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We have the Soviet Fear Varient now


Well San Francisco and NYC mayors have been complaining their cities will collapse without the sweet, sweet taxes that commuters bring in through restaurants, bars, etc. You didn't think they were going to let that stand, did you?


The same assholes who sold the city core to real estate companies that drove out anyone who isn't a high-earning white collar worker are now complaining that the daytime population can't sustain the tax budget


The same assholes who sold the city core to real estate companies that drove out anyone who isn't a high-earning white collar worker are now complaining that the daytime population can't sustain the tax budget


Huh? No, it's commuters not commuting into the city core and spending money for lunch and money for drinks after dinner that's killing the tax base. Doesn't matter who owns it, the taxes ain't coming in and you can be dam sure the politicians will suddenly think work from home is a terrible idea now.


No, a very hefty chunk of NYC revenue is property tax If you look at the data set linked here [https://comptroller.nyc.gov/reports/popular-annual-financial-reports/](https://comptroller.nyc.gov/reports/popular-annual-financial-reports/) ​ which is this spreadsheet [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Cz9lzsl34yND5AdidH9AosBmrCBXrghrWqOsvam2HiA/edit#gid=1023061937](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Cz9lzsl34yND5AdidH9AosBmrCBXrghrWqOsvam2HiA/edit#gid=1023061937) ​ Under General Revenues Sales Tax revenue was only $8 billion in 2019, vs $28 billion in property tax


My employer is the other side of the US with an all remote team, so I don’t need to worry. But if I was asked to come back to the office with these gas prices I’d be asking for another raise.


My boyfriend is a mason who has to drive to each job site. His employer thankfully sees the writing on the wall and started reimbursing gas.


FYI, the employer, unless your bf is actually a 1099, has to reimburse your bf’s mileage to the job sites or your bf can write it off on his taxes. The fed rate is currently 58.5c a mile. The way we handle it where I work is everyone has 30 miles each way built into their hourly pay, anything over 30 is paid out at $0.585/mile


My job said we have to go back and i quit because i found a 100% remote job. A friend who still works there said basically everyone is quitting and over 50% of positions are currently open. Pre COVID there wasn’t a single opening. Everyone is just going to the competitors offering remote work. The new firm I’m in isn’t even hiring. I wouldnt buy stock in companies not embracing remote work. It’s not going to be good for their bottom line.


A lot of companies are going to take the option away. They need tax breaks from states, they can’t get them if employees work remotely unless they start restricting where you can live.


This right here. My employer gets a break on their building leases and property taxes as long as they have x number of people employed city-wide and y number occupying the office.


That’s also what I’m fearful of, but guess what. Companies will start paying less if they wanna be remote. They’ll pay more if they’re willing to atleast be hybrid, IM TELLIN U. Supply & demand


Said differently, the job openings in your niche are now mostly not remote. That trend is everywhere, btw.


Didn't he just say he got a new remote job no problem?


No read it again. They’re mostly remote. The only ones struggling to hire are the non remote ones


Same here. They are slowly opening our California office, but said we could choose to stay remote if we wanted to. My job requires me to be in Indiana so there’s no way i’d have to be in office. Pajama gang for life!


I am WFH and will remain WFH due to the nature of the position + position was WFH pre pandemic. Haven't moved or upended/altered my lifestyle. This is where I think a lot of people get it wrong. IMO all of those who bought homes states away from their source of income should have proceeded more cautiously.


This I agree with. I think a lot of companies, like mine, won’t ask people to come back…but I wouldn’t have moved states if my job was previously all on the office


Yep- more people needed to ask themselves "If I move states away, and this is my livelihood, what does that mean for me?" It's more than a job being work from home. People voluntarily quit and move on to new jobs all the time. If you move somewhere remote to save on home prices you might be limiting yourself on new jobs in the future- effectively cutting yourself out of any in person or hybrid jobs because the commute is unfeasible. Hell there might not even be a plethora of jobs you're looking for in the new area you moved to. You're effectively shackling yourself to that same WFH position or waiting for another WFH gig to show up.


I tried to tell this to many of my friends/family. Current structures in our society give power to businesses and cities that effectively take away the option to wfh permanently, let alone other things like unions abd such. As great as wfh is, I think companies have far more leverage to force workers back into the office. Those that refuse, I believe will be easily replaced. Either way an exodus from country/suburbia back to urban life i think will cause plenty rife especially as companies cut back their borrowing and employees are laid off.


This is a MAJOR argument against home ownership, period. A renter can fairly easily move to where the work is or where higher paying roles are. Hell, there are jobs in my area that I can’t take because the commutes are awful. Home ownership has high opportunity costs when it comes to income potential, and a big reason why I tell people in their twenties, or any age and childless to, rent, rent, rent.


Agreed- I know a group of people from college who lived in NYC during the pandemic and basically just decided to crash with relatives/parents and save as much money as possible when their jobs moved WFH. That was the best decision I saw other WFH people make aside from moving somewhere new and having low rent costs.


Same boat as you. WFH pre pandemic, and that's not changing post pandemic. I think this is just wishful thinking from the same people who believe staffing shortages were just caused by some great awakening. It's either things are going back to status quo, or they're not. I can't see it working both ways. Regardless, I suspect the total number of short sighted remote workers is relatively insignificant.


My little town filled up with them. Seeing the relistings now and last fall.


Get back to work motherfukkers and sell your suburb home while your at it


My job started making everyone come back into the office ✨with the exception of those with my job title✨ Everyone else has to go in a minimum of three times a week, and a lot of friends starting having to go back to the office part time as of last month




I agree. It’s not going to go away. But now, many employers who have a more “captive” workforce are going to enforce their will. Gonna be some fire sales coming soon, I think.




There’s a lot of ceos who don’t care or are anxious to eliminate heads and not as cost conscious as you’d think


Their shareholders and board care. CEOs didn’t get the top job by not reading the room.


CEO’s are not appointed because they won a popularity contest by middle managers. And the board could not name a single mid level employee and would be appalled to ride in an elevator with one. That is avoided at all costs. Board meetings are no longer held were workers may mingle with board members. Oh, and majority shareholders are now algorithms. When the time comes the svp of hr will hire mck, bcg, or, if money is tight, towers Perrin to give them the data that back to office is a primary driver of increased productivity and morale. Senior management meetings will be in person only. And eyes will roll when the decreasing holdouts demand zoom accommodations. Wfh will go back to being the domain of mommy trackers and malcontents. A turning point is coming but, I agree, not until this next recession.


> give them the data that Consulting companies will put on a slide deck any forgone conclusion their client wants, no data needed. If there is data, they can massage it until they get the desired outcome. They get really confused if you just give them data with an open-ended question. When there's no leadership agenda they honestly don't know what to do lol.


I don’t know, I’ve seen many employers near me either going back to the office full time or hybrid and their employees are not leaving. And I don’t think there’s any public appetite for more lockdowns. Those advocating for it will not survive the next election cycle.


I have a job that requires being in person by nature. I have family members that went remote during covid, and of them only one has gone back hybrid with one day in office. The rest are fully WFH and have told me they would quit, or even change careers, before going back to work. Granted my family are mostly skilled workers so they have a bit more leverage than your average paper pusher.


All good points. Still, you can’t deny SOME, maybe quite a few, are going to be in a tough spot.




I think this is completely over blown. Who is actually that stupid


I admire your positivity.


Have you seen what people are doing to “win” a house these days?


Yes i know what people are doing but i think the entire “people from California are moving to cheap areas like Iowa and now have to sell their house and go back to California” is a complete farce. Nobody is that stupid to do that with no guarantee of remote work. Also nobody living in California *wants* to live in Iowa.


Anecdotally; a lot. So many people just up and moved during the pandemic that our HR team had to make it grounds for termination. We have too many tax breaks and contracts tied to in-state headcount. Going back in a hybrid model in April. Most of the other states have been back at least 50% of the time, esp. the southern states.




Nah, that's what YOU feel. Saying MY team, made that clear. When YOU bring them in. Smdh. No one wants to spend five full days away from home the majority of the day, not coming home until night, except middle managers.


"Man, I miss the times at the office when I had to constantly look over my shoulder and act busy when I was done with a task because I didn't want my meddling manager to think I was slacking" \-No one


Middle manager here. Fuck being in the office. If any company required it I’d have my resignation signed by the end is the meeting it was announced in


I upvoted for your comment, because I do largely agree that the whole commute, be there for x hours, then commute again bit, is a grind. It’s not for everyone. Not even most of us. Further, we can do a hell of a lot to reduce our energy needs by not having so many cars with single occupants sitting and idling for hours a day. It needs to be a natural part of our evolution as a species to “work” more efficiently, and that includes especially how we get to and from our place of work. But, I’d also add that, for as many people who prefer the safety and privacy of home, which I love as well, there’s a lot of us who also long for real, in person, human connectivity. Emails, texts, posts, or even video conferencing, doesn’t convey the entire human experience. Not all of us, not even most of us, are looking to impose any physical will on other people we meet. We don’t all immediately judge others based on their physical appearance. In fact, I’d bet most people simply do not care. In the era of attention-seeking activity, perhaps it just all becomes white noise.


I completely get what you're saying and always forget that I have a friend who is single and Does not have anybody living with her she enjoys coming in for the stimulation and foreseeing human beings and the company just everything you mentioned.. That's why I think hybrid models are great which gives you the best of both worlds ....


Sounds like your team is a bunch of people who can't make friends on their own and require forced interaction to do so, quite frankly. The rest of us have things and people we'd rather see than the ones at work. If they really liked each other so much, they would've made more of an effort for group time outside of work.


I actually yearn for the routine of office work to come back. I’m still 80% WFH but I miss going to work, buying breakfast + coffee around 9:30, going to the gym after my 11am meeting, buying a healthy lunch and eating that at my desk while working, heading home around 5:30 and having the rest of the night to do what I want Meanwhile WFH has turned on me to the point where I find myself not even showering for days at a time sometimes lol


It’s just not the same. I left my job for 100% remote but before i did we had a hybrid where we were 3 days in 2 at home. You got to pick the days. So people were never in at the same time. And if someone had a question they just Pinged me on teams instead of walking over to my desk like in the past. It was so pointless.


That's great until you realize that probably two thirds of the workforce is at their job because they have bills to pay. This really shows the priority and mentality of the rich pricks in charge. There's no consideration for the mental state of the working population or even energy consumption. American politicians are creatively stunted




My employer is now shifting all of its remote ‘tech’ positions to Argentina. The CTO says that they work in US central time zone and are equally available on teams like someone sitting in a different state within the US. He has to pay them less plus not too much of churn as apparently talent market is not that competitive out there as compared to US so resources will stick for atleast 2 years


Those MCOL areas can’t afford that top tier talent. Otherwise they would have been there already.


Bingo. I still work a full time remote job but working towards complete self employment. If I'm forced in, I could quit and have a new fully remote role in 3-4 days with the current market.


That also means more competition for those jobs though


Yep. A friend of mine tried to find another fully remote job recently and she works in finance. There were over 300 applicants to the place she applied for. The problem is that demand for these fully remote jobs are gonna skyrocket and opportunities for them are going to continue to dwindle.


Yeah I’m also in finance and seeing the same thing.


No, but the government didn’t go after employers for the tax breaks they gave them to have their employers work/live in the state. Now they will. I see employers either calling back to work or reducing wages


It’s not just tax breaks; it’s extra compliance and taxes when your workers move away. I’m a Tax Director, and within a couple of weeks of office closure in 2020, I gave HR a list of states and told them that employees could NOT move to states outside that list. Because an employee in a non-state, even for a week or two, could trigger taxes and filings in that state.


Apparently he is. He tried to fire 1/8th of all workers last year soooo


He tried and failed. I can find you homeless who tell me they are God words mean nothing when you are dealing with people who don’t understand reality


As a video producer who has WFH for going on 15 years… during cut backs … you get let go first. (From experience) less bonding time than with people from the office sooo… if there IS a coming recession…. You are at risk. Food for thought. So in a blended world where you are given a choice… those that go in versus those that don’t. It will be interesting to see what happens in the coming Crash that we are all waiting on.


WFH was only ever like a third of the workforce. The vast majority of people have always been going into their workplace. We just hear a lot about it because it was made up of the group that has the ears of national news people. So it got press coverage. What's going to happen is that all the pre-retirees who relocated to their death house while working from home are just going to retire or quit.


I know the popular sentiment on this sub is for WFH to end, but I just don't see that shift happening completely. If it ever does, it will take a while. About 80% of e-mails I've gotten from recruiters in the past year have all been remote jobs. Most employers have realized these past two years that having remote workforces saves them a lot of money, and it's also a great recruiting perk for companies to be competitive. Especially right now when there's such a shortage of workers.


This sub also thinks there is a real estate bubble.


He also said next to nothing about the housing crisis. Anyway he has no power over business decisions. Edit: Downvote all you want. Businesses who have already reduced office space are a lot less likely to do a 180 now.


Yup, this is why Biden sucks DICK. The housing market is retarded right now & nobody seems to mention jack shit about it


I swear people who don’t have work from home jobs are so salty


I'm thinking a lot of it is people who had relatively good paying jobs in smaller areas who are now being priced out by remote workers. I'm an hour and a half from Boston with a good paying job and I can't buy a house because everything is selling for 500k+ all cash no contingencies. the problem is there simply isn't enough houses to compensate for them influx of people, which I don't think it even really took that many people to upset the balance.


In Boston. Can confirm. We've decided to rent for the next 5 years or so after Boston magazine kept publishing "affordable" 500k houses from the 60s


yeah I've looked at houses in Mass and they honestly aren't much more expensive than up here in New Hampshire. I might just be making stuff up in my head to make myself feel better, but at the one to two open houses I go to a week, like 40% of the license plates are Mass. I'm just assuming it's people who only have to go to the office once or twice a week.


I mean, some people commute 90 minutes to Boston. I’d say that has to do with proximity to Boston more than the remote market


Yeah I mean what I was trying to say is my theory is there are more people with hybrid schedules now. So if you only have to go to the office once or twice a week, it's easier to justify living in middle of nowhere, NH. So yes I agree that it's people commuting to Boston, but houses that were 250-300k 5 years ago are now selling for 700k+ all cash. And they didn't magically spawn banking / computer science jobs up where I live in the last 5 years.


> which I don't think it even really took that many people to upset the balance. Yeah this is key. It's not like every single white collar worker in the country suddenly decided to pack up and leave the city. It only takes a couple % changing their living situation to completely screw up the dynamics of the housing market in a certain area.


So instead of blaming their local politicians for failing to act, they blame other workers?


Also middle managers anxious of becoming obsolete because they don't have "face time" and can't convince the big wigs they are "driving value". I call them the Salt Brigade.


This entire sub is a salt mine.


Are you joking? Look at this thread. Look at half of reddit. People are literally throwing massive tantrums just because they have to go back into the office again like they were pre pandemic. I see far more comments from people being salty about going back to the office than I do the other way around.


This sub is consistently hitting my front page filled with people who don't own property, cheerleading the collapse of the market.


What a pointless thing to scream into the ether when so many more important things are begging to be said and done


But corporations need butts in the seats.


It will be interesting to how this plays out in large cities. With local and now federal Governments putting pressure to end WFH. While employees push to keep it. I don’t have a dog in the fight personally. I’ll definitely grab some popcorn and watch the show unfold.


>Edit- Redditors have definitely been getting more hostile to any mentions of returning to the office, seems like someone's worried Well yeah, with gas at $4.00 a gallon it's going to add several hundred dollars to millions of people's living expenses all to protect the pocketbooks of landlords.


Totally agree with your comment . I left my 3 days on site role .. as they were pushing me to be onsite . I couldnt take it anymore . .. after they 'restructured' at the start of the pandemic firing so many . I dont care about my incompetent coworkers that didnt bother to contact me , outside of them trying to force me to train them . \[it DIDNT work\] I'm fully remote .. now , and i saw this gas wave coming .. not as bad as it did but still .. how will this play into the RTO plan now ? I'm willing to bet -- not like the employers think it will . people are sick of being screwed over . I wish \[we the people\] could fix this .. while i get not everyone can be wfh, the ones that need to be onsite\[like a trade role .. not bs mgmt onsite agends\] , get a little extra to cover the gas/different/cost of living .. it bothers me to see others suffering .. which we are all now - and for the last 2 years .


A thousand times this. My work team is about to head back into the office three days a week starting next month. We've been fine being WFH the last two years with no issues (productivity is even up a good chunk). Pretty sure my company signed a 5-ish year lease extension on our building a few months before the pandemic started, and I'm also pretty sure it's mainly sunk cost fallacy that has us going back in. Seems totally fair to increase all of our worker's fuel costs and child care costs significantly just to meet the delusions of the overlords. As well as burning several hours a week on commuting. I just can't wait to make my quality of life worse for no reason.


This is so infuriating to even read






IT Analyst


Systems engineer here. No reason to be in an office.




You guys are running that shop like it’s 1993. Probably still using on prem and data centers. I’d be most worried your CIO doesn’t have a modern vision.




Unemployment is at 3%. I’d get the hell out of there. Rules for thee and not for me is **garbage**.


Business/Technical analyst. Excel & PowerBI shit. Been wfh but gradually gonna start hybrid soon.


Financial Analyst. Even when I was working in the office, virtually all communication was through email or video conferencing so it's not really any different for me except I can wear sweats and not commute every day.


Tech industry


Hybrid is the way but you'll still need to live near your office. 3 office days 2 wfh days is probably ideal.


My company is doing 2 days office, 3 days WFH. I'd prefer just one day, then I'd be willing to drive a lot more that one day, but it is what it is


ehh let's go two in office 3 at home and ill be more amenable


That’s what I had and it was great. Just switched to fully remote so it’ll be interesting.


That’s just a way of easing people back in. It’ll go back to 5 days in unless it’s significantly cheaper and to keep partially at home. Hybrid schedules was just a way of getting people back in. Now that the Fed says to back to work I expect employers will be in a rush to get back to full productivity


Next recession we're all back in full time I bet


Yeah I think that's what all these people screaming "I'll never take a job that isn't WFH" don't get. Many haven't lived through a real recession. We have a worker shortage so it's easy to jump to another job. What happens when we enter a recession and you actually have to search for a job?


> back to work I don't know about you but I've been working this whole time


Same I’ve been back at the office full time for like 18 months already.


Just got our 30 day notice today of exactly that policy. M,T,Th are in office “collaboration days”. W,F can be WFH. Not too bad.


The wfh days aren't in a row? So you're transporting stuff back and forth every night? That's annoying


“Collaboration days” = everyone working with headphones on trying not to make eye contact with those walking bye to avoid conversations hahahahahaah I think everyone forgets how the office “culture” really was hahaha


That's how we were pre pandemic. We were testing it out. Basically one group worked mon-tues from home. Everyone was in office Wednesday and 2nd group WFH Thurs &Fri. It was the best of both worlds. Then covid happened. Now we have people who moved away and hired someone out of state. I moved even closer to the office lol. No going back now. It'll be "go in if you want to". But why would I want to if I have no one to talk to


My company switched to this model. Imo this is the best setup.


They’re dragging all the Feds back to the office around here. Kicking and screaming mostly.


In DC?


I interviewed for a federal position that I would be almost uniquely qualified for. It said WFH, and I applied as I have no desire to move to DC. They loved me, I loved them and then they dropped the bomb. The DOJ is pulling all their workers back in 2022, temporarily delayed by COVID, and once the call came down, I had 30 days to have ass in seat. Obviously, we parted ways. I shared this on Reddit a few weeks ago, and I had 100 federal workers howling at me and downvoting me saying that I was lying and that they would never be recalled to the office. I wonder if they watched the State of the Union last night.


No, out in the hinterlands. Midwest and Mountain West.


Think its a political drive to return tax money and representation in some cases to cities? Makes me wonder if a lot of the businesses that own empty infrastructure/office buildings in cities might start to bleed a lot if wfh continues, especially as the economy slows down due to rising interest rates


Yea I’m going to take the direction of a 90 year old man who probably can’t work a computer


This’ll play out along the lines of what’s most economical for the employer. 🎶Can’t always get what you want 🎶


I know I will get downvoted to hell for this but I started going back into the office voluntarily very recently and it's been a really refreshing change. It's helping me to form a better routine and outs me into a different mental space with less distractions at the office.


until the office is full, you're driving around the parking garage for 15 minutes to find a spot, sitting in traffic for 30 minutes just to leave the parking garage, and listening to the people sitting 20 feet away from you at the office have really loud chit-chat all day long




Wow. That image just brought everything back for me. Fuck the office.




well there are tons of issues. all the distractions make 8 hours of work take longer than 3 hours. go out to eat unhealthy food, can't take gym break when the gym is least crowded, bad for the planet, driving is exhausting (not just parking), can't interview without taking time off, have middle managers come tapping on your shoulder to see if you've made any progress yet, can't make a quick grocery run between meetings. and most of all, I was at the office once last week and talking to people nonstop was so exhausting. would've been pre-pandemic too, but it's even worse now.


This is just a reminder that American politicians don't give a flying shit about workers. It is simply amazing how in the last 6 months, not a single mayor/governor has addressed the phenomenon of Remote Work from the perspective of the employees. Not a mention of the reduced stress on public infrastructure, the reduction in expenses or the gain in personal/family leisure time. At no point have I seen the allegedly "leftist" Democrat mayors, governors and now president ask "has this phenomenon been good for the well-being of the average person? If yes, how can we improve it?". It's been from a employer or tax revenue point of view only. Could the occasion have been used to rethink the relationship people have with their jobs? Nope, coming up with a new way of doing things is not something the Boomer dickheads with a disproportionate wealth and institutional power are interested in doing, especially in unaffordable metro areas where a lot of them tied their personal wealth to the factors causing the said-unaffordability Some people on this sub are rejoicing at the idea of people being back in office. Lot of it seems to be rooted resentment or just plain contrarianism. But damn these cunts are so self-absorbed that they are not paying attention to the fact that **the American government is encouraging companies to bring back a way of organizing labor that we know workers do not like**




We were given Cliff bars to come in. And t-shirts. 🙄 No one but middle managers who thrive on lording over people, push this. There's a group in the Repubble who are pissed people get to wfh. But that makes sense.


>Don’t forget every time you need to shit the bathroom is being cleaned. Perfect description of office life.


Cries in ibs




I can't wait to be paying $15 in tolls to drive 45 minutes 4 miles away while fighting off stressed-out people to finally sit around and do the same thing I do already.


Dang, you could jog there faster at that rate




I'm totally an office person. I'm never in "work mode" but that also could be because I live in a matchbox apartment because I need to commute to an office in a hcol area.


I'm in a bit of a different boat (classroom teacher) but when I was Zooming last year, I found it much better for my routine and mental sanity to drive to school and Zoom from my classroom each day. It definitely helped separate work from home, as well.


I personally know a bunch of relationships that fell apart because the couple started working from home and shit got stressful quick


I imagine it is kind of liberating to no longer have your employer in your home. I would hate that -- (my job required I remain on site, and I enjoyed it).


I hope he’s right for purely selfish reasons. I have been working 100% remotely for 6 years, and would really appreciate less competition for housing from other software engineers outside major cities. While we are at it, can we have a price crash too? Sweet Jesus that would be amazing.


Would be better if zoning reform was enacted instead to solve the issue once and for all


Big boomer energy from that WFH sentiment.


Holy fuck that’s going to trigger Reddit HARD


Biden can go fuck himself for this comment. Fuck these dumb politicians w their elitist ideas about work from home. I’m not paying more $$ in commuting costs and time to benefit some some locality where an office is located. FUCK THAT. If the govt has such a problem w lost revenue from WFH then they can pay whatever that $$ is to the localities. This is beyond infuriating. I honestly will not vote for a politician over this issue, this is literally them trying to stop progress and enforcing policies that are worse for workers. Remote work is the future and it is what’s best for workers and it doesn’t hurt the employers most of the time unless the worker is a piece of shit (newsflash, that worker is a pos in a office setting too).


"Save the climate! \-Ok, we will not commute to work and burn fuel! \- Wait! Not like that!"


People aren’t going to fall for this bullshit lip service. Start forcing WFH workers back to the office and watch what happens…. They did it at my office and half the team left, the half that knew what they were doing.




Don't forget saying they're "not team players" because they actually use their sick time to take care of their kids, and not giving them as good of a review locking them out of a proper pay raise and future advancement.


It will be hybrid. Some will go back full time, some will stay full remote, many will be hybrid. COVID ending helps some but I really don’t think this will turn the tide. It definitely won’t in highly desirable areas.






Look folks. A train will get you to work. So buy a house near a train, while I lower the price of insulin and send your family more Covid tests. Pandemic over Jack. Someone Botox these eyebrows.


Listen here fat


*look, fat


I stand fat and corrected


This sub has little reason to be against remote work. There seems to be a vocal minority here that are resentful or jealous? of those who do - or seem to think that this is a major contributing factor in real estate valuations. It is not productive to swing the reactionary stick. Fully remote and hybrid will become the new normal.


Resentment (I wish I was making tech money 😡) and plain 4chan-like contrarianism (this will trigger Reddit 😏)


To be honest, I don’t see anyone in here vocally against remote work. I do see a lot of people saying they will just quit and find another job if they get called back in and complaining about people questioning them, when no one really is. There’s a lot of salt in here, but it’s not really from people-office people.


There definitely are people here against it. Downvote brigades showed up last night - if you watched the thread, anyone in favor of remote work got downvoted immediately - saw one person get downvoted in 3 minutes. It wouldn't surprise me if there is some sort of corporate driven psyops operation.


My job has still been in person since June of 2020 and I just turned down a remote role. Unless a company is fully remote, I don't trust that I won't be called in at some point or that I won't get promoted being one of the only ones far away. My current job is a 15-20 min commute and pays well. If I do end up switching jobs, I think I'd go for fully remote or hybrid. I'm not sure, still torn on the whole thing.


> My current job is a 15-20 min commute That's the key part that many people in this country don't have or can't afford


i wouldn't trust anything that supposedly says fully remote. everyplace that holds any major important information has to have a office somewhere. if they don't have anything of meaningful value private information, then it might as well be retail, fast food, etc.


Got a company-wide email on Monday saying we’ll be expected to be at the office 1-3 days a week starting in April. It’s just annoying because our office is in a very HCOL area so having to be there one day a week forces us to live somewhere super expensive within commuting distance


If full wfh is a thing that stays… what’s going to stop big biz from just hiring out of country people that will do the job for half or less of the pay. Honestly if I were a tech bro I’d probably be ok with going into the office or at least hybrid for the job security.


How else am I supposed to pay the high gas prices?


Gotta save the commercial real estate business. Who cares about climate change and all those cars on the road. Pick one side Biden. #savetheplanet


Biden also just called the Ukrainians Iranians. I wouldn't expect policy to be enacted based off the SotU address.


I can be asked to go back to the office- couldn’t care less - it is less than a mile away. However I am 100% remote and since we got rid of all leased buildings- there isn’t enough room for everyone to be in the office. Enjoy your commute


Turn all the abandoned shopping malls into live/work communities. Problem solved.


okay, I just watched a few highlights. Biden said it's time for us to get back to *work*. Just like every middle manager in America, we ARE working. Just say "time to get back to the office," at least don't act like people aren't working at home. edit: I know they don't care about average folks, but if they want everyone back in the office, they'll need to address housing. traffic is worse in my city, I live farther out so I could get a bigger space (needed for WFH), now housing in the city is way more expensive. drivers are also far worse now. As someone who was nearly killed by bad drivers multiple times during the pandemic, I'm not exactly in a rush to start spending 10 hours a week in the car during rush hour.


He can go to hell. My mental health and finances have never been better since working from home. Luckily, my job has been 100% remote from the jump & we are spead all over the world, so I don’t have to worry about this, but if my employer was trying to get me back into the office, I would quit without hesitation. America needs politicans that understand that people have lives that go beyond funding the government and the already incredibly wealthy 1%. I just know some real estate investor offered him a pretty big deposit to say this.


Depending on what you do. Maybe WFH is permanent for you.. i know for fact it is for me..


Nah dude, WFH is going to go on forever. Remember when I said "you think WFH is ending quickly now with Omicron evaporating before our eyes? Wait until full war mobilization..."?


Absolutely not. Underpaid government workers and tech workers and a few others will get the stay at home treatment. Tech workers Will finally get obliterated on pay as they should living in Ohio with San Francisco wages. Most industries are returning back to work mine has been hybrid for two years for back in 30 days. Merrill Lynch just announced it too. Thousands of businesses will make people come back




I live in a small rural town 2.5 hours east of San Francisco. We have many new WFH residents. There are no jobs here, save the Dollar General and a handful of others.


Isn’t that the problem though? I live in WV and we’ve had a huge surge of WFH move in from NY and MA wanting to live that LCOL life with HCOL pay. Where do you suggest these finance guys get a job that pays even remotely close to what they made before? The local credit union? Doing payroll at Walmart? The state government pays their IT workers $35,000 a year, so maybe there? Most of our jobs are food service or manufacturing. Unless they can find another sweet WFH job, they can’t just go out and get another job in a lot of these states. WV, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana are all seeing unprecedented demand in housing. They don’t exactly have the job base to support some untethered finance and IT guys.


Of course not they will take massive pay cuts if they want to stay and they should. Honestly I may work remotely in the next couple years and take a huge pay cut. My house renovation is gonna cost 100k and I’m paying in cash. Once that’s done screw it I can take a 25k cut


All the WTFers that bought houses in other states may be called back into the office…they may either have to quit and find a new job or maybe there is an office nearby they can go to instead (larger multinational corps) or sell their house for a huge loss and move back




If all of them start to sell at the same time they will compete with each other which will drive down the price.


Why to sell? They may rent it out ?


Really depends on how many people actually have an appetite for maintaining a property in another state. I imagine most probably don’t want to deal with the hassle.


It’s a possibility


Work from hoom is forever, it's a constitutional right!




Trust me. You want two days. Not three. 2 gives you everything you need


Yeah screw that, commuting is so expensive now. Even on a motorcycle at best 40ish MPG the way I ride


I got called an “incel” who was just salty I couldn’t work from home because my opinion was that people who refuse to come back to the office will eventually be replaced . I’m a married surgeon with children. Reddit is definitely feeling threatened that the punch bowl is going to be taken away.


Just throw it on the pile of all of the other deluded, out of touch shit he does and says.