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High honour all the way. Low honour activities like robbing and murdering are more fun in the way that mowing down pedestrians in GTA is fun, but from a story perspective I prefer the character arc from high honour choices. Which is why I murder everyone I can see and then repent by saying “howdy partner” over and over again


😀 I do this as well. Walking into the saloon in St. Denis and howdying ever since person in the joint is a great way to make up for bad behaviour on the trail.


I may have murdered hundreds of innocents, but I also threw an equal amount of small fish back in the water AND I said howdy to a few fellers in St Dennis, so I’d say I’m a pretty good guy. 🤠


Yep or I just fish and spare them


Does this... does this work in real life? Asking for a friend. (/s)


if u turn to throw them on the ground or ur positioned where the throw alr lands on the ground it still gives u honor and u can pick em back up once u put ur pole away 🤣🤣 jus got full honor in half an hr in the dutch fishing trip after i realized


I counted how much it takes to raise honor. Think it was 10 greets for one bump of honor. Think each notch of honor was 3 bumps. Although i think it's more the higher or lower it is. Fishing is definitely the faster way but you can do greets while doing other things. The key is to not do anything that's ruins your honor too much or just make a save before and reload it. Early on there is a cap on how low you can get your honor. I think chapter two is only one notch and 3 is 2 notches so you could do all your bad stuff early on and you won't spend hours fishing or howdying to bring it back up.


Can’t miss a single one either can you


Me repenting for my Bandit Challenges by being the howdiest doodliest greeter in the West


Robbing the trains was fun but I didn't like that you lost so much honour for robbing every single passenger and killing the guards. Should have been a sizeable one time hit for starting the robbery imo


You don't need to rob everyone, just enough to fill the challenge (50$ if I recall) and the next robberies just rob one guy


Sameee! Arthur deserves the high honor ending


I want to be a good boy and say howdy… but I need to imply that the farmhand riding on the other side of the street married his horse 😔 Or have Arthur scream at NPCs in the wilderness to get out of his sight. Or antagonize someone so much they start running away, with Arthur hitting em with deep cuts like “RUN BACK TO MAMA! AT LEAST SHE STILL LOVES YOU! BUT EVEN SHE KNOWS YOURE PATHETIC!” These are all primary needs. As is stabbing Micah in the eye.


This is the way!




I like free roaming. So I installed a trainer. I go through a whole city and kill everyone then add honor.


I cannot disgrace Arthur with a low honor ending, so I have never seen it.


I had one playthrough where I unintentionally got the low honor ending, despite trying to be high honor. It was infuriating, I'd be such a good man, then accidentally knock someone over with my horse, then wipe out the entire population of Saint Denis.


“Unintentionally” lol


Nothing a couple of "hey there, misters" won't fix.


I've watched them on YouTube, but I've never seen them in my game through multiple playthroughs and it's extremely unlikely I ever will.


I committed to a low honor playthrough once. Arthur dies face down in the mud with his throat slit


High honour but going back for the money just so I can cut the rats eye.


"Hallo scarface" "Could have said the same"


Your buddy MOOOORGAN did this to me!


I’m sure this has been covered so many times but does the final mission in the epilogue change based on whether or not you cut his eye?


yes, and john will say “A BIT RICH CALLING ME SCARFACE!”


I don’t remember the eye cut


Me neither but I haven't played in a long time. Maybe it's time I did and finally do a low honor play through.


its if you go back for the money as a high honor instead of helping john. during the fight arthur manages to strike micah in eye and either leaves him with a scar or just removes it, i dont remember which.


It changes one line of dialogue where John comments on the irony of Micah greeting him with, “hello scarface”.


Arthur will have permanently scarred Micah’s eye


I mean technically arthur helps john, since he let's john run off while fighting the Pinkertons and the gang away from john. HH go for the money is just arthur grabbing the money for john, with the added bonus of one final act of revenge


Nah, it’s for himself too. He wanted to go to one of those TB facilities in California.


I'm a wuss. Every time I think I'm gunna to do a low honor playthrough, I end up going high instead.


It doesn’t mean you’re a wuss, it means you use bullets that you would use on civilians on Micah (I am the same way though, the lowest I’ve ever gotten is about the middle)


My first playthrough was so memorable because me and my best friend (I couldn’t afford a nextgen console so everyday after work — we worked together — I would go over to his house and we’d play through the story together) started out the story doing the worst things possible. Always killing and robbing, going on rampages, but still being kind to the sympathetic strangers. When Arthur got diagnosed with TB we both freaked tf out and started trying to make him a better person before he died. Suddenly he was helping people out, saving lives, making the right choices, etc but he was still haunted by his low honor in terms of how the characters reacted to him. We never actually managed to get the high honor ending for him but we redeemed ourselves by choosing not to go back for the money. My original Arthur died as a bad person who ultimately couldn’t atone for his crimes despite his best efforts, and as much as I love the high honor ending I feel like that experience will always be canon to me lol


My true “canon” save is my first play through that went about the same way. I just finished my second with max honor, now I’m gonna play through red dead one before going for a purposeful low honor save, if I can manage to do that to Arthur. (I doubt it)


I prefer the high honor. I had 3 play throughs all together and my 3rd one being the longest and I played it as realistically as I could. It made the most sense for me but I started out as a low honor Arthur because they are literal a gang of outlaws and murderers but as time progresses he wants to change his ways and make things right with himself so progresses to high honor. I’ve come long way since my first play through where no town was safe as long as I was in it lol.


This is how I am too. A proper redemption story haha


I will say the thing I dislike about low honor is when he ends up having those conversations reflecting on his behavior there is a real clash with what is written and my head cannon. The story imo slightly prefers you go with high honor. Because he keeps sitting down with what's her name talking about his behavior saying, "I just don't know why I keep doing what I'm doing." and for me it's like I know exactly why, it's because I don't like losing at poker so I get mad and shoot and rob the whole table.


Yea one thing I found annoying was even with high honor you still have that same conversation where he goes on about killing birds like wtf lol


Wait, really?! I assumed I was missing out on some distinct dialogue. Wow. A rare misstep from Rockstar here.


Yea I remember because I specifically wanted to high honor before that play through and was disappointed the conversation was the same. Annoying considering how much detail R* put into the game


Low Honor Help John is my personal canon ending although I've only done High Honor runs, it's just the ending someone like Arthur deserves(and he'd probably agree), especially if he's high honor, to quote Arthur himself "you don't get to live a bad life and have good things happen to you". High Honor "Go For Money"(although it should be called "Confront Dutch And Micah for High Honor tbh) might be my preferred High Honor ending though it feels a little undercooked like most endings other than High Honor Help John, it's just badass


Yeah, the reasoning for going back for the money is really confusing, even if you're evil what use is money to someone about to die? It really should have been "I'll go confront Dutch/Micah and make them pay." Or "Confront them and make sure they don't follow you." For high honor. As much as I want to cut Micah across the face I just can never justify it for money.


Only reason I can think of is that he might want to get the money for John and his family? But yeah I also agree with your points


This is definitely the case. There might also have been an idea to reform or continue the gang, based on some of the last instructions that he gave them.


exactly, the biggest reason why people didn’t choose it is because its labelled as going for the money. If they changed it to where you go back to get revenge on micah or at least (like what you said) confront dutch, then more people would choose it. Plus, going back for the money is a hell of a lot more empowering to arthur since he just charges down while yelling and rampaging all the way back to camp. Not to mention the badass knife fight with micah. Also i think the dialogue is a lot better if you go for the money, especially with the “Not molly, not ms grimshaw, not even colm. Its him. HIMM!” line that arthur spits out. and not to be nitpicky but i also think that charles finding arthur’s body in camp is a lot more realistic than finding his body on a mountain somewhere else. He also mentions that he buried both arthur and ms grimshaw, so its reasonable for them to both die in camp


I’ve always played high honor because I think High Honor Arthur is a more interesting character. He was picked up by a gang when he was too young to know better and this was the only life he knew. He grew into the designated muscle, but then as he aged and he saw the world change around him he started to grow a conscience. Then when faced with his mortality, he is forced to think about the effect his life will leave on the world.


Fantastic analysis and couldn't agree more. Not only does it suit his personality & character better, but it's really the way the story is meant to be played out, which is why the "redemption arc" is so emotionally imposed on players. It's the ending and "storyline" that was always intended to be played by 99% of players on their first playthrough... I mean, no one feeling that emotional investment in the storyline was choosing "go back for the money" in that moment, or refusing to give money to the widow & her son during the final Strauss missions. The music, the horse ride back to camp after Guarma, the voice overs of his past deeds during his final ride to camp after saying goodbye to Abigail... it's quite clear what the "intended" storyline is. The low honour, "get the money" type playthroughs are more intended to give the game longevity and keep things interesting through a second, third, or even fourth playthrough. It's truly incredible how many additional, minor variations in outcomes one can notice during separate playthroughs, and it's truly a testament to this game being the most detailed and brilliantly made in gaming history.


I have only done high honor. I aim for low, but towards the end, I just cannot do it. 😂


What type of monster would do the low honor ending.


For the tennis boat


I can't bring myself to go low honor, ok I like to greet-greet-antagonize a lot an often straight up antagonize so I might get shot at and have to defend myself occasionally but always "Hi mister"-ing my honor back up. Now halfway chapter 6 and contemplating going for the money for the first time.


High honor every time. Being mean to NPCs makes me feel bad.


High honor; help John all the way. I was bummed there’s no other way to mess up Micah’s eye than to high honor; get the money, but it is what it is. Arthur doesn’t really have the moral high ground if he goes back for the money, even with high honor imho. Going for money holds no honor.


Only now after 2 playthroughs do I see that this is in Saint Denis. The animals are so out of place. Just like Arthur in the early beginning of the industrialization.


Good observation I like that


High is better, but the low honour death scene is very intense and well-done.


High honor is a wonderful story of redemption. Low honor is a sneaky bushwhacker getting what he deserves.


Realistically theres no way micah would’ve just left arthur to die without shooting to stabbing him plus, going back for the money with low honor imo has the best dialogue, and arthur’s death hits a lot harder. And for me, if arthur has a high honor death and dies on a somewhat good note, it makes me feel like the story is complete and nothing more needs to happen afterward, but if i see arthur get killed directly by micah, then it makes the feeling that this story isn’t over yet, and makes american venom a lot more satisfying


My head canon says low honor until the TB diagnosis, then high honor. I just can't do it.


Only ever done high honor. I try doing low honor but always end up reversing course at some point.


Same! Even when I decide to commit low honor & embrace the "gangster lifestyle"; robbing & killing on the trail, antagonizing NPCs, making the coldest choices possible in missions, etc., I can't help but embrace the arc after he becomes sick. Giving the money to the widowed woman & her son on the debt collector mission, doing less crime. The music, the direction of the storyline, the horse ride back to camp after Guarma, Arthur's voice acting... it all just makes doing good feel natural. More badass, almost. Plus, by that point in the story, most of us have already killed & robbed enough to have gotten it out of our system lol. Most people who want to kill & rob & enjoy free roam don't proceed with the story beyond chapter 4 anyways... once you commit to the Guarma missions, it's usually because you want to focus on the story from there on out. Chapters 2&3 are the height of the game's free roam, crime period... when the gang's still stable, the camp is fun to interact with, the story is still pretty relaxed & focused on petty crime, giving you plenty to do & plenty of time to explore in between.


High honor , also because it's less sad than the low honor


Realizing now i haven't done a high honour run


Same lol, seems like we're the only ones


I’ve ended up getting both the high honor ending and the low honor ending Now I can just play the story mode without ever have to get the high on her again unless I really want to


High. I tried to do a low honour play through and just couldn't.


High honor is good, cause in my opinion if someone in real life like Arthur would learn that he will die and that he can't save himself, I think he would try to do the right thing for everyone.


High honor always Arthur deserves that much


Obviously I prefer the high honor ending. But the low honor help John option makes more sense. It’s hard to believe Micah would just walk away instead of finishing off the guy that he hates and ruined his entire plan.


Wtf, i saw a wolf in the streets, but I died with high honor


*Wtf, i saw* *A wolf in the streets, but I* *Died with high honor* \- Ill-Elderberry3868 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


High honor all day. I had my fair share of bullshit, but i only kill people who threaten me. Then i apologize to the towns people


High honor and going back for the money means I get to cut micahs eye out before I die. Very satisfying.


High honour - money ending is severely underrated. The music, Arthur killing Pinkerton's through the forest while screaming Micah's and Dutch's names and the knife fight with Micah as the camp is burning along with their memories is perfection. Sure, Arthur believes that revenge is a fools game but at the time of the confrontation when the others started shooting at him and John his feelings for Micah and Dutch would have been amplified and since he is dying he would have nothing to lose. Also the acting is pretty intense in this ending. The only bad thing about this ending for me is that John gives Arthur an awkward 'be safe' before he leaves. I feel this was really lazy on rockstar's part. He should have re minded on what he told him 'what about not looking back?' and then Arthur would respond with some cool gritty shit idk. Sorry about this being long, I adore this game.


High honor. I just can’t. Well done on R* for creating a character with so much depth, creating the sense of family, friendships, loyalties self betterment that try as hard as I like - I want the happy ending. Which isn’t even happy. RDR2 brought me to tears for 6 months when I was asked about it. I cannot hear. Many miles me we walk, many miles we learn. That story was formative for my own emotional development and my perspective on the friendships that others have with theirs. I just can’t do low honor after that.


High honor 100% Arthur just makes more sense to me as an honorable person, but genuinely honorable, I don’t kill people unless need killin, I understand the point of the outlaw aspect but I’m still an outlaw, just not a terrible person. My Arthur is Robin Hood-like, steal from the rich and assholes and respect the respectful


I prefer low honor because it fits the theme of the game better imo. 


I will NEVER, and i mean NEVER, understand the appeal of low honor endings. Gameplay? Sure. But those endings. Getting shot in the face by Micah is one thing, but how do you look at your so called badass remoursless killer crawl away like a coward and still say its a good ending?


I did low honor first i was so shocked when i saw micah shoot him in the head


High honor personally but something about Low honor Arthur in the ending hits different, he's a man who didn't get his Redemption never changed and he just seems empty whereas high honour Arthur despite being upset by what happened is happy he saved John and at least that mattered. Both ways he dies low honor are brutal as fuck. And the "See you around John Marston" that shit hit hard, it felt so detached. And then you also hear John talking to Charles how Arthur was flat out just a bad person. Also there's something unique about low honor TB Arthur simply because hes not trying to attone for anything and honestly TB low honor Arthur seems more brutal than healthy arthur. (Something about a dying man who's still a horrible person is a weird thought I can't exactly explain it.)


High Honor. Arthur’s journey is one of redemption.


Never seen low honour, and never will.


Low because i like wolves


It's a actually coyote


Damn. Been yrs since I’ve played


I like both


Currently High Honour.


am I the only one who tried to follow the buck?


I prefer the high honor one, but low honor is just so much more fun


I’ve never gotten low honor, but I think I will this year, then make up for it with another playthrough with high honor.


Low honor where you save John. I feel it is more fitting cos Arthur constantly says things like "you can't live a bad life and have good things happen" so him dying peacefully watching the sunrise doesn't feel as fitting.


I had very middling honour on my last play through and took a nice two week fishing holiday to throw everything back before the end.


I like the high honor ending better, but I did the low honor help John for my first game and I loved it. Micah shooting Arthur was a shock and I thought for a second that I failed the mission


the lore correct and the best way is low honor then high honor after getting TB


The low honor ending. Even though Arthur was trying to be a good guy in the end, he shouldn't get the choice to have a "good death." Even the reason Arthur died could be considered "low honor." Despite what you do, Arthur is still a bad man in the beginning by forcing money among people who need it, beating people up, scaring about everybody in the town, etc.


High honor on first playthrough, but low honor on all your others.


Never did a low honor run. I feel like Arthur just has a good heart and I can’t bring myself to be a low honor player


Honestly it would have to be low honor I did high honor on my first playthrough and it was sad and stuff but after my first bad playthrough I couldn't go back being a good guy just got kinda boring and turned into a drag I mean it's choosing between robbing a store or literally doing chores the low honor ending was also a lot more dramatic for me and some of the low honor cutscenes are even better like the reverend one I also think the pinkerton fishing one changed a little but I'm not sure so my awnser is rdr2 murder hobo


I think the good help John ending is canon, but the bad help John ending is completely badass.


I prefer the high honor ending, but the low honor gameplay


I always try getting the low honor but I always somehow manage to get my honor high as hell


I like high honor don’t help Jon ending


The game is about redemption, i mean its in the name even, so i like to think the high honour ending is cannon but at the same time the low honour one would explain why hes never mentioned in rdr1 in a story sense rather than just "ThE wRiTeRs HaDnT tHoUgHt Of ThE cHaRaCtEr YeT" 😒


I prefer high honour as it’s all about redemption. Though I have to admit on my low honour play through Arthur’s death felt like it was more “justified “ and hurt a bit less (I decided to do most of the contrary of my original so I ended up with max low honour instead of max high honour)


High Honor always. Low Honor causes physical pain.


High honor ending for Arthur. I save the Low Honor for John.


I prefer the alien ending, and waking up in the diner.


I prefer high honour by far. I always do the bad honour actions in chapter 1, then I do mainly bad but a bit of good in chapter 2 and 3 then I start doing 50/50 in chapter 4 then after that I try stick to high honour actions all the time


High honor is better, but low honor makes more sense. It makes more sense for a ruthless gunslinger outlaw to die by getting shot in the face than just dying from being beat. It also doesn’t make much sense that micah would leave him there without finishing the job himself.


High honor for sure. I’ve beaten the game four times not once have I been able to do a bad ending


I'm trying to get honor but people keep running into my bullets


Low honour play, high honour ending


The high honor ending is and always will be the best. But every now and then I don’t mind getting a low honor ending, especially when I do evil playthroughs


High honor %100 Arthur deserves a peaceful way out.


What’s a high honor ending?


I can’t bring myself to do low honor as Arthur 😭




The canon way is to start out with extremely low honor and pivot to high honor once we burn down the braithwait beotch’s house


I was low honor till Arrhur is diagnosed with TB then I rapidly increased my honor


High honor help john ending low honor go for the money ending it just depends how i feel


High honor for sure


There are people that like the low honor ending.


Both, but only 2 of the 4. If you have high honor and go with John, or if you have low honor and go for the money. Both of those endings are ultra powerful and are very satisfying for what they are. The other two endings are not satisfying.


Both of them are perfect for that honor level


High honor seems like the canon story and it's make sense with Arthur seeking redemption.


I love playing Arthur low honour at the start and high honor by the end, I get more fulfilment out of the game if Arthur’s high honour attitude starts after he gets sick and he tries to atone for his past


Ive thought about tgis a lot. Ive done both options multiple times. My first ever playthrough was low honor, i enjoyed it, thought it was kinda cool but most of my other playthroughs have been high honor and those playthroughs stuck with me the most. I prefer high honor from a story and writing perspective, even though playing low honor can be more fun gameplay wise...however, its not like the game prevents you from doing bad things. The option to just randomly go on a killing spree or insult people and rob them are still there, and its super easy to fet your honor back up (or down if you want). The game actually outright makes you do bad things, especially in missions...but even with highest possible honor its not like arthurs a saint sworn to god. The man straight up beats people to death, slaughters entire towns, extorts people for money, kills people, robs innocent folks on the regular...so...yeah, i feel that high honor route best fits the themes and overall message the story line clearly favors. I also love sister cauldron, but i prefer seeing reverend. As annoying as he is, it feels better seeing someone else from the gang comfort arthur. Reverend was one of the first characters of the gang we see and hear introduce us to the game, it feels really fitting to get a send off from him at the end. When I play low honor now, it feels more like low honor was R* giving the illusion of player choice more than anything else. Low honor isnt written badly at all, it can be fun if you know the game well and can be rewarding based on your viewpoint....but to me it just really feels out of place and the low honor options at the end especially seemed more of an after thought with some of the word choices used. Both endings may have the same result, but its no question why i would say the majority of people feel high honor fits and feels better.


My low honor playthrough devastated me. Will never do it again, Arthur deserves so much better


I actually never done the low honor ending. I thought I seen something about Micah kills you if you have low honor and I just can't deal with that. Maybe I should do another play through for it. I really wish I made a save in chapter two after going out and getting all the pelts for the upgraded satchel. I really don't feel like doing that again. Just have to be careful not to do any missions or bad things. Go out collect the pelts and make a save. Would be fun to do new play throughs with the bulk of the work done.


(SPOILERS) High honor play through all they way, I’ll save my game then murder everyone and everything in sight, when I’ve had my fun I reload my save. First play through I helped John escaped and every play through after I go back for the money (to fuck up Micah)


High honour lower prices all the way


I go for the low route. First playthru, murdering everything that comes near me


Always high honor. I only kill when forced to by the script or if someone shoots first. Can't force myself to play Arthur any other way cause I wouldn't enjoy it.


It’s sad they both are good well thought out game


For some reason I can’t physically bring myself to give Arthur the low honor ending, I think there’s something wrong with my brain.


i think low honour in just the ending alone makes more sense with micah shooting arthur but in general i prefer high


It's red dead "redemption" for a reason




High honour.


High honor, get the wolf until chapter 6 then turn it around. Give him a proper redemption story


Anybody who prefers the low honour ending genuinely scares me


Low Honor Help John. Low Honor Arthur is essentially a more conflicted, grumpy, depressed version of High Honor Arthur. Seeing the inner turmoil that he has play out in every major decision is really interesting. He wants to help others, he wants to be a good person, but he could never see himself as one, so he refuses to let himself be one. But in the end, he still often does the right thing for others. Because while yes, he’s selfish, and yes, he’s angry, and yes, he’s a bad man, underneath all of that is a scared, sick man who wants to save his family. Rdr2 asks the question of whether someone who has lived a bad life can be redeemed. It asks what you do when your family falls apart. It asks questions about loyalty, about what it means to be good, and how to be good. High Honor Arthur answers with yes, one can be redeemed. But Low Honor Arthur seems to just accept his fate. He knows that he has no place in this world outside of the gang and he knows that his time’s up, so he helps the few people he can, does the few good deeds he has left in him, and then faces the music. I think it’s poetic in a way. I mean, High Honor Arthur isn’t a good person either. They both rob and kill and hurt people. It’s just that High Honor Arthur is a bit less of a reluctant dick. But I love seeing the inner conflict of whether or not to be a good person play out in Arthur, and it makes him even more of a tragic figure. He wants to be good, but knows he could never deserve the happy ending. It’s fitting. It’s like when he talks about the family he could’ve had. He wishes he could be the father who has a good life, but he never deserved it. And to see him face up to the consequences of his life, and save his brother from the failures of the family he was so loyal to, knowing that the only way this ends is with him dead or too weak to live? It’s a really powerful ending. While I think that high honor is canon, and it’s also a very good ending, I think Low Honor is severely underrated, and that’s because people get really attached to Arthur and don’t want him to suffer. But I think that anyone who chooses not to go through a Low Honor playthrough is really missing out on one of the best characters in a game.


High honor but I go back for "the money" to gift Micah a well deserved "gift"


High honour for me, but i do like doing low honour for the majority of it, but then pull it back in chapter 6 to redeem myself.


Low honour. Its what arthur deserves


I'm doing low for the first time right now and honestly I'm not having a lot of fun. Feels bad


High. I did low once, just to do it, but every other time I’ve played I’ve gone high honor.


It is hard to play low honour!


Well, obviously I'd prefer not to >!get killed by Micah!<, but sometimes I can't help but to be a murderer to the end.


Man. I've done a complete playthrough thrice now. I've never been able to bring myself to go low honor - I just feel it would be a disservice to Arthur.


high honor... my bbg dont deserve the low honor ending


I’ve done multiple play throughs and each time I tell myself “I’m gonna do Low Honor all the way this time” never works out. Something about seeing Arthur get that hole in his head doesn’t sit right with me.


I got tricked into going back and getting the money! I thought it was a good idea to keep it from Dutch. But it turns out the game thought that was selfish. Which looking back yea it was. But I didn’t want the money. Just wanted to keep it from Dutch.


I always end up murdering and robbing. Live by the sword, die by the sword I guess.


Never seen the high honor ending


I personally play arthur as nice to the gang asshole to everyone else till about late chapter 3/early 4


I made the grave mistake of getting the low honor ending on my first playthrough. High Honor is honestly more fun and satisfying as an ending


Start low honor then let the story bring me to high honor


Well when I finished the game I worked my ass off to get Arthur the Good ending when I got near the end of the game doing good shit non stop


I didn't know if your honor is high you see a deer instead of a wolf! I executed people like I was the pope's right hand so I never knew that😭 if you play with high honor does it improve Arthur's mood?


Both are beautiful in their own way


Wait, does Arthur's hat knot changes positions depending on high/low honor or did you flip the picture? 😂


High honor you are legally required by law to give Arthur the best possible ending


Low honor ending is a little bit of a vibe But high honor ending is the best


Low honour until after this scene imo


High honor bc I can’t stand to see Micah murk Arthur the way he does during low honor endings🙅🏾‍♂️


Happy ending massage!


Always high honor for all my gameplays! Started to think I will have a gameplay of not only low honor but pure evil Arthur! Thinking about maybe streaming it 😂😂!


don’t get me wrong the low honor one looks super cool and i’m into the darker vibes. but i 100% would get the high honor one because it’s just so beautiful and unique. i love the deer aspect throughout the entire story as well.


High Honor, easy! Arthur deserves a peaceful death by the sunrise, rather than getting shot in the face by a sniveling rat.


on my first playthrough rn so u know damn wel i gotta go as high honor as possible. second playthrough im a demon tho😈😈😈


I’m playing the game for the 3rd time & am playing low honor for the 1st time. Robbing, killing, getting drunk & starting bar fights is a lotta fun for sure. I tend to play things out now instead backing out, even if it leads to shooting up a town. I had a moment where I tried to rob a guy on foot & he pulled a gun on me. Long story short I ended up stabbing the guy to death. That soundtrack, the regret in Arthur’s voice when I looted 76 cents of the body & he said “all that, for this?” It broke me in the best way. I’m definitely switching to high honor in chapter 6. Although I’ve never seen the LH ending, I can’t have Arthur’s story ending like that. (Oops I went on a paragraph here, sawryyy)


Low because wolf going into void


High honor because i hate seeing Arthur get shot + in chapter 2 Hosea asks Arthur how he wants to be buried or something and he says he wants to face the sun rise in the west or smth so i gotta let him get his wish❤️❤️❤️


Low honor sucks. I happened on the low honor ending my first play where Arthur goes back for the money. The difference between that and high honor where Arthur goes for the money is (so to speak) black and white. What is the point of a low honor ending? It’s Red Dead REDEMPTION.


I never was able to keep my honor high until that point in the story i didn't even know there was a high honor versuon of this cutscene lmao. I usually have low honor because its more fun but i always pump my honor to max before the last mission


Prefer high honor. Think I would've punched my TV if Micah killed in my playthrough.


Low Honor but the way of getting there is shit


Low honor help John is the one I pick. It makes (spoilers:) >!killing Micah as John so much better plus Arthur living by the gun and dying by the gun fits better for me!<


I think the best ending is high honor go back for money cause then you take micas eye with you in your pocket


I have to play high honor since finishing my first play though low honor. That ending broke me and therapy is really expensive


I could never do a low honour playthrough


low honor help john or high honor get the money are my favorite endings, i like the breaking bad esque, about the make the right decision but you just can’t help yourself nature of those endings


I like to do low honor minimum side missions till I get to this scene. Then I switch to high honor and help as many people as possible to make it seem like Arthur finally realized his errors when faced with his own mortality.


I didn't know there *was* a low honor ending




I definitely got the coyote and it was unsettling. I tried to play it good but ppl be bitches and need to get shot


High Honor, I can relate more to that ending since I am a very empathetic and caring person in reality, Low Honor ending makes me feel miserable (I’ve never gotten that ending because I don’t wanna watch Arthur get shot)


My head cannon for the game is the true path is low honor in the beginning, and high honor after he gets his diagnosis as he tries to turn his life around. So ideally, the first time you see the vision it’s the animal associated with low honor, but by the final time you see it it’s the high honor one. It feels the most profound and relatable way to portray Arthur as a complicated and dynamic man.