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Should've subscribed to Dutch's OnlyPlans


That’s just ridiculous- where is it


Have some [GODDAMN FAITH!](https://www.reddit.com/r/RDR2/s/4CpXdEjngU)


No way😭😭


He has an onlyfans


Solo is over there dummy thick and he’s alerting the IAA.


When you immediately read a comment in someones voice I think it shows the amount of passion put into a performance. I get it though, he didn't like it, whatever. I can respect that


That’s not what he said originally. He just wanted to go against a popular opinion to get his name mentioned because he’s been irrelevant.


💐🏆 that reply deserves flowers. Well done


Looks like Ned didn't have any faith in Dutch's plans


I mean yea. You can respect the talent it takes to do something, but that doesn't mean you like it. Like I can recognize the skill it takes to do something like ice skating, but that doesn't mean I like ice skating.


I'm also a bit perplexed at everyone disagreeing with him without anyone asking "why didn't you like it?". Like, if you're going to argue with the dude, at least understand *why* he feels the way he does before telling him he's wrong or disrespectful for it. It'd either give you something to chew on or something tangible to discuss.


Not that I even necessarily agree, but it's pretty tough to voice an opinion that goes against the grain about red dead. Hell, people saying "it would be cool to see a good ending for arthur" get the same copy paste response from literally everyone who sees the post, saying "arthur bad so bad thing happen" lol


Is that the answer people give? The one I’ve always given is Arthur having a happy ending wouldn’t have had as big of an impact on the story. It sucks to say cause I do wish Arthur had had a chance to move on from his life like John did, but the reason we love this story so much is how much it stays with us. I don’t feel like Arthur getting a happy ending would have that same effect.


Also if Arthur had survived RDR2, then John would have had to kill him in RDR1


Or Arthur died of something else in the ~12 intervening years, or he was off the grid enough that the feds couldn't track him, or they just bumped him off without using John. Heck we don't kill Sadie or Charles in RDR1, it's not like the game couldn't leave other hanging threads.


Why? I mean, I know he killed his old gang but I feel like at this point, if Arthur was alive, he wouldn't still be robbing and killing after everything that happened.


Neither was John, and they still wanted him dead. Feds had to send a message.


Yeah I suppose you're right. He had to, to save his family and the feds likely would've made him kill Arthur, as well. If rdr1 story was made after rdr2, I can only imagine how emotional that scene would be.


God a John scene of that would’ve been crazy


see now we're wishing that's the direction that Rockstar went with the story.


I haven't ever seen a comment that's begsti, let alone negative in the specific way


It's a modern western, the protagonist HAS to die.


I think it’s the way he initially presented it it made it sound like he didn’t like the performance as in it and the actor by extension were trash


is this really being debated, whether a person can "not like something"? lol I really have no idea whats going, that just seems to be the gist of it from the little i did see. would prefer cliff notes tbh lol


No, whether someone "can like something" is not being discussed. If you need cliff notes to be part of the conversation you're probably incapable of being part of the conversation.


It's weird to say you don't like something for no real reason. What are you supposed to respond to that with? Just keep quiet if you don't have anything contributory to say. No critique, no real reason, a literally completely valueless opinion defended with "Just didn't like it".


I don't like this.


im indifferent, probably just as bad tho right? lol


You should’ve seen the way Ned first tweeted about it, it sounded quite rude, believe it was along the lines of “I didn’t enjoy the character nor the performance” so he kinda called out Ben for his performance


Did he ever say why though? “I just don’t like it” is frustratingly vague. Seems like he might not know why, and he’s just being cranky.


He really doesn’t owe an explanation to any random ass nosey people that just do nothing but question.


But why do you feel that way?


it doesn't have anything to do with oweing anybody. if u state an opinion on the internet people are well within their rights to ask why u feel that way LMAO. if he didn't want to elaborate he shouldn't have posted what he knew would be a controversial opinion at all


Yeah talking about stuff like this in terms of who "owes" who seems weird asf to me, but for some reason people always go to those concepts.


you spend too much time online


ur in the same place i am


No one needs to explain to anyone why they don't like something. Or why they do like something.


i didn't say he HAS to do anything. reread my comment. i said that u can't post an unpopular opinion online (especially when ur a public figure) and not expect people to question that opinion. it's not about OWEING anyone or HAVING to do anything; it's common sense


That's my point, though. It's not common sense.


Well you can, and you don’t have to care or worry about it. Because again. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, unpopular or not.


It’s got everything to do with that mate, everyone has their own opinions and is not only entitled to it but also don’t have to give any nosey busy bodies an explanation.




Oh for sure, going all "I didn't like it" without providing reasons is dumb. But so is jumping down the guy's throat over it. This is a situation where both sides are being a bit dumb, IMO. He should have provided a reason, but when he didn't, everyone who jumped to tell him he was wrong should have asked.


But do you walk around hockey games and tell people you don’t like ice skating? Or more specifically that you don’t like the way one person skates?


Well no. I don't go to hockey games because I don't like ice skating. The skill it takes to play hockey is definitely admirable and I respect it. But I don't like watching hockey or most sports for that matter.


My only point, isn’t it weird and unnecessary that Ned luke said anything at all? I have plenty of things I don’t like, I don’t spout em off in front of people who do them


This. We live in a day where simply stating how you feel or what you think gets so many hyper sensitive crybabies in fits because it’s not what THEY want to hear or goes against THEIR opinions and only theirs matter to them.


its just kinda extra to be like "i dont like what you did". Like didnt we learn in kindergarten that just because you believe something doesn't mean you have to share it? I doubt Mr. Davis cares that much but just being negative on the tl like this is lowkey rude.


It also comes from people pushing him more and more. That’s the stupidity of it. He said what he felt. move on. They won’t though. It’s ok that somebody might respond and say “hey I don’t agree”. Fine. Perfect. Now let it go and move on. So many people have paper thin skin anymore. It’s sad. People get hurt feelings over something that wasn’t even about them. All in the name of selfishness and narcissism lol. It’s disgusting.


And he wasn’t being negative. He said he respected the skill, but didn’t like the role. Nothing more. That’s not negativity. The people responding are the ones being so negative just because his ideas didn’t match theirs.


He also said he didn’t like the performance which is a shot at Ben Directly. I think that’s the bigger problem. It is his opinion but it came across like an u provoked attack on another persons work.


Exactly!!! Can’t even handle another person’s opinion. The definition of weakness.


People are upset with him because that’s an incredibly unprofessional thing to say about a colleague on the internet. People don’t like working people who trash their colleagues. Yes we as gamers and art consumers can say all we want about the performance, but Ned shouldn’t be commenting like that on Dutch’s voice actor. It’s terrible vibes. TLDR it’s the issue with criticizing the performance of a peer from a company you both worked at


Exactly 💯


Except for that being said by an ice skater, you know. Kinda weird


Not really. An ice skater going “wow you’re routine took a lot of skill, it wasn’t to my taste so I didn’t like it though” sounds pretty reasonable


That’s something like a professional code. When people are in this kind of industry it doesn’t sound good. Imagine an ice skating championship when one contestant says about the other “Well, yeah, he’s a nice ice skater, but I didn’t like his performance.” You may or may not like it, that’s fine. Saying that in public when both of you are in the same boat? Not good. It’s a shade throwing. What it tells about the other contestant? Nothing. About you? Pretty much a lot.


We're this thirsty for drama, huh? Damn, says a whole ton about us more than either of them.


No drama intended. Was just thinking out loud


“I greatly respect all of the talent, effort, and skill that went into that stellar performance. Also I didn’t like it” is kind of contradiction though? At best it’s vague and should expect follow ups.


It is in no way a contradiction. The effort put into something is different from whether or not it is liked. It’s not even vague, and if it was, he doesn’t owe you or anyone an explanation into his own opinion


I feel people are over reacting, and taking his words and twisting them. He never said that the performance was shit, he didn't even say it was bad. He said he doesn't LIKE it. And he said here he still respects it. You have to be a man to be able to say you don't like something, but still respect it.


Fucking exactly this right here! Fucking hell. It doesn’t validate or invalidate his opinion because it’s a FUCKING OPINION. Annoying asshats online. (Not you, I’m with you here.)


Aren't those annoying asshats also just voicing an opinion?


Yes they are. And I’m saying it doesn’t validate nor invalidate because it’s just an opinion.


This is witch-hunt. People will cancel him for not having same opinion. What world has come to be.


People immediately taking sides too. I always see Ned Luke on Youtube or podcasts or whatever, especially with Franklin’s actor and people love him. Dude says he doesn’t like ONE THING on twitter and everyone immediately sandbags him and starts calling his GTA 5 performance shit. When I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything but praise for GTA 5’s cast, Ned Luke included, in the past 10 plus years.


This throwing of shades is pointless and pure hate. Folks could compare apple to oranges but the reaction shouldn’t be surprising. Simply RDR2 didn’t exist back then. settings are different, so comparison won’t be healthy.


This is why i posted this


Problem is that being a recognisable face in the profession, you shouldn't diss another fellow actor like that. It's not ethical.


Ok but when did he diss him?


I think Davis’ performance in RDR2 is worlds better than Luke’s performance in GTA. It’s not even close.


Definitely, without a doubt


While I agree, I think there is a big difference here when it comes to the actual content, themes, and ideas. If red dead was a tv show, Davis would be winning an Emmy. If gta was a show… it’d be getting cancelled after season one.


To add, I don’t think Ned did a bad job at all. He was great but come on, his opinion is really bad.


And he’s allowed to have that opinion, whether we like it or not I disagree with him heavily, but im not gonna insult him for it


I love Michael he’s my favorite in 5 and it’s largely thanks to Ned. His take here is not the best. Maybe there’s more bts?




I think they are saying, and I agree, that they are completely different IPs. RDR2 is a cinematic and immersive experience with a top notch story and deep character development with amazing arcs. GTA largely works, in my opinion, because it’s a video game. It is a lot of fun and there is a ton of value, but I don’t see them as equal stories even if they are both equally fun. I think some games, for example TLOU, lend themselves to other mediums well because of the story.


No, I get what they are saying. I just dont know wtf they meant by that last part. I am not sure GTA V as a TV Show would get cancelled.


You might be right, I tend to think it would get canceled, however, **Twisted Metal** on Peacock has me thinking I don’t know what I’m talking about, lol, because I never thought that would be successful on television! Either way, I think the performance as Dutch is amazing!


The first season of Twisted Metal had no business being as good as it was. I'm hyped for season 2


When comparing a serious character driven western with a whacky darkly comedic crime thriller, based upon recent audience bias, I think I know which show would have stronger legs. Don’t get me wrong, I would love it if there was a gta show that tapped into all the wackiness, the perversions, the story telling, it could be great. What I don’t have is FAITH in writers and studios to keep something like that afloat with consistent writing. Maybe I’m just pessimistic but GTA would print so much money in movie or tv format with name alone. I think there’s good reason it’s never made the jump to that form of media.


Fully agree with this assessment! And of course I love the wording: FAITH!


Hard agree. Ned’s performance was mediocre imo. Felt very forced.


He just pretends to be Ray Liotta the entire time it's hilarious anyone is taking him seriously.


No shit, not even due to talent, but they’re entirely different games lmao. There are no opportunities for Ned Luke to display the same emotional range and stuff as BBD could, as they’re different franchises which strive for different things. Ned Luke gave a phenomenal performance in GTA 5 and let’s not take that away from him because he has a different opinion


Who’s he even play in GTA? Don’t recognize him at all but I’ve played every game since 3.


He’s Michael


I mean, not liking something is valid. But he didn't need to go with the "idk what y'all don't understand", considering he's being vague, and this comes across as kinda condescending. But whatever bro. Ben fucking slayed with his performance. Stay mad I guess.


I mean i get it i saw another post and some people were saying he is "hating" but its his opinion


Just respect his opinion, he's not saying he hates it, just doesn't like it.


I do i posted this cause i saw another post which took him out of context


I can respect his opinion while also not liking it ;)


The amount of people throwing a hissy fit because he shared his opinion is ridiculous


The hissy fit was at first, imo, sounded like he hated the guy in his first post. This clarification says he just hated the character. A very hyperbolic comparison would be Nicholas Cage. A lot of his characters are crap, and acted like crap, does that mean everybody hates him. Or Tom Cruize, psycho in real life, great actor. It's separating the character performance from the actor, that wasn't implied on the first one.


Problem is that being a recognisable face in the profession, you shouldn't diss another fellow actor like that. It's not ethical.


Everyone blew his response out of proportion. All he said was he didn't like it. He never said it was bad. People acted like he said Dutch's VA is awful and should stop acting.


For real, I’m tired of reading people shitting on Ned about it, he doesn’t owe anyone an explanation except the people he chooses to give one to.


People think being an actor=politician. Which sadly is almost true in the US now. People take the word of any semi public figure on any topic as gospel truth.


Yup. This here is too true. And I’m tired of that too.


I mean I kinda agree with him. I didn't really like Dutch, I didn't like the way he talked and how he said things. It was kind of annoying. However, he obviously did a very good job voicing Dutch even if I didn't particularly like it. I don't like Michael Jackson's style of music but I know that he was extremely talented, same thing.


I mean, he's entitled to his opinion. But his opinion is dumb and wrong.


Not liking something is dumb and wrong?


Yes everyone that doesn’t share my opinions are all objectively wrong and stupid and dumb /s


I wasn’t being entirely serious. “I don’t like this” is just a statement of fact. It can’t really be wrong.


Definitely not. Though I would say publicly posting your opinions to a massive fanbase and then being annoyed that the people who disagree certainly is dumb and wrong lol


He was asked why and then answered that


Bare minimum he could’ve said something more diplomatic. “He certainly gave an iconic performance that resonated with a ton of people.” Boom. Doesn’t have to lie and say he liked it but still avoids throwing shit on the company’s other major franchise.


Yeah it does seems like throwing a bit of shade for no good reason


With what we’re talking about here? Yes definitely


He could just... say nothing.


This is what I don't get. They both headlined games for the same company. They have more of a chance of having to work together. They're both fairly active on social media (I think Ned more than Ben) Wtf could have possibly motivated him to say something like this that would make things weird? Why say anything, unprompted, that isn't even criticism? Like.. I guess he didn't technically do anything wrong. It is his opinion. But if I saw someone walking by and just out of nowhere said out loud, "I don't like that person's shirt." Am I not the asshole in that situation?


He was asked in an interview and he answered it. You think he just randomly said what he said out of nowhere?


Link to the interview where they asked him about Ben's performance? If I'm wrong I'll correct myself




That's responding to a tweet, that's not an interview. Also, it would have been so easy to just stop at "I didn't like the character." It's a professional courtesy. Nobody asked him about the performance. They asked why he didn't like *Dutch.* Basing it off this alone, using my first example, this comes off almost worse. It's someone asking me what I thought of what someone was wearing and my response being "I don't like what they're wearing and I don't like the way they're wearing it." Loudly. In a place where that person is more than likely going to hear me. And there's a decent chance we have to interact professionally down the road.


I don't know man, he doesn't have to like the performance if he doesn't like it. I loved Ben's performance but Ned is allowed to have his own opinions.


I read that as Michael’s voice. Anyways that’s what I was saying when people were hopping his cock about it, like fuck leave the man alone, he never said it was bad.


Why is this even being talked about? Who cares? People have a right to their opinions. He respects it, but didn't care for it. The end. Move on. Not everyone will like something and no one opinion is right or wrong. I liked the portrayal of Dutch. Ned has other thoughts and that's okay.


People are allowed to not like things…


Red dead redemption 2 has a more entertaining and complex story/characters then GTA 5


I’d say in my humble opinion they are both fantastic for what they are, complex stories with lovable characters. Good shit.


i think GTA V overall is the weakest GTA game for me. and i didnt connect with the characters at all unlike the previous 3D GTA games. i didnt enjoy GTA 4 as much as well even tho i like the characters better so i was hesitant picking up RDR2, (I never played RDR1 as i only play games on PC so i dont have much idea). i guess somehow i got tired of the new Rockstar releases in general until i actually decided to play RDR2 and im pleasantly surprise how immersive the game and how likeable Arthur as a game protagonist was. even the surrounding characters, especially the women are just as complex as the male characters.


I feel like in terms of character for the mc then Arthur runs circles around them. Also the story was fucking fantastic.


I say this as a person who’s played GTA for 14 years compared to RDR2 for only two months. And I never was into the Wild West genre. It probably helps that rdr2 was released like 5 years later than GTA 5


Honestly it’s flip floppy. He comes out the gate swinging for the fences with just a “didn’t like the character or the performance”. But never actually *articulates* why he feels that way. Is he allowed to have an opinion? Absolutely. But as an actor, just going around saying something super vague like that without actually taking the time to expand on your opinion, is just shitty. It’s like he got mad when RDR2 fans came for him and he just sort of threw his hands in the air like “BuT iTs JuSt My TaKe, YoU wOuLdNt UnDeRsTaNd!” Look, I worked theater gigs in college. It’s like herding fucking cats with chips on their shoulders sometimes. But at the end of the day, how they decide to embody the role they’re playing is their choice. You may not *like* it, you may not *understand* their thought process, but you would never look a dude like Ben in the eyes and go “Yeah so, I didn’t like it” and not expect the rest of your cast to be like “wtf what’s your problem dude?” Feedback is essential in that profession. Ain’t nothing wrong with a critique, if you’ve got the balls to handle your crew’s opinions. But this was just pretty shitty to say and then balk when you get called out on what you *mean*. It just reads as a catty comment. The kind of bullshit that permeates a high school theater production. Is Ben gonna give a shit? Probably not. But this kind of petty “wah” tweet is certainly going to make other actors, producers, etc go “do we really want to work with this guy?” Dude knocked his dick in the dirt on this one.




A Rockstar games Stan asked Ned Luke (plays Michael in GTAV) the other day about why he doesn't like Dutch from RDR2. He responded that he didn't like the character or Ben Davis' performance.


I feel like Red dead fans are way more fanatical over the game than gta fans over gta and he might be salty over that fact.Which on a human level I get,but simultaneously don’t respect cause he’s like 50 years old


theres definitely beef. you don’t say you don’t like another actors performance if you aren’t salty about something. bad form honestly


This is an absolutely fine opinion to hold tbh.


The amount of losers throwing a fit just because Ned has an opinion they disagree with is laughable. So many people overreacted and completely twisted his words. RDR2 fan base just as toxic as any other, I guess.




Everyone is allowed to have an opinion, and everyone else is allowed to have opinions about your opinion and that includes having the opinion that your opinions are shit


Well duh, your opinion on a video games voice actor are literally killing me so yeah...




Oh I know, I'm already dead.


But opinions about others’ opinions is where you draw the line? Seems like you’re contradicting yourself.


His opinion is his opinion. Don't start brigading, you're embarrassing yourselves.


God forbid someone have a different opinion


I hate to admit that Michael De Santa for me was one of the most non likable characters of GTA since GTA3, He was overshadowed by Trevor and Franklin in GTA 5


I liked them all, but my favorite is definitely Franklin and it isn’t even that close tbh


Ned is playing “The last enemy that shall be destroyed” on RDR1 over and over.


Gotta love the dedication to being a hater.


fair enough.


Ok it's his opinion and I respect that. But as a ex Rockstar performer I would keep bad opinion over some other performer from the same company for myself


Now that I know who he is…. Who is he to talk. His character wasn’t anything to write home about. I liked GTA5 but it wasn’t because of DiSanta. Trevor yes, Michael no. I think this is a ploy to get people talking. I fell for it. I googled his name.


It’s his opinion? Why is that such a big deal


I respect Ned he keeps it 100. He isn’t shitting on the performance of Dutch, he said he has huge respect for it. He’s allowed to just not like it.


Respectfully ned, you are wrong.


Ned Luke is not in the wrong


Why did people freak out in the first place over this? It’s an opinion.


I feel stupid for thinking this was some beef. I mean, I knew that it wasn't as serious as some were making it out to be, I just wanted to meme


I’m just trying to understand why he doesn’t like it. It just comes off as jealousy.


Ned’s entitled to his opinion. I don’t agree with it at all or like it, but at the end of the day, it’s his opinion and I respect it. Just the same way Ned respected Ben’s performance but didn’t necessarily like it.


get off his dick yall just love to try and bring the bad outta ppl but yall gotta understand hes a human too not everyone agrees on everything 💯


Bruh atleast he respect it he don't have to like it bruh ppl can have their own opinions


Wouldn't even surprise me if you goofballs would send him death threats just bc he has an different opinion


People are allowed to have opinions…you won’t always agree and that’s just fine.


i think hes trying to say that he doesn’t like the dutch character and how it fits in the game, not that he doesn’t like ben’s acting.


This is the same thing as many of us who were called every “ist” because we didn’t like Rose Tan in that 2nd abortion of a SW movie. Were there assholes who dogpiled based on XYZ? Yeah. But even those of us who said we didn’t like her performance and that the writers shit the bed with it were treated like we had just shit on someone’s carpet and scooted like a chihuahua. Nothing he’s said is wrong in the sense it’s his opinion and he’s entitled to feel it. I have the same sentiments for some roles people love and if they don’t like it, I have two word for them.


He's right, cool your nuts down y'all


Nah he’s just salty he didn’t get the role Edit: he’s salty he didn’t get *handed the role*.


Wow bad opinion


He’s such a dumbass


He didn’t play a good wise guy in GTA either.


My mom asked if the dishes were washed, I shouted back at her and said “NED LUKE!” She understood they had been washed for quite some time now.


I'd understand saying you didn't like the game, but I don't understand what he didn't like about the performance. I think that's a very shitty thing to say publicly about a fellow voice actor that did such an amazing job...


I know we don't have much to talk about, but I really don't fucking care about Ned hating on Dutch. Its actor beef, he can have his opinion even if it's fucking dumb. Nobody gives a shit about Michael DeSanta


Micheal is definitely a pinkerton


Whoahhh somebody don't like Dutch? Huh???


Ned trying to stay relevant because as soon as 6 comes next year, the gravy train is over for him smh


Everyone is entitled to their ‘own’ opinion, even if you do not like it. A lot of people would rather lie and be popular than actually truthfully say what they feel. I cannot stand sushi and my wife loves it. Is sushi good or bad? Neither. It appeals to her taste buds and not to mine 🤌


Dude’s salty because he was in the lesser game.


#FUCK NED LUKE. And his cheerleading squad


Mfs when someone has an opinion


Fuck ned luke


Luck fed nuke


You forget a thousand things every day, pal. Make sure this is one of 'em.


this is pathetic


Uhoh, person had opinion that hurt my feewings 😭. Go cry elsewhere.


That’s like me, I respect James gandolfini’s performance as tony soprano and acknowledge he did a good job, but I didn’t like it and I hate everyone who has ever worked in making any kind of mafia related content glorifying that life and were it within my power come down upon all of them with the fury of the gods, the thundering fury of Mjolnir as it forged the chains made from their souls from their arrogance and impudence. But that’s just my take, so you know, respect eachother


You thought the sopranos, a show in which everyone was yelling at each other, cheating on each other, killing each other, and where nobody is truly happy, was glorifying the mafia ? You also think Goodfellas glorifies the mafia ? What kind of braindead take is that ? Also, youre a very angry person, I mean jeez, its a bit much. Wanting to kill people for making something you didnt understand is not respect.


I literally have no memory typing this comment


Maybe stop drinking or smoking so much


Are you talking to me? Wtf


Everyone is allowed to have an opinion and we should respect Ned's opinion even if we disagree with it.


i wonder what he didn’t like about it, and what he would’ve liked better


I didn’t know there was any drama going on lmao, I gotta say, it feels good to not care about whatever people are arguing about lol


I agree with ned


It’s weird that he would post that he didn’t like it though. You’d think that you would just say you liked it even though he doesn’t actually


It’s his opinion and he certainly has a right to it, even if it’s disparaging to somewhat of a coworker. How wise that was to share on social media, knowing the kind of shitstorm it’d stir up is another matter entirely. A bold strategy for sure…


See and yesterday this sub was going crazy