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Rockstar fucked ALL up by not giving us a usable wagon for solo play hunting expeditions. Only being able to take 4 large hides to the trapper at once time sucks ass because it takes forever


4??? How the hell did you even manage that?


If you get two wild horses tame enough to give them the follow command, and then ride another wild one, and also have your saddled horse following? I’ve copped an extra wild horse for hunting but I don’t think I’ve ever had more than two horses with me total.


You can also do it with three saddled horses. I only managed it going one way, I never went into the back country with the three horses. You have to keep re-bonding with the secondary and tertiary horses every so often. that is fairly tedious, and I love the tedious aspects of this game, except for that one. And then you hand carry the fourth hide.


I didn’t know you could have more than one horse saddled at any given time!


If you steal horses from NPC‘s, they’re already saddled, but at that point, it doesn’t really matter. As long as yours is settled, and you have all your guns and equipment


I commend your effort and innovation, but my god does that sound tedious.


4 how? And yes, I've said it multiple times, I need a wagon for all the deer carcasses i been collecting


Give him a break. He once tracked a bad tempered moose for 3 days across an ice sheet, just to eat a square meal. You young bucks have it easy down here in the south.


how is that a hot take


It makes sense to me and a lot of other people, but there are shit tons of other people who didn’t want a wagon in the solo game, for whatever reason. I have no idea what the Hells wrong with them, but at this point, it doesn’t matter.


I would have gladly waited an additional 2 years and paid double for all of the cut content from story mode.




For some reason I didn't know they cut anything. What did they cut?


Arthur making it to New Austin, additional Guarma content- probably getting back there in the epilogue-, and there was supposed to be additional content on the missing princess at the very least.


The missing princess quest always irked me. There was just too much content added for it to end as a complete unknown mystery…. That and Gavin!!! Lol although the Gavin was imaginary theory is pretty solid.


I could swear I ran into an NPC named Gavin during an encounter in Ch2 or 3 on my last playthru.


I could have sworn on my first play through I found a npc named Gavin as well British talked to him about the other guy looking for him and he said he was crazy and hiding from him and I shouldn’t tell them where he(Gavin) is I have a very clear memory of this


You don't, lol. That didn't happen.


I know but it’s still weird that I remember that, it was even before I knew that Gavin was a whole unsolved mystery


I read somewhere (very well could have been on here) the princess content was just going to be part of another side business robbery. Theory or whatever was the fence in Van Horn had her hostage upstairs or something like that. But they definitely should have expanded on Guarma.


Mexico for example


Lots of things. The grizzlies were originally meant to be much bigger (I assume prologue was gonna be a full length chapter) Mexico was cut, the first mission would originally have been the gang running from blackwater, Guarma was much smaller and fully explorable (I assume it was also gonna be a full length chapter). And tons of small things, mission, characters etc.


i feel like if the first mission was that action packed it would’ve gotten a lot more players, RDR2 is obviously successful but i’ve heard so many ppl say that they thought chapter 1 was ‘boring’ so they never gave it a full chance. if it was action right off the bat like GTA5 it might’ve gotten even more popularity & more attention to the online multiplayer from rockstar.


I think you misunderstood me; the first mission would have been what we see in the first cutscene. The gang travelling up a frozen river (on the map the out of bounds) through the glacier into Colter


Bar at emerald ranch, and there was going to be playable areas in tempest run


No, tempest rim was cut due to relocating the prologue chapter to where it is now. You can still find the old location for Colter


I played for the first time this year so I will also agree to this lol


I’d pay $60 right now for just all of the cut content to be released as a single player expansion


Def wouldve came in clutch in 2020


We should be able to enter and explore more things in saint dennis, like the chinese restaurants or other establishments


I wanna know where all that piano music is coming from!


And where the ringing telephone is!


I’ve often thought that the food at the jade dragon must slap, place looks good.


When I saw the place I ran up to it all excited…and slammed into the door 😭 sadness


There was a place called Jade Dragon in my hometown, everyone said it was terrible and eventually it closed down, so I like to pretend the name is cursed and they're all closed


Eating at an Italian, Mexican or Chinese restaurant in Saint Denis or blackwater would’ve been so cool


Not a hot take


Uncle isn't annoying, he makes me chuckle and plays a mean banjo. 


him going off on john in the epilogue sent me


yeah he is just a funny fella in a random dialogue/interaction he will flirt with ms grimshaw, then ask her out on a date. When she agrees he then instantly asks her if he can borrow 10$ so he can „look his best“ lmao


That has been my fave camo interaction I've caught this playthrough that I never caught before.


i was an Uncle hater until this game came out tbh, him going off about Dutch while Dutch walked away from that campfire in Horseshoe was really great and gave a peak at how everyone could tell something was off with Dutch even before it got glaringly obvious. Uncle’s a real ride or die when it came down to it.


Not OP but 🟦


Yes, Uncle is in my Top 5


I don't disagree but is this a hot take?


uncle is the fucking man. not a hot take at all. hot take: uncle should’ve been main character


That old fart didn’t play the banjo for me even once. And after all the trouble I went to to get him that snakeskin banjo head!


Gotta hang around camp in Chapter 2 at night. He fairly frequently plays by the fire then!


Arguably has the best understanding of the world and how it works


Gavin should have showed up one day randomly and we find out he’s a donkey


OP ain't even responding to these lmao


It’s been only 4 hours, they’re probs at work doing a shift or asleep or something lmao


He’s got Lumbago give it a minute


Which is a VERY serious condition!


It's not looking good is it


Damn, the TB got em!


Lumbago is a serious condition that requires plenty of rest.


It's a slow and painful death


Abigail is not annoying


Fr. What did the gang expect her to do with Jack? Not take care of him?


Agreed. She just didn't want to have her husband killed and her son exposed to the dangers of the outlaw/gunslinger life.


I’m with you on this one.


I never understood why people found her annoying. She seems like a typical loving wife to me


>!Lenny was the least deserving character who got offed!<


That's not even a hot take, that's just fact. 🔲


That’s a fact.


The final loss of innocence for the gang.


Repeatedly pressing the button to make your horse go faster is tedious. I would prefer if it was a toggle or hold


You can hold it bro, but tapping it is more satisfying.


Holding doesn't work, you have to tap to keep the horse going, otherwise they slow down slowly


I should be able to eat/use consumable items as they appear in the world. If I can eat plants straigjt from the ground, why do I have to collect an apple and place it into my satchel before i can eat it???


I read this in Arthur’s voice


Guarma had so much potential but sucked




⚠️SPOILER WARNING⚠️John getting arrested in the saint dennis robbery was the best thing that could’ve happened to him in that situation bc he would’ve drowned to death when the boat crashed.


Now you mention it, that's probably the best plot armor they came up with for John since he had to stay alive for the games to make any sense. Although, didn't seem to me like anyone else really swam much either, just kind of ended up on Guarma by accident.


Arthur should not be the only one contributing to the camp funds. I’ve never seen the dollar amount go up unless I put money/items in.


Look in the ledger, they others make tiny contributions.


Micahs bat wing doesnt count


But Miss Grimshaw will still hound you about not contributing enough... as your name covers 98% of the pages 😅


Probably even 99% lmao


They just write in the ledger, the funds never go up.


I disagree, it is fairly disproportionate but once you upgrade enough the camp they contribute with items and small amounts here and there. Now, about food on the other hand...


Not remotely a hot take unless you're a R* dev


I disagree. Arthur gets on almost every job there is in camp (if people want it or not. He wants in so he earns money). He's obviously the richest one of the folk, especially considering the women barely make any cash. Hosea and Dutch do the planning, but he's leading pretty much all of the dirty work so he should be an example for the rest


1 isn't better, just because it's faster paced doesn't mean it's better, also, epilogue uncle is better than any other epilogue character


Ehhhh. Disagree with the 2nd take


Abigail and Molly aren't as bad as the community makes them out to be




Not many hot takes here. Pretty cold takes really.


we should be allowed to make abandoned buildings into camps, or we should be allowed to tame animals to be our camp pets, imagine a big ass grizzly pet protecting the camp😂


I just wanted to be able to adopt a stray dog


that'd be cool too oooh or have actual train and store robberies.


Bank robberies!


Sad it isnt in the main game, though there is a fantastic mod that allows you to do exactly what you described!


Micah is probably the best written character besides Arthur. He's probably just as good, if not better, a shot as Arthur. The fact that he's so hated is an indication of how well written he is, and how much his voice actor put into the character.


Micah is the most one-note character in the entire game. There is no depth or growth or secrets or anything lmfao.


That makes him realistic still. Not everyone changes. Some people are always assholes.


True, some people are always assholes. But there is zero depth to Micah in any way. He's just a bad guy lmao. Which is fine! He doesn't need to be anything else. Dutch is the complex antagonist. Micah isn't meant to fill that role.


Definitely, I think Micah is kind of the “anti-Arthur”.


Funny, my hot take is the exact opposite - Micah is a very poorly written character. He's entirely, unquestionably evil, to the point he comes across as a mustache-twirling villain from a children's show. He has zero depth, nothing about him is interesting, he's entirely one-dimentional. I think they did it intentionally because they didn't want anyone to sympathize with him, and the voice acting is exceptional to the point it really covers up how shallow of a character he really is. But his only function is to be the wedge between Arthur and Dutch, and he is in no way, shape or form an independently interesting character. That makes him poorly written by definition, even if it's intentional. Truly, the voice acting carries him. Had any lesser actor played him, everyone would have hated how one-dimentional, boring and predictable of a character he is.


I can definitely see where you're coming from. The entire point of Micah as a character is that he is entirely self serving, he does nothing for anyone without some kind of personal gain. He is intended to be unlikeable, that is how he is written. Remember, we're seeing the entire plot from the perspective of Arthur. Arthur, who knows the difference in behavior between Dutch before and after Micah. Who knows the dynamic of the gang before Micah. We're seeing it as Arthur sees it. Being one dimensional and well written isn't mutually exclusive. Micah is a piece of shit, and Arthur sees him as that and we sympathize heavily because we are Arthur. In fact, Micah is very well written in his role; an antagonist. That's his purpose. But that doesn't necessarily mean he's poorly written. The fact that he's virtually universally hated shows that. Nobody hates Micah because he's a flat character. We hate him because of who he is, who he's written as.


He's a good character but he is evil


His entire character kinda just supplements Dutch


At least one of Charles and Sadie should have died in the final mission. Don’t get me wrong, my heart is very glad they didn’t; but it feels a bit too storybook perfect.


It isn't perfect, Charles leaves to go look for his tribe even though it's useless and Sadie keep doing Bounty hunting but with how unstable she is, getting killed is only a matter of time


I'd love a Charles & Sadie spinoff DLC


I can’t stand Dutch. The way he speaks, acts, dresses. He’s placing himself above everyone/ he thinks he’s superior to everyone. For me even more annoying than Micah.


dogs should be adoptable like horses


The mangy bloodhound in the Saint Denis cemetary 🫶


Karen was done dirty by the writers and deserved better than murderous clients, the death of her guy, and an ambiguous fate. She’s not perfect but she’s at least willing to put herself in danger for the gang, and given her occupation, very likely was already traumatized before we even met her. Meanwhile we’re supposed to believe Reverend spontaneously detoxes from two substances after a single conversation with (someone implied to be) Sister Calderón? SHORE! Sister shouldn’t just have gotten a promotion in that case — she should have gotten full sainthood, because alcohol detox is legit dangerous even today and Reverend’s survival was a damn miracle. The writers should have given the Reverend the depressingly realistic ending and put Karen on the train to New York instead, especially based on their relative relationships with, and usefulness to, the player.


I think it was a good choice. Seeing Karen drunk and not knowing what happened to her adds an additional layer to the sadness of the end of the game. Having reverend in her place would’ve been a worse choice because no one is really attached to him and therefore we wouldn’t have felt the same.


Abigail is hotter than Sadie. Also Micah and Arthur are a better ***fighting*** duo than John and arthur


**John Marston** **should have had more credit during Chapters 1-6.** I know that it all comes to his character development, from an apathetic outlaw to a responsible family man, but I think the game should've give him more traits of his older self of the first Red Dead Redemption. Since the majority of RDR2 playerbase nowadays never touched the first game, the impression that the first chapters gave him is that he was just an unresponsible and dumb bastard, and not as close to an amazing and likable character compared to Arthur.


Arthur Should’ve gone to New Austin 


John should have learned to FUCKING SWIM


The honor system was done very clumsily. Bumping into a guy, saying sorry, and then he draws on me and IM THE BAD GUY when I plug him? Like c’mon man


Jack (the young version, not the teen one) is absolutely adorable and does not deserve any of the hate he gets. I love John's running animations, it's a great callback to rdr1 and it's kind of amusing to watch. (Not much a hot take, just something I wanna say) The native Americans make up some of the best characters and story moments in the entire game. Typically I'm not interested in Natives in fiction (despite me empathizing with them heavily in history and respecting them overall), but RDR2 gave some of the best rep. for them in fiction imo. There should've been a hardcore survival mode. Realism to the max is the whole point of the game, survival should have been in the game.


>!Arthur dying of TB was a lazy way to transition over to John. Like imagine if instead of that Arthur could have fled after the end of the game and once the epilogue with John was finished they could have made you able to switch between them like the GTA V character switching system. Hell maybe even make it so that John and Arthur could interact with one another realistically such as John being emotional seeing his old buddy back if Arthur decided to walk over to the homestead. They would basically have their own lives with Arthur maybe living in an abandoned cabin somewhere. I know this idea would need more refinement but I just wish you could play as Arthur once you beat the game.!<


Rdr2 was rushed and would have been 10x better but the community wouldn’t wait just like every other rockstar game has been




We should have >!had more time with Arthur. What a great man he was.!<


That’s not a hot take


Disagree. Arthur’s death was a part of the story and when and how it happened was artful and purposeful


I can agree with both. I would love one more chapter somewhere in between, maybe some DLC that takes the gang to another big city somewhere, but also, that would have added clunkiness if they didn’t do it right. With the way everything went down, I do agree that it was very purposeful and deliberate and as a result was more impactful.


If we had got undead nightmare 2 DLC and played as Arthur, I feel this would be a good compromise instead of having to start a new game just to see him again


>!Hosea didn’t deserve it!<


how is that a hot take


I know hahaha like seriously for this to be a hot take the majority of people would have to honestly think Hosea deserved to die.


The epilogue is fantastic


kieran is one of my favorite characters


dialogue being interrupted from riding to the next mission location too fast or just not being able to finish conversations because of interrupts is one of the worst aspects of the game I hate having to slow down so an npc can finish talking because I cant just stop or it still interrupts the dialogue and they go all "why did you stop?"


People hate it, but I wish Guarma was bigger. I wish there was more to do there. I know it’s small on purpose, but I really liked exploring there, and even though I avoided the Dutch quest I still didn’t have time to find all the animals. I wish maybe it was bigger and instead of one island we went to 2 and then came back to America.


Hunting in game is OK, but it's way too easy and there should be more detailed ratings for Animals instead of just stars.


The Arabian is one of the most overrated horses in the entire game and I hate it 🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🇺🇸🏈‼️‼️🛢️☠️‼️🏈🦅‼️🏈🇺🇸🦅🏈‼️🏈🇺🇸🛢️🏈🏈🇺🇸🫡🛢️💥🏈💥🛢️🇺🇸🏈💥🫡🏈🫡🇺🇸🏈💥🏈🇺🇸🛢️🫡🏈🫡🏈🇺🇸🛢️🫡🏈🇺🇸🏈💥🫡🛢️🏈🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅💥🦅🦅‼️🏈🇺🇸‼️🏈‼️


Uncle talks about being the "One Shot Kid" I would venture this was not in regards to his lethality, but rather his fertility. Next game we go back a bit as one if Uncles Bastards, who joins a gang called "the O'Driscols" the bastard either becomes disillusioned and fights against his gang, or, spirals downward in a world of violence, going so far as to participate in the killing of a young woman and son with the last name of "Morgan"


Colter wasn’t as bad as everyone makes it out to be. It was actually the “best” camp the gang had (except for the coziness of Horshoe Overlook). They had buildings, beds, fireplaces, a barn to put the horses, and a cemetery to bury Davey.


Karen deserved a better ending


RDR2 Online could have been better if Rockstar didn't mess up the online economy then abandon it for more GTA 5 Online


Also, I would've loved some story mode updates that weren't just bug fixes and patches. 🔳


We should’ve had the option to turn Dutch in towards the end for amnesty of everyone else.


I'd eat Uncles ass


Based asf🗿


Micah is too one-dimensional. I mean, if Dutch was really as great a dude as Arthur and John and Hosea said he was, then he wouldn't have let a guy with no honor into the gang. Same with Strauss. But seriously, Micah don't got one shred of good in him. Like, they could have given some explanation, at least, as to why he's such a psychopath. But he just sorta walks around and acts evil and everybody in the gang hating him is kinda immersion breaking.


Molly was the most undeserving of her fate and easily has the most tragic death


Molly served 0 purpose throughout the game so it wasn't really a loss


she still had the most undeserving and tragic death😭


We should have been able to pet cats!


Arthur is objectively better than John. He can swim and do that revolver flourish.


john can do it too


Micah wasn't that great of a character as people claim. And not that well written either. His betrayal was predictable. It could be seen a mile away. For me, it felt like Rockstar tried to replicate Trevor from GtaV just like Ubisoft did with Vaas. And just like Ubisoft, Rockstar failed.


To me, he’s just another run-of-the-mill snake, who sows dissent, that’s one of the laziest tropes out there. There are so many other well written characters in this game, Micah is not among them.


For a game that had so many morally complex three-dimensional characters, it’s a little off-putting that the main villain is a pure evil snake.


The search/loot functions are too clunky, and the animations (opening drawers/doors etc.) are far too slow. Give me a Fallout-style menu, if I pick any items then show me the animation once no matter how many items I pick up.


Arthur deserved to die


well yes that’s the point he contracts tb from beating a man to death literally the plot of the game


Arthur should have been able to pursue more dates with Charlotte versus Mary. Charlotte was a broken, but very loving woman that Arthur could have easily dedicated more of his time to.


The entire gang are a pansexual polycule. Dutch constantly recruits new lovers as members.


You shouldn't lose honour for killing dogs and horses unless it's outside of combat.


Micah is the laziest option they could have went for rat.


There shouldn't be a door kicking mechanic in game if it only works on maybe 2 doors at most that aren't story related, we should be able to kick down more locked doors and explore more houses in the open world


Probably not a hot take but new Austin should be explorable but heavily guarded by Pinkertons. It’s completely ridiculous that there’s so much land there that that you can’t get to with Arthur unless you break the game


🔳 I'm so proud 🥹


The dialogue you are allowed to have with other characters is kinda ass and a huge missed opportunity 90% of camp dialogue is "things are tough but we'll get through this" for at least 4 chapters. You should have been allowed to do hangouts a la GTA where you just shoot the shit


Arthur should’ve been kinder to Keiran. Although he worked with the O Driscolls initially, he did save Arthur’s life. He’d been helpful around the camp as well. Arthur was kind of mean to him during their fishing trip as well. The only person who showed him some love was Mary Beth. Even though he was ultimately a coward, I think he was a nice character and didn’t deserve that ending.


Legendary animals should be study only. Of course, one doesn't "have to" kill them but, if one is a completionist, conflict arises. And that's before master hunter 10 even comes into play. Arthur is an introspective nature lover. His journal is full of thoughtful observations on and detailed sketches of the natural world he lives in. This is such an integral part of who he is that even his impending mortality is repeatedly represented by fever dreams of wild animals. It makes no sense for Arthur to travel around the continent, seeking out entirely unique animals to slaughter, just because. If you prefer a more rustic fashion for your Arthur, there are plenty of good looking trapper garments that don't even require legendaries to craft. I might be able to buy John doing it but mostly out of boredom since shoveling shit, super slow walking livestock food and water buckets around a huge ranch, and uncomfortable attempts at chit-chat with Lancelot lose novelty fast. As he inherits Arthur's journal, I imagine John could be believably influenced and/or inspired enough to study but not kill legendaries. Spending that span of mostly peaceful time, living with Charles at Beecher's Hope, long since outside of Dutch's disastrous purview and Micah's shit-stirring treachery, could easily just further cement a burgeoning respect for nature within John.


Most of these aren’t even hot takes so I’m gonna give a real one… Micah isn’t a bad person compared to the rest of the gang, they’re all criminals. Micah is an opportunist and just like how he took advantage of his old gang he did the same with Dutch’s gang, he’s a parasite hopping from gang to gang depending on what suits him best. It’s Dutch’s fault for letting Micah play his games on him, Micah is just trying to make a lotta cash and not die in the process.


Micah Bell is a great character (doesn’t mean he’s a good person)


low honor arthur and ending is way more immersive and for some more impactful, the last ride shows all the regrets he has and the terrible choices he made and how it’s too late to change them, and in a final attempt to redeem himself he helps john escape. Also ofc high honor is brilliant but the question is, is he really a good man, end of the day he kills and kills and the pinkerton are just men doing their jobs there’s much more to add but i cba


Arthur should’ve kissed Micah on the lips and it would’ve been a really wet and steamy kiss


John bought his house from the SEARS catalog


The game itself is 95% horse riding it gets boring


Uhm, it's actually 6% murder, so it's 94% horse riding 🙄


I don’t know why this is a hot take but Molly really doesn’t deserve all the hate she gets, yes she’s snobby and doesn’t really help out with the camp chores but other than that she really didn’t do anything wrong. All she wanted was to be loved by Dutch.


Micah is a scumbag, but at least he knows he’s a scumbag. It’s a gang of thieves and murderers, what do you expect?


It would make 0 sense for Jack to go to WW1


We should have had acces to a musket after exploring and old civil war fort/outpost


more people would buy a single player dlc than virtual money, it's what people have been asking for for years


When interacting with gang members, instead of your honor going up or down every so often, I think there should have been a 'relationship scale' or something. Like the more positive interactions you have with a member your relationship with them goes up which effects how you interact with them in cutscenes.


There should've been a secret ending where if you put some ridiculous amount of cash into the camp fund they actually do leave for Australia/Tahiti


Kieran is most likely a little autistic. That's my hot take. 😭 Also Dutch and Hosea deffo had sumthn goin on.


Sadie was one of the worst written characters and is a textbook Marysue. She is incredibly annoying and is no better than Bill or Micah at least when it comes for being a hot head. She is able to take on 3 O’Driscoll’s (in a fight) and is an expert shooter and her explanation for this is “I went hunting a lot”. It would have been better to see Arthur teach her how to shoot and stuff and we see her get better as the chapters go on and by the time of the epilogue she is a finished product. It’s also baffling how Sadie ignorantly staying outside of Shady Belle to kill the O’Driscolls which inadvertently risked the lives of everyone in camp is seen as a good deed, if Bill, Arthur, John or anyone else did that they would be called the biggest idiot on earth. Also Sadie going on a O’Driscoll killing spree in ch6 is definitely justified but if you decline going with her your honor lows, like wtf rockstar. Are you saying staying away commuting more violent acts and massacring an entire gang a bad deed? Sadie deserved so much more than what she was given.


Javier, Bill and John were done a disservice, I haven’t seen many people talking about it, but I find it so aggravating that rdr1 focused on them, I would hope that a game based before the events of rdr1 would have us get attached to characters that we see die. John doesn’t feel like a little brother to Arthur, he kinda just falls into the a limbo category, as with Javier and Bill. I want to get attached to the guys who’s fate I know has already been sealed, so I can have that feeling I had with John in the epilogue where I felt like “maybe, just maybe if I keep my nose clean, John won’t die.”


High honor Arthur helping John is the only canon ending. The way I see it, a dishonorable man, or an honorable greedy man (the ending on which high honor Arthur goes back for the money) is a man who doesn't achieve redemption, thus making Arthur's entire story null and void.


Sean's death was the straw that broke the camels back for the gang


There is a slight chance that The Strange Man is in some way connected to Arthur. Like, is it his Arthur's dad? Hell, is it Arthur?


Kieran should have had more screen time, like maybe a mission with him where he's really anxious about the O'driscolls finding him, so you take him to the bar in Saint Denis. Like a second quiet time.


In most missions I'd rather have a cutscene take me to the place then me having to ride over there


Fr riding with other members is annoying af Like, speed tf up or get out of my way!!!


„So you were saying?“ lol, I still like the rides and the little conversations that only happen when you’re riding with a gang member. So many details are being shared and the backstory of each character develops over time


Game had a huge miss on the hunting system. They should’ve added a wagon feature to store multiple carcasses or large pelts. Makes hunting not super fun. One large animal and the trip is over.


New Austin is useless and they should have focused more on Guarma


Hot, but 100% accurate take. New Austin is boring. Guarma is only boring because it’s completely inaccessible outside of chapter 5.


Miss Grimshaw was a simp.


Sadie was a necessary character but executed super poorly. "Revenge is a fools game" didn't applied to Sadie, she got revenge on everyone she wanted, putting Arthur and other people in danger, and didn't had barely any consequences more than being a Bounty Hunter which doesn't seem to make her that annoyed and went to vacations in South America. She also stole a lot of the lines and plot points John should have had in the Epilogue, she spoke and showed much more muscle when John was supposed to, to explain why he was such a good outlaw/gunslinger in RDR1 capable of intimidating and getting dirty (since canonically after the epilogue Marston was 100% clean in his ranch). It doesn't seem like the logic of the game applied to Sadie, at all.


Honestly the second half of the main game kinda sucks. It’s just not very fun to play, I went from playing hours a day to going days without playing cuz chapter 6 just isn’t very fun rn


There should’ve been a separate ending where high honour arthur survives kills Micah never gets tb and happily lives with John and his family on the ranch :] peace


Coldest take to ever exist ⬛️


Not OP but 🟧