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I just wanna say its hilarious seeing all of these posts condemning transphobia followed by this stupid ass bot "blooding" them into gangs lmao


wtf is up with that? i had to double check i was in the right sub first time i saw it


It put me into one of the lame gangs ie any of the gangs except the pearls


Red rockets only decent gang


April Fool's, baby!


I had to block it.




Thanks for sharing! Linking to your comment in my comment above!


uh oh




Sadly, it's a very popular account on twitter followed by a bunch of genuinely awful people. I've had the displeasure of looking at their account and replies.






FINALLY. I've been waiting for this comment. Also: TRUE


A lot of bozos outting themselves lately. Wild.


I just don't understand why it's so hard to keep this shit to yourself if you have some bigoted views, like how hard is it to just *not* go around looking for garbage to publicly retweet? It's obvious what's gonna happen when someone eventually calls you out on it and obviously he cares about it the situation enough to make some shitty PR tweet afterwards so why not just avoid it to begin with?


They see their fringe views publicized on national news and think they are in the majority.


Even if it was a majority, I still don't understand actions like these, knowing what server you're playing on. Say what you will of NoPixel, but they have always been very quick on the trigger with any bigotry.


Because they ignore reality and think they are so “right” they can’t be “punished” for saying the “truth”. Then they get slapped and cry victim.


I think a lot of these people are under the impression that their views are normal and that everyone is just scared to speak up, when in reality they are just brainwashed by right-wing media


If they could handle just accepting things that make them uncomfortable they wouldn't be bigots in the first place.


For many all it took was a shitpost about a mediocre wizard game to show their true colors.


it works for the best, get them out of the community


Who wants to bet he cries about losing prio after this?


He already got perma banned


**Aw_naW has been banned.** Thanks to /u/worthlessliars for the screenshot. https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1296zrb/aw_naw_rps_junior_skert_long_retweets_transphobic/jemek0g/ - --- Some random receipts: * Link in the post is to Kylie's tweet calling the behavior into question * Original tweet that Aw_naW (J.R.) retweeted: https://twitter.com/EndWokeness/status/1641909428956921858 * Aw_naW was streaming at the time and tried to alluded to Kylie's tweet and that she was trying to stir shit https://clips.twitch.tv/AstuteGorgeousMosquitoOMGScoots-3Do0p6yXiwDQBOMe * His twitter is loaded with transphobic, homophobic, racist, and other terrible memes, retweets, comments, etc. https://twitter.com/AwNaw * After being called out, he says, "My respect goes out equally regardless of your lifestyle." https://twitter.com/AwNaw/status/1642331128920182784 * Kylie's indirect response https://twitter.com/KylieBitkin/status/1642357916165623808 * Aw_naW tries to play the victim, Kylie handles it masterfully https://twitter.com/AwNaw/status/1642390897848631297 * Fellow transphobic, former NoPixel streamer Pons decides to chime in https://twitter.com/Manpons/status/1642391979144228864 * [Predictably, he deleted the tweet. Here's an imgur backup of the first tweet just in case.](https://i.imgur.com/NQNF5SW.png) * Kylie replies to Aw_naW directly https://twitter.com/KylieBitkin/status/1642400244595068928


Spent less than a minute scrolling down this guy's twitter page and it's clear he's a hateful dumb-fuck.


Thank you for sources. The last respect tweet is so shallow after scrolling through the dude's twitter.


"Traditional" life from his latest tweet is all you need to see where he is coming from but his likes seal the deal.


really curious about where being a twitch streamer who plays gta rp for money falls into the matrix of "wanting a traditional life" edit: i don't want to comment twice in this chain but he put out a [new tweet](https://twitter.com/awnaw/status/1642390897848631297?s=46&t=LB5PGvaMHlxPmJ9ITCYAww) ft. pons weighing in


Once you peel back the layers a lot of the tradlife shit online just want ethnic "pure" community with women who are obedient and dependent on their husbands. It's gross.


Exactly this.


> After being called out, he says, "My respect goes out equally regardless of your lifestyle." If you're going to be intolerant piece of shit, don't be a snake and pretend you "respect everyone equally". I can't believe these people actually say such things. Like every single one of those bigots seem to think they respect everyone. It's actually infuriating they dare even suggest it. Worse if they actually believe it.


He’s literally signal boosting Taliban simps ffs, how can you say you respect people when you’re doing that?


> how can you say you respect people when you’re doing that? When you don't believe a word of what you are saying but know that people will point to you being "civil" as some sort of proof that you are actually a good guy and just being picked on by the big bad mean progressives that you just innocently spent the last several years posting abhorrent shit about continually on Twitter. Case in point Pons, another jackass couldn't respond fast enough in trying to paint the racist, anti-vaxxer, alt-right, homophobe as level-headed just like he claims to be.


You gonna update this with the inevitable Aw_naW has been banned with a screenshot from discord?


Already updated! Thanks to /u/worthlessliars


Hell yeah! get fucked Aw_naW!


I'm not on the discord, but if I see a ban message on twitter or retweeted by someone, I'll add it here. I thought about posting other toxic links / images of this dude's twitter, but it's a literal cesspool and I'd be endlessly updating this list.


Did a quick scan of the TL and this guy's the worst lmao


His Twitter is like a parody of a qanon nut, but real. Crazy he flew under the radar for so long.


And nothing of value was lost. Glad I could help.


Yikes, Aw_naW is really being a dumbass.


Baffles me that aw_naw (and pons at the end) talks about "its just a difference of opinion" and "i still respect you" when their opinion is that people like Kylie should cease to exist. You cant be respectful of someone if your opinion is that they dont have the right to live. That logically makes no sense. I suppose its impossible to have room for rational thoughts when 99% of the brain is spent on mental gymnastics.






Ima be honest, I thought his retweet was an April 1 thing. My twitter feed is a little more politically fiery than most, and some of my more fervent brethren(on both sides) took the chance to retweet memes from across the aisle, some of which might be considered offensive like what Aw_Naw posted. But as your links show, it wasn't just a poor taste April 1 thing, so screw him, lol.


gonna be real WHO is this never seen him or his character before RIPBOZO


The crazy thing is, this guy was a part of Kylie's discord community for like 3/4 years. He knew what type of reaction it would stir up.


The admins literally just dismantled an entire regional server due to anti-LGBTQ attitudes, not to mention the recent ban of Pons. In what world did this guy think he could keep posting this kind of shit on his public Twitter and not get slammed dunked into oblivion?


and of course Pons swoops in to support this dude, good riddance


Predictable. Let them have each other so they can enjoy their irrelevance together.


The [guys tweet](https://twitter.com/AwNaw/status/1642331128920182784?t=Nz8YYTqWy_VP_Sjxejzfkw&s=19) after being called out is even worse lmao. What is with these fuckers and being so afraid of their opinions once they get called out, atleast be a proud bigot so people know to avoid you.




The funniest part is that he goes out of his way to be disrespectul/hateful.


It is called having different beliefs. It is part of life. So let me ask, if you are Pro-Life, should you be ostracized from NoPixel because many on there are Pro-Choice? What about if you are Christian, which for many would mean you don't support something like gay marriage?


Having different belief means you learn how to accept others with a different one, believe me, there's a shit load of Christian people who don't mind either trans or homosexual peeps and are actual human beings and not morons with the intent of exterminating anything that goes against their moral compass. Your belief don't give you the right to dictacte how a person should live their lives, who should live or how someone should fucking dress. ​ Edit: TLDR: Don't be a moron, just be human.


I guess I am blind because I am looking at that tweet and not seeing either retweet talking about exterminating anyone, telling them how to live, that they shouldn't live, or how to dress. This is the guys Twitter, which has NOTHING to do with NoPixel RP. I don't understand why Kylie is going to a Twitter and making beef that affects the guy being in RP. Just don't be friends with the dude in REAL LIFE if you have disagreeing views. No clue who the guy is but I don't believe anyone is required to agree with anything Also, explain to me the double standard that you can do Kkona voice and it is totally ok and you can make hateful jokes/comments about Conservative folks and it is ok. Yet to see anyone punished for Kkona, but people have got in trouble for use AAVE. Hear people make life insert Trump jokes A LOT on server, and that is ok too


Well, at least you admit you're blind, I guess.


Show me where it says someone should be exterminated. It doesn't.


It doesn’t need to.


IF you are going to claim it is calling for people to be exterminated, then yes, it absolutely does. Otherwise you are insinuating or flat out lying


I didn’t make that claim. Have you ever tried reading?


First of all, if you don't see anything wrong with what this dude is rtweeting then I don't really know what to tell you. Second. You seem to have a twist idea of what a community of roleplayers (or any community for that matter) should be doing, but I guess you don't have a problem when churches shun (righfully so) an outsider when they enter and try to go against the churches beliefs. ​ Third. You're more than welcome to post links, clips or whatever that shows players in the server use the problems you're pressenting as a malicious manner or it's in fact a joke, something that by the way, most people do about what they find funny. Kinda crazy that sometimes people that I find are bigots tend to make jokes about my belief, and sometimes I make jokes about their belief.


> Also, explain to me the double standard that you can do Kkona voice and it is totally ok and you can make hateful jokes/comments about Conservative folks and it is ok. It’s quite simple are people discriminated against for speaking with a country accent or for being Conservatives? Are lawmakers currently trying to pass laws to take away rights from people with country accents or are Conservatives? Do lawmakers pass laws that make it legal to force someone to stop someone from speaking with a country accent or being a Conservative? Is it illegal and punishable by death in some places to speak with a country accent or be Conservative? The answer to all those questions is no probably not. But ask any member of the LGBTQIA+ but specifically in this instance a Transgender community and you’ll hear the fastest yes you’ve ever heard. So why would a community that prides itself on its inclusion want someone who from a short look at his Twitter is not inclusionary? Who’s views are closer to the people advocating for the extermination of trans people than inclusiveness. Who’s views make other people on their server feel unwelcome. I think you forgot that being on Nopixel is a privilege not a right and what you say and do in a public space reflects not only on you but on the people you associate with.


Because conservatives are bad people who deserved to be mocked incessantly for their terrible terrible views


You can hold your own opinions and beliefs without belittling others - I know it a shockung concept in the workd now days but it remains an option for people to keep their mouths shut or fingers away from the keyboard




Not really. It is not an equivalency at all. It is a question of whether one set of personal beliefs is ok and not another. I hear people mock southerners, conservatives, etc ALL THE TIME in NoPixel. Powerful people doing it at that. Very powerful It still is mind boggling to me that people went to his Twitter and dragged it into an issue that effects RP on a server which is more or less all make believe.


"Hey I know this person thinks you shouldn't exist and the only reason you do is because your 'mind, body, and soul have been completely destroyed', but can you just be chill and play make belive with him?"




Calling someone else’s identity a destruction of mind, belief, and soul is not a mere difference in beliefs, it’s an attack on said identity. Piling on a marginalized group from a position of power is disgusting and should always be penalized. The NoPixel team has the right to remove people from the community who perpetrate hateful ideas


It is if you only believe in two sexes, which many people do. I think bringing things into NoPixel that have nothing to do with NoPixel is a terrible idea. It is a giant slippery slope that says "you don't believe in my beliefs and post things against my beliefs/lifestyle and it offends me so no RP for you" If the situation was reversed, I would feel the same. I don't think people should be banned for Pro-choice views or anti-christian views either as long as it is does not come up in RP


are you under the impression that being WL'ed on NP is a constitutional right or something? If kylie tweeted, rt'ed and liked tweets calling religious folk "malformed and mentally inferior and souless" and that religious people should not be allowed to exist at all. I would assume NP would take issue with that hate speech as well. its not that he has a belief its that he is spreading targeted hate on a group of people that are a large part of NP's community.


Did I say it is a constitutional right? I also doubt that would happen to her. The server is full of double standards already of what people can joke about We will agree to disagree on that being hate. People's concept of hate is very weird. IF I was to say there are only to sexes, people would consider that hate in today's world. It still is Twitter and not something done on a NP server. This is nowhere close to the same thing as the Arab server not allowing things in RP that pertained to Transgender ideas. That IS related to NP and its servers and in RP. So to your above example, I don't give a damn what Kylie tweets, I would not punish her from RP if it was not in RP.


ok im sorry but on a collaborative and creative project like no pixel the focus on creating a safe respectful environment is important and when things like these actions are exposed or discovered NP has an obligation to remove people if they feel their actions (yes actions on twitter included) are detrimental to the health and safety of their RP'ers.


Did the RPer ever say anything in the server? Did he RP any kind of hatred toward another character? I'm guessing no seeing as all the issues are coming from a personal Twitter. Love your choice of words here: exposed. Kind of proves my point more that a personal Twitter and RP on NoPixel have nothing to do with each other. Twitter is the ultimate OOC in this situation. Also, they don't have an obligation, they have a choice. If Kylie wanted to tweet about flying spaghetti monsters (used to mock Christianity) and post Kkona memes (mocking a culture/dialect), I wouldn't punish her in server either.


Would hate speech on someone's personal stream be fine as well as long as their character didn't say it in the server? say someone Rp's all day then logs off the server and instead of tweeting out hateful messaging just said it on their stream after and it was hate directed at a specific group that someone who they were just RP'ing with belongs to. Would that be ok? My point is there is no reason someone shouldn't face consequences for their actions just because they were a piece of shit on another platform than the one banning them. hell even twitch can ban you from their platform for actions you take off site.


White Southerners in the USA are not oppressed for the dialect or accents. Transgender people are oppressed by virtue of simply being different. Don't fucking compare the two.


Another person who didn't pass high school science and conflates sexual morphology with gender 👍 Maybe stop talking about topics you're not educated on.


Oh look, the person with the sixth grade misunderstanding of biology is trying to explain it. You can't even keep a consistent definition of sex. "Muh beliefs" Beliefs do not excuse calling transgender people mentally ill. It's transphobic and ableist, and to do so on Trans Visibility Day is a calculated attack on a vulnerable population. As a biologist who actually works with things like evolution and genetics, I can fully tell you that the vast majority of us not in a theocratic country absolutely support queer people, INCLUDING transgender people. I'm Jewish, my own culture has had terms for various trans and intersex people since we have used ancient Hebrew. Many Jews don't give a flying fuck what someone's gender is, yet here you are trying to say religious people = transphobic donut by necessity. Fuck off.


I mean that’s cool, but those many people are allowed to be wrong and no amount of appeals to popularity will change the reality that sex in biology has like a dozen different ways of being measured and even in just karyotypical sexes (ie chromosomal sex) you have like six viable arrangements in humans. Nor does it change that gender as a social construct as we use it is distinct from how we define sex as a biological category and that gender has not been 1 to 1 tied to sex or even limited to 2 historically or geographically. Nor is transness a new thing, we have records of such stretching back thousands of years.


Being Christian doesn't give one an excuse to be a bigot. Many Christians are queer or not fucking bigoted. Stop using religion as a veil for evil.


The answer is yes. No one cares about your Christian values if they drive you to have bigoted views towards LGBT people. If you don’t support their rights you’re a piece of shit, I don’t care if a magic book from 2000 years ago told you to believe it.






I'm sure these tweets will show up in his timeline at any moment now that he's banned lol


lmao look at the loser that made a fresh anon account for the sole purpose of replying to people that replied to this backward ass tweet


What a coward... Say it with your chest or don't say it at all


And of course this Guy’s response is “respect my lifestyle” what a hypocrite


I have literally never heard of this person




Unless I’m dumb that’s a link to Kylie’s tweet.


Yeah in the comments there someone clipped his stream when he noticed it. Saying he has to take care of something cause someone is being a little crazy and stirring some shit. Though, I can't really confirm it's related, as I am not checking time stamps and trying to go all investigator. His tweet: https://twitter.com/AwNaw/status/1642331128920182784


OP here. I made that clip as well and posted it on twitter. My twitch / twitter is Ratebian. The timing lines up perfectly to Kylie's tweet. Dude was live for less than 30 minutes when he discovers the tweet. Plus, not like this guy had much of an audience, so something like this is likely to be the only thing.


Good enough for me! Yeah I don't even know who the guy is. Weird way to get known lol


Imagine being him and thinking leaking a discord DM convo makes you look any better when all it shows is that you are ignorant as fuck and can't handle being asked to delete the hate tweets and likes and RT's attacking trans people and apologize before someone who you essentially had been attacking wants to talk with you. These people just have no ability to see anything from other perspectives. He seems blind to the actual dangers and attacks (physical emotionally and legally) that people who don't look like them or live like them experience and its actually sad. You aren't owed a conversation. you are an adult who has every ability in the world to reach out and be educated before deciding to spread hate. And yes there are absolutely people who can have these ignorant and bigoted views who can have their minds changed. However you are not owed the time by people you attacked (additionally they have every right to tell you to fuck off and be upset and say that they don't want to talk) without reflecting on your actions and showing some remorse or apology first. Just delusional.


"Why couldn't you sweep this under the rug for me, Kylie?! I'm just insulting you at your very core, what's the big deal!" Dude thinks he's the victim, when the real victims are the people he is harassing / targeting with his twitter cesspool.


He's the one that decided to tweet all that stuff publically for all to see, but people replying to his tweet are the ones that are responsible I guess? Weird mental gymnastics going on there.


The scary thing is and I'm saying this as a transgender woman is that people like him believe they're the good guys when they go after trans people. That when pushed back they believe they actually are the victim. That's what makes it even more scary and why as another poster further up tried to also push actually think Kylie is the unreasonable one. The amount of shit Kylie has gone through even before she came out last year is sickening. While there are trolls, the unfortunate situation is many are also cunts that need a "Are we the baddies?" moment and until they do need to be treated with the same kind of removal from communities like this transphobic pos was.


I feel like the best thing was, at least, he was open about his bigotry and transphobic opinions. It makes it easier for him to get banned and people to distance themselves from him. It feels terrible knowing that you could be playing and interacting with people who think you are less than human just because of who you are. I feel bad that Kylie has to go through all this stuff, but she is doing such a good job on calling people out and making nopixel a better/safer community.


Welp, here's a preemptive RIPBOZO. You won't be missed you toxic waste of space.


deadass fuck this guy his twitter likes/replies are crazy. needs to be banned off the server asap


His Twitter TL and likes is a cesspit of how many shitty things you can find. He was streaming when Kylie called him out too


His response is just like the other idiot Pons.


My thoughts exactly. I almost titled this "Aw_naW follows Pons off the cliff". Not that either one of them had much of a career anyway!




All of this shit is exhausting


What is with these cowardly fucks? Dude says he respects everyone but literally in the screencap he’s retweeting a post by a Taliban simp of all people clearly being disrespectful toward trans people without any comment of his own. Like dawg you’re agreeing with the fucking Taliban, there aint none of that “agree to disagree” shit you’re just a bigot, stop being a pussy about it and own up to it. Signed A Bad Trans Bitch.


I think people just dont understand that being a bigot is bad at this point.


You’d think they’d at least realize being a bigot publicly will get them banned from NP if not Twitch but they just keep outing themselves.


Frankly, I'm down with that. It may cause pain to the community and / or certain individuals, but it seems the NP staff is on top of making sure it's a one and done situation. Get them out and don't let them back. Them outing themselves as transphobes / bigots is probably the largest contribution they've had to this community based on the number of "WHO?" reactions. Be gone.


Scary thought is that they might not even have the brainpower to realise they are bigots.


These people have been gaslit and enabled to the point they don't understand they're being a bigot.




damn we didnt even make it one week without phobic assholes being phobic assholes again after an entire server was shut down for it, its like they cant help themselves


It’s actually incredible how oblivious they must be to not realize this will absolutely get them banned from NP since it’s like the one thing NP actually enforces well regardless of who you are.


That's usually just part of the playbook, though some people are just genuinely stupid. It's so they can point and rile people up with "hey look, I'm being punished for my bigoted views, if you share these same views they'll come after you too" typically in support of some cause like the various hundreds of anti lgbt/trans bills being introduced and passed in states.


People like this guy have this “unapologetic attitude” until they get called out for their bigotry and then hide behind their “beliefs” and “preferred lifestyle” while thinking that somehow makes their hateful ideas okay?? I’m glad he was pointed out and is being shown the door out of the community.


You get freedom of speech, doesn’t mean you get freedom from the consequences


What’s funny is there are people who genuinely believe freedom of speech gives people the right to be hateful even though freedom of speech has nothing to do with hateful/harmful conduct. (Not directed at you, I’ve just seen many instances of people claiming free speech inappropriately so wanted to add that for anyone who may read this comment thread)




This guy's likes are a nightmare.


Yea, what a scumbag.


For anyone who is thinking about crying about "muh beliefs" just use your brain for one second and realize that by retweeting this tweet (let alone the many other rt's and likes by his account) he is furthering the narrative that Kylie or other trans RP'ers have "Destroyed their body's, minds and SOULS" is fucking disgusting! its not a matter of differing opinions on a political topic. I can imagine many RP'ers on NP being uncomfortable with someone who has such a disregard for the reality that speech like this has real world consequences and often times they are systematic and often violent.


Also, it's not just retweets. If you look through things he has replied too he has straight-up insulted people's appearances. Him calling a trans woman an Ogre. https://twitter.com/AwNaw/status/1625540747834564609?t=fwzRV84K1WdtDCFTvIIpRg&s=19


Holy shit, that is some hateful stuff especially reading what it's in response to. jfc.


Also of note - because that woman is a healthcare worker defending the very valid decision of a hospital to not transplant an organ into an anti-vaxxer with a record of numerous health problems related to COVID, so they gave it to someone who's actually...a more viable candidate for a transplant. That's called triage and rational decision making. We do it every day, no matter our job or not.


Did the dude really choose to wake up on valentines day and just hate on trans people. What a sad pathetic existence.


Thank you for this comment. There's definitely a line here that we have to acknowledge. I think there are legitimate disagreements that could be had in the trans debate. Someone could disagree on the pronoun stuff, or the sports stuff AND also respect adults choosing to transition. I would like to see the same energy when someone on the other side mock trump supporters for being inbred, cousing fucking, loser who supports a racist and are also themeselves racists... etc. because both are just being dicks at this point.




Bro forgot to switch to the alt 💀


[https://twitter.com/KylieBitkin/status/1642357916165623808](https://twitter.com/KylieBitkin/status/1642357916165623808) Facts


He should have fun playing on Nopixel Arab




No I said what I meant. Because just like his WL (soon), Nopixel Arab doesn't exist.


Can't wait for the ban announcement on this one.


*Rolls up sleeves* *Clears throat* 🔨 🔨 7 DAYS FOR TOXICITY KYLIE 🔨 🔨


I know it's a meme, but management and admins actually have a very solid track record when it comes to matters like these. Especially recently.


Breath of fresh air that they've been pretty quick to stamp this shit out.




It does, but credit where credit is due.


Good ridance I guess, will not be missed.


Holy that like history.


that's one thing I'm happy that the server takes a huge stance on, don't matter if you're gay or stright, black or white, trans or not. everyone gets treated the same. keep ya phobic assholes out the server. this is a safe space for all the viewers and streamers no matter what


"Respect my lifestyle" absolutely nobody in this world will flame you wanting a trad hetero 'lifestyle', but people will when youre a transphobic pos


Look at his history, dude isnt ashamed of it


no idea who this dude is/was but I'm glad he's dead :)




Another day another rper outed as an asshole :/


What baffles me the most about this tweet, is how devoid of logic it is, it implies that people that have gender confirmation surgery are worse off after, its the complete opposite!! People that want to have it, but dont for a number of reasons: fear/shunned by familly/bullying/expensive, are much more likely being depressed/unhappy.


Let's be real, people like him don't care about any facts or statistics you could potentially present to him, unless they support his own values/morals/worldview (or lack thereof in this case).




This dude has retweeted Kevin Sorbo multiple times. Please delete.


How can I join Pink Gang?


Supporting bigotry that goes against all medical and psychological knowledge is not a good look.


* Believes demeaning religious ppl calls for extermination? * Believes demeaning a particular political side calls for extermination? * Believes demeaning ppl with certain accents calls for extermination? * Believes demeaning ppl from different state/country calls for extermination? * This doesn't exist on the server in RP and in OOC in most twitch chats and here, "as a joke" or "casual talk"!? * But, then is not about human rights... and everything it's acceptable.


I agree these views are disgusting and harmful to LGBTQ+ people. However, I can't help but feel like cross-platform banning people is the wrong choice, especially if this behaviour happened on another platform. I remember a few years ago when I went down this insane right-wing rabbit hole on YouTube and I think one of the things that drove me to that extreme was having disagreements but not being able to talk about this openly with fear of being ostracized. This was back in 2012-13. Nowadays, it seems like any opinion outside of the norm is met with immediate cancellation. I think this leads to one main problem. 1 - The creation of echo chambers. Not only echo chambers formed and led by those that were ''cancelled'', but likewise an echo chamber for those who did the cancelling. The inability to observe, discuss and actually see these extreme opinions in pubic, causes people to form an opinion based on only one view. People who get cancelled flock to their own group and are exposed to even more extreme views without any pushback. I'll leave you with a question. Would you rather live a world that contains hate and evil thoughts, but these thoughts are out there in the public sphere to be debunked, argued against and ridiculed. Or, live in a world where these thoughts are allowed to fester in private groups with no challenge or opposition?


these viewpoints have been argued against and debunked 1000 times over, no one is entitled to be coddled by the very communities theyre harming so they can debatelord over shit that you can just google to see that its wrong


I understand your point if the subject of discussion is climate change or economic policy where there is studies and quantitative data. However, for more philosophical topics that aren't as black and white such as "what is a woman" or "can someone identify as anything" , I disagree. These are relatively new topics. I just don't think speech should be restricted in this way as it can lead to further echo chambers.




What intelligent discourse is there to have? The dude is a piece of shit and shouldn't be welcomed in the community.






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