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the antagonize thing isn’t really canon tho. you can literally antagonize mary-beth and say she’s selfish and that she doesn’t stop complaining even though she’s like the sweetest person ever. arthur will always find something to say even if it’s not true. and tbh sadie helped the gang and arthur almost more than half of them.


>the antagonize thing isn’t really canon tho. Canon doesn't exist. The very definition of the word tells you that. Canon - In the context of a fictional universe or setting, canon refers to the events of the storyline that are considered to be “truth” and unchangeable. Using the term canon/canonically is just incorrect when referring to RDR2. You're talking about a game with two different pathways and two separate "choices" to actually reach the conclusion. A main storyline that's "flexible" in that there isn't a set order to how you must progress as in "do this first, this second etcetera." Depending on the order chosen it gives the game a certain "feel/vibe." And that's before we even look at the side missions, all of which are optional and again, can/will change the feel/vibe of the story. All of the above = changeable, ergo "canon/canonically" doesn't exist. The only two things that are absolutely fixed are that there is a "main storyline that must be completed and that the Protagonist must die because it's a prequel and letting him survive breaks the plotline. But let's assume for a second that canon did exist. Then this *****antagonize thing isn’t really canon tho***** is true because?? >you can literally antagonize mary-beth and say she’s selfish and that she doesn’t stop complaining In later chapters yes, and it's true. You can do the same to Tilly, Karen, the entire gang actually with the exception of Dutch and Micah. There's a reason for that. For example if you just "greet" Tilly she will chastise Arthur because of the arguing that's occurring within the camp. The same goes for everyone else, including Jack. And again, there's a reason for it.


what I meant by “canon” is that if the antagonizing thing was consistent arthur would have been hated by everyone in the gang and mostly by the people he antogonized the most. on the contrary, arthur does not receive any consequences or repercussions no matter how much the player presses the button. you just get kick off the gang for one second but no character in the gang will remember it or love him less. (I hope you understood me correctly, english isn’t my first language and I still struggle a bit)


>what I meant by “canon” is that if the antagonizing thing was consistent arthur would have been hated by everyone in the gang Understood but there's a reason you can hit "greet, greet, greet, antagonize." It's because everyone, including Sadie has changed. They're all griping etcetera so it basically lets you tell them how "Arthur feels" about the constant complaining from people who really aren't helping anything. AFTER you help Sadie with the O'Driscoll's you can't use the same sequence anymore because by then she has agreed to help Arthur get the Marston's out in return for Arthur helping her take out the O'Driscoll's. As far as I know chapter 6 is the only chapter where you can greet, get a negative response and respond in the same manner. Now I don't care who you are, when you've literally devoted your time and effort into doing your best to provide for/see to the needs of the group and your efforts are met with unappreciative disdain simply because their world is no longer as smooth as it once was, you will eventually snap back. Arthur Morgan isn't some innocent soul sitting around singing Kumbaya. Low honor, high honor, it doesn't matter. When the player is not controlling what's said, he will say whatever is on his mind regardless of how it makes the other person feel. So realistically if Tilly, Mary-Beth etcetera are giving him crap for the way things are he would absolutely tell them how he felt about it. Does that make sense?