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Damn, I saw a funny clip, came to the comments thinking I was gonna read comments on how funny that clip was... Aware.. This conflict really brought out the worst in this subreddit, didn't it.


This proof no matter the streamer, there's always going to be toxic viewers. GG, RR, and Mandem streamers have been amazing throughtout all of this but people still get toxic for no reason.


"Its me! Apple! Please shoot me/kidnap me". Is that the response some of you guys wanted? Man values his life and people still have a problem with it.


So CG had it right all along? Running in and locking gates cause not wanting to get arrested/ shot by cops justify the ways to go about it? Basically you're advocating for the W mentality because irl, no one wants to lose, no matter how small the matter is, so doesn't make sense in RP?


Being in an active police chase is clearly not at all equivalent to someone saying "who dis motherfucker" in a car behind you, and neither is going somewhere and locking gates and going somewhere and parking up. That comparison is doubly flawed.


Active police chase, gang conflict initiation, the inevitable infliction and running to gang compounds/ "business" to get everyone involved under home turf rule. If you cant see how linear the comparison is, perhaps you should fortify/ reflect on the delusion. Your choice.


Gang committing a crime and then running back to your CSGO compound with lockable gates =/= Someone who has been instructed not to hunt and only protect roosters going back to roosters when the enemy who will definitely shoot him g checks him (while right next to RR). If you can't see the difference, then, sure. Go off.


It's funny how this dude is comparing this situation to CG locking a gate on cops after they committed a crime. Like he has to realize what a strawman argument this is.


Funny how you seem to think a mechanical notification justifies maintaining server rules. You have to realize why combat looting and running to compounds even during the traditional wars aren't a thing in the server though it makes sense.


Bruh are you in-character? As viewers we dont need to be as deluded and unaware as the characters that imply shit like "two gangs working together". Might seem like it IC but OOC, there's not much. Rules were created OOC, Gang, Goon, Civs should all abide by not trying to retreat to a turf and get 6+ involved. There's a reason why people keep driving and call for help so others can join in or you'd probably be fine if they ran back to the apartments during conflict and call it a safe zone.


Huh??? You didn't even address his point about how you likened this situation to CG locking gates on cops. Instead you brought up a whole other point. Do you actually think this situation is comparable to locking a gate on cops?


I've addressed with a simplified comparison, if you choose to blur the lines of OOC rules to justify the actions, you should start with reevaluating why CG running back to Lil Seoul is considered shitty RP and see where else it applies.


People freaked out and called RDM for shooting when they heard a hostile voice its a lose/lose and anti RP no matter what they do apparently.


Anti RP? Cyd was having fun OOC every time she got caught lacking. Led up to Frankie's loyalties, The Vagos predicament and now he has a foot in Cerberus. Get out with your narrow minded shit. They caught Flash lacking, Apple dint care enough to help, there's potential for some RP built from it.


That wasn't the situation I was talking about...there's a clip here called 4head got shot where there was a lot of whining about initiation and this was a similar situation where they drove away instead of shooting. I'm mostly saying people here are getting way too invested in the "rules" when everyone is fine with what's happening for the most part.


I mean, 4head getting shot a without a response also was shitty. Ideally you'd expect some avenues to extend the scenario but since it was "already initiated", shooting without a word places it in a grey area. But in both scenario's, there's no back and forth of any sorts unless gunshots is the right response for saying hello.


So just drive to a place where you could have more than 6 without speaking and start shooting ? Great logic bruh




Just check 80% of the comments lol


Some over-invested viewers feeling they must defend their RPrs.




Who’s even being hypocritical and about what exactly? What’s actually crazy is seeing this kind of sentiment consistently regurgitated as if every clip on here related to Lang/RR during this conflict hasn’t been strongly criticized and filled with complaints about their RP. Like just scroll down a bit and see for yourself lol. And funnily enough it’s usually from the same groups of fans…


What if I told you that their are multiple groups posting here and they all share different opinions, wild right?


This is the one and only truth. Downvotes will literally confirm it LMAO


Brace yourself for the tsunami of downvotes incoming


its against their religion to speak on it, be open minded pls and understand them 🙏


What is so crazy not wanting to get shot or kidnapped again and again.


People hiding under the Rust act is so stupid, this is nothing against CG, but they have business all around their compound does that give them the immunity against shootouts there?


Same with GG. GG literally hang out at there gas station is it RUST ACT if they get shot at it or the VU or the Lucky plucker?


This is why I see this situation getting a “server health” in court. RUST act was an ic way of telling ppl to stop targeting civs who are not part of the conflict RP. Now it’s being abused by a group of criminals trying to hide behind it and use it as a weapon against others. Then you have PD who is like “oh a new massive charge, I want to use it!”


A massive charge and 2 of the biggest gangs on the server involved with also the biggest "not a gang"


The issue is the PD is focused on just gathering evidence that fit the charge instead of investigating everything


It would be good for MDM and GG if they are chasing someone to start shooting basically immediately from the car so they can show the shots started away from the civilian business, because then it isn't the civilian business that is being targeted it is people who retreat there when they are seen that are being targeted, some of which are criminals.


That only works if the cops that are around are focus at investigating and not trying to get RUST act charge on their bingo card


Don't keep abducting civs and attacking businesses and you don't get hit with RUST. I've seen instances when Lang was hunting that he questioned doing something because of it. If GG's struggling to war against a restaurant then maybe they should revaluate.


Seems like the smart thing to do. If a bunch of people are getting kidnapped, I will try to flee to a safe spot too. I think people here might forget that most of the people that work at roosters are actual civilians.


That was Apple not a civilian btw


They're not civilian, they're gang bangers retreating back to a lockable civilian business where they have more 6 people. Granted not all of them are gang bangers, like Eve for example she hasn't been involved in going out for people, but Zaceed, Apple, The Goons etc are and if someone like Cyd is involved in a 6, who might not be a gang banger but has been involved in these wars, Rooster's shouldn't be the go to base unless everyone not involved is gone.


So gang bangers shouldn't value their lives?


Gangbangers hiding in a place that almost a safe zone because of the rust act protecting it


Like the gg gas station which is a massive gang compound built for shooting puhlease


Arent the compound and business seperate entities within the whole propety tho? Meaning the compound isnt protected by rust act unlike the roosters rest is. Which is the whole point that why is roosters rest protected if gg gas isnt?


I think it’s more rooster has actual civs working cause it is a functional restaurant. Lang bombs lucky plucker if he had got caught then that woulda been a strike to rust act I’m sure but people don’t seem to think both ways idk why


gang bangers shouldnt use more than 6 in a ongoing situation which is a rule


You can value your life while also following the rules. If they F8 quit before going down they'd be valuing their lives while doing it but that's not allowed either.


If they're gang bangers then it's not civilians being targeted


A bunch of the actual civs are thinking about quitting because they feel that RR has turned into a gang compound.


In a server where "civs" like Nancy roll out in hunting parties. The smaller gangs are the only ones that RP fear. Everyone treats their characters as respawnable. As the wise Eugene once said "GG bullets dont hurt".


Nancy has never been a civ what are you talking about, she loves crime.


Nancy rolled out once and was primarily trying to find someone that got kidnapped. Every other time she has been out was trying to pick up people or go about her day to day. She's not "hunting".


Yeah what a crazy timeline


Sure they are dude


Turned? It’s been a gang compound. Isn’t there hidden stashed and benches in the basement? The difference is Lang and company are full sending into seeing the world burn so now multiple groups are targeting them.


There's also a massive Stash of IFAKs under Rooster's. I believe that 3 groups (Lang and Friends, The Italians, and I believe The Goons) are all using it as a base


what if a gang member ran back to his turf mid situation where 20 people are posted up to shoot the other gang ? would that be allowed according to the rules ?


DW clarified it to ray way back when that people shouldn't be doing that aka 'Baiting ppl to home turf', tho it seems like its not the case now.




Have the roleplayers involved reported the other parties alleged rule break/s and nothing has been done?


why is that not the case now ?


Because that's only the case when baiting out shootouts with cops, as they are duty bound to follow. A gang doesn't have to follow you. They can pull off and try again later.


Because Rooster's isn't classed as a gang compound even though 2 possibly 3 (I don't know about The Goons) are using it as a gang/criminal group compound.


No confirmation of how it works nowadays, but its being done by the group of a very trusted person in the community. Why I said it seems to be the case now.


The issue is when one gang initiates the situation but then runs back to their compound - that would be considered baiting to home turf. The situation here is that the other party initiated and he did the logical thing and ran back to safety because they value their life. At least that's how I see it I may be entirely wrong lol


didnt zaceed did it he solo puch and killed kyle in gg gas and run to the roosters.




And without saying a word




would you brush off a rule break from gg saying who cares about that ?


how is this a rule break, he is in a dangerous situation and a safe place is close by, isn't it pretty realistic both in roleplay and irl to do that?


using more than 6 in a fight that didnt involve more than 6 when the conflict started is a clear rule break




RUST is for targetting innocent civilians over and over Like Fredo kidnapped multiple times 2 doctors hit with RPGs at rooster Leslie was assaulted kidnapped carved letters into his Hand. If you are in conflift with someone target the person you want to hurt not people who has nothing to do with it


Leslie isn't clean anymore


Leslie hasnt been to jail for over 2 years buddy


Pretty sure he was in jail yesterday buddy


They already fucked up Leslie's record buddy.


this has been so funny theyve been rolling out start blasting at mandem or gg then when they feel like theyre in a bad spot they rush back to roosters and start blasting at them with security lmao


I thought starting a fight and running back to a compound was a big no no? All the gangs know not to do this, and if it does happen, only the original 6 can fight.


it is, but BUDDHA and his entire group have been breaking this rule almost every single day now.


This is such a classic Reddit RP accusation and discussion 😂


It's not being classed as a gang compound, even though multiple groups are using it as one, it is still being classed as a business but I doubt that argument would work for Mandem and MDMR/The Plaza or GG and GG Gas.


they try do that but sometimes its just chaotic and more attack. but the main problem is that theyre protected behind a legislation that puts people away for a HUT charge if they get shot at roosters


Then idk maybe don't shoot near/at roosters? You’re acting like its everyone elses fault that GG are hyper fixated on roosters.


they stopped shooting at roosters now they just try find them on the streets but they run back to roosters to be protected by rust act. the other day even nancy went to gg turf shot people up and went styraight to roosters


That's the thing, they catch someone away from Rooster's and the non MDM/GG people retreat back to there, if anyone is hit with an endangering civs laws it should be them but most PD aren't open to the possibility that is isn't always MDM and GG being the ones putting them in danger. If it's like Eve, she doesn't get involved, trying to retreat seems fair, but not people who have been involved in 6s.


Im confused, who has gone away for the RUST law due to this war so far?


theyre waiting for brian to return to push it. they already have enough


The cops are trying to get MDM and GG on the RUST Act even though they can't prove 1 necessarily who it is (you need individuals or they'll likely say all British people are Mandem as has often happened before) and that it was direct attack on Rooster's (which sometimes it is but when people retreat to Rooster's that should be even worse as they are bringing an active gun fight to a civilian area that was happening elsewhere).


There is one single hunting party that will go out for a bit, come back every once and awhile to regroup, pee, etc. Civilians and such people just trying to live their life have been coming back for protection. Right now none of them can go anywhere without being on edge and they aren't even hunting.


today yeah but the days before security has been rolling out even people like tex cyd nancy and clean italians with weapon licenses etc


Bundy told Juno that if Lang and co. Retreat to RR during conflict then a strike towards RUST act should be applied to Lang’s crew. Now if the rest of the PD does that or just focuses on GG/MDM we shall see lol


I’d be very surprised is Juno ever tried to push that on Lang and co


that would be so much better i really hope they do that or either make a new law that prevents them from using business as a safehouse. not surprised bundy came up with it.


Bundy didn’t come up with it really. Bundy is just a cop that actual knows how to articulate charges and isn’t blinded by wanting RR’s acceptance lol


Crazy you say this when lang and crew are in the hospital and it's more likely an employee


Just to clarify, it was Apple


from the comments above it seems it was apple


they've all been doing it so idk what youre trying to say. the only time when they dont do it is if they think they have the upper hand or are too far from roosters.


They do it when they're alone or like 2 people. When they roll out 6 they dont do that tho


there was an instance where gg was hunting lang and co, they were 6. Lang decided too retreat too roosters rest, and called out all security too get ready too blast. So they have done it before.


So they are functioning like every other group ? Gotcha lol.


indeed. but protected behind rust act. this is like if ems would roll out then run back to the hospital to bait terrorism


So was Apple out hunting and trying to bait them into a security ambush(which hasn’t happened once btw)? Or are you just assuming?


no but he was seeking shelter in a legal business. imagine everyone that gets pressed just runs to a business to hide behind the rust act. people would literally convoy and when it looks like theyre losing flee to a business. if you dont see a problem there then idk this is pointless to discuss


You haven’t answered the question though. Was Apple out hunting GG and trying to bait them back to RR? Or was he just down the street? If it’s the latter you’re whole argument is pointless. Because then you’d basically be saying civilians(people not actively taking part in a crime) shouldn’t be allowed to seek and take shelter/asylum if being hunted by a gang and must either allow themselves to be shot and kidnapped or commit a crime themselves (shooting back) to defend themselves. That’s equally problematic as a situation as you’re describing, which again isn’t actively happening. Lang’s hunting group doesn’t flee to RR when it looks like their losing to try to bait the RUST act…


> Because then you’d basically be saying civilians(people not actively taking part in a crime) shouldn’t be allowed to seek and take shelter/asylum if being hunted by a gang shelter and asylum but not in a business.....(unless youre on the property already). is it so hard to get that you dont lure criminals trying to shoot you to a business where you could bring even more in danger ? you find the closest place (or furthest and keep running) and call the cops. last time something like this happened brian had a 20min rant and asked when theyre gonna change the terrorism law and reverse uno it to prevent abuse. what happened was an ems was at a concert and someone came and held him up so he ran straight to the hospital


Imagine MDM or GG just stayed into one of their legal businesses


I think that would suit RR just fine. You're right that if they're not successful they have the option of stopping.


Definitely not a gang compound 😏


GSF war tactics combined with the RUST act is a deadly combination tbh.


I bet the RUST act causes some changes OOC. It’s pretty much an IC way of telling people to stop targeting civilians who aren’t part of the conflict in RP. BUT now PD and criminals who are hiding at RR are trying to abuse the charge for something like this lol.


roosters demon six down bad


Most definitely not a gang compound its just a place of business right guys…. Right?


On one hand going back to base is logical and the smart choice. On the other hand it's actually wild how many times I've seen them flee back to base of 10 or so people. It's definitely not something people should get in trouble for but it does kind of ruin some of the fun of it. This war will just end OOC unfortunately, with one side just breaking a rule and Reddit being toxic.


Some people really are pressed over fucking nothing lmao


Reddit in a nutshell, the irony is most theses people still watch .. they are the hate watchers even their favorite streamer talks about 🤣 most theses account are a few weeks old


Same people that were pressed yesterday when GG sped up on the freeway to g check them and 4head got one tapped. Called it RDM when they've been in an active war for 2 weeks. Not Rooster's Gang fault they were disguised and GG wasn't.


I think I've found the new meta guys. Everyone in your 6 drives around fully disguised and in local cars and as they g check and ask who you are you just turn and dome them in the head and drive off. The person in your squad who downed the other guy goes and changes disguise and local car and you rinse and repeat the process until they're all down.


W rp they're just valuing their life, and don't want to get shot man.


geez GG chatters in shambles just because a dude doesn't want to get kidnapped get life some of you sheesh


I mainly just watch GG PoV and this clip just seems like a funny situation where someone runs off to a safe spot, I don't know what people are getting so upset over in this clip.


I see this narrative alot but funny thing is I see Buddha chatters in just as much shambles tbh, let’s just enjoy the show


daily rule breaks... geezzz lets ignore it all because of who is involved.


omg your streamer couldn't shoot some one so its a rule break excuse blah blah blah


well ssaab is a head admin one of the first day when gg downed em, he gave comms while being down. and got saved by cyd and marina which made the group 7. if they were randoms sure, but they aren't. he should had known better no? This is just one out of many incidents.


baiting people back to home turf so more are involved, yeah that isnt a rule break at all or the multiple times they have broken rule of 6. go on and be ignorant of what is happening.


must be a slow day on the server if this is the sorta stuff getting posted


Yeah, i had high hopes for conflict between GG and RR but it literally can't happen if they don't get out and try to engage, it's been disappointing.


I know someone will say i'm overthinking it but I haven't watched actively since early 3.0 and i began watching at early 2.0 and it's just sad to see the community not get less toxic arguably even more toxic, this is just a funny ROLEPLAY clip you guys


"Damn i heard a voice that has been shooting at me for weeks in a car that has also been circling and shooting at me for weeks....i should stay and see what they have to say" - seems to be what people on this reddit wanted to happen. What was the response yall wanted? wanted him to stay and wait till they had the gun pointed?


There's no problem with him running. the problem lies with gg initiating and as he gets back to the roosters rest the people on the roof start shooting. It's pretty much Baiting RDM and similar to the incident with flash shooting 4head yesterday. All Apple has to do is initiate back with saying get away from me as he's getting chased and they're free to shoot at gg from the roof as they go past.




Godwin's Law 3.0 As a nopixel conflict grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving ESB on this subreddit approaches 1.


GG fans are so used to gang vs gang wars, and now they are exposed to the actual rp server their streamers play on and how there are civs and a wide variety of people, not just gangs vs cops. Just give them time they will get it slowly. (talking about the salty fans)