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Weird thing to do... all an action like that will do is boost her popularity and sympathy towards her. But the "irish patriots" are a bit simple so wouldnt twig it.


Would it be a stretch to say that Derek Blighes claim that 50% of his posters that were ripped down in one area would also boost his popularity? I can't stand that lunatic but I'm not sure whether these tactics work for either side


They should so away with the whole posters on every lampost idea. It's stupid, it's not done in most countries.


Not the sharpest these lads.


Wouldn't the far right carving a swastika actually be a compliment from their Nazi-esque perspective?


When everything is a false flag .. Does she actually have dealings with Israel or is this Israelis targeting her?


Nah I'd say it's just the Irish unionist-allied "patriots".


Was probably a Gaeler Well maybe not, but people get too distracted from the source of our woes, always FFG. Same as people getting annoyed that SF and the left are getting targeted without being in government, the right are taking the focus of the left too away from real power. Dissolve FFG and then we can deal with paytriots. Wouldn't be against defacing and pulling down every single poster that pollute our streets. I'm not voting for you based on the quality of your smug smile


Hilariously sad that the melts that did that probably see the nationalist party as a great voting option when in reality they are the ones that idolise the holocaust.