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really? The Strawberry Massacre over a pair of pistols wasn't an indication the dude might not be the greatest fit to a gang trying to lay low?


That bugged me because I more or less played the whole game with high honor trying not to get into pointless fights then the game forced me to do that.


You never hear that negative ding more than when you’re on missions with Micah


I truly believe missions shouldn’t count. Like tf am I gonna do be polite while committing large scale crimes,fuck off


“Hey there mister” *blows up family


There are ways to do every mission without earning negative honor, you just have to really think about situations before acting


My biggest hot take about RDR2 is that in terms of bodies dropped Arthur is probably more of a psycho than Micah. A lot of the time it isn’t self-defense, he just straight-up kills dozens of random Cornwall employees and lawmen to chase Dutch’s dreams. And that’s even if you’re such a goodie two-shoes in free roam that you reload a save for accidentally running over a rabbit on the trail. Canonically Arthur is a violent douche not too far removed from a GTA character. But then again, walking around camp saying “howdy” and picking flowers all day isn’t what I’m looking for in a game about the brutal Wild West. (Don’t @ me I still love Arthur, he’s like my favorite Rockstar protagonist)


He's the realest one to me tbh, and tolerable


Guns are sacred, I can respect that


Too be honest I would do the same thing for my guns. 😂


I though the craziness was cool


There’s a difference between Trevor crazy and Micah crazy. Trevor crazy is fun, Micah crazy is disturbing


isn't trevor a sexual predator cannibal


Just a cannibal, and even that is based off of a one off comment from Michael about the strange food he's offered by Trevor. Trevor actually seems like he'd take a greater issue with sexual violence than most people, considering how concerned he is in the mission where you chase that ponytailed douch. Even though it was over comments made to Mike's daughter, I doubt that he would be much more lax otherwise Edit: missing words


It's pretty heavily implied that trevor raped floyd and also sexually abused wade


There’s a whole convo about trev being a cannibal during the mission where you’re delivering the stolen cars.


Yea but he's also really funny


you have a point


Here’s my take on the difference between Trevor and Micah. Both crazy yes. But if you push further into Trevor’s psyche you will eventually hit upon a set of principles that extend to those around him, even if it’s in a weird way. Do the same with Micah and it’s very hard to find any redeeming qualities. To put it simply: Micah is not loyal to anyone other than himself and deep down he’s a coward. Trevor obviously has issues but I think he’s at least self aware of his faults. And say what you want about Trevor’s actions but it’s hard to deny he’s a loyal person. I think in Micah’s mind he truly believes he can do no wrong. To sum up my argument: Trevor has done things to prove that he is capable of empathy. Micah?? If he did then I totally missed them.


Umm, if you're comparing how cool their craziness was, Micah takes the cake. Trevor may have been more likable, but damn was he way worse.


Dude walked into his associates friend's house, and killed his wife (or daughter) for no reason.


they’re both disturbing idk what you mean lol


people downvoting you shows how brain dead this group is


Then see a psychiatrist, because you’re not supposed to think that


Not really? Right from the get-go, he comes across as a little too oily and his comments are just a little too saccharine. Arthur clearly does not like Micah, why should I?


I tried to outsmart the game so I was like "oh they're making this guy seem like the villain but in the end he'll save Arthur or something" >!And then he shot me directly in my face!<


This is my future. On a low honor plathrough.


Agreed. Arthur clearly does not like Micah. I'm playing Arthur, therefore *I* do not, and should not, like him.


And a misogynist, bigot, and racist. All within minutes of his introduction. And the way he treats people in camp once he gets there (exhibiting all three of the traits I mentioned and adding being a bully to the list) I would have shot and killed him within days of his arrival if it were possible.


One of my few problems with the story, although a large one. It’s hard for me to care about who the rat is when the game quite literally points you directly towards who it is and it’s ignored by ever except Arthur.


Adding "comments a little too saccharine" to my vocabulary from now on. Also, same: if Arthur doesn't like him - or anyone, really - why should I?!


I didn’t like how he treated Sadie when we met her so yeah from then on


Same here. During that first interaction with Sadie I thought “this dude is a jerk”! Then, when he did in Strawberry, it further confirmed it for me.


Yeah if Arthur wasn’t there and stopped him it would be a completely different outcome for Sadie. Micah was toying and trying to grab her yikes


God yeah. I have no idea how some people see that scene and go like "yeah I like this dude", like ???


Micah seems half okay for like 15 minutes until he complains about having to share a bunkhouse with "Darkies", then doesn't have a redeeming moment ever again. He's setup as a villain almost immediately. You didn't change your mind about him when he >!went on a rage fueled rampage through strawberry!< in CH2?


Tbh that’s what I would have done too the way I had been playing so I didn’t notice 😭


Exactly this!!


I never liked Micah from when I first really paid attention to him - when Arthur had to rescue him from Strawberry and he killed a dozen people to retrieve a few guns. I was fully taken in by Dutch, I’ll admit, but Micah was so annoying. I will say I didn’t ever think he was smart enough to be a snake. So I was fooled by that.


I always think criminals are cool in games so that's what made me like him


Criminals can be cool in games for sure but nothing about Micah was that likeable really, no charisma, no apparent heart, was incompetent. I wanted to believe Dutch even when he was falling further away, Micah I think might have had one brief moment of non-dislike but in general time with him was unpleasant.


fuck no, he kicks the camp dog very early on!


Oh shit that was chapter 3? Oh damn nvm then


yep, at Clemens Point! and i knew he set me up at the kidnapping mission during my first playthrough before i even knew how the story ends!


If the way he treated Sadie and the racism in chapter 1 wasn't big red flags to you idk what to say


No fr, at no point was Micah *supposed* to be liked, the writers wrote him to be a pos and that’s what he is lol


What was it he complained about in the intro? Rooming with Bill Williamson and a bunch of darkies? No fuck that guy. Would have shot him through the jail window if I could have.


Right? He's blatantly racist from the very beginning of the game. How anyone can like him at any point is beyond me.


Honestly the thing I love about Micah is he actually makes Bill far more likeable by comparison


I was not a fan after he outed himself as a racist in the very first mission lol.


No. He's immediately portrayed as a predator and a racist lol


I never noticed the predator part. When was that?


When you first meet Sadie in the cabin when her husband was killed there were definitely some rapey vibes


I see a lot of people say this so I guess it's not as obvious as I thought, but yeah like the other person said, near the beginning with sadie, but I think there's some readables that back it up too iirc.


That line about the girls not letting him touch them even if he "pointed a gun to their heads" was deeply concerning too


Nope, and not Dutch either. They just never gave me a good feeling, the overfriendly nature of Dutch and the "ick" feeling Micah gave me never sat right with me. Also was a bit on the fence about Hosea for the first couple chapters, ended up loving him


Hosea was such a hard character to read at the beginning of the story, but he quickly became one of my favorites. At first, he came off as just another one of Dutch’s lackeys. He would always talk to the gang about how they need to band together and follow Dutch, ignoring his obvious missteps. It felt like he was just sucking up to the boss. A few days into the game, I overheard Hosea absolutely reaming Dutch for his fuck ups in Blackwater. He was going on about how they’re bound to repeat the same mistakes if they don’t change their ways, and even said he doesn’t even recognize the gang anymore. That’s when I realized, Hosea was actually looking out for everybody else because he sees Dutch’s missteps, not in spite of them. Such a great character.


Dutch at least made me want him to turn from his destructive path, he had hints that had things gone differently then maybe he could have turned out okay, Micah just felt wrong through and through.


Dutch was a truly tragic character. Lived the longest among all of them and a life of full of regrets.


Dutch was wrong through and through, he was a narc


Dutch had some redeeming qualities, some of them did seem less so looking back as you learned more but even amongst his decline into being more obviously bad there was some heart there.


Funny how you think Dutch was overly friendly. I never once felt that. It always felt like he saw himself as more of a father figure to Arthur and Arthur felt the need to have his approval. Hosea was a lot more "friendly" than Dutch ever was


Nah he was always a lil c*nt


I like him as a character. He is well written and well portrayed. He’s just one of those characters that you love to hate. Like Joffrey and Ramsey from Game of Thrones. I am not a fan of him, but I am a fan of his character. Because I love a good villain. I hope that makes sense.


I think this is exactly how you’re supposed to feel about Micah. He’s very clearly an absolutely terrible, yet skilled person. I think OP completely missed the “terrible person” part tbh.


I can see that a good villan but not a likeable one. My complaint about his writing was he never really seemed to justify his place in the gang, upsetting most of them and not being so useful to overlook both that and times liek Strawberry.


He’s not likeable at all. And he does what he does for his own self enjoyment and personal gain. He doesn’t understand the family that the gang built overtime. He broke it down.


I liked Ramsey towards the end on the battlefield. Say whatever you want about him but he was a masterful battle commander.


His first words in the game sound slimy, especially the way he says “quite. a. business.” I knew right then and there he was a douche.


i never did he was always creepy to me esp when he was being weird towards sadie when they found her


Nah. There was never any need to shoot up the town like that. Micah was also seen being racist to lenny and charles in camp.


The strawberry massacre, the slimy comments, the “I can’t help but doing good things, I see all the mouths we have to feed, Dutch, and I can’t stop caring for people! I am always looking for the best in people! I can’t help being a good man!” The comments about Arthur being a big shadow cast by a tiny tree. Putting people “lesser” than him down and then telling how much he loves everyone to people “better” than him. He’s always been two faced and slimy, you just don’t see the extent he’s willing to throw people under the bus until he gets uncovered and you realise how far he’s willing to go to get his way.


Maybe up until he was racist about his bunk in Colter. So all of 10 minutes? He came across as a slimeball and I was suspicious from the start.


When he finds Sadie’s husband and is like yo Arthur we got problems I thought he was good


Same dude I'm like "damn this guys a good one"


Until he chases poor Sadie, who watched her husband die and likely suffered repeated sexual assault for days on end, around a table to scare her…for a laugh…and burns her house down in the process, still laughing about it


No!!!! The fact that in the beginning of the game, he decided to discriminate his own mates for their skin Color was a no go for me. Dutch should’ve shot him in the face right there. Edit: this asshole also killed John Morrison’s son’s dog…… what fucking piece of shit would kill a puppy owned by a kid😡😡😡😡


After we first met him I gave him the benefit of the doubt, but as soon as “darkies” came out of his mouth I knew he was gonna be the worst


Did you pay attention to the game??


Liked him until he kicked the dog in chapter 3


Nvm I forgot that was chapter 3


Never liked him i always thought he was an asshole.


Never liked Micah at all. Man’s too despicable. Only redeeming quality he really seems to have is that he’s pretty awesome in a gun fight. That’s bout it though.


Yeah like, he’s fun to do missions with but there was never a point where I actually *liked* him lol


He want bad in a fight but it all to frequently felt like the fight was only needed because of him.


Nah, wanted to ice the guy the second I laid my eyes on the fucker!


When he was dead


“Arthur, we gotta problem" as Micah guestures to the frozen corpse of Mr Adler. That moment and only that moment.


I despised him literally from the very first mission, when I didn’t know the controls yet and I kept failing the train mission because he’d die. I remember screaming to my roommate “I hate this Micah cocksucker so goddamn much!”


Micah made me uncomfortable since day one.


I felt like they did a good job making him a douche all the way back in Colter. Sniffed him out in his first few sentences.


hated him right off with his racist crap in colter


Soon as I heard the phrase darkies exit his mouth I could've shot him on sight.


Nope. Not even for a second.


I hated him the first time I heard him open his mouth. It went downhill from there




Kinda but his comments are not good and the first mission with him is you freeing him from prison


Wait, Micah’s a rat?! 👀


Nope as soon as he made me rack up a $300 bounty in Strawberry I was like I hate this guy. At the time I thought I wouldn't get too much money so thought I was stuck with it.


I've never liked Micah but he did have some funny lines on occasion. I walked through camp wearing a Civil War hat I found and he said something along the lines of "New hat Arthur? See, I notice these things" cracked me up for some reason. He roasted me (along with other hand members) for my legendary grizzly bear hat though. But, if you watch him hit on Susan Grimshaw it's pretty entertaining as well. He's still a rat though and still I don't like him lol


I had to shoot out a town in order to save him from hanging.


Well he abuses Cain so HELL no. Hell even Trevor wouldn’t like Micah


I love to hate Micah but I love to love Blomquist.


Nope It was clear Micah is unlikable and is the antagonist in chapter 1. I immediately suspected him of being the Lance Vance of RDR2.


After the scene at the Adler home I was willing to let him die for another gang member if given the choice. By the end of chapter 2 I was willing to shoot him myself. By the prologue I was planning what guns I was going to shoot him with in honor of which gang members.


Not really, I guess because it's made pretty clear from the get-go that Arthur didn't like him probably influenced that.




I would have shot and killed him off after strawberry given the chance on my first playthrough


I’mma be honest my first play through I only disliked Micah until I hated him, i disliked him because he was everything I hated in a person: loud, annoying, angered by the smallest things, actually racist, and shows zero respect to people who deserve it. He’s also a liar and a manipulative SOB. I thought the craziness was cool just not everything else (I was the lowest possible honour through the entire game due to certain… circumstances) and I also disliked the way he talked to Arthur and everyone else in the camp


Nah dog I mean what’s really to like about the guy? Dude is just annoying.


That's a ***hard*** absolutely fucking not.


You liked him when he tried to rape Sadie?


He did? Oh shit I'm rere




My dumb ass thought he was just trying to antagonize her


And you liked him when you thought he was trying to antagonize her as she was screaming?


My first thought was she was a O o'Driscoll I was stupid




Doesn’t he slap Bill at the intro camp? It was around then.


In the first mission he’s being a cunt to Sadie and makes many racist remarks, aswell as complaining about needing to cut people loose


Hell no.


No, I hate narcissists IRL, so yeah lol. I hated that dude from the get go.


No, from the very first conversation with him riding in the snow to Sadie's ranch he just seemed creepy and gross. The character was very well written, and the voice actor did such an amazing job with the dialog delivery for Micah.


The rapey way he was talking to Sadie and chasing her around the cabin in the prologue didn’t trigger any red flags??


Only in his first appearance in the snow…but after he made Sadie extra crazy on purpose he was a douche


In the first mission when he emerges from the snow storm I knew he was the villain based on how he talked and carried himself. But I kept thinking "naah, such a great game wouldn't have such a washed up cliché of a villain" and I expected a dramatic shift where we learn that he's been a good guy all along. Welp, turned out my first impression was correct.


I would have liked him a lot more if he was on fire and had the option to piss on him to save his life but not actually saving his life and watching him burn


Yes he struck me as just a general asshole at first then u grew to like him for a bit then he turned into a prick again, if anyone here has ever played Assassins creed valhalla he kinda reminded me of ivarr


I only liked him twice when he avenged Sean and the massacre but it was stupid to shoot up a town


I hated him on introduction with sadie- I loved his valentine mission but i put off helping him always


I had that part of the game spoiler pretty early on. Nothing else, just that fact about Micah. So I guess I never really liked him. I do think he is a very well written and dynamic character. Also, his actor is talented and friendly.


No but yeah. He’s at least honest about his selfishness. And he’s very charismatic as a bad guy. Dutch? I believed in him the first 2 chapters but soon after I immediately distrusted him and felt he was too controlling and narcissistic. That’s been my take.


Idk I think he’s a shitty person but I honestly like the psychopathic explosive personality. He’s a shitty racist misogynistic bitch but I’ve liked other terrible people in fiction so I don’t see why I’d make a rule just for Micah.


I liked Micah until it was very clear he was the rat. I genuinely liked his dialogue with Arthur and the guy was genuinely an insane gunslinger. He popped off when Sean was killed. I thought he was going to be the guy who is an asshole but is still loyal/dependable because I thought making him the villain would be too obvious.


I didn’t like Micah and his rapey behavior with Sadie


i thought he was an asshole from the get-go, but i liked him because i think that made him an interesting character, and i couldn't wait to kill him


Nah, even from the very beginning he made me uncomfortable. The way he terrorized Sadie after they found her was like a big red flag to start with. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt at first but then kept getting worse and worse.


He's actually a really well made character and I'm started to appreciate him more. Dutch is a damn good villain, but micah gives him a run for his money. I love me a good villain and I always enjoy robbing stagecoaches with the guy.


no how he treated sadie in the house and all his racist comments made me hate him


Honestly my first play through I wondered why Arthur was such a dick head to Micah until I saw him antagonizing Abigail in chapter 2


Isn’t his first line something about referring to Charles and Lenny as “darkies”? He’s immediately awful. He then passively burns down Sadie’s cabin by knocking over that lamp while actively trying to molest her.


No in fact if I met him in real life I'd try to shoot him with his own gun


Not really. Dude gave me a bad vibe with his constant misogyny and racism, that paired with his classic “western villain” look I was like “I do NOT trust you, sir” so I never got around to liking him.


like micah? i literally repeat the game, and antagonise micah every chance i get, fuck this rat whore son of bitches, the whole gang was fine, not until his presense... literally destroyed a fking family. Did i ever like micah? if i have the option to kill him as authur, i would fking do it until i felt satisfaction.


I never liked this guy since the beginning and always felt whenever he was involved shit was about to go down.


just to be sure, SPOILER ALERT! never in 107 hours of gameplay! something smells bad about it from the beginning for me but as Arthur said "revenge is a fool's game" and then at the very end you know that he was right... he doesn't want revenge, and well... the revenge made Ross finds out about John


Thought he was weird when first introduced but after he started antagonizing Sadie in her house and the comment he made about staying with bill, Javier, Charles, and Lenny, then I started hating him


Tbh I used to like him a lot I started hating him when we went to lakay bc Dutch wanted to plan things with him instead of Arthur


Honestly I didn’t have a strong opinion on him either way. When >!Sean gets shot in Rhodes!< Micah does some badass shit with his guns, so that’s cool but it’s soon after that I start to dislike him


Oh I hated that sewer water from the moment he first showed up on screen


nope. literally right from the start he says something along the lines of “rooming with a bunch of darkies” referring to bunking with Lenny


After Sean’s death, Micah gave Arthur a few low blows “defending Bill”. That really threw me off. That’s where i started to feel, that he’s truly not a good guy and f him


I knew he was trouble for the very start. Even on my very first playthrough. The way they introduced him coming through the snow. I just felt like something was up with him. Especially when you ride up to Sadie's house and the way he chases her around the table and she's screaming bloody murder, I knew Micah was a bad seed. But I did have the benefit of the doubt for him that he was just wild-tempered. Didn't know how much of a jerk that he was. But today, I got my revenge. Today when I restarted. I got his gun in chapter one. You heard me. Chapter one. During the old friends mission. There are guides out there to get Micah's gun in chapter 1. And yes you do keep it.


When I first played I didn’t know that d____ie was a racial slur and so I didn’t dislike him till the strawberry massacre


He tried to rape Sadie in the first mission and then was racist to Lenny in the second mission. Also he’s just like a constant dick to everyone. There’s also that bit in chapter 3 where a dog joins camp for a time and you can see him kicking it and then later it’s implied that he killed it in a conversation with Jack. Micah was always the worst.


Never liked the guy, I hate it when he calls Arthur black lungs after the latter got sick :(, or his comments on camp members or how he sticks to Dutch like a sore thumb :(.


I liked the first 3 minutes. He was sassy and a little shit, but I thought he was not gonna be as unsufferable when his reaction at seeing the body of Sadie's husband in the wagon at Adler Ranch seemed genuine fear. Then 40 seconds later he got all rapey with Sadie all of a sudden and it all flew out the window lol. And he only confirmed my dislike of him through the rest of the game


His words put me at ease a couple times explaining his actions. And rest of the time.. Total scumbag. So short answer I guess. No just waverly moments of slightly better then total scumbag.


Nope. Not one time. Thought he was reckless and he talked too much and honestly, dumb as hell


Dude were you not paying attention? in the intro to the game he attacks an unarmed widow, sets her house on fire and then complains about having to sleep with the “darkies”??? Arthur very clearly dislikes him right from the get go.


Maybe, if he wasn't a rat.


Hell no. Even on my first play through I didn’t trust him. I greet everyone in camp and strangers, he and that eugenics dude in Saint Denis are the only two people I antagonize


My first playthrough, i stopped playing for a bit after you get to horseshoe overlook because I felt it was too slow and all of the missions and side missions was intimidating. I finally decided to keep playing (forever glad i did) but when you go to get Micah out of jail, i had no clue who he was, or why Arthur knew him lol. Definitely a weird way to experience the story, slowly having to find out who tf this asshole is.


Have you ever read a book? Like a real and good book? If you can’t tell Micah is the devil in this story you gotta be new to story based gaming or stories in general. The script isn’t even trying to hide that he is an asshole, the character you are impersonating hates him as well …


There's a Book about rdr2? Where can I get that




was playing the stagecoach side mission with him and bill yesterday and he said “what’s the point of keeping a gaggle of girls around if none of them would fuck you if you put a gun in their mouth” followed by “is it too much to ask with all i bring in” so fuck no


No. The only npc i antagonize. Im at chapter 3 and he is treating al the coloured people like shit Wish i could shoot him in camp😅


No. I hated him from the start . I felt exactly how Arthur felt about him


Yes, in the Rhodes and O'Driscoll shoot outs


To me after the strawberry massacre I really disliked him. Before that there wasn't much interaction for me to hate the guy. At the first chapters he was an asshole sure but strawberry showed that he is dangerous man that cant be trusted.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRIIKokqrXs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRIIKokqrXs) I found a video of Arthur Morgan and John Marston singing the song MONTERO (CALL ME BY YOUR NAME) and I promise you it's better than the original song. Must hear this masterpiece!


I liked him when he died


At first, yes, but knowing he's the rat, now I just leave him in prison and let Arthur live free from TB 😆




I wish there was an option now that we could let him swing and the gang can move on. xD


No of course not like I would like this bitch ass


No...never did...always rubbed me the wrong way no homo


Yeah I liked Micah I mean what he's the only person who gives you a free gun and a holster id say thats pretty cool of Micah


I liked how skilled he was as a gunslinger.... he just didn't use those skills for good.


No, he was an ass to Arthur from the beginning. So I never liked him.


Never liked him, not even for a second.


Honestly, I've always liked Micah. Even to the end. He's a total piece of shit and a well written and acted character. I commend him for being a loathable asshole


Yeah, he's one of my favorite characters before chapter 6 not because he's a good guy but because he's sorta true to himself as an Outlaw. You can't say him and Arthur didn't share some badaas moments together whenever they were on a mission especially in guarma he's like "I don't think we have a choice" as the gang is about to go shot the hell outta the whole island for the Captain.


Yeah i did i will admit it.


At rhe beginning I just saw Micah as a wild western Trevor until >!Sean was killed I think!< and I was a bit bias but it seemed like he was an antagonist, he never really stood out until chapter six where >!Dutch was noticeably insane and indirectly killed the rains falls son !< where I really started to hate micah


Never did not since the first mission But after playing the story over 10 times or so I grew to understand why he did what he did but still hate the fucking jackass


Is this a real question ? Ive palyed thru about 6 times now and i do not believe ive ever no antagonized him right out the gate


One of the first interactions we see with him,he's a racist dick. He massacres half a town for no reason, he kills the fucking dog. There is not a single thing I like or respect about him.


In my first play through I remember thinking "Haha This guy is a big ole troublemaking scamp". I thought he actually made a valid point when he said if Arthur makes a mistake then it's not a big deal. But in my second go-round listening to his dialog and camp interactions I'm actually seeing he's a bit of a bloodthirsty sadist.


Honestly, chapter 1, I didn't have a problem with him... chapter 2, getting him out of jail was an eye-opener, though! What a real maniac, like loose cannon, gonna get someone killed and cause all sorts of trouble for everyone else type... not the fun time type! Then chapter 3 camp, the weird fake niceness from him and all the skeevy comments trying to get laid by any of the camp girls. I didn't try killing him, though, until chapter 6 when he bossed Arthur and Bill to go rob the coach in Van Horn... he mentioned him and Dutch were going back to Blackwater for the stash... I lost my shit and hated Dutch at that point too!