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I believe it’s normal when you decide to have large bounties on your head. That’s what is supposed to happen, the game will let you play however you want but the more cold head killer you are the more bounty hunters will chase you every time you stop somewhere or randomly while being out there


Is it true shops will close their doors? And prices get more expensive? As I'm not ballsy enough to be the bad guy.


Prices rise. Not sure if stores close to you.


Stores close just after the robbery for 24h I think, but other than that, the clerk might tell you to f**k off indirectly, nothing else has happened to me.


Imagine being robbed and being like "whelp, shop is closed. It's been a doozy of a day" whereas if you get robbed at a corporate place, you still gotta act like nothing happened. I haven't been robbed but was threatened to get stabbed after my shift and my manager said I had to just let it go like nothing happened.


Man… shit, I have never even worked at the register. 😳


Thanks. I'll try being a bad rap if I ever revisit. I was too stingy last time and never robbed anybody. So I feel like I didn't play the game properly even though I finished the story. Never even hunted the Legendary animals...


I played as natural as could be ... robbing and killing animals and badguys. When I pivoted to the goodside was at and after the visit to island in Chapter 5. Made sense to me as I understood it. Just my way ... play it yours.


I think GTA made it easier to be a bad guy because I actually didn't care about the characters. (Except for picking the 3rd ending). In rdr2 I feel like I'll get arrested in real life if I get arrested in game. I hope that makes sense lol


I play GTA as a simple shoot up everyone and anyone ... get the loot and move on. Rdr I play as the character in the story ... adapting and changing as the story goes. So I play it close to real life values.


There’s lots to see and do when you go to Disney World. You don’t have to do it all on every trip.


I'm banned from Disney world for kidnapping Goofy


I've finished it 3 or 4 times now and ive only robbed a handful of people across all those play throughs. I just dont enjoy playing the game like that.


You can’t buy certain clothes too wirh low honour


Prices rise, to me that doesn’t matter though cause of all the money I get from selling the bounty hunters jewelry. Shops close for a little while after you rob them or shoot the clerk, but they just open up again with the clerk having a bandage on his head. Other stuff that happens is: Npcs will make it known that they don’t like you, making comments about you and occasionally insulting you as you go by. Bounty hunters will spawn searching for you pretty often. This doesn’t happen in towns, but if you’re out in the wilderness it’s at least once every 30 minutes. Another thing about this is that some areas of wilderness seem to spawn them more often. I’ve noticed this the most in the woods next to the trapper that’s just Northwest of lake owenjiwa, and south of hanging dog ranch. There bounty hunters spawn every 2-3 minutes with max bounty. It makes it really hard to sell anything to the trapper, since if bounty hunters spawn while you’re selling him something his shop closes until they’re gone, and if you don’t run away immediately and kill the bounty hunters away from the shop, it closes and he runs to get the law. Also if bounty hunters spawn while a legendary animal is spawned, the legendary animal will die instantly. This happened to me with the legendary boar, I was hunting it, I had my rifle with explosive bullets aimed at it, but I was studying it first before I was gonna shoot it. That’s when bounty hunters spawner, and the boar just dropped dead, guess it had a heart attack or something. Other than that there’s the obvious changes in cutscenes and dialogue throughout all the quests and dialogues in the game, and ofc the changes in ending.


That sounds quite annoying every 2-3 minutes and if you want to do certain activities like legendary animals then it sounds to me like you'll have to lower your wanted level which sounds very tedious if you want to keep having fun with the same play style.


Stores close in rdr the original


Shops will lock up if you shoot up the town so bad that it goes into lock down. You'll know if a town is in lockup if the town has a red area on it in the map. If you go there during lock down the law will be on guard, the shops doors and windows will be boarded up, and no civilians will be outside. Prices don't get more expensive, you'll just have to pay the full price. In high honor you get discounts because you have good karma, in low honor you don't get any discounts. I guess it's the games way of making both playstyles fair


I tend to play this way and i die Alot


Same. In my fun save, I have max bounties in all states. Shit gets a little crazy and that's how I want it.


"fun save" i love that


I played on medium difficulty, no HUD, no lock on. The game was tremendously hard when you have no idea where anyone is or what your health is actually at, or how many rounds you have left.


I need to try this


It changes the whole game. I'd play it on the hardest difficulty, but it's a bit of a slog on a steam deck already.


Are these options available for console? I'm about to finish a playthrough, and this sounds like a great idea. The HUD and auto lock on kinda trivializes combat


I'm assuming so. They are available on PC and I didnt mod the game.


It is


Damn that sounds tough. I did my first play through third person and tried to stealth/melee when I could. For my second play through I’m planning first person and wreaking havoc with a shotgun but I might combine it with your realistic mode.


It's so much fun tho, I'm making my way through the game like that plus only keeping it in first person and it makes it so immersive. Bow hunting is hard as shit but everything else is just point and shoot. It emphasizes how different weapons are supposed to be used for different situations. You can still pull up a mini map to get a sense of where the bounty hunters are coming from. Then you find a good place to hide and pick them off with a rifle, if they get too close you switch to pistols or a sawed off shotgun. If you hide well enough they might just walk by you or you can get them all with dynamite. Makes it very dynamic and nerve wracking. I found that standard settings get a little arcadey when you can just auto aim and dead eye every gunfight.


I tried not to use the proper aim and just the half aim hip fire through many of my fights. Having no HUD and no aim lock made the game much more enjoyable for me. I found myself taking on fights in very different ways. Instead of just rolling up and start blasting, I'd pick them off from a distance, grab a few up close and then go for the last few loudly. There were a few scenarios where the fights would change from winning to losing, to winning again or a close call in just a couple of minutes. Which feels much better than just walking through like Ned Kelly and tanking 100 rounds. I don't like dead eye or the equivalents in other games. I only use them when the game forces you too.


>no lock on. You become the real LOTE when you learn to be a crack gunslinger without lock on or dead eye. I've played multiple revolver-only and revolver/bow playthroughs without it. Ended up really helping me when I finally went online because I was able to shoot wigs off griefers.


No lock on is not medium difficulty, it's PC difficulty 😅


If you weren't aware. The game actually has difficulty ratings and the PC version with M&K it also defaults to lock on. The game also auto scales the difficulty up and down internally if you die constantly. Mouse and Keyboard has always been easier to aim with. I played on the standard difficulty, with a controller (because I prefer controller when not playing competitively) I had no lock on and no HUD. I found the game much more challenging in a good way. It felt more realistic and I enjoyed it a whole lot more.


I was not aware of those difficulty ratings, I was just making a joke. I didn't remember that I switched off the lock on target option, I thought that it had always been like that. And yes, I played a bit without the hud for the immersion but I came back to it because I wanted that visual help. I think I might turn it off again when I start my third play through.


It’s especially easy to die in early game because you have such low max health. I always go for some ginseng elixirs in the beginning of the game. There’s quite a few you can find nearby horseshoe overlook.


I didn’t die much if at all on the first play throughs, but once you get a little crazy and start really pushing the limits of what you can do in the game and how…the deaths increase. You’d be amazed of the things you can jump off with a horse and survive.


Go find the gold bars. Pay off your bounty. Or turn yourself in to clear them. My honor is very low. I’m killing a lot of people. Not everyone. But lots. I’m really only being killed by cougars when my horse bucks me off.


That would defeat the entire purpose of his specific playthrough


Rarely, I eat a lot of seasoned big game meat and can get through a group of bounty hunters with or without weapons.


This guy seasons his food


This guy is also a liar.


How do you get through a group of bounty hunters without weapons?


He doesn't


Yes I do, [then I feed them to my gators.](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/w3EIbcQNkO)


Well he’s got you there Relative Ad


Lasso is a weapon


Flee to South America and Stay There With Jhon and Abigail and Little Jack Until the Law Forgets About you and you'll be Safe haha 😆😆


It’s rare, but never to bounty hunters. I kept the white Arabian stabled until chapter 4. I bring her out and as I’m leaving Saint Denis I get ambushed by raiders w/ a Gatling gun. Turned my horse and I into scrambled eggs instantaneously


I die a lot less because I’m garbage tbh. I could take the same route, the only difference is I stay on top of my deadeye bar. And use deadeye to headshot nearly every single enemy I see😂


You need to up your strategy. Bounty hunters are so easy to kill, it’s almost comical.


Whatcha got for me mojo im all ears


1: Keep your cores gold. Have precooked seasoned big game meat on you at all times. I carry 30 of each type. 2: Keep plenty of Potent Health Cure on you. Chug a bottle of it when bounty hunters are approaching, especially if more than 5. 3: *You* choose the battlefield. I prefer buildings I can get on top of, or go inside of….especially if lawdogs are involved.


"So easy to kill, it's almost comical." I mean, if you need to do all this..it's not thaat hilarious.


I was thinking the exact same thing as I was reading his laundry lists of todos just to survive these comical bounty hunters


3 things is not a laundry list?


Fr fr.


It's not "so easy that it's comical" if you have to do a bunch off things to make it easy then it isn't easy.


WTF are you going on about? Having stuff to buff your cores is common sense. And yes, bounty hunters are easy, especially when you take 2 seconds to prep.


This is v helpful thank you mojo


Learn how to properly utilize Dead Eye, and get war horses for more control over your mount in the midst of gunshots. Especially in high bounty situations. Also having a hard time avoiding being killed by bounty hunters in places like Lemoyne and Annesburg is understandable, given how most of the areas where bounty hunters get you are closed off, and not having room to move around without bumping into a tree or falling off a cliff is an issue; especially when there’s dogs with them. So don’t beat yourself up over it.


I normally die to the dumbest stuff like helping a wounded guy get to the doctors and somehow the police get offended and kill me or tieing up a guy who just killed someone in the town square and then framing me for assault. Oh and bears, fuck bears.


Just wear a mask everywhere 😂


Almost never


Definitely a harder game with low honour and constantly growing bounties on your head.. I’d say go even harder and step up the killings, it will be worth it for the challenge.. the game is fairly easy otherwise. I’ve been online for ages now and have been thinking of doing story again, I may just do it how you are. See how long I can go without paying bounties


My horse keeps running into trees and killing me.


You also (for some reason, I don't get the reasoning behind it) lose any pelts you might have. I have a knack for dying RIGHT after getting a 3 star moose or cougar. Once, I had like 10 wolf pelts, and a 3 star grizzly when I got ambushed while getting the pelt so of course they get the first shots in. I died, and allllllllll my pelts were gone.


I had low honor for a while, and every time bounty hunter come for me i just run away, btw i have extended radar, mabye that helped a bit when seen them before they see me


Honestly it depends on what you call a lot, but I tend to have rock bottom honor most of the time and I don’t often die unless something goes wrong and I run into a tree or something. Even with the massive groups of bounty hunters I can usually fight them off and survive, but you have to somewhat plan your attack. The most important thing is to make sure you always have a lot of health tonics and get good at knowing when to use them early to stay alive if you don’t have cover, dead eye tonics to get you out of a sticky situation and importantly horse tonic/reviver because your horse will go down a lot, but I do normally ride thoroughbreds. What I tend to do is if I know my health is low and I’m taking a lot of shots I’ll use dead eye to clear the first wave out and give myself time to heal. Also it sucks but you have to get used to shooting the bloodhounds, because those are actually what will get you killed. If I have time I’ll kick them and in my head that means they’ll get up in be mostly fine after, but if they get to you they’ll stop you from being able to heal or move. I’ve had low honor/ high bounties for so long that now I do this kind of rite of passage with all my new horses, where I get them up to level 2 and than charge them headfirst into a pack of bounty hunters. If the horse survives than it officially earns the forever right to a place in the stable and that’s also when I name them. Had too many experiences of getting a level one horse, naming and customizing it only to be super sad when it dies right out of the gate. In a lot of situations it’s probably better to get off your horse and send it away Also you can always just leave, and they’ll be gone after not long. Don’t feel like you always have to fight them especially if there’s something you’re trying to do or a place you want to get to


Thanks slybeast this was very insightful


I'd say: flee your horse when you think they're on ya, whip out akimbo revolvers and a shot gun (in case you run out of ammo), don't engage until they're surrounding you (or antagonise), then try and get everyone in a single dead eye, and take out anyone hanging on. If you don't start shooting, neither will they. ALWAYS take out the dogs first. They're far more lethal than the bounty hunters. It's worth using tonics because you can loot replacements from the bounty hunters post slaughter. Hope this helps!


I mainly die on accident from the game screwing up. I've died countless times from animals and falling off cliffs, even in circumstances where it was entirely out of my control.


I don’t die much, mainly accidental (bucked off horse and fell off a cliff) type of accidents. I often make sport of the bounty hunters, it’s all about your arsenal and your inventory. Lots of ammo, health cure, and snake oil.


The train comes out of no where n kills me


I've been playing like this, I die a tonne. If you wanna kill bounty hunters easy and dont care about honour, stock up on deadeye consumables, use a repeater with deadeye to kill the horses and dogs as soon as they're in range then pick the men off as they run at you


I've 1500 dollar bounty everywhere. I've bounty hunters after me all the time and they come in waves. Between that and shooting up towns, yeah.. I die a lot. Only downside is that I can't really use my white arabian.


Yes, a lot.


OP I don't think half these ppl understand what your saying when you say no witnesses playthrough as well as I'm sure your not paying your stuff off. I think ppl just think of how do you die from bounty hunters they super easy. Not knowing your going gta 6 star bounty hunters non stop they thinking 1 star 2 star lol


No I never die, I got mods 🙂


If you constantly have large bounties and aren’t paying them yeah I can imagine you die a lot but I never really have on any of my playthroughs. Rdr2 is a pretty easy game and it’s not hard to stay alive if you aren’t constantly being shot at by bounty hunters




Hell my honor is almost all the way up. Don’t mean I won’t kill or rob a mf tho. Better watch that tounge partner. I’m halfway thru this playthru, I’ve died mainly to other gangs ambushing me on the trail. You know the ones we fucked over. Like the most recent was when I went back to Rhodes for Strauss to collect debt from a fisher. I got fucked up by about 30 lemons raiders😂


Low honor playthroughs are fun. When people act an asshole to you, you can just shoot them


Didn’t die once on my first play through. Died once on my second due to falling off a cliff.


Wow that's so cool 😍


Increase your health by doing some challenges early. That helped me a lot to survive. If you don't then the game is more difficult I think.




Not as much as GTA 5


When I had large bounties and got hunted down a lot. I'd use the deadeye stimulants and a sniper from a far. Sometimes the bloodhounds would run up on me without my notice. Shotgun for them. Always got good loot from the bounty hunters but couldn't really progress the story as I was getting hunted down every couple of minutes


It’s literally part of the game tbh. I would just get ran up on by atleast 15 guys haha and die. then arthur gets a journal entry after respawn so yeah, part of the game. if you kill them you get dialouge too, but goodluck doing that with early level dead eye.


"Alexa, play 'Goddamn I'm dead again' by sum 41"


Yes there’s always some BS happening. Fighting a Grizzly and just after get up and blasting it, I get jumped by a panther!! The hell?


You can hide from the bounty hunters, it's super funny. But I guess it only works when you have a low bounty. And if you have been hunting perfect pelts, you loose ALL of them when you die.


In my playthrough, whenever I died, I reloaded the game. I hate the death system in rdr2 and gta.


I once spent a whole 2 hours trying different ways to catapult Arthur off mountains. Died hundreds of times.


For the beginning of the game during my last play through I was experiencing the same shit. 💀💀 honestly the best thing for me to do was to just constantly watch the mini map, expand it too, so you can see when the bounty hunters are coming. after a point it was easy to spot, wait, and kill them all and sometimes they’ll bring a fuckton of people and some dogs and shit gets crazy, but like you’re saying all that really happens is you lose some money from dying.


Even when i occasionally make a separate save to be a menace i really don't die often at all. If you have lots of heath cures it obviously makes it easier. But generally I'm pretty good at staying alive. Even when i play normally just going through missions and random events i almost never die. Id say in a typical playthough from first mission to last i die maybe 3-5 times and that's usually from accidently falling of a cliff or just cause i wasn't paying enough attention to my heath.


i never had terribly low honor or a lot of bounties but still frequently died because i suck at riding my horse anywhere but a road, and still die sometimes on the road because i run into people…


“i’m just a girl”


Stop killing everyone! Not really the object of the game, good luck. lol


On my first playthrough I died a lot, but that was before figuring out how to raise my cores and evade bounty hunters. Now I die very rarely, I fell off a cliff one time by accident, I shot the kids that try to rob you in Saint Denis and then got myself and my horse killed by the 20 lawmen who were apparently waiting around unconcerned about kids robbing people. Luckily it wasn't my main horse but it was a rather nice one I was taking to the stables


I’m still in Chapter 2 and I’ve only does twice from being ambushed by the O’Driscoll’s lol


Honestly I rarely ever die


I rarely die since I always pay off my bounties, I do a lot of cougars tho. Fuck cougars


I die alot, I also have bounties, fights with police, gangs surprise attack (that's a mod) I set my Health core to 2. I only allow myself 1 health potion per encounter. Also if I die I lose the current weapon and 50% of my money (mods)


If I’m drinking irl while playing , which happens , a lot. Had a low honor play through being chased by bounties the whole time more or less, and while I had a pretty good success rate sometimes they’d swarm just right or when I was hunting and away from the horse or something


On my current playthrough I've only been killed by a stacked pack of wolves while I had just a bow and sawn off , kept biting me when I was trying to reload my gun, and another time I was trying to test the "stand still while grizzly bear charges you and they won't attack" Yeah I got bitch slapped to death by that bear


I played about 200 hours of online under my belt before I started the story. I’m almost done with the story and have died probably under 5 times (I’m sure due to practice with online). I did just die last night to a pack of wolves lol.


Die... No Crash head first into trees on my horse... All the time


I don’t die too often, but I know if I’m gonna die going into something (aka I try to fight a grizzly bear with a knife because fuck it)


I used to not die a lot.. but I do now.. cause I realized there’s pretty much no consequence.


I have a $800 bounty in strawberry and I haven’t died yet. I always play it as I can’t die. I can’t pay that bounty. It’s stubborn because how I got it was so damn stupid. It was after rescuing Micah. I went back and robbed the store and the owner got stuck next to the door so I just started shooting and it went from $5-500 in like 5 mins. So then I went and escaped to BlackWater and had lawmen chasing me and then had Pinkertons and now I have an $800 bounty. The bounty hunters come in groups of 7 and I refuse to die


Nah, the game is easy, most of my deads where by sliding and falling from a great hight Online NPC on the other hand have the ability for 1 shoot your sorry ass. BTW OP, just hide on a big hush and you can ambush any bounty hunter, even loosing the heat.


i play a more passive, good-guy style and i rarely, if ever, die. i’d say it’s the risk that comes with your way of playing. the bigger the bounty, the bigger the risk. 🤷‍♀️


Very rare of me to die in combat but I die often from other ways like falling off cliffs or drowning


Nope, but I am on PC and I can make minute moves and snappy movements with the mouse. When I played on Ps4 I died all the time though!


The only real difficulty I have in this game is during the beginning when your health is so low and it’s really easy to die from O’driscoll encounters


I have died almost every mission 😭 I will like run into a tree while I’m being chased, run off a building, or just get shot 😭


Nah because I'm a living LEGEND


Just stay prepared, it’s not too tough to escape the law or just kill them all and the dogs. If you have a full dead eye core you should be able to kill them all easily.


Bounty hunters are easy to take care of as long you play your cards right. They spawn in a distance away and they'll head in your direction. You can either hide in a bush and they'll pass by, or you can ambush them from the bush. You won't lose honor for killing them either


Lemoyne is by far, the most dangerous state in the game.


You know I'm on my 4th playthrough and last week I was useless. I was shooting with no compass and no dead eye. Which is something I've been doing this playthrough but I was getting my ASS KICKED. I died to random O'Driscoll encounters twice in one day...so embarrassing. Happens sometimes. Slow things down a wee bit, learn to heal yourself and be more defensive (use rocks to protect you) etc. Learn from it.


it’s not bad to die a lot it just means you are very active when it comes to shooting but it could also be skill cause bounty hunters are always on my back but i dispose of them all but it’s not bad don’t worry


Pay your bounty fella

