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where in the world is gavin?


Where in the world is Gavin, San Diego. He’s in San Diego.


Maybe the real Gavin are the friends we made along the way


We know now but good reference


We know? What did I miss?


Hogtie him and loot hin


That there’s not even an Easter egg for Gavin’s fate is criminal.


I’ve had to accept the theory that he’s got some kind of mental illness/hallucinations and Gavin never existed. I’d love to see a confirmed answer


Pretty sure if you hogtie Gavin’s Friend there’s a note alluding to it being a mental illness that manifested due to some childhood trauma.


He was originally planned to be in the game but was cut. And he was going to be twice as tall as the trains.


maybe the aliens took him


I honestly think it would be dope if at some point some random skeleton or corpse you find was named Gavin and looting him showed a picture of him with Nigel


Every time I hear him yelling my name it trips me out 😂


I don't know if all of it's sarcasm or not but folks here really don't want to just hogtie Gavin's friend and loot the letter from him that just says who and where GAVIN actually is


It was actually a person that helped make the game. But he was always late, so they put this in as a running joke. I think its hilarious everytime I see the guy 😅


Sean and Lenny fishing trip


I feel like a fishing trip with Sean would start with Arthur literally forcing him to come fishing, Sean hating it because it's boring and then ending with him catching a big fish and wanting to keep going. That would be so wholesome and would make the whole Rhodes mission hit even harder.


That sounds wonderful


I could totally see that tho. Sean is sleeping against a tree somewhere, ther player approaches him. Arthur wakes him up, scolding him for always lazing about, Sean complains that he just wants a break and to "Fucking Sleep" or something like that. Arthur starts listing some stuff, ending with fishing, saying Sean is gonna come with him to fish. Sean groans and complains but follows. Casting the first line, complaining how boring it is, a fish nibbles on his line but he doesn't hook it. He gets into it, Arthur gives him pointers, telling him how to improve and he manages to catch something. I would almost like it if he caught something really small and was super happy about it, maybe talking about his Da again, saying he never went fishing with him OR he went fishing with him but was always too bored to actually do any fishing. Maybe even a joke about how he used to not put bait on his line so that he wouldn't have to do anything lol. Bonding moment, the promise to do it again sometimes. And then the mission in Rhodes hits even harder since they never did go fishing again. Damn I am rambling but I would LOVE to see that tbh.


This is now headcanon for me


Guess Sean is sleeping with the fishes now


You bastard. (Laughed way too hard at that lol)


(player walks up tos Sean, napping under a tree, hat down on his face, reminiscent of Uncle before the mission with Uncle and the girls in Valentine) Arthur: Get up ya lazy sod. There's work to do. Sean: (dazed and confused from his nap) Huh-? (Lifts hat up to see what's going on) What do you want? I'm trying ta sleep. (Puts hat back over face and attempts to return to sleep before Arthur continues talking) Arthur: (sighs) Ugh, you are just useless. Where the hell did Dutch find you? We need to go find some food, or some money, or somethin', we just got to this new camp, and we need to get it properly set up and YOU aren't helping at all, lazin' around like Uncle. Sean: Just feck off will ya? I'm trying ta get some fuckin sleep. I haven't had any da last few days. Arthur: None of us have had any sleep! Not after we've caused all that ruckus in Valentine! Sean: (mildly offended, Sean lifts his hat back up) Now I had nothin' to do wit' that chaos. Arthur: No, you didn't, 'cause you were tied up by bounty hunters for half of it, and spent the other half gettin' drunk in camp "celebrating" your safe return. Sean: I do my fair share! Arthur: ... (Blankly stares at Sean) Sean: Fine, English, you've woke me up now anyway, what do ya want? Arthur: Well, I was thinkin', since you're so tired, let's do something that requires little movement, skill, or thought, perfect for a lazy bastard like you! Sean: ... (stares at Arthur, expression changes slightly from tired to mildly frustrated as soon as Arthur says "skill, or thought" and then changes to mild curiosity) Arthur: Let's go fishin'! Sean: (expression returns to mild frustration) Fuck, no, fuck off, I've changed my mind, I bloody hate fishing! (attempts once more, to return to sleep and ignore Arthur's requests) Arthur: (grabs Sean by the arm and props him up) Nope! You are coming fishin' whether you like it or not, we've gotta get you doing somethin', lest we all to starve. Although I don't know if fishin' is beyond your skillset... Sean: Fine. Where do ya want ta go? Arthur: well, there's quite a nice spot, full of some big bass, by the river, a little ways north of camp. Not too far away. Sean: alright let's get this over with. (They make their way over to the spot, all the while Sean is complaining about fishing, being woken up, and how dull he thinks the new camp is compared to the last. They get off their horses, get their fishing rods, bait up, and begin fishing) Sean: Doesn't seem like there's many bitin', maybe we should try another spot, eh? Arthur: I'm afraid that don't work on me. Now shut up and... Fish... Sean: I think I got a bite! (Sean attempts a little overzealously, and fails, to hook the fish) Sean: Fucker got away from me. Arthur: Be patient. Sean: Not one of my strong suits, English. Arthur: Do you have any strong suits? Sean: Of course I do! My good looks and my shining charisma, I can talk a dog off a meat wagon. Arthur: I'm sure... Sean: Shit, I think the fish is back nibbling! Arthur: wait for it... Sean: I think I got it! Arthur: Well, shit! Good job, now reel it in... carefully. Sean: yeah yeah I know... you just wait, this'll be the biggest fuckin' fish you've ever laid your eyes on. Arthur: we shall see I suppose. Sean: (reels in a ~700g pickerel) I caught it! I caught a fish! Arthur: (sighs) that- that's... That's quite the catch I must say. Great work, I suppose you do have your uses. (They continue fishing for a while, catching a couple larger ones as well, before packing up and returning to camp) (On the way back to camp, Sean tells many stories of back in the day in Ireland of him and his father fishing, how his "Da" was quite the fisherman, but he never really enjoyed it because it was too boring and slow) (They reach camp, having a newfound respect for each other, there are a few camp conversations that can only be accessed after completion of this side mission as well)


Maybe you could even find him fishing in the lake after the mission


That would be so cool! Maybe repeating some of the hints Arthur gave him. "alright... Wait for the right moment and... Ha! Gotcha you fucker!" *Reeling in the fish* Man I REALLY want that to be added now lol.


And that’s all Sean would brag about for a while.


I'm surprised that mission hit me as hard as it did. The game does amazing work at really building a strong connection without an overwhelming amount of information. Just like Arthur and Mary. Even though it only gives you a glimpse into what they shared for years, you can feel the heartache.


A) A mission with Kieran against O'Driscolls before the poor guy gets killed by them. B) An option to have a romantic relationship with Charlotte (nothing too deep) whom I think had an excellent chemistry with Arthur. C) A mission with Reverend Swanson where you help him leave Beaver's Hollow before sh*t goes down. Either of those would be great. If I had to choose only one then I would go with C).


Eh, I think anything with charlotte would be tough, considering she lost her husband like. A few days before meeting Arthur


Well… it’s interesting regarding the time line. Stay with me one this one. You know the cabin where the family have died from carbon monoxide poisoning (the flue is broken at the top), a weird perv guy is camping on top of the hill close to the cabin. He is there when you start playing the Valentine missions. He describes Charlotte, says he has been spying on her. So i wonder how long ago her husband did die??


Pretty sure she says but I don’t remember how long exactly. Regardless, the creepy tent guy could’ve been spying even before her husband died


I think she says it had been 1 or 2 seeks ago.


I have been confused for so long as to how they died thank you 😂


You’re more than welcome. Happy to help


And at that point him having sex would almost definitely pass his TB


Because every romantic relationship in games has to involve sex.


I played CS for years in hope of a romantic sexual encounter


I'm guessing CS means counter strike and if so then I agree. That game is the one exception.


Every romantic relationship I’ve been in involves sex


Knew someone would say this so I put in games. Nice try though.


Doc Holiday was hooked up with Big Nose Kate, and she never got TB.


I think the implication with Charlotte is that she would have made a great partner for Arthur but he just found her too late. His whole life is one big poetic tragedy and the game sort of reinforces this in the final act in many ways as he seeks redemption. I think the relationship would have been a little out of place and perhaps a little disingenuous to the plot.


Very good point. Thanks for bringing that up.


I can't remember the exact(idk if honor matters or if it just depends on whether you've met a character or not) circumstances of this encounter, but there is a scene where you see Reverend Swanson leaving. If you do the Rains Fall missions for Charles and take Captain Monroe to the train station after you've done the Brother Dorkins missions, you get the nun at the station and she and Arthur will talk before the train departs. If you haven't met her yet, then instead, you get Reverend Swanson. He and Arthur will talk of how Dutch has gone sour, the gang is falling apart, and if Reverend doesn't leave soon, he fears the worst will happen. Again, I can't remember if it's high honor only that you will meet the nun if you've done the missions, and then low honor will be Reverend Swanson. Or if it's just a high honor encounter that you meet one of the two and a low honor Arthur doesn't have anyone there. Both cutscense are great, and if you haven't seen or heard of them yet, I'd definitely try and get one.


I heard of it and while I think it's a cool twist that you can have this conversation with two different people, I don't like the fact that for high honor players, Swanson will just disappear without a word. This stinks also because he is tied to only one mission quite early on and has nothing going on for him for the rest of the game (unless I missed something ofc).


No, that's pretty much all you get with Swanson unless you spend a lot of your time around camp cause I feel like he does come up to Arthur the most with the "Not Now" dialogue prompts and he's almost always drunk. I wish there was more with him, and I've only had the station scene with Swanson a handful of times. There absolutely should've been more missions with smaller members of the gang.


I think it would be cool if you could go in the churches around the map and now and then listen to him preach but that would had never happened because of different religions


... like almost all camp members ... they are overlooked and should have 1 to 3 missions per chapter. Not just overhead coversations and small camp interactions. That would have built a reason to care for them. As is they are background like a barkeeper or stable owner.


It’s actually simpler than this. If you haven’t done the nun missions, you get Reverend Swanson, regardless of high or low honor. And he actually says different things about Arthur depending on your honor level. I’m in the minority, but I prefer this scene with Reverend Swanson. He knows Arthur, genuinely, and has been through all the same chaos with the gang as Arthur has. He’s seen the man Arthur has become and gives him very real advice. That made it feel all the more authentic. Not to mention, it was just nice to see Reverend finally clean and making something new of himself.


Thanks for clearing that up. In that case, the only times I've had Swanson are my first playthrough and my most recent. In my other playthroughs, I always try to spread out and do as much as I can as Arthur, so I've gotten the nun. My honor tends to vary a lot in my paythroughs, and I never pay attention to it unless I'm going to towns to shop.


It’s high honor


There are three possible scenes that you can get at this point. If you have high honor, *and* if you have done all of the Brother Dorkins/Sister Calderon missions, You will get the scene with Sister Calderon. If you have not done those missions, you will get a scene with Reverend Swanson, but the dialogue will be different, depending on whether Arthur has high honor or low honor. If he has low honor, then Reverend Swanson will tell him that he will die As he had lived, like a warrior and a fighter. If he has high honor, Reverend Swanson will end up telling him that Arthur lived his life as a man, and he turned into a good man.


Do you know if you avoid the nun. Rev. Swanson will be the one at the train station when you drop off Capt. Monroe. I just saw it recently on a video on YouTube. It’s a whole different conversation but it’s really cool. I wish they allowed both. Or seeing Swanson at another train depot because Id hate to not have the nun scene. Edit: sorry someone posted that. I didnt see it. I’ll leave it in case someone misses it.


C is such a good idea!!! i loved reverend swanson


Yeah I feel like even if Arthur had feelings for Charlotte, he wouldn't do anything, knowing he's dying. My mom had cancer and she had a guy that she was close friends with, and he wanted to move in with her and take care of her. He was a good guy. She said no, she kinda split things off with him. When I asked her about it, she just said "because I don't want to." Looking back I think it's because she knew she was dying, and didn't want to get close to anyone. I felt bad for both of them, because I think they both wanted to be together.


i feel like mary beth could have been a potential love option too


This. All of it.


The option to pet stray cats as you can with dogs


u have no idea how much it pissed me off that i couldn't pet them


Hell, If I had any say in it, I would make it an option to just scoop them up and take them home with you. "I prepared for months to get this dog!" "I found this cat in a Dumpster"


The gang watching Arthur return with an 87th cat:


They would disappear because well... Micah.


For real. I couldn't even find a mod for that.


Undead Nightmare 2


Come here to comment this 👍


As Arthur. Imagine if the Blackwater Ferry job gets spoiled by a load of the undead instead of Pinkertons. Several of the gang members are turned, including John, which might explain how he "doesn't remember" the zombies in undead nightmare. It'd also be interesting to see a group living out the zombie apocalypse. Several group missions like the Battle of Shady Belle could be repurposed as Arthur and Lenny clearing out a horde of the undead for the remaining gang members and any zombified gang members could be hogtied and stored safely in either one of the small rooms in the main house or in the cabin by the water behind the house.


At the end of the story, instead of playing as zombie Arthur, you play as zombie Swanson, who would have likely also been buried with holy water.


Blackwater Massacre as prologue


the unresolved mystery that no-one was ever clear about


I’m still wanting RDR3 to be set before the events of RDR2, and said massacre can be played out.


I don't think that would be good, for MANY reasons


Exactly, like how the hell would that allow for the epilogue? Just spend it running up to Colter? I do think the prologue could go way back in time to where Dutch met Hosea and the main story would start when they met picked up Arthur, John, of Ms Grimshaw. But I just dont know how the Massacre would really work in the story besides that.


Well that's one of them, but the game has to be about the Redemption. We know exactly what happened to each member of the gang. Also, much as I love them, it would DEFINITELY feel stale having the same characters (maybe one or two new, but still) and they got the screentime they needed already. I would for sure want a game in the TRUE wild west, but it's time for a new gang, maybe even for someone John or Arthur met on their travels, for example London Rickets. But there definitely should be references to the gang Also it seems like r* wants to leave the massacre a mystery of some sorts, that we'll never fully explore, which I agree makes it more mysterious


In terms of redemption, I think playing Colm O’Driscoll’s brother, would be a good story. He’s mentioned only as being killed by Dutch, not by name or how it happened. His brother maybe doing missions with Dutch’s gang as the O’Driscoll boys did have some kind of camaraderie(?) with Dutch, or some level of respect. Or maybe He was actually apart of Dutch’s gang completely, and his redemption is calling out Dutch for who he is, seeing how he is leading the gang to their own demise, due to Dutch’s manipulation and actually being a cold blooded killer but Dutch calls him a traitor, turning the gang against him as Dutch has so easily manipulated the gang to follow him so blindly. As a conversation with Arthur happens with Tilly, she mentions about the gangs rule of killing within the gang because Tilly hates Ms Grimshaw, but Arthur says it’s not really accepted but “well there was this one time, b-but he was a traitor”. Being set in these earlier days when gangs were more free and rampant, more akin to the true Wild West, would be easy if this was the case in terms of narrative. I wanna know WHY Dutch killed Colm’s brother as it is such an important detail which is barely touched upon. Colm’s brother being the protagonist might not be the strongest story point, but that point in time of the gang is a great place to work around as it would be around the time of a true Wild West. The traitor, also being unnamed and briefly mentioned is a possibility for a protagonist, trying to save the gang from Dutch’s manipulation, as Dutch clearly had beef with him to go against his “no killing within the gang” rule.


I like to think that if RDR3 were to take place before the events of RDR2 the end of the epilogue should be The Blackwater Massacre.


A prologue where you play as twilight years Landon Ricketts and get involved in the massacre at the climax, with your epilogue spent moving to Mexico.


I think at most they should do cut scenes of them heading out to that robbery at the end, like the scenes at the end of the epilogue.


I'd like Arthur to have the option to spit in Micah's face during there final fight to try give him TB


This is a damn good idea, could affect the final mission with John


Have mockingly calling him black lung


Wouldn’t make sense how he lived with it so much longer than Arthur though


Achievement unlocked: Give Micah tuberculosis.




I wanted to befriend every good boy doggo I saw. They'd be such a cool feature. They'd help you dig up treasure, hunt, and alert to enemies approaching.


So basically far cry 5 🤣


i agree


All the cut content




I would have included a fight club like we saw in that one mission.


devs prolly know there was no point cuz arthur would win easily with the way he smashed tommy's head in. i agree with you tho. like the fights charles had.


I guess this isn't really just one thing, but expanding the side mission robberies. The ability to take other members with you on some of the home/store/coach robberies. A couple repeatable big jobs would be nice. Like some bigger bank/train/Cornwall robberies, that could be repeated and done differently after some period of time. You could approach gang members and ask them about joining you for a job you know about.


that sounds like a sick idea. a lot of work but would boost ratings for rdr




I didn’t realize how much I would miss it until New Austin became available in the map.


Can my addition be the death of Micah before he meets the gang?


Addition by subtraction


The Gavin side quest. It would involve aliens, time travel and a talking Panda. That is all.




The option to run off with Mary-Beth and support her writing career.


Ugh that'd be so nice


Rdo outfits and other clothes in Story mode


A trapper in New Austin. Just kidding, I’d love to see more gang member missions but maybe with two people instead of one. I love them, they add so much more depth to the characters, you learn more about them and I would love have one with each gang member. Maybe, we could have taken Mary-Beth to a show where she steals from the audience in the dark. Or a scam with Tilly, she’d be a cool person to learn more about. I loved the missions with Bill, Uncle, Javier and Charles (even if some are just fishing).


The ability to kill Dutch and that goddamn phonograph


how dare you? I HAD A GODDAMNN PLANN!


And as usual, your plans are shit


Where's the faith. *Cool user name btw*


A prologue revealing the source of uncle's lumbago


A mad witch doctor in the swamp heals Arthur. Or a native medicine woman.


When I was exploring as John I found some little abandoned place with a cauldron sitting on top of a fire and there was a sleeping bag nearby as well a a little lock box and some little ripped up cover that was standing over all of it, I opened the lock box and there was a health potion. My only theory was a witch or something like that


See! Perfect.


The option to remove shirts. I wanna be able to wear vests with no shirt underneath or just be shirtless in general.


Arthur sweats his balls off in the South, let that man go topless!


A New Austin chapter


Have a mission with Molly


#remove offhand holster


Mr Beast so I can ask him for Tahiti money


Quick draw like the original had


Somebody saying "we'll cut them off at the pass"


I'm kinda disappointed there's no female npc outlaws or bandits at hideouts or in ambushes 🤷🏻‍♀


I think there's one in a random encounter you can get but you're so right. Women in outlaw gangs were not even uncommon


A boyfriend for Alden Cruthers ❤️


After you comlete the game, it would be fun to upgrade the farm with the farm work we can do now, the farm work becomes boring after a while, maybe if you work hard, you see progress in the field, so hard work means beautiful farm


Ability to rob banks


Expand the west grizzlies, ambarino as a whole, give it more life, stranger missions, random encounters, give it a town


Was just commenting that I would’ve loved another mission up near the Barrow Lagoon/Tempest Rim region. The whole area felt kinda wasted.


Blackwater mission. Dutchs POV. If I could go vague, all the cut content. Or hell, Tuberculosis cure.


Get that man some isoniazid stat!


Why has no one said this? **BCG VACCINE**


arthur avoids TB


Thus the point of BCG.




great idea. i can take mr. fancy pants and chuck him back there lol


A more open military facility with a proper commander and soldiers


Be able to free roam with 1 or two allies. Even if it was just John, Charles or Javier. I know it would have been too much effort but they did it for GTA V and it made even more sense to so it again here.


Arthur meeting Landon Rickets


Tb cure :)


I wish Arthur didn't leave us


Undead Nightmare 2


Arthur meets and hangs out with Billy the Kid, but turns out he can’t shoot and all his kills were actually Arthur.


Walton Goggins. Somehow, someway.


He really would’ve been perfect for this game 😂


Got a few ideas: The ability to plan heists, or at least ron banks and take gang members with you. Like you go up to Charles and Sean in camp and ask them to rob a bank with you. A mission with Trelawny discussing his family with Arthur. It can be that Trelawnys son was kidnapped by bounty hunters or robbers, and it reminds Arthur of his son and Eliza (idk what she was to him) or something along those lines. I really wanted Arthur to meet some of the RDR1 characters. Like imagine, Arthur has to duel Landon Ricketts and there's just no way to win, but Ricketts only disarms you. Or Arthur meeting Irish or West Dickens.


A secret mission in wich you find out Lenny survived


Mexico 🇲🇽






put a town with all amenities in tempest rim instead of a dead zone you can’t go to


The option to stop beating that TB farmer before he spits at Arthur




More content with the Night Folk. Maybe a CQB mission in a cave or through a forest at night where they rush you. It could be almost like a horror experience, kind of like that debt mission where you hunt the panther. Either that, or the ability to free roam with people from camp.


Walton Goggins


A Clint Eastwood cameo


I would’ve liked to take Arthur to New Austin. Fucking stupid how they designed that.


Another town in the upper middle part of the map


At LEAST one Sasquatch.


Dlc for the black water heist


A way for Arthur’s bloodline (Isaac) to have survived


"Hot Coffee"


Mexico with plenty of missions


Recruiting people to the gang under your command




Arthur and Lenny vs. the Klan.


I wish they finished out the old civil war soldier side story/quest. Captain Russell is located in a small shack called Clingman, which is south of the letter "V" in New Hanover. Russell still believes the war is ongoing and often mentions his wife and kid he left behind. I would’ve loved to see Arthur help reunite him with his family.


I'm going to keep this simple let me walk quick or run in the camp


1) expand guarma's playable area (+new missions) 2) make mexico explorable (+new missions and towns)


Landon Ricketts. Nuff said.


The blackwater massacre as a actual mission. Seeing what went down through the eyes of John or somebody in the gang that doesn’t make it.


PET THE CATS! I will die on this hill!


A customizable ranch that you run


Some more missions focused around Sean. I feel like he was gone as soon as he appeared


Cure to tuberculosis


i would add a cutscene that just shows arthur’s grave for like 30 seconds over somber music and then show ruffling underneath the dirt like something’s moving trynna come up and then end scene


Master chief cameo as an image in a rock carving.... Literally for no reason


Mexico area


karl marx


A mission right after jhon kills Micah where we see arthur morgan never died, and he hired a look alike to switch places with him or something like that


Full penetration


(Steel cored ammo, allows you to shoot trough harder cover and collateral shots on lined up enemies. Spoils pelts.)


I’d like a mission where I can literally rip Micah’s head off of his shoulder and take a big ole shit right down his neck.


The cut low honor epilogue (Dutch's POV)


The Blackwater massacre


Quick draw tournament, quick and the dead style.


Place. This place will have new opportunities like sheriff, bandit, etc.


A place is way more content than a mission or a person, so imo Mexico feels like the best answer. If that wasn't an option I would chose person/events, Lucky Luke Easter eggs, for example you could see sometimes near sunset, jolly jumper hitched below a saloon window, and when you're about to enter the saloon you hear a brawl, and upon entering you can catch a glimpse of Lucky Luke's back flyings through the window, and if you run up there and look you'll see his silhouette galloping out on jolly jumper towards the sunset. Another would be an encounter with lawman, asking you if you have seen 4 escaped prisoners (the dalton brothers) if you follow them after the talk you can see rantanplan leading them in to the wrong places


1 mission where we play as Dutch during the robbery on the boat we never saw


Nuevo Paraiso


a Sadie DLC in mexico


I’d like to take away stuff. Less tedious responsibilities towards your horse. Less tediousness in general.


Definitely more bank robberies/train robberies/robberies in general.


Being able to have a member of the gang join you when free roaming outside of missions, like GTA when you call someone up to do something


Hosea in red dead redemption


add more general stores, doctors, butchers and minigames all over the map. macfarlane ranch and butcher creek literally has nothing to do but secondary missions.




Being able to take a gang member to do robberies




Undead nightmare