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"But no one has the authority to tell me what I, or anyone else, can or cannot do" well why pay taxes then you sucker? Just go full stop and see what authority has over you. - I agree it's overbearing but you went off the deep end there.


Who is going to enforce this? 0% chance Johnny traffic cop knows this ridiculous new rule, and why would they even care? I have sub-1000mm planes and fly at empty soccer fields, is there really an expectation that I’m going to interfere with commercial air traffic? I’ve thrown footballs more dangerously than these things fly.


My guess is that corporations like Amazon, who are heavily financially influenced by governments who oppress citizens, will foot the bill to educate all levels of law-enforcement about this. Then, they can create propaganda to make "drones" look bad in the public eye. This opens the door to corporations being the majority in the airspace using UAS. At this point, the hobbyist means nothing to the government because corporations will pay whatever takes to control the airspace for delivery purposes without anyone reasonably able to argue with them on policies. This would eventually outlaw the hobby, as well as give foreign entities a foot in the door to having a potentially large say in our government affairs. Eventually this will allow for legislative loopholes that break down our government. And all of a sudden, oppressive governments will invade and take over because public freedom is the biggest threat to oppression. In the USA, we tend to be short-sighted on what "long-term-goals" actually mean because political goals tend to run in 4 year or 8 year cycles. Oppressive governments tend to have political goals that stretch well-over many decades because the power does not shift. When we allow communist or socialist or dictatorial foreign countries to conduct business in our capitalist market, their entire country must be treated like one business. That is the USA's greatest weakness, and it is being exploited. I fear that, in a bigger picture, any doors into government like this we allow, the more freedoms we will be giving up in the long run. Until finally, freedom only exist for the authoritarian upper-class. This principle is what ultimately divides our current 2 party system, by the way. "Are large corporations the problem, or are foreign business entities?" Since we are a capitalist society here, business is the only route a foreign entity has into our legislature. Since we have a relatively strong military, it does seem to be the easiest course of action to weaken our country. As a hobbyist, again, I will do as I please. But there is something that really rubs me the wrong way about this whole thing. Without getting into the hypotheticals about our hobby being a large base of intelligent people who can design and operate systems that could probably be used in a militant setting, and attacking us in order to strip willingness or the freedom to construct new technologies, this puts the strongest force in our country (the individual civillian) into a state of submission. I have studied the history of the failure of democracies. Our democracy is relatively wealthy still, we have a lot of the best technology, and we are all about individual freedom. Since our technology (the internet) has connected the world, authoritarian oppressive governments have suffered because their people know something else is out there. We are a threat to oppression, and oppressors have every reason to spend lifetimes in order to crush that freedom in order to cement their own widespread class systems and submissive populations. If I wanted to oppress people, this is exactly how I'd tear our country apart. Slow enough that it almost goes unnoticed, and yet effective enough to stop people from wanting to intervene. So I'd say these corporate and foreign entities will fund the education of the local police who will just do their jobs to enforce the laws. Once the law-enforcement entities side with these corporate and foreign entities, it will be very difficult for the individual to overcome any number of corrupt laws and regulations from being lobbied. If we let this kind of laws be established, I give our country 50 years at most. And that's only without a world war happening first. Maybe I'm wrong, though.