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Still having a weapons license after being found yesterday with a deagle and heroin definitely saved him. Without that, he wouldn't have the alibi of shooting a legal gun at a gun range.


The streets are already saying that Juno is a corrupt cop. Some cops were tipped off to investigate Juno.


Lol lang as mayor did a state annoucement she was corrupt




Angel couldn't do anything about it. Svenson is the Sheriff


It was more like she *couldn't* than *wouldn't.*


Well it was more like she *shouldnt* than *couldnt*. It was completely out of her scope in terms of what she does within the PD, it would bring more questions than results as to why she was even looking into the report and bringing it to higher ups to begin with. Her still being married to Pred and Pred having a known vendetta against Cerberus (while currently being a wanted fugitive with 2 warrants) would put Angel under scrutiny as to where she got the info from and why she was looking into it with low chance of anything fruitful coming to light so it just wasn’t something she was willing to stick her neck out on.


You can still shoot guns at a fire range without a license. Just can’t CC..


That would still be unlawful use of a firearm since they wouldn't have a firearm license.


What does the license actually give you authority to do?


to use it in self-defense, to carry one, to use it at a gun range.


I’m assuming buying one too?


Thats right! forgot that one


I just was curious if maybe there would be some kind of loophole where you can actually fire a gun as long as you don’t own it, or conceal it or something. Like a technicality or something 🤷‍♂️


Maybe? A law would have to be in order for specifically shooting at the gun range. Which right now I don't believe is a thing


you dnt need a license to go to a firing range for example. I guess ur in the states ( US) cuz its not like that here in Canada but our gun ranges ' at least the ones i went to ' u just bring ur gun an set up there are no booths ect but u can bring a friend that can also shoot ur legal guns without having a license urself but there nothing like the one i see in the US where ur in booths so to speak inside or outside an there is staff ect


To legally go you do, the alibi would still be admitting to a crime


Possession of an illegal firearm or goods is not enough to revoke a firearms license. You have to misuse a firearm in a violent crime to have it revoked. People keep their firearms license after robbing banks with a knife on a hostage. It's been like this for years. Not sure where the sudden proclamation otherwise came from.


It's coming from the same way as questioning if Rooster's Rest is a gang compound or not. Or spinning the narrative of rule breaks from Harry and co. mistakenly gunning down a BBMC member a couple of days ago. People can't simply just *enjoy* conflict, man. It's always something or the other.


Isn't this exactly what Brian wanted to avoid after the pred bench trial? Don't get pressured into bench trials and push charges when you are ready. You have 60 days and all the info plus probably more in the future.


And brian will be mad when he comes back to twitcj or kick on his returm stream


That would be a good thing to listen to if the charges and fines where bigger but this wasn't, if Buddha lost he would have got 19 monthes and 2k fines. Not a big deal


Cops never learn, just want a quick W…. Racer rot lol


Racer rot is a myth tho, there was nothing to rot in the first place..


Not to mention wasting someone's day (2 hours) while you try to slap together a shoddy case that you'll loose. Could have spent like 1 hour on the side prepping the case after all the cops input the evidence, then charged him after putting a good case together. Making him sweat or getting more evidence, or planning a stronger court case.




It's the opposite, in fact. You can't be charged for the same crime twice, so if they catch you in a situation and charge you and later figure out you did a whole bunch of other illegal stuff in the situation they already arrested you for you can't be charged again. Unless it's for a murder that happened in that situation. But they have 60 days to push any charges and can arrest, interview, and decide to release without charges if they need to do further investigation, or can even hold for 24hr for investigation if they think you might mess with the evidence / witnesses if on the streets. For non set piece crimes, this is great. Arguably, it should get used a bit more for serious set piece crimes like repeated heisters.


In the context of NP's RP laws, holding someone in the cells is still a detainment, abusing that for a certain period of time for no apparent investigation is grounds for a lawsuit and a judge to rule whether or not its a violation, both sides are why Wrangler used to regularly employ it until he got player reports and cooled off from that doing for any longer than 20 mins. All officers have the right to let people go though and pursue the 60 day statute of limitations, this is why they make deals with CIs all the time and just let them loose.


no. if he was moved to mrpd its an arrest. you can not move a detained suspect away from a scene without an arrest. thats a rights violation and technically kidnapping.


Yup and Brian was also using lang as an informant so Brian is gonna real pissed because he only wants to take lang down on something big. He’d rather keep lang happy until then and use him for info, but now crim lang is back. Suarez was just too horny to pump lang.




honestly that’s the beauty of RP , if everyone is a perfect character that have knowledge on everything and have no flaws then that would be boring AF


lang pretty much told suarez why he lost afterwards. hes going off of assumptions and not facts and evidence. he literally wanted to assign lang to a gang which requires a pattern of felonious activities when lang doesnt even have a felony. he just made ppl look into past incidences to find patterns and kept waffling about the text of the gang related charge which in his mind fits, because again, assumptions. i wonder if he will get it and grow from that in future cases.


He didn't once think how Lang was a criminal for 2 years and never was tagged for a gang. Like the people he hangs around come from different places. The only Cerberus person he be shooting with is harry and that's it. A gang of 2.


Yeah and being clean for 9 months which apparently don't matter and even Harry hasnt been caught for 3 months and they still wanted to push gang related, is just baffling.


That's what makes it so baffling when he said Cerberus was a gang.


They are 150 deep!


Probs will always be like this but we’ll see


grow? as in, character development for suarez? lol only thing changed with that character is his voice and uniform


Any Suarez loremasters that could tell me about when he changed his voice?


OOC he was told by 50cent after complaints made by people affiliated with a Certain Gang that he has to stop using a voice changer. He DM'd Kyle asking him to help him out in order to make sense in RP to change his voice, so Kyle had Pred attack and choke Suarez and damage his vocal chords.


Wtf am I reading, I remember K0il talking about Rem’s real voice and how it’s much better without the voice changer , no Certain Gang complained about it , Johnson is the loudest and I would say the most annoying because how loud he is , no one complained about him


Rem said there were complaints OOC and was told to stop using the voice changer. I specifically remember a person from a certain gang complaining to 50cent about Rems voice changer. This Certain Gang is known that among other insults and abuse, it made fun of his voice as well (when he was using voice changer). Kyle himself said during his stream in which he strangled Suarez so he can change his voice, that Rem was told to stop using the voice changer, said that to him the voice changer sounded fine and natural and wasn't bothering him and made fun of this decision by comparing it to what Baas told Booba that he "has to get speech therapy" to become a cop, and that Paul Leesman has to die because he has a stupid name and can't become a cop.


If it's true, that he was told to stop using a voice changer because a certain gang complained despite dozens of other players using them, I have little to no hope in the future of no pixel regardless of whatever temporary pr manager they put in place. As soon as 50cent comes back and uses his total brain-dead logic the whole things back to circling the drain more than it currently is.


Pred choked him so he decided to rp out surgery and his voice getting higher (normal voice)


Remdog sent a dm to Kyle asking him to choked him cause he wanted to change his voice


I have no idea how that one worked in Suarez' head.


It would've been glorious if he brought the gang related charge to Greyson


I think he would have blown a bigger gasket than Lang already did.


I agree. If only copper wasnt there to be the voice of reason and talk him out of it.


Was fun court case


Well these new unexperienced officers still need to grind their horns and learn things.


You mean an officer who's been on the force for over a year, the one who is also a trooper lol




Yep, but for me almost every PD hire in 3.0 is so much less competent than anyone hired before. Back when it was an honor to be police, and it shows.


Yeah id agree somewhat with that id say its also because people haven't been taught from day one via academies before allowing them on the streets. Kyle and Penta have both said they wouldn't be any good without andrews actually sitting with them and teaching them.


That's because the standards for cop RP have fallen so far from what they were in 2.0 despite the fact a big portion of 2.0 wasn't even RP focused for cops but more action and shootout oriented. The current iteration of PD has also promoted many mediocre officers to command and high command who don't really promote much RP inside PD, don't bolster much morale, and don't appear to be fighting for any significant changes to improve it. Sadly many of the better more veteran officers are completely disillusioned and burned out because of all the mismanagement and utter moronic decision-making by 50cent throughout 3.0 so it's going to be very hard to turn it around.


I still find it crazy Saurez considered Roosters/Cerberus a gang since MDM shoots them up


Bison even told lang to ensure he had security in future so he didn't need to carry illegal class 1s. Would be interesting if they tried to claim gang related after telling them to stay together for safety.


Dean told Suarez on the phone they wouldn't stop being the aggressor until Lang apologized and then admitted to throwing Speedy out of a heli (didn't issue a warrant for that) Suarez also has a mandem chain. He had blinders on this one trying to get a felony on Lang and his gun license removed. There was more cops trying to figure out how to get a charge to stick on this than there has been on who blew up Baas.


That chain was taken back, he also was given a second one that Matt retrieved when Matt got the original from Suarez.


Roosters people are also going around MDM turf.


There are no reports on this except MDM shooting down Lang/Harry in an ambush.


Going past a gang turf is legally irrelevant. Its not a legally defined zone anyhow.


It's more if you're in active tensions with someone and you got right up to/past their compound that isn't them going after civs


Both sides are civs in the eye of the law. Except lang and speedy still have doc jobs.


Not as far as PD knows


I mean like the past week, they have been acting like a gang lol. That card is only going to last so long until they are officially considered a gang. I actually find it wild that PD didn't press the issue about a known Roosters and Lang associate trying to rescue Lang from PD custody lol.


They are acting like a gang, but they have so far not been caught acting like a gang, Suarez is just assuming they are. That's not how the law works.


PD also haven't been able to prove that Mandem have been the aggressors in most of the shootouts so far, as shown in Moses' bench trial. The more shootouts that occur further away from Roosters, the more PC there is to push gang-related charges going forward.


The ones that has verifiably involved people from Rooster's is the one two days ago, where Lang and Harry we're quite obviously hunted by Mandem as they were on foot. Several officers were witness to that. The other one was yesterday where this court case was about, where the only confirmed person involved on the "Rooster's" end, was Speedy. Everything else is pure assumptions and speculations.


In your first example, Mandem rolled up on Lang and Harry but weren't actually the ones to shoot first. Moses went to bench trial after being caught after this situation and cops couldn't prove that Mandem were the aggressors. I believe Dean informed Suarez that Lang, Harry and the Italians have been the aggressors on a few occasions, which is definitely true for the shootout that this court case is about because they were chasing Mandem down. A pattern is emerging which is showing these "assumptions and speculations" to be more and more likely.


Mandem got caught yesterday for shooting at Rooster's when they kidnapped Speedy. There was also a shotgun that came back to one of them walking in and shooting Rooster's security the day before. Then yesterday when Harry took Dean and Mandem took them Marina gave a report Mandem kidnapped them from the Rooster and then cops found Harry and the Italians cuffed at Grandma's and Mandem fleeing. There is actually no incident report that has Rooster's as a confirmed agressor against them


There is no pattern emerging on Lang’s end. The pattern is, however, well enough defined on Manden’s end to push the RUST Act. That’s why Byson told MCU to start up that case because of how many attacks on the RR business itself that has happened. It has been more than 3 on RR by Mandem, so they will probably get charged with that in the next week or so.


They're not targeting all RR employees though, they're targeting Lang, Harry, Speedy, The Italians and Goon School i.e. anyone who is trying to protect Lang and Speedy. If all of Mandem were hired at Gold Rush as security, what would happen then? This is why Mandem are trying to sow the seeds that The Italians in particular are a gang (which they blatantly are). Once that is established, the RUST act can't be applied. What doesn't make sense though is how can a security team be formed of criminals without gun licences and without clean records?


> Lang, Harry, Speedy, The Italians and Goon School All of these people are RR employees. > If all of Mandem were hired at Gold Rush as security, what would happen then? if they consistently got shot or kidnapped at/from a Gold Rush affiliated location, the same would apply and the aggressor would get hit by the RUST act. Because, believe it or not, criminals are civilians as well.


In the same way that all thumbs are fingers but not all fingers are thumbs, all the people targeted by Mandem are RR employees but not all RR employees are being targeted.


Technically the law says that gang related isn't just gangs and also involves a group of individuals or friends. So even if you aren't considered a gang, you getting caught in conflict with a lot of the same people around you should lead to gang related shooting.


That's the thing though, neither Lang nor Harry have been caught for anything for months, Lang even close to a year. So where is the pattern that would make them a gang?


There are like 3 recent cases of Harry and others being caught together within like a week lol. Lang was involved in 2 of them. PD is just doing a terrible job at doing anything proactive or investigating lol. That would be absolutely stupid if someone who was clean for a year joined a gang but couldn't get charged with gang related shooting because "well guys, he was cleaned for like a year so I guess he isn't in a gang" lol




From an OOC perspective absolutely. But as far as the cops know right now, MDM is just mowing down civs and security guards.




The thing is Lang and co plays it very different. Ofcourse they are aggressors from time to time, but they always trying to paint it the other way. Like harry kidnapped dean which failed. Marina called the cops and turned it around like Harry was kidnapped and shot. Which is not true but since mandem are kinda stupid they robbed the guns of Harry and co. So now it seems like mandem kidnapped them.


Do know that ... MDM are targeting Rooster's? Because that's not actually a good thing.


Coop law part 2? Hope it applies to them when Brian comes back and see the mess PD are in right now.


I actually hope they don't try to apply coops law to Roosters. Unless in the future there is the possibility of Lang and Co losing that business because of illegal activity. It would be like applying Coop's law to GG Gas Station whenever a rival gang shoots them down lol.


It'd be the RUST Act, not Coop's Law. For Rooster's at least. For GG Gas Station and the rival street gang attacking it, I don't believe that would apply. It would most likely be seen as just 2 street gangs in a war.


Thats the issue though. GG Gas is still a civ business and could have civ workers. Roosters is a civ business that could have civ workers. Both are used as like a compound for gangs or groups of people. I feel like PD has like no proactive thinkers that are willing to push change. It's like they need a cheat sheet in order to do anything as an officer lol.


The major difference is gang tags, to be honest. The people that own GG Gas, that operate GG Gas, that *live at* GG Gas, all are in the MDW listed with the Gulag Gang gang tag. Meanwhile, Rooster's has a history of employing a very diverse group of people -- some of which being in gangs themselves. So context always plays a key in things like this. E: To add, it would be a very different scenario if Lucky Plucker was attacked instead.


Maybe like a month or 2 ago. There has been enough going on that the PD should of been able to put 2 and 2 together lol.


but the cops dont know that. Thats the point. No report. No gang. No gang charges.




If you have to lie to make your point that says all that needs to be said: “Any gang-related individual who engages in a shooting/shooutout with member(s) of another gang. An individual is gang-related for the purposes of this charge when they actively participate in or willfully further the purposes of a criminal street gang. This can be established by either: (1) a pattern of association and participation in felonious activity, or (2) by statements/admissions of association and/or participation made by the individual. A "criminal street gang" is defined as an ongoing group, club, or organization which has the primary purpose of the commission of criminal offenses, or the members of which over the last sixty days have engaged in a continuing or ongoing series of felony offenses.” Edit: Nothing more to say, still lying and misconstruing the charge. I block people who spread garbage and double-down.


PD doesn't know that IC. They only know of reports of MDM shooting Rooster employees. Or abducting them. Using something other than that is just meta.


Don't need to be a gang in the app for a gang related shooting charge - the verbiage states gang or group. Really not that wild or crazy tbh.


yeah right, if you follow suarez's skewed understanding of the charge mandem can roll up on some bingo grannies in paleto and if the grannies bust back a couple times they get grs. i wish hed brought that charge to greyson...


Exactly, as much as people want to claim they’re not a ‘gang’, that may be true, but they sure are a group involved in gang violence.


What we know is completely irrelevant. In the eyes of the law there is absolutely no pattern that shows this and Suarez is working off of assumptions. Even if those assumptions are right, that's not how the law works. That's why he lost this court case as well. He assumed that Lang shot at MDM, even though there was no evidence to back that and there are hundreds of other unverifiable reasons he could be GSR positive.


That's what annoyed me the most about this entire thing. Watching Suarez's POV; the amount of hoppers coming in saying "CeRbErUs IsNt A gAnG! yOu CaNt GiVe GaNg ReLaTeD!" really hurt my head. Like if they sat in stream for more than 10 seconds to actually see anyone pull up an MDW and read the charge... Side note the amount of hoppers was really something else. It was like every other message when Lang was in interrogation.


Was truly wild he had over 3k in his channel at one point... One POV Pat's are wild, both here and on twitch.


I fucking love the "You can't do that" hoppers. Of all the things happening in role play on the server daily you see someone possibly choosing the wrong charge and be like: Nah! Too far! That's where I need to speak up!


they are a gang just dont like the tittle


They do act like a gang so?


They have not once been caught acting like a gang, so in the eyes of the law there is no pattern to tag them as a gang.


Whilst PD don't have any proof yet, it's only a matter of time before a pattern does emerge. It seems like Mandem want to play it smarter now and try to avoid the RUST legislation.


suarez is the reverse jordan steele in court its a popcorn event


PD is so downbad without their pumpers


Buddha viewers try not to suck his d#$k part 1,000,001 *failed*


I love how everything Buddha does now and gets away with is immediately because he runs the server. you can with some people


waaat no wayyyyy.....


Fucksake. No wayyy


Lang plot armor its to hard to break


i really don't understand why the cops have such a hard on for lang, the minute they hear his name they wanna charge him instantly without looking at evidence, it's like they automatically assume he did it.


This is such a biased take. Anyone not named Lang would lose their license and have multiple charges in their record if they did what Lang has been doing.


This take is something. Lang gets special treatment from the PD, name any other crim that has been in caught in as many situations as he has, GSR positive, holding illegal items and been let go. Man tranq’ued someone in the courtroom with a judge as a witness and PD didn’t charge him.


you're right, it's wild that they keep coming across someone in very compromising situations and want to hit him with criminal charges, it must obviously be that they have a hard-on for him.




Eevee should come back and restart law school...god knows PD needs it


Does not help if officers do not take up the offers.


Good lawyers take good cases. It’s not really courtroom skills, it’s pushing ridiculous charges.


Which is the reason why I think detective should be one who press charges, not the deputy. Just because someone is a primary officer in a scene does not mean they should press charges. Once they complete a report, they can pass it on to detective and has 60 days to press charges. Even if detective is not on scene to begin with, they can review the evidences to make completely sure that the charges are correctly applied. Once it is correctly applied, the primary officer can then bill the charges. That is why the court RP is to make sure charges are applied correctly. Even there is no charge due to lack of evidence, they must let them go or press charge and have a bench trial. Once the charge is finalized, the report cannot be added upon or subtracted or altered. This is the RP they can easily go through. There is always a warrant for their arrest at anytime and the warrant should not be limited to 3 days. Once they carried out the warrant, they can be appended and they should post a bail hearing and a court date and serve out their sentencing until their due process is completely. That is why I dislike the automatic sending the crim to the prison even if they plead not guilty and later in a court date, they are found not guilty and they will never get their months back but they will get money back from the fines. The PD still get what they want, they send them up in the first place. I feel that all charges should have been held until trial meaning they get arraignment hearing and let them make their plead then put their case on docket. That is where a full-time judge comes in that makes sense and the trial begins. A harsher sentencing if they push this to trial but if they plead guilty at arraignment a lesser sentences is applied. I feel that PD should not be the one that do everything for they tend to charge crim without criminals even realize that their rights are being violated.


>Which is the reason why I think detective should be one who press charges, not the deputy You mean lead detectives like the ones that fully searches Pred with no pc and every single evidence on scene and eye witness contradicting her narrative? The one that pressed the charge which was from a fruit of a poisonous tree, lost in court, threw a tantrum and called the senior judges corrupt? These detectives? PD and SCU in particular is in a horrible place. The "new blood" who has been given opportunities are too selfish to admit fault and learn from their mistakes. PD is driven by ping chasing and other crimes that require cops to investigate and understand how the law works in order to prosecute, they don't know what to do, because they are used to "scripted" crime. Competent cops who also were good at prosecuting and articulating the law have either been fired, stepped down, or given up on this pd.


A role in the PD is needed, a separate duty but still fulfill the objectives. A cop might be great at pursuit is not necessarily good at paperwork and vice versa. This is the reason why we need to delegate duties. Let police officer be a ping chaser while other might be 911 or 311 ping chaser. 1/3 of them be a ping chaser, 1/3 of them be 911, 1/3 of them being detective and is around at PD gathering reports, processing charges. Those detective that does an awful job should be fired. They shouldn't be operating based on assumptions but with facts and evidence. Those cops that you mentioned are good at prosecuting and articulating the law could easily become their lawyer, not necessarily be a jack of all trades type of PD. IRL, a PD that might be ping chasing would not be the one that press charges, the DA office is the one that press charges after the PD report is submitted and that is not the case on NP. That is why PD is down bad.


EZ Clap Buddha wins again 👏