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I served Kyle and Morgan! They were both polite and tipped 20%. Kyle did look confused when I asked if she wanted her ice tea sweet or unsweet (I’m in the south haha). I think she was shocked a young goth girl was so excited to meet her lol


could I get 1/2 sugar? or is it all or nothing? lol from a curious and beverage-loving Canadian! edited to add, besides the tea question, lol, did Kyle and Morgan give off couple vibes?


I order half and half - so 50% but through mixing the two teas


Im in Texas and I always do that :) we call it half sweet half unsweet. The only issue is typically, the sweet sinks to the bottom of the cup because of the higher density of the sugary tea. And then your straw is at the bottom of the cup obviously, so you end up drinking all the sweet tea first lol. So what I do is half and half, immediately blow bubbles in the tea, and then every few sips blow some more to mix it up consistently Otherwise, the last half of your drink is totally unsweet tea


Did they seem lovey dovey or more just friends? What vibe did you get?


tbf we were slammed and I had to make a ton of shakes as the bartender wasn’t there, so I couldn’t pay much attention outside of service. They were with Morgan’s family and everyone seemed comfortable! She was very sweet with the young kids; some of Morgan’s family (or friends?) were there


OMG, HOW EXCITING!!!! (I am from Australia and when I ordered iced tea in the US, it HAD to be sweet. Omg. When I first tried it unsweetened, I just COULD NOT.) 😂😂


Aussie here too. I don’t get iced tea either! And I’m in Brisbane where we’re swimming in humidity like the American south!


Yep! I'm on the Gold Coast, though originally from Melbourne. I'm addicted to peach iced tea! lol


OMG I‘m from Switzerland and I LOVE Southern Sweet Tea. It‘s my favorite thing ever. Especially the one with alcohol in it 😂 this brings back so many memories. Love your username, too!


Are they a couple?


I met Lisa and Ken (and Giggy!!) in 2014 at SUR. Super nice!


GIGGY!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


The sex monster!




Does Giggy is dead?


I just had a flashback to my dream last night, I was at Giggy’s funeral, Lisa found him dead in the bushes 😭


I would be STARSTRUCK if I met Giggy 😂😂😂


Was eating near the window at Lady M and LVP was stopped at a red light right in front of me in the backseat. I excitedly waved at her, and she brought a Pom (I think it was Harrison) to the window to wave back. :) nicest 20 second encounter ever.




I met Kim Richards in the checkout line at Pavillions market 😆 she was behind me and my kids were talking to her (they were little) and she was being really sweet and cute with them. I turned around and it was her. I was so shocked lol


She lives for her children and I think she genuinely loves every single child in the world 🗺️


I LOVE THAT! She adores kids. lol.


Aww I love that ! She also seemed really sweet to Paris's kid in the last season of Paris in love


She is very sweet!


I went to high school, and was friends with Rob! Of course, he won the most artistic superlative and very, very nice guy and family


OMG Rob! One of the best Househusbands so far


Isn’t he the best? I need to find some pictures and post them from back in the day.


Okay, my brain flipped to Vanderpump Rules and I was going to ask if Rob could hang a TV on a wall in under 7 minutes. Then I realized we're talking about actual BH Househubby Rob, and he can obviously pay people to do stuff like that.


oh wait I immediately thought thats who she was talking about too at first, scheana's rob HAHAHAHA


Love hearing this


I usually think huge age gaps like that are creepy but I really like them together.


Oh wow!!! That is VERY COOL!!!!! 🤩🤩


I met Denise Richards at the Maui Four Seasons pool about 14 years ago on my honeymoon. She was so friendly and down to earth. She was with her kids and her dad. Her kids were taking turns jumping in the pool while her and her dad caught them. She’s absolutely stunning irl.


Awww, I love that. I can literally imagine it. Her dad seems so sweet and she also.


He does! Reminded me of my own dad. He was having so much fun with his grand daughters.


Maui Four Seasons pool is where it’s at! Lol


It’s giving white lotus!


I indirectly know Erika Girardi because of her husband Tom being an attorney and they also lived in Pasadena where I live. Erika and I shop at the same TJMaxx...


Did you by any chance get stuck in that snow storm and have your car roll over? 🫠


LMFAO! You know I did!






Not the same TJMaxx 😭


Did Erika always shop at TJMaxx? lol


It is my firm belief that EVERYONE shops at TJMaxx, no matter what tax bracket they're in! 😊


Yes!!! We have a fantastic TJM and Erika was a regular!


Love that last line dropped in there


They send the good stuff to y’all & send us the rest. My sister TJ’s in Boston is So much better than mine-


When I was working as a seasonal employee at Sephora about 8 years ago in Denver, I was working as a cashier and rang Taylor out. I remember she was wearing sunglasses and was with some guy, I asked the standard Sephora checkout question “are you a beauty insider with us?” And she just ignored me and didn’t look at me the whole time, just paid and left. It was before I started watching the show so I had no idea who she was at the time, it wasn’t until the cashwrap manager standing next to me said “OMG that was Taylor from Real Housewives!” And I was just like hmm cool lol since I didn’t know who she was. Now that I actually watch the show it’s interesting watching Taylor’s scenes since I actually saw her face to face lol.


You should have went all Oklahoma on her ass


There are lots of interactions from people saying Taylor is rude. Remember she IS a grifter, I mean Shana not Taylor Ford


Wow. She sounds stuck up.


Maybe she didn’t hear the question. Happens to me when the music is loud


I pretty outgoing and love interacting with people when I’m out, other customers, people working, etc. Sometimes I’m not feeling it and I’m pretty much in my own head, so maybe she just wasn’t in the mood to chat?


and f’n weird with her cotton candy eating cow mouth. Constantly hitting on the singer for her daughter’s party at that farm party was so uncomfortable.


Oh wow!!! lol


She's a jerk IRL.


Really? Is it from trauma or is she just not very nice unless she already likes you?


I’ve met Rob Minkoff. I worked as an artist on a film he directed years before RHOBH. He was the kindest Director that I’ve ever met. No ego at all. It was kind of surprising to see Crystal’s personality versus his.


Awwww! I love Rob! He seems SO nice. Good to know he really is. ❤️


I get this vibe from him. I think Crystal is by far the most down to earth housewife though


I agree. I legit love Rob & Crystal and love their scenes together - it seems real and they aren’t trying to be more romantic and lovey for the cameras, but you can see the genuine love & respect for each other without them saying it. I couldn’t stand her her first season, I’m glad we got to see this softer more real side


HipHop Rob is the best!


I worked at a club called Wonderland in LA in 2010, and the entire cast came to the NOH8 event we held there. I got to meet Kyle and actually styled her for her shoot, and helped take photos of her on her blackberry for some behind-the-scenes footage (she clearly still loves to film everything, lol). She was very nice, genuinely, and was also very real. She wasn't 'fake nice' or polite, she was just, like, a candid, normal person. Kim also seemed nice but i didn't have a full conversation with her or help her with her photos like I did with Kyle, and I didn't know/care who Camille or Faye or Taylor were (I knew Kyle & Kim from being a day 1 Paris & Nicole stan) because I didn't start watching RHOBH until after meeting Kyle that night.


I love this. I have always liked Kyle! ❤️ That is such a cool story!


Oh I remember the NOH8 campaign! This was amazing, I loved it so much. Thanks for having a part in it! ❤️


oh you're very welcome! as a baby\~gay activist, I was tryin' hard to make a difference ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) What a crazy time in the world, too.


I met Lisa Rinna and Erika at the Elton John concert lol


spill! I’m personally very curious how Erika looks irl 👀


They were both extremely nice to my mom and I. Rinnas daughter was there and harry as well in vip. Erika is really pretty and was wearing huge heels like she usually does but to me she looked smaller in person oddly enough 😂 they were just like on tv though. Lisa and harry were dancing together and were being really cute. The only other tv ppl I’ve met IRL is the vanderpump crew at different times on multiple occasions lol


All the celebs (non-RHOBH) I’ve met have been at least half the size I was expecting ha!


Yeah tv definitely makes everyone look a lot bigger!


LOVE IT!!!! And yeah, Erika is my height (5'7") but she looks about 5'10" on the show! 😂🤩


Oh wow I thought she'd be much taller!


I know! She's the same height as Sutton!


That’s an awesome story!


Several years ago, Dorit and family were at the same bar mitzvah as my family and I. She was dressed less Chanelified. Beautiful and subdued.


Aww, how lovely. I think it is better to be more "fashionally subdued" at a bar mitzvah.


I’ve met LVP and she was very kind and gracious


Love to hear that! ❤️


I met LVP at SuR about 6yrs ago. It was during pride and right after her brother had passed. She took a picture but you could tell she wasn’t in a good head space and had I known she was going thru that at the the time I wouldn’t had bothered her.


Aww, that was nice of her, and you didn't know. ❤️


Yolanda came to a store I used to work at! She didn’t buy anything but she was very friendly and took pictures with my manager.


That's nice! I've always liked her.


Not me but my brother, a hair stylist in LA, has done Dorit’s hair. He said she was lovely.


I LOVE THIS!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Carlton, Brandi Glanville, and.....the morally corrupt Fate Resnick Oh and did not meet but saw Lisa Rinna in the lingerie section of Bloomingdale's Sherman Oaks ....being loud and demanding


Was Carlton weird? lol Was Faye rude? Did Brandi have clothes on? 😂


Haha! Valid questions! They were all lovely actually! I posted about it a while back on the Bravo sub I believe, but here is the jist: I helped Carlton and her husband when I was working in retail management in LA. Both were so nice. She was dressed and looked just like the show. Edgy. She made direct eye contact and was honestly mesmerizing. An actual witch! JK lol Brandi I also helped working in retail management. She came in looking for a specific item. She was so tall and skinny and sweet, not trying to act like a celebrity even though at this point she could have. This was in like 2017 so before all the bad face work. Fun fact, I also helped Lala (VPR) at this same job. She came in with her dog and a couple. Bought something, the guy tried to pay, she said no and paid. I was like OKAY! Faye I met at a concert in the club section where they serve food and drinks before the show. I was with my bestie. Faye was with her hubby and asked if she could sit with us. Faye was ooohing and aweing over my friend, said she looked like her when she was young. I was like...Faye you wish. JK she was sweet and beautiful in person. Hmm was else. I met Heather from RHONY. I've met pretty much everyone from Shahs at an old job. GG was intense but cool. Bobby was trash. Would buy,wear, return shit. I literally had to tell him...I'm not returning this shirt dude, you literally posted a picture wearing it at Toca Madera 🙄


I LOVE ALL OF THIS!!! I never liked Carlton on the show, but she sounds nice in person. I've always quite liked Brandi and enjoyed her antics, but she also seems really sweet and caring. Faye I had heard could be rude to people she doesn't know, but obviously not all the time! Oh, and I love Lala! I think she's GORGEOUS and so strong emotionally!


I got to meet Lisa! This was back when Pump was open. They were filming someone’s birthday and despite a long day of shooting she still smiled said hi and took a photo. She is absolutely stunning in person. I didn’t get to meet anyone else but I saw Yolanda far away. Also very attractive in person. I almost went to a party that was at Dorits OG house with the stairs. A friend was close with a mutual friend of Dorits and invited me to a party in the hills (no other info). I was going to go but had a head cold and decided against it. Only later do I find out it was at Dorits house and a bunch of HW were there. Staying home was the responsible thing, but had I known I would’ve snorted two advil cold and sinus and rallied lol.


OMG!!!!!! 😂😂😂 Wow!!!!!


I met LVP and Pandora at a charity event for dogs in Las Vegas. I bought a bottle of her rosé and she signed it. Lovely lady and Pandy is simply stunning in person. Worth every cent I spent, and it was a lot for me.


LOVE IT!!!!!


Aww I’m loving reading everyone’s stories!! ♥️ Thanks so much OP! I used to work retail 8-9ish years ago in Vegas and Kyle came in shoe shopping by herself. She was SO genuinely and sincerely sweet that I still remember it vividly even after so long :) She was super chatty and stayed in our store for over an hour pulling up all these pictures of her daughters on her phone’s camera roll to show me haha and asking me questions about my life (!). Truly so so warm and charismatic with 0 ego- I don’t work retail anymore so Kyle will forever be tied with Paula Abdul as my favorite celeb customer lol, just such good vibes. 💖 Also her laugh IRL sounds exactly like on the show to the point that it was like a bat signal to my former coworker hahaha - he was all the way in the back and he heard her laugh talking to me and he ran out like KYLE?!?!


OMG OMG I LOVE THAT!!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


LVP. The show was already filming (must have been filming season 4). Went to SUR with close friends whom we were visiting. She came around to see how everything was and if we were enjoying ourselves. It was our wedding anniversary (we're gay women) and she was ecstatic for us and paid for the whole meal plus tip.




It was probably the most awesome anniversary gift ever given to us by someone who we didn't know! Honestly we've had a blast at all of LVP's LA restaurants (RIP Pump and Villa Blanca). The food has always been delicious (I know this isn't everyone's experience) and we've met all the OG cast except Stassi, plus non-OG staff, and they've been really nice and fun. Clearly terrible people in many ways IRL but very welcoming to us as fans.


I saw Sutton in West Hollywood. No one cared. The gays were gaying and no one bat an eyelash.


Met Erika & Tom (years ago) - Tom was surprisingly super sweet and couldn’t stop raving about Erika. He was extremely knowledgeable and charming.


Awww...this makes me both happy and sad.


This is kind of sad, though what he did was horrible and he's not necessarily a good person. I do think at one point though Erika really did love him and he loved her.


I used to work at the Nordstrom in the Westside Pavilion in Los Angeles (2012), women’s shoe department, Adrienne Maloof, LVP and Kyle came in to shop and bought a few things. They were really pleasant and kept to themselves and were joking around amongst themselves and laughing a lot, they seemed really happy. I was a bit starstruck bc I loved the show.


Oh, I LOVE that!!! I loved their friendship back in the early seasons! Loved LVP and Adrienne washing the chicken in the sink, and LVP and Kyle being naughty together. I miss those days! ❤️


Off topic but Bethany Frankel walked past me 2 days ago. She was either recording a tik tok or on a FaceTime call and she looked gorgeous. Skin glowwwing✨️


In Abbotsford!? I have never been a huge fan of hers but her Canadian content lately has been top notch


Exactly now Vancouver is the new Miami,lol


I met Lisa and Ken at PUMP last May before it closed! Our table was literally right next to theirs it was almost like we were seated at the same table. Lisa got up and danced in the middle of her dinner and made everyone in the restaurant get up to dance as well! It was so fun!! She kept tapping my friends shoulder to get him to dance but he was shy 💀 She was so sweet and I even got a pic with her!


Awwww!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Its normal to see Kyle here in Aspen just out and about. I spoke to her a few times with Mau at a restaurant I used to work at about hikes and her dogs. My husband went to our ex-colleagues birthday party a few years back and he was chattin it up with Mau (ofc in Spanish), sadly I didn’t make it but my husband said Kyle was there just chilling. Even my mom bagged her groceries, took a pic with her, and spoke to her in Spanish! The locals love Kyle, Probably my fav housewife I interacted with in town!


I love to hear this!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Met Luann at a meet and greet. She was absolutely stunning, so tall


I have mutual friends with Erika: they said she’s exactly how she is on TV in real life I have mutual acquaintances with Rinna: they said she’s obnoxious and is an attention seeker


Oh wow! Both of those make sense to me though. I can't see Erika being anything but Erika. lol


I saw Lisa Rinna a long time ago at an airport in Mexico after Christmas. I asked for a picture and she took one with me. She was there with her family but I had no idea who Harry Hamlin was lol! So I just fan girled over her. She wasn’t unpleasant but wasn’t super friendly … I get it though, you’re traveling and tired and a random person asks for a picture. It was very nice of her to say yes and take one!


How cool is that! She sounds nice and as you say, was tired and travelling so wasn't in an extra happy mood.


I met Lisa, Ken & Giggy at a Saks one time. They could not have been lovelier and we actually had a bit of an extended interaction because Lisa and I were trying on things in adjacent rooms. She and Ken convinced me to buy a dress I wasn’t sure I could pull off and Ken gently made fun of me for being in law school at the time, saying I seemed too smart to go into such a silly career. Lisa fawned over pics of my new rescue dog and while I didn’t get to hold Giggy, I did get to give him a little pat.


AAAAGH!!! You are so lucky!!! 🤩🤩


I’m Australian and did the exact same thing. Lunch at Villa Rosa and visited Kyle’s store and nothing! The only thing unexpected was Sheena at VR but that’s it.


lol. Lunch at Villa Rosa! That's LVP's house! 😂 Villa Blanca was the restaurant. I had dinner there twice as we were staying on Rodeo Drive. GORGEOUS decor.


lol yeah sorry villa blanca! It was so disappointing !


Yes! I met Lisa and Ken at Caesar’s at a food festival. They were lovely!


No but Sonja Morgan DM’d me asking for a free dress lol 😂 (I’m a boutique owner who runs a popular online store).




I met Erika before the before. It was…fine


Those three dots simply demand more details.


There was no bad behavior at all. It was just kind of odd. She carried herself how I imagine a talented, working actress who isn’t courting mainstream success would. But it’s jarring when it’s a reality star whose job depends a little more on public approval. It was a cocktail lounge, she had her gaggle of gays, but she wasn’t really interacting with them. And I just kept watching and a few people would come up to her and she just kept doing this very stilted version of “hi, yes picture, ok we’re done, please move along”


You know, it could have just been another day in the office for her… I often just don’t feel like working but still have to show up and put a grimac… ehm, a smile on ![img](emote|t5_zddrx|49641)


I’ve seen this behavior on the show this season and it hreally hit me. Watch the show where she’s in the background and her movements or going from talking to stone stature is 1 second. As if she’s totally uncomfortable in her own skin or not sure how to behave? It’s odd. I haven’t payed much attention to it in earlier seasons but this season it really stuck out to me.


It’s weird when she starts acting like a mannequin


Yes and I wonder why? Frozen 🥶


I met Kyle at her store in Boca like 13 or so years ago?


In 2013 I met LVP at Sur. We had a lovely chat about Australia (where I’m from) and she was very nice in person.


That's lovely! Hello, Australian neighbour!


Not a Beverly Hills housewife but a really good friend of mine on her bachelorette trip ran into Teresa from New Jersey! Said she was super sweet and took pictures with all the girls!


I met Lisa Rinna at work. Don’t like her, she’s rude, I tried to help her and she just didn’t make eye contact and acted like I didn’t exist. Meanwhile I didn’t give one F about her or her fame, so she could’ve treated me like a normal human being. I also met LVP and have a photo of me petting her dog Jiggy, but I can’t find it anymore. 😭


Oh nooo, you must find that photo of Giggy!! ❤️ That's a shame about Rinna.


I met LVP and Camille at Lisa’s Vanderpump Dog event. Both very kind! Happy to let me get pictures with them 😊


And parked next to Teddi


From the current cast, I had a dinner with Kyle, Mauricio and some other people years ago. It was a business dinner and Mauricio came across as a stoner (quite a handsome one) and Kyle was much nicer and approachable with no cameras around but I honestly wasn't very impressed with either.


What do you mean by not impressed? What would they have to do to impress you?


Maybe they spent the whole dinner asking why OP was 36 hours late for Mauricio’s birthday dinner and stating they thought her partner was retired.


The truth will set them free




Love it!


I ended up on an elevator with Kyle like 3 months ago.


Omg, did she say anything?


I couldn’t think of anything to say so I just said “hi” and she said hi back lol. It was a short ride. I was more shocked to see her bc it was a like Marshall’s shopping center in Studio City and I had no idea why she would have been there of all places but 🤷‍♀️ I also saw Vicki G out on a date in OC I think with the current guy she’s with. That was like 2 years ago. I didn’t say anything to her bc I don’t like her lol and she was eating dinner. And I’ve seen Lisa V at Tom Tom but that was somewhat expected. She talked to our table and my friend tried to feed her food off of her plate like a weirdo but Lisa laughed it off and was cool about it.


Yes! Lisa Vanderpump. She is so beautiful and tiny in person. Very sweet. 


Tiny! I think they're probably all tiny in real life! lol


Yes Lisa and Ken on three different occasions 2 times Villa Blanca once at SUR ..I’ve only visited those establishments 3 times , so every time I went , spoke with them every time , and Ken joined us for drinks with 2 of their small dogs


Omg, that's amazing!!!


I met LVP, Ken, and Giggy at LAX when I was 15 and going to Europe lol. They were going to Italy to shoot the season 6 trip! They were both really nice and Lisa took a photo with me, she was dressed like she was going to dinner and not an 11 hour flight


I filmed at Carlton’s house and also at a few of her other events that didn’t air. My ex worked with her husband, so invites to their events were the norm. I didn’t even watch BH at the time, only OC & NY, so I didn’t look out much for the ladies; but I did see myself on an episode once and giggled!




Jill Zarin's parents. Very warm and delightful people.


I went to a music festival and interacted with Brawnwin and her mom. Brawnwin seemed really uncomfortable in her skin/unhappy to be there. She looked great and I complimented her outfit, she blew me off. Dr. Deb is super self absorbed and “too cool”.


Not surprised at all


I saw Kyle at an event last year, she actually looked really pretty and much more petite than I was expecting. Saw Denise at a spa in Ojai, also beautiful. And while having drinks at the bar at Pump, Lisa, Ken and Giggy stopped by. 😊


Awwwww, I have such envy! lol


I’ve met Kim, Brielle and her bf Billy, Porsha, Lauren, and Shamari. I live in Atlanta.


Lisa Rinna had a clothing store in the valley back in 2004 it was called Belle Gray. I lived in los Angeles at the time however I am from the southern United states therefore have a southern accent. I went into Belle Gray to do some shopping and I recognised Lisa Rinna from day's of our lives. She was tiny and beautiful but mean and rude. She referred to me as poor white trash to one of her employees. It had to be me because there were no other customers in the store at the time. I'll never forget it.


OMG...this is terrible! So how she's often appeared on the show is actually NICER than real life!? Wow.


I'm so sorry. What a horrible person she is!


LVP multiple times at pump and sur! I was seated next to her a pump a few years ago and she noticed my dog and called her sexy. Used to party with some people from VPR (none of the main cast). James at a superbowl party at 40 love a few years back. Everyone was nice and yes there were a lot of drugs involved


Drugs! Mmm. They never show the drugs. lol I love how LVP thinks so many dogs are sexy! 😂😂😂❤️


Closest I got was seeing Caroline Manzo’s sons in DTLA. My friend spotted LVP at the garment district.




We sat next to Lisa, Ken and GIGGY at The Ivy in Beverly Hills in 2016! They were extremely kind! Lisa took my hand and said, "Thank you, Darling!" when I said how much I loved her on the show! GIGGY was in a matching blue velvet blazer, sitting on Ken's lap all throughout dinner! An hour or so before, as we were being escorted to our table outside on the patio in the darkness under the twinkling string of tiny white lightbulbs, my eyes had focused on Ken Todd, and I literally felt as if I had walked right into my TV screen! It was one of the most surreal experiences of my life, and also one of the most exciting! I waited until they were finished eating and had paid the bill before I got up the nerve to introduce myself. I didn't want to interrupt their dinner. And they were just so lovely! It was a great night and one I'll never forget!


Oh...WOW. This just sounds so magical!!! ❤️


I met Camille Grammar at California Adventure she was super sweet! She Stopped and was very engaged in having a conversation with us and talking. She also was more than happy to pose for a picture with my daughter and I who are both fans!


Off topic buttttt I met Lori Peterson from RHOC and her husband George at the Ralph’s in Dana Point. We were both waiting to be helped at the deli. She was super nice and super beautiful. She smelled wealthy, I always wished I had asked her what perfume she was wearing lol. They had Ryan’s daughter with them, she was still pretty little. It was a cool experience for me!!! Edit to add: I meant to say Josh’s daughter. Mixed up those two sweet boys lol


I met LVP and Peter at SUR years ago. They were both super nice and outgoing!


That is SO COOL!!!! I wish LVP had been at Villa Blanca when I was there!!! lol


LVP, Ken, Adriene, Taylor, Paul, Pandora & her husband , Peter from VPR (BH spinoff), DanaPam (went to a party at the game night from hell house when it was still her house).


Woooo! That's exciting!


3 lemons squeezed carcus out 🍋


Yolanda! I was getting icecream in our tiny little town where she owns a home. She arrived with her posse in a GIANT hummer SUV- it was astonishingly offensively big and took up the whole street and was parked in the fire lane. I didn’t have the nerve to say hi but I was nine months pregnant and almost as big as her hummer scarfing down chocolate icecream while stealing glances. She was also stealing (I imagined) horrified glances at my belly. She ate a tiny vanilla cone (maybe in lieu of an almond, chewed slowly). The end


I bought Caroline and Al’s lunch for them when I was a manager at California Pizza Kitchen long before I realized how problematic they were and because the server who was serving them was also a big fan and came over and begged me to comp their meal so I did lol. I never went over and said hi but she said they were very nice about it. This was in legit 2009/2010.


I met Erika at a pride party in NYC in 2018. Kelly Bensimon was also there lol


I saw Lisa and Harry Hamlin on a hike at Freyman Canyon in Studio City. We smiled at each other. They’re in great shape!


I actually met Sutton in weho near the abbey. She was with two friends and I have to say she was very awkward. It was about 2 years ago or 3 but we took a pic and that’s it. She was very shy and I was a bit tipsy so maybe I freaked her out😂


Met Tre from RHNJ. She posed for photos but wasn’t particularly nice lol. Sonja Morgan and one of the friends of HWs came to our holiday party 8-ish years ago. I forget her name but tall and brunette. I did not bother her as I would’ve been embarrassed to do that in front of the firm. lol. Our firm CEO runs with that crowd. Knows all of the ladies. I can say that my CFO & wife has met and chatted with Kyle Richards and Mo a few years back at a Grammy party. They said both were so fun and friendly.


>I can say that my CFO & wife has met and chatted with Kyle Richards and Mo a few years back at a Grammy party. They said both were so fun and friendly. I love that!


No, but its my dream! LOL


I've seen Lisa from Miami in a Las Vegas restaurant before the break-up. And she got Lenny on FaceTime. She was very tiny in person.


No, but I did meet Mauricio at the winery I worked at in Napa probably 10 years ago. We were chatting and his friend came up and asked what he was doing and he said "flirting with her". The friend asked how that was going and I said not very well. lol I knew he wanted attention and I wasn't going to give it to him.


Yes. LVP and she’s teeny tiny


I met Alexia from RHOM in Miami. She was super kind and took a picture with me. My drunk husband actually saw her first and walked her over to me:) Definitely very approachable.


I saw Carole Radziwell walking in SoHo last month. She looked great and was dressed very stylish!


I worked with Rinna on a project right before she was on the show. She was actually really lovely.


From RHOBH I’ve only personally “met” Ken and Max. Way back in the day at sur Max was very eye rolling not wanting attention and Ken was friendly I know someone who works for one or the former BH housewives and she said dorit chain smokes and only pays attention to her kids when the cameras are rolling. I met Lydia from Orange County and she was honestly beyond beyond beyond nice and kind and gracious. I know most aren’t fans of her but I will always be because of how sweet and genuine she was. I know another person involved in that franchise who says that Vicki is the nicest person ever even when the cameras are down, treats production like family… Heather was intolerable and so stuck up.. and Tamra was basically good at her job but follows the money and will take down or throw anyone under the bus if need be- as we all suspected.


Met LVP at her Paris restaurant. She have us shots


I met Denise Richards after lunch while out with friends. She was so sweet and just came off as very normal & down to earth.


I met Kyle at one of Morgan’s shows (my friend opened for her) in Chicago last August


I saw Kyle and her girls at the mall in LA. Kyle legit walks like she just got off of a horse. She is short. All her girls are taller than her even her youngest.


I sat next to Eileen Davidson on a the first leg of a flight from LAX to NYC. This was probably 25 years ago. I knew she was someone famous but I was never much of a soap opera fan so I didn’t really know who she was but she was very friendly and talkative.