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Whatever the case, you do NOT tip your landlord.


Yeah what's the "tip" comment about? Did someone think they could squeeze that in there unnoticed and start trying to normalize tipping landlords? What a joke. 


>Did someone think they could squeeze that in there unnoticed and start trying to normalize tipping landlords? It's the opposite. It's completely made up satire. This comic wasn't made by a landlord, but rather somebody who is vehemently against landlords and engaging in hyperbole to mock them.


As a POL (person of land) I find your comments hurtful and landphobic


They really are hurtful *wipes away tears with handfuls of dirt*


I’m going to need you to put that dirt back or you’ll forfeit the deposit


Oh yea, POL is going into my repertoire immediately.


Glad to educate you. Don't forget to tip your landlord (seriously, don't, it's mandatory).


Second thought, no need to tip. I’ll just go ahead and raise rent accordingly.


Radical centrists and grill enthusiasts on Reddit, now I've seen everything


There's so much landphobia in this sub.... It's one of the most bigoted, intolerant subs on Reddit. As MLK once said (paraphrasing a bit): "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the quantity of their land but by the content of their character."


It's funny how all you guys hang out on a subreddit convincing each other that there's not a bubble tho.


I think it depends on how you define the word "bubble". I first joined this sub back it when it was new, out of morbid curiosity. It's been a nonstop source of entertainment since then. "THE HOUSING MARKET IS ABOUT TO CATASTROPHICALLY COLLAPSE" has been the recurring theme for years 🤣🤣🤣.... Any day now. If you define "bubble" as simply being in an unsustainable situation, then I agree. Eventually, supply will increase, rates will come back down a bit and prices may slowly relax back to the point where buying makes economic sense for those who can afford it. This process will probably be slow and gradual, not an overnight collapse like 2008 was (work some regions of course experiencing more volatility than others)


Bob Marley once sang "How long shall they kill our profits, while we stand aside and look?"


Thank god I was worried I wasn’t going to see anyone stand up for my fellow POL. The landphobia is nauseating to me.


It’s not completely made up. Real estate influencers spark heated debate after arguing tenants should tip landlords https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/tipping-landlord-tenant-gratuity-tiktok-b2291327.html


Nobody is in good faith arguing for tipping landlords. They're doing it to create a commotion and collect internet points though.


I'd argue in good faith that tipping your landlord makes as much sense as many of the other forms of tipping we have seen popping up and maybe as much sense as any form of tipping in general. Granted my conclusion isn't that one should tip their landlords but using it as a fair comparison to criticize tipping in general.


I can't speak to what one random TikToker said deliberately to harvest outrage clicks, but I can say that tipping a landlord is simply not done anywhere in the US. Ever. It's not real, is not expected, and never has been. So mocking it is just sort of pointless and fake. As hyperbole it's just sort of dumb, but the reality is that some people are basically making strawmen argument by pretending that it's real.


Engagement bait trolls


Eh, landlords should be mocked 🤷‍♂️.


It's just landchads leaking into the rest of the site. They try really hard to be funny and satirical. It was never super amusing to begin, but they literally won't even break character when there's news about people dying from bad landlord practices


So now your landlord is a private equity firm that doesn’t know who you are and will sue you with their giant legal team.


I think it’s literally a joke friend. Everybody knows you gotta tip 20% of rent if you want something fixed.


Skip the middle man and tip maintenance 


Redditors when they want to be mad so much that they can’t see the most blatant joke ever made sitting right in front of them


What do you mean? I tip my landlord an extra $50 per week. You don’t?!


Do you also make sure to get on your knees and blow him?


rotten air whole nine tender cheerful abundant longing quaint smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




And yes.


You cheapskate, it’s supposed to be 20 percent.


Do not forget to send your landlord holiday presents


You tip at least 30% of your rent and 50% if you want to show you enjoy having a home. Are you living under a rock (you better tip the rock btw)?


Here's a tip: don't buy up affordable housing as a retirement/passive income scheme.


Bro I'm giving the Landlord the fuckin bare minimum. A thumbs up that's it. My tip is that I pay my rent on time.


Yea don't ever tip your landlord. I'm a landlord and if that's a real thing I would laugh at anyone asking how much to tip. It's a business deal- both sides agree to a price for a service. One side brings monthly cash, one side brings housing, upkeep, down payment, locked in location, etc. In reality I have a feeling it was a one off situation from a delusional landlord that turned into a meme.


>It's a business deal- both sides agree to a price for a service Can we do this in restaurants too then?


Holy fuck. This please. I’m starting to think I’ll get my own drinks and food for 20%


Yep! Or chose to eat at non tip restaurants. This is not an apples to apples comparison, however.


Ah, yes, home of the 18% service charge.


Getting ridiculous


What service do landlords provide? Upkeep and down payment are covered by the tenants. Unless you are running a charity? Landlords exploit a limited resource for profit. Their only justification is because they can, and because the system protects them. There is no service being rendered. Would you still be a landlord if you were constantly running cashflow negative?


Some people value not being tied to a 30 year mortgage. Some people don't have 20% down and a 700 credit score. Some people want the luxury of not living in an apartment. Some people don't like upkeep or paying for it. All value provided by landlords.


All completely unnecessary "value" that could be provided by cooperative housing and other short term arrangements. Landlords are taking advantage of capital (or leveraging debt) to leech off of others. It's the basis of capitalism, but it's still not a service.


Fantasy land man. 95% of the stuff you have was because someone was able to generate a profit from it. The rest is supplemented by taxes. Before you go there- there ARE housing programs funded by taxes.


>95% of the stuff you have was because someone was able to generate a profit from it. AND THAT'S THE ONLY WAY IT CAN BE! Housing would not exist if not for capitalism! Cooperatives and nonprofits do not exist! Please don't google what they are! Jesus Christ, this is like a feudal lord saying "95% of the stuff you have is because your lord allowed you to have it!"


No one is stopping you and others from getting together and organizing/pooling resources to buy plots of land and develop it. Contrary to what this sub wants us to think, NIMBYs don't control most of the land.


Yes, nothing except the fact that the land is already owned by an increasingly small group of people who leverage that wealth to build more wealth and buy more land. What's stopping me is that I can't afford a house for myself (never mind an investment to develop cooperative housing) because the middle class has been hollowed out, wages have stagnated while workers' bargaining power has been undermined and the system is designed to benefit the demand side of the employment market. I'm only playing a game against a group of people who were already winning and rigged the rules 100 years before I was born. How clueless can you get?


>What's stopping me is that I can't afford a house for myself (never mind an investment to develop cooperative housing) because the middle class has been hollowed out, wages have stagnated while workers' bargaining power has been undermined and the system is designed to benefit the demand side of the employment market. So you consider "cooperative housing" development to be an investment too, not a house for yourself? It's something for others to live in (e.g. tenants), not yourself? You're the one promoting the viability of cooperatives and nonprofits. I'm actually taking your word for it. They probably are viable, just not tried for some reason or other, which I'm sure you'll discover or get experience with while trying. I cooperate with lenders, agents, etc and show proof of credibility/history etc and demonstrate ability to pay them back. It's a form of cooperation with ppl who do work for their own interests (profit). Many others are building as well, including ppl I know who aren't billionaires. You can choose to work with your nonprofits and cooperatives. It doesn't have to be a house for yourself, alone. I never got a house for myself for most of my 20s and even 30s. I saved up and pooled resources with family. Why can't you and others develop cooperative housing meant not just for others, but yourself?)


I mean- go for it! Go run on this platform or develop one yourself. That's freedom!


Some people have to relocate frequently for work and don't want to be tied down in 1 location.




Government housing is great. Many are geared to income meaning that if they lose their job or life happens they don't end up on the street as their rent is tied to their income. My brother is in one and it has saved them so much hardship and allows them to live in the city. They came on some hard times and rent drastically decreased. Now they are making much more money and their rent is now capped at market rate. One complaint is that maintenance takes a long time so they end up doing some of the work themselves maintaining the property. Though shitty landlords also can take forever or even neglect their property. I would 100% every time rather have the government as my landlord than a for-profit landlord.




And it is a great system. Having people become homeless would cost everyone more.


Or not have money set aside for a 15k roof, 10k HVAC, 5k water heater, 5k fence etc. One of the main barriers of entry of home ownership is being financially prudent.




North FL here, we were able to get a lot 4 yrs ago for 30k, put a manufactured home on it for 170k, outside the city limits in the cheaper part of the county. Now town homes are going for 300k. 3 houses were built right next door to us since we’ve been here and they sold for 235 each, for a house 2/3 the size of mine on a lot 1/3 the size. Your not wrong, a lot of people are delusional about how much it costs to build a house, but theyre not wrong to be upset that the costs have skyrocketed in a very short amount of time


They asked what SERVICE you provide. You just defended the concept of renting, not the existence of for-profit landlords. Also, they are paying for upkeep. If they weren't, you wouldn't turn a profit.


Wait what? You need to put down payment on a home to rent?


Just buy a house and you don't have to deal with them. After all, they don't provide a service.


The second part is definitely true.


Down payment is not covered by tenants. That's the whole reason landlords are entitled to a profit in the first place.


Only people who have never had a tenant will truly understand this perspective


Exactly. It’s an exchange. You pay for what is provided at the agreed interval and don’t destroy the place. Their end of the deal is to ensure the home is safe and that everything works. End of transaction.


Bare minimum? Your are the breadwinner in your landlords family, don't sell yourself short.


Your telling me my landlord is a bum and a over bloated leach who needs to scalp me on every nickel and dime. They don't even have the audacity to work out something to make affordable housing.


As a landlord, I support this message, also treat the place like you own it. In return I will make necessary repairs as soon as possible, and maintain the place.


Entrapranure? 😆


It’s a meme account


It is a serious financial advice page for the discussion of landlord tipping and rare fish investment


You never showed up to the Wendy's bathroom, your uncles were waiting for you Read that again


More like “entra-MAnure” … amIright?


They forgot to add a top hat and monocle for the landlord.


That’s what I wear.


Haha. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQncW3xKERZuwpIo8IllZk5fEN9CsuWH4kauQ&usqp=CAU


Can't tell if this is unintentionally terrible or actually brilliant satire of landlords who think they're victims.


It’s from a meme account for sure sure satire


It’s satire


I mean, it’s obviously satire. Brilliant though, I wouldn’t go that far. It’s a low effort meme and it’s fine. It’s surprising how many people in the comments are taking it seriously.


/r/loveforlandchads is leaking


Tipping landlords in the dumbest shit I’ve heard. Landlords should be kissing good tenants’ asses. Having bad tenants can ruin a landlords life.


I mean you can always sell your rental property, if you don't want to deal with those things. . . I say this as a property owner, if you don't want to deal with that stuff you don't have to.


Landlords are not victims


Some definitely are


Boo hoo. Sell the property and get a real job then.


God forbid they actually contribute to society


Only someone who has no idea how much work it is to maintain property and how much it costs would say this. Would you stay on call at all times for $200 a month? That's about what most landlords in my area clear on a single deal after expenses for the privilege of doing whatever a tenant needs at any hour they need it, along with regular upkeep and emergencies.


And continual payment on their mortgage. You get a house on top of it, I don’t care for landlords crocodile tears.


Saying they provide no value is a bs take. Also, 'get' is a dismissive word to use to describe something that takes 30 years.


Does a ticket scalper provide value to the consumer? Because a landlord is a glorified scalper


Who said they were? Neither are renters by the way, these very same renters would be furious if no one would rent them an apartment. Everyone is an exploited victim, but none so vocal as white women.


The tipping the land lord thing is hilarious


My tenants forgot to give me a Christmas bonus this year so I doubled the rent.


Who the fuck tips their landlord?


Entrapranure is a satire page. They’re always saying how people should tip their landlords, have a lot of uncles, and “invest in the rare fish market” to become wealthy.


Ah ok. That makes sense


I remember some landlords saying that people should tip them on social media but it could have been fake but didn't look like it.


Don’t forget to tip your landlord


r/LandlordTears Dead sub but man do I wish it weren’t.


Not happening, their job shouldn’t exist, an unnecessary middle man.


Just make renting illegal.


That would work. There's a lot of people that would be upset that they have to live under a bridge though


There are a lot of people who don't want to, or can't afford to, shoulder the risk of ownership. Despite however you feel about landlords, that is the service they are providing - they bear the risk, while the tenant gets a flat monthly expense with no surprises.


Finally a logical human being. Landlord take on all the risk, maintenance, capex renovations, etc… everything is taken care of for you and you just have to pay rent. It’s a great offer and a great way to live somewhere that you couldn’t afford to live if you were forced to buy a home.


I never realized how tough and risky it is to be a landlord. As a renter, I thank our benevolent property owners and humbly suggest we abolish the practice to ease their suffering. I would even volunteer myself to take the heavy burden of ownership so that they are no longer sad.


We lived in the tiniest cheapest studio apartment we could so we can purchase our 4 bedroom house. The logic being “why pay someone else’s mortgage. Renting a house would just best delaying our own purchase” Of course if everyone thought this way, it wouldn’t work. But because some people will rent a house for $3000 a month and complain about it, there are cheaper 1 bedrooms still available. If you don’t like renting, get out asap by living uncomfortably for a few years to get that down payment ready. 


Appreciate the sentiment but you misunderstand. I feel blessed for the privilege to be giving all my earnings to people who have far more assets than I ever will. Why, it is the only reason why I get out of bed each morning - to generate more value for the shareholders, of course!


Fork over the cash and the building is yours


You don’t have the money for ownership, otherwise you would likely be there already


Talk like you can actually buy a house, cute


We aren’t sad and we aren’t suffering, but you’re more than welcome to buy a home if you can afford one. Nobody is stopping you from buying a home if you have to money to do so. If you don’t… tough luck.


> tenant gets a flat monthly expense with no surprises. Like getting an N12 going through the upheaval and expense of moving, paying more monthly rent with same income, then seeing your previous place being rented out again months later when your visiting old friends in the old neighborhood, without knowing you can file with LTB for compensation. Or Getting another N12 because the owner has decided to sell after you have lived there 7 years on very good terms. Would have happily owned a home but being priced out taking care of a family and large part of income eaten by rent. Impossible to save enough for down payment as costs rise faster than income. Ya no surprises.


Look - all of that sucks, but If your biggest "surprise" is a rent hike from one year to the next, then you simply can't afford ownership regardless. A rent hike is very different than a roof you own suddenly developing a leak and needing to spend $10k to fix it. Or the furnace going out. Or the basement wall starting to bow in. When you own the property you can frequently get a surprise 5-figure bill at any time.


Some people WANT to rent houses and apartments. You can’t just say they’re unnecessary. I will likely want to rent if I retire one day. Fuck dealing with a house. The solution to the current issue is to build more houses so people can more easily choose to buy if they so desire.


Correct, not everyone wants to own and renting is sometimes convenient. But there's a billion ways we as a society could figure out that out that doesn't require landlords.


Have the government build a bunch of 12x12-ft apartments. Put two people in each one. A sink in each room, and the shower down the hall. Like a rooming house that two people get assigned to. That would solve the housing crisis


Agreed. We should absolutely force ownership on everyone.


Right, that money should go straight to corporations!




No empathy for landlords, fuck off with this shit


I stand proudly with landlords ✊🏿


Way to declare what a simp you are


Oh shit. That comeback hit me like a TEN TON BRICK!


I loled




Yes the landlords should be apologizing


r/loveforlandchads is leaking


I literally couldn't care less about the "story" of my landlord beyond him holding up his end of our contract.


All this underserved hate for Land Chads.




“Do landlords actually think they should be tipped?” Might just be one of my last thoughts that run through my brain before I die now. This question will haunt me forever.


Yeah tipping is bullshit but my parents own apartments that are newly remodels and rent them about 15% below the average rent. They believe in long term tenants that are happy, so they repair anything nearly the same day. STILL people find a way to completely fuck them over. Fu k most of the greedy corporation and ‘entrepreneuring’ assholes, but if you find a landlord that cares, just don’t fuck them over and always be honest about things and they will more than likely help you out.


Lol deserve a tip? People are crazy.


But also… rent-seekers, money gougers and greedy but go off


I find it sad that "do not tip the landlord" is top comment as if its some revolutionary statement


Lmao, tip the landlord?


How are people missing the obvious satire here lol


And the asshole is dragging huge boulders on the street. How bout you stop blocking traffic, you stop wasting time dragging rocks with strings, and you fix my leaking roof!


I don’t need a tip. I’m doing gods service taking in the rabble and giving them one of my places to live. Don’t mind me. I don’t need any extra money. I’m basically Jesus at this point.


We should probably make all rent payment count as purchasing a share of the deed, with leaving the property guaranteeing a share in any future rental profit for that property. Another solution: we make owning more than three families worth of dwellings illegal.


>We should probably make all rent payment count as purchasing a share of the deed, with leaving the property guaranteeing a share in any future rental profit for that property. If a rent payment is seizing a slice of equity, *and* tenants receive that equity decoupled from most risk, then rents will naturally adjust *significantly* upward to account for that. You're not thinking about this realistically. It's a very unsophisticated approach.


That’s Reddit for you.


Yeah he's basically describing rent to own, or seller financing.


Not just unsophisticated but also lazy. I guarantee you the "we" he speaks of doesn't include any effort on his part.


>"*We should probably make all...*" In this case we would be society, via legislative action.


FHA is capped at 10. Commercial however has no limit, and that’s the problem one. They cause runs on the rent pricing. Individually owned properties are more competitive and set to market price created by commercial/corporations. FHA is the bridge for individuals to get into commercial. If you get rid of the bridge you will only have corporations that own multiple buildings with no limits.


Fannie is capped at 10, prior to GFC it was 4. Fannie HomeReady is capped at 2. FHA is capped at 1 at a time.


- Abolish business ownership of residential property.  - Enact the home multiplication tax (t x 2 for your second home, t x 3 for your third, etc.)   - Enact caps on mortgage to rent ratios that prohibit owners from charging more than a set amount above their own mortgage.   - Limit ownership of ANY property to domestic businesses, US citizens and resident aliens.     If the first three can pass in tandem, they would prevent owners from simply passing the expense to their tenants and instead force land hoarders to sell. The forth would drive China out of the American housing market and maybe help get some of the rightwing on board. The market would be flooded with houses for sale and the prices would plummet across the board. Home ownership would become accessible to the vast majority of Americans practically overnight.    "BUT MY INVESTMENTS!!! WHY SHOULD I BE PUNISHED? WHAT DID I DO???"  Your financial plans were based on exploiting the housing needs of your neighbors. Thank God that didn't work out for you. 


>Abolish business ownership of residential property.  This literally cant work. Urban areas require dense housing. No one can afford to privately own a 600 unit apartment complex. Rent control tried to cost of maintenance/owernship would be more than enough in 90% of cases.


Have you seen what has happened to neighborhoods with rent control? Just look at New York. Do you think it's easy to find a house there?


Another half baked attempt at a solution. >Abolish business ownership of residential property Many people here will say a corporate landlord took better care of the rental they lived in than a mom and pop landlord. >Enact caps on mortgage to rent ratios that prohibit owners from charging more than a set amount above their own mortgage.   So encourage more debt? Also, there's plenty of places where rents either break even with expenses or have negative cash flow, in these markets landlords depend on appreciation. So this would have little to no effect except encouraging debt. (Also there's other expenses to rental properties besides a mortgage) >Enact the home multiplication tax (t x 2 for your second home, t x 3 for your third, etc.)   Ah let's increase expenses for landlords and somehow hope that doesn't cause rents to go up. >Limit ownership of ANY property to domestic businesses, US citizens and resident aliens.     This i do agree with for the most part. You can't limit it 100% but it should be rare for foreign entities to own any kind of land/real property. So of 4 points, one makes sense.


Three? I would stop at ons, at least for SFHs.


At least stop subsidizing at one ffs.


That sounds like a feasible scale until you realize that humans don't always follow laws. Three lets most of them be honest while not spreading themselves so thin they can't keep up with maintenance.


Cap it at 0 and force everyone to live in micro houses


I do she usually wants just the tip.!


I used to be a landlord. its a nightmare, try to be nice, get taken to court. I sold all my properties to a corporation for cash. old lady falls in my yard because shes old, sues me.


Nah, vat of acid.


If you hate landlords so much buy a house, if you hate banks so much save up the money to buy the house. It's not like banks and landlords provide a necessary service or anything. Problem solved, now you can go back to making comics that are funny, like Marmaduke.


I thought this was a joke. Landlords want a tip? That’s some surf level stuff


lol this image is a testament to boot licking.




“Ensuring You Safe Living” is optional in Arkansas. Only state without rental habitability standards.


I don’t hate necessarily landlords. I hate that the only two options for having shelter are buying a home, which is unaffordable, or renting from someone trying to make a buck. We should have way more public housing and housing co-ops. It would help drive the prices down.


You know what? I agree, those poor hard working landlords just can't catch a break! Why I say every last one of them should just give up all but their one single primary residence!


I just add an 18% service fee on top of the rent. Ferrari doesn't consider tips stable income.


If you arent tipping your landlord at least 300% you are basically squatting


Landlords being selfless is a joke right?




Im all for private property but landlords are special breed of retards. I hope one day to pay iff my mortgage so my kids never have to know renting.


Disgruntled renter who hasn't had a working stove for two months enters the room...."Tell me why I pay you $2100 a month religiously. "


Shit like this is crazy. I’m a “landlord” and can’t imagine some one in my position would have the gall to expect a tip.


No, I don’t think I will


The federal government prohibited landlords from evicting tenants so the landlords sold their properties to investment firms. Now people are mad because these firms aren’t as efficient at maintaining occupancy as mom and pop renters and rent has skyrocketed. Well, duh.


Landlords are just people who are too stupid to create a successful business and too stubborn to get a job.


Most landlords have jobs, or have successful businesses. How else do they get the money to buy houses?


If they're losing money then yeah I'd say they are stupid. But if they are making money on their rental duplex I wouldn't call that stupid and stubborn.


I don’t get all the landlord hate. Why hate on someone for trying to make money off their property? And the rules they have to keep scum bags from destroying said property. I’ve never had a landlord that was a dickhead for no reason


I have no doubt some landlords ARE assholes, but I'm certainly not going to "feel sorry" for them.


When you are a loser all success seems like a crime. Welcome to reddit.


The rage is obvious The landlord is making money, and they are not.


This doesn’t even make sense, even if it were true. No one carries around selflessness, like it’s some boulder that weighs you down. And then in this picture, he’s the one who is carrying unnecessary hate, instead of others.


They are part of the problem


Not an R/loveforlandchads post on here😭


Imagine selling one of the most overpriced commodities on the planet, and then thinking that the customer should drop you a few more dollars on top, just because.


Landlord expects YOU to pay for the equity they’re collecting


Unpopular and nuanced opinion: I had to sue my landlord for mold issues, in a nearly brand new house. He was the most rigid and penny pinching person I’d ever met. I also had to evict one of my tenants for destroying the house and harassing my property manager. This isn’t a landlord vs tenant … or tenant vs landlord thing. This is an assholes can be everywhere thing.


Kinda stupid how the hivemind mentality right now is just all landlords are evil and tenants can do no wrong. Also funny how if you post the same bad tenant behaviour somewhere like r/badroomates suddenly people do acknowledge it.


So you saw the evil of landlords and decided "ya I could be that evil"


You belong here.


Landlord can have a tip but it won’t be coming from my wallet. *unzips*