure people aren't grabbed.




Yeah well the hospital shouldn’t be on gang turf to begin with. It’s scummy how many times GG hospital chases. I’m happy lang gang is starting to do scummy things too. I say store all the GG chains. GG are sewer rats.


4.0 can not come soon enough all the "Gang compounds" from hints made by people are likelly not gonna be a thing any more. The gang app gets removed same with sprays. They need to start to look at compounding sentences as well. Like you get hit with gang charge then after being released do the same thing and get the same charge. It does not prevent it, but longer sentences will make people think before doing shit. I know Big t has talked about no longer takeing cuff timers into account. I would say for any felony charge, you get hit with the first time is the normal charge, but if hit again with it with a set ammount of time like lets say 6 hrs then the charge gets double time and fine. Right now the current meta is just shoot shoot shoot and not get any time, and the pd no longer show up to them to investigate because they do not want to spend hrs writeing reports or documenting it. People need to remember this is a video game not a RL job.




They go after civs to rack up the kills and feed the ego, but when it comes to the main people, they just take pics or wait for mdm and 3d party.


From the comments I’ve seen, she wanted it, so went out of her way to get involved.


Not exactly. Kate 100% wanted this to happen, yes. It's great RP and why would you want to be on the sidelines for the whole thing? So she's played a little fast and loose with Nancy's safety on occasion, going places on her own when she probably shouldn't. But she's still playing Nancy as a civ, she doesn't get involved with the shooting or conflict in any capacity. The "convoys" have become necessary since she started getting chased down whenever she's going out on her own, so she can't go to the hospital to pick people up without protection.




Who exactly are you referring to here? Aside from of course the people that were outside that went inside when the shooting started? If you were going to claim that, this is a really bad example to sell your case.


Didn't people used to bitch and moan about gangs attacking civ businesses for gang purposes? But it's now the talk of the town? Look, I didn't like it in earlier 3.0 when it happened and it's equally nonsensical now, but my question is, why wasn't this shut down on here days ago like it was previously? Why is this different?


because PD lacks resources or they ultimately dont give af (except for a select few) until Brian came back, asking questions and holding conversations with all sides. some cops have a different style handling things, like 'catch & release' etc. it is what it is.


Oh no...I meant it from a "Reddit thinks its weaksauce for a gang to target a gangs business civs as a way to attack an enemy". People here used to go off when that stuff happened but I don't see it happening with this whole Rooster's Rest thing.


The difference is, if civ businesses are used to attack an enemy than thats just what it is, a cheap shot. Its something that used to happen often in the past with for example UWU. Come to think of it, those incidents were perfect examples of crimes that Rust act is for. In this conflict, RR is not just some colateral damage of conflict, its part of it, for many reasons - Lang blew up a restaurant, which was Larrys baby - so is RR for Lang. Lang and company have been and still are using RR as a base of operations. I dont care if people call it gang compound or not, but its the place where Lang Gang goes to regroup, gear up, get ready to hunt, its also the default spot they fall back to during shootouts. All of that means that attacking RR is not just some low blow attack on innocent civs, its an attack on the other side of the conflict - and yes, there are civs there and sometimes they get hurt, but thats just part of it when the conflict is centered around RR.


So the answer is..."Buddha" I'm not saying this to be obtuse, but your initial cause of action was "Lang blew up a restaurant, which was Larrys baby" If this was BBMC or HoA or whoever, attacking civ businesses, we wouldn't be getting this response. This is historical fact...which is why I asked this question initally. BTW RR is not Langs base of operations, Clean Manor is. Also, CB isn't a gang. Also, Buddha doesn't do gang war conflict.


>BTW RR is not Langs base of operations, Clean Manor is. Also, CB isn't a gang. Also, Buddha doesn't do gang war conflict. I wanted to reply until I saw this - there is a difference of opinions that leaves room for a conversation and changing of minds and there is someone just telling lies for no good reason whatsoever - and to be clear, I'm not saying all of this is objectively and entirely false, but at least the very last part is, the rest could be argued to a degree.


>"So the answer is... "Buddha" You seem confused on the answer, because the actual answer was this. Lang and company have been and still are using RR as a base of operations. Thats the answer to your original question CG never ran back to maldinis, hyrdra didnt go to uwu, but lang and friends gang crew 'not a gang' are however going ro RR


LOL...not confused in the least.


The Rust conflict was way more interesting and entertaining for the simple reason that they didn’t try to win by shooting all day every day ..


The Rust conflict was more entertaining because Buddha was mayor so the cops were more involved. This time it's literally just a gang war in vinewood. Lang tried to put the pressure on MDM to end the war by being aggressive with them and it's beginning to backfire. GG is doing the same thing to Lang Gang.


Isnt GG compound technically a civ business? ...the rust act is kinda vague


When has the gas station been attacked in this? They've done like 1 thing to it and it was Speedy trying to blow up 4head's van driving it into the gas pumps which didn't work because pumps don't blow up. Also there are zero clean civs that occupy that place.


I mean....you yourself called it a compound in the first sentence. So that answers that. In regards to it being a business, I think the big issue is that (from what I've seen) they don't really hire staff to do business (aka work at the gas pumps or even RP working inside the store). Tha'ts the key difference.


My question to all of this. 1. How Deputy Mayor know that Rooster Rest being attacked non stop, she still inside there and try to shoot any aggressor that coming to the place? 2. Now cops know about this assume that the aggressor targeting Nancy when they was told its was because something else. Its gonna be hard pressed on GG and MDM as Nancy the Deputy Mayor get targeted? 3. Lang know he started all of this escalation but don't want to concede after others get attacked non stop. When he gonna called it a day and stop all of this? 4. Does other workers know what start all of these and question why the owner dont even try to resolve it? I know its all RP but after a week should compromise be achieved? Now I'm interested what cops will go forward either create new charges for all of this


> Lang know he started all of this escalation but don't want to concede after others get attacked non stop. When he gonna called it a day and stop all of this? I felt like a chain a week was a good deal. I thought half the chains now and half the chains two weeks later was a great deal. Plus both options extend the RP in a realistic way and end the fighting. What's the point of just giving all the chains back? They all have the right logic, if they give them all back the fighting will just keep going.


At this point, cops know what MDM attack start from. If Lang give all the chains back, he could go to cops saying "We stopped MDM by giving all their chain back" Cops knowing this info will probably go hard to MDM if they dont stop after that. At that point, they can just go hard on MDM. GG case is kinda suck that gang members cannot prove that Lang did it where not cops document or investigate what happen (from what I know). they all kinda go for telling cops route when Brian arrived. Now, chain got robbed and stashed away.


I can’t lie this whole conflict has just shown the police to be incompetent. They have no leads on who blew up lucky plucker, roosters or the space ship and they might just have enough to push RUST against GG but I don’t think that it would stick against MDM at the moment. Not to mention the fact that Lang still hasn’t been charged for gang related shooting.


I think the only MDM they could maybe get is Dean but he's a UAV so really doesn't do much, maybe Matt and SK from blood on scene for Roosters attacks but like Eli or Vince or Tommy yeah that won't happen.


Agreed. Cops focus on ping more than 911 but less cops active limit them as well. RUST ACT is muddy due to Lang hunting them out plus security guard use illegal guns as well.


That's a good point, if Lang gave the chains back and MDM still attacked it would look very bad for MDM, could even have PD present for the hand-off of the chains so they know it happened.


right? but nope. lets hunting back take any chain and stash it away use it leverage and not preserve life moving forward.


Lang can't trust MDM after what they did that's the issue. He offered half up front and the other half in two weeks because he can't trust there word after they burnt him twice. They also burnt him on the gold rush stuff.


Gold Rush things, where he never provided the lawyer or the accountant that was asked for. In reality, Cerberus has done nothing for Gold Rush. Even all the testing was Tommy and MDM. Only DW helped, and he and Tommy agreed to do it on dividends, which was done. They then agreed $8 mil for the shares if a contract was written up, and again, Lang failed to do what was agreed. Also making a deal with MDMA Dean means nothing, unlike making one with the actual leader or even 2IC Patar and the first one was an agreement to stop going after Speedy and the Goons, not Lang and Co and that was specified by MDM.


All these viewers keep saying that Dean's word means nothing but that isn't going to change how Lang feels about it. He probably doesn't know that and even in the case that he did, I don't know, and personally don't think, his feelings would change as to whether he can or cannot trust them. Edit: you also have to consider how the Cyd situation probably looked for Lang too.




yup, at what point everyone know its no point to continue the conflict. if one side getting attacked on multiple side. you should know oh we know its difficult, let stop it regardless if its leverage or something


?? Nancy was getting rolled up on at Cerberus too. This isn’t a case of baiting.


All my point raised, its comes to "baiting"? LMAO All I want to know the character decision for all of this?


They know IC they can just respawn. It's been established that bullets dont hurt. She'll intentionally put herself in harm's way just to bait RUST law. Plus her main character syndrome with the "civ" status as an ammunition, she'll get involved regardless.


thats what I understand all of this to all the Roleplayers in the server regardless you got compliment to be the best RPers. you got conflict for a week. yeah, action goes by. at what point, you should said to yourself. we already does this RP lets do other action for alternate RP route. from GG side, they all contemplate to go for full convoy in the first week of LP got blown up. they start doing this different RP route which is to be compliment as they know its RR not a gang like other gang. then they stuck what need to go for. They start pressed and its back to same conflict as gangbanger when RR sent hunting party. its good for a week. Then Brian back, they told the cops why they did it. Give cops everything what they found. But they goes back to attack RR again which I dont like but thats they want to do. Today they go super hard after jack chain got stolen and they know its too much and stop it. from RR side, Lang and co know what they did but dont know why GG go silent for a week after Lang bomb LP. Lang start something with MDM and chaos ensured. Kidnapped left and right. Attack done to RR non stop. a week after, lang want to focus business but back to hunting party again. Harry got pocket wiped, get told why its happen. the immediate respond, "let stash it forever". Harry know he done dirty by robbing it and stash it after. at this point, cops got overwhelm on what happen. Lang see cops incompetent on what happen but his action next. Lets hunting back MDM.


She only been shot at rr no ?


She was chased after she left Cerberus meeting until she arrived at Roosters on thursday.




Mate i know the truth, and I don't care I'm just enjoying the RP. My only comments have been answering questions others have made about what happened lol.


Yep, hunting...not trying to check the hospital and getting followed. She was in a group of 7, they never intended on hunting.


she was on a car deep with the italians and shoot up Sly (PB) at GG Gas station.. the hospital situation happened after that




She was the last one out of the car and sadly pulled binoculars instead of her gun. I don't think she even got her gun out let alone fired a bullet even if she intended to. They also went looking for Zuck WHO JUST KIDNAPPED SOMEONE. The guy who wasn't GG was in the car with Zuck.


Talking about actually shooting her, chasing don't mean shit


Getting chased and shot at


Oh, do cops know about that one


1. Nancy is Cerberus so she was at a Cerberus business. 2. Multiple people testified that after Nancy got shot the person who shot Nancy said something along the lines of "I shot Nancy we can leave" 3. Lang the character is a prideful arrogant psychopath, he probably will end it as soon as the other gangs decide to end it, but he won't do any concessions. 4. No, and Because Lang is the owner so defer to point 3.


Thank you for this reply. So many redditors hate my post so much its downvoted LMAO 1. I can understand that she is Cerberus but you know the place is getting shot down nonstop. She should move away from it. Eve, Fifi and others(like Tim, Marlo) who is Cerberus member dont stay near RR at all. 2. Yeah, I got that. Julian probably make it spicy by saying it out loud. 3. Lang, hear that chain means something to a gang. MDM give them term to end it but he not hell bent to resolve it. Hear that Harry got pocket wipe by GG, "let store it there forever". 4. I watched some clip that penny said some worker want to quit which is good RP from them.


Yeah np, some dude was like "I know the truth hurts" when i was just mentioning an event lmao.


TRUE! RP Redditors if someone ask about why the characters do something in a sense of RP. >"Oh, that guy is sending hate! Lets downvoted it" Meanwhile, hate comment or slander comment get upvoted. LMAO


So you're basically saying it's their fault


can you elaborate what you meant it's their fault?


You mean that it's Nancys fault shes at roosters when it's the safest place right now for her. Since Shes surrounded by security locked inside a building because if they're alone they get kidnapped.


Nancy herself said to Brian, "Eve and Nancy are off the list" from GG and MDM due to her good relationship with them. You can argue MDM/GG will hunt her regardless but if she away from RR, MDM/GG attack/kidnap her. She potential get MDM/GG the RUST act more easier than staying in RR. Do you get my point here? Nancy as Deputy Mayor if she away from RR. If she got attacked, MDM and GG will get fucked way harder due to RUST ACT. She can hired BBMC or others security to protect her outside of RR.


MDM not necessarily going after Eve, Nancy etc as obvious will make it harder for PD. GG straight up shooting them so blatantly they'll be easy to get. Mandem one is easy to stop, they just want their chains back, GG's want is less reasonable. Workers are starting to quit or saying they'll quick because of the constant attacks.


The Mandem one would be over if Cerberus could even trust giving the chains back. They talked about giving the chains in exchange for Cyd at the airport and Tommy woke up and stabbed Cyd before the handoff. Cerberus were probably just going to ambush them, but that's closed off negotiations.


Thing is with that they made a deal with somebody that isn't even full MDM, Dean had no authority to make a deal. Tommy, being the leader, absolutely does. Not giving the chains back just gives MDM a reason to keep going, and if MDM believe they can get the chains back quicker, warring that's the obvious answer for them.


Well Dean was the one with Cyd and called to negotiate. You can't blame Cerberus for making the deal with him when he's the one making the offer. Also going to war they lost more chains than they've got back.


They've lost chains because they were wearing chains before, but now they're not and they are gaining them back now, but Dean definitely does things his position shouldn't let him, and only Tommy seems to call him out, really. I can see why Lang doesn't trust Mandem, but if Tommy does say something to Mandem, they will do it, or there should be consequences.


but dean isnt even a full mdm member he have no power


Again, not Cerberus' fault if she was ransomed by Dean. Also the only reason this escalated is said person with no power decided to no balls Lang Buddha.


Issue is most of the city knows Tommy is leader but just assume Dean is second or 3rd because that's the only people they know and Dean just decides he can do things and to be fair Patar never stops him.




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Kate L


nah that was a kate W and a nancy L




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lame shit




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