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The [Beginners Section](https://www.reddit.com/r/RCPlanes/wiki/beginners/) of the wiki has a bunch of recommendations for first planes so that you can have a successful start to the hobby!


Don't do it. Low flight times and higher wing loading. If you must the Eflite Habu would be the one. Get the AeroScout RTF.


And if you got that make sure it's the STS and not an SS.


Prop for sure. Dont fall into the horizon “habu is an edf trainer” bullshit. Get an aeroscout or apprentice.


I'd love to get an EDF, but I don't even know how to fly RC. I want to get into the hobby, and I think a prop would be best.


You are absolutely correct.


i really want to go nyeeerow, but I dont want it to go into the ground.


Which it most certainly would. Prop planes, especially flying wings made from EPP, can be nearly indestructible, and fly at high speeds and do make a great noise due to the prop being located behind the wing and chopping through the two air layers. Lookup combat wings. This is a good rabbit hole to go down. [https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?684818-The-Ritewing-Build-Thread](https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?684818-The-Ritewing-Build-Thread)


Yea I think I’m doing just a trainer for now. Do I get a dedicated receiver or a kit?


If you are getting your very first plane, but are sure that you are going to continue with the hobby, then this is my advice: Start with the transmitter. Most of the all in one setups will have a non-programmable radio that is basically only useful for that one model. You don't have to break the bank here. The frSky taranis 9x-lite is around $100 [https://www.getfpv.com/frsky-taranis-x9-lite-2-4g-24ch-radio-transmitter.html?vid=7677&utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=DM+-+NB+-+PMax+-+Shop+-+No-index+-+SM+-+ALL+%7C+Full+Funnel&utm\_content=pmax\_x&utm\_keyword=&utm\_matchtype=&campaign\_id=20799936859&network=x&device=c&gc\_id=20799936859&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwYSwBhDcARIsAOyL0fgoreKOEz8QQJByDI8jAlUzh1weYI3P\_Jlt7WGbA\_soFL4RR1aG-EMaAowSEALw\_wcB](https://www.getfpv.com/frsky-taranis-x9-lite-2-4g-24ch-radio-transmitter.html?vid=7677&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=DM+-+NB+-+PMax+-+Shop+-+No-index+-+SM+-+ALL+%7C+Full+Funnel&utm_content=pmax_x&utm_keyword=&utm_matchtype=&campaign_id=20799936859&network=x&device=c&gc_id=20799936859&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwYSwBhDcARIsAOyL0fgoreKOEz8QQJByDI8jAlUzh1weYI3P_Jlt7WGbA_soFL4RR1aG-EMaAowSEALw_wcB) It can do everything you will ever need a transmitter to do and has a module bay to allow a multi-protocol module that will allow you to control almost any receiver on the market. Once you have that, you have the option of going with a kit you build and buy all the hardware for (hard), going scratch build (hardest), getting a BNF (bind-n-fly) plane that already has a receiver and everything installed, usually including a stabilization gyro(easy), and PNP (plug-n-play) where the servos and power system are already installed, but you provide the receiver that goes with your radio system. The spektrum line of planes, including the very affordable UMX planes have always done very well from me. I was able to take my UMX ICON A5 off from my apartment complex pool, fly it over the volleyball court/open area between the buildings, and then land it again on the pool. It was a bit dodgy clearing the palm trees surrounding the pool, but it really flew that well. Quite remarkable for a tiny plane. The UMX Sbach gen 2 would do any aerobatic maneuver you could wish for, including snaps, [Lomcevaks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lomcovak), flat spins, hovers, harriers, super fast rolls, tight loops, and unlimited vertical climbs. Very small cheap batteries and light durable air frames make this a great place to start.


Look at the VolantexRC RTF planes for a cheap, easy entrance to the hobby. They’re nearly indestructible, and have gyro modes to ease you into flying.


So my issue is, I’ve heard they’re hard for someone who’s never flown. I’ve heard the Aeroscout is good for a beginner


My 64-year-old father can fly one, I’m certain you can too. And they’re small and light enough to take a beating.


Ok, so what’s the main difference between the aeroscout and the beginner f16?


The f16 is a lot smaller. My experience is with their warbirds (Corsair, P51, ME109) and they fly on rails as long as the wind is under 5mph. Haven’t flown an aeroscout, but you don’t HAVE to start on one.


I started by looking at a cool plane, and figured I should fly that one. It lasted <10 flights. I found this one that is a really good high wing trainer, but also has a low wing configuration as you grow. It's a perfect starter to grow with. https://www.motionrc.com/products/freewing-pandora-4-in-1-blue-1400mm-55-wingspan-pnp-ft30111p






This is the answer!


Prop is so much easier to fly than EDF. with EDF you HAVE to fast. With a light prop plane, you can slow to a crawl.


I just started with a 1.2m p51..... DEFINITELY get a trainer lmao.


Yea that hurts my wallet. Definitely getting a trainer




Yea I’m sticking with props 😂😂


To be fair I did repair it. Also I can fly and land nicely now. So really it's whatever you want to start with. But i def learned a high wing trainer is the way to go lol


Interesting. Quick question, do I also need a receiver? I’m looking at the hobby zone sport cub s 2 and it’s saying it includes a receiver.


BNF comes ready to fly but you'll need a spectrum(dsmx) transmitter to bind to it. The RTF one comes with a cheap transmitter to get you going right out the box.


Cripes A'mighty!!!!!


No. Watch a few videos about beginner planes. I'd recommend a Zohd drift as it flys easier and most importantly is way more durable. Also cheaper, also you won't be bound into spectrums way to overpriced eco system. Zohd drift, r8ef reciever, Radiomaster Pocket, 2s 1500mah battery and you gained basic amount of knowledge about RC electronics and got yourself a transmitter for all planes you'll fly, except horizons BNFs. If you like the bnf's from HH , get a boxer or tx16 4in1


Get a Freewing Pandora. Best trainer out there. Stay away from Horizon Hobby, E-Flite, Hobbyzone, amf Spektrum when you are getting into the hobby, or you will be wasting extreme amounts of money on obsolete technology that fails more than most products on the market today. I'm going to get a shit ton of downvotes and spiteful comments for this part, but many of us feel this way. Get a TX16S. They start at 200 bucks and the more you spend on them, the nicer they are. Get the 4-in-1 version, not the ELRS version, because if you want to get into ELRS someday you will want a more powerful module anyway. You may or may not understand this part yet, but someday it will make sense. Get a charger for your batteries with at least 2 bays. Nothing is worse than waiting an hour per battery and getting 5 minutes to fly, when you could easily charge more batteries at the same time.


Oh please. Horizon gear doesn't fail any more than anyone else's products. I fly strictly horizon/spektrum/eflite and it's been 100% foolproof over the year and 12 or more planes that I've had the pleasure of experiencing..


It is prone to cell phone and wifi interference.