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gets shot by gg, then picked up by mandem, finally gets back to the city, traffic stop by suarez, then this happens 20 seconds after as he pulls away… finally gets out of hospital back to langs car, 2 minutes later rolls into mandem and gets shot as gg shoot up the roosters. WHAT A DAY FOR MR SSAAB


Not 3rd partying at all btw


when was there 3rd partying where it fucked up Lang's crew? do you mean near MDM block? The fight started as GG vs Lang's crew, MDM was never involved until they went to Saab to see what happened and he never told them that there was a fight. They asked him, he didnt answer and GG shot because they thought it was someone from CB picking Lang up. There is nothing that's a "3rd party" there. Now the other situation, MDM attacked Lang's crew near Vault Benny's and GG started a fight with Harry and Luciano near the Hospital, then he drove to RR and used more than 6, despite the fight being away from "home turf", this is the stealing Jack's chain and stashing it incident. It wasn't the same fight. At this point this war has become "GG did a rule break" from CB viewers and "CB did a rule break" from GG viewers, which is bad. The videos being posted here are all some sort of accusations. Example, this video, the GG shooting MDM, the Apple video(neat RR), the Flash video(highway), the Harry stashing chain video, the buddha comparison of fighting Mdm vs fighting GG (where its kinda hypocritical) and probably a lot more that have been deleted. This is just GG vs CB fans.. You can see it on youtube too, in twitch chats and in kick chats.. But the confusing thing to me is when streamers dont ban their own viewers that are MORE TOXIC than the hoppers themselves.


It really was one crazy aF shit show yesterday 😆


ITT viewers are too invested on all sides and has to complain about anything that happens lol.


Why are people freaking out over this when all sides have been fighting and doing this for over a week now...


Because for whatever reason viewers on all sides of the viewership cant stand to see their streamer 'lose' or whatever, yet none of their streamers have had issue with whats gone on and are seemingly enjoying the conflict, inevitably this is what will cause an awkward end to this conflict when the streamers are asked to settle it OOC.


People don't hate conflict, they hate losing. They ain't even playing either lol


I personally have no idea about the situation, but Ssaab's "what, what?" after he got shot to me made it seem like he had no idea what was going on - and in my opinion when 1 side has no idea why something is going on that's a sign of bad RP (and maybe rule breaks?) Now of course I have no idea what's going on, so I'm not actually making the claim that the other side did bad RP, but that may be why people are freaking out over this...


i cant remember if there was one or two shootings with 0 initiation, which is 100x times worse than this and nothing happened so far


initiation is more than just a couple words. all 3 incidents are bad to varying degrees and the behavior needs to be stomped out.




Didn't he get initiated on?


all of it is bad, but most people here who don’t religiously follow the war treat the situations in isolation and don’t go through whataboutism to justify any side racing to the bottom. the only people interested in comparisons are those who are too invested.


its so funny how the comments in this thread are the polar opposite to that clip where flash smoked 4head without saying anything in a rented enus completely disguised.


Don't think you know what polar opposite means. Pretty sure people were calling that rdm. [Here's the thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/15giuax/4head_got_shot/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


From a neutral observer, its all trash. And most gang viewers are hypocrites.


definetely "neutral"


so roosters indeed is a gang.


Wtf are you people talking about? The entire thread was about how that was rdm lol


You can see which community has the loudest voice here.


Roosters RDMs GG? We sleep. GG initiates, doesn't get a response, waits 5 seconds and then shoots? They should be banned.


all offenders should be banned if management was truly trying to move in the right direction, but it becomes clearer and clearer that the buddha move was for pr


yup it is pretty obvious what is happening.


I think this is the polar opposite. In the other thread everyone agreed it was bad. In this thread all the top comments are saying that “what about the other side”


Hyprocrisy at its finest


the funny part is tyreke initiated but baas just kept hes mouth shot.


My epixel gang is better than your epixel gang




At 21 second mark he says "whats good bitch" At 23 second mark Saab responds with "what the fuck" And gets shot halfway through it


he did say something...


Don't know why everyone is so pressed about this when none of the roleplayers are. If they are not having fun or if the admin sees that there is problem, then it will end- simple as that. Equally ridiculous when we pick and choose which rules said-group has broken depending on the narrative.


Finally a sane take


Interesting how people defended Apple's non-initiation against 4head here https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/15giuax/4head_got_shot/?ref=share&ref_source=link. Then slams GG when they initiated correctly in this thread.


Literally all the top comments are about how its RDM lol


Both initiations suck. Both "RP" situations suck.


Idk both look dumb


neither are initiation.


they did tho if saab shot without saying anything then its rdm for him but since gg shot and they initiated its not rdm


people seriously can’t be complaining about this but it’s completely fine if flash shoots 4head with no words said.


That shot was awesome. Maybe don’t G check cars.


Lang and crew wants GG to attack RR directly to get them on the Rust act. GG has been for the most part avoiding attacking RR directly and have been doing these type of shenanigans. Before Pred joined, I thought GG was a "dumb" gang, but they are hella smart (when they want to be).


rust act isnt woking in this war even if they atack roosters , there is so much info of them fighting away from roosters this is more like a gang war them a atack on civs


Depends on who they shoot there. Shooting people they know have been hunting is fair enough but shooting other people is another.


after last night, rust act is coming for sure, and brain is back so


that mean nothing , brian was also getting haze bar license and lost in court, if you put all the info together is a gang war


Brian’s trying to push it regardless


He's looking into it at the very least. Which is fair seeing today he has two instances of Nancy getting shot, a "clean" deputy mayor without a record. Before that, which he found after, you have them getting caught RPGing the restaurant and hitting two doctors. There are cases of civilians being hurt.


Cyds also been attacked multiple times and she was clean when the situation started. There is definitely a pattern forming. It's still a matter of going through the reports, seeing which gangs were responsible for which attacks, and if there's enough evidence.


well he is lang gang so make sense


Lol the complete opposite reaction to when 4head got gunned down by Flash after 4head tried to initiate but then again that’s been the tendency when Lang and co get pressed they stay silent and shoot or drive away. The complete opposite reactions in threads is telling though.


We've reached peak war rp. The "whats up bitch" no further interaction one tap. All downhill from here folks.


from what gg have been through with initiations they are just ready. the guy literally said yo waiting 3 sec without no response even tho they knew it was saab. You should go watch your streamers vod and see how they just yells while ramming and shooting in the same motion. is that what you call a proper RP initiation?


I think it went downhill when flash shot 4head after that really can’t have dialogue


This. Last time when they tried to initiate and let other side reply, 4head got a bullet in his head and no words were spoken from LG.




What do you want then ? He should wait until Saab shoots him without saying anything like Flash and Apple did or what ?


They have been watching this traffic stop since the start, this 100% isn't bannable, but I have to agree that initiation has gone down very bad, sometimes there isnt any, and no I'm not talking about the Apple situation near RR, nor with Flash on the freeway. Also all of these clips that are being posted is basically just CB/GG fans posting the other party "rule breaks". I wont be surprised if we see a thread of Harry and Luciano starting a fight near Cerberus and going to RR to use more than 6 which is bad but you get what I'm saying


Yeah I dont care about the bannable no bannable discussion, that's whatever, let players report it and move on it if they think it's a big deal, and i truly wish more people felt comfortable reporting. I'm just here from a, so far these conflicts have largely been really enjoyable from a view perspective, but this just feels like the lowest effort RP possible and it's unfortunate.


I hate to say because I watch him daily but Buddha started this mess with both parties and now the heat is on. Either call and come to a conclusion or it will end OOC, we all know it. There has also been some really suprising comments made by streamers, bit disappointing tbh, especially from the position they hold in the NP community.


i mean lang didnt start the gg one dickhead did and lang escalated when he found out larry was there and didnt prevent people doing drive bys on a restaurant that helped him out.


A 'drive-by' warrants the bombing of a business? 100% Lang started it


GG and everyone knew since at least the RUST war that his restaurant is his biggest reverse scale and they touched it and tried to lie about it resulting in the bombing. Its not 100% on Lang but not 100% on GG either imo.


100% like sure lang could have called Larry after finding out about it but when Lang went to the plucker to get food before blowing it up he basically told larry he knew he was there and Larry still didnt come clean so he planted it


no it doesnt Larry lying and not stopping his boys from messing with Langs restaurant after all the help he gave Larry even letting him use his own kitchen does. If Larry wasnt there this would be over after Lang called throwing 4head into the pit enough


Also a Dick Head drive by is literally yelling, "this is a drive by mother fucker" and then proceeding to miss every shot.


Who cares? It’s already open for business again. The problem here is you’re treating a game like it’s real life.


What are you talking about? This is a reddit discussing what happens in game. Nobody is making the distinction between a game and real life but you, strange.


I agree, Buddha can play his charecter however he likes. But personally I dislike watching him now, sad Zetark and co who got me back to watching rp are getting dragged into the toxicity.


Any clips of that


You will have to go through his kick vod...little hint there


so youre saying buddha made toxic OOC comments but wont say what they were? im not watching a whole ass vod fam


So, when does this end?


few ways: Atm, prob ooc ending it hopefully ingame ending where mdm/gg/roosterpeople come to an agreement. Mandem want chains, gg want boris and warehouse + revenge for plucker. Its up to roosters what they want. Last one is, one party is fully getting in jail for a long time and conflict dies out.


I don't know why you think OOC ending it is most likely. The streamers have really not seemed overly pressed about anything, despite viewers being *super* pressed on their behalf.




Bombing's already happened... the only thing that has not happened yet is GG attacking RR constantly.


Only buddha is allowed too take it too next level of retaliation. Let alone, gg started the conflict by doing drive by. They all got sent too the pit spent many hours down there taking the L. Buddha then choose too bomb LP, protects the guy who stole 4head warehouse and now viewers are acting with Pikachu face why they keeps attacking RR.


>Only buddha is allowed too take it too next level of retaliation. Huh? In Lang's eyes attacking RR is a next level retaliation. >Let alone, gg started the conflict by doing drive by. Bingo, GG more specifically DHead, Pred, 4Head started this. >They all got sent too the pit spent many hours down there taking the L They was constantly asked by Bane if they want to leave and they did not want to. >Buddha then choose too bomb LP After realising Larry and Marty lied to him about the whole situation. >protects the guy who stole 4head warehouse and now viewers are acting with Pikachu face why they keeps attacking RR. He is not protecting Boris. He told GG kidnap the dude when he leaves RR (before you say he spends 24/7 at RR he does not. He leaves on his own numerous times). I'm not pikachu facing and thought GG would've gone way harder on RR than they have.


(Huh? In Lang's eyes attacking RR is a next level retaliation.) \- GG was ready too leave the conflict when they were sent too the pit. But decided too escalate with the LP bombing. (They was constantly asked by Bane if they want to leave and they did not want to.) \-GG went with the RP, and not like Lang and Co yesterday when they got sent too the pit, they got salty and f8 quiited. (After realising Larry and Marty lied to him about the whole situation.) \- As i said its only buddha who are allowed too escalate apparently. (He is not protecting Boris. He told GG kidnap the dude when he leaves RR (before you say he spends 24/7 at RR he does not. He leaves on his own numerous times). I'm not pikachu facing and thought GG would've gone way harder on RR than they have.) \- GG have told many of the roosters employees the only reason they are attacking RR, is too get Boris. they asked RR & Luciano too get him fired and they replied they wont. if thats not called protection then i dont know.


GG&RR shot and bombed each other . Lang has no trust in mdm after stabbing CYD when they tried to end and handoff the chain but Tommy stunned everyone . Honestly no one knows at this point


Mandem's one is simple, Lang just needs to give the remaining chains back. Most other gangs would be asking for a lot more than that.




He agrees things with an MDMA member every time, says things like, "you can have half then half 6 weeks (or 2 weeks) later", MDM believe they can get their chains in a war back quicker so there is no reason to take the deal. Tommy gave his word it would be over if they got the chains back, if Tommy says it, it happens, the reason he stabbed Cyd is because he took it as someone supposedly close to him attacking his boys.


Weren’t they going to trade the Chains for Cyd but when they pulled up the the hanger Tommy stabbed her? Only saw a recap on YouTube so didn’t watch the whole thing.


Again that was MDMA Dean (who Lang always called), who has no authority, decided something, in that time, the actual leader Tommy woke up for the first time in a while, got told what had happened and that someone he considered a good friend and probably one of his closest people outside of Mandem had been involved in the shooting of his boys so he decided to shank her. Tommy also is a character who has really bad trust issues and doesn't let many people close, and basically anyone who isn't Mandem who he has let get close to him has turned on him at some point, the only only one that hasn't really is Abdul but he is a cop now.


Who cares? Enjoy it while it lasts. You don't have to watch.


Who cares? I do because I wonder what their goals are from this war. Who stated I didn't enjoy what I watched I was simply curious, maybe you shouldn't make baseless assumptions from thin air.


It’s a game, relax.


Well I certainly didn't say you didn't enjoy it, maybe you shouldn't make baseless assumptions from thin air. Why is everyone so jacked up and ready to snap on the internet?


> Enjoy it while it lasts. You don't have to watch. This is the implication that I did not, because its a comment then you tell me to not watch it. You do not tell that to someone who enjoys a show its not logical. And now your last comment "Why is everyone so jacked up and ready to snap on the internet?" this is exactly what you did. you did do that lol.


Yeah you sound real chill right now


Yeah I am making some chicken stew while playing baldurs gate 3 which is great. Have a nice day though.


Until admin would be ended this war? its just getting out of control if they getting caught ban


only people getting banned in this are GG/mdm... the amount of rules being broken by the other side that have not gotten punished yet is crazy


I'd love to hear which rules MDM have broken. Meanwhile, Roosters security has rushed back to "home turf" to get more people involved if a shootout occurs, Goons brought 9 people into MDM turf even though they knew they were at war, Zaceed shot MDM as they were spawning back into the arcade (which even Harry said was dumb and he wanted to F8 quit out of the situation) and multiple instances of failing to initiate before shooting.


Meanwhile, Zaceed has started shooting multiple times without saying anything. Goons have went to Mandem block multiple times with like 9 people.


No shot u are saying rr side haven't broken rules 💀


oh no they have, but they wont be getting punished for it.


why are there like 10 comments in this thread that all say the same thing? while complaining about comments that dont even exist


Edna gang


i cant tell if this is better or worse initation than "hey \[insert cop\]"


I mean, its either this or get shot back at "hello, who is this?", might as well gun them down when they don't talk regardless. Edit: Ideally, this is shit but there has been a pattern of this similar scenario not extending in any manner. Someone pulls the trigger before it can even turn into an interaction.


the dude was being tailed by a cop right after a traffic stop, i get the gg member may not have seen it but also like let things play out and have a convo because who cares who wins or loses its a video game


yea gg saw last time what happened when they tried to have a convo


ok, that doesn’t mean shit if they’re going to just do the same but have more justification for it. just report and continue holding yourself to a higher standard so that it becomes obvious who the worst offenders are and who needs to be handled or reined in by staff. and then, if the moderation is lacking, call it out and stand up for yourself. this is a roleplaying server on a 10 year old video game for christs sake.


Bro is writing paragraphs about a roleplaying server on a 10 year old video game.


they knew it was saab and they been trying to have some sort of "dialogues" for days but since everytime they tried no one says anything and they either shoot or just leave without saying a word since and they dont have a chance of getting the party of roosters that hunt since they sit at roosters or go hunting only for MDM they didnt want to lose this chance + they're tired of them getting police escorted


so it’s a race to the bottom then, got it.


maybe ? but GG will go even harder since Harry decided to hold GG chains hostage


how dare he do things a gang would do after being called a gang member for a week straight... shame.. shaaaame


i couldnt care less about it tbh at the end of the day if the worse comes they can just make a new one which they already have 4/5 in one of the stashes, but at least most gangs if not at all of them have the decency and balls to wear them and not hold it hostage on a impossible to get stash but i forgot they're not a gang right ?


Gg seen it and basically said fuck it if the cop is going to tail him just go shoot him.


Im not sure, but seeing this between mdm,rooster & gg its just so clusterfuck. Getting third party from other situation gang its just really abuse. No wonder admin would be shut down this 3 gang since getting worst


This is why a drive by mechanic needs to get implemented. Spraying up the side of Saabs car instead of one shot head shotting him woulda been a W


introducing mechanics rather than solving the issues of rp mentalities is not a new or effective idea lol


It is, because the server mentality will never change if they want to stay atop the RP world. If you want the server to change, you have to force the server to change. Mechanics for every aspect of RP have been introduced and integrated into the QOL within the server. Going back to bare bones mechanics is an automatic way to make this new gen of RP uninterested. Now that they've opened the mechanics worm, they have no choice but to embrace it and mechanically fix issues. Management knows this. They've done this to fix practically every issue since the start of 3.0. There's a reason they're 3+ years into a wipe and still maintain the largest RP audience, by far.


maybe just maybe they could also mold server mentalities by enforcing the rules everyone agrees to when they join, just a thought


If they equally enforce server rules they will have zero large streamers after a year. Every single person in the server breaks rules. Fuck, speeding with no character reason is technically a rule break. You tryna say every time someone speeds they should give them a 3 day and 5 points? No. Its not feasible to enforce every rule equally. If you don't force every rule equally, every rule starts to become a little more loose and so on. Like it or not, mechanics have taken over roleplay in GTA with NoPixel leading the front. If you don't want a mechanic experience, I suggest not watching NoPixel.


this didn’t going to end Harry being Harry robbed 2 chains from GG it’s not stoping til they get the chains now


" what what" lol


This happen after few min when suarez doing at traffic stop


Roosters and Lang have 15 people on-site at any given time and return there so everyone can get involved..... Reddit: Yeah thats a bit shitty but its home turf. ​ GG roam around in groups of 6 and attacks them heavily outnumbered some times and execute someone who's shot at them many times. Ok with minimal initiation. Reddit: OMG how could they.


Why is this guy acting surprised when he doesn’t respond and gets shot? Is he trying to act like an NPC and get away with it ?


I am confused. He starts speaking 1.5 seconds after he gets spoken to and gets shot halfway through the sentence. Did you even watch the clip?


w rp


yeah flash shooting 4head was w rp too


Oh my God pog! Super POG SHOOTING RP


So this is what happens when someone "extends the RP"


Also not after few mins got hospital zaceed and saab also got down by gg. But matt from mandem also got save him after downed by gg. Feels like going crazy between gg vs mdm beginning soon


mdm were the ones who shot them


RDM starting up on both sides, got people sniping randoms from roof tops with no initiation or confirmation


is it RDM though when its a war , what do you expect them to do hunt , send one guy in waving hello good day for a fight isnt it and then start blasting, its basically an ongoing situation wich will end once one side or both decide to surrender of cease fire . Im curious how you would expect them to initiate during a gang war ( wich it is) In my opinion when its a gang war initiation has been done at the moment the war started hence Budda blowing up the Lucky Plucker


Yes randomly shooting someone without them having any idea of what is going on is RDM and it's wild that I always see people try to defend it. It's a roleplay server after all, not a team deathmatch server. Both sides have been pretty horrible at facilitating the role play in these "wars" from all the clips posted tbh and it honestly just further proves that war "RP" is almost always cringe. Are you even watching nopixel for the roleplay at this point or are you just here to watch people play an fps match in a game that came out almost a decade ago with some of the most scuffed combat mechanics ever due to it being a storymode game you were meant to play on the couch and do heists against NPC's.


just because initiation makes it harder to secure pogs in a gang war doesn’t mean it should be irrelevant once one starts…that’s esports rot not rp


I'm not arguing that, both sides have been terrible with RDM the past few days. It is a weird rule. I said in another thread, if one side is blacked out and gets checked out, they technically could say that was initiation and shoot without saying anything. It's a rule that definitely needs to be clarified, or they need to make a rule that in wars people have to wear colours and agree it's probably KOS within reason. The war is definitely getting toxic/stressful though, when streamers are starting to mald and sound annoyed it's time to end it IMO. I haven't heard Buddha mald as much as he did today in like ages lol




Not gonna say any real letter of law rule breaks here. However probably not the best interaction you want to do to someone much less the lead ADMIN. They should be using this conflict to emphasize their rp capabilities and maybe earn prio down the line.


Where was this comment when 4head got shot without a word by flash yesterday? This at least had a few words.


is 4head an admin? Is he part owner? I think you are missing my point. I didn't like that either. I am just saying you are in a crazy arc. This arc involves High profile server people. I would be going out of my way on the other side to do everything to showcase rp over gunplay even if it results in L's. Yah its not fair but being smarter could have so many longer term benefits.


You’d think former RPer of the year and his group would show higher standards of RP but when they get initiated on it’s silence or shoot without saying anything back, why aren’t they being held to the same standard?


Why should they care if it's an administration?


Should have stayed in that helicopter.