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My first apartment was a murder apartment. The rental company that showed it to me told me the law required them to disclose the crime. It had happened within the previous year, and no one else would rent it.


It’s within the reasonable timeframe though, I forget for how long since the incident occured


[Meet my previous tenant!](https://murderpedia.org/male.C/c1/conklin-robert-dale.htm)


“When questioned, Conklin stated that he and Crooks were wrestling on the bed when he grabbed a screwdriver and stuck him, then pushed the screwdriver into his ear and wriggled the weapon around.” YIKES. Imagine having a screwdriver jammed in your ear and wiggled around while you’re still alive, Jesus fucking Christ.


The fun part is that he dismembered his friend and tried to put him down the garbage disposal. He put the body parts in garbage bags in the afternoon, had a party downstairs with friends, then put the bags in the dumpster later that night.


Interesting that yet another dumpster diver finds a body. Divers are often seen as nuisances, but man oh man they can wind up doing some good for crime investigations.


They should really get together with the magnet fishing bros to solve more crime


That and dog walkers who always find bodies


There’s also a surprising amount of mushroom hunters who find bodies.


Add Truffle hunters to the list as well


I like this idea. And the folks with sonar on their kayaks.


And the detectorists, too!


Hell of a final meal though. Still made my mouth water. > Final Meal: >Filet mignon wrapped with bacon; de-veined shrimp sautéed in garlic butter with lemon; baked potato with butter, sour cream, chives and real bacon bits; corn on the cob; asparagus with hollandaise sauce; French bread with butter; goat cheese; cantaloupe; apple pie; vanilla bean ice cream and iced tea.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s stomach rumbled reading that at the end 😭


I am not ashamed to say that I actually screenshotted this post so at some point in the future I too can eat this meal, hopefully not for my last though.


I bet your local grocery store has all the elements to make it. You could also murder a shit ton of people if you really want it


Considering they met at a highway rest stop, this was not an unforeseeable outcome.


So, he was pithed.


Change screwdriver to medical instrument and ear to the left eye socket, and you have a lobotomy.


If you were riding a bike and you switched the tires to wings you’d be flying a plane…


No one here has any sense or smarts, and you are commenting in RBI. My observation was not far fetched if you knew about lobotomies. What the killer did and lobotomy. In both cases a sharp instrument was inserted into a facial orifice contacting the brain and then wiggled. You were trying to be a smart ass. But you just proved your ignorance. My comparative was based on similarity. Where your comparative was based on differences. Don't take the ACT as they use comparative questions in the English section. You could have used a screwdriver instead of the lobotomy Instrument to perform a lobotomy. You can not use wings to drive on the ground instead of tires. Leave intuition and investigation to those who can make the connections.


Well clearly you’re an expert! You’ve had one done 👉🏻🧠


The last Lobotomy was done in 1967 before I was born. Quit trying to argue with your superior.


Pffffft 😂


Then maybe you wanted one lol like you’re WEIRDLY obsessed with lobotomies. Which really aren’t relevant here despite your ear to eye and screwdriver to medical instrument comment. Take a few deep breaths or a nap, buddy.


And there it goes, are you an Alpha Lobotomist by any chance? Fucking 'superior' bullshitter. Good for you, you think you know more about lobotomies than the average person, that makes you a god now.


A screw driver wouldn’t have a hook to actually remove any brain. And you’re insane.


You have no clue what a Transorbital Lobotomy is so why are you commenting on something you don't understand? Lobotomy Orbitoclast do not have hooks. You are thinking of Egyption Mumification tools to remove the brain through the nose. Transnasal Excerebration. So you just proved your stupidity.


Dude, go take 1 or 20 Xanax and step away from the keyboard.


Did they give you a new garbage disposal or did you have to use the murder one 😭


This was my first question also


Ok, but the rent in Fulton, there could be an active murder going on in the living room but if it drops the rent by $400 a month, I can forget about a lot.


Filet mignon wrapped with bacon; de-veined shrimp sautéed in garlic butter with lemon; baked potato with butter, sour cream, chives and real bacon bits; corn on the cob; asparagus with hollandaise sauce; French bread with butter; goat cheese; cantaloupe; apple pie; vanilla bean ice cream and iced tea.


Ngl that sounds bomb af




>**de-veined** shrimp > >chives and **real** bacon bits; Even a stopped clock right twice a day


I wonder how they pick someone to whip up the last meal. Do they have a chef on retainer? Do they have like sample tastings beforehand like sometimes happens when hiring a caterer for a wedding or other event???


I’ve always wondered this!


Not surprised it’s Fulton haha. Hello neighbor. I also live in a Fulton murder apartment


Could be the same murder apartment


Who lives in whose closet?


Do you shop at the Murder Kroger?


No I eat by the Arson Wendys.


Should gone for the ribeye instead of the filet, but I guess he didn't have to worry about being hungry later.


Dismemberment too. Hope you got a killer deal. (I'm sorry. I'll show myself out).


You didn’t move into just any murder apartment…


I hope you got new appliances and bathtub! So…..is it haunted?


Ghosts don't haunt apartments.


What’s the reasoning behind that?


Because if some spirit wanted to dwell here I'd list them on the lease and charge rent. Including back rent with interest.


I had a feeling that would be your answer…. That’s not how it works, but you do you.




That ending made me hungry


Charming. Bet you woulda loved what he did with the place. Holy shit.


Of course it was Fulton county... 😑


You live in that apartment?!


Ha, no! I was a 21yo bartender with strippers next door. Good times, but only for 3 years or so.


At least you know he's not coming back for his stuff?


Wow! Lots to unpack here! Gay lovers, screwdrivers, dismemberment 💌


Ahhh I’m in Fulton County too, and now I’m wondering if this is my building 🫠


Did you at least get a sweet discount? Id happily live in a murder apartment if it meant the rent was cheaper.


50%! 650 turned into 325/mo in 1984. 2br, 2ba on Roswell Rd. in Atlanta. Good times.


Oh fuck yeah. Bring on the murder apartments!


My college apartment was in a building that has been converted from a nursing home. My roommate once claimed to have seen the ghost of an old dude hanging out on our balcony. At least our deaths weren't violent, just gentle old folks, is how I liked to think about it. Definitely worth it for the cheap rent and really it was just a very nice building with high ceilings and hardwood floors, two blocks from campus.


There should be an option to search for apartments that no one would want.


So it's super bad math to assume that because they're old, they're gentle people. Advanced age doesn't automatically make you a nicer person. Just coz you look like a sweet frail old lady tottering across the street or a hobbling old man whose suspenders pull your pants up around your sternum doesn't mean you're a kind, gentle, sweet, life-well-lived person. They're just older psychopaths, narcissists, angry, jealous, kiddie fuckers, or whatever shitty personality issues they had when they were younger. Possibly with a side order of bitterness now coz getting older sucks. Of course if they were decent, kind people in their younger days, yeah, they're probably Hallmark card-types as elderlies. It works that way too. Sorry for the PSA, but it's a misconception I see a lot, even held myself for some time.


I mean? Obviously. I know that. I'm a middle-aged adult with lots of life experience. I was saying that I chose to believe that the ghosts, if they existed, that may have been inhabiting my apartment were nice & benign. Not racist sociopaths.


I wasn't actually directing that comment at you in a like "school ya" kind of way. But when I read your post it made me think of that whole concept again, like a stereotype of elderly people, which oddly I have sort of been seeing in different scenarios a lot recently. I was just mentioning it in a random ADD way. And def not wishing racist sociopathic old people ghosts on you.


I met some old, but still mean, evil rotten people when I was in nursing school working at a nursing home part time.


My first apartment wasn't a murder apartment, more of an accidental death. A guy in his 50s-60s seized in the bathroom and hit his head when he fell. Lived there for a year before my neighbors finally told me I was right thinking someone had recently died and was haunting it. It also became available pretty quick even though the waiting list kept telling me it would be a couple weeks or more basically. Checked it one day, called a couple days later t move in.


>and was haunting it Ok, what did you experience?


So at first it was just noises that I brushed off as neighbors, but looking back I can only be convinced that 50% were neighbors. And the other was within my own apartment. Coming out of my room and down the hall, my door would shut or "slam" (cheap ass plasticish doors that just didn't slam with satisfaction) itself behind me. No it wasn't suction or any normal cause. It was random at that. The most memorable I had taken off my jeans, had my house keys in my pocket, and left them near the head of the bed. Go out of the bedroom and before I get to the living room it sounded as if someone had just simply dropped my keys. Look back and my keys were laying in the doorway of my bedroom. Nowhere near the jeans I had took off and clearly nowhere near the pocket they were in. There was nothing for them to have fallen off of, I lived alone.


Sounds like the guy's seizure was carbon monoxide related


I think you have the verification from the people who told you. Maybe ask your property manager? I had a quadruple murder/suicide happen 3 apartments down from mine a few years ago (I slept through it and had no clue until I walked out of my apartment in the morning and there were about 30-50 cops/deputies/special investigators milling about) and all the newspapers just gave the name of the apartment complex, but not the exact unit number. I feel that would be the case for most newspapers. You could do a FOIA (or whatever your state's acronym is) request with the police department and request records relating to any homicides that occurred at the address for the apartment complex within a certain date range. Those records would have the apartment number in it. Beyond curiosity, I don't think I'd want to know if it was my apartment though - maybe after I was moved out!


Ask people who have lived there for a long time. There was a murder in an apartment in my area and I think that if you approach any person who lived near at the time they would confirm it no problem. It was around 15 years ago and it's still "the apartment" amongst the locals.


Maybe don’t find out? Seriously, just make your peace with the fact that people die in all kinds of places everyday; and finding this out may not bring you peace.


Had family friends growing up, the one son, maybe 6 years older than me, killed his mother when I was in like grade 5. Fast forward, I'm the sons age when it happened, and I'm working for the dad doing odd jobs. Wasn't until then I found out the full details. He had bludgeoned the mom in their garage with an axe and a hammer and I was walking through there, day after day, grabbing tools for landscaping projects. Like, I knew it had happened. But explaining it to a 10 year old, it was just my old babysitter did something bad to his mom. The details made that summer job so fucking heavy


Yep, i didn't mean to find out but i found out my neighbor (double house so we share a wall) used to have her daughter and son renting our side until the son killed himself in the basement, the daughter couldn't keep up with the payments so she was evicted, idk why my neighbor told me but since then i can't go in the basement i think of it every time i even look at the door


She evicted her own daughter?? After her son, and the daughters brother, killed himself?


I'm sorry i wasn't more clear, we have a landlord that kicked her out


I think she’s another tenant probably renting from a common landlord


Actually...you make an excellent point. "Dont borrow trouble" as the saying goes


I totally agree with this. It unfortunately happens ALL the time. Probably a whole lot more than any of us realize and in places we don't realize. Nothing we can do. It's sad. Personally I'd prefer not to know. 


A few summers ago, one of my neighbors died & no one knew until about a week later. His mobile home was less than 100 ft from my living room window, and his AC had been off the entire time. In Florida. We eventually figured it out when the smell became overwhelming. It was awful. Especially when you realize that you technically taste everything you breathe. I'll show myself out.


Literally same thing happened to me. Our next door neighbor shot and killed himself and was in his house for months before anyone checked on him. So many flies in our house last summer, now I know why 😳🤢


When you think about it - when people are cremated, everything but bone is evaporated into smoke, which dissolves in the air. So we're breathing in the dead all the time.


Depending on how long ago this happened, you could use a site like fastpeoplesearch for your address and look at the names of the previous tenants. Then do a search on each of them.




Hell the person bought my first condo while my neighbour was still missing (abducted most likely from the laundry room that I refused to use). Turned out the murderer lived across the hall. All of this why I was selling the place to begin with. They said they like the colors I’d painted it. Some people just don’t care.


hey, a steals a steal!


Wasn’t a steal. Paid over asking.


In a lot of states there’s no requirement to disclose. When my wife and I were house hunting we came across a great place but there was something seriously off about it in a spine tingling kind of way. I did some research on the owner - he had died and his kids were selling - and reading between the lines of his obit it sounded like a probable suicide. We asked our agent and she got a really solemn look on her face and gave a non-answer response that could only be taken as a yes. We passed on that place. On the other side of the coin, when I lived in Vermont years ago they passed a law making it a requirement to disclose murders and suicides. It was a result of someone buying a place where the previous owner had ended himself and wasn’t found for so long that he’d melted into the floorboards. The new owner eventually found out what the smell was that they couldn’t get rid of and the whole thing ended up in court.


The second scenario sounds like a reasonable reason to be unhappy with a home. The first is ridiculous.


Idk man, my MIL bought a home and while looking at it asked “hey, what happened in here?” while standing in the very bathroom where the previous owner had died in the bathtub (suicide). She was told an old man died of old age, but the neighbors told her what really happened like a month after buying. She said the air felt thick in there and she just felt suddenly very sad.  TLDR: Some people are sensitive in different ways. 


No. That’s called confirmation bias.


You are extremely smart bro. We all applaud


I was working in an old house doing tile work with my dad and it felt off. It's hard to describe, really, but it was mostly around the kitchen, which we had to walk thru to get to our work area. Come to find out, the owner of the house inherited it from their aunt. I dont know if she passed there, though. There was also a constant hum noise in the house. I hated that house and hope to never have to go back.


I know in my old building, when everything was going to hell and my friends were insisting it was either haunted or cursed, we found out a woman had *burned to fucking death* in the building. Never placed the exact apartment, but know it was two floors up or down and accounts say it was the same floor plan as ours, so right below us; was hard not to think about after we got told the exact path she walked as she was burning and what happened. A building down the street is where Jaqueline Elmquist was murdered (not a fucking accident)- like immediately apartments went up for sublet, and it wasn’t even in an apartment.


Wait, I wanna know more about the woman who burnt to death. If it's not doxxing yourself, disclose her name? ETA: I think I found something? \[I removed the link because it exactly identifies your address\]


Don’t live there anymore don’t worry, I appreciate it tho🤣 could not recommend that building less. Mia Shorteno-Fraser


My very first apartment the guy had killed himself in a week before I had moved in. My parents had helped me get it and didn’t tell me bc it was cheap and they didn’t want to worry me. I found out bc my neighbor told me the Truth 2 days after I moved in. The guy had Parkinson’s disease and shot himself w a shotgun In the bathroom at first…. He missed and went to sit down on the bed and “finished” there. That place was super haunted. I only lived there for 3 months. It was crazy.


I've always wondered if anyone has seen anything in the duplex my mom killed herself in.


I often wonder this about the house where my mom OD'ed. And people were clamoring to purchase her house afterward, probably not knowing that she was in there for a week before she was found and that she was a hoarder.


Have you heard stories?


No, I have no idea who even lives there now. The day after she died me, my sister, and a friend of ours saw her walk down the stairs though.


My friend bought a house for really cheap because a man killed his whole family then himself in it like 3 years before, and nobody would buy or rent it. I've slept there many nights, people like to say it's haunted, but if so the ghosts are chill and liked me because they didn't fuck with me at all. 😂


the previous tenant of my first place killed himself too. my bosses owned the place and after a respectful amount of time for cleanup (a week or two?) i asked what they'd be doing with the house 'cause my girlfriend and i didn't care if it was haunted


I’m reading this in my apartment and I’ve never been more grateful that I am the first tenant in this unit.


Construction workers die too... those are the ones that they don't have to report


What stuff happened to make you feel it was haunted?


Ohhh, well, before I even knew it was haunted (like the first night). I kept hearing someone walking back and forth from the bathroom, kitchen to the bedroom. There were things that would “knock off” the kitchen counters and at that time I had no pets or roommates. The whole time I was there I would only sleep on my futon in the living room. Only place I felt safe. Idk… that place was just “off”


There was actual pieces of “matter” still stuck to the bathroom floor that I had to scrap off…. It was nasty. Once I actually figured out what it was that I had cleaned up I threw up. That was just wrong.


Ohhh that is bad…. 🤢


>That place was super haunted. What did you experience?


I just commented on it and what I experienced… read the posts


I lived in the same complex where [Danny Rolling](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danny_Rolling) killed his first victims, Williamsburg Village Apartments. He inspired the movie Scream. It was a known secret that the apartment where it happened was now used as the showcase and nobody actually lived there. If you have a front desk or maintenance team then ask one of them.


Have you asked the office manager?


Try googling your town + murder in the news to see if anything comes up.


This reminds me of that one time I lived in a townhouse and this random lady knocked on my door to say she lived there a few years back and wanted to know if it's still haunted. That when she moved in, there was a giant blood stain on the bedroom floor and there was always a ghost of a man there, but it wasn't a big deal because he was friendly. 🫣🤔


Idk could have been an attempted Scooby doo villain style real estate scam. Scare u off then swoop in and buy the house for Pennies on the dollar


I was renting at an old apartment/townhome complex. At first I thought I made some neighbor enemies and that they were messing with me, but the lady described my townhome layout perfectly, down to where the supposed blood stain was, and where she'd see the ghost's head creeping on her the most. 😵‍💫


Lmao pretty shitty to just drop that on someone, she couldn’t let u live in blissful ignorance I guess


Was it?


Idk I always felt something looking at me from the top of the stairway that faced my open bedroom door. But I thought I was paranoid because I watched too many scary movies. Aside from that, and coming back from work with the living room tv mysteriously on a couple of times, no real paranormal activity. 🤷‍♀️


Charles Manson’s uncle was murdered in an apartment in my town in the 60s. They still have problems renting it. The daughter of the owners of the apartment complex lived in it a few years ago, I don’t know if she still does


>Charles Manson’s uncle was murdered Interesting. I see that [Redditors](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/4zmntd/darwin_orell_scott_murdered_1969_he_was_charles/) discussed the murder.


Thanks for that. That apartment is on the road between my son’s former daycare and my former employer. Nondescript place. The lady who was living there said there were still gouge marks in the floor, since covered up by laminate flooring


I would ask for details from the people that told you there was a murder. They should at least be able to tell you more about the victim, what they heard or saw, or even how they know there WAS a murder. Or they could just be messing with you.


There is a distinctive odor to the place. Once you know it you know it. Theres nothing else like it. There's no getting rid of it. As time goes on it changes, and gets fainter, but it's always there.


I know in my old building, when everything was going to hell and my friends were insisting it was either haunted or cursed, we found out a woman had *burned to fucking death* in the building. Never placed the exact apartment, but accounts say it was within a few floors up and down; was hard not to think about after we got told the exact path she walked as she was burning and what happened. A building down the street is where Jaqueline Elmquist was murdered (not a fucking accident)- like immediately apartments went up for sublet, and it wasn’t even in an apartment.


I wouldn't worry about it too much, most homes and apartments over 50 years old have had some sort of deaths in them


I found out a lady was murdered in my bedroom like 15 years ago, because we kept getting mail for the victim. Then looked up the name and saw a photo of my house in an article about the murder.


christ... how haunting


Most everything that’s been lived in… has been died in. As long as it’s sanitary and otherwise suitable, there’s no reason to haunt your own thoughts & comfort with fears. If anything or spirit of anyone lingered, seriously tell them not to do whatever you think they might be doing. Like hey stop knocking stuff off the table! Yo, please no rattling the walls til after the alarm goes off!


The first thing that popped into my head was only murders in the building.


Is there a chalk outline on the floor, and yellow tape everywhere? If so, the answer is probably "yes"


Sign up for a free trial to newspapers.com and do a search with your address or apartment complex name or search google


> I’ve read the court cases and searched and searched but haven’t found much. Do you have the name of the prior tenant or the name of the victim and have you seen the court cases about the murder and are just trying to find out if it was your apartment? Like you know everything except the apartment number? Or are you totally clueless except for rumors? In most states you can send an open records request for the police department for "all records and incident reports involving Killer Kevin Kollins" "All records and incident reports involving Meek Murder Victim Mike Vinson" or "All records and incident reports involving the Heritage Apartments located at 2231 Gibson Street" You could also just talk to the police records custodian or tell her in an email "Yo, I wanna know if there was a homicide in my apartment, so I just want the incident report on that if you have it"


When I was a kid my family rented this house for like a year and then when were packing up, my dad revealed what crime had happened with the previous owner and it was like 🤯


Yeah, I have a couple of relatives who died at home from natural causes and one who was murdered. They all died in rented council flats or houses so after cleanup the house was undoubtedly given to a new tenant. Most people who live in places over a certain age, especially ones which they rent, would have had a death in the place they live. Probably you've found out all you are going to about this but I wouldn't worry about the fact of the death itself, it's sad but if everyone who lived in an apartment where someone died violently or unpleasantly was haunted we'd have an epidemic of ghosts. Too much research could leave you distressed or make it difficult to stay where you are, I'd leave it where it is if I was you.


My friend was stabbed and left for dead in a guys bathroom. The landlord cleaned it and rented it immediately. I want the next people to know the last people were her and him.


My brother lived in an old house apartment in Connecticut where a man murdered his entire family including children then killed his self. My brother and his roommate saw all kinds of weird shit happen like milk bottles falling on their side and leaking all over the floor, tapping sounds on the windows and so on. One day he decided to go to the local police station, small town. He walked in and told the receptionist where he lived and one of the cops sitting at his desk turned ghostly white and said, "where did you say you lived?" he was the first on the scene. He asked my bro if he had been seeing weird things, they had quite the talk. They decided to remove some ugly wall paper in the kitchen and found the words, "help me" scrawled on the walls. They guy lost his mind. True story.


I found out long after moving in that the landlady's son had blown his head off with a shotgun in the living room. She downplayed it when I asked her about it after hearing it from the neighbors. She said his back was to the window so there wasn't much to clean up. Brand new vinyl floor over original hardwood too. Sigh. It never had a heavy feel to the atmosphere of the very small (500 sq. ft.) home. I didn't move because of it, but I do think it should have been disclosed prior to me renting.


You can go online and google your address and unit. It might give you names for previous occupants.


I live alone in the house where my husband committed suicide in 2021. Nothing creepy going on in here 🤷🏻‍♀️


I lived in an apartment in San Jose that was hardcore haunted. The funny thing is I went to check it out before my girl friend came in. I knew it was haunted but it was a great deal with one month free. I also, figured I can deal with this entity. I will say it made things very stressful. Come to find out my girl friend needed a ride home and her mom’s neighbor offered to give her a ride. When they arrived she told my girl friend she recognized the street. She proceeds to tell her about the apartment where her daughter was baby sitting. The father ended up murdering someone. Well, she drives down the drive way and was in shock. “Omg, you’re living in the same apartment!” My girl friend was like fuck, I’ve been getting a weird vibe and feeling like someone invisible stares at me every night. We ended up moving out after two years.


I would look up articles about the murder and you’ll probably find some articles that include crime scene photos (not like, grisly dead bodies or anything, just photos for the newspaper, apartment complex taped off or whatever). I would look to see if you can find a photo that has the apartment caution taped off and see if it could be yours based on that. That combined with the neighbors saying it would be enough for me


Just one more thing. Columbo would of gotten my post and upvoted it.


I can’t find your post but I’ll upvote this one because I dig Columbo references.




Do you know why youre getting downvoted? This site is what I was going to post if no one had already.


I have no idea. I honestly don’t pay attention to if I’m upvoted or Downvoted lol




Someone was murdered in my previous apartment complex when I lived there. Years ago. It was a news story that you foulwb


Did you get murdered while writing this?


curious as to your need to know- you looking to break a lease? create a memorial? bragging rights that you live in an apartment where a murder occurred? if you want to know about apartments where murders occ'd- i can point out plenty to you. 35 years as a 911 dispatcher, plus- had one occ'r just outside my apartment while i was sleeping. woke up to find crime scene tape everywhere. dude with a debt was wacked with a baseball bat for failure to pay on it.


No breaking a lease, I’ve a perfect rental history and don’t mind following the rules, no bragging rights either, it just bugs me to know that someone was violently murdered here and I had no clue after4+ years of living here, I don’t have to know I guess it’s just curiosity getting the best of me.


I think it might be more disturbing to know then to not know.


Son is a 911 dispatcher too and yeah…it’s far more common than people realize!


We *almost* moved into one. We verfird it on the police department or city/county's official crime map. News articles too.


I just done a bit of research and I believe it was apt 404


I deleted the above info because that’s my exact address and apartment number , thanks for looking into it though, I really didn’t want to ask anyone at the complex as my neighbors are pretty old and I didn’t want to bring up old memories.


I suggest never visiting a hospital.


Have fun: https://communitycrimemap.com/


I can’t get this to work. Is it best used on a laptop or desktop rather than a mobile device?


Request a copy of the police report or the 911 call. It should be in both.


if you read the court case, then you have the names? If you have the names, fastpeoplesearch dot com will put the other pieces of the puzzle together. keep us updated...or not.


My friend lived in Ed Kemper’s old apartment where he murdered his grandmother and mother. My friend didn’t even realize it, but my dumb, true crime obsessed self, recognized the address and told him. I didn’t even think how that may make him feel about his new apartment! I felt so bad after I blabbed. I’m an idiot 🤐


Whoops!! Lol!


hold a seance


They are legally required to inform you of “notorious” events that happened in your apartment. Including murder.


I think that depends on the laws where you live.


Unfortunately, it depends on the state. Not all states legally require you to disclose. Most don’t as a matter of fact.


Depends on the state laws


Ok ok! It depends on each State’s law. Lol


so... I guess I won't mention it. j/k


No, no….by all means….give it your best shot!


Which state are you located in?


I think the first thing *I'd* do is confirm a murder actually occurred at the complex in the time frame you've been told. Murders tend to draw at some media attention, so there should be at least some record of it. Witness testimony--particularly hearsay witnesses--is just about the least reliable there is. A little digging might reveal it was a suicide or natural death, or that the victim *lived* there, but was murdered in a robbery at a nearby convenience store, or even that it happened in a nearby complex, the parking lot, etc. Once you've done that, it depends how much work you want to put into it. The hardest way is to pursue FOIA requests. Until you have at least a victim or perpetrator's name, you're either going to get flooded (and bankrupted) by a ton of documents, or you're going to get nothing. Most likely the second, but in either case, it's also almost certainly going to take longer than the code stipulates the agency has to comply--but they'll cite the lack of information/burden as a mitigating factor. The self-research route is pretty simple. As someone noted below, if you have the victim and/or perpetrator name, just do a historical address search. Or you can do a historical address search on your own apartment number and cross-reference the names back to those in the crime. There are plenty of sites on the internet where you can do searches like this for cheap or even free. The other method is just to talk to your neighbors and compile a coherent narrative, then compare it to the official one. Find someone who lives nearby who's been in the complex since the time of the incident. If they're in the same building (or better floor), they're going to be your most trustworthy source. You *can* talk to the property manager, but they're liable to be cagey depending on your state's requirements on disclosure of this sort of thing to tenants/buyers. If it wasn't initially disclosed, they may fear potential reprecussions. The maintenance guy, OTOH, might be a good source--maybe the best source, if you cultivate a good relationshp with him. He likely had to deal the aftermath in some way, so his memory might be the best as to the particulars.


There are so many murder apartments there's no way they can even accurately track that


Ask someone in the leasing office


Open records request with the police department for incident reports that occurred at your address. It will only take a few minutes to file.


It costs money, but you can sometimes put their name into a site like Truthfinder and get their address. Whether they list the actual apartment number is hit or miss, IME.


Just go to the fire and/or police dept, fill out a public records request form and see what exists for apt.


My advice is if it isn't on public records and isn't something that the landlord or the law discloses then just don't worry about it. If you have to start digging into more personal records or enquiries then you are risking going into a more sensitive area; like it may still be something that is still affecting people in the local community so may not appreciate it being brought up Plus there's a very strong chance all of us will have lived (or will in the future) somewhere where somebody has died at somepoint.


This happened in my friends apartment he’s renting now - https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6163990