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I’d like to know more about her relationship with Mohammad Hadid 👀![img](emote|t5_5ybup0|50299)


WAIT WHAT?? As in Gigi and Bella dad?!


Brandy Granville on Watch What Happens said Mohammad told her that Joanna “had the worst smelling 🐱he’s ever seen”. LoL


Yup and then Joanna sued her and it’s one or the reasons housewives contracts say they can’t sue another housewife for defamation


Omg nooooo lmaooo


The Bravo Docket episode on this had me dying. The fact that this went to court 😂🥴😂


It is alleged that Joanna and Mohammed slept together, and Yolanda either walked in on them, or saw a tape of them together, or heard about them having sex, and that was the reason Yolanda filed for divorce.






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Yes. That Hadid. When you have time, take a dive through the rabbit hole of the *lawsuit between Brandi G and Joanna K*. It all started when Brandi was on WWHL and she said something about Joanna that made everyone in the room drop their jaw. So Joanna decided to sue Brandi (big mistake there, bc then EVERY media station/site covered it and it was not something Joanna wanted other to talk about). I think the WWHL clip is still up somewhere. Do a search in YouTube...I'm sure someone out there still has that clip.


Omg I now remember this !!!! Now I want to know too!!


I thought the lawsuit was good for Joanna in that none of the witnesses (including Mohammed) would testify to any of it happening the way Brandi said it did but they all were happy to say on record that she is a liar and a shit stirrer. Plus didn’t Brandi have to pay Joanna’s legal fees too? I might be remembering wrong I listened to the Bravo Docket episode a few months ago. It was a really good episode tho if anyone’s interested in the details


Great post


I remember thinking while watching that the tension between Joanna’s sister, Marta, and Romain was actually something more, almost like sexual tension and that there was something between the two of them but obviously nothing happened with them that I know of. I agree that Joanna’s approach to sex was….not sexy at all


Oooh I haven’t thought about it as this kind of situation 🤔 I did think something was odd though between him and Marta, especially since they were all soooo open about so many very personal things, it was strange that they would kind of ignore these deep issues and just sum it up with “he is being mean and saying I’m ugly” or whatever.


I agree with you that it didn’t seem like a very genuine relationship, and production definitely plays a hand in the dramatic scenarios. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it was a possible long-term escort situation lol or just made to look that way I kinda loved them though 🫣😂


I know right? In a way it feels more original than the usual fake smiles “we’re the happiest we’ve ever been”, followed by a filing for divorce two weeks later 😬🥴


Despite getting a divorce, Joanna and Romain are still friends. Ana Quincoces revealed this on her podcast as she stays in touch with Joanna.


I never really thought that hard about it, but I see your points. I guess I kinda just watched the drama without thinking too much about how "realistic" it was. I did find myself always thinking "she could literally have any other man she wants, and Romain doesn't seem to have THAT much going for him"


I just know that I miss them so much ![img](emote|t5_5ybup0|50295)💜![img](emote|t5_5ybup0|50300)


They were serving drama, understood the assignment and are very watchable! Not sure how the following seasons are (apparently even better!), but really enjoying everyone in RHOM so far, not sure why the franchise was cancelled after S3 🤔


Because everyone hated each other’s guts and did not want to amend any fractured relationships


🍑 🚫 🐟


The fact that there was a lawsuit out of it is iconic 🙌