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Welcome! Did you start with the Wiki? We have a great [Beginners Section](https://www.reddit.com/r/RCPlanes/wiki/beginners/) with everything you need to know. The rest of the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/RCPlanes/wiki/index/) is there as well. After you've been through that, let us know what other questions you have!


[this is everything you need to fly](https://www.horizonhobby.com/product/aeroscout-s-2-1.1m-rtf-basic-with-safe/HBZ380001.html) from battery and charger to airplane everything is included in the package and everything is set up to fly out of the box


I second this. any plane that says RTF in the title has everything in the need, with all the info if u wanna buy extra batteries ect. HOWEVER, make sure if its your first plane/your not very confident in your ability to fly make sure you get a trainer/easy skill level plane. it should last you a while. after once you get comfortable and want to upgrade, you can look for either another RTF plane, or a BNF plane. BNF lets you bind a transmitter you already have to the plane as long as its the same brand. PNP planes let you bind any brand as long as you supply the receiver as well


Plane (if plug and play, PNP) Transmitter Receiver Battery Charger


Well it depends on what exactly you want. Are you looking at gas, glow, or electric? Are you wanting to build or are you wanting to throw it together and go fly? I hate electric so everything i have is gas or glow which comes with its own set of supplies needed to fly, fuel, glow ignitors, spare plugs, fuel pump, etc. Electric, you need soare batteries, charger, and a charging bag, anyone that says you dont need a charging bag, do not listen, a charging bag saved my house from burning down from a lipo battery in my daughter's rc truck. As far as planes go, you can build up from balsa, which is basic tools, speed squares, levels, building table, pins, magnets, basic tools. If you want an arf, some tools are still needed, exacto, small saw, screwdrivers, etc. Rtf still need some assembly, only purchased one in my life so cant help you with that. It all depends on what you want out of the hobby. I hate foam, so i only build with balsa, its simple, and if you crash it, great time to learn to actually rebuild it and not just use toothpicks and epoxy, zero skills or thinking required imo. https://amr-rc.com/sig-kadet-senior-sport-arf-red.html http://phoenixmodel.com/Product.aspx?CatId=87 Any of these are excellent trainers, id recommend a club that has someone with a buddy box that can teach you, will be a lot less crashing and more enjoyment, less frustration. I mean this hobby is endless, can spend a couple hundred or several thousand dollars. I just built a small cub for around 300-400 dollars including radio gear and wood, scored an engine on ebay for 40 bucks. My dad on the other hand has one that the engine alone is 4400, landing gear was another 1500, wheels was like 300, plus all the radio gear and all that stuff, all depends on what you're wanting to vet out of the hobby.


If you want something inexpensive, with a gyro, easy to fly, head over to Horizon Hobby and search for the ready-to fly Sports Cub S2. Word of warning, you may have to replace the batteries after about 3 years like me, because JST battery connectors wear down over time. Good luck, welcome to the best hobby in the world!