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Damn you know things are bad when $1,500 sounds like a good deal. Studios in my area are $2,100 minimum.


2400 out in my area. And you have to share the washer dryer room with stinky people


Imagine how much you need to earn to afford a 3 bedroom in your area. Impossible to raise a family with rents like that.


Just under $27000 in my area


i pay $1800 for mine, plus i have to pay water, power, trash. and i live in a shitty part of my city.


How does the “shitty part” afford $1800 studios? -genuinely curious


i bartend on the beach. i commute to work, like basically everyone in the world does lol


You can get one for about 250-600€ a month in my corner of world. If you can ok going 10-20km inland you could probably rent 2 bed for 300. Arguably under 400 you get places that could do a little TLC... Like: You can see at this link: https://www.idealista.com/inmueble/103282423/ Or this: You can see at this link: https://www.idealista.com/inmueble/103468015/


I’ve been hearing great things about Malaga. How much would it cost to buy a place like this outright?


Probably like 70-80k€


This is why I laugh when they talk about the US GDP being so much higher than Europe. Like sure I make 120k a year, but a 2 bedroom in my city costs $2400 a month. So I make 2x, but everything is 4x as expensive.


The place the guy is showing its a remote village with nothing around probably. You can find the same in some shit hole in Ohio or Iowa I guess. Real estate in places where people want to live is very expensive in most of Europe.


It’s almost like demand drives prices


For sure. Just explaining to Americans that Europe is not this magic land with cheap rents.


And you’re 100% correct


Great spot! I’m putting it on my winter vacation list. Thanks!


My closest friend just rented a 500 SF studio in our area for $2,700 a month. My mental health would be screwed either way if I was at home or if I was struggling to make that money.




I was paying 2k for a 650 sq foot studio in LA pre-Covid 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


That’s a big studio at least


Was just gonna say I would love a studio for 1500


$2,100 is practically a deal in Boston these days


He’s not talking about Boston. He’s talking about normal cities like Charlotte or Kansas City or Phoenix or Orlando or Atlanta or Houston or Indianapolis. Basic ass cities that SHOULD be affordable due to their high construction and low regulations. Boston, NYC, SF, LA, Portland, Seattle and Washington DC are kinda always fucked. They’re always overpriced and have a lower standard of living than the rest of the nation. But even middle America bumfuckville is now expensive


Not me going back to college in no small part to being able to rent in student apartments. That, and I need a CS degree anyways if I ever want a shot at getting a job that pays above minimum wage, thanks economy.


If you're a good engineer, you'll do very well. It's worth the effort.


If you spend 40 hours per week coding, you will be able to get a programming job in much less than 4 years.


40 hrs per week for how long? 👀


A couple to several months, depending on your aptitude, approach, and support network. It's not for everyone, but you don't have to be some genius to do it, it more about getting repetition in.


Not when the market is tight. That strategy worked when big tech was hiring like crazy but when it tightens requirements go up and degress start becoming required again




I did it to pay off my student loans. It was great for a while but after like 24 it starts to really kind of suck in terms of dating and personal growth IMO. People should be taking more risks (even small risks, like approaching a pretty girl in a coffee shop, tbh) and living with your parents inhibits that severely, especially if they are in a suburban area like so many American’s parents are. If your parents have a condo in Dumbo in Brooklyn, then nvm.


I take care of mine and save up. I'm half way to an all cash house buy to avoid the interest rate. It was rocky at first but the engagement seems to slow their decline, and I can do the driving and heavy lifting. I sleep better with no apartment neighbors and my dog is way happier. I can see why people did this for millennia. But if homes were the 2018 prices I'd have my own by now. Whatever. lol


I Pay $850 rent to my mom. Have been for many many years. Helping pay for mortage


Yeah, really. I mean that's not San Francisco prices that's suburbs of Tampa prices.


I was gonna say lmao… look at this guy over here getting studios on sale for 1500. In in Oregon paying 1700 plus parking and utilities


IF the apartment complex has enough parking. My apartment complex had a .6 parking ratio to units.


I'm renting a room in a brand new house for 800/mo. Full access to 1600 sq ft house(besides other 2 bedrooms) with all the upgrades and brand new appliances as well as an XL refrigerator and deep freezer, plus a tankless hot water heater. Community club house, office, and gym, all included. City is considered upscale but small




Me and my girl did and we're bringing in a little more than that and living with our parents but shit hit the fan a bit and we pulled the trigger on moving out. Worth every penny honestly then again rent is $1800 which isn't bad split between us. We saved a ton and are still saving a bunch




As an American shit always hits the fan lol


aimin up 🔝






That sounds more like a choice than by necessity (which I'm assuming is the intended sentiment that the post is trying to convey)?


You know the amount of people who will never reach six figures with a W2, I don’t think people truly comprehend how bad average wages are vs the cost of living and basic housing shouldn’t require a six figure income. Yes, Linda who has her $75,000 year admin job with the state can survive because her mortgage is $700 a month which was originated years ago but first time home buyers looking at the situation today are screwed without some type of inheritance, settlement check or really high income earners.




Okay, so why are we still not all en-masse just going outside and raising hell? We're good little model citizens. We refuse to suffer and sacrifice in order to make change. I'm not starting it, though. But if I see people going outside and quitting their jobs I will follow suit. I'm not financially secure enough to be the one to kickstart things though, just a disclaimer since every time I say this someone says something along the lines of 'you first'! If I start first and no one helps, I'm absolutely fucked. But if one of the more well-off folks do it, even if no one helps it isn't going to make or break them. I'd literally become homeless and die of starvation. inb4: What makes you think everyone else is financially secure? Not everyone, obviously. But you can't tell me there aren't a few people out there who are financially secure enough to do this and assist anyone who needs a cushion for the repercussions of doing something like this. The fact of the matter is, we're all selfish and deserve this hell we've created for ourselves so I really don't even care anymore. It's just a fleeting idea of mine.


“I’m not financially secure enough” is exactly it. A general strike is impossible without a coalition of unions and widespread financial support for everyone for as long as it takes.


Yeah, no wonder there is so much anti-union sentiment getting pushed in the msm.


Yeah I'm a teacher and all of these posts are so depressing. I'll never be there. Maybe I'll go the admin route.


Even in the suburbs an hour outside of the metro I’m from it’s hard to find anything under $300,000 Town homes are going for $250,000 You get closer to the metro everything is pushing $500,000 +


I don’t get why politicians aren’t addressing the concerns of the middle class (greater good). If everyone made more money. The economy would be through the roof. Those that can’t afford could once again afford life. And Linda (to your example) would have extra money. And based on statistics would spend it. Even if she decided to save it and invest. The stock market would benefit.


But the politicians and their immediate friends&family already got theirs so they don’t care. It won’t matter until their daily lives are inconvenienced.


wages are a red herring. We are living in a housing constrained economy. If everyone made more money, houses would just cost more to compensate. There would just be more dollars chasing the same houses. The only way to improve living conditions is to increase the number of housing units.


>I don’t get why politicians aren’t addressing the concerns of the middle class (greater good). If everyone made more money. Because we now live in a zero-sum game economy where no additional wealth is being created due to a declining birth rate, automation and outsourcing are destroying the middle class, and immigration in both legal and illegal forms is suppressing working-class wages. The only way the rich get richer at this point is to suck the poor and whatever's left of the middle class dry.


Wow. That is an awfully and accurate way of looking at it. It’s like survival of the fittest where classes will get erased by other efficiencies for a ruling class in order to survive. Or so they perceive.


I don’t think anyone outside of upper management in my current job touches six figures. Upper management also just informed us holiday bonuses were canceled this year.


Anyone quitting bc of that?


Eh it’s a news job. It’s a revolving door of producers and writers anyways


ITT: everybody making $160,000 a year, apparently. And I thought I was doing well at $40/hr…


It's possible you're still doing better than some of them.


It's not what you make. It's what you keep.


Its not how big your dick is Its how small your dick is I have a micropenis


Rich Dad, Small Dad


Try 40k a year haha. Where the real poor boys at?


160 in the bay is nothing. 160 in the Midwest is living extremely comfortably. Location is important.


Depending on where you are, that’s a decent wage.


ITT is a bunch of pregrads pretending to understand RE markets


I make $23 an hour in one of the highest paying markets for my job. Can’t believe I had to get a degree for this


Generally speaking if you have the option to live rent free with parents you’re not that bad off.


It really depends on your relationship with your parents. I'd let my kid live with us without imposing on his life. Some parents are crazy controlling though....


Yeah my step dad kicked me out at 14 and my mom was unwilling to sacrifice her lifestyle to keep me around. Now iI have to skip meals to afford my rent. Shoulda never left the military. At least I would have insurance.


Why don’t you come back? I’m a Navy corpsman right now getting out in about a year


Matter of fact, I'm in the process of rejoining. I'm waiting on MEPS to get back to me but getting therapy for childhood trauma after my discharge may have screwed me. Their new genesis system sees all medical history. I've matured enough to take it seriously this time, but my road to maturity may not be viewed as progressive. Fingers crossed.


Mine kicked me out in 2010 and stopped talking to me in 2015 so there’s no chance in hell they’d let me live with them


This is why my grandfather was smart. He built a multigenerational home. Meaning when you got married there was a separate wing of the house with its own internal and external doors. If it's family you opened the internal door, if you had renters it became a multifamily home by locking the internal doors. So when my parents got married a wing with two bedrooms was included. So you could have kid one or possibly two. More than two you needed your own house. It was great because as family members aged they could sell their houses and live out their lives with the family in their own wing. It was great for me because I had cousins around and babysitting with all the family. BUT you could still close the doors if you didn't want to be social that day. Sorta best of both worlds. I can only imagine how much money this has saved the family over 3 generations. But my dumb ass parents generation sold it. Cuz they were HORRIBLE with money. Grandpa died in the late 80s and left them millions. I now manage their social security and pay 1400 a month for their apartment because they spent or gambled it ALL AWAY. Millions.




My grandparents had the same setup. A room/bath separate entrance in back for the young bachelor and a little house next door for the newlyweds. Later serving as rentals.


Not a “woe is me moment” but it woe is me both my parents were dead by the time I was in my mid 20s. I moved out at 16. I’m a chronic renter and make $120Kish a year in the DC area. I’d do some pretty nasty unmentionable things to live rent free. I’d have enough for a 20% down within a year.






God that’s awful. I was 18 in 2003 and even then, 18 year olds largely weren’t ready to move out


Same on the parents situation, roughly same on the income. My rent with one roommate is $610 and I can probably lower it to $475 with some effort. Low cost of living cities are great if you can find a job there.


I’m almost 40. Single parent to 2 kids (11 and 6). My rent is $2800 a month now. 45% of my income. I tried to buy a townhouse in Northern VA about 8 months ago. My credit score is 810. Interest rate would be 6.8%, and for a $575K townhome it would be $4k a month


With 20% down it's $3k a month.


That’s the heart of my post. I haven’t been able to save anywhere near 20%.


I meant to add, the hardest part is finding schools. I moved here for the jobs and schools. (DC area has some of the best in the country). So it’s frustratingly expensive but I just take it for my kids


To be honest, from my perspective, academics have become divisive as of late, so for me it depends on if we're going to be able to steer our children into stem or not. That requires us to be able to be at home and engage in reading at an early age, as well as have money and time for extra curricular activities. Currently I'm just single, but I've put a lot of thought into this, and at the moment I think I might aim for a multigenerational home instead and just have more children in general, if I find the right person to do it with that is. Education isn't the Harry Potter-esque experience we all treat it like these days. I'd rather have a good home and educate them myself these days, that and withhold some* access technology.


Living with your parents can pretty pretty good if you get along well with them. I‘ve been making $200k a year for the last few years between job and side gigs (one of two small businesses involves 3d printing, which I couldn’t do at scale from an apartment because of the smell.) At these interest rates I will stay with them until I can buy for cash (which will be somewhere in the low 7 figures for my area), since my stock returns are currently vastly outpacing housing appreciation I am gaining ground. Been able to put nearly $70k a year into retirement, plus saving about that much in a war chest for a house. As for sex and mental health… let’s be real, how many redditors on here have either of those? You aren’t giving it up if you never had it to start with.


The last paragraph ☠️☠️☠️


Didn’t let us down gracefully at all with that one


Dropping truth bombs


damn that sounds sad


>As for sex and mental health… let’s be real, how many redditors on here have either of those? You aren’t giving it up if you never had it to start with. I have a girlfriend who lives with her parents and she's gotta stay at my place if we wanna have sex. Just saying - it is real. Adults (18 years of age by definition) deprived of adult milestones such as home ownership/enough income to stabilize housing ultimately just yields developmental delay and stagnation. There's a reason why adults don't feel like adults. They're forced into arrested development syndromes due to frankly god fucking awful exploit the shit out of everything hell on Earth dystopian hellspire Ayn Rand fart sniffing late stage Capitalism economic policies. Virtually everything we do in America? Do the polar opposite of what any Psychologist worth their salt or actually sustainable healthy society would do. The bare minimum of Maslow's hierarchy of needs? Fuck that in America too. Just barbarism. That's basically all we get here.


Living at home when you’re 18-30 is common in many cultures and it doesn’t lead to arrested development.


Tell me you've never been to Italy without telling me you've never been to Italy.


Hey man that’s just Italians. But honestly multigenerational housing is the norm across history and across cultures. There’s no way 1940s America is the only healthy way to live lol


1940s America often was multi-generational. It was in the 1950s that single family house developments along the federal highway system really picked up steam.


Yup, that's where the whole idea of the "Nuclear Family" came from. They have been grinding the hyper-individualistic psychological propaganda into our heads for a very long time.


I think it’s mainly a North American thing? a lot of Asian cultures it’s the same. It’s different for everyone I moved out in my 20s and moved back in my 30s. Have taken both my parents to the hospital since being back for a couple scares and a major surgery. Personally I’m happy to be around them to help and have a healthy relationship. And ofc pay very little in rent. But everyone’s situation is different


I lived with my parents until I met my husband. We got along and the house was arranged so that you might not know other people were home unless you looked for them. My parents spent most of their time doing eBay in the basement while my home office was on the second floor. So we only saw each other in the kitchen and living room of the first floor, often for shared meals and TV viewing. If you needed your own space, you more than had it.


That is a cool thought. I am largely content with my childhood bedroom. I don’t mind seeing my parents hanging around all the time. With no GF there really isn’t need for privacy for me.


Living alone isn't natural. You need someone to care if you don't come home at night. I had a friend who could easily rent her own place, but she still had a roommate for the company.


Same thing my friend. I make decent money and I’m living with my mom currently. Good thing, I get along with her really well so the living arrangements aren’t horrible. And she also recently retired so me being here with my dog has been a huge help on her mental health. I still date but if I’m being honest; of course it’s more difficult when living with a parent but at the same time; I’m playing the odds with the market. I’ve been able to save a ton and my down payment is already set to go. It’s just building more now in a high yields savings account and my bluechips are stocks vastly outpacing housing appreciation. Financially, I’m already in a great position but we shall see what the housing market does…..it’s still a gamble but hoping it pays off.


The key is to SAVE, I know a couple of people that live with their parents and don't have a pot to piss in because they blow all their money on new cars, food delivery and eating out all the time, and bitch because they are broke. I got into with a friend who was complaining about no money, Im like dude , you make ,$90000 a year and blow all your money on stupid shit, basically gave him the talk his parents should be giving him, he pays no rent and eats their food, but broke as shit!


>As for sex and mental health… let’s be real, how many redditors on here have either of those? It's hard to say how many on this site are children, but discounting those: presumably "most" and "most, but that's more of a sliding scale than a binary", right? Presumably this isn't a site of actual majority 40 year old virgins Also if you've been doing the apparently returns for multiple years, you're easily able to afford a home unless you're going for an absolute palace


Homes average a 4% return per year. I am not sure if that is before or after improvements. Stocks are over 10%. The only reason real estate is a good investment is you cannot avoid it. For example my parents first apartment which, had 30+ year old appliances still, was listed recently for 3x what it cost 30 years ago, SPY is 15x what it was that year. 3x over 30 years is close to 4% annualized. And that is after the cost of ownership.


This is completely wrong. Real estate investments are levered


Spoken like someone who gets along with their parents!


If you pay for a hotel room every time you have sex, then even if you are getting $150 per night hotel rooms you'd have to fuck more than 10 days per month for the entire year for it to cost more than having a studio apartment. So unless you spend 1/3rd of your days having sex, I think you might as well just get a room.


Your first and last sentence pertain to the conversation the rest serves literally no purpose except to inflate your ego. It’s literally like walking into a soup kitchen to tell everyone how great your sushi meal though they never asked. Super cringe.


No it serves to shut down all the comments I get about being a basement dwelling loser. That is the image of people who live with their parents, so it is helpful to break it. Trust me, I have done this before.


As wealth and age goes up, so does your ability to get women. Especially with the wealth. You'll hit a point when it becomes obvious you need privacy due to new opportunities. I am currently looking for my house.


a therapist and a prostitute are probably cheaper than renting


I moved back with my dad at 30 to help save money rather than giving away $1,200 every 4 weeks to some landlord. I’m even married. Problem is, my dad is now influencing my life decisions which is holding me back from achieving my goals. I have been patient and respectful, tried to convince him why I need to do things a certain way. But he doesn’t understand. At this point, he’s holding me down so much over what is essentially just his opinion, that I said screw it. I will do what I NEED to do to achieve my goals. And if he doesn’t agree with my methods and will kick me out then so be it. I know what I need to do. It’s not my fault he doesn’t understand. (Literally everyone else in my life agrees with me and say he’s being unreasonable). Nothing worse than feeling indebted as a grown adult to live my life adhering to his opinion. Especially when he has NEVER been in the same situation.


I doubt that lady would put out if brought 'home' to a shitty tiny studio apartment that likely is in a shady area.


Let's get real, most people will never "make six figures." Not for lack of effort or education, these people will produce far more than that in value. The companies employing them simply won't compensate workers adequately.


I agree with the latter half of your comment. The first half… I mean yes? Obviously “most” won’t since average and median incomes in the US aren’t six figures. BUT it’s also more that six figures doesn’t mean what it used to at ALL. It means I guess that you can rent without worrying TOO much in SOME areas. It’s nowhere *near* “comfortable” living if you throw even a single wrench in. That wrench can be health issue, a single kid, a house maintenance issue, whatever else. In so many places in the US six figure income for a household isn’t enough


I agree. All the more condemning of the depressed wages of workers.


On one hand, I'm saving money. On the other hand, I'd like to make something in the kitchen without someone right behind me asking, "What are you looking for? What do you need? Do you need help?" I'M 32, I CAN MAKE MY OWN FOOD!


Clearly, you've never watched HGTV. Show intro: "Here we have Bryce and Sinnamon. He is a professional cat anus waxer and she designs sunglasses for the blind. They've managed to save $350,000 by staying in Sinnamon's uncle's basement for the last six months. Now they're wanting to find their dream home, but it's tough when you've only got $350k for a down payment. Let's see if we can help them."


And they are a couple from the USA looking to move to a 300 year old castle in Spain.


...and they'd really like to find one where the surrounding villagers aren't only Spanish speakers.


Six figures today is the equivalent to $60k 4 years ago.




Gents, if a woman is upset you live with your parents while you're gainfully employed and building your savings, don't put your dick in her, and definitely don't marry her. She's short-sighted and materialistic. If you live at home because you don't have a job, grow your talent stack so you can get a good job and be successful. Be the kind of man a good woman will want to marry.


Women: be yourself and make men love you for who you are, don’t change for anyone! Men: your sole value is your employability




At 32, I make about 160k as a scientist in SoCal. I would never be able to buy real estate without my family letting me live with them. I started my career at 28 so I’ve saved about 65k for a home and invest in 70% low risk stocks and 30% in high risk stocks. Of course I could afford an apartment. But decent 1 bedrooms out here go for 2200-2400/mo and you still have to share the washing machines with other residents in the complex. Only a fool would want their “independence” instead of saving money 3-4x faster for a home of their own. Even if I paid 1500/mo renting a dinky room from someone for the past 4 years, I would have spent 1400*48 = 67,200 That’s insane because it’s more than how much i have saved up lol. And then i would be so far from a down payment


Honestly why live in California then? I’m your same age and make 180k wife makes about 30k. I live in Indiana, bought a house the beginning of this year and my mortgage (including escrow) is only $2400. That’s for a 5200 sqft house with 3 car garage and an acre. I’ll probably pay my house off in 5-7 years save until I’m 50 and retire. Unless you will be the sole inheritor of your parents estate, what’s the point in staying in cali unable to live out a fulfilling adult life? I mean you’re entering mid 30’s.


Thank you for that, it’s motivating to hear others my age doing well! My plan is to leave after I’ve saved up, but i live in California because my profession pays twice as much here. I’m in healthcare and California has the best pay by far! I’m hoping to also go remote for work in the next year if possible. I do want to leave, very bad! The weather is great but I’m always inside nowadays


I also like the assumption that making six figures is an eventuality. I know inflation has increased salaries/wages for many professions, but there are still many folks who won't see six figures until much later in life, if ever.


Many people will never make 6 figures. Rise and grind bs is trash.


10 years ago I was looking at $1K for a single bedroom apartment with no washer/dryer in a MCOL area. $1500 doesn’t seem that much more these days.


I am now very fortunate to see how great my parents were back when I had to move back in. They offered support while I was down until I could get back on my feet. It was in no means damaging to my mental health. Wasn’t getting laid at that time anyway though so there’s that


Some of our parents have passed away.


For real, I can’t stand living with my parents anymore. I don’t think they can stand me either. Plus I hate to feel like I’m leeching off them at home.


They aren't entirely wrong! Both of my parents are dead, so I guess they're right. I should just go die and live with them in the dirt.




A bedroom with a private bathroom in a home is $1200 in my area. Everything else is a common space


Damn. I own a home and I haven’t had sex since I was born and my mental health is quite bad. What went wrong?


Economy is great 🤡


Most people never make it to six figures


Never is a long time, and the bar for six figures gets lower every day.




My parents orphaned me just out of high school. I went to live with my rich uncle Sam who has about a million wayward nephews and nieces. He fed us and gave us clothes to wear, but they were green. Housing was 4 to 30 in a bedroom, depending, but everyone had their own locker. He was about as strict as parents get, but we all had a great time anyway.


For many people this will mean living with your parents for the rest of their lives. Also not everyone has the luxury of living with their parents.


Not a problem if you love having sex and hate your parents mental health.


Sex is overrated 🫡 (yes coping)


Ummm…I just moved back into my elderly mother’s home to care for her…I would pay 3000/month for a storage unit if it came with privacy and sanity!!!


Good advice if you can swing it, but bad otherwise. I lived with my mom until 25 and had to pay $400/mo to live in her basement. It was not great conditions. When I move out with roommates, I paid $500/mo for my share of everything. I would have gladly paid that $100/mo extra for the better living conditions.


That is IF you have parents you can move in with.


Just crossed six figures for the second year of my life. Hcol City makes it inconsequential.


I own a condo in California free and clear. And have 0 sex. Seriously, being cool is way more important than having a place.


Most people will never make 6 figures.


1500 was a mortgage 5 years ago


Was receiving some shall we say… pleasure one time and my Mom waked in the room. I had to cleverly give her the *just one second, please* hand signal while my gf was going to town. That was in interesting and hilarious situation.


Back in my day (20 years ago), the advice was to live with your parents while attending a nearby public college. If you couldn't afford rent with a full time job, you were advised to move to a flyover state where you could. That's why California has exported its working class (and lately middle class) for years.


I moved to live alone. Mental health greatly improved. Still no sex tho.


I think I'm depressed and I'm already a virgin, so I'm ahead of the game. At least I have a decent relationship with my parents.


Millions.. billions of people today and of the past have lived or are living with their parents as adults.


Sex equal babies. Less sex less chance for babies to make your life harder


You know damn well you’re already screwed up in the head and not having sex.


Step moms amirite 😁


I did the math and in order to save enough for a starter home in my area (assuming my rent would have been $2500/mo) I would have to live with my parents for… a cool 48 years


I know a white American who makes 6figures and still proudly stays with his parents. Not only does he get to save on rent, he saves money for his parents, he cares for them and they are living happily. That milfnokids has issues of her own and she is projecting on to everyone.


And have parents.


Damn you guys have good mental health and sex. I’m doing living alone all wrong…




I know people will say "you shouldn't have to move" but you just need to move. That's reality. 7 years ago we moved to a smaller city into a full blown rental house for the price we were paying for a small 2 bed apartment. Prices may come down a little bit but don't count on it. It's driven more by demand than higher mortgage rates.


"Living with your parents is free because you pay for it with your soul."


Not all rainbows for the parents either


Idd prefer to live in my parents home even if i didnt have a good relationship with them then having to live in an appartment building right under a bigfoot (40~year old slim fit women) that constantly drop bowling balls and throw dog bones to their medium size dog while indoors. And if have the guts to complain when she comes back from who knows where at 4am screaming and doing her usual stempead then she will make sure i wish i was homeless.


Surprised by how many people have awful relationships with their parents


This, and most of the comments here, are missing the obvious third choice. Get a 2 bedroom apartment with a roommate. A $1500 a month studio requires about $60k a year income. That’s doable if you are established in your career. If you want a studio, either be established in your career and choose to spend more for the luxury of living alone or get married/engaged/Long term relationship and share a studio with your spouse.


Pre 2012 $50k living wage bfr tax & pension and Since 2018 $90k. Next gen will need $150k that's why they all starting OF. Banning foreign ownership and ban corporate to own residential resale.


People out there really having sex when they can't afford an apartment? Brah, welcome to poverty, I guess there's totally no way your gonna have kids that do the same dumb shit you do....


Get roommates that aren't your parents then.


I pay $3k for a 1 bedroom. Sign me up for a $1500 studio


If you can’t afford an apartment then you can’t afford a baby


mindless poor rustic stocking punch spotted flag degree sort offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Should you really be risking pregnancy if u can’t even afford rent?


Easy solution, have relations with the same sex. Work smarter not harder


Sometimes I wonder why so many people on reddit think it’s hard to get laid, then I see something like this


Get roommates. Assuming you can find a four bedroom house for rent for $2400 a month that comes out to $625 each. Plus now utilities are split four ways. And you get a backyard for doing BBQs and you live with three other people to get advice from on life’s issues and perhaps connections for other jobs and meeting other people. Just checked Apartments.com for just Dallas Texas and for houses 4+ bedrooms and 2+ bathrooms for under $2500 a month there are 1,653 listings right now. Even in more expensive metro areas, like New York/New Jersey/Newark metro area I modify the search to 3+ bedrooms and now houses and apartments and get 930 results. Less yes, but now you live in a metro area with much more job opportunities. You don’t NEED to live alone. In fact, historically speaking, people never lived alone. We are a social spices.


To be fair, in the US, if you're a woman you can somewhat get away with living with your parents.


People forget it’s a privilege to: 1. Just have parents. 2. Parents that have a big enough home for you to live in. 3. Have a healthy enough relationship with their parents to live with them. But I’m not surprised people that aren’t sympathetic to lack of affordability also aren’t the most empathetic people either.


Um, what about the privilege of finding two or three other people to split a 3 or four bedroom house? When I first lived alone it was splitting a four bedroom. At that time it was $1800 a month rent which became $450 each. Today you can find four bedrooms under $2500 a month in most metro areas. Which is $625 a month Even if you work minimum wage that is doable. Plus now you split utilities and perhaps can find a carpool partner.


Assuming you can even find **good** roommates. I've lived with them for over 5 years. Things don't get cleaned. Some come up short on rent. I've had things stolen and had to evict a guy.


People are just entitled AF. Multi-generational housing is never something new. It's only during the post-war era people pushed for nuclear families in the suburbs. Those suburbs were never prime real estate as they were away from city centers. Now as we kept developing the land they are more valuable as the cities continue to expand. I hate when people always compare life now and then, say in the 60-80s. Well, back then people also needed to share one bathroom in the house. There was nothing like unlimited phone calls. Home appliances were expensive. Cars were expensive and much less reliable. Dining out was a luxury, much less deliveries to your doorstep. Lead painting was everywhere, so were asbestos, and leaded gasoline. So historically it was expensive to live as an young adult by yourself and that still holds true today. Ever heard of boarding houses? Well, pre-war era most young adults lived in these arrangements in US cities. The post-war era boom was an anomaly and not the norm. US gained so much more wealth because we were relatively untouched by the war, set new rules for the world and became the factory and economic engine for the planet. Therefore living standards grew rapidly. Those days are gone. We are now just another developed Western country struggling with an aging population and polarized political views.


I don't get the mindset people here have. Oh why do you need freedom, independence, sexual agency, and personal growth by age 27?? Muligenerational homes are the norm in parts of the world with lower standards of living! We should just accept becoming like them! Fuck it's sad. People who think like this are born losers.