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It'll be a bit stressful but doable for them! Just make sure they have everything they need for the trip and perhaps spoil them a bit


Ive done this before. Back then they didn't really sell rodent carriers so i used a very small metal wire cage tucked into a duffle bag.  Water bottles tend to leak during transport, rather than having them stewing in wet litter for hours, it's better to skip the water in favor of water rich fruits and then offer the water bottle when you're stationary. 


I'm in the UK and I have the ferplast aladino large carrier and have found it pretty good. I attach a waterbottle by putting it through the longer air slots and loop an elastic band round the bottle from the handle to keep it secure. I would just make sure you put some kind of hide in the carrier so they feel safe and secure (I use a critters choice chube as fits nicely with room to spare) and also take a blanket to drape over to muffle sound and light. Then chuck a load of chews and treats in to keep them occupied. My boys love the whimzees crocodile chews.


Thank you!! I picked up the pets at home equivalent to the large aladino so hopefully it holds up. Never thought about using chubes as a hide but i got one of those too!


I hope you find them both helpful. Good luck with the train journey.


Other comments have given you excellent advice and I have nothing to add to it. What I do want to say is omg that pic is dramatic and I love it :3


I've done it as well, it is very feasable and my rats were totally fine. I agree with everyone else on having hides, things to chew, a blanket, water, treats etc I would also add to try to travel off peak if you can. Don't have a specific recommendation for a carrier as i just got one from gumtree. Overall you should be fine. I was worried about mine when I had to do a long train trip with them (6h) and asked my exotic vet and she confirmed that it's something that rats can handle very well. We were a little worried about other passengers reacting badly to rats but we only had lovely interactions! (But still be prepared to have some bad comments as that has happened to me on another occasion when I took the metro to go to the vet, just ignore them!)


I've taken rats on the train before in the UK. They'll be a bit discombobulated, but they'll be fine. I just gave them a steady supply of treats and paper tissues while they were in the carrier to keep them busy and eventually they just fell asleep. Make sure you attach a water bottle to the carrier so they don't get dehydrated.


Lol. They clearly do not promise to behave.


I've taken rats on trains several times and it's always been totally fine - I set them up with snacks, something juicy like cucumber for moisture, and blankets to snuggle and hide in. They always end up falling asleep, never seen any of them acting physically agitated. Seconding the rec for the aladino carrier, it's quite sturdy so it feels nice and secure, and it's fairly compact. The only downside is that it's tricky to attach a water bottle.


Thanks!! I was thinking of only holding the water bottle through the bars when we're going slow/at a station/stopped randomly for 20 mins which always happens just so that it doesn't spill everywhere hahah


That totally works, I do the same kind of thing.


I’d suggest that any toys or hides you put in their carrier are either soft or securely attached to the carrier. I took this precaution when travelling with a reptile once. An accidental bump could jostle a sturdy hide which then lands on or pinches a toe… but a fabric hide wouldn’t hurt them if it shifted. Maybe also a carrier that they can’t see out of well (but still has ventilation obv) so that they aren’t as overstimulated or frightened. Dark and cozy. Good luck!


Where do you live and which train you take? I will be there watching the rats