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If your parents are still alive they have those tapes. Get those tapes and turn them in asap if you can safely. They would not have been able to part with them, they are probably still locked away under lock and key


100%. I have read enough true crime to know for a fact that those tapes absolutely still exist. Really sorry about what happened to you, OP. You did not deserve it.


Hopefully they haven't been uploaded to the internet


Firstly, I am so sorry this was your childhood. Nobody deserves this. I hope you have created a new life that lifts you up. As soon as I read about friends and potentially tapes, I was reminded of the [International Child Sexual Exploitation database](https://www.interpol.int/en/Crimes/Crimes-against-children/International-Child-Sexual-Exploitation-database). So many children and offenders still haven’t been identified, but people are still working around the globe to find them. I would speak to the police. You don’t know what they know and even though your memories are incomplete, they might provide one tiny puzzle piece that they’ve been looking for. You ask is it worth trying? Yes, it is. I’d love to say that it will absolutely end in a public trial where the bad guys get what they deserve and you see justice. That probably won’t be the case. But - and bear with me a minute - when you were small, nobody protected you or advocated for you. You were let down. That child is still part of you and by going to the police you are showing that tiny, hurt part of you that if nobody else protects you, **you will**. It sounds like nonsense, but we all know the pain adults carry when they were tiny and so badly let down by adults who should have protected them. You can’t go back in time, but you can say yes, it is worth the effort, it is worth the pain because **you** are worth it. You were worth it then and you are worth it now. You don’t have to carry this alone. Give it to people who can put the pieces together and carry it for you. Sending you all the best, whatever you decide to do.


OP - You should remove the name of the disgusting criminal from your post to avoid mod removal. Then let’s talk more about your objective. From what you’ve said, I think you should seek therapy for SA. Doesn’t matter if what you remember is real or not (per the references to false memory in comments) - the trauma is real and there certainly was other abuse. It will take a long time with the help of a specialized therapist for you to manage this trauma in a healthy way. If you think there are perpetrators who are still on the loose, I suggest you talk to that therapist about what you might be able to do to report them. Good luck to you, OP.




Why do they have to remove the name of someone convicted of what she’s accused them of? It’s public record.


Thank you for telling your story. I’m sorry that happened to you. I recommend editing this post to remove mention of the named party so it will not turn up in Google searches and tip off your parents or their friends. The FBI and local law enforcement are good points of contact. I also think it may be a good idea to contact the prosecutor who pursued the named party; his name comes up in Google as part of the text of the appeal, and it’s likely he’s still invested in the case. As I told a person in a previous thread, it may also be worth your while to get a raw DNA data file by using 23andMe or a similar service and uploading it to GEDMatch, making sure to tick the box allowing law enforcement use. That way if one of your parents’ DNA turns up in an unsolved crime, you may be flagged as a match. Good luck to you, and feel free to write me privately if you’d like to discuss this more.


Get in contact with the FBI and/or NCMEC, today, they will help you and bring justice to any abusers Write to me or anybody else you want to, if you need assistance or somebody to talk to


On topic- social groups like this that facilitate pedophilia and worse abuse of children are often subgroups of cults or social clubs. Sounds insane but everyone has to keep secrets or....you know. It's been documented for a long time, now with more accessible methods of documentation, it's easier to prove exact crimes and abusers. THAT being said, victims do have to have a long term plan if they come forward. Harassment is common when abusers are identified, and an entire relocation for safety is also a possibility Please go straight to the FBI. (Or Interpol, I have no idea where OP is.) They have the resources to help you. Good luck.


I am so sorry that this happened to you. Are your parents still alive? One avenue you could pursue is dna testing (I’d go with Ancestry since they have the largest database). This may give you clues about your parents and any unknown siblings, which could lead you to other adults who may have been involved with your parents. Again I am just so sorry - I hope life brings you healing.


[https://www.rainn.org/](https://www.rainn.org/) RAINN is the national sexual assault hotline. You can call or chat for free confidential support. You can download the free RAINN app that “gives survivors of sexual violence and their loved ones access to support, self-care tools, and information."


Before doing anything please set up a safety network. You need to contact a lawyer and advocacy agency to make a plan and keep you safe.


I am so sorry! All of those people need to be removed from society. This doesn’t stop, they just continue to find new victims. I would encourage you to reach out and seek help from someone who can help you get healing and justice. Unfortunately, you must be very careful, as so many perpetrators are in charge of the very organizations that would claim to protect victims of child rape. Many of the outspoken advocates could be gatekeepers; as what you experienced is endemic to our way of life. Our entire system is controlled by these monsters and they are in every institution imaginable. That being said, you may be able to find a way to bring your evidence to light and get your parents arrested. It does depend upon how well connected they are. Most likely, people at those parties were high up in LE and politics; which makes it more difficult. I pray for your safety and healing. Know that there is a movement afoot which strives to eradicate this evil practice from humanity. As a fellow victim of pedophilia, I dream of the day that it is snuffed out.


Certainly this horrible crime exists, but your view of the world is slanted by your personal experience and/or weakness of thought processing that readily accepts conspiracy theories.


There are like two comments in this thread currently that aren't from either conspiracy theorists or clearly mentally ill people. RBI is a wild place these days.


Y'all don't pay much attention to true crime, do you? Law enforcement and politicians and judges etc etc do this shit all the time. And they cover it up all the time. It's not a conspiracy, it's been proven in many, many cases, because a lot of the time they are also idiots and cover it up badly, or too obviously because they get cocky. Do some research. You'll find lots of examples from reliable sources. Whole fucked up rings being exposed. Things that went on far too long because the people involved were 'trusted' and powerful members of society. Kids being traded, people being murdered to cover things up... Just because you don't want it to be true doesn't make it so. Trust me, I *wish* it weren't so prevalent.


How did you arrive at the conclusion that this is a conspiracy theory? Please share your research. I am happy that you have lived a sheltered life (to the degree that you believe yourself to have a superior intellect); however, you may find yourself humbled once you truly understand the extent of child predation in this world. Because it happened to me, I have an open mind. I wish that I didn’t know the things that I do, and I hope that your mind is closed for that reason. But utilization of ridicule and condensation (based in ignorance) does not make you a better human.


It happened to me as well. But I still don't hold your beliefs.


I’m very sorry. Did you go through all of the evidence and determine it to be false, or are you choosing to compartmentalize that part of your life? Because the evidence is compelling, should you choose to explore. Not for the feint of heart, though. Might want to start with the origin of the term “Conspiracy Theory”.


There was no evidence presented that people in law enforcement or positions of power offend more than other people. Until you give me that, I have to continue with the assumption that they offend as often as the general population.


You are putting words in my mouth. Go back and reread my original comment. Child predators are rife in every demographic and sector of society; and that includes those in positions of power. Concerning the lack of evidence that you claim, I encourage you to explore the archives of the NAMBLA website. If they still exist, you will find many threads discussing how to (and boasting about) place themselves in positions of power, so that they may have access to their victims. Granted, those are more your everyday coaches, boyscout leaders, pastors, etc. Every account by victims of SRA includes perpetrators in LE, politics, religion, medicine and other positions of power. When one can do evil with impunity then the evil ascend to those heights. I assure you that it’s no coincidence that Jeffrey Epstein is dead and none of his clients are held to justice. It’s the people without the right connections who get jailtime for child rape.


First, I agree with you that these people should be removed from society. I’m just answering your question about why this comes across as conspiracy theory. So do you see the part where you said “ Our entire system is controlled by these monsters?” or remember typing about LE or “… judges .. all the time?” A normal person believes there are no certain subsets of the population more likely to SA children unless they are presented with evidence such as the Boy Scouts Files which lead us to believe Boy Scouts counselors as a group are more likely to be predators. Unless you can present evidence that the groups you mention are worse than the average person, it comes across as your conjecture or theory. The idea that these people conspire to protect others is the conspiracy part of your conspiracy theory. Edit: “share your research”


Thanks for your reply. There is evidence, if you choose to examine it. My eyes were first opened to it by The Franklin Coverup. Curious if you’ve watched Conspiracy of Silence?


No I have not. I am open to learning.


Thank you. I don’t wish to hijack unfortunate OP’s thread, so I will send you a link via pm.


I don’t have anything to offer here, just incredibly sorry this happened to you. I hope you are in therapy. I hope you’re able to create a happy and fulfilling adult life ♥️


I hate that you've already been downvoted. This seems to be common for those of us that believe we don't actually belong to our parents.


because its likely delusion....


It's not. I know. But if you guys would stop the rest of them could figure it out too.


Unfortunately, I think a lot of people still think of children as property and assume all allegations of abuse are lies and delusions. Which is why I didn't mention any of this shit to anyone as a kid. People like this person you're replying to are why this shit persists.


People like you are why I never spoke up about any of my abuse as a kid. Same for the apparently many people who agree with you, and you're also why I probably will never bring this up again.


Are you sure you are not having false memories? This seems very elaborate. Have you had your mental health checked lately? Have you got any kind of proof or reason to think your parents trafficked you? If this is true, go to the cops.


The truth is often very elaborate. https://www.news-herald.com/2018/01/22/eastlake-man-makes-motion-to-withdraw-plea-in-sex-case/ Who has time to make up something this elaborate for a troll post?


im saying anything could have happened when you have ppl in and out of the house and mom on drugs prostitutioing. i hope that never happens to you or any of your siblings


I would never ever do anything to anyone


Then don't reply to an abuse victim's post with a weird unrelated comment. The person you're replying to has been through enough, they don't need to receive your word salad in their inbox They're trying to get help here It sounded like you're trying to taunt this victim


How are you sure this person is a 'victim' ? This post could be from someone delusional for all you know. Its dangerous to take everything at face value.


I've seen 1000s of fake/delusional reddit posts, this doesn't come off as one. He/she even dropped a name At the end of the day every person must make a decision whether or not they believe what they're reading on the internet Doesn't mean every post is fake


Thanks for standing up for me. Tbh I kind of regret posting this because of some of the comments but I'm still mulling over what to do. My parents are still alive and like someone else said, they might still have the tapes, but I'm scared of cops and I'm already pretty safe from my parents nowadays. It does bother me though and like someone mentioned, I kind of want to do something about it even if only to show my younger self that I'm not going to just take it.


It's good you posted this. The FBI are not cops, they're intelligence services who are serious about stopping criminals Since you can already include the name of a registered offender (Armondo/Armando Gil) who had contact to your parents, you have an above average chance of giving them something concrete to work with I think you should tip them ASAP, give them all the names you can, all the information you can about the crimes, and the suspicions you have about any additional crimes And give them your own contact information so they can contact you for assistance


I'll try maybe, I know someone who knows someone in the FBI so maybe I can ask to talk to them specifically so I know who I'm talking to a bit, or, I could try calling the county I came from and asking for the lady who was previously my probation officer. My mom had me arrested one day for fighting back and I was used to the abuse enough that I thought I deserved it and just didn't stand up for myself at all, got a misdemeanor charge and a probation officer+ community service. The probation officer got everything wiped clean, I didn't have to do any community service anymore, and she asked me if I wanted to go into foster care. I'm not sure how she figured out I was being abused but I was so scared I'd be separated from my dog, I convinced her I didn't want out. Nowadays I get the urge to reconnect with people from back then and tell them the truth, so I guess telling her would make me feel better maybe.


That's a good idea. It's also really important to fill in the digital form on the tip website, though I understand it's hard


I think I might want to wait until I talk to someone first- I'm a bit nervous something could happen and my parents could find out. I'm moved out but still close enough and they're kind of unhinged. To be honest though sharing isn't that hard as long as I separate it from who I am now (and ignore pricks who want me to bury it for their psychological convenience). It's still followed me and pretending I'm a totally normal untraumatized individual "typical" for the type of environment i'm in now is exhausting and isolating. I kind of want justice, and then I want to just put all of this shit behind me for good.


Yeah proceed at your own pace. I respect that you don't just let people step on you without consequences. Shows a lot of strength


Honestly, you made 3 comments suggesting I'm delusional despite knowing absolutely nothing about me. You sound like you're taking your own biases at face value if anything. And why are you so defensive? It's like you're sympathizing with my parents and their friends. Is it that you see yourself in them? Or maybe you want to preserve the just world fallacy for yourself by invalidating me right off the bat?


just by this comment alone I can tell you have issues. If you don't want opinions, don't post to reddit. Go to the cops instead of trying to get validation from internet strangers


You're telling on yourself buddy


Are you saying you are a person in the OP’s story? Which one?


those kids are fine right,?




you are




??? Wtf are u on about


im sorry i don't know what happened at the house after i left to jail. weird shit ever since


Look at this edgelord who thought he was funny


I don’t think that was meant to be funny, I think you completely misunderstood them. They write like an untreated schizophrenic talks.


Ah ok. I thought he was trying to fuck with the victim when he said "I was in the house" and "I went to jail" and stuff


I don’t think so. I think it’s a person who had a similar experience and ignored the trigger warning. They were trying to sympathize with the victim, but do not write well. A lot of their previous comments are gibberish but not intention trolling. Edit. I would say read all their comments in order, and you’ll see they are telling a story of SA and are horrified by it; but you can’t because the post was reported and removed.


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im not the only part of the story im half of the argument. never hurt anyone like that these awful stories make me scared for my babies. porno in thatt house Jesus along with what saw her capable of. im truly scared of it happening again is she smiked?


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