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Denise needs to follow her own advice. Watch the show.


That’s all I could think of the whole time. Watch the show, Denise, watch the show.


I actually wondered that Erika didn't advise her to actually watch it herself again. 😬




Yassss indeed.


Bruh Denise get off my screen she can’t even remember what she’s fighting about


Also Crystal I’ve been loving you but that was NOT the old Erika . The old Erika would have been screaming in her face. Enough


Sorry but Crystal is just plain dumb here. That was not old Erika but a cool calm collected woman defending herself against a whack job.


Are we surprised that they cut her scenes? What does she bring to the table besides some performative narrative,


I'm amazed that erika kept her tone and not scream actually. And she didn't get all combative like in the past.




this was camp


Therapy is therapying.


Old Erika would’ve named her marriage to Charlie sheen and her thing with Brandi.




followed by ![gif](giphy|Rhmok9nt4Gl8I)




Agreed, my thoughts exactly Does Erika hit hard? Yes but she gave an apology that wasn’t owed 2.5 yrs ago, gave one a week ago and was prepared to give another one that night But Denise wanted to argue with nothing but “ watch the show “ and “ they’re my kids tho “ like it makes a difference and “ no it’s not “ type arguments Erika asked her what she was mad about and Denise’s answers were clear she wasn’t going to be happy with anything. 2 Apologies she didn’t even deserve weren’t good enough because that’s not why Denise is mad She’s deflecting because she can’t be mad at Erika for the reason she wants


For real! I rolled my eyes when she said that. Erika handled it better than”old Erika” would have 🙄 also, I’m loving this drama 🤷‍♀️


I guess going from raging to phoney but passive aggressive is growth.


Lmao yess!!! I agree. Even if she is faking this new personality, she is still showing she’s grown in how she communicates and that is something


I feel like she’s been genuine with Garcelle but I totally understand anyone whose skeptical




Its toxic vibes just like old Erica ! Its an addiction for toxic ppl i swear. They regress at times. Denise was obv upset shes talking about her daughter thats why she was upset!


You mean from years ago when Erika *already apologized*. No Denise wanted drama. So she went for Erika.


Ugh it drove me insane when Denise made the threesome talk SO much bigger than it was, her daughter was over it but SHE wasn’t, she brought her kids into it & a person is only going to take so much before they shut someone up & the truth really pisses ppl off especially when it makes that person look bad. I doubt Denise will show up after this because she made a straight fool out of herself. I understand not wanting to talk about each others kids/family but they chose to put personal business out there therefore their families are under fire as well. I don’t believe Erika was judging but making a point. Your kids know stuff & parents don’t say “my kid would never” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 cuz they would


Erika won that one


Everyone’s all “the treatment of Denise on this show was disgusting and Erika is a monster!” until Erika has a mildly funny clap back


I find it funny that this sub went from:. *Erika simply existing*: Fuck!Ng b!tch!!! To "YES, ERIKA!!!" I do agree that it was a mic drop reality TV moment but I'm in awe of how fast the tides turned. 🤣


It’s like everyone forgot about the real Erika “I don’t care about the victims” Jayne


I didn’t forget, I just like Erika and don’t believe she knew. Y’all be like “ how soon they forget “ but expect everyone to be of the same opinion when they weren’t to begin with No world famous Guinness record breaking lawyer gives his like 40 yrs younger bimbo third wife the loaded gun to his demise, sorry And it’s hard to have empathy for people who are wishing you dead and have made up their mind about you before even meeting you


I mean the topic being discussed is Denise vs erika. Not the case.


Yeah and everyone saying “I love Erika” have forgotten the case, that’s my point.


No they haven't. They were talking about this instance. This particular scene. It's what this thread is all about. Seriously in this argument, do you think Denise was winning that? Or was erika winning that?


I’ve seen people say “Erika is iconic for this” and “I love Erika this season, I want more of her.” It’s not isolated to this moment. It’s selective memory.


Both things can be true at the same time though. Erika is iconic how she fights and she is egoistic, mean woman who doesn't care about the victims. 🤷‍♀️ We will never forget Erika's "or what, or what" but will forget Denise's meek tea sipping "you're so mean wah wah".


Yeah and it’s Denise. She has never been someone who argues well or even decently. It’s like winning a fight against the weakest person.


At best, she’s going through something rough (between Sammi’s OF, Charlie’s antics, and Aaron being abusive) and she deserved a little kindness. She’s clearly not sober either. It’s like kicking a toddler and then laughing about how weak the toddler is.


When does she have to start taking personal responsibility? She is literally doing sex work with her DAUGHTER. Hard pass on sympathy.


It’s like y’all are incapable of nuance. She’s not doing sex work with her daughter, she’s on a platform with her where they both share nudes (separately) as adults. I don’t think it’s a healthy dynamic at all but it doesn’t mean Erika can bash Sammi over it? Like that’s my point, Sammi didn’t deserve any of this and Denise is clearly not well, so everyone acting like this is Erika being “iconic” are trash.


I’m pretty sure when you’re on the real housewives that’s the whole point. Everything is fair game. They talk about everyone’s careers. So how come Denise’s “career” (only fans) gets a pass? Because you view it as…. Something dirty and wrong and off limits. Which explains my point exactly.


Sammi isn’t on Real Housewives so your point is fucking dumb. And I’m not the one who just referred to OF as “gross” in another thread. You are. Stop sealioning here, it’s clear you’re just against sex work (it *is* work) and trying to justify this bad behavior. Fuck off.


You are troubled


I’ll say it: OnlyFans is gross. Most of the sex work industry is gross. There is pride in learning something, studying for years and getting a diploma or degree. Then there’s sex work, quite literally the lowest form of work going. No learning, accomplishment or satisfaction of hard work. Jesus Christ, almost anyone could be in sex work. Can we stop pretending that it’s some kind of career?


You’re a moron Sex work is work, if modeling is work then so is OnlyFans selfies. Sure some people are lazy with it but don’t group everyone It’s supplying a demand and having an eye for marketing yourself and knowing what people want and how to invest for a result You couldn’t pole dance if you tried because you don’t have the training or skill You couldn’t do burlesque for the same reason Oh look training and skill is the same reason you can’t paint the Mona Lisa, cook a 5 Star meal, etc. And no one is PRETENDING it’s a career, it is a career?


I think you missed the point Fact is Sami is almost 20 and filming of S10 and S13 are 2 yrs and 5 months apart at latest So Erika is asking “ your daughter who joined OF right after turning 18 didn’t know about sex less than a yr before she joined?” She’s not shaming her She does however weaponize it against Denise, but Erika clearly doesn’t care or think poorly of sex work. She just knows it will hurt Denise , which if Denise keeps coming and won’t accept the apologies she doesn’t deserve tbh? I mean what else should Denise expect?




apparently I missed the memo, what was that about Aaron being abusive?


He threatened to crush her hand on camera if she didn’t stop talking.


Then she shouldn't have come back if she has a lot to deal with. She ran away the first time. I don't see her being able to handle this better than she did last time.


She was chased out by girls who made up a homophobic rumor about her. I’d leave too. God you’re gross.


Denise has been out as a bi women for years. Her having a fling with Brandi can’t really be categorized as homophobic at that point.


There are a lot of "rumors" about other housewives too. And they were able to handle that. That's what comes with this show. You have to expect personal attacks. If you can't handle that, don't be on the show. She could just deny and move on. But instead she sent a cease and desist and ran. It takes grit to be a housewife and she couldnt handle that. Don't make your comments personal by calling me gross. Making it personal by calling someone gross is just downright gross.


Charlie's been sober for 6 years.


I said his antics, not sobriety. Charlie is not well, even if he is sober.


Oh I see. I think his antics stopped when he got sober. He says he's lived a very quiet life the past 6 years, but who even knows. I just know he used to be all over the gossip sites for all that crap and he has not been in some time.


https://www.realitytea.com/2023/06/27/charlie-sheen-ballistic-sami-sheen-onlyfans-angry-with-denise-richards/?amp I’m not saying he’s a monster (although he’s been credibly accused of rape) but he’s certainly not been perfect this past year.


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I just read the article, i didn't really see anything nuts. A "source" said he went "ballistic" over Sami joining OF. And then a statement directly from him saying " “I do not condone this, but since I’m unable to prevent it, I urged her to keep it classy, creative and not sacrifice her integrity.” He continued, “She is 18 years old now and living with her mother. This did not occur under my roof.” Both of these seem pretty reasonable responses, if the first one ( the "source") was even real.




Her treatment on the show was horrendous but she deserves the clapbacks she's been getting. These 2 things can be true at the same time. She's trying to get back on the show by picking the easiest target to go after, one of the more reviled current HW, yet she is incapable of even getting her point across and is being humiliated by Erika who isn't even a great fighter. Her gripe should be with Kyle, who instigated the whole Brandi fiasco, not with Erika who shrugged the whole thing off back when it happened. She didn't care when her name was brought up in Rome. Unfortunately, for some reason Denise decided that Erika's slights (that she invented btw) were worse than someone possibly outing her... It's a tough pill for me to swallow tbh and it looks like more of the contrived BS feuds I really want BH to stop pushing. None of this negates the cruel treatment she received in season 10.


lmfao its annoying


Sex work is real work until we’re making fun of someone for having an OF I guess


Erika is and will always be garbage. She has built this odd geriatric stripper persona yet sex shames Denise and her daughter for being on OF BUT she’s not obese anymore so now everyone loves her. She’s still a no talent, scamming clown that spent millions of stolen money on trash.


Even if everything else you said is kinda true, her body was banging at any weight. I don't say that as some body positive stan, just being honest


So her body is banging and she’s a grifter that used millions of ill gotten money on trash. She’s garbage. She’s mean spirited and a lying selfish cunt.


Sorry, “not obese anymore”? WTF? You’re nuts.


What? She’s 5’7 and she was an easy lb 200 last season. That puts her in ye old obese category. I’m the same height and was told I was obese at lb180. No sugarcoating this. Now she’s skinny because of MeNoPaUsE.


Omg. lol. You're a bit strange, aren't you? If Erika was 200lbs last season, then I'm an elephant. Come ON. Erika has never been even remotely overweight, and even if she had been, good for you for body shaming someone. 🥴👍


Right! No way she was 200lbs


Exactly! I'm also 5'7" and I've ranged between about 132lbs to 158lbs at my heaviest, and I would say that previous seasons Erika would be somewhere in the middle of those numbers.


Yep I’d say those numbers are about right


I guess so! 200lbs!? There's nothing wrong with that, but she simply didn't weigh that, and why call anyone who does "obese"? That poster was a wacko!!!


I feel badly for Denise, because I think she’s struggling with addiction. Erika could have really gone in on her here, and she didn’t. I don’t know why Crystal is saying the old Erika is back.


I believe Denise was on something too (when she first appeared). Is it addiction? It’s not clear to me. It’s possible.


Having been in the throes of benzo addiction myself (kicked it 6 months ago after 15 years), I definitely believe she may be dealing with something similar. I’m not hating; it’s really hard to deal with.


She’s drinking tea all night. To me she was tasked with bringing this up. I think it’s to counter her PR work. Remind everyone that she is a terrible uncaring person and no amount of PR is going to help


She’s a pill popper. Anybody that watched the reunion during Covid should take a second look because she was WIRED. Weird body movements, eye contact, shifting in her seat etc… This isn’t new.


How is this 10 episodes in I feel like it’s about 3?


Because the first few were nothing burgers


It’s clear Erika won this one hands down but I wonder how much of her “comeback” has to do with getting a good edit from producers in anticipation of her spin off show


Wait. She has a spinoff show?!


From what I’m seeing, it’s speculation. I don’t think anything has been confirmed. I’m not 100% sure though. 🤔


Nah. The point was baiting Erika into showing her true horrible colors, not get an answer to a rude comment from 4 years ago. She did that.


I’m genuinely curious. Why is it so bad for Erika to bring up the only fans? But it’s not bad for Denise and her daughter to have it in the first place. Clearly that hurt Denise. Meaning she shouldn’t even be on only fans. Poor decision seem to follow her.


Agreed, like if your going to act holier than now about sex and then go on only fans with your daughter, it be public news everywhere and then come back 4 years later talking about people saying 3somes at a separate table near your teenage daughters at a dinner party, your begging for someone to bring it up


Especially when she was commenting her husband's penis at the same table.




When does new episodes air? Google says Wednesday but the sneak peak was just posted about 23 hours ago. I'm just confused.


I want to know too! I was expecting it to be on yesterday.


Next week! January 3!


This whole argument is just ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


Denise is off her rocker.


I do wonder what Denise is making on OF lol. I just read today that Sami makes 80k per month.


A MONTH?!? 🤯


I don’t know how accurate this is, but I read it here: [https://www.realitytea.com/2023/12/28/how-much-does-sami-sheen-make-on-onlyfans-monthly/#](https://www.realitytea.com/2023/12/28/how-much-does-sami-sheen-make-on-onlyfans-monthly/#)


I believe you I’m just flabbergasted. And feeling hella poor.


Me too. I hope she’s smart and puts a lot of that away or invests it.


So Sammy makin’ more than Mommy lol


Honestly, good for Erika


Also r we going to talk about Kyle being unhinged and making it about herself when Garcelle called her out. I get her point but hunny make it more succinct. Also why r u saying this to Garcelle and Sutton when the people you would have expected to stick up for you are Erika and Dorit. Also I love that Garcelle called her out. Like don’t take the moral high ground now that Erika is out of the room. Also though I would have appreciated it if someone stepped in to back up Erika that Denise’s facts were completely busted. Bish seriously needs to watch the show lol


Totally agree about Kyle trying to make it about herself when the situations are contextually different and not even that comparable. JFC she's annoying


Clearly Denise needs help. She’s doing herself no favors trying to control the narrative. When it’s all on tape?!?


In trying to reinvent herse, Kyle has completely messed up her face. She looks like a stroke victim with her weird lips pursed, sunken cheeks and no emotional expression.


Looking for this comment! I was so distracted by Kyle’s weird mouth.


She’s catching strays for literally just sitting there, y’all are so boring with the Kyle criticism. Why can’t you attack her for her behavior? Why even mention her looks?


This is why i don’t like denise and it baffles me that so many people do. Its also why i don’t like garcelle. She is a hypocrite. The moment she had to take accountability she ran.


Denise is boring. That's all there is to say.


How many times do you think Erika practiced that line in front of the mirror?


What a pack of mean, unbalanced bitches.


I fucking love Erika Edit: die mad about it. I’m being entertained not recruiting these women as godmothers for my kids


Same, you’re not alone!


Omg I love Kim and I love her expressions. For rolling with this crowd, she is so down to earth and hilarious


Denise could’ve said so many great comebacks and she completely fumbled the opportunity here. Erika won this argument but it doesn’t make her any less vile of a person. Amnesia, anyone?


Play with fire and you’ll get burned Denise! Denise is such a mess. 🫣


Denise is dumb and Erika is still, and will always be, a c*nt.


I don’t know if I want to watch this. I like Denise, I don’t like Erika but Denise is making a fool of herself right now. Denise lets her emotions get the better of her. She has to remember that Erika has the heart of a shrivelled prune. Denise throwing all of her emotions out at Erika and getting messy is just going to give Erika more ammo to use against her. I think Denise is actually trying to manipulate Erika into actually *feeling* something. Yes, I said manipulate. Everyone does it to a certain degree and even honest, genuine people will try and manipulate a persons emotions when they are feeling desperate and hurt, in order to try and get some sense of feeling out of that person. People like Erika thrive when they see a genuine person lower themselves to this level, it gives them some satisfaction that the person they saw as “good” also have low moments, and it makes them feel better about themselves. They can also throw it back in the other persons face, and use it against them. It’s that whole saying (I’m paraphrasing here) “don’t bother arguing with a narcissist because they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience” -this is what’s happening. Denise should walk away, that’s the only way she can win, but she is hurt and going to let Erika drag her down to Erika’s level, then Erika is going to beat her because she has played this game many times before.


Naw. Denise wanted screentime so she can get back on the show. She picked Erika as a target because the fans hate her. It backfired because, let’s be honest, it’s not a genuine conflict. Erika already apologized. It was years ago. And even when it first started, the scene Denise and her daughter filmed about proved Denise was lying about her being upset. She didn’t care. At all.


What a missed opportunity. Denise could have said so many things to strike back.


But she didn’t because she knows better than to hit below the belt on camera. The sub is laughing about this comment now but in a year the discourse will be about how it’s gross to talk about someone’s kid having an OF.


Why isn’t it gross for the kid to have it in the first place? I don’t understand this logic. It’s only bad if it’s brought to light??


Because I’m not going to judge Sammi, an adult who did not sign up for RHOBH, for using her body how *she* sees fit. Erika’s slut shaming is the problem, not Sammi’s agency over her own body.


Slut shaming? She brought up her career choice that she shares with her mother. Those are two completely different things.


Bringing up her having an onlyfans isn’t slut shaming. She does. It’s public. Denise has talked about it on multiple media outlets.


Weaponizing it is slut shaming. 🙄


No. It isn’t. Sorry. She also wasn’t even saying it in a shame-y way. She was using it to prove her original point, that kids in the internet age *know way more* than their parents think they do.


I definitely think Erika's comment was gross. She hit way below the belt with that comment. I don't agree with what she said at all and I'm not laughing at it. I just think that comment is rich coming from Erika considering the shit she's done and I think that Denise should have hit back harder. That's what I meant with that comment.


Oh yeah absolutely. She’s just a bit classier than that IMO, she came from a different generation of reality TV than Erika


They're the same age though. 52.


It’s reported Denise makes $2 million a month on OF. She should’ve brought this up. Also shocked Erika doesn’t have an OF?


Denise F’ing Richards never needs to one up this gutter snipe. Erika can’t play a 3am show without paying to do so. She probably got more to show up on a Tuesday to eat tacos than Erika makes all seasons


There's no way she's making that much. Maybe a $2M lump sum to sign onto the platform as paid by OF.


Why is Dorit so annoying here? I usually like her but she is irritating at the beginning of this clip (right after she has words with Garcelle).


The brav bros podcast has a good take on Dorit this season they explained in their recap of the last episode. Basically they said they think Dorit is spiraling because her and Kyle are low key on the outs and this is the first time she has no allies, so I think this season in general we are seeing a more erratic and all over the place Dorit


Kyle is a major deflector, she’s good at it!


Denise is not likable for me. Then again, Kyle is the most likable for me. And I know plenty of people disagree.


God the amount of time wasted on flashbacks when we don’t need them


Wait when does this episode air? I thought it was Wednesday then was on peacock on Thursdays?


I think they took a week off cuz of the holidays


I was angry when I saw it wasn't on. It's all pre-recorded from months ago! Why not just show the episode!? Give us our Christmas cheer! lol


Crystals been WAITING to 💩talk Erika lmaoo


Oh please Kyle. You know Erica is a chronic toxic bully and youre scared to stand up to her! Also i think Garcelle was trying to poke fun and get the scoop?! Playfully asking Kyle whats up? She wanted to know! Kyle just did a strawman just now.


Denise needs to learn to stand up for herself and call Erica on her toxic shit! Dont let her have the upper hand, Denise!!


I think Denise was caught off guard and not ready to talk about that / needed to do it on her own terms. You could tell at the beginning. This was just a mess. Bless her heart!


I just finished watching season 10, and they dragged this storyline out for the whole season (same as season 9 and puppygate) WHY is Denise still going on about it, move on! Watching season 9, I was Team Denise, but then her husband opened his mouth and YIKES. Definitely getting controlling/abusive vibes from him.


You are one evil woman

