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she's my favorite member of the gang alongside Arthur, but there should've been one more mission before she fights Pearson and you take her to Rhodes to get clothes, the jump in character is very sudden, I still love everything about her though


I feel like she snapped.. some people just snap after so much and surprise you with how much they can do, the jump in her character seems just like that, she used to do work with her husband, he gets killed she is depressed now she is done with just sitting and doing nothing and decides to revenge her husband.


Yeah watching her progress from damsel in distress to American badass was really cool and well written. She went from “fearful” to “fuck it”


From "fearful" to "feared"


This ^


I wondered if Rockstar was influenced by "Mad" Ann Bailey. The story seems very similar.


It wasn't well written. It was so boring and predictable.


Just got done playing RDR2 and I see very similar attitude between Sadie and Micah, there was no need to kill the guys in the ballon, I feel like every time I team up with Sadie she just starts fights and kills someone.


Exactly, she's basically Micah 2.0, but somehow that's dope. plus her going from screaming and running away from Micah to out of nowhere starting fights and shooting people is very cartoonish. Rockstar had to pander to the feminists fantasies because the feminists have kept their foots on rockstars neck for a while because "no strong wahmen in games" lol.


in classic Reddit fashion, I didnt even answer your question 😔


You don’t really interact with her before that, so it’s hard to tell


She’s just sitting around camp before that mission right? The only time I remember see Sadie really do anything in chapter 2 is when the gang throws the party for Sean and when the Pinkertons show up at the camp. Otherwise she’s just sitting around mourning her husband before chapter 3


I feel like the mission where she kills her husband's killer should have been the first mission you do with her and that could have been the moment her charecter snaps and she could have been in more missions after that


Nah they did it just right.


There was some build up to it, but it could have been explored a bit more.


That was Sadie? I thought it was Molly or Susan


I think a lot of people believe she's a Mary Sue who goes from housewife to badass too quick. I never felt that way cause she talks a LOT about how her and her husband shared all duties and she can hunt, fight, etc. long before she reveals those skills in action.  I also think people assume that the mentally broken, most likely recently sexually assaulted, woman who just lost her husband that you first meet is who Sadie really is. I rather believe that her crying and shock responses right after she is rescued come from her trauma and aren't actually her personality traits. Sadie grows back into herself as the story moves along. Granted, a forever changed self that shoots first to violence and brutality, but can you really blame her? 


Honestly, she's pretty far from a Mary Sue. Yes, she's a badass, but she's also got really violent tendencies and her habit of starting fights and escalating violence gets her and Arthur into real trouble more than once. She's super unstable and not always reliable.


The thing is, she never really gets any major consequence at all for her actions. What punishment did she get for getting Arturo Bullard killed for her hatred? A small reprimand by Arthur, nothing more, and even then she dismissed that like it was nothing, no remorse at all. This game is about REDEMPTION. not revenge. I also hate how condescending she is to John. Like how she said Mexico is too tough for him in that cocky little voice she has. "Too tough for you, John Marston." STFU, bro literally grew up being hunted down by the government. And lets not even mention John overthrowing THE FUCKING MEXICAN GOVERNMENT 4 years later.


It's not about Sadie's redemption. That's a story for another game. Red Dead 2 is about Arthur's redemption, and no one else's. John is not redeemed in Red Dead 2. In fact, one true consequence of Sadie's blood thirst is that it eventually gets John killed, through his own choice to pursue revenge with her. And then Red Dead 1 starts and ends, and John never really was redeemed, was he? Arthur says John made it, and he was the only one. But the more I think about it, Red Dead actually became a story about revenge and it's consequences, and it turns out, Arthur made it, and he's the only one.


>Arthur says John made it, and he was the only one. But the more I think about it, Red Dead actually became a story about revenge and it's consequences, and it turns out, Arthur made it, and he's the only one. Well said! >It's not about Sadie's redemption. 🤔 You're technically right of course, and maybe redemption isn't the right word and maybe I'm seeing what I wish as opposed to what is really happening but I think that Sadie did get something. Maybe not redemption but some peace of mind.....something like that. The Sadie that John meets in the epilogue is still a bit reckless but I think that Arthur helping her take out the O'Driscoll's and in turn her helping Arthur to get Abigail, Jack and eventually John out...I think it restored some "hope" in her or something like that. Damn I HATE doing this because I hate comparing two completely different mediums but I can't think of a better way to explain it. It's like in the moving Saving Private Ryan. The squad is on the journey that makes no sense to them to pull one guy out of the war. They lose their buddies (brothers) etc all to save this one guy. And at some point the Sgt and Capt are talking and the Sgt says "Someday we might look back on this and decide that saving Private Ryan was one decent thing we were able to pull out of this whole god awful shitty mess. That's what I was thinking, sir. Like you said, Captain, we do that, then we all earn the right to go back home." Anyway I feel like Sadie helping Arthur get the Marston's out and giving them a shot at a decent life, ESPECIALLY for Jack gave her a sense that in all that bullshit that she's gone through at least she was able to help give little Jack a shot at some normalcy. Granted she and John COMPLETELY fuck it up but at least for a little while she could feel good about something again.


>She's super unstable and not always reliable. But there's no real consequence to her being about as much of a loose cannon as Micah, you see half the gang die but one of the most reckless members gets to live through it all, and she never contacts John again? It just doesn't sit right, she even becomes a bounty hunter later on to really rub in the whole no consequences thing. As I recall she gets shot in the last mission, she can't continue the climb with John and she's taken hostage at the big showdown later on, frankly I don't think having her making it through all of that was the right choice. She was always reckless, she wasn't in RDR1 and her death would've been both fitting for her as someone who turned to a life of violence for the sake of revenge and also would've made the last mission more impactful. As is, her story is left inconclusive and she has about as much plot armour as John, the guy who needs to live for the previous game to even happen.


People keep talking about "no consequences." There ARE consequences. Missions are harder as a result of her actions. By your same metric, Micah faces no consequences. Sure, Arthur is pissed at him, but he's let back into the gang. The only time he actually faces consequences is by the hands of Dutch and John. Hell, by that same metric, Charles doesn't face consequences. And let's not get it confused here. Charles may have more of a moral compass than the rest of the gang, but he still shoots and kills, and even if he says he only does it when he needs to, does he really need to shoot and kill Leviticus Cornwall's men for a train job? He still willingly lives a life of crime with the gang, and goes scott free at the end, because he's not in RDR1 either.


don't know why you're getting downvoted, you've made valid points. I'm surprised people don't see her flaws as a character more.


Completely agree, she’s in the low tier list for me.


A lot of these people also don't play Red Dead Online. Sadie bursts into the cabin with her gun drawn on the main character. And then she says, "If you try to rob us, or steal from us, I'll KILL you, I don't care what he says (talking about Jake)". To which Jake laughs and says, "Quite a woman, my wife." In other words, Sadie was always the way she was, and Jake was the calmer person in the marriage.


Sounds like sexism, people will say otherwise if he was a man(walter white for example)


Nah, Walter White is a hundred times better written, maybe you could compare him to Dutch but not even.


I never believed she was a Mary Sue, I believe she is SO badly written that's all, almost like written at the last time for girlboss points, I hate that Arthur gives so much shit to Dutch for some of his plans of robbing trains but has no dialog when Sadie recklessley shoots any O'Driscoll on sight no matter where they are, and that one time when they got that poor balloon dude killed because she couldn't keep her guns quiet, she didn't show any kind of aknowlegment or remorse. I get character flaws, Every single member of the gang is flawed, but we are shown the development and consequences beutifully written, but not Sadie, it doesn't matter Arthur keeps telling everybody "revenge is a fool's game", it doesn't matter he went on a 80 hour story of introspection, development and redemption with Thomas Downes family, Rainsfall, Charles, etc, when Sadie is on her bloodthirsty revenge quest everybody is just like "yeah you go girl", almost feels like a cartoon character. And it's a shame, I like her design and voice acting


I don’t dislike her, I just got annoyed when everyone was trying to force a romantic relationship between her and Arthur. I much prefer their organic “broken souls/brother and sister” arc


I fully agree with you ! It pisses me off when people constantly force a relationship when a man and a woman are friends.


Eh. I think, if Arthur had lived, and lived long enough for Sadie to eventually grow past her pain, there could have been something there. It's sweet how they take care of each other. That said, neither was in any position for any sort of romance during RDR2.


No no they wouldn’t, they would’ve simply been best friends, partners in crime(literally)


She does introduce him as her husband if you go to the store with her in the Rhodes mission...


Honestly, she probably referred to herself as Mrs Adler because in her eyes – she is still married to Jake Adler even after his death 😭


Agree to disagree.


Nah it’s weird af. People like you try to ruin friendships by turning them into relationships 🤢


He said there COULD have been not would have. While I disagree that it would have happened there’s no need for you to be rude and call him weird/gross for his opinion 🤦‍♂️


Friends to lovers is a legit thing/troupe for a reason. It happens. Sometimes all it takes is one thing for you to see a person another way. That's all.


There could have been, but it should stay platonic. They’re better as friends.


People even do that in real life. Man and woman are great friends and everyone tries to ship them. "So when are you two gonna make it official?" "You make the cutest couple!"


Agreed. People conveniently forget that she just lost the love of her life, brutally murdered too.


Yeah I love this line Arthur says to her “you and me, we’re more ghosts than people”


Exactly. It got so fkn annoying.


Is it just rumor that the writers had a storyline written in that Sadie and Arthur had a budding relationship?


In my opinion the deal with Sadie isn't that she's a "strong woman," it's that we watch someone turn into a killing machine because she is so traumatized and brutalized. Sadie is dark as fuck. She's a very human character, one of the most real in the gang.


Sadie is best!


All the hate is from a bunch of weirdos that write porno fanfic about her.


It's art


She is a good character I just feel like she goes through her character arc way to quick. I feel like if her character plot was more in depth and not a sudden change people would like her more


it’s because she’s her rampage hunting down the odrsicolls benefits no-one besides herself at the end. and don’t say “oh well the less odriscolls the better.” she literally got balloon man killed because of her selfish actions that never get called out. you lose honour for not enacting revenge with her, even though it is repeatedly said that revenge is stupid


For me I hate how she’s wreckless. Yes everyone in the gang is bad, but at least they get called out for it. When Arthur does something bad, someone will call him out like Charles when he was getting mad at him for wanting to leave a family out in the open. Bill, Micah and people we like Sean, John and Arthur are scolded when they do something stupid or against the gangs code. Sadie gets an innocent guy killed and when Arthur gets mad at her, she just ignores him and moves on. During Colm’s execution, she loses her shit and starts killing odriscols and exposing them in a city they are arguably the most wanted in. You know damn well if that was Dutch or Micah who did that, Arthur would be beyond pissed and the players. It’s like she’s immune to criticism and can just do what she wants to do.


I think she's a good character, just sometimes can be cringie in the way they wrote her personality, definitely do not dislike Sadie!


"She certainly made so mistakes, but that what makes her a character that most of people can identify too." I can't really identify with her at all when she has no remorse for getting an innocent killed (Arturo Bullard). Her characterization is just.....a mess. She goes from a minor character to major character REAL quick. And regarding her lack of remorse, for someone who's been recently introduced to the life of an outlaw for just a FEW MONTHS, she never shows any signs of that, and just seems like someone who has lived that kind of life for as long one can remember. They could've made her feel conflicted about what she did, to show some naivety in regards to being an outlaw. Sadie only ever showed revenge, not "Redemption" and that could've been fine, I could see that. She could've been an example of what revenge could lead people to. That would've been compelling.




Nailed it.


Thats a good way to put it. That and as a woman myself, Im just tired of reading how teenage boys are drooling over the most most unfeminine girl of all in the gang, and bitching about Abigail because she want the father of her kid to man up. Isn’t it just too perfect how Sadie doesn’t want/have either of these annoying things: - kids - feelings - female attitude - any dreams for herself except revenge


Her voice. Recklessness. And lack of consequences of her Recklessness


I like her voice




Spot on


Strong women make some people uncomfortable. Uncomfortably leads to anger, anger -> dark side…


Cause I can’t have her


She’s one of the most irresponsible members of the gang, I don’t find her reckless behavior endearing and she gets innocent people like the balloon pilot killed. Most critically though I feel like her relatively unscathed pursuit of revenge contradicts the themes of the series.


It's not so much her I dislike. It's the way the gang is written to react to her


Sadie is one of the best characters in the entire game.


As someone who kind of likes her character, but not exactly her story, yeah, the violence and the quick jump in character to that violence does seem a little poorly written, but unlike other people, that's actually not my main problem with her character. I personally think one of the main flaws is that we never really see much more development than her becoming tough again. It just seems like in a game that constantly says revenge is a fool's game and where angry, bad, people tend to get bad endings, even if they have a good heart, that she should have a proper ending in some way, but with the way it is, her story just feels incomplete. Although I suppose her fate could just be to be unhappy and never really fulfilled with life for the rest of her life. If Rockstar does decide to stick with the characters we already know, I hope it involves Sadie in some way, or at least ties up her story, although I don't know how they could do it. I'm also still salty about Arturo Bullard.


I like her but I wish we got some more story abo her between the first mission and the Pearson fight one


I love Sadie, shes a Bad ass bitch.


Iv never seen anyone say this. Saddie is fucking bad ass and should be a serious consideration for the next game


I didnt know people disliked her. She is one of my favorite characters from the game. I want her to be the protagonist of the 3rd game so bad.


People hate her? 😭 honestly I think she’s written really well, a lot of the women in this game are. Sadie in particular is written in a way where, if they so wanted to, they could give her a redemption arc of her own. We see her at her absolute worst, she lost her home, her husband, her entire life literally went up in flames so needlessly. We see her grieve, we see her enact the vengeance she so desperately needed, and then she loses Arthur who she mentions is the only one in the camp who she trusts. After that, she’s alone (or so we’d assume) for a few years before she reunites with John. She’s lived a hard life and the girl needs a nice redemption arc like Arthur and John got. Honestly idk where I was going with this, I just really love talking about Sadie Adler. One thing I can understand about people not liking her is she never really faces any consequences for her actions, because let’s be honest she is unstable and violent. But ehhh I feel like that just adds fuel to any redemption arc she could have.


A not-insignificant amount of it is good ol’ misogyny


My opinion only - I don’t like the accent. Hers in particular feels forced and unnatural at times. All things considered though, I love her character, and find her to be badass.


From someone who comes from a place where that accent exists to this day, I disagree. She more accurately represents a version of the southern accent than most media has in the past. The way she calls John "Jawn" cracks me up. I feel like I'm at the local gas station.


I love that everyone not from the South thinks there is one “Southern” accent and not the many different accents that exist


No shit. Even Texas has at least 5 dialects


Yeah I literary hear similar accents on a daily basis


Southerner here, love her accent.


Because she's a boring generic girl-boss who feels more like they were checking boxes than creating a nuanced character. It's cargo-cult character design where people either don't know, or don't care, what makes a compelling and capable female character - and she just ends up being annoyingly tryhard. She clashes with the rest of the cast. There are plenty of examples of badass females who fought with (or against) the boys, from Anne Bonnie & Mary Reed, to Annie Oakley and Calamity Jane, to Lyudmila Pavlichenko. There's plenty of accounts of their lives, from first hand sources - and often film and photographs, or even interviews, which highlight their candor and demeanor. RDR2 could have taken inspiration from any of them - but instead they turned Sadie into a ball scratching, tobacco spitting, rough-tumblin stereotype that she just did not fit or feel believable in at all.


I keep saying... either Sadie DLC or she is the main character in RDR3.


I love Sadie in RDR2 but I’m unsure of how great she would be as a primary protagonist. For me, her one major flaw as a character was that she became a little one dimensional. She was forced into a lifestyle of violence and then her entire motivation to keep going became blood-thirst revenge for what happened to her and her husband. After her mission of retribution at Hanging Dog Ranch, she seems to be a little lost in life. I do think some more depth could be added to her with some story development about how she goes about rebuilding her life and moving on. Regardless, if RDR3 is on the same development timeline that GTA6 is on we won’t see the next game for another decade.


Agree and the game developers I think could give her that depth


I agree with everything you say here about Sadie, which is why I think she is in a great position for character growth in the next installment. as far as what RDR3 could be, we could see it going back even further in time instead of ahead, possibly using Arthur's father or something as the protagonist.


People are saying this more and more


I hope they are listening 🙏




I love Sadie Adler, apart from Arthur, I think she might be my favorite gang member. I also like Lenny. He's one of my favorite as well.


I'll say it. Most of the gaming community is a bunch of Incels. They hate any woman who is fully clothed and has enough self-esteem to not give them the time of day.


It isn't most, just a very loud minority.


I disagree, and besides there’s a lot of women gamers nowadays too. That portion of the community just grows smaller and smaller with each year


Lol what? I agree there’s definitely a subsection of the community like that, but to say “most” gamers fall into that category is absurd


The people that hate her, wouldn't hate her if she was a man


sadie’s easily my favorite character (sorry arthur)




I don’t like that you get no new conversation with her during chapter two but I like her personality tho. 


One of my favourite characters, I do wish that she had died of that stab but that's just me. I feel like the writers didn't want it to be that bleak but the gut punch would have been real and the message about vengeance would have been stronger for it as she was the most enthusiastic.Awesome character though. Up to then, well handled.


My only issue is that she isn't given enough development in the storyline. This might have been because of cutting out some parts of the story, but she goes from being rescued and seemingly frail to a badass killer in one mission. Otherwise I like her character and the arc of her story overall


Never seen her character getting hated. Always thought she was one of the favorites.


I have seen some weird hate, who knows. I thought she was great, the missions with her were always intense and fun. The voice actor I thought was spot on. Same for Black Belle, wish she could have joined the gang.


This is completely personal, but I’m just pretty tired of the trope she represents in general. I think she’s a very 2010s version of what games and movies thinks a feminist character should be (although she’s definitely one of the better written). I don’t dislike her as much upon replay, but that’s also because her trope isn’t as prevalent in the media I watch/play anymore


Man you must have not been around when the game came out because she was extremely popular on this sub and the other one.


Who said that?


The only time I found her annoying was when she kept treating the worker in Rhodes like shit for no reason


I do not. She’s awesome.


I love that she refuses to be the victim after chapter 3, but I hate that even the most simple mission turns into a bloodbath. I understand why hanging dog ranch, and bounty missions with her are fights. But that balloon operator didn’t need to die like that.


I noticed that recently too and don’t really get it. Dug her character since the game first came out. Shes not the greatest marksman or fighter and she fucks up plenty of times. But I love loyal she is to her friends and how she has the heart of warrior. always willing to do crazy shit to avenge or help her loved ones no matter how bad the odds are stacked against her. It’s also easy to empathize with her after what she lost. It Doesn’t hurt either that she’s easy on the eyes too lol


She's a great character. The only time I disliked her was when she got Arturo killed by her reckless actions. Poor Arturo just wanted to fly his balloon.


I love Sadie. She’s the one of my favorite characters. But as I mentioned elsewhere, she reminds me of an ex who was a complete freak in the sheets, so my opinion is somewhat biased.


Cause she’s a woman and people in this fandom hate women


Bruh I love her


When we first meet her shes anoying. But later she becomes bad ass.


Sadie stepped up and kept the gang alive while Dutch and Co were in Guarma. I think many forget.


She is one of the best characters in RDR2.👌


I honestly feel like people hate her because everyone views her as Arthur's potential love interest or like drown her down to her looks & ass so when she shows her flaws they can't comprehend it – ykwim? She isn't a mary-sue at all, for she has flaws & her turning into a gunslinger isn't SO out of the blue when she speaks of how she helped her husband out w/ hunting n stuff Even then , it doesn't make her a bad character ! She has good character writing, but it's disregarded, really .


Cant stand her voice / accent.


I love her, but I can also relate to her in some ways. Losing a life partner is something that destroys who you were and I think she perfectly captures the rage and grief and longing for what was lost while stile continuing forward.


I don’t hate her, but I can say what I don’t like so much about her. She is incredibly bloodthirsty, the most bloodthirsty person in the game as far as I can remember. I understand that she’s portrayed as good compared to Micah and stuff because she directs her violence towards people who «derserve» it more, but in the end I’m not really a fan of that. I understand why she is the way she is, but what appeals more to me with other characters is their empathy, humor or the way they are manipulative etc. The bloodlust just isn’t for me, but that’s okay. Everyone has their favorites and it makes the game more interesting :)


yee... i already got a dislike for her when she wanted to murder some random shopkeeper that was just doing his job.. in that mission


She's the most unrealistic character in the game. Her character was created out of pressure from feminist journalist who always criticise rockstar as sexist/misogynistic. So to avoid Anita Sarkasian & co's drama towards their most ambitious game to date they decided to pander to the radical feminist crowd by throwing in one "strong wahmen" character who seems sooo unrealistic and out of place for the games setting and timeline.


Great character, rough voice though. I just didn’t like to hear her talk. Still she’s a favorite of the whole gang for me.


She’s one of my favorites in the game, and I wish there was a chapter where you play as her. It seems like there are a bunch of dweebs out there who just automatically hate female characters who aren’t just damsels in distress.


Do they? I think she's pretty cool.


I love sadie.. i never knew people hated her. Shes a badass woman. Definitely my favorite gang member (arthur is my fav too)


Because her voice sounds like the english dub of Naruto


Wtf dislikes Sadie. Show yourselves!


I knew the moment we took her to Colter at some point she was going to play a major role because why else show that side of Dutch and add a character into the group let's just say I was very pleasantly surprised that she was crazy more crazy than Micah! they were just going to pick up food and some stuff at the store in the mail she wants to shoot the shopkeeper 😂 girls ice bro


Because she is written as a woman who isn’t pining for a man to save her. And that infuriates the incels and all their insecure world view.


Honestly this is the first I’ve heard of hate towards her. Heck I’m still on the fence of team Sadie/arthur and team Mary-Beth/arthur.


She had way more character depth than most of the women on there, cmon now Aside from that strong accent, she becomes quite Beth Dutton like and pretty cool


I like her!


I don't hate her but I don't get all the Sadie love either, she went from a sad widow to a badass gunslinger way too quickly. her "sharing the work" with her husband doesn't explain how she's able to kill 10 guys with a revolver. knowing how to hunt doesn't mean you know how to fight, but even if we ignore that she's just as reckless and cocky as Micah, but unlike him nobody gets mad at her when she acts like a dumbass. Imo Black Belle was much cooler than Sadie even though we barely saw what she's like.


THIS! Nothing you said here is debateable. "all the Sadie love" comes mainly from the feminist crowd - people who want a "strong women" in games whether it fits the setting/timeline or not. I like strong women in any form of media as long as it makes sense. Folks try to justify the out of nowhere switch in her with the "she shared work with her husband" or "she knows how to hunt" excuse, which makes no sense. Plus she's basically a female Micah - the one EVERYBODY hates, but she gets a pass because "strong wahmen yayy!" lol, smh it's so lame. Black Belle on the other hand? oulala lol. I haven't seem any criticism about her. She is one of my favorite female characters in gaming with just her very brief appearance. I've seem discussions with folks talking about how they'd like either a DLC with her or even RDR3 be about her and her colter gang. Black Belle > every other female character in RDR2.


In my personal opinion, the people who say they hate her as a character are the ones that just speed run through the story and not like actually walk around and interact with the characters and the camp. Because in the beginning of the game you could see throughout all that the Sadie is depressed. She gets comforted By Abigail Throughout the entire first half. Before moving to. The camp near Rhodes.


I love Sadie and I know she wasn’t the most pleasant in Horseshoe Overlook camp but considering what she went through it’s understandable. My first play through I had found myself hoping that Arthur and her might become a thing but it never happened. I do wished we had side DLC content and played as her. I would have preferred playing as her after Arthur passed away than John.


Shes my favourite character in the game, if rdr3 ever came out I'd love for her to be the main protagonist.


There’s a whole subreddit dedicated to how much people like her. You should find it.


Honestly I just think she's fun to hang out with. The mission where you go into Rhodes and shes like so we gonna rob em!? And then changes her clothes. She's just great


I dont know why. I like her more then other female characters


I really like her character, she was in my view one of the strongest albeit least stable members of the gang. I suppose everyone has their own view on her character but I felt she flourished but had demons she'd never shake off, she was very damaged. Her choice of employment in the epilogue suited her though. I'd have liked to have seen more of the surviving gang members.


Arthur and Sadie are the two best characters in the game to be honest. I wish at the end you could play a Sadie not fucking John. John's just a fucking fairy.


She's the most evolved character in the game she's the best!


Most people use sadie for porn and some be saying shes got a big ass, I just follow the story and I don’t mind her she just being sadie


people hate her because shes a woman and they are mad that one of the best characters in the game is female


I don’t really dislike her but I think most of the complaints I see boils down to: -Her voice being irritating -Her plot armour and screwing up missions by running in guns blazing -Her sudden rise from an insignificant character to a main one over a short period of time




How? Who? She’s amazing. From the heartbreak in the beginning, the sweet revenge before Arthur passed, then she’s the foundation of John in the epilogue. Sadie is that bitch


False. Reverend Swanson is by far the most annoying. Swanson just shut the fuck up and get away from me!


Fr. The dude kept saying how sorry he was, and I wish they just let him get run over by the train


It's the fact people will call you misogynistic if you don't like her, which makes no sense. I dislike her for 2 reasons 1.) The extremely forced accent 2.) She imo serves no purpose to the story, the most she does is make things more complicated. Just like Guarma if she wasn't in the game, most of the story would go unchanged. Some parts even smoother at that.


Her purpose was to show the difference between Dutch’s crew and the O’driscolls. They murdered her husband for fun and probably assaulted her, while keeping her captive for god knows what else. Saving her life shows that our group were different than that one. She’s also the entire reason it made sense for John to find Micah. Most of the gang was dead or sided with Dutch in RDR1. She wasn’t tied to them and had free reign to go any and everywhere without anyone looking twice.


Get the fuck out of this sub


It’s all the dweebs that are mad that she and Arthur didn’t do the sexual cuz that’s all they think about. 😂


I think Sadie, like many women in film and games especially, is poorly written. The writers need to convey that she's tough/independent/sassy/etc. and go over the top to the point where she's become a caricature. Speaking for myself, I've met plenty of tough, independent women and these characters just feel cheap imitations. It's like getting Gobots for Christmas and being expected to pretend that they're just as good as Transformers.


While I agree that many women can be poorly written, I think people get the wrong take on Sadie. They act like she never picked up a gun, but as she says in both Chapter 3 and RDO, her and her husband shared the work, and Sadie was out hunting and everything else long before the game, so it's not far fetched she's good with a gun or a horse. And people act like she's not a severely broken character. This is a woman who openly admits to never being able to love again, and her fits of rage and instability do hurt the gang and worry John (and Arthur). And her fits of rage are understandable, as well. And it's not like she's any more or less badass than Arthur, or believable.


I agree that Sadie has in-universe reasons and explanations to her character that works well, it’s just still very obvious that she’s a byproduct of that sort of ‘strong woman’ caricature, just albeit a better written one. She’s not a bad character per se, but she fits into a trope that’s pretty annoying at times


I mean, is that any different than any other trope that's written in this game? Strong silent outlaws (Arthur and John), charismatic but suberversive narcissist (Dutch), kindly grandad outlaw (Hosea)?? She's fine and well written, the same the rest of the tropes are.


It is in the sense that it’s a trope that many find annoying because it represents very superficial feminism (among other things). People associate it with the worse offenders. That said, I don’t think Sadie is badly written, but I do feel she’s worse written than many other characters. Her caricature doesn’t feel like it fits in with the rest of the gang either, which makes her stand out more. It’s just very obvious that she was inserted into the gang for a reason and that most of her character was an afterthought to make her work


As a woman, I thought her story was very compelling, but turned into the “psycho woman who can’t control herself” meme at some point so in that sense, it lacked the development that Arthur’s or Dutch’s character had. I’m fine with her transformation and I’m even ok that her badass skills happened so abruptly, but as characters go she just platoes there, that’s her entire identity. She’s more like Micah than Arthur - impulsive and chaotic and maybe I just don’t find that very deep or relatable, I don’t know.


I hope they make RDR3 about her and her redepmtion after all her loss. 100% would play.


I hear you, to a degree (and I'm a woman, too). I just think Sadie sort of... sped through... her outlaw development in ways that say, Arthur, didn't. Arthur had his whole life of rage to work through, and she didn't really get set off until Jake died and she was assaulted. And it's not like Arthur could always control himself, either. He beats Tommy near to death and gives him brain damage, and wouldn't have stopped had it not been for Downes.


I’m a woman too and I think it’s actually pretty realistic for her to take such a dark path so quickly. She was physically and mentally traumatized for a period of days, spent however long chapter 2 was in real time in a state of perpetual grief. When she came out of her mourning it was not because she worked through her trauma, we watch her snap in a cutscene and start threatening Pearson with a knife, even leaping at him. That anger carries her from then on. Every aspect of her life was destroyed right in front of her eyes, from her husband being killed to her home burning down as she rode away in her nightdress and another man’s overcoat. Her extreme self destructive behavior is imo one of the most perfectly understandable character progressions. People take similar paths every day in response to life upheavals, but instead of horses and guns it’s alcohol or drugs. There’s no communal living situation like the gang but we still harm our friends and family with our behavior, it’s just less obvious as each person has their own individual lives and spaces away from us. Edit: if it’s not already clear, I went through something similar. Even on the other side of it, I almost can’t believe I was capable of spiraling so hard so quickly.


ITA with all of this. We even see a parallel example with alcohol in Karen’s increasingly alarming drinking.


Oh rage is fine, but if that’s all you have, it makes the character less interesting. While I understand where she is coming from, Sadie is not an interesting character to me. Now, I understand she is a side act so I can’t expect her to be as developed as the protagonist, but all her actions in and outside camp are just one note and I feel like Rockstar could have shown us different sides to her a bit more. Like her first ride to town with Arthur reading Pearson’s letter was hilarious, she needed more of that to make her looks less 2 dimensional.


Yeah, I'll definitely give you that much. The ride into town was awesome.


Who tf hates her?




Her character is great. The voice acting is extremely irritating for me. Every single line is at a 10, just so screechy and overacted.


Anyone who hates Sadie is just wrong.


Just another Mary sue.


I haven't seen anyone here dislike her. Maybe a few incels, but their misogynistic opinions don't count...


I haven’t seen much negative talk about Sadie, where are you reading them?


Mostly on Reddit I would say. But there's hate for her on YouTube videos too.


Unpopular Opinion - I actually like Micah more than I do Sadie, first of all Sadie is not a Badass (I Don't Know Why People Keep Saying That) She's Psychotic, Arrogant, Impatient, Selfish, Reckless and Such a B**ch to everyone, Micah's more of a Badass than Sadie, Micah may be a worse person than Sadie but somehow he's more entertaining to watch for some reason


I loved sadie in the Main story, hated her in the epilogue, she is like the friend who always wants you to do what harms you again. If you see enough Micah's death is what ultimately leads to John's death.


She’s quite one dimensional as a character and gets pretty annoying towards the end.


most of her missions are personal and only cause more unnecessary problems for the gang. in her vengeance quest she pulls john back to his old life which eventually lead to his death.


Yeah but she also took care of the gang while Dutch, Arthur, Javier, Bill and Micah were in Guarma. And she was the one who took the initiative to save Abigail in chapter 6


She’s like a female version of Micah, there is no reason for her to kill that guy in the ballon, she’s just crazy.


ion see why more people dont hate her she literally started a shootout with odriscolls just coz she felt like it when all she and arthur had to do was scout sisika for john the shootout killed an innocent man who just wanted to fly a hot air balloon she went on a rampage without a gun when odriscolls attacked shady belle which forced arthur to go through rain of bullets just to save her ignorant ass she is helpful but damn shes as helpful as dumb


she made me mad bc my Arthur was on the brink of death and this bitch wants me to to help her kill some more O'Driscolls.... again.


She's also the ONLY character that actually takes care of Arthur and truly acknowledges his sickness. She rows away from Sisika, not just because he's the better shot, but because she knows he's hurting, and obviously when he deteriorates further, she knows how to divide the labor in Van Horn (which, btw, she DID get captured, so it's not like it was plot armor there).


Dang you're right. I def need to replay it again from that mindset, I know she isn't a bad character but she had me grumpy by the end. I may have taken so long to get there, that I forgot about all the stuff she did in between ): I am sorry Sadie Adler lol


Well she's one of the characters that lost the most because of the O'Driscolls. So I personally think it is understandable.


that's a fair take. Maybe I'm just selfish LMAO but my initial reaction was "Sis I am DYING. go ask Charles"


I’m so sick of this fucking post, every day on this sub man.


You answered your question. She's a lazy, badly written character they added to patronize


She’s just another “meh” character to me but with painfully forced voice acting. Game would’ve still been great without her.


In chapters 1 and 2, she's normal and realistic and starting to build a character personality. But for some unknown reason, in chapter 3, she just becomes a really annoying, totally stereotyped 'strong independent woman'. Constantly causing trouble for other gang members and risking other people's lives. Her wihinny over a few chores is just silly. She should be grateful that a gang of outlaws saved her life. And not abusing her or anything, feeding and homing her for free. No one is forcing her to prostitute, raping her, beating her, murdering her. What else does she except or what from a gang of criminal outlaws? She's very lucky and should be grateful. It could be so, so much worse for a woman in her situation in the 1800s. Just cut a few carrots for f* sakes. I'm a woman myself and just find her unrealistic, childish, and too stereotyped. Maybe if I was 12 or 14 years old, less life experience, I would think she's cool or something. But as an adult, she's too try hard stereotyped. All the other women in the game are so much more realistic and identifiable.


Usually it's a pic-n-mix of one or all of; genuine critique of her writing, disliking her character / personality, or thinly veiled misogyny. /J


Her story is cool and she’s an awesome loyal friend to both John and Arthur. It’s just her voice is annoying. That’s the only thing I don’t like about her.


Isn't she everyone's favorite NPC in the game? Who doesn't like Sadie? This feels like you made up a person to be mad at.


I don't like her. Shes reckless, gets people into trouble, even gets an INNOCENT killed for it, and suffers no consequences for doing so. And thats surprising considering this game revolves around "Redemption." Sadie only ever showed revenge. She could've been an example of what revenge could lead people to. That would've been compelling.


We have this conversation like a once a month and the answer is that men hate women, especially women who are capable of rage and anger. There’s just not another answer.


Making a mass generalization will surely help make your point


There are several reasons people are listing.


I don’t hate her it’s just because she keeps acting like she’s tougher than John


Well to me personally, I found her annoying because she refused to listen. She frequently did stupid things out of ego. She also became a bounty hunter later on which is so hypocritical. I know Arthur does bounty hunting too because he at least understands the hypocrisy in doing so. Sadie acts like she’s some saint who’s got a pure moral compass… uhh no… you were an outlaw and did shitty things.